The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1835-1869), 27 May 1853

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1 4 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1835-1869)
  • 17 1 The Singapore Free Press AND MERCANTILE ADVERTISER. TILL- 20. Sl.VGilPOME, raiO.lY *JHORJTMJirG: ,27TH .V.1I• 1852. •IV 91
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1013 1 QOVEKHKENT KONRXCATXOW, THE FOLLOWIHO 19 REPUBLISHED FOR GENERAL INFORMATION VT lO No. 13. FORT WILLIAM, FINAN. IAL DEPARTMENT, Thi 23rd April. 1853. NOTIFICATION. Notice is hereby given, that the Five per Tern P,umissory Notes of this Government of 1825-26, «iaridif<tt i» e B*" fral of tl,e Registered Utrht or this
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    • 818 1 Peninsular 'and Oriental Steam Navigation Company's Office. Battery Road—Singapore. •JFI /"CERTAIN alterations having taken Kft place in the proposed movements of flgggggjaL the Company's Steamers under the new Contract, the former Advertisements relative to their probable arrival at and departure trom this place are hereby withdrawn, and the public are
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    • 794 1 FOR MELBOURNE. f HR Br 'K tiEOttGl AN A MARJ&u&m JL QUARD, (expected to arrive from RjSOER. Pioang whithin a few days) having the greater part of her cargo engaged, will have a quick dispatch on arrival, For Freight or Peerage, Apply to CHOON SlAN. CHOON BOCK h CO, gmpore.
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    • 910 1 Port—Haffinden's, Hums. he. Sherry H P., Campbell's Cockburn's, he. Whiskey —Scotch and Irish, 8re he fcc. Marine Stores. Anchors and Cables CoiJage and coir Hope Canvas and sewing Twiue Guns and Carronades Pitch, Tar and Kosin 8egars and Tobacco. Tallow, Turpentine, Palms, he. Hardware Cutlery. A great variety of the
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    • 586 1 Embroidered Robe* and Frock*. AD aasortmeot of raady.made Dresses in Merino, Jeao, Ac. Cotton Stockings acd Socki. Silk Gloves. Knitted Boota. Black and broote kid Shoe* with atrapa: Sky and pink Silesia, anitable for Cloaks. ARTICLES FOR THE TOILETTE'. Brnahea—hair, nail, tooth and flesh. Comba—of tortoiaeahell, horn and ivory in
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  • 353 2 POLICE OFFICE. Charge Sheet from \lth to 26th May 010. ChargefS'l 496 Batbmg naked in the t Fined or 3 Rochore river days 499 Catting and wounding No Prosecutor 600 Assault it Battery 1 ined $lO or 2 iM mouths 601 Chandoo Withdrawn 602 ditto 503 Vagrancy 4
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  • 44 2 On Thnnday, the 19th initant, at St Andrew's Clinrch, by the Reed. C. J. QUARTI.BY, HINRY DOWN, Esqre Commander of the P. O. ht*nn. •hip i husiin to EMILY MARIAN, only child of HBNRY CLARK, E*qre. M. D. of Midland House, Southampton, Hantr.
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  • 3647 2 Singapore, Ft iday, 271h Mai, 1853. Captain Throness of the Norwegian brig Estnera/da reports having sprken on the 20tli March the Earl of Lonsoa/e bound from Liverpool to Singapore in Lat. 32 28'' S. and Long 20. 51 VV. 03 days out. Native vesse's recently arrived from
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 682 2 ARTICLES FOR SALE. ZAI THE COMMISSION H00Ms OP LiTTLE, CURSETJEE CO COMMERCIAL SQUARE —SINGAPORE* LADIEs"*APPAREL. Berlin Wool of colon Boot and Shoe*, English and French. Bonnets direct from Paris, silk, satin and aett P '.M. B nd straw Balzarine Dresses Caps—Blond and Lace .Capes and Cuffs BCsrdinsls, s la mode
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    • 905 2 MISCELLANEOUS ARTICLES. Baskets, Cbiii-midc (or clothes Buttons, gilt for Costs snd Jackets Cairlets (bine) snd v asbmtre fot ditto Cigars. Manila No. S and 4 Cigar case^pManils and China Colors, oil and water, in tin boxos and cake Campnor-word Trunks Crowns, for Naval caps Dinner and Tea services Desks, travellers
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    • 925 2 NT5ZCE. THE Undersigned have received instructions to offer for sale various articles, the property of a Gentleman o< ibis Settlement who is breaking up bis Establishment. Tbey consist of open and close Conveyances, PAIRS of POVIES, DIBBER, DESSERT and TEA SRRVICES BOOKS, HOUSEHOLD FURRITURB, SC. ALSO A small but select
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    • 85 2 FOR SALE SUPERIOR Madeira Wine in llhda tod Quarter Casks from Cordon, Cosset Sr Co. Madeira. McEWEN CO. Singapore, 10rWf«j(, 1853; FOR SALE. TWO of Hrordwood Sf ions GRAND PIANOS, secured for lire climate, just imported. Apply to SYME k CO. Singapore, 25(A April, 1653. NOTICE. LLOYDS. WE request that
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  • 772 3 British Consu'ate, 13th May, 1853. The Interpret -r in charge hss much pleasure in Circu'ating for general infor nation, the annexed Extracts from despatches which he IMS received from II. E. M de Bourtmulo'i, Minister Plenipotentiary of France in t hina. and Commodore Hocquemaurel, Commanding the Naval Subdivi-ion of
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  • 1355 3 [from the Timet, April 8 The attention of the House of Comnuns was very properly drawn yesterday evening, by Mr H»*nry Druininiind, to some melancholy intelligence which has just been received fiom Borneo. The fierce piratic .1 hordes of the Sarebas and 8«karran have broken out afresh. A young
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  • 1088 3 (F'tOM C >RHESP3»Dt ST I enclose you an extract from a Sanwik letter, received by ibis mail, by you will gee tint the Sikarrin encouraged by the long sus I eiisiou oi support on tl«t* pir» o" this couu'ry to the peaceably disposed portion of die
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  • 337 3 We have to notice the arrival in the Eait Indie Docka of a fine specimen of naval architecture—per. hapa one of the fiaest of the many specimen* (hat have floated on the water. We allude to the clipper ahip Cairngorum, built by Mr Hall, of Aberdeen, for
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  • 705 3 On St'otJ-j event g !)r \V<ti«u and Mr Preiser, whose reeeDt experiments witn the chromatic battery and e ectrie 'ight are writ known, again exhibited the wo king of their electric lamp in the earring -depart* merit of the Baker s*r< et B> zmr to a select number
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  • 556 3 la oar j laroal of the IJth nit. we went very mlnamely into pvrticuUre connected with the advent gra of Griffi'.he'e patent icrcw jropelltr over all oUue, and, ha»ing given the reru'ta of the iron p*optl!er of rotub cast, we felt aatisfied that, when a meUl one
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  • 1179 4 Steamers to China prospects of the Chinese Trade. (From the Neio York Herald March 2.) Mr K'uotdy's report on th* establishment of a line of mail .learners to < bin. ia a step in the right di-ec-ti u. He w.rmly advocates ibe measures, and, without ventu.iag to suggest the
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  • 1269 4 WWn f Queen of the Netherlands. f truiu ih*t Adelaide Observer, April y This s'eamer led Sourabaya on the 5th January for Hanyrnw rngi and having taken in coals at that place, departed thence on the 10<li From that dale to the 22nd January, the steamer had to contend
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  • 657 4 Thli favori'e ate,m*r ia again ready for s'a, and will aail at two o'clock cx.etly; Oar rradera are aware that on her fiom Adelaide to Melbourne one of the three fan a of the acew waa carried away, wbich has rendered a de'ention of ibirteen daya un
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  • 366 4 (From the if„ttland Mercury, Adril 6.) The barque Caldew Captain Snow, left Sydney bound to -an Francisco, November 23rd, 1852. At noon on the 20<b January, in 1st. 4 59 N., long. 16> 35 W. bj chronometer, steering N. W by N
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  • 462 4 (From the Weekly Ditpeteh, April 9 t By the Cleopatra, we lure Melboune paper* to tbe 3'd inatant. Gold w«a 17a per ounce—firm. Tbe fi or, train, and proviaion maiket. were dull, and pricea rim.ioed much Ibe tame aa tbey weie tbe previoua week. Tbe Melbourne Morning Herald of
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  • 201 4 We bave advices from Sydpey to tbe 26th nf March. Tbe following are the market quotationaFlour 27/ fi e, and 15/ seconds per 20UO Iba wheat, good samplee ia realizing from 9t fid to Ids 3d per bosbet bran, 2s per buabel; bay, 121 to 18/ and straw 7/
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  • 1276 4 EXTRACTS FROM A LITTIH FROM THR OCRT OF DIRKCTORS TO THR GOVRRNMCNT OF INDIA. tubitc Departnunt, 15 th December (A'o 47) 185I. OUR GOVERNOR GRNURAL OF INDIA IN COUNCIL. Tbe range ot (be t oiuinissioners' inqtiiilea embraced tbe whole of (be Pott office administration, aud
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  • 784 4 1 r om l.OHttli WD I I 'cstmutwn ofc. U. steauitr Chu»un 700 Down 11. T Ma.shall ;yaney Russian ba-q Huitro i 393 Cariuielin Ditto Akyab tt. baiq Helen Mary 379 1 Legg Martin, Oyce Si Co Melbourne H. barque tloru Ke>r 4)6 Paul Dino London
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