The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1835-1869), 7 September 1848

Total Pages: 12
1 6 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1835-1869)
  • 25 1 THE OVERLAND SINGAPORE FREE PRESS. Jtlonil v aaa commercial Intelligence from the Straits, Java, Manila, *c. SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, 6th SEPTEMBER, 1848. Piice 50 tent 9
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  • 47 1 The I. &O. C ompany's Steamer Achilles, Captam Evan s. arrived here yesterday from (Jalio the 28th August, bringin- the July Mail. The following Passengers came by her Major and Miss B deley, Mr and Mrs Campbell, Mr Simons, Captain Brooke, Mr and Mrs Cuthbertson, Dr Sylvester.
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  • 115 1 Memorandum of Covers received and forwarded at the Post Office, by the Overland Steamers, during the Month of August, 184?*, viz: Received. Per steamer Etna, from Ba avia.. 191 Per Seb -if tan Elcano, trom Manila 105 Per Pekm, from China 603 Per Hrayama, fiom Europe.. 7,-158 Per Do. from
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  • 79 1 Sir F. A Collier K C. R. or" Her Majesty's Naval Forces in tlie India aiul Cliina Sea*, arrived here in tlie P. O Coy's Steamer Hrayanza on Monday la«t and im-uediately hoisted Ins Hdi in H. M. S. Meander, Ca tain the lion. H Kernel, The Admiral,
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  • 39 1 We lean; from Pinung thut the Hon. Mr Garling, Resident Councillor at tint station, has proceeded to Calcutta lor the purpose of applying for his furlough to Europe. Mr W. T. Lewis, Assistant Resident,has been appointed Acting Resident Councillor.—Ibid.
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  • 857 1 By H. C. M. Steamer Sebastian E'cano, we have teceived a file of Manila p pets to the 17th ultimo, but w? find no news of any intere*t in them. Fiom the following exiracc from La Espemnza of the .'4th ultimo, it will be teireived that the attack of the
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  • 744 1 Advices have been received from Siam by the Faize Al'un to the 3rd instant. Trade was still du'l, and altogether the commercial aspect of affairs there does not look very cheerful. It appears that the contemplated visit of the Dcedalns, caused great commotion at B-^igkok, and that the Siamese Government
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  • 257 1 From a letter to Lloyd's Agents here from the Agents in Batavia, we regret to learn the total loss of the barque Mary I Louisa, of Greenock, Capt Currie, which left this on the 7th ultimo for London with a lull cargo. It appears that she was wrecked on Discovery's
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  • 235 1 10 THE EDITCR OF THE SINGAPORE FREE PRESS Dear Sir, It is to be hoped that your recent able exposure of the Eastern Archipelago Company has pwakened the Singapore Merchant* to the danger of onr recently opened intercomse with Borneo being converted into a close monopo'y, should the avowed objects
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  • 247 1 By the Syed Khan, which arrived here on the 14th, from Macassar the 4th inst., intelligence has been received of the wreck of the Schooner Triumph of London, Captain Bing. She left Macassar on the morning of the 25th July for Singapore, and the same day struck upon a sunken
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  • 1200 1 thus obtained Mr McGregor shortly afterwards resigned bis office at the Board and became Chair. mam of the Eastern Archipelago Company r I leave to others to draw their own conclusions from this From a Company thus stealthily called into an illegitimate exi tance— no results beneficiil to the public
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  • 4694 2 r s ill o 1. .b0... oals It Mr Wise is >i> BOftiesH thai l e can undeisell brit.shCoal Masters, lei him try ihe experiment at his own proper cost and risk, but cot by the aid of exclusive ptivileges or under cover of an irresp'nsible Company, where he may
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  • 1812 3 At a meeting of the Chamber of Cornheld last week, we understand it was agreed to address Rear Admiral Sir F. A. Collier, on the present state of our relations with Siam. The Admiral, in his reply, expresses his anxiety, and indeed s.ivs it is his duty, to assist British
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  • 693 3 By the schooner Velocipede which arrived here on the 19th inst accounts have been received from Sulu to the 29th ult We are sorry to learn that our countryman, Mr Wyndham, suffered severely by the visit of the Dutch Cruisers, his house and store houses having been burned with every
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  • 423 3 Singapore, Ut September, 1848. The arrivals during the Month have been the William Shand from London Mar. chioness of Douro, James Turcan, Belhaven, Bhjthwood and Eden from the Clyde Chieftain fiom Newport; and today the Edward Bousteact from Liverpool and Gitana from Newport. Altho' these Vessels
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    • 36 5 H.l.Sfo»rf (f, c lai H keppel, left this on Tuesday last for Sa! rL:^Ti dirts* Ihe other o beers of the Government o Labuan ,ull proceed there early nei le H. C. Steamer Xnck ,'nd SkJ£s&
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    • 1280 5 Baanila SEarket. Ft** Um Weekly Qmmmlttm* Current, Aagt 19 IMPORTS. otlon CaWs-Tfce antafc-a .emains stationary. ,b,,, ."TT— a,,d ca.w of the fc Ltverpcol, is no. discharged I. wi ,ake >ome months before i.aunat alteration for .he, place in Piece Goods, lb, atot* fl hem* lar e ,a..d
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    • 523 5 To Cape Town and London. Hy the H.sfnp Lady Peel. roit (mpe town Shipper* 130 ror coarse Manila hats, 33 ror fine ditto, 216,0i 0 Manila Kgart, 91 5 ctvs eui>ebs, 84 ctys mare, 222 ct V s nutmegs, and 46 ctys pearl laajo, 41 pis boxes caper te*. 100
      523 words
    • 60 5 the Revd F C n n ,he ,2,h A^"**> b 7 At, V \w IIANNAN Chaplain of U. M. £r^£! n v B a i UvG» rT' r L,e u,tMn Governor ofUheW' qU Secrelar 3"c Uiu Government i orf Uvc^ f" ,hG 2^ Au?Ust G L J V^~
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    • 86 5 JobrPH V^oaaataK, E,q Thomas Scott, Esq of &.,i«apore, M 3 nooih. and 2 day,? At Sea, on the 3l« Au^,,, on the passage Irom Manila to Singapore, on board the Spanish Steamer lteina de Lastdla, Alk,| MR Dvca, Esquire, of the firm ot Messrs Map.tin, Dvoa Co 17th Anuust,
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 734 5 vessels Passed Anjer. July 24 .British brig Cnmtemof p^iinton, Grange from Singapore 7.h July, Or London n 24 Ainencai. ship Eliza Warwick, Peterson I from to«on 27th April, for Haiivia. 35. Urn,*., .hip M,, W Morri f Por,^o«, h 20 lh Aprilf for Ho ,ukon,. 26 11. AJ. br la[
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 367 6 In 27 Brit brig Independence, Smith, Borneo 21tl 28 Brit barq Fatlal Ohib, Faulertoo, Calcutta lit August. 28 Brit ship Blythwood, Ballantine, Bata T a 24th August. M 29 Brit brig Deva, Cadenhead, Pedier Cop-* 28th July. H s'-! b 3 Pater,oD Calcutta 16th July. Bombay 2/th July. 3 Bri
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    • 392 6 "S?/ m e A mer JNra«oo, Potts, Hongkong 8H? M f, M Lt 'DemaD» m "teamer **^aao .B/eano, Saledo, Mamila. "in n™a e u ran Sb,P Cartha g<> Fox, Amoy. H JO Brit barq iultan, Pott, Hongkong. II n!,V k P M^cdona'd, Hongkong. "19 52 b, arq Ur,sA >"> s
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  • Overland Singapore Free Press
    • 19 1 The Singapore Free Press AND MERCANTILE ADVERTISER. lUi. >»L 18. THUHSn^Y .lfO«^I^, y T„ sewemher, l~^4S. JWo. IHXI.C 111
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    • 1544 2 (From tht P viang Gazette, Augtut 19 We are informed tbat the detMcbineut of the Hit Regt. at present stationed here will not now proved to Labuan. lt appears three companies <f the 51si will be sent from Madias to relieve Ibe three com a. nies of the 21st
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    • 33 3 At Batavia, on the find August, (i L. J V ANpr.R Ilt'ciiT, E*qre., of Parakan S^lak, Preangor tt» iiv, to ArABY, only sister of D. T. Pryce Est, j1 tiatg i i
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    • 85 3 At Sea. oi the- 3 1 si August, <>o thf paeaaaa fiom M .rula lo Siaeapofe, on hoar I the Spnniah'Jteaaa de Caafi/ia, Alex*ndfr Dvce, Itiqalrw. A the rvm of M^>'< Martin, Dvce Co. At Sea, o-i 'ond the Hrin-h !«arqup F.tlen, on the ITtn ffcagaat, Mary Una*
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    • 2298 3 Singapore, Thursday, Ith Sept. 184SThe P. O. Company's Steamer Achilles, Captain Evans, arrived here on Tuesday at mid-day, bringing the Europe Mails of July. The news brought are as usual of a chequered nature, but all of deep interest. In England, it is satisfac tory to learn,
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    • 428 3 Singapore, Ist September, 1848. The arrivals during the Month have been the William S/iand from London Mar. chiouess of Douro, James Tttrcau, Belhaven, Bluthwood and Ellen from the Clyde Chief taia from Newport; and today the Edward Bon stead from Liverpool and Git an a. from
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 723 1 FROCLAMA.THON. aiore Malvcca > |_f Precept to m To Wn. 3diitcted, 1 hereh in and Kive notice, that a Session of Oye ar .d lenmner, and General Gaol Delivery 11 „,d lor SINGAPORE, and the P'aces and Ter rjlories sut.oidinaie thereto, and a| ,o for ih» \H within the JorisdicttOO
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    • 1276 1 Messrs JOH3T STS3L CD. Have just received per Fresh Arrivals, AND FOR SALE AT THEIR GODOWNS. Beer in Wood Sherry in octave casks of superior quality Brandy in quarter do do do Superior Dutch Gin Java Arrack Dutch Cheese and Westphalia Hams ALSO A few boxes No. 3 superior Cigars
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    • 650 1 JUST OPENED T^ERY handsome Bonnet and Sash Ribbons in great variety, Artificial Flowers for Caps. Bonnets k Wreaths-a very fine assortment Carpet Hl'u ,1 Si u 6S Cloth Ca P s lk IJais b ack and drab Polka shape. AND Barclay and Frionds' English-bottled Beer, Bass' Sinaapore-bouled Beer, well up;
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 725 2 Hats, black tad white beaver, silk, pith and straw Huckaback Jackets, naval, shooting, &c. Kid Gloves— while, black and colored Cong cloth Horrocks manufacture Military and Naval Epaulettes, Buttons, Lace, &c. Medical rubber Towelling Neckerchiefs silk and satin, black and colored Shirts— ready-made linen, cotton, Limb's wool and Merino Silk,
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    • 1033 2 University of Edinburgh, Licentiate of Apothecaries' Hall, London, Honorary Member ol the London Hospital Medical Society, &c. CONTKNTS OF THE TRBaTIIE. Chapter 1. On the Philosophy of Marriage, with its Hindrances and Obligations, and on Inlelicitousand unprodtidive Union?. Ch»ptbr2.— On the Anatomy and Physiology of the Generative Organs, their function*
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    • 859 2 JAPAN AND CHINA MANUFACTURES Always on hand, a large slock which is sold at the rate of small commission charge. A valuable and choice selection »f Japan and China manufacture, comprising a handsome assortment of China Crape Shawls, iu gold, silver and silk embroidery, Silk Dresses, Sdin, Waistcoat Pieces, bleached
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    • 252 2 Hock- BM*mkri.m, Joh a es be, g ,7^^Liqueurs of superior quality Maraschino and Aniietie Madeira London quality Porter— English bottled Port iJaffinden's, Hunts, &c. She.iy H p., ampbell's Cockbum's &c Whiskey Scotch and Iris a, Ike. &c c marine Stores. Canvas and revving Twine *****, Tar and Bosin Segars and
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    • 485 5 jvre was another jubject. although not one st.ijtly f ,.lu>*""< tn V'*** 0 ■<*»•« hut still one of so much to eveiy member of the community, Enrols —4 Haitiae. %Q which the Recorder d.sied to ,t'*nt.o I' was tue Ins .Kent Act which would e ,o i rev Saw
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    • 2490 5 The New Insolvent Act. (Fr»m the Hombay Gentleman's Gazrtte, July 28 We lisve before us the new Insolvent Debt >rs' Act f r India avtiieh w«s pass* d hy Parliament and receiv K y*l sanction on the Oth of June that is. not I tk« I. It is enti'led
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    • 469 5 Extract from a Letter from an Offleer of the Rifles in the Xntericr. (From the Examiuer, August 23.^ We have hid two long marches each of 18 miles, from ille to Dambool, over a miserable Roitd with gevernl Barricades to cut our WHy tVnu'jh. It was performed well,
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    • 1846 5 (T'omthe Ceylon Overland Observer, .-iugust, 6th July 1848.—A laige paify af Natives, estimated at from 2,01)0 to 4,U00, came into the Town of Kaudy, unai in «1 bill expressing a detei initiation to resist the nfcW Taxes on IVisons, Guns, Do«*s &c. It appears they aUo Inhumed under the
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    • 154 5 It Is still our pleasing <luty to announce, that tranquillity reigns th'oughout the di.tru-ts lately disturbed I by rebellion. The Quern's Advocate is engaged In i preliminaries for bunging to trial before tne Civil Court, the rebels made prisoners before Martial Liw j was proclaimed. We. learn fr.nn
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    • 3991 6 General Summary. (From the Home Hews, July 7.) When our last despatch was closed, we stated that the uneasy ouvriers of Paria were reported to be again io imeute against tbe Government. We soon learned tbat tbe tmeute rose to a revolt, the revolt to a revolution.
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    • Page 6 Miscellaneous
      • 535 6 SHIPPING IN TaiHARBOUa, v s ton J ,>j > f.inei It flexible 1 1 22 ><ou U Mean r Ai klmud Y< uog B.b*, J-A« i^/,,,,* 205 Jacket s"i7a V* H laij htntmrng j 2t)4 Fun. »< j )n o I i)( w U sclmr fWifc no IXividjon )im B
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      • 237 6 PEPARTUHB^. l)nte i / Vest-t'a ,x,i.n*s. i tmm HouHil for Span. bri^ Oqaendj lt«ro«d«r Pinaaf 31 j Sp*n. bri< Nummcia I Btrrero Manila I British bri 4 />„, c^denheid CM«« M 2 British thip D. of Cornwall Wuiteliead Cnin* M 2 British ship Somnanti j L.w 3 oa China
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