The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1835-1869), 3 May 1847

Total Pages: 6
9 14 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1835-1869)
  • 34 9 THE O V ERL AN D SINGAPORE FRE E PRESS. >I .VoMMy ftimmanr of General ana Commercial MnteiUgenee from me Strain Manila. *r. JVo. 18. SINGAPORE, •MONDAY EVENING, 3rd MAY, 1847. Price 20 tents.
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  • 711 9 Monday Evening, 3/y/ May, 1847. The principal events in Singapore during the past month will be found recorded in the following pages. They are few mid not of much interest to the distant reader. We regret to have to mention the death <» I Captain If I NDV, late
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  • 71 9 Httween 10 aiul 1 o'clock on the ni^ht of I Wednesday lasi ihe iron work of the lain > on j the vviodeu bridge Opposite the Ga 1 was carI lied olf t>y ihieves. It was *ul>se«|uently found in posta*sioß of J Chinc > se in a black siiiihs hou«e
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  • 186 9 Curious Coincidence. Within three days after the promulgation of Act No. 3 ot 1847, nearly every house in Church Street, was opened as a gambling shop, the passersbye being openly invited to walk in. It has come to our knowledge that a number of Chinese have been ruined since that
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  • 250 9 We learn that intelligence has just been received by his Highness the tammungong of a formidable band of 'Lamm pirates having appeared in the neighbourhood of Lingen, and made various descents upon its shores. A few days ago they attacked Sinkep and carried off 40 men, women, and children, who
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  • 107 9 Some little time ago a large Chinese Junk arrived here which had left China with nearly 400 persons on board, of whom ninety died on the voyage, from starvation. Many were landed in a very weak and almost dying state, but they would not appear to have met with ranch
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  • 790 9 It is gratifying to o''sere tl»c spirit of activity which at present seems to animate the authorities for the improvement of the town of Singapore, by the amendment of road?, reconstruction of bridges, filling iiflof swamps &C. In every quarter of the town, we find traces of a wholesome activity
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  • 52 9 On the morning ol Monday last tliree dead bodief weie found iii on the hejch, one neat tho b.tttery, one at Ttluk Ayer, a»>d one at ihe Es| lanade, hdviiiij been apparently brought th j re l>y the tide They were Chinese, and iwo of ihem l»ad rope* round their
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  • 58 9 V>y t lie ftteumcr Xe»esi> Mr Brookk, Her M.j-iy- A.m. i i.i I) i neo hat arrived bens t'u in riftang. IV« b<*»e not lirarii whether ,»i y ili n; his i:. ii. -i ii e»i icU'ive \o Mr B BOOKS*! ii oil'ere I ilie i lovti no shi t
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  • 124 9 4».|. Hv (he 11., w k we vt- (l fi eof The f»qui»fr.Sw.u. Kiv.i ..ii er, t i \\\r *27ih Fehru-iy. j lli se ai cis state ihe exi>tenee of an exten *ive ed of good (Oil in the co o iy. An eminent minoraloftsi Dr Yon Sommer had anived
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  • 449 9 By private advices from China we learn that Spanish vessels fiom Manila had been at Amoy for the purpose of procuring Chinese lahourers to proceed to Cuba to be employed as Coolies on Estate*. Their contracts are, we believe, for terms of 7 to 10 years at drs 3 per
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  • 240 9 JUe tt^uoiniineiit of Mr ll^wlins -»m, as Recorder of the Straits Settlements, would seem to lead to ihe inference that Her Majesty s Court of Judicature in the Straits is not g »c abolished at present. Tins is a matter for congratulation to the community, who, We relieve, have no
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  • 81 9 The following is the result of the laet I e i 1 1 I>ii1 > ii <)i* the Govemaitoi Faint. The falling off" is Dot *o yreat as was kttticinated 1846-47 1847-48 Opium Drs 7/jOO 6 750. .<*«•»»« T«jn. Arrack 3,560 1,900. .Low SmTrt. Scree 910 920. Lee
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  • 6153 9 According to promise we now give a translation from the New Rotterdam Courant of the controversy between that paper and the Morning Chronicle, relative to the occupation of Labuan by the English. It will amuse our readers, we daresay, it" it does not
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  • 1396 11 It is peculiary gratifying to have to record each succeeding month the brightening of the prospects of this ancient European Settlement, which so long has remained in an apparently dormant and neglected condition. While the native capitalists are busy exploring her mineral resources, and every now and then discovering
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  • 173 11 *jy H* M. steamer Nemesis which left Pinang on the 18th instant we have a Finang Gazette of the 10th inst f from which we learn that H. M. S. Iris sailed for England on the 7th instant, and that the greater part of the fleet was to leave
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  • 209 11 Singapore, 3rd May, 1847. Since the departure of the April Mail the arrivals from Europe hive been the Robert Fulton and Bel. haven from London, the Blonde from Liverpool and the Borneo from the Clyde, all bringing supplies of European Manufactures. During the Month there has
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  • 89 11 On England.— Sales have been fmadej but to a very moderate eitent, o f Bills at 6 Months sight at 4s 4*d a 4s 5d Bills at 3 months sight at 4s 4§d. Nsvy Bills at 4s 4d. Few Bills offering. On Calcutta.— The Company's Treasury is closed. Sales
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  • 50 11 To England continues to be much wanted no vessel at present loading, The Borneo has gone to Batavia and the Belhaven has been chartered for Whatnpoa and Shanghai, and from the latter port for England at £6. lo per ton. The destination of the Blonde is not yet fixed.
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  • 428 11 COTTON GOODS. Cambrics— 2,ow quality in little demand. Fine— wanted. Sales could be mads at fair prices of qualities suitable for dying. Sales of 300 ?c» fine at Drt 43 per corge, and 1,000 pcs to arrive at Drs 28, 34 and 43 per corge. Grey Shirtings.— Not
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    • 120 12 Account* are kept in Spanish Dollars dirided into Cents. Tbe usual credit oil sales is as follows :-Eorovb Goods, S Months. In di am and Uiua do, montns. ufium, mmwmMmm, ibe
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    • 2731 12 Print*. Again dull, sod even the best pattern difficult of talc the transactions reported are— 3<»o prs Furniiurta at Drs 3* per pee .'OO yes Chintz 3} lit) irs Prints Batticki 2% 2. r )0 pet llittick* 2.90 a 3* per pee 150 prg Ladiet Dretset
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    • 637 12 pincES. Stocks. Sp. Dollars Anchors 7. 77" Cwt. 7 Wanted Bottlbs 100 SJ Supplies Corks Gross M iSg do Chain Cables Cict 6 Wanted Copper Sheathing Nails „Picul S2 Supplies (oppkrTokini Dollar 600 Sales. Cordage, 1« 9 inch ..Cwt. 9 1° <*o. Canvas, Scotch, bleached
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    • 566 12 f kicks. Sp. D o )"i^7 Stcc:;> alvm (wrr^ Arrack, Katavia Per 80 Gallon 16 1830 ni> Bees' Wax, Picul 32 34 a e roof Betelnut, pi one CUBEB3 8| tWIEf China Root, 2* »!l»uli Camphor, China, >, i H l U|Ba|^ Cassia
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    • 303 13 Wo have Comants to the 24th ult. Tliey do not contain much news. We annex extracts: On the 7th February a number of piratical nralius threatened the post of Mew Brussels at Sukadana with an attack, alter having two days previously plundered many persons in the neighbourhood of that
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    • 3332 13 Tlie Steamer Sir Charles Forbes, arrived here on Saturday evening from Hongkong the 7th instant, and brings news of the termination of Sir John Davis's Expedition to Canton. As regards the opening of Canton to Foreigners, matters teem to be left very much iv the state they wertJ before
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    • 792 13 To l\pt Tow* •fty the H xcfnr F.nnhi. Sliii>( er»\ 785 pis !< 68 ctys svuir 68 4 i pis rice, 64 p!s an« 8 2 civs Hhck pepper, 50 c.ises presfrvpd ginger, 39 pis a 7 c'\s rattans, ?«>8 rt>s gam 1 ier, 1u7,
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    • 19 14 At SiM?apor«», on the 27i!i April, the Lady of Brpvt-t Major Rdward Fabcr, Madras Eo^ineers^ Ol B D«(GiUEK,
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    • 44 14 On Ihi 13rd Ap i(, at t!)»* House of .John Cown^ily, Btquire, Captain I'iioma^ late < Oinroauilef of P. I). Coy's Steamer Braganxa. .\t Loutbock, on the I3t!» o» February last, t i'im as W :lson, Esquiie, late of Uatavia, aged 40 i i
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  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 864 14 27 British brig Erin, Talbert, CalcutU 7th April v 28 Uritiib schr. Minerva, ReiJ, Adelaide 25th Marck. 2(; Dutch echoonsr Louiza, Smith, BaUris 2Pih Jany. 2:^ Brtt tohsWst Pareil, Port \.oui« !Bth Feby. N 2U British brig Blonde, Fildei, Liverpool 9th Deer. 29 French ship Sarah, Thebaud, Baurboa sth March.
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