The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1835-1869), 4 September 1845

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1 6 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1835-1869)
  • 16 1 The Singapore Free Press AND NERCANTILE ADVERTISER. Yo. 36. F>»l. 10. THVnSi^Y MOHMJTG, 4th SEPTEMBER,^IB4S. •*>*. ccccrxix
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 669 1 NOTICE IS iicrcby given. tfMt lite Enst India Company' 9 Tr«*a*ury «t tins Sta on open for |l»o rec«iut of Cash to a limited annou'ti, for HilU on ihe G >vernirifiit* of Herbal and !Vl^dras. at I'ie Exchange of QH 'HO t>er 100 Spanish Dollars. No Coin of less denouiriatiun
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    • 828 1 THE UNDERSIGNED WILL SELL BY PUBLIC AUCTION THXS-DAY, AT HIS COMMISSION-ROOMS: A handsome English built Prince Albert cab A Bengal-built BUGGY, sea-damaged, recently landed ex Ayrshire. A Bengal-built BUGGY and a PA LANQUIN, the property of a Gentleman, who has lett the Settlement ALSO, The well-known ORGAN, by dementi and
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    • 442 1 FOR SAI.K, AT THE AUCTION COMMISSION-ROOMS OF THE UNDERSIGNED 1 Valuable assortment of elegantly wrouaht /I JEWELE(Y, consisting of LHdies GolJ.nd Silver Baonles, Gold Chains, Gold Ear-rin^, Gold and Silver Buckles, Diamond Kings and Broaches Pe«rl Neckuce, Stones for Necklaces, Gold Watches and Watch Guards, &c. &c ALSO, <»pn s
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    • 829 1 ADVERT! 3EMENT. THE Unders,»jned (n kes tftj< op, onunity of reiTurntnn hs beat thinks to tho Public of and Strangers *md Comnmnde.s of \V»,| S ruling &,!2 po.e. for ,he hln ral support he has hither* ,Li.S and at ,hn S :,m,M,m« ,o n.form them ,ha. he has S ol,[
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    • 170 2 From the Pinanq Gazette, JsajfjaJ 9 During tlie week we have lea>ned that on ihe 11n<\ ultimo two of ihe Justices appeared at Court in •compliance wild a rule lo show rause why their proceedings, in a certain case of the Spirit Farmer against two Chinese,
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    • 265 2 v We now Cvr-ect tiie somtwhat uupeifect account ye> nave last week of the proceeding of the Court of Judicature, in resi>ect lo lite Police Magisirate refusing io comply with an application for a repetition of the punishment of certain of the Coolie* whose sentence had expired
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    • 2102 2 A Kfc-TUUN of the Quantities and Value of Ajeichandise im^oiieU into ihe for of Sl>annhae in 25 British yes-els of 6 578 tons, fiom the countries and places undermentioned, during ihe Hat/ Yeur ending 30ih June. 1845. A KbIUKN 01 the Quantities and Value of Mercandise Exported front die
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    • 1111 2 (From the China Mail, July 24 *We have been fa yon red with a copy of flic Prospectus <»f "The Chinese Coasting Steam Navigation Company" the. object of which is to establish frequent and regular communication between the Corsular Ports, and others that
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    • 809 2 (From the China Mail, July SIJ Thk Court. —During no period has the tranquillity nf the < hinete empire been io universal as at present*. The squabbles and intrigues of the regency are suspended, as, from the number of aspirants for power, each waits for a more propitious
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 276 2 f^limieU, Blanket:* and Coveets. B»rl Ticking, and Linen Prill. T*r, blocks, Oil and Paints, Chain Cables. Baltic Spats and Planks Oakum. Umnrelhis, Silk and Coiion Hats. Kanlienwaie, fowling pieces and Pistols. A variety ol China Goods, Japan Cloak, Silks Pukem. Birds oi I'aradMe, -Letter ail<l Fo°l*cap Paper Stc. WALTF.II SCOTT
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    • 73 3 IXO THE EDITOR OF THE SINGAPORE FREE PRESS I* it true that from motives of economy the Liuht House is to be done away with at die aucient Town of Malacca 1 hear the inhabitants aie in fl e»pau about it aud U ihe expense of keeping up the establishment
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    • 360 3 to THE EDITOK OF THE SINGAPORE FREE Pitt.*} Permit me through the medium of your columns to correct you and the Editor of the >tr»itt Times respecting the receipt of the July new*. Y-ur Uiother Editor gays he aot the only Paper (of the I 7th July) brought on by
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    • 709 3 ro the EDi roa of the Singapore phek press Heading your last paper of (he 28th Augt I observed the article extracted from the Madras Expositor, addressed to you hy your Correspondent G M F 1 can iurdly guess ih« objector your conespondeiiij unless it is a ruse d*> to
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    • 147 3 TO THU EDITOR OF THK SINGAPORE FREE PKEss Have the goodness to mention in your valuable Paper the total loss ot the barque Mars under n,y Command on Friday last, the 29th inst. sbe having struck on a Sunken Rock bearing from the Island of Pulo Panjang N half W.
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  • 507 3 Mr Van. Vliet. From the Gaol at Weltevredem, July 29, 1845. To (he Acting adjoint Secretary of the Netherlands India Government at balavta. Honoured Sir, Whereas till now I have noi received any dis- position on my petition of tbe Hih instant, and he Government therefore appears io be
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  • 18 3 hi Singapore, on lhmsuay tne 28tn ummo, the Lady of William Wemvss Ker, Esquire, of a Uauohtf.r
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  • 424 3 Singapore, Thursday, &£h Sept., 1845. China— By ihe Harlequin w; have China papeis to the 3 1 at July from winch we have made extracts Governor Davi* does nut appear to be increasing in popularity. Ordinances are as thick as blackberries, but neither so palatable nor useful.
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  • 840 3 Robberies still continue as frequent and as much undetected aaever. The vestry of the Roman Catholic Chapel was entered by thieres on the morning of Thursday last, and the Thurifiei 1 licence box, Holy water pix, and one or two other articles stolen; they had taken the plated Candlesiicka ©ut
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  • 173 3 Something to Smoke— What harm is there in pipe say* yt'UDg Puffwell. None ibaC I know of," replied his companion, except that amokiug induces drinking drinking induces intoxication intoxication iauuces tbe bile bile induces jaundice jaundice Utds to dropsy dropsy terminates m de*th. Put that ia your pipe, and smoke
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 100 4 1 li| 12 lijl s t i&J ill fJ«| 1 s £s o"* B s°J tiSi --Is o a i Jgjfj I! i li S ißilJ^ !f i s fl ifiif ill 4 -ii::-5 f o^ *4*£j "S ftlß-l}« JS !<BliSB| is-s S 2 *-5 5: c^-^^S g» 1
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    • 198 4 ARRIVALS. Date I Flay VuwV* Name,. fTZi I Augt 2 i< British schr Kirn KVat Hin Pin^i TT.7h in.t t f9 Lntish ahjp IVilsun Hourstoa Greecock I 23rdApr_ „3U Dutch barq D.BmtmiyTuju Ken hing Sourabaya L»th last Sept. J British scbr. H^lequin Morris Hongkong 4th ult 1 Dutch schr. RindoKoixcmi
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    • 187 5 ■p,e Amerciin Ship Rainbow, ('apt. Land, sailed from Macao on llie Oth June, at noon, and anchored a t Anjcr, Java, on Itie evening of the >» th a |Vw p,«r«over 14 days. We aie enabled to give tbe fol- ww ing extiacta from her Journal: At i"»cn, 6th June,
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    • BOMBAY.
      • 369 5 Tfnth Day W'dnetday, July Ifif*. The Chikf Jttkticb took bit seat on the Bench few minutes after ten o'clock and tome preliminary business was gone through. His Lordship then directed himself to the Advocate General and said, that after he had addretaed him on Saturday last, be (the
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      • 376 5 Destructive Fire at Aden Oar Atlen correspondent gives us the following account of a destructive fire at Aden, under the date 29tn June: A most destructive (ire occurred in the house or Seyd Alloway the High l'rie«t of the far celebrated temple of Hydroos. by which the whole of hit
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      • 727 5 (From the Englishman, July 22 We mentioned on Saturday the cone»| ondence pubitahed in the Sinyaport Fite Press, relative to the suspension of payment* of the Java Bank, it will be found in another column, anil our readera will see that it fully bean out the view
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      • 154 5 A letter from Bombay mentions that tbe newly appointed Governor of New Zealand ia expected there by the Overland route from EngUnd. *od that tbe En.ukrates, a teu gun brig, it fitting out to take him to hit destination. We nre happy tobave ttirring newt
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      • 48 5 The Sonamooky." We understand tbat tbe Governor General's Pinnace, the Sonnmooiy, is in dock at Kidderpore under<oiag extensive repairs, and that when Sir Henry lenvee Calcutta for the Upper Provinces, which will probably be about the third weed in September, she will be put in special commission. Ibid.
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      • 249 5 we regret to near tuat a duel, not unlikely to be attended wi»h fatal results, took place at Barack pore yesterday morning. The quarrel o initiated some short time back at the theatre, and we have understood there was a meeting between the parties, but the immediate cause
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      • 689 5 What should we do without Governor Davis He is the most amusing of the official tribe. We have no tales to tell of our own G. 6. and even the Madras editors who have a spitt against the Marquess, can rind nothing worse against him, than his going
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      • 125 5 Thlt morning's Semsphoric account mentioned tbat the Emily, in tow of tbe France* Gordm. had grounded on the bauk a little below liudge Budge. We have just heard that the Steamer and Emily aubsequently erne iv coniact, and with such damage to the former that she
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      • 608 5 Mrs M«dd.>ck's house is situated in the Lancer Lines. The attack was made on the morning of Sand*y, the fitb instant about 2 a. m. Mrs Maddock and her daughter were suddenly awoke bj a cry of thie- They instantly jumped out of bed, and ran
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    • 722 5 July 26.— Another shock of an earthquake was felt in this towD early this morning a little after two, which appeared to proceed from the north. L*te letters troua the Mauri tint seem to Indicate that the immigration of Coolies has proved a failure ttiat it bus
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    • EUROPE.
      • 967 5 At the co mf nenc cr n P nt of th:°dar ;r Clll l mmmm zs"umttr ithin b f pi ai hot Lord H,ll «nd hi. iU ff 4 ain re occupied the little cottage tbey left in the mornin* H two br^ s ir Robert
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      • 282 6 (From the Hlurtrated London Xewt, July b.J An i(itere»ting Return has be«n published of the •mount of property invested in Railwrya. There are on lets than 001)0 na act of person* wbo are sttppos'-d to have subscribed j£2UU Of more. The aggregate •im subscribed by these
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      • 197 6 Tiast week a novel act of suicide occurred on the "North Miiland Railway, nenr Leeds. As the seven o'clock Sowerby Bridge train approached the bridge over the railway at Hunslet, the otoker observed a man throw hiraaelf down across the rails, and httote be had
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      • 241 6 On Wednesday, a man named Jamps Vials, aged 25 years, died in Guy's Hospital, under the following singular circumstances. It appears that on (ast Wednesday week the deceased, who was a groom to a gentleman residing at Dulwich, was engaged in dressing a horse, when
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      • 270 6 Destruction of the Academy of fine Arts. Philadelphia On the nignt of the 1 1 ih of June tins MaMMum* wa* consumed ny Are, an event that it ascribed >o tlie ait of an incendiary. It ranked among the hat instiiuiions of the country The At»rf/« Amertaun nays xipon the
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      • 787 6 vn Monday forenoon, liie long promised Knview of the ttouseh .Id troops IoA place in Hydp-pa,k the p»«* fcO ce of hi« Royal Highness Prince Albert hu Majesty the Kmj w f the Belgians, their Roy a Hiehnwses ttie Duke of Cambridge atH P»ince Ororge
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      • 815 6 SIR WILLIAM WEBB FOLLETT. In our late impression last week, we communicated the paii ful intelligence of the death on thai day (Saturday. June 28) of the Right Hou Sir William Wehb Follett, M P., her Majesty's Atcor ney-General na event that has
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      • 1337 6 LECTURfc XV. MR CAUDLS HAS AGAIN ITATBD OUT LATK. MRS CM'DLK, ATTUiT lUJCRKD AND INDIGNANT, MKLTS. Perhaps, Mr Caudle, you'll tell me where this is to 'nd Though, goodness knows, I needn't ask thai. The end is plain enough. Out out out Every night every night!
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      • 828 6 The Ways of Wine- Merchants. (From "CAreWota* Fettivities," ty 7oA» p O3 c 4u/A o/ />««/ Pry." > 44 Tfcere, now sir i to prove bow much gentlemen may be miitaken I assure you, air, as I'm an ho ne »t inau, I ne?er bad but two torts of wiDe
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    • 483 6 Comfortable Doctrink. An American divin. closei a sermon with the following quaint advice I want you, my young sinners, to kiss and get married, and then devote your time to morally and money making. Then let your homes be provided with such comforts and necessaries as piety, pickles, pots,
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