The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1835-1869), 6 April 1843

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1 5 The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1835-1869)
  • 18 1 The Singapore Free Press AND MERCANTILE ADVERTISER. JtV. 14. IV»*. W. TiMinsiny jmQm r rgjr& uth 1843. CCCXCXII
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 954 1 GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION THE HIIOWINC IS PUBLISH! D FOR GEM RAL intoimation NOTICE I- Imily -iv. n, thai a Ploojiftf Licht i» stationed hi ih» I -oi I liannel into Boavhay Harhoat a\ o> I (f mi t v »hf S.W bf S »mm ihe Fair Way ß way 11. a'
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    • 745 1 STEAIVi-SUIP "VICTOR A," F f )R SALE. T)V I'iivaii eoniiad ih*» .«i lendio yj IOKIA, row t>i 1 ti in Sin«'| I{o««ls s||». 1 ln „f lt > cv r\ frVV /tulano Te;ik, t\ |tr faHiliid il pioiele' iy iwo Hitincaol 46woraf pow>i e rt <)i, and taHiaieif -j S»
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    • 791 1 aim; it NOTICE. j IMI UHnlersidHed ItcrHiy ii»M Holm lhai l.i 3 I Inieaaal awl Keßpo«*ibrlity i,, the Firm of Seah J* r J and T«vu AMAOB, Chop Hajaftkj ct .a S es from tim d,,. c -RAM YT.NV I II I\. myii^re, -2Sth \l,,reh, IR4^ A Ll h«*i^ clai.i,,
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    • 691 1 I V"" i from P^'^and Madras ->hip P e<l hy N 1 vn jan/ da Chitty a— sintJ to order, are landed 7 M l« -.g,,t I .it .he eX|*n»e ajwi n| the uvnem, who *re requesn-d to apply for i|,h <am p. T n NOTICE 1«> Laptuns o
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  • 977 2 {From the Cuntun Press, \flth March.) Mr Morrison and Capt. Ralfour arrived here on Tuesday last from Canton. They have come hy the in nr passage, accompanied by Hirniinti formally Lieu*. Osmml of the Mnini of Kiuriii or Ghitin in Mantchouri di«urH( t-il for someeitor in pecuniaiy matters, and
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  • 521 2 I His Excellency Sir Henry Pottinger, Bart., U pleaI sed to direct that (lie following Lever be published I for generdl information. I |By Order, RICHARD VVOOSNAM Acting Secretary. R Hongkong, 9th March, 1843. Government House, I Hongkong, Sth March, 1843 fc-ir, 1 I.a^e the tumour t<> acquaint Your
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  • 977 2 ..«.(.!>»»— Camp Pkkr Aboo-IW kkur, 2orn January. You will h«ve heard that Sir C. Napier with 3*4 H. M. lid Rrkiimfi.t, 2, 2i -Pouiiilrr Howitzer*, Whittled Camel Batteiy, |Uf Sciude Irregular, «n I 3i Muliss Sappers p o feilf.l into t lie d"nert to the [\>ot of Einaumguih,
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  • 372 2 (From (he Enyluhman, March 5.) About a month ago, the Editor of this ff W solicited the su-pension of public opinion upon a charge which had been brought against him. and regarding which, at bis own instance, the Supreme Court was solicited to interfere. The Court, it will be
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  • 149 2 The crew of the Neweii* have presented to thtir Commander a beautiful dress-sword, a pair of Lan.iaome epaulelttg, and a cock-hat, as a token of the respect ih« y b< ar towards him, and to mark tbeir admiration of his couduct throughout the war with China.
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  • 785 2 Major- General Sir Robert Sale and the civil Service. (F. urn the Ri giiahman, March 3 TO M■ J G NUi < I *'R ROBKRT H. SAI.K, O. C B Sir, We are deputed by our body, the Bengal Civil <*etvi.-t*, lv atiju liut yuu, that they are desirous of
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  • 585 2 (hunt (tie Mttttftm Star, Match 6.) The Clipper Btig Anoyma arrived at Bombay, oa the 17ib of Uttt in nth, having made one of the fastest paasages on record. &he left Ch na on the l c Jth Jany. The eal olieye was opened with great ceremony
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  • 1338 2 (From the E <gl x\man F bru^ry 27 J We long ago expressed our opinion that whenever the interests of I'iiiish mannueiues clashed or were Mpnoatd to clash w'ult tho-e of Indian revenue, a ■troag effbtt w< uid be mad** at home agate*! »he latter, and it
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 53 2 FOR SALS, At the Godownt of the Undo signed, Commercial Square Fpatkltntr, < hampagne, F«ench Claret, Port Wine, Liqueurs and Anni-et'e, French and English Brandy, Calcutta-bottled Beer in cases. Sherry VN me Various kind of Sweei Wine. The above Wines \c u>e wananted. Also vaiious oilier Articles. S. BOLO.iI ON.
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  • 922 3 (Iron the hittmt of' India, March, I L'ji d fcirnborough continues to drag the Sacred Gi t* after him wuli all the* fondness wuicb we may i| |i kf i Koiuan to have felt for the t|>oiU of uneJ country which were t<> grnce his tiiuiu)
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  • 143 3 Monument to the Memory of the fficcrs who fell in Afghanistan. ihi I fie m4m| limt%. Irbua t, H i! «'»'h. ii ii,.; 1,, 1,,*.,.,,, H o >u 111 i iii »rti if ilia -v Ari wiii \,r bd I in i^ < »i ii uj( II t..KP I
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  • 363 3 On thn evening of the 2Olh, His Kxcellency the '••mmaiider in-( ief inspected the RHtM Wing of the 2<l Kurnpean Kent L I in review order, on the parade giour.d C'olahu. ilia Kxc el lency carefully inspected the men of the Uegt and
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    • 171 3 To tub Euitoii op ra» Singapore Free Press •Sr, Tlip attention of the '"ommercial Community lias bftM prelly QaMtatly attractpd to the ipsolutions of ihn Ayent of the iiranch of the Unmn BaBI of Calcutta. Ttie resolution <o fara« the liuik is concerned miy He a very
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  • 8 3 inijiifjn; lhursduy,iuh Aprii, 1843. msstm
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  • 60 3 By the Amelia which arrived yesterday •om Cilrutiii, we learn that the Hindostau Slearnnr h ul not readied when the Amelia left the Pilot on ihe IBlh, but she waj liourlv looked for with ike Fein uuy Mail. Tt»e s ylph whs i<> |„»\e iinmediitely after the anivj <>f the
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  • 137 3 Mr Bon ii am left CaleMti on the sth ulfo y 'lie Tenusseri'/t for Suez. Mr E Hlundfll lus Ixen appointed Governor of the Straus Settlement* an<l may be expect>d here shortly. Tlie following j 3 f tO m the Calcutta Government Gazette of the 6th ult.— Fort tltium, (ieneml
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  • 154 3 Piracy —On Sunday I .st a Corhin-Clii-nfse boat was Mtuefccd by l\vo Malay Sam urn* mai I rim Romania, but the rorhinChinese succeeded M h— |iwj[ them off The Malay* were however speedily reinforced and •ifier killing one man and wounding another they captured ike i»nat As soon as the
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  • 77 3 We hear that fourteen Cochin-Chinese have been committed for trial on a charge of kidiui|ipiii«; woinc«n in Cochin-China and bringing iliem here for sale The women amount in nunii'er to 9 were brought in two boats We are no? in pOMttPMI of the paitioul us of the tms9, •»'<« ds
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  • 102 3 Our ;»n»nt'on ha* hcen cdlled to the foli winf riicunistrtnce.— fcince iWe rock* at the m ulh ot ihe river, wutside of the outer rock, have beto Ijlawsii, <QO»iUvrj|)'.lc. (linger r« likely tn uiise from boats mistaking Hie proper course aud running upon these rocks whi< h in consequent c
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  • 26 3 We are authorised tt state that the fundg raised for purchasing a suitable Organ for St. Andrews* Church have been remitted to England (or that purpose.
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  • 206 3 We have heard from an authentic source that the Indian Government hare made a reference to the Home Authorities on the subject of the contemplated changes h the Judicial System of the Straits. There is some chance therefore after all of modifications bein^ made, as we should think the Court
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  • 566 3 We hive given insertion to a letter relative to the alleged conduct of the Agent of the Union Bank in refusing further discount. It would appear that our correspondent seems to view this as IlKtMig arisen from caoricious molives on the |>art of the Atjent, at least we may inter
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  • 442 3 Scinde.— On Monday the arrival of the Harlequin fioin Calcutta put us in possession of the account of one of the most most splendid victories which has been achieved by British valour and discipline for a long time. The Helooohies appear too to have stood their ground well, and it
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  • 421 3 Calcutta We have receiver! Calcutta papers up to the I Oth ultimo, from wtiich we glean the following news The Government of Bengal have come to the resolution of abolishing the siate Lot* teries. This however cannot be effected with* out a reference to the home authorities A wealthy native
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  • 264 3 China We have received a Canton Pr««« of the 18th ultimo, hy which we observe that the Viz- a an i veil at Hongkong on the 16th, and cast anchor in Macao roads on the same night. Mr Morrison and Captain Balfour. had returned to Macao whether they were accompanied
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 117 3 How to curb Beet in the hottest Wb\ther. Kill the bollock, and cut it up immediately, whilst hot, into the usual sized pieces for salting hive ready a larjge iron pot, into which put the aalt necessary for caring, and make a fire under the put to heat the salt
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    • 1322 4 In this ort thne no ButUi en inipoiU and reports and Vessel* of every Nation are free of all charges. ll» in. M Ufrt ta -'ipvM. I.H^ .ii*w,_ „>.«. wh.s. lie id «,,<n, v,, M tr. i 08.,,;-l W .M O«H.». f l >.» .l«.
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    • 563 4 EUUOPR (.(X)Ds. ANCHons Chain Cavi-es.— Sales ifMH cwt. at #5* a 6 MrtWl continue \t>iy lai»»- in recond hands and slowly dhniimhiug. c 1 ordack. Minkf i heavily overstocked. Sales o» 050 pels at a ir,i Cum it HKATHiNG— Very dull and no sales even at
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 113 4 I 1 ft 2 !i II I il I*4 111 1 111 i i jHitjj o 1 p; >- s. s •*C h, O .H. 3 P j:2 S 2 1 o LtJ Il*«|1 |i ::l J |3* I 1 3= l 3*-5«52 jJilllh jj lit jif ]f i m
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    • 183 4 _ARIUVA2.S. I Denrt m,»I D«teb iH^Miw^taj, li;<t;lvi< Nth 1o A,.r,l 2 H«m. M h«H,,, M /y^ Kli())jr p.i.Aor 31.1 do British -'<■■'..- v l*.-,. wnrig vianiln SUt do 3 Britwh KlioonOT //a fc^ W hl(e Ca|(;utu j, <t|i do r A /i iai dhto doth do 3 BrUi,h brrq. e
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  • 143 5 Free Press Office, April 3, 1843. We are indebted to the kindness of a friend for the loan of an Englishman Extraordinary, brought by the Schooner Harlequin from Calcutta, containing an account of a victory gained by 2,700 troops under General Sir C. Napier, over 2*2,000 Beloochies. It was
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  • 694 5 0 fc» Englishman Office, 11£ a M. March, 1843. We have just received tlie following important news from Bombay, -and we lose nu time in l.tyii g it before onr readers The Indus Steamer, from Kurachee, February 2 I si, came into harbour early this morning, bringing with
    Bombay  -  694 words