Sin Chew Youth, 25 May 1981

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Sin Chew Youth

  • 英文学园
      • 183 2  -  Lam Yuit Kheng Sec. 4E Whampoa Sec. Sch. It was past midnight. I went out for a long walk. Suddenly, I met an old woman. From our conversation, I found that she was sincere and honest. So I followed her. Then we came to a hut which was
        183 words
      • 237 2  -  Neo Suat Keng Sec. 4C Hai Sing Girls* High Sch. It was nearly six o’clock in the evening. After the bell rang, Peter rushed out from the Pr. 2D classroom. He threw his school-baff aside and joined the other boys. They were playing happily in the field.
        237 words
    • 127 2 A Conversational Cat? Meilin: Do you know that “C-A-T” in the new Malay spelling should be spoken as “G-H-A-T” with the “ah” sound? Fuyuan: I don’t know. I can't have a chat with my cat. You see: we are not on speaking terms. Clever Wives Ist Man:
      127 words
  • 第2页 其他
    • 654 2 、 Common ErrorgJ i^aajaiBir MMM M^ 4< He played me out. Footnotes to healthy feet The first tell-tale sign indicating Athlete’s Foot is severe itching between the toes. Skin then usually becomes white, scaly or cracked. Use Scholl Athlete’s Foot Liquid which combats infection fast and effectively. There’s also Athlete’s
      654 words
    • 94 2 A: marine B; coastal C; off-shore 16. Where the water is shallow, workers build a derrick on a which is used to drill for oil. A: barrel B: rig C: tank 18. Oil as it comes from the earth is not ready for use. It has to be sent to
      94 words

  • 华文辅导
    • Article, Illustration
      66 3  - 危一秦王盖上费臣国的国令晋命代一的高钱都公灵大时有秋春灵座晋一去好们都台在冷晋里连荀更危晋的荀层高盖
      66 words
  • 第3页 其他
    • 205 3 阅终中的的替个结的旧古第礼物「以占卜第四送选迎 J, 到主日礼隆结旧的娘中的 <3 问详最号 1• 2• 读好 3• 4• 由族 5• 这
      205 words
    • 88 3 一例赛 3• 嵌制 df zhT 看作用柄与〇提倡丨 advocate > promote 指行柄好 4• 章新 g§ innovate i renovate. 革例增守旧 sh6u ji 拘例仍 5• ①(ru3nrud)weak 缺 S 例 ②(jdnqMng) stron g 磕
      88 words