Sin Chew Youth, 26 May 1980

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Sin Chew Youth

  • 英文学园
      • 162 2 Last Sunday morning, my mother and I went to Boon Lay market. My mother told me to carry a basket. When we reached there, there were many fruit stalls. And the hawkers were shouting “cheap sale”. First, we went to the fish stall. There were
        162 words
      • 186 2 Mrs. Lim had a lot of rats in her house. One day, she saw a hole in the rice sack. It was gnawed by rats. So, Mrs. Lim put a mouse-trap beside the sack. The next day, she went there to see it again. There were some
        186 words
      • 334 2 One Sunday morning, my father took us to Pulau Übin for an exploration. We went to the harbour to buy tickets and boarded the ferry. After half an hour, we reached the island. We rested for a while and began to explore the island. We went round
        334 words
  • 第2页 其他
    • 174 2 Picture j TOURISTS .r i V The picture shows some tourists visiting an older part of Singapore. Look at the picture carefully and see if you can spot these things, a camera shorts a straw-hat a watch a bell a lamp a singlet trishaws Write .sentences in answer to these
      174 words
    • 320 2 Each of the following is a rebus. A rebus is a puzzle in picture form. Can you sort out what each rebus is about? z crp er a a Solutions: (5 1 t On Vacation Hock Guan; Hi, Eng Hiang. Where are you going to spend your vacation? Eng Hiang:
      320 words

  • 华文辅导
    • 34 3  - 栽培呂阳赵王接见一会长提「「他们栽事他 Jr 一一个县可走到底「你 ydu 棘 > 如果 Jr 你人呢
      34 words
    • 42 3  - 黄帝大神朔蚩人长不候很斧还在败而令风去也他蚩种善战强有然有遍久后来黄黄。来身
      42 words
  • 第3页 其他
    • 253 3 晒晒 pp r 〔 s 关一、下四代 1• 林师一定要处罚 2• 3• 小可丽明。 4• 罢〇声意不出声 5• 同日的球 6• 上 0 天比天一一天比
      253 words
    • 16 3 广二 j…I mw 靶教另超剕 < 铝相拟啦
      16 words
    • 112 3 A JULtm wm 口 m 其不意 c hQ q 彳 take somebody by surprise, catch somebody unawares. 事解动义反同例靜花神入化 chQ s h6n at the peak of perfection. 用到同例生入死 (chQ sh§ng go through
      112 words