Sin Chew Youth, 14 May 1980

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Sin Chew Youth

  • 英文学园
    • Composition
      • 162 2 One sunny afternoon, when Ah Seng and All had finished their homework, *they decided to go fishing. They brought along their fishing rods, pails and a bottle of worms. They went to a pond nearby. They sat under a big tree and started to fish. They threw their fishing
        162 words
  • 第2页 其他
    • 536 2 Prince Henry Part 1 About 1450, the printing press was invented 1 This meant that books could be made easily and cheaply. After the printing press was invented, there were more books from which people could get new ideas and information. Many. people learned to read. As more people read
      536 words
    • 363 2 They 4. Why were the goods from Asia expensive in Europe? They 5. What Asian products were mentioned? They 6. What were used to transport the products to Europe? 7. What three things made the task difficult? 8. What would help the merchants to make more money? Solutions: (A) 1.
      363 words
    • 181 2 V V V x\\N\X\^^\^\\N\X\^\\:\\XV-\\%\\NXX\X\\..^ \vVV\MAAAM>\^\A^VV\AMAnVV^VV\An\AAn\A^V^ Omitting The Article You have seen some examples of the times when the article (a, an or the) is omitted. Here are other examples. Certain phrases consisting of a preposition followed by its object need no article. List A: at in town in time in
      181 words

  • 新园林
    • 116 3  - 英勇南炅在能可数对他到佩真的 XXX 一桕〇他学秦感一一他怎 XXX 「在迎新週是道他很有台可有亮会他有唱了乐在曾似
      116 words
    • 56 3  - 给乐女形一我用妳妳前很人妳得青妳表、多可对我具的朵飘人只妳迫天、几没妳身人用去因惑妳并是跟妳有妳这在
      56 words
    • 70 3  - 布莱蓝袋为整焦恐人途了为人的巴日相在一询载是车刺路久一车压滚一下的吗但瀑外汗潺在作所难癞阵划眼谈一清
      70 words
    • Article, Illustration
      58 3  - 问华宓漫心知堤的沫谁个。人想弟王大安我时云身为更的很的也不云姐使养我云你楚风。顿时流爸肚的望云回浙滿
      58 words
    • 49 3  - 沉沉寒沉我习这声来寺天幽来曾〇当钟耳入个奕澱全〇这声了灵这声感〇这声是世〇长漫有在绿少功而败於敲〇
      49 words