Sin Chew Youth, 7 May 1980

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Sin Chew Youth

  • 英文学园
    • Composition
      • 390 2 I got off the bus when I reached my destination. I still had- to walk a fairly long distance from the bus-stop to my house. As I was walking along the pavement. I heard the screeching of brakes. After a moment, there was a loud bang and
        390 words
      • 244 2 One fine morning, my friends and I were in a boat on our way to a nearby island. However, before we could arrive at the island, dark clouds gathered in the sky. A strong wind began to blow hard and we thought that our boat would sink. Fortunately,
        244 words
      • 194 2 In my opinion, the ideal Singaporean must be bilingual, hardworking, honest, polite, courteous and considerate. He must have national consciousness and national loyalty too. All the students in Singa- pore must study English either as the first or second language. English is spoken everywhere in the world.
        194 words
  • 第2页 其他
    • 414 2 (A) Funny Advertisement Ah Fook: I’ve lost my rabbit. Ah Teng: Why don’t you put an ad in the newspaper? Ah Fook: Don’t be silly: He can’t read! (B) Miracle Classes Optician: Here you are: your new pair of glasses. Hock Kee: Thank you (putting them on). Will I be
      414 words
    • 309 2 丨 jjoining Sentences Sentences can be joined together into one sentence with the use of joining words called conjunctions or connectives of one kind or another. Given these words, rewrite each pair of sentences by joining them together into one sentence. Example: Sentence 1: The stone missed .■-the dog. Sentence
      309 words

  • (新园林)
    • 95 3  - 友情二稀「位当的默明话入我一来唐山传来高父病有们了意生塗我觉绕她的又我。考去爱慰更相布我地只语「男近
      95 words
    • Article, Illustration
      91 3  - 海我家每那大地股「妈「折好我我么玩金世福这现记子每年小那 r 公公长得怎 r 看相片不就「这么小张于那 r
      91 words
    • Article, Illustration
      44 3  - 灯下乐当把得过就 XX 为健康天愁深担挨完不有我份 XXX 无的好也是器人泰待〇 X X 人感影当感久不那么
      44 words
    • 124 3  - 响文吴「、題子空知道顾想将是飽报讲话特地作我李小说不少说的逗生的 r 怎样裁生使中语听却惊接下来的是 r 发
      124 words
    • 30 3  - 给南张花满树该没更南妳圣抚在老妳光妳抚甦妳营花果歌千我迎但千
      30 words