Sin Chew Youth, 25 January 1980

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Sin Chew Youth

  • 英文学园
      • 216 2 One Sunday morning, my mother was free. So, she decided to take me to the NTUC Supermarket for marketing. It was far away from my house, so we went there by bus. At about nine o’clock, we reached there. We went into the supermarket and
        216 words
      • 187 2 Mrs. Tan had an alarming experience a couple of days ago. That day, Mrs. Tan was going out to the shops. Since Mrs. Tan lived on the fourteenth floor, she had to take a lift down. As the lift came to tenth floor, the door opened. A
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  • 第2页 其他
    • 165 2 Words Words? Words! m 'SSay It In Another Way There are many ways of saying the same thing. For example, after climbing up a hill, we can say; 1. I’m tire dL 2. I'm exhausted. 3. I'm fatigued. 4. I,m weary. Let's see if you can use different adjectives for
      165 words
    • 61 2 B: stork C: stroke A lieutenant is a man with a higher than a sergeant. A: rent B: rant C: rank You may need a to collect all the leaves The o The c Sample Answers; 1. He did not know the object of the exercise. He failed to know
      61 words
    • 271 2 An old story tells about a hero, Jason, and the golden of a sheep. A: fleas B: fleece C: flees A is a dog. A: bound B: hound C; pound Let me the match for you. A: stride 1. Girl: Mommy, I,ve just found a lost doll. Mother: A lost
      271 words
    • 76 2 B: stripe C; strike Scoring: 15-20 Correct: Very good. 10-14 Correct: Good. 0- 9 Correct: Build up your vocabulary. Solutions; 1C, 2 A, 3C, 4B, 5C, 6B, 7A, 8B, 9B, 10C, 11C, 12A, 13C, 14B, 15C, 16B, 17A, 18B, 19B, 20C. He was discourteous. 6. He tried to flee. He
      76 words

  • 华文学园
    • 53 3  - 婆媳东林萧在儿呼三解务儿喜三为从可。答回面正不过避婆轻轻是总地事小她事是的她婆见牛要不 x X 唉媳「愿样
      53 words
    • 37 3  - 贪心的 I 神话故朔胡有海。四说父亲胡金发老「丈處胡丈得子可念百他两把等的的样从
      37 words
    • 29 3  - 欧南中曾数各我是。略也学你去个什试还动略最踊谢
      29 words
    • 46 3  - 中国课外书介思中「中了道中的纪箭去纪旁后。小的纪一看他方百这要本、品娥乐、和白语读 0
      46 words
  • 第3页 广告
  • 第3页 其他
    • 264 3 Z I 士岛掛犖。褂氺》 hu 牙乐隹裨本 ifd-y- 法。荼 M 章秘中截 i 《诹囤蓽年准量蚩。块抑 fr (Ds 二苳 z ®i 古眙蛊 HI 说「「
      264 words