Sin Chew Youth, 23 January 1980

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Sin Chew Youth

  • 英文学园
    • Results of Picture Composition Contest(Continued)
      • 247 2 Mrs. Lee lived in a flat. Since she lived on the tenth floor, she always took the lift if she wanted to go downstairs. One morning, as usual, she walked to work. She was going to the lift. As she reached there, she saw a man. He was
        247 words
      • 168 2 One evening, Mrs. Lim, who lived on the top floor, came back from work. When the lift that was taking her reached a certain floor, the door opened and came in a man. He had long hair and he was wearing dark glasses and smoking a cigarette too.
        168 words
      • 185 2 One day, Mrs. Tan went to visit her friend who lived in a flat. When she reached there, she saw an untidy man wearing a pair of dark glasses and smoking a cigarette. He was standing outside the lift. Mrs. Tan was in the lift with the
        185 words
      • 134 2 One afternoon, Mrs. Chan was going to her friend’s house. When she reached her friend’s flat, she saw a man with dark glasses waiting for the lift. Mrs. Chan walked into the lift when the lift opened. The man followed her into the lift too. The lift closed
        134 words
      • 284 2 Mrs. Lee is my neighbour. She is a nurse and usually comes home late at night. One night, when she reached the lift, a man was waiting there. He wore a pair of dark glasses and his hair nearly reached his shoulders. At the same time,
        284 words
      • 155 2 One afternoon, Mrs. Wong decided to go to the supermarket. On her way down, she pressed for the lift. After pressing the button, she put her hand away. Soon the lift came and she stepped in. Nobody was in the lift. Mrs. Wong pressed the button
        155 words
      • 183 2 Miss Lee lives in an H.D.B. flat. Her house is on the tenth floor. Every day, when she goes to work or goes home, she has to take a lift. One morning, as Miss Lee got into the lift, a man with dark glasses walked
        183 words
      • 175 2 Mrs. Tan is a working woman. She lives in a housing board flat. She alwavs uses the lift instead of the staircase to go up and down her tenth-floor flat. One day as Mrs. Tan was taking the lift up to her flat, the lift suddenly stopped
        175 words
  • 第2页 其他
    • 240 2 The Winners $10 prize winners: 1. Ng Lai Kuan Pr. 4E Maha Bodhi Sch. 2. Oh Yam Geok Pr. 5A Yeu Nerng Sch. 3. Chong Kim Yuan Pr. 5A Chua Chu Kang G.C.P.S. 4. Took Bee Eng Pr. 6A Si San Public Sch. 5. Pek Ru Shuang Sec. 1 Hope
      240 words

  • 华文学园
    • 48 3  - 爸爸圣若瑟陈「 J 妈 r 吵「还清「着一为爸就支狗他笔爸妈西手挨次的为好照千丈我我有一了地应我掉庭 0
      48 words
    • 22 3  - 实惠游云天自从狂一只是是但坚勇果断在与在同
      22 words
    • 38 3  - 一欧南李天鞋才洗完拿内的有的他出肯我转这妈的愤忽不成我多且脏唉红皂立不并
      38 words
    • 45 3 记一次欧南鲁紧过来班在会到家那老的地我不我。战连当静他真两的映我趣想来近已又雨有到疲第我
      45 words
    • 65 3  - 课外书介谭兄「三回仪 •cjzr !-n 4-H3 事貂一难惜献离间这王大吕王条和饵他是向不说怜了王在董吕。泣一里义一奔蝉这的
      65 words
  • 第3页 其他
    • 388 3 g Y 疟 e 梢 g S1° 劣 HS S S 拓。。踅刦 1 r 。崦 4< 探 •ftc Ely 画飯撇 fe 宏參 S 铟規键私 ■a 班璐呎跑筚燬 1 S 短街 ®1 屮 i KTT
      388 words