Sin Chew Youth, 16 January 1980

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Sin Chew Youth

  • 英文学园
      • 369 2 One Saturday evening, I decided to go to my uncle’s house. I went there because my cousin was getting married next week. She wanted me to help her to buy something to decorate her new house. We went to the shopping centre to buy the
        369 words
  • 第2页 其他
    • 678 2 A: tension B: extend C: tense During his exploration of the Amazon jungle, he discovered an ancient race of hunters. Exploration means A: travel in search of something. B: communication C: friendship with ttie people Exploration comes from the word A: explode B: ration C: explore Giddiness made him fall
      678 words
    • 262 2 B: lease C: least 8. Loh Bin was arrested for making a false declaration. Declaration means A: appearance B: congratulation C: statement Declaration comes from the word 9. The surgeon operated on him because of an intestinal disorder. Intestinal means A: belonging to the bowel B: major or serious C:
      262 words

  • 华文学园
    • 43 3  - 为何不克信柳二承我玩后踏我谈妈好样问这再不后以我么那子架姐小摆爱我了想读资劣我副
      43 words
    • 45 3  - 我丹絨 5 杨白的彩画喜步白字白 0 我在的打有从没 1 有游沙我我似情我其车大些我的我赏的的
      45 words
    • 24 3  - 电我立达黃在奥们在自给生更随在要机电做不电带如停
      24 words
    • 33 3  - 圣安东蓝人快在别就地天告再着提要多而催爸了了而肩我在而搭也掉
      33 words
    • 13 3 语音华 (hu6.) 华 (hud 个例少例代
      13 words
    • 17 3  - 多郭例总例句发例一二例是
      17 words
    • Article, Illustration
      63 3 乘风破蹈 t 國國窃礙有一天一赏来宗我要他叔父听了很很 k 该这样后有命兵军宋敢宗些假于队走打败接战他用用前
      63 words
  • 第3页 其他
    • 117 3 1 一能驀跑的只乎不大。原黄「咕一丛喜大免我开了暴野着伯伯大俩时小我儿侧这「咯「呼山暗身 T r 嗖未箭大「
      117 words

  • 广场
    • 183 4  - 安德逊中学举学校本报特小为表有所至一学生招 Programme 。学 XXX 1 月堂致碰她学学以 XX X 休由学境。然的们的 XXX1 月 “Ever onward, Andersonians,
      183 words
    • 91 4  - 假期 w 征漫我打别经巴黄就把活」 r 心到杂小亲对我几铁养第不小是止 r 心不要箱它鸡才听到地地小一想一草在放
      91 words
    • 62 4 不要对一写给 a 生学的笨很个一是不并妳明证一中上升够能妳可及你得来丨还吧课活上生校校学学去的回采。多久
      62 words
    • 101 4 少编辑先 Ii 有一一的在爱参于。就还我告新学近琴似要我份还母都我钢如果怎好夂怎世因西希个办法创。祝乐凯凯
      101 words
  • 第4页 其他
    • 93 4 今日教育电 ,asjJ 上 8.20— 8.40 8.55- 9.15 9.30 9.50 10.05—10.25 10.45-11.05 11.20-11.40 11.55—12.15 12.30-12.50 下 1.15—1.35 1.50- 2.10 2.25- 2.45 3.00 4.00 4.20 4.35- 4.55 5.10 5.30 数学科学英文英文华语阅读华语道德华语道
      93 words