Sin Chew Youth, 14 November 1979

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Sin Chew Youth

  • 英文学园
    • Composition
      • 158 2  -  Serene Yeo Sec. 4 Pei Dao Sec. Sch. 200, Bukit Timah Road, Singapore 2158. 20th October, 1979 The Public Relations Officer, Kwang Heng Oil Company, 24, Toa Payoh East, Singapore 1231. Dear Sir, Our school is having a “Save Electricity” campaign early in the month of November. As
        158 words
      • 192 2  -  Loh Hor Foon Sec. 3 Dunman Govt. Ch. Mid Sch. Su Lan was walking home after work. She heard someone running after her. Suddenly, someone snatched away her purse. She turned round and saw a man running away with her purse. Although she was taken by surprise,
        192 words
      • 208 2  -  Chai Koh Soun Sec. 4C Kong Yiong High Sch. Imagine you are a flatdweller of a H.D.B. housing estate. You are not pleased with some of the conditions of the surroundings. Write a letter to the bringing their attention to these conditions and urging them to correct the situations.
        208 words
      • 233 2  -  Regina Ng Sec. 4 Hai Sing Girls* High Sch. One Sunday afternoon, I was reading a novel when Lee Khim, my classmate, came to my house. She asked me whether I wanted to go to the General Hospital where our friend, Ling Hoon, was admitted
        233 words
  • 第2页 其他
    • 619 2 `/|["$(\)!^'%_;}*`+_?"./>~?`/}^ Next week, all of you in Secondary 4 will be sitting for your GCE ‘O’ Level paper: English as a Second Language. For practice, attempt these 20 multiple-choice questions. Instructions Select the best answer from each set of options. Then write A, B, C or D in the bracket.
      619 words
    • 66 2 B: bottle C: tube D: tin Can you give me a Before you go in, please A; nod B: nought C: knock D: not I am hungry. Let us get a A: snap B: snack C: slack D: strap 13. How many of ice-cream can you have in a cone?
      66 words
    • 72 2 16. He was he was found A: live B: lived C: lives D: alive 17. Nobody could bad manners. A; bore B: bend C: bear D: bake 18. The man was unable to walk fast. A: lame B: lean C: lively D: light 19. We saw a lightning. A: smash
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  • 华文学园
    • 82 3  - 父莱佛邱这连那狂一的我睛是自能光母煎管徒过个书还我那神。母 J, 那么后了以是个了。能的我等地凝按恿要们想
      82 words
    • 41 3  - 不丹绒加王一阵阵的寒风棵爱是那它无当唯于做双我我的不给毕也才能窗那祖倒短评穎
      41 words
    • 59 3  -  I 语文凌编一成例长例中二例认 0 法律例织家三例一例来吃四赤例河例径五例子例冲
      59 words
    • 61 3  - 奇 I 成语秦编战国时代秦国有一个常有一次当他来到听丛起来吕能得他的父亲回答吕倍他的父亲回答吕山河他了。
      61 words
    • 51 3  - 容 I 语音何编吼一 0 吼「吼 J 不念 hh6u 吼北二 r :①hhua J 读当姓 > 不念 ***** > 三徘 (P 6i 「思犹豫「徘徊 J 的正怀不是 P& 回
      51 words
    • 67 3  - 课外书散「小故事做「先整水弟学在边一弟想讲当把弟去接下常面见了 J 又冒出来了的了刻东。上到心惕地诉大这
      67 words

  • 广场
    • 79 4  - 淡马锡初 I 学校本报特于在会节表技的烈象华团走情淡初的中处政甚当笛值在的周不过们访然有但教团该据团根大
      79 words
    • 69 4 我看 ft 多读所血人主义』响可说至深的话虽然说的存而息合我阅说值部面武迷情同们春何面我的 r 追」了下去看完
      69 words
    • 30 4  - 也谈「爱江并情小 r 言情小因确的爱情的另里观存的为金偏空很难健我
      30 words
    • 75 4  - 勇写戀靑如从为苦和意朋是〇现无地果学么作挂法求会些于为顾老类都。一当「说客 J 左一还问但认优工少少厂父
      75 words
    • 56 4 少编辑叔您一替谢我禋哥。么要子买头痛理父责过言的但什到的由在都口也以处道〇每会否有破我我同对从不的。
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