Sin Chew Youth, 5 November 1979

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Sin Chew Youth

  • 英文学园
    • Composition
      • Article, Illustration
        227 2  -  Sum Pui Lan, Sec. 2E Nan Chiau Girls’ High Sch- “Let’s go to Sentosa Island for a picnic tomorrow,” my father said. My mother, sister and I were very happy when we heard that because we could go there to swim. I got up early in the morn-
        227 words
      • 286 2  -  Tay Yen Kia Sec. 2B Hui Yi Govt. Ch. Mid. Sch. One night, I was watching television with my family. We were talking and laughing because of the programme. At nine o'clock, the programme finished. When I was going to sleep, I heard many people shouting.
        286 words
  • 第2页 其他
    • 168 2 li! I Multiple -Choice Questions (Topic Pronouns !u r«i 十卜 1 十二亡 Select the best answer and write A, B, C or D in each bracket. 1. Ahmad is not here today. Can anyone tell to come tomorrow? 2. My brothers are at home. are studying for
      168 words
    • 203 2 B: she C: hers D: her’s 9. Is she the girl has the largest 10. 11. apple? A: who B; which C: whom D: whose That is the man daughter was killed in an accident. the was very teacher scolded naughty. A: who B: which C: whom D: whose 12.
      203 words
    • 22 2 15. He was talking to when we saw him. 16. Those boys hurt during a game of hockey. A: herself B: ourselves
      22 words
    • 258 2 C: himself D; themselves The cat was killed was brown and large. A: he B: which C: it D: she I am sure that you have not seen talking to myself. I 懸 •»^r> m Write 10 sentences about the two pictures, using the following groups of words. You may
      258 words
    • 22 2 C: he D: it Solutions: IC, 28, 3C, 4A, SD, 6D, 78, BC, 9A 108, 11C, 12B,13C, 14A, 15D, 16D,17B, 18C,19A, 208.
      22 words

  • 华文花园
    • 41 3  - 怎样做立达黃我努国上国光怎列几我为二要有强体一会的敬助元公这要总几民
      41 words
    • 59 3  - 陈秀父亲是世上亲父。了大很经已爱纪的年匠木个了一是失他小从却。 ^7- 活生碑 J gg 我 g 神 ,5;- 过 I 的文他
      59 words
    • 58 3  - 我做了伟励陈助体那巴坐久这有让当角有面想里我现。发看 1 来 ■Jf- 。一钱个脊上告居们么面码给主尚挂便居女 r 谢
      58 words
    • 28 3  - 参加笃行林什活大类。队等我煆锐制在救一学等最所它余我们
      28 words
  • 第3页 其他
    • 216 3 伦的这到层有线伦程完全是英国机儿不很辆第重近线降夸下要地依便 <] 1> 详最号华文 1• 地下铁 2• 车都 3• 4• 题 5• 6• 方
      216 words

  • 广场
    • 230 4 崇拜歌星明记校见知是到影说请我鼎过们崇拜 0 当朋谈索什么会心么票的却演义爱真主让影位更为几交许「疑表声
      230 words
    • 44 4  - 我也来谈「维多。方看看一有有的「时书我们处。又如於「说我难「那墨何可者还行得而不还会行总适
      44 words
    • 57 4  - 何必问同寒读了 10 月 2 位何问答要个态人何么做况斯文败堪幸地因以、紧念三以不更最后中学生可以不可问家的。
      57 words
    • 83 4 少编您您我有至朋功不的同发全拔是的我却了很课下他、功去本信家写一小有故高学他请什成祝工庆庆你扬照如好
      83 words