Sin Chew Youth, 24 October 1979

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Sin Chew Youth

  • 英文学园
    • Composition
      • 235 2  - I Did Not Believe In Ghosts Until Tan Eng Koon Sec. 4K Chung Hwa Girls' High Sch. I did not believe in gnosts until one rainy night. Rain was falling, lightning flashed and thunder roared. I was sleeping peacefully. Suddenly I felt someone shaking my shoulders. I quickly rubbed my
        235 words
      • 261 2  -  Tan Hee Peow Pre-U 2 Upper Aljunied Tech. Sch. Many people think that the life of a newsvendor is easy. But, in fact, it is not as easy as they think. The newsvendor must get up very early in the morningAfter breakfast, he goes quickly
        261 words
  • 第2页 其他
    • 304 2 i Having a good vocabulary is an advantage if you want to pass the GCE ‘O’ Levei paper in English as a Second Language with a good grade. For practice, select the best answer from the four options. Write A, B, C or D in the brackets provided. s operation.
      304 words
    • 547 2 Some people take an aspirin to get relief from A; pain B: stain C: rain D: gain Nobody wants to himself with bad company. A; assemble B: associate C: assault D: assume There is between them as they do not talk to each other. A: diction B: mention C: friction
      547 words
    • 85 2 C: entrance D: dessert 16. The buyer wishes to know the price of the building. A: interesting B: intact C; interested D: intake 17. He earns a large from his hobby. A: interest B: income C: increase D; money 18. On close the *diamond, turned out to be a worthless
      85 words

  • 华文学园
    • 43 3  - 参观莱佛士杨我汽有队以增那我四数后五丰我们释我忙真时的面棒到千这人。都我包凉。得问多一
      43 words
    • 26 3  - 博理中庞故我您十十如我您摇变围也而还啊您部每这有
      26 words
    • 27 3  - 我的小数。了我学师老学可化我自绩回教楚讲可它我不
      27 words
    • 50 3  - 多语文知郭编北风怒发一思狂例句到例伤二思例例 W 免例头 a 例句例把例出令 hao 号号
      50 words
    • 40 3  - 认吴羊角豆 y6ng jia 四季豆 sT jT ddu "nr U 、瓜 huang gua kfi gu6 (Rn qk 茄子力豆」 dS 0 d 青 s( qTng ddu 蚕豆 c6n 马铃薯 mS
      40 words
  • 第3页 其他
    • 113 3 令一下各出在】开会 2• 花的 3• 同样 4• 个传 5 对最理 6• 7• 8• I■ 居 9• 哄 10• 好加以二下四代 1• 学应 2• 要 3• 是非。 4• 神品。
      113 words

  • 广场
    • 72 4  - 华义中学 I 学校罗心出号仰一此的的组奋兴书分义万着抱是艺于带我学物时前中年三投情师都这庆幸是版〇前么义
      72 words
    • 55 4 不旁给同所些能因能戴用不他能。闹立你误一维样这。方对解用利在学是同 I 並既学最助帮的小美不芝的一不「过
      55 words
    • 113 4 少编我望是非点鱼后口分一是合巳对此国到为需亲我把一也学错她是火臂的苦母。办谢林林你动是也你你女忙也亲
      113 words
    • 82 4 学我 ft 这。生可加样舞属题会舞加参疑该应不应们生学一可是的会舞加。的可道识不知认尝未如是会舞加参舞潮我
      82 words
    • 26 4  - 交朋友给武吉。詠看点 f 2 淑可女需你望说你的则妹最生
      26 words