Sin Chew Youth, 12 October 1979

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Sin Chew Youth

  • 英文学园
    • Composition
      • 209 2  -  Seah Poh Puay Sec. ID Nan Chiau Girls’ High Sch. Siew Mei is my best friend. She is a person I like best. She is fourteen years old. She has a small mouth and big eyes. She is very beautiful. She is of medium size.
        209 words
  • 第2页 其他
    • 454 2 i m m m i (A) MULTIPLE-CHOICE QUESTIONS The passage: An Early Morning Stroll Few people know how enjoyable an early morning stroll is. One morning, I woke up early because I wanted to go for a morning stroll. It was quite dark when I set out. There were not
      454 words
    • 252 2 form D; shirtless 4. It was dark and at the time. A: quiet B: silence C: quite D: silently 5. The writer was out strolling A: at night B: the whole morning C: for one hour Q: for breakfast (B) FREE RESPONSE QUESTIONS The passage: Pocket Money Parents give their
      252 words
    • 276 2 saving some of the money? Response: 3. 'What is “-badly” in the sentence 'They may want something badly Response: 4. What is the purpose of not spending too much during the first week or two? On The Road m ¥w i m 轉、 f I I i9m Ml f
      276 words
    • 74 2 55. Where can students save their money? Response: Answers for checking: (A) Multiple-choice Questions 、 IB, 2D,38, 4A, SC. (B) Free-response Questions 1. They buy food during recess. 2. They can buy what they have wished for. 3. It means “very much”. 4. The purpose is to make sure that
      74 words