Sin Chew Youth, 8 August 1979

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Sin Chew Youth

  • 英文学园
    • Composition
      • 147 2  -  Teh Choon Hwee Pr. 6 Choon Guan Sch. Last Wednesday as May Lan was getting ready for school, her mother saw some dark clouds in the sky. So she told May Lan to carry an umbrella to school, but May Lan refused. She thought it would not
        147 words
      • 221 2  -  Toh Bee Lan Pre-U I Catholic Junior College Singapore has achieved success in many ways. One is the building of numerous blocks of flats all over the island. Families with moderate income can live comfortably and happily in these flats. Living in a flat, we can
        221 words
  • 第2页 其他
    • 388 2 A: stole B: steals C: steal to school, he had some exercise. A: Walked B: Walks C: Walking Loh Bin had no time from the police. A: to escape B: escaped C; escape It’s time they A: go 20. The book is A: prised B: prized C: priced Scoring: Now
      388 words
    • 229 2 C'mon, man! How many words ending in MAN do you know? Well, here are the clues. See if you can get all the words. 1. A person in charge of a meeting. man 2. You need him when your house burns. man 3. He works in a ship. man 4.
      229 words

  • 华文学园
    • 59 3  - 新世 C 装「皇徒从他有是用蠢皇他过的不也己工意背给 ?3 又实来实最子说 r 陛皇道 !J 点假第骗一过人也「可突跟皇
      59 words
    • 46 3  - 打小电节津边桶、已等我杂物三然以把吠种究有各自生死斗三奋小爸敲引头门是快我说这我们来。也蛇
      46 words
    • 24 3  - 多音丨语音郭編中鹤鹄一的例长二鹅望是「直立例
      24 words
    • 17 3  - 莱佛中吴黄彩色自由 I 我如果在将生
      17 words
    • 33 3  - 哥哥玛裕中林从自是可丨了呀家心关么多是哥哥前以定他是想服可我们
      33 words
    • 43 3  - 我 Wmmllllli 上到 r 糟了我忘了「惯他 r 你别神气丨你每天插在说。经书记见这那到非那着放地睡最后笔丢听
      43 words
  • 第3页 其他
    • 98 3 m 黄一下释的在括 1• 要 2• 3 敌人 4 如 5 发 6 牛创 7• 作 J 8 它宙引申 9• 10 老饱满二下四代 1• 天他不 2•— 3• 4• 城城的西吃
      98 words