Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 26 June 1923

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

    • 303 2 London, June 12,—The following are County Cricket results: Middlesex vs. Yorkshire. Middlesex.—lst innings, 289 (Hearne 175 not out) 2nd innings, 112 (Rhodes 3 for 13). Yorkshire.—lst innings, 168 (Kilner 59 not- out, Duiston 5 for 25) 2nd innings. 235 for 4 (Holmes 89, Sutcliffe 76). Glamorgan vs.
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    • 200 2 London. June 10. —The new golf club with holes punched in the face to give check to the ball, introduced by the American golfers at practice and to be used in the Open Golf Championship beginning at Troon on Monday afternoon, lias been declared illegal by the
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    • 160 2 London, June 12. —In the first round of the Ranelagh Open Challenge Cup the Tigers beat the Robots by 7 goals to 5 after an exciting finish. Both sides entered the seventh and last chukker level at 5 gaols all. Then Major Atkinson hit the sixth goal
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    • 63 2 London, June 12.—1 n the Kent Lawn Tennis Championships at Beckenham, many famous players watched an exhibition match between the American crack W. M. Johnston, who has recently ar rived from Paris wh re he won the world’s hardcourt title, and the AngloIndian, Leighton Crawford. Johnston won
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 2101 2 Short Classified COLMAN’S D.S.F. MALACCA 2!£!I ,CIP4LITV j e -a r TTQ np A The Municipal Commissiomers of the [lncorporated in Penang.] A rivarticpmpnfc IVILJSI AJ\U Town and Fort of Malacca will receive to on the 30th Tnne 1923 lost scrip. J V q i t i Jp I S
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    • 387 2 MJI Ftf In Large, Red Spots. Very Painful. Caticura Heals. •’My little girl’s fece hroi- eont a rash which t ook the £c- 5 Ut In red spots and itched and They were very nail uarneda dry nature.' They diU^\ of and I had to keen her out of r
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  • 1279 3 A MUTINY STORY. The late Lord Northcliffe travelled to Singapore by the Nyanza which he described as an old tub, and under date November 29, 1921, the diarist records Nearing Singapore: Everything hot and steamy; cigarettes droop in the fingers. November 30th. We arrived
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  • 116 3 June 26 —Concert, Naval Party. Town Hall, 9.30 p.m. 26—Entries for Ipoh Races Close. 26 Municipal Commission. 4 p.m. 26, 28. 30 —Moonlight Band Performances, Esplanade. 28—Yarak Rubber Co.. Annual Meeting. 8 King Street. 11 a.m. 30. July 1,2 —Malayan Agri-Horti-cultural Show, K.L. July 2—Penang Turf Club. Special
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 290 3 for sound construction And good service you cannot find a tyre that warrants your recommendation as a trader more than the NORTH BRITISH “CLINCHER CORD” OBTAINABLE FROM ALL GARAGE. AGENTS FOR PENANG. K. LEE SAN CO., 81 BEA E C N 1 N S G TREET Sole Agents: WILLIAM JACKS
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    • 151 3 BODY CHILLS. In the moist heat of this tropical climate one can never feel safe from catching a chill. The least exertion causes excessive perspiration and then, either a sudden gush of wind if out of doors, or rhe draught from an electric office fan strikes the body in its
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    • 186 3 1 MAKE YOUR OWN GRAMOPHONE RECORDS 2 The Latest and Greatest Gramophone Novelty. g I Ml" WMlfrfelX Your Own S jjlj Voice or Your Best Ml S 1U Song can D| S be Pro- W "I O,l x T I I I KODISK RECORDS in your own home, on your
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  • 763 4 Sir Robert Borden enters his 70th year to-day. To day is the sixth anniversary of the landinz of American troops in France. Mr. G. P. Bnidney, Auditor-General. F. M. in the Kinta District this week. Mr. Birkinshaw has been appointed to act as Chief Agricultural Inspector.
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  • 511 4 Interesting Exhibition by Navymen. An interesting series of boxing bouts in which with one exception, the men of IL M. S. Diomede and H. M. S. Magnolia figured, drew a large crowd to the Esplanade last evening. Each bout was keen and fairly evenly contested and the combatants went
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  • 142 4 P. C. C. v. H. M. S. DIOMEDE. The two teams met on the Esplanade yesterday afternoon and as on the previous occasion the match was witnessed by a large crowd which was further augmented after the boxing bouts were over. In the first half the local team had
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  • 56 4 (From Our Own Correspondent). Kuala Lumpur, June 6. In the course of a football match on the Kuala Lumpur Padang—Chinese versus Tamils—two Chinese were sent off the field, one for foul play and the other for insolence to the Referee. Afterwards excited crowds lingered on the field,
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  • 76 4 The Municipal Band will play the following programme of music at the Esplanade from 8.30 to 10.30 to-night:— 1 March The Top Notch Arthur 2 Overture Soir D Automne Bouillon 3 Waltz Moon Dreams Eville 4 Selection Vanity Fair Finck 5 Bolero Tricotrin Hume 6 Fox Trot
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  • 197 4 NORTH VS. SOUTH. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, June 25. The match between teams representing the North and the South was played at Ipoh yesterday, and ended in a win for the South by two goals to nil. The South commenced the game with a reputedly stronger forward
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  • 68 4 THE JUNE MEDAL. The play in the Penang Golf Club’s June Medal competition resulted as follows K. W. H. Austin 86—10—76. E. T. M. Lias 84 —7 —77. N. A. M. Griffin 91 —14 —77. P. J. Sproule 88 —9—79. J. S. Ferrier 92 —9 —83. Thirteen
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  • 53 4 The following P. G. C. tennis ties are fixAl for Thursday, 2Sth June: Men’s Doubles (Handicap).—Davies and Clark v. Bird and Everest (1). Men’s Singles “B.” —Gibson v. Hogan (2) Austin v. Evans (3). Ladies’ ’Singles.—Miss J. Dennys v. Miss B. Brown (4) Mrs. Poweil v.
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  • 35 4 CHAMPIONSHIPS AT PENANG. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, June 26. The Malayan Tennis Championship finals have been fixed for Penang during the August Bank Holiday week end, also the open doubles event.
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  • 112 4 According to the “Indian Daily News” of Calcutta, the first prize in the Calcutta sweep was won by a gentleman in Zanzibar, who sold half the ticket. He agreed to take Rs. 50,000 for half from a syndicate of ten which was rapidly got up to buy
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  • 54 4 London, June 7. —The outstanding feature of the Derby was the running of Parth who is owned by the Bombay owner Mr. Goculdas. Parth lost about ten lengths by his slow start but finished going faster than Papyrus and Pharos. Critics say that his display augurs
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  • 99 4 London, June 7.—A woman mill-work-er won £31,517, having drawn Papyrus in the Otley Unionist Club Sweep. In the Stock Exchange Sweep the £25,000 winning ticket, it is stated is hold by a member of the House of Commons. Women were notably successful in other sweeps
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  • 982 4 ACTION IN SUPREME COURT. In the Supreme Court, Penang, this morning, before the Hon. Air. Justice P. J. Sproule, the hearing of an action was commenced in which E Rostados, planter, Padang Malau Estate, Perlis sues Seena Dawoodsah, in matters arising out of an action
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  • 428 4 PENANG VETERANS COMPANY CHALLENGE SHIELD. The Challenge Shield presented by the members of the Penang Veterans Company is for competition between Volunteer Units in the Straits Settlements. The unit is a leader and four men of any rank from platoons, or correspondent units where not infantry, the leader
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  • 102 4 The following are the important changes in the share report of the Malaya Co., Ltd., for to-day. Rubber Shares. Buyers Sellers Bassett Rubber Co Ltd 1 02i 1.074 Kedah Rubber Cq Ltd 2.25 2.45 Malaka Pinda Rnnber Ests 1.40 1.46 Ttunbalak Rubber Ests .70 .774 Tin Shares
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 134 4 Something for Nothing. FREE ADVICE ON ELECTRIC ENERGY. The Municipal Electricity Supply Department is now prepared to consider applications for the supply of electric energy for driving workshops and factories at an exceptionally low rate. Amongst the various applications to which Electricity is being supplied in Penang to-day may be
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    • 468 4 O ADVERTISEIIgg Wanted—aged 2| for estate—Tuin-'n f r ch >ld Apply Box Ko. 174. e/o Pi na 'gazette TO LET. House No, 225-ri fitted with electric lichi, M .Tnly. 192.3. Apply to DUt No. 10, Johore Road. °°dford, FOR SAIX Pia '>y H. M. specially made for tropics and condition.
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    • 272 5 j.mdon. June 12. M. Stambulinsky sin ply to °k t 0 h* s lee^s an d ran to save his life "hen cornered, according to an c j a version cabled from Sofia. It ap>ars that when M. Stambulinsky found t ie situation too hot he
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    • 155 5 London, June 11. —It is reported from t onstantinople that the heirs of Sultan Abdul Hamid have despatched a special ier to Lausanne carrying documents Ismet Pasha to establish their joint < ito inheritance of the estates, pro- !■>. :a and concessions in the oil regions. h are
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    • 151 5 London, June 12. —The Constantinople —presentatives of the British and French companies who went to Angora at the suggestion of their respective Governments to settle their affairs with the Turks outside the Treaty are returning nne bv one with the task unaccomplished angry at the Angora Government's
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    • 118 5 London, June 10. —The “Weekly Despatch’s’’ Naples correspondent states that Vesuvius, which was lately active, has entered a new phase. An eruption in the region of the volcano has shaken the earth and there have been tremors °n the south eastern side. The cone of the crater collapsed,
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    • 52 5 London, June 14. —The Prince of Wales, touring the Black Country, was enthusiastically received at Wolverhampton, "here the Corporation presented an address of welcome. Half-a-million people witnessed his progress through the gailydecorated streets of Dudley, and he was x bv a massed choir of school Mildren
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    • 357 5 London, June 14.-The wooden open a.r ward of the Highbury (Ministry of l>een' Ol llo spi al at Birmingham has wire i k'7 d Wn Fifteen in bed, mostly spinal cases, many whicbTk We,e Strapped to the Barnes on which they were carried out. Two perished
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    • 226 5 London, June 14. —Attention was drawn in the House of Lords, to the Socialist menace. Lord Birkenhead, who is apprehensive of a Labourite majority at the next elections, denounced as wicked the appropriation of Trade Union funds for political purposes and asked if the Government
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    • 169 5 London, June 14. —Despite mourning for the death of Princess Christian the third Court at Buckingham Palace last evening was a brilliant spectacle. The black gowns of the Royal party on the dais Jorrned a wonderful background for the silver dresses of the debutantes and the wealth
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    • 69 5 London, June 12. —In the Commons replying to Mr. Becker, Earl Winterton said that he was not aware of any large number of cases of white children who were left orphans in India and adopted by Indians or Eurasians. He did not doubt that if
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    • 272 5 London, June 13. —The abolition of evening dinner was among the drastic suggestions made by the domestic servants champion, Miss Jessie Stephen, member of the Bermondsey Council and Secretary of the Domestic Workers’ I nion, in giving evidence before the Servants Inquiry Committee. Dinners were a fetish.
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    • 193 5 London, June 12.-—Mr. Lloyd George, in a letter to “The Times,” denies the prevalent impression that he concurred during the early post-AA ar conferences in demanding “incalculable sums” from Germany. He says that he always resisted with all his power the “extravagant French demands.’
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    • 136 5 London, June 13.—Mr. Lloyd George's letter to “The Times” has started a lively controv rsy.. A correspondent of the “Observer” says that while the British Empire Delegation justly claimed the inclusion of pensions in Reparations as the only means of recovering a portion of Great
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    • 89 5 London, June 14.—The Committee appointed by the Labour Executive to enquire into the liquor trade has reported that it regrets that reformers are wasting their energies in attempting to secure Prohibition, which the Committee considers impracticable. There were no signs that the British people were likely
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    • 69 5 London, June 12.—A committee of three Privy Councillors, namely, Viscount Ullswater (Chairman), Lord Mildmay and Sir Eveyln Cecil, has been appointed to serve for the period of the duration of the Government to report to the Prime Minister in accordance with the recommendation of the Royal
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    • 100 5 London, Jerne 13. —To-day was Rose Day in London. Queen Alexandra drove through the streets in an open carriage, the footmen being attired in scarlet and purple which is usually reserved for State occasions. She was enthusiastically welcomed by large crowds everywhere in the streets. White
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    • 65 5 London, June 11.—The Lobby correspondent of “The Times” states that Earl Winterton and Sir John Campbell are attending a meeting of the League of Nations Committee in the House of Commons on Tuesday to explain the position of the Government of India regarding the control of
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    • 52 5 London, June 12.—Replying to Colonel Yate, Earl Winterton said that in view, of conditions in India, Viscount Peel did not consider that the amounts should be forfeited by candidates in India failing to secure the required number of votes. He did not propose to reopen
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    • 29 5 London, June 11. —Paderewski displayed all his old mastery of the pianoforte on his re-appearance on the European concert platform at Paris after several years’ musical retirement.
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    • 86 5 London, June 11. —A message from Douglas, Isle of Man, says that a fine strong wind favoured the start of the •Junior Tourist Motor-Cycle Trophy Race of 226 miles for which 72 entered. S. Woods, riding a Cotton finished in 243 mins. 47 secs. H. Harris, riding an
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  • 138 5 In the Third Police< Court, Singapore. Mr. Gourlay sentenced Peck Cheng Bong, head cashier of the Straits Times Press. Ltd., who had surrendered to the police, to thre months’ rigorous imprisonment foi misappropriating an amount of £B6. representing three bills paid to him. He was also charged
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  • 96 5 Peking June 14.—The capital is at present without a President and without a Cabinet following the recent resignation of the Cabinet and the President, Li Yuan-hung, the latter owing to throats that troops would be brought in unless he vacated office. He entrained for Tientsin, and
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 182 5 mothers, this is a serious TROUBLE NEGLECTED IT MAY BE FATAL. Anywhere, but especially in the Far East, diarrhoea in infaats and young childien is a dangerous ailment, and one which should not be neglected. If you find that your child has diarrhoea, never give medicine to check the movement
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    • 315 5 rfb-yra» i First consignment sold in a few days, new stock cabled for just to hand. j Order yours now. ‘THE “ICEBERG” I. i]' RAPID SELF FREEZER (VACUUM PROCESS) J FOR MAKING ICE CREAM NO TURNING f NO SHAKING j HYGIENIC. MAKES CALL YOU HAVE DELICIOUS TO DO IS TO
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  • 1324 6 From time to time in the past few months references have appeared in the press to the Imperial Economic Conference which is being held in London this autumn and from now on they are likely to appear more frequently. esterday, for instance, Reuter’s cables contained an allusion to
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  • 1164 6 The Controller of Rubber Export in Malaya has had more Rubber and than* his fair share of Gems. troubles recently, and if in certain aspects control has been somewhat of a misnomer, theie are many who trust that the tighteningup measures will yield much better results in
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  • 54 6 SI B- DIRECTO K ARR ESTE D. Batavia. June 26. A Sub-Director of the Districts Bank at Mffgelang embezzled 250.000 guilders. A sensation was caused by the news of his arrest. He wag conveyed to Seinarang. A run on the Bank followed. The G ©vernnient is
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  • 315 6 The homeward mail, by the Teesta, elopes at noon on Friday, the 29th instant. The B. I. Packet F.Henga, with mails from Europe, is expected to arrive here at 6 a.m. on Friday. The mails despat cl mJ fr< m Penang to London on the Ist instant by
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 400 6 FEDERATED MALAY STATES RAILWAYS. THE MALAYAN AGRI-HORTICULTURAL SHOW. KUALA LUMPUR 1923. The Malayan Agri-Horticultural Show will be held in Kuala Lumpur on 30th June ami Ist ami 2nd July 1923. Cheap Tickets, all classes, at a single fare for the double journey phis $2/Admission Fee to the Show will be
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    • 23 6 “E. O.” Dancing after Dinner on Wednesday, 27th instead of Tuesday, June 26th. Friday, 29th Guest Night—Dancing. Saturday, 30th Special Tiff in Orchestra.
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 136 6 I H. M. S. “DIOMEDE” CONCERT PARTY i In aid of the Trafalgar Orphan Fund By Kind Permission of Capt. G. HOPWOOD, C.8.E.. R.N. I AT THE TOWN HALL. Tuesday, 26th June, at 9-30 p.m. Admission $2, $1 and 50 cents (Sailors.) Booking at ROBINSON. ilj LYRIC KINEMA LTD., JETS?
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    • 23 6 THE tides: High Water. Low Water. To-day. 10.59 p.m. 3. 18 p.m. To-morrow. 11.19 a.m. 5. 7 a.m. 11.49 p.m. 6. 5 p.m.
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  • 399 7 Rhineland as a Buffer Republic. PRIVATE report arouses I R| II INDIGNATION. Reuter’s Telegrams.] London, June 25. Whilst the Anglo-French Reparations n versations are hampered by the delay in the Belgian Cabinet reconstruction. lCC ordinu’ to Paris newspapers, a slight modification of the standpoints of both
    Reuter’s Telegrams.]  -  399 words
  • 237 7 London, June 10. —“The Times,”’ in a special article, states that the further collapse of the mark has completely demoralised business conditions in Germany. During the week-qpd it reached 400.000. The Berlin correspondent of “The Times” states that there has been a boom m shares with
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  • 203 7 London, June 12,—“The Times” Lobby says the Cabinet at a Inee hHig considered the question ft ,a,at ons It is understood the U Hi h i s expressed a strong desire that J.J’ I’ly to the German Note should be ev Allied communication, which is t
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  • 42 7 FRANCO-ITALIAN INTEREST. Moscow. June 25. Signor Piacentini, the new Italian Commercial Agent, has arrived. M. Herriot and other members of the French Commercial Mission are here, actively preparing for participation by French firms in the Nijninovcorod Fair in August.
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  • 22 7 Riga. June 25. A Moscow message says M. Joffe has been officially appointed Soviet representative in the Russo-Japanese negotiations.
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  • 62 7 ALLEGED RECANTATION. Riga. June 25. The Soviet announces that the Patriarch Tekhon has signed a declaration repudiating his past conduct, declaring he has been the tool of Monarchists and expressing loyalty to the Soviet. It appears this will Tie considered at the forthcoming trial. It is generally believed
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  • 82 7 Hamilton (Bermuda), June 2G. The Royal Mail Steam Packet Company’s Caraquet, from Halifax, went on reefs north of Bermuda, and she is believed to be breaking up. Tugs have gone to take off the passengers. [The Caraquet is a steel twin screw three masted steamer of
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  • 40 7 Madras, June 25. The Dutch steamer Sloterdijk reports that the propellor is believed to have fouled wire ninety miles from here. She is in communication with the Dutch steamer Andijk, which will take her in tow.
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  • 56 7 Port Said, June 25. A fire has broken out among hemp in numbers 1 and 2 holds of the Danish steamer Rhodesia.” from Hongkong to America, in the Great Bitter Lakes. The hatches have been battened down. It will probably be necessary to flood the holds. The
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  • 10 7 Constantinople. June 25. Mnstapha Kemal received Count Ochida.
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  • 88 7 A DISMAL OPENING DAY. Wimbledon, June 25. The Lawn Tennis Championships opened in dismal weather. Play was timed to start at two o’clock, and thousands, many of whom were present before ten in the morning, waited in pouring rain till five, when the first of four
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  • 46 7 London, June 11.—The most notable absentees from the Wimbladon lawn Tennis Championships are Krngscote, Gobert, and the Australian teams. Mademoiselle Lenglen is to pan- with Miss Ryan in the Ladies’ DotibDs ami with the brilliant Belgian. V. ashe’’» m the Mixed Doubles.
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  • 231 7 Prohibition Officials Kept Busy. U. S. GOVERNMENT’S POSITION. [Reuter’s Telegrams.] New York, June 25. The liners Caronia,” Cedric,” and Providence arrived with large stores of liquor which will be seized. The Ced ric’s wet goods were listed as surplus medical stores..” The Providence asked permission to
    [Reuter’s Telegrams.]  -  231 words
  • 143 7 AMERICAN PRESIDENT ON THE LIQUOR LAW. Denver. June 25. President Harding, in a speech, expressed the opinion that any change in the prohibition laws, would be in the direction of more effective enforcement. Much evidence was reaching Washington that some States were disposed to abdicate to their
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  • 71 7 TRAGEDY OF PRESIDENTIAL TOUR. Denver (Colorado). June 25. Mr. Sumner Curtis, the well-known newspaper man representing the Republican National Committee, who is accompanying President Harding on his western tour, was killed instantly owing to his automobile plunging into a creek from a cliff. The chauffeur died from
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  • 129 7 A TERRIBLE ACCIDENT.New York, June 25. A terrible accident occurred on the elevated railway, in one of the busiest sections in Brooklyn, through the toppling over of a two-car train. At present it is estimated that six were killed and forty injured. The first car fell
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  • 53 7 Copenhagen, June 25. In the Fanoe. motor races, the Englishman, Campbell, who had previously made a new world’s record of 219.378 kilometres in an hour, has established another world’s record, covering a mile in 26.14 seconds, at a rate of 137 miles an hour. The old record
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  • 126 7 Opening of International Air Congress. (Reuter’s Telegrams.) London, June 25. The seventh International Air Congress was opened in London this morning by the Prince of Wales, and was attended by Sir Samuel Hoare. the Duke of Sutherland and a large and distinguished gathering of the representatives of 16
    (Reuter’s Telegrams.)  -  126 words
  • 72 7 MR. ORMSBY-GORE TO REPRESENT COLONIES. London, June 25. In the House of Commons, replying to Sir John Norton-Griffiths, the Hon. W. Ormsby-Gore Under-Secretary for the Colonies, said he would represent at the Imperial Economic Conference the Colonies and Protectorates, including the smaller islands. It was not proposed
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  • 33 7 Paris, June 25. The Deputy Prosecutor asked that more severe punishment be inflicted on M. Berthelot and M. Pernotte than the other defendants. The Court adjourned till the sth July.
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  • 33 7 London. June 25. Dealings hav? commenced in the Dutch Indian Loan, which went to a half per cent discount and later to I[>. It finished at 1 per cent discount.
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  • 405 7 ACCUSED ACQUITTED. Last week six Chinese were charged before Mr. A.V. Aston. Second Magistrate. Penang, under section (1) of the "Common Gaming House Ordinance, in consequence of a raid made by Inspector Pearson, of the Gambling Suppression Department, on No 55, Kam pong Malabar. After the
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  • 1262 7 Rubber Export Restriction. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore. Juno 2G. In the Legislative Council, a special’ vote of $14,000 for the purchase of two houses and land at Butterworth was carried. Council also approved the grant of $75,000 towards the erection of the Union Jack Club. The Currency
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  • 131 7 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, June 25. The Agricultural Department is said to possess much evidence to show that the giant mimoso, Mimosa invicta, can kill lalang, and it is proposed to try Giant mimosa to destroy lalang on some holdings in North Perak. The experiment will
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  • 228 7 We have received from Alor Star a copy of the list of classes for the Kedah Exhibition of Arts and Crafts and Agricultural Products to be held at Anak Bukit, Kedah, from September 22nd to 24th next to be opened by H. H. the Regent of Kedah. The
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  • 1995 8 Malay Mail.” The P. 1 M. Discussion. At the meeting of the Planters’ Association of Malaya, at Kuala Lumpur, the Secretary said that since the agenda had been printed and issued, the draft of a Bill to be introduced in the Federal Council had been published as a
    “ Malay Mail.”  -  1,995 words
  • 435 8 Messrs Fraser and Co.’ s weekly report dated June 20. states: The steady decline in the price of tin during the past week coupled with weaker advices of the rubber market have had the effect of considerably curtailing business in the local market and for
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  • 141 8 PENANG. JUNE 26, 1923. (By Courtesy of the Chartered Bank.) London Demanil Bank 2/4 1/16 4 months* sight Bank 2/4 5/32 3 Credit 2/4 7/16 3 Documentary 2/4 1/4 Calcutta Demand Bank Rs 173} 1 3 days’sight Private 175} s Bombay Demand Bank 173} 2 Madras Demand Bank 173|
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 370 8 sil IRRS -‘WW* i ■yi? S 3 THE KING OF SPIRITS—- THE SPIRIT OF KINGS. T 11’ N.J. Club was the favourite Whisky of King George IV. Later it was the choice of the bluff u Sailor King who succeeded him. And the same rare quality which brought it into
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  • 469 9 BOY SCOUTS inspected. ,(in Our Own Correspondent.) A lor Star, -June 25. [ln Scout Commissioner for Malaya, y r F. C. Sands, accompanied by the Chairman, Mr. E. A. G. Stuart, !l( M jor J. B. .Neilson M.C. ‘(late H Highlanders), inspected the Gov(illl!!ent English School Troop of
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  • 130 9 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, June 25. The enquiry into the death of Mr. M icKenzie whose motor cycle collided ith a motor car about a week ago, was held yesterday at the Court House. Kuala Kaugsar by the District Officer, Mr. J. M. >ymons. Thirteen
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  • 172 9 Tokio, June 19.—Tha death is announced of Prince Sho, former ruler of Liu Kiu Island. T A. Q, rubber is quoted at 58 spot, ■tnd 57 for future deliveries. No large lots •’ere seen in the market for sale1 ount Uchida, the Minister for Foreign Affairs, has
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    • 277 9 (To the Editor of the “Pinang Gazette.”) Sir, As was anticipated the two wire-pullers” (Chao Kun and Wu-Pei-tu) have at last succeeded in buying over most of the Parliamentarians in Peking while the rest, who have not taken the bait, have departed from the seat of Government and
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    • 173 9 (To the Editor of the ’Pinang Gazette.”) —M ith regard to the statement of the Bishop of Chelmsford which you published in your issue of to-day under the Heading Is The Church Too Respectable the spirit of worldly conformity is invading the churches throughout Christendom.
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  • 200 9 Benares Opium p. chest $.5.000.00 nom. Cloves v 120.00 sellers Gold leaf 72.00 sellers Mace Pickings no stocks Nutmegs 42.00 sellers Coconuts per 1,000 46.00 sellers Copra Sundried 10.70 buyers Rattans 11.20 sellers Rattans Coarse 10.50 Green Snail Shells 13.00 Siam Rice No: 1 15.00 per bag do
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  • 70 9 The following are the latest quotations in Messrs. Kennedy Co.’s share list Yesterday To-day. 32 32 Shares. Js j® s ’©s’® P 3 m gq «2 c. c. c. c. Mining. BatangP. 45 47t 49J. 45 Hitam Tin 1.40 1.424 1.35 1.40 K. Kamunting 46/- 46/6 44/-
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  • 39 9 26th June, 1923 Local. cts. (Smoked Sheet 45-A Penangj Fine Pale Crepe 45Unom (Unsmoked Sheet 40 Singa- (Smoked Sheet 46-1 pore (Crepe 46[> London and New York. london Sheet ls.2d London Crepe R2d New York G 26
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  • 104 9 London. The Straits Trading Co., Ltd., gives the following I.ondon prices, on June 25: Spot £188.15s up 125.6 d 3 mos. buying 189.75.6 d 1 3 selling 189.10 s 175.6 d The Eastern Smelting Co., Ltd:— London, June 25, £188.15s spot, and £189.75.6d three months buying, £lB9 10s
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  • 242 9 —“S. T.” We are indebted to Messrs. Wilson Holgate and Co. for the May report of the Rubber Trade Association of London, giving returns to the end of April. The imports by the United Kingdom in the four months ending April were 24.595 tons in 1923, 21,737 in
    —“S. T.”  -  242 words
  • 289 9 Messrs. Baker, Morgan and Co., Ltd., Kuala Lumpur, report: It is usual for the local race-week to interfere somewhat with the share market and the past week has proved no exception. This and the mere fact that we are in the month of June are enough to
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  • 1092 9 KENNEDY CO’S SHARE LIST. NAMES 2 S a H S'" _A_ IL RUBBER [Dollar.] S eg c 8 e Allenby Rubber Co 1 20 1 25 Alor Gajah Rubber Estate 1 27 1 40 Amalgamated Malay Estates 2 17 2 25 Ayer Hitam Planting Syndicate 13 50 14 00 Ayer
    1,092 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
      174 words

  • 334 10 TO-DAY’S DEPARTURES. Menggala for Deli and P. Brandan. Tydeus for Port Swettenham and Singapore. Padang for Alor Star. Kopah for Deli. Klang for Port Swettenhanir taking mails for Klang, Kuala Lumpur and Singapore. Kampar for Teluk Anson. The sensational fall on June 1 of IndoChina Steam Navigation Company’s
    334 words
  • 395 10 CLOSE DAILY (except Sunday). IT TUN. Federated Malay States, Malacca, Johore and Singapore. Registration and Parcel Post, except where otherwise stated, close half-an hour earlier than the Ordinary mail. FOR AT Batu Gajah, Tapah Road, By train Teluk Anson,-Kuala Kubu, Kuala 7.15 a.m. Lumpur. Klang, Port Swetten-. also
    395 words
  • 516 10 CHOWRASTA MARKET. Penang, June 26, 1923. CtB Government Mutton Head, sheep or goat each 1.00 Liver with heart lung do 1.20 Tripe Jo 1.00 Goat or Sheep per lb 55 Sweet Bread pair 40 Leg of Mutton lb Kidney pair 30 Feet the four 50 Mutton Head, sheep
    516 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 276 10 I DUNLOP I CORD TYRES. </Y Y The sizes marked on tyres JrV are nom really in- Jk /V dicate what rims the tyre ff W XI will (Some makers X do not follow the same S I f H Ihla Stm I H n Practice.) If Hl. J B
      276 words
    • 76 10 When a man asserts his disbelie. in advertising, ask him whose soap he uses, whose beverage» he drinks In nine oases out of ten they will be advertised articles, and though he states that he has not changed his taste for years it proves not so much that he is
      76 words
    • 249 10 llli «MR®?.-- AUSTRALIAN APPLES regular shipments now being received. Singapore Cold Storage Company, Limited, PENANG. Lb i-TuriJ ir ir mmhmun aawma «oesu» IIF~ I.IGNOLITEWOOD PRESERVATIVE As used and recommended by the Indian Forestry Department. SECOND TO NONE BUT CHEAPEST. STOCKED IN 10 GALLON. STEEL DRUMS. I MASTICO RED A Bitumastic
      249 words

  • 1274 11 the plague situation in KUALA LUMPUR. The following minutes of a meeting of the committee for Public Health Education held in the Council Chamber, Government offices, Kula Lumpur, on June 14, are officially supplied.— Present. —Dr. R.. Dowden, (P. M. 0.., F. M. S.) chairman. Dr. A. R.
    1,274 words
  • 397 11 These interesting paragraphs are from the Forest Report: The damage done to mangrove seedlings by crabs and monkeys stir gives trouble. The planting of the seedlings in tin collars as a protection against crabs was fairly successful though si>mewh..t expensive, and sections of ba., bo > were
    397 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 499 11 BANKS. fDF rLANDSCHE HANDEL MAATSCHAPPIJ. TRADING SOCIETY ESTABT ASHED 1824. unital (Paid-Up) f. 80,000,000 abt. £6,666,687 jl]t<ir v Reserve f. 19,445,211 abt. £1.620,434 social Reserve f. 22.660,000 abt. £1,888,333 —Singapore, Calcutta, Hongkong, joon, Medan. Kobe, Kota Radja v Padang, Palembang, Cheribon, p. kalongan, Samarang, Sourabaya. lei). Bandoeng, fjiliatjap. Band Macassar,
      499 words
    • 190 11 •v" vffhree Cats |1 Bv few g-.; j F/l/ /In lltlwwlnr &teL C| GARSTTE s vi for lib evefjfim swT cigarettes you'hty and you can be sure of getting a cigarette that cannot j be bettered no matter what you pay. E The bright golden leaves of Virginia Tobacco used
      190 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1376 12 dollar line n. y. k. THE BLUE FUNNEL LINE INTENDED SAILINGS FROM PENANG. f B via Suez Kobe and Calcutta, calling at Hongkong HOMEWARD. M.S. DOLLAR' Singapore, Penang, Rangoon and vice ADRASTUS June 27 London, Rotterdam and Hamburg. dn e ear ]y j u v versa TEIRESIAS July 4 London,
      1,376 words
    • 704 12 p. 0.-BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR LINES. (Companies Incorporated in England). MAIL, PASSENGER CARGO SERVICES. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL S. N. Co. (Under Contract with His Majesty’s Government) p. O. SAILINGS. LONDON-FAR EASTERN SERVICE. From London Due Penang. To Marseilles London t about eave l'ena n( KASHMIR July 6 DELTA T MACEDONIA
      704 words