Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 27 October 1915

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 974 1 ID I> TOU WANT TO SHIP. BUY OR BELL rubber OB TO FORWARD QOOD9 TO ANY PART 09 TBB VMLD h ALLER DENNYS A Co., 9. wnamx. jui iM. irrnrir n ii NV nDDannßnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnan- SUN LIFE i ""7 1 IVc OF I OFFICIAL Japaa Mail Steamship Co. Id. XI XI
      974 words
    • 62 1 g FOB $3O g 2 \7OU can have the "Pinang a X Gaaetto posted every day n for a «hole year to your addraaa. JJf a (LOCAL SUBSCRIPTION, tITJu Proportionate Quarterly and o Half-yearly rates. g B Bubecriptione are payable in S advanoo and remittancea should a be addreaaed to
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  • Naval Operations.
    • 122 2 [Rkutkr’s Services]. PREMIUMS DOUBLED. [Copyright Telegrams.] (By Submarine Telegraph.) Stockholm, October 25. Owing to the danger of mines and submarines in the Baltic, the war insurance premiums on ships for Germany have been doubled. German Steamer Captured. London, Ootober 23. The German steamer Gerda was captured
      [Rkutkr’s Services].  -  122 words
    • 321 2 Interesting Disclosures. A correspondent writes in the Daily News that the I>s»es inflicted on German submarines have been formidable. We have grappled with the difficulty and we have means of tracing submarines immediately they enter given areas that are amongst the most carefully guarded secrets of the Navy.
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    • 247 2 New York, Sept 2An officer of the White Star liner Adriatic, which arrived from Liverpool to-day, declared that the German submarine which sank the Arabic was caught in a steel net and that the members of the U-boat’s crew are now prisoners in England. After
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  • 15 2 Hague, October 26. A decree prohibits the export of flax from Holland.
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  • 128 2 BRITISH ALTERATIONS. London, October 26. The London Gaz tte publishes an Order in Council abrogating Article 57 of the Declaration of London, whereby the flag which a merchantman is entitled to fly is the sole test of nationality. The Order reverts to the old Priza law.
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  • 57 2 A LARGE MAJORITY. Pretoria, October 26. It is understood that Gene'al Botha, in accepting the mandate of the country, decided to continue in office, with his present colleagues. Two results are st 11 unknown, but General Botha, cooperating with the 39 Unionists already returned, has a large
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  • 42 2 THE ACCUSED SENTENCED. Chiasso, October 26. In the famous Lake Como murder trial, the accused, Charlton, was sentenc'd to 80 months’ imprisonment which dates from the day he wss first imprisoned thus he has only one month to serve.
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  • 219 2 It is five years ago last June since the body of Charlton's wife was found in Lake Como. Charlton was arrested not long after in New Jersey at the request of the Italian authorise», but for three years successfully fought agaii st extradition. Insanity was alleged
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  • 41 2 MR. FISHER’S RECOMMENDATION. Melbourne, October 26. The Rt. Hon. Andrew Fisher, P.C., the Commonwealth Premier, who has accepted the Commonwealth High Commissionership in Loudon, has recommended the Hon. W. M. Hughes, K.C., the Federal AttorneyGeneral, for the Premiership.
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  • 18 2 Paris, October 26. The "Matin” states that a Japanese Military Mission has arrived at Rome.
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  • 17 2 Mel oarne, October 26, Timely rains in Victoria have practically assured a bounteous harvest.
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  • 129 2 LADIES TO ASSIST. {From Our Own Correspondent). Kuala Lumpur, October 27. A meeting of 50 Kuda Lumpur ladies was held at Carcosa, to consider the question of the ladies of the F. M.S. rendering as-istance to the F.M.S. Auxiliary Hospital by providing nece-sary articles of clothing. The
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  • 454 2 {Specially Translated.) Heer London, Duch Minister for Foreign Affairs, received Dr. Dumba, the Austrian ex-Minister to the United States in audience when passing through Holland Heer Regou-, Dutch Minister at the Vatican, has received the last sacrament. His doctor holds out little hope of h s recovery.
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  • 421 2 THE FUNERAL. The funeral of the late Mr. Alfred de Windt Neubronner took place at the Western Road cemetery yesterday afternoon, and despite the early hour fixed, was largely attended. The cortege left "Taormina”, the residence of deceased, at half past four, accam panied by
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  • 774 2 Mr. S. K. Sibba'd has been granted long leave. An Indian has been banished from Perak for ten years. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. C Jewitt, of Johore, are leaving for Home next week. Mr. S. G. Maarten«z, we learn, quickly recovered from his bout of malaria,
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    • 107 2 A case of alleged robbery on board the steamer Fook Sang, which arrived h ere from Singapore yesterday, w» 3 mentioned in the Second Court, befo e Mr. E R Colman to-day. The hearing was on the application of Court Inspector Nicol p o9t poned for
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    • 69 2 Md. Ibrahim was to-day fined by Mr. V. G. Ezechiel $lO and costs for failing to answer a summons to attend as a juror at au inquest Inspector McLerfion, who post cited stated that by defendant’s absence a great deal of inconvenience was caused an! a substitute
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    • 169 2 Lim Siew Kee, a Chinese woman, pleaded guilty before Mr. Colman to the charge of theft of jewellery valued at $71.45, the property of another woman named Lim Tsh on the 24th instant. It appears t! at accused, who has no means of livelihood, was out of
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    • 83 2 A Chinese Baba named Yiap Bun Ki app* ared before Mr. Colman on the charge of cheating in respect of $48.90 and forgery. It is alleged that accused repre c ented himself as being employed by Mr. Quah Beng Kee of the E- stern Shipping Coy.,
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  • 174 2 The officials in charge of the affairs of the above firm handed into the Medan Court on Saturday bst a statement covering doings during the period from Ist July to 23rd August 1915. By careful management the assets of rhe Bank had been
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  • 137 2 In the Budget Statement lafd before the Legislative Council by His Excellency 1 e Governor not a single proposal for increase of taxation or even a suggestion that such might become necesrary in t;e coming year. The Budget shows that although expenditure has been ruthless y cartailed in
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  • 35 2 By Alma (O ;toher 27) from Deli, Messrs J R Bennett, O Magn-e. E Dunlop, van Vrieda, J Bondville and Khoo Chuan. The ss. Al ma j will leave for Dah 4 p.m. to-morrow.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 387 2 THE WAGON PACHAUNG WOLFRAM MINES LIMITED. NOTICE RE SHARE TRANSFERS. NOTICE is hereby given that by a resolation of the Board signatures en Transfers mast from this date be attested by qualified witnesses only. By Order of the Board, F. W. BARKER <fc Co., Secretaries. WANTED CHINESE CLERK who can
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  • 842 3 THE BUDGET. Special and ordinary meetings of the Municipal Commissioners, were held in the Municipal Buildings, Penang, yesterday afternoon. Mr. W. Feel, (President) was in the chair, and the others present were Messrs PT Allen, Quah Bang Kee, Yeoh Goan Seok, L M Bell, (Engineer), and L A
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  • 110 3 The latest edition of the Roll of Honour and list of Malay States men serving, issued as a supplement to the "Malay Mail” contains an addition of fifty-three names, making a total of 788 in all sections An analysis of the list shows that the following
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  • 161 3 A gentleman who arrived in Shanghai from Peking gave a lively account of the recent life of Vice-President Li Yuan-hung in Peking. He said that the present monarchical scheme has embittered the life of the famous General. He is angry, never attends his office or receives guests,
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  • 141 3 Colombo, October 18.—The following commun’que was issued on Saturday Persons, who desire to give information as to specific instances of failure on the part of the police to do their du y in suppressing the riots during May and June last, should forward the same to Mr
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  • 160 3 Bombay, October 18th.The steamers Mausuri and Islamia belonging to the Bombay Steam Navigation Coy., and the steamer Budrie, belonging to the Arab Steamer Coy., have changed hands. The two former have been sold to buyers in England, while the Islamia has b en purchased by Messrs. Framjee,
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  • 86 3 A private cablegram received in Shanghai on Oct. 13, brings word that fire broke out in the holl of the Canadian Pacific liner Monteagle just as she wis about to sail from Vancouver for the Far East. The message gives no details of the fire beyond stating
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    • 118 3 German Headquarters, October 9. Balkan theatre of war.—Two new armies have been formed. One is commanded by Field Marshal von Mackenien and has crossed the Danube and the Save. The German troops, under the command of the Austro-Hungarian General Kovea von Koveshaza, have Gipsy Island,
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    • 89 3 Petrograd, Oct. B.ln the coast region of the Black Sea, south-westward of Hopa and in the Tortum region, on the front Arkine-Isbkhan, vanguard encounters are occurring. North-westward of Meliazgert and Lake Khasgel, our cavalry ejee'ed the Turkish regular cavalry and the Kurds from the trenches. Our troops
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    • 51 3 Washington, Oct. 7.—A serious explosion has taken place on board the American destroyer Cumn>ings at Newport. The government is maintaining the strictest censorship on all news concerning the accident. It is known, however, that several member of the crew, suffering from severe burns, have been
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    • 61 3 London, Oct. 12.Bernhard Kellerman writing in the Tageblatt” from near Lille, says that in the last few days the French have fired over three million shells. The German losses are naturally heavy. He expresses the belief that the whole of the Champagne army must be sacrificed. The
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    • 39 3 London, Oct. 12.The Echo Beige is informed that an air raid over Ghent and Courtrai on Friday was brilliantly Buccess f ul. Every hangar and aerodrome was burnt out with their contents. Ten houses were fired.
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    • 45 3 London, Oct. 12.—The Times’ Petrograd correspondent says that the Russians have regained more than half the ground ceded after retiring from Luck, from which town they are at a distance of 13 miles. These successes have been gained on a 60miles front.
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    • 47 3 San Francisco, October is reported here from El Faso that General Villa has captured seventeen of his richest political enemies and having drained them of as much of their wealth as he could, then had them put up against a wall aud shot.
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    • 76 3 London, October 4lt is officially announced that the total number of German and Austrian submarines captured and sunk since the commencement of the wa r numbers between fifty and seventy. The French Admiralty announces that out of these seventy submarines, fifty-four have been sunk. The naval opinion
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    • 32 3 Amsterdam, October is reported here that the German light cruiser Suiooa has been sunk off Kaegen. The crew state that she was sunk by a British submarine.
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    • 32 3 San Francisco, September 30.The leader of the Revolutionists in north Haiti has agreed to conclude peace with the United States and surrender with all his army.
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  • 61 3 The sec >nd tobacco sale of the autumn session was held at Amsterdam on 17th inst., when 20,479 bales of Sumatra and 1,317 bales of Borneo leaf were offered for sale by inscription. So far, 221,842 bales of Sumatra and 14,338 bales of Borneo leaf, have arrived,
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  • 319 3 The King has signed an Order in Council scheduling London as an area under the Defence of the Realm Act, and the Board issued regulations about treating and other matters. This is understood to mean that Londoners, like other people, will be condemned to abandon the generous custom
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  • 171 3 The Fuuabashi wireless telegraph station, east of Tokio, will probably be opened from October 1 for the benefit of the public under the joint management of the Department of the Navy and Communications, says the Japan Gazette.” The Tokio papers say that during the course of last
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  • 174 3 Two things are of good augury for the future, says a London Daily Graphic writer. The first is the remarkable disappearance during these months of war of all traces of snobbishness from among us. Snobbishness is oue of our besetting sins; it implies the worship of
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  • 28 3 Peking, October 13.The Government 's planning a new national flagwhite ground, with red border, and two golden dragons in the centre encircling the lustrous sun.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 147 3 A Stubborn Foe To conquer an obstinate enemy requires, persia*ency a»>d preservaooe. It is the same with Rheum* tie to, the dread f<>e of mankind, which ranks foremast iu stubbornness. To eradicate it from tlw» system, yon must use the right weapon. Little 9 Oriental Balm it the only «em-dy
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    • 414 3 Summer Diarrhoea No epidemic kills babies with such appalling swiftness and in such great J numbers as this dreaded complaint. According to reports, this infant scourge is again with us, |p and the rapid rise in the infantile mortality rate will strike IU fear to the heart of many an
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  • 1295 4 S.T. With the creation of a Coalition Cabinet we hoped the last had been heard of Government changes, save by death or individual resignation, until the Allies bad brought the war to a victorious close. In times of peace political criticism is salutary and serves useful ends,
    « S.T.  -  1,295 words
  • 1287 4 P.V.” writes To-day’s mail from Singapore brings the official publication of the King’s appeal to bis subjects for additional men for the New Army, From the fact that this is published by the authority of the Straits Government is it intended to c mvey to men of
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  • 59 4 THE LATEST DIVIDENDS. (R. G. Special.) London, October 26 The following dividends are announced Damansara (Selang r) Rubber Co. Ltd., 10 per cent, (interim). Bukit Paojang Syndicate, Ltd., 10 per cent, (interim). Tangoel Rubber Estates, Ltd., 4 per cent, (full). Hummock Rubber Co., Ltd., 15 cent, (final).
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  • 25 4 Loudon, October 26*. The following is the rubber quotation for to-day Plantation Ist Latex Crepe 2/s|. [•By courtesy of Messrs. Boustead Co],
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  • 333 4 To-day’s quotation for unrefined tin in Penang was $74 50 per picul, business done—a decrease of 30 cents. Tin is quoted in London to-day at £154 15s. Spot, and £154 15s. three months, The football competition for the King of Siam’s Gold Cup has already resulted iu
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 154 4 I» MIMW n «13 MJESIT DU BEOME V 5 fit /QjjpfrH* a I HI fitfl ftffi > 2 *SL Hr Irftr 2* Hi j» w>. H. 1 S' 2? "2 o’ M l«g t/> Motor, Motor Cycle, Solid Cycle Tyres. A PATRIOTIC DUTY. The Duty of the Buying Public is
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    • 29 4 SATURDAY. 3Oth OCT. THE Misses Eileen Doris Woods will appear in their renowned Cabaret Entertainment ACCOMPANIED BY Mrs. HARRY WOODS AFTER A Special Dinner AT THE E. O. HOTEL.
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 35 4 THE TIDES. The following are the tides for tomorrow, Penang Standard Times High Water. Low Water. 1- a.m. 8-26 a.m. 2- 3 p.m. 8- 7 p.m. 1- a.m. 8 48 a.m. 2- p.m. 8-27 p.m.
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  • 408 5 LANSDOWNE’S STATEMENT THE KING IN FRANCE. A RUSH TO THE COLOURSGERMAN PLOTS IN AMERICA. GERMAN REVERSES IN NORTH RUSSIA. a The French have made further slight progress in Champagne, near Ma i siges, southeast of Tahure. They have al«o broken a strong German offensive against the positions which
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  • France and Belgium.
    • 134 5 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] STRING ENEMY COUNTERATTACKS. [Copyright Telegrams.] (By Submarine Telegraph). Paris, October 26. A French communique says The Germans made most violent counter-attacks on all sides of the work named The Courtine’ north of Mesnil-les-Hurlu», in Champagne, (mentioned in the yesterday afternoon’s communique); but we remained in
      [Reuter’s Telegrams.]  -  134 words
    • 198 5 VISIT TO THE ARMIES. London, October 26. It is officially announced that the King has arrived iu France, on a visit to the Army. His Majesty also intends to see the Allied troops. The King in France. London, October 26. H. M. the King arrived at
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    • 39 5 Amsterdam, October 27. The German losses during the nine days ending October 20th were over 57,000. The total Prussian losses are 2,021,078. There are, in addition, 228 Bavarian, 209 Saxon, 286 Wurtemburg and 53 Navy lists.
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    • 186 5 New York, October 3 The number of casualties sustained by the Pruss an troops from September 17 to 28, as announced by the Prussian government yesterday, indicates how fiercely the battles on the Western front were fought, and how grea* were the losses. The total number of
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    • 50 5 INFORMATION TO GERMANY. London, October 26. The Press Bureau announces that a British mbject was convicted at the Old Bailey, on three counts, of attempting to communicate to the enemy information concerning the British military forces, works, and munitions. Accused was sentenced to penal servitude for life.
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    • 58 5 INVITATIONS IN HOLLAND. Amsterdam, October 26. The Telegraaf draws attention to the fact that attempts are being mads in Holland to obtain subscriptions for the third Austrian War Loan Subscribers a r e invited to pay 62| for 5| per cent, security, while, before the war, the
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    • 23 5 Dr. von Bethmann Hollwpg, the Imperial Chancellor, has invited the German party leaders to confer on the question of foodstuffs.
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    • 3 5
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  • 107 5 RESPONSE BY RECRUITS London, October 26 The King’s inspiring call has had a marvellous effect. The recruiting scenes in London yesterday were unprecedented for months. Hundreds at the Horse Guards were ready to proceed to the depots before ten in the morning. The staffs at the recruiting
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  • 231 5 A REQUEST TO THE KING. London, October 26. At a meeting at the National Liberal Club, a resolution was passed, respectfully praying the King to appoint a day for the Empire to pay homage to Miss Cavell’e memory. Mr. T. P. O’Connor, M.P., who presided, emphasised
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  • 16 5 London, October 26. Mr Asquith will return to the House of Commons on Thursday.
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  • Russian Campaign.
    • 260 5 BERLIN’S ADMISSION. Loudon, October 26. A Berlin communique admits that superior Russian forces compelled weak German forces to withdraw from Illuxt. Elsewhere, on the Russian front, the German communique emphasises strong Russian attacks, which it claims were repulsed. Fierce Battles in the North. Petrograd, October 26
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  • Turkey and the Near East
    • 280 5 LORD LANSDOWNE PESSIMISTIC. London, October 26. In tbe House of Lords, Lord Lansdowne said he was afraid he must admit that the German progress in Serbia was such as to render it highly improbable that the Serbian Army would be able to withstand it for any great
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    • 346 5 A BULGARIAN SUCCESS. Nish, October 26. A Serbian communique admits the fall of Uskub. Danger in the North-East. London, October 26. Reuter’s correspondent says the Serbian Headquarters are satisfied with the situation, as it is evident that the French are striking hard blows. The critical point is in
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    • 104 5 M, VENEZELOS’ REMINDER. Athens, October 26. A divergence arose in the Greek Parliament between M. Dragoumis, Minister of Finance, and M. Veneselos, regarding tbe agreement) with Turkey for the exchange of confiscated property after tbe Balkan War. M. Venezelos, during a stirring speech, was constantly interrupted
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    • 39 5 NOW LAPSED. London, October 24. In the House of Commons, Sir Edward Grey eaid the offer of the island of Cyprus to Greece was conditional on Greece immediately helping Serbia. The offer had now lapsed.
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    • 100 5 London, October 26. Lord Bryce, speaking at Manchester, said nothing in the war could compare in magnitude with the horror of the Armenian massacres. There was no q»e;tion of Mohammedan fanaticism in tbe massacres. The Turkish Government was solely responsible. It decided immediately on the cutbreak of
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  • Italy’s Campaign
    • 408 5 AUSTRIAN STRONGHOLDS TAKEN. Rome, October 26. An Italian communique says the Italians, on Sunday, between Garda and the Adige, descended from Monte Altissimo, under the cross fire of the guns of two enemy forts, anl stormed two positions, securing hold of the Riva-Mori road. The Italians captured much
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  • General News.
    • 423 5 TO DESTROY MUNITION SHIPS. London, October 26. Four Germans have been arrested ab New York, charged wi»h being concerned in a plot to destroy munition ships with ingenious infernal machines. Further revelations are expected. Americans are very indignant and demand a most searching investigation ai to the
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    • 173 5 SMALLER COUNCIL SUGGESTED. London, October 26. The newspaper controversy on the question of Cabinet unity continues. The Morning Post again suggests a smaller Cabinet. The Daily News says it would be disastrous if the most responsible Ministers were to be driven out to make way for a Council
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    • 126 5 A DISASTROUS EXPLOSION. London, October 26. The Elder Dempster liaer Haro from East Africa, caaght fire off Dungeness, on Saturday nigh», and was beached at Deal on Sanday. The vessel pres a nted an extraordinary spectacle as she was towed towards the shore, tbe flames being as
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  • 840 6 S.T.” THE CLOSING DAY. Delightful weather favoured the third day’s racing of the Autumn meeting on Saturday and in consequence there was a much larger attendance, amongst whom was His Highness the Sultan of Johore, and a much more animated appearance about the whole proceedings, whilst the dividends,
    . S.T.”  -  840 words
  • 1261 6 MR. ALMA BAKER REPLIES TO MR. DARBISHIRE. Mr. Alma Baker writes as follows to the Editor of the Straits Times,’’ on October 25th The Honourable Mr. C. W. Darbishire. st L.c., is reported in your issue of the 16th inst as having spoken in the Legislative Council
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  • 255 6 The import of rubb r into the United States, which takes nearly half the world’s total production, is always regarded as one of the principal clues to the rubber position. In the following table, taken from The World’s Rubber Position,” the fluctuation of the quantity imported into
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 600 6 Completely Paralysed. m Dream She Saw Hsredf Cured by Dr. Cassell’s Tablets. Got seme. and— Her Dream Came True. tMre. Hopkins, of L, B.uile Cottage, Lott-brulge-road, Hampden Park, Eastbourne, Eng., says: I was paralysed, I had to be lifted in and out of bed, and as I was placed eo
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    • 237 6 I HOUSEHOLD ECONOMY. I U Now that food stuffs are becoming dearer, the attention af tne Publie H is drawn to Skimmed Milk. S the INTERNATIONAL congress K J At Budapest in 1909 and at Berne in 1914 recognised that H n I- tsr SKIMMED MILK 9 jUMSFI MACHIMF constitutes
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    • 57 6 O’ :>\ A Obtainable I\ r I V\ I v'r, \<*' A. A'- A I A I I Hotels I At I I I n l and A Dea,ee!! I t I \l A’S.XW v.c. A I also 9 d I I R. T. REID, Co., Penang. I AC. HARPER
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  • 1189 7 railway facilities and SUPPLIES. Colombo, October 13!Dr. Fabian Hirst, of Ceylon, who recently returned to Colombo, after being for some months engage 1 in hospital work in Belgrade, interviewed on the new Auetro-German offensive against Serbia, said be would not be surprised if the main effort
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  • 110 7 LIEUT. MAY ENTERTAINED. [From Our Own Correspondent] Ipoh, October 26. Last evening, at Ipoh, a complimentary dinner was given by C Company, M. S. V. R. to Lieutenant May, who has received a commission in his old regiment The Buffs.” Captain Lawford proposed the health of Lieutenant May,
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  • 93 7 The Fringe of War,” a poweiful wa film in three parts, depicting the present struggle in Belgium and Frai.ce will be shown at the Electric Polyscope to-night, and for three nights only. In addition a drama entitled Mary Stuart will be shewn. Mr. Herbert Rawlinson and Miss Anna
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  • 101 7 The Hon. Treasurer sen Is us the following list of further contributions to the above Fund, forwarded to the Chartered Bank, Penang. Balance on Oct 25 ...$39,726 29 Staff of Messrs R Young, Oct subscription 100.00 Hongkong and Shanghai Bank’s Counter Box 10.00
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  • 89 7 Messrs. Aden Deuuys «k Co. advise that the under-mentioned prices were realised for rubber sold by them by auction yesterday 56,000 lbs. offered, 44,000 lbs. sold. Smoked ribbed shejt $129 to $l3l plain 123 124 No. 2 smoked sheet diamond 124 126 Unsmoked sheet plain and diamond
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  • 61 7 The following are the latest quotations in our share list Yesterday. To-day. Shares. J I 5 Q 5 9 Mining. Gopeng C. 25/- 27/6 Kamunting... 26/- 27/- 26/6 Tongkah H. $l6 sls| utntral. 3uif Dev. $1.50 $1.65 slf sl| E. Smelting (Pr.) 23/- 24/R (Bteriin A.-Java 7/-
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  • 163 7 Lance-Corporal Joe Lee is the artist-poet of the 4tb Battalion Black Watch (Territorials) who figured in the Loos battle and also in the tight at Ntuve Chapelle. Before the war he was a newspaper artist and Editor of a Dundee monthly of humorous and topical
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  • 64 7 Washington, Octooer 8 President Wilson has announced that he is engaged to be married to Mrs. Norm«u R. Galt of Washington Io is believed that the wedding will take place during the month of December. Mrs. Galt, who has been a widow hr eight years, was formerly
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  • 53 7 IMPRISONMENT AT SINGAPORE. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, Oc.ober 27. Mr, Hewet* an employee of Messrs. Topham, Jones, and Railton, was sent to gaol for two mon'hs, without the option of a fine for refusing to sign on for the Volunteer Reserve. He urged conscientious objections to
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    • 356 7 THE GERMAN AIM. London, October 26. Lord Loreburn asked whether the Government naval and military advisers were satisfied regarding the despatch of troops to Salonika, and if full provision whs made for th«ir communications, and the supply of men and material He pointed out the di-appointments of
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 178 7 NICHOLSON’S n DRY GIN Has the largest sale of any Gin in London. 7 y SOLE IMPORTERS: l.'g j HIBBERT, WOODROFFE COif Lt (la MDRY GIN I london (Incorporated in England). P**- MIBSERL* OOOROFFE KUALA PENANG AGENTS: SELLAR, MURRAY At times of crisis it must be Bovril BRITISH TO THE
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 116 7 The Emphatic Programme of the Week. TO-NIGHT 1 TO-NIGHT AT IHE Kuala Kangsa Road Theatre, Under the new management of the Straits Cinema Co. The Queen’s Jewel, 3'rcels 3 reels A meritorious drama of high value, replete with sensational and thrilling incidents in the mid-air, such as Aeroplane tray The
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    • 322 7 THE WAR! TO-NIGHT I TO-NIGHT 11 the ELECTRIC POLYSCOPE Co., LYCEUM THEATRE. ARGYLL ROAD. THE FRINGE OF WAR” In 3 Parts Dealing with the Struggle in Belgium and France during the first two weeks of the war. ACTUAL BATTLE SCENES’ A Story to remember! A Patriotic Object Lesson Exhibited Positively
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 2547 8 gggggsegesE P. &O. |L intended sailings. I Straits Steam Ship Co., Ltd. Ocean Iteam Navigation Co. British India ,or I I gt STUM ship t»., im Wireless Telegraphy fitted on all 11 1111 &W p^ nhß Tues»day,, CHINA MUTUAL BTEAM NAV. CO., LTB Steamers. CTEAIj NAVIGATION COMPANY LTD from the
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