Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 19 March 1915

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 826 1 r-yrr-nr irraat—inti hm nr it km i 0 IF YOU WANT 'JO SHIP Q BUY or SELL 0 RUBB ERd p OR TO l! forward GOODS U S D TO ANY PART OF tub WORLD Fl GO TO g ALLEN DENNYS Co., E 1, UNION STREET. r U-«S liirui Inr-
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    • 56 1 luoaouoaaounniaooonliaLiußM o FOR $BO J can have tha Pinaag a X GaaaOa" posted every day d Imt a whole year io your address. 3 (LOCAL SUBSCRIPTION. »37). 0 j Proportionate Quarterly and a 3 Half-pearly rates. a J Subscriptions are payabln in uftosßoo and remittances should bo eMresaed to a
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  • 824 2 Major B. H de Hamel has resumed his duties as C.. P. O after a short period of sick leave. The Rev. E. A. Hone has left Ipoh to pay one of his quarterly visits to Tongkab, West Coast cf Siam. According to the Yorkshire Post,” Mr.
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  • 734 2 HIS VIEWS ON THE RUBBER POSITION. Among the passengers who leave for Home by the P. k O. mail to-day is Mr. John Turner, the well known authority on the rubber plantation industry, who has been making his annual tour of inspection of properties in which he
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  • 89 2 The Hon. Treasurer sends us the following further contributions to the above Fund, forwarded bo the Chartered Bank, Penang. Balance on March 17 $6,426 35 J R Brown, monthly subscription 25 00 Asiatic Petroleum Coy’s Depot, Bagan Luar 17.15 Sempang Estates Ltd. 17.00
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    • 102 2 At the St. George’s Church, at noon to-day, the Rev. F. W. Haines officiating, the wedding was solemnised of Mr. Douglas Brisham Shipley Teale, Planter, of Leigh Estate, Negri Sembilan, only son of Mr. Douglas Charles Shipley Teale of Southsea, England, and Miss Muriel Ashmore, thi'd daughter of Captain
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    • 71 2 The wedding took place at 11 o’clock this morning at St. George’s Church of Mr. H. G. H Bartlett, Manager of Braemar Estate, Kajang, eldest son of the late Mr. Stephen Bartlett of Belsize Road, London, and Miss Mary E. Reddie, fifth daughter of Commander Thomas Reddie, of Elstow,
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    • 113 2 Another quiet but pretty wedding was also solemnised to-day at the S t. George's Church, the contracting parties being Mr. Donald Saunders Gardner, Manager of Castlefield Estate, Selangor, fourth son of Mr. and Mrs. Gardner of Weston-Saper-Mare, England ani Miss Violet Mary Holmested, only daughter of SurgeonMajor and Mrs.
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  • 223 2 CAPTAIN SMITH AGAIN REMANDED. In the District Court, to-day, before Mr. G. A. Hall, District Judge. Captain Smith, ali <s Smutts, of Rangoon, who was arrested here on the 10th instant, on information received from Rangoon, for alleged cheating, was for the third time brought up
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  • 125 2 Before Mr. A. W. B. Hamilton in the Third Court, this morning, Khoo Hun Eng. a well-known Chinese Baba, and son of the late Towkay Khoo Thean Tek, a wealthy resident of Penang, was brought up on the charge of dishonest misappropriation of $4,060, belonging to the Estate
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  • 113 2 The company was registered in May, 1913, and the directors state that on resurvey it was ascertained that the actual area of the property acquired, was 477 a. 1. r, 38 p., instead of 457 acres, as stated in the prospectus. Two small additional areas have since
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  • 207 2 LATEST TELEGRAMS TO DUTCH INDIES PAPERS: A panic is reigning in Constantinople. Foreigners continue to leave. The male ci'izens are being sent away, so that the city may get the character of an open town. Twelve big guns have been transported fiom Pennsylvania to Russia, which
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  • 215 2 The Commissioner of Trade and Customs at Kuala Lumpur (the Board of Trade Correspondent for tie Federated Malay States) writes, with reference to the shortage of tanning extracts in the United Kingdom, that the attention of maufacturers might be drawn to the possibilities of the development of
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  • 364 2 The following figures published by the Medan Handelsvereeninging bear striking witness to the remarkable progress of agricultural enterprise throughout the whole of the flourishing East Coast of Sumatra area: The total area in the East Coast of Sumatra planted with Hevea rubber on January 1 1915,
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  • 67 2 We regret to announce the death of Mr. P. P. de Oliveiro, which took place at his residence, No. 5, Leith Street, Penang, this morning at 12.45. The deceased gentleman who was 71 years of age, was well known among the Eurasian Community. Much
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  • 375 2 EXPEDITION BY AN ABERDONIAN. The Liverpool Public Museum has lately received a valuable addition to its treaeutes as the remit of a scientific expedi'ion to the Malay States last year by Mr. W. S. Laverock, M.A-, B.Sc., assistant in the Natural Hiitory Department of the museum. Mr.
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  • 281 2 Reference was recently made to the investigations which the forest authorities of the Federated Malay States and the Straits Settlements have been making into the possibilities of developing an export trade in cutch from Malaya. On this subject a financial paper has been informed by interests
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  • 57 2 THE LATEST DIVIDENDS. [P. G. Special Gable.] London, March 19. Harpenden (Selangor) Rubber Co. Ltd, will pay a final dividend of 25 per cent, and carry forward £2,000, placing to reserve £l,OOO. Batu Rata (Sumatra) Rubber Plantation’, Ltd., will pay a 2| per cent, interim dividend. Recent
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  • 27 2 London, March 19.* The following is the rubber quotation for to-day: Plantation Ist Latex Crepe 2/3|. July/December 2/l£. [*By courtesy of Messrs. Boustead Co
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  • 485 2 The annual general mam; n Rubber Growers’ Association /b th ed) was held on 18th ulto at P rat street Hotel, E.C., Mr. Join !IQoq chairman), presiding. (the After referring to statistics of m t the Chairman spoke highly o f done by the Emergency Committee f
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    • 117 2 MANY GUNS CAPTURED. Pebiograd, March 19. A Russian communique says fighting is proceeding near Tauroggen, and on German territory on the roads from Gorzia to the Memel, where the Russians have captured two guns, fo ar mitrailleuses and two automobiles laden with munitions. The Russians have captured severs
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  • 155 2 A correspondent describes the heroism o a. British pilot who was wounded during t e recent Canal fight. The second 6 inch hig ex plosives t hell which struck H.M.S. Hao ic D e (he says) exploded within a few feet Canal Pilot Carew, who was directing
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  • 1090 3 SPEECH BY THE MAHARAJA OF KASHMIR. At the eighteenth anniversary of the Kshattriya Upkarini Mahasabha held at Aligarh on December 29th, H. H. the Maharaj of J »mmu and Kashmir delivered the following speech Under ordinary circumstances this session, like it? predecessors», should have been <levoted
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  • 239 3 Pledge to the Empire. The determination of the GermanCanadian people of Canada to give their strong support to the Empire in the present hour of peril was affirmed in the Canadian House of Commons by Mr. W. Weichel, a German-Canadian member and the mover of the
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  • 161 3 Austrian Officers Blame the Kaiser. Professor Pares, in a despatch issued recently, describe? some talks he has had with wounded Ausrian officers. They gave me, he says, an interesting account of the origin of the war. The Austro-Serbian quarrel was not political, but personal. The Serbian
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  • 133 3 Wild Rumours at Seville. The great Transatlantic steamer Alfonso XIII, not long since built at the San Fernando yard, Cadiz, foundered between twelve and one o’clock on February 8 in Santander Harbour, where she had been lying ab anchor since her return from Havana. The cause
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  • 129 3 A Messageries steamer which arrived at Malta, on Feb. 6, has on board a number of English refugees from Constantinople, including Mr. Waugh, the British Consul, Lady Woods, wife of Admiral Woods, Pasha, Mr. Nias, Director-General, and other members of the staff of the Imperial
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  • 587 3 PONTOPOROS TO BE RESTORED TO OWNERS. APPEAL BY THE CROWN. The acting Chief Justice (Mr. Woodward) gave his judgment on Tuesday in the case of the Greek steamer Pontoporos which was tried by his Lordship sitting as a Prize Court Judge last week. The judgment was a
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  • 259 3 A Conference Lullaby. Hush, my soul, be still, ere you Make me lose a pound or two I will try to tell you why Shipping rates have gone so high War Insurance premiums stand Higher than they used to, and Profits that I made in
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  • 458 3 S. T.” MORE CONSIDERATION WANTED FOR PASSENGERS. While the F.M.S. railway authorities are an the job of improving passenger facilities they would earn more respect from the travelling public if they took steps to obviate a grievance that occurs far too frequently on the trunk line. As an
    S. T.”  -  458 words
  • 207 3 Evils From Which The Troops Suffers». Cairo, January 15.Cairo, excellent training centre though it be, has certain disadvantages. Its population comprises a large parasitical element, native and foreign, which lives by exeicising its uncommonly sharp wits at the expense of visitors from provinces and from abroad.
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  • 105 3 According to a private message from Hamburg, Feb. 5 the Derfflin’er, the largest and newest Dreadnought of the German fleet, which was greatly damaged in the last battle off Heligoland, is now repairing at the Blum and Voss shipyard, Hamburg. Although the Kaiser has ordered the authorities
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  • 80 3 The German papers are using wild language towards neutrals in regard to the blockade decree, and the Hamburger Nuehrichten,” for instance, says: From the 18th February every one must take the consequences. No menace will keep the German Fleet back. The whole world's bate and envy concerns us
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  • 390 3 Messrs. James F. Hutton Co., Ltd., writing on February 4, report Liverpool Cotton. To-day. Last Week. Mid-AmericanSpot 5.05 4.95 Mid-American, Current Month 4.93| 4.79 F.G.F. EgyptianSpot 6.65 6.50 v in Yester- Last New York Cotton. day week< Spot—Cents. 8.60 8.50 London. Yesterday. Last week, yesterday. Bar Silver
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  • 167 3 The British soldier, like many another Briton abroad, is much concerned over the ignorance of the French nation, who cannot understand English however loudly it is shouted. But it is only a British soldier, surely, who would complain of the inability of a French peasant to understand Hindustani!
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 240 3 A GREAT PHYSICIAN said that half the fatal illness in the world are caused by self-neglect. People allow themselves to become seriously ill, because they do not take care of their health when they are only a little out of sorts. He said that there are two danger signalsshortness of
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    • 281 3 TO LETa OFFICES and GODOWN at No. 6, Beach Street. Entry April Ist. Apply to Siemens Brothers Dynamo Works Ltd.: 6, Beach Street. 251-22-3 TO LET. HOUSE No. 63, NORTHAM ROAD. For particulars apply to KENNEDY Co. 1273—a c FALMOUTH HOUSE, (FARQUHAR STREET,) SEA FRONTAGE. Rooms Single and Double, Terms
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  • 21 4 J, Nicol.—On March 17, to Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Nicol of 15, Union Street, Penang, a d aught er.Jjj
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  • 153 4 Teals—-Ashmore.At St. George’s Church, Penang, on March 19th, by the Rev. F. W. Haines, Colonial Chaplain, Douglas Brisham Shipley Teale, Planter, Leigh Estate, Negri Sembilan, to Muriel Ashmore, 3rd daughter of Capt. Anderson James Ashmore, 87th Royal Irish Fusiliers and Mrs. Anderson Ashmore of St. Dunstans, St. Leonard’s Road,
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  • 891 4 One result of the extended service of cable news which the newspapers of Malaya lately arranged with Reuter to supply is an unusual prominence given to questions directly affecting India. This is due to the fact that the present service of news is ident cal with
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  • 1368 4 We have received from the publishers, Messrs. Methuen Co., Ltd., London, a copv of the I/- edition of Oscar Wide s trivial comedy for serious people The Importance of being Earnest.” Messrs. Methuen appear to have made a feature of these cheap editions of Wilde’s works, and
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  • 92 4 Telegraphic adv ces from the heaa office in London state that at the approaching annual general meeting of shareholders of the Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China, ths Director? will recommend that a dividend be declared for the half year at the rate of 16 per
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  • 250 4 To-day’s quotation for unrefine i tin in Penang was $86.25 per picul, business done, an increase of 50 cents. Tin is quoted in London to-day £lB7 Spot, and £173 three months. The Prince of Wales’s Fund on Februar.v 10 amounted to £4,611,<?00. The Lora Lieutenant of Worcestershire
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 251 4 nimunurn his MUEtn um geone v. Motor, Motorcycle, solid and Cycle Tyres. No interruption of supplies. No alteration in prices. The Dunlop Company is in a position to meet any demands which may be made upon it. It is to your best interest, at this time especially, to SUPPORT BRITISH
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    • 12 4 THE CRAG HOTEL. Easter Holidays. BOOK YOUR ROOMS NOW. Sarkies Brothers, Proprietors.
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  • 14 4 DEATH. Black.February 14 at Edinburgh, Capt. Jchn Kerr Black, late of Singapore, aged 38.
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  • 413 5 GERMAN LINER CAPTURED. further victims of the SUBMARINE. EYE-WITNESS” ON THE BRITISH VICTORY. yr ve .Witness’s continued report of the heave Chapelle operations prove how complete has been the British success. It also shows that the German losses were even greater than was indicated in Field Marsha) French’s
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  • France and Belgium.
    • 733 5 [Reuter’s Services]. EYE-WITNESS” AND THE ENEMY’S GREAT LOSSES. [Copyright Telegram.] (By Submarine Telegraph.) London, March 18. Eye-witnesi with the British headquarters continued his description of the Neuve Chapelle battle. He says a moderate estimate of the German losses puts them at 18,000, exclusive of prisoners. The enemy’s
      [Reuter’s Services].  -  733 words
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    • 294 5 Paris, March 18. A communique says the Belgians made fresh progress and also repelled a counterattack; There has been fairly violent artillery firing on the British front. The Germans made another abortive counter-attack on a spur at Notre Dame Delorette. The enemy bombarded Soissons and Rheims, two
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    • 24 5 WARSHIPS ASSIST TROOPS. Amsterdam, March 18. There has been heavy firing by British warships to-day, supporting the Allied troops on the Yser.
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    • 28 5 Amsterdam, March 18. The British airmen have again been active in the Ostend region. The Germans ascended but were unable to drive them away.
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    • 25 5 SEVEN PERSONS KILLED. Paris, March 18. A French evening communique says a Zeppelin dropped bombs on Calais and killed seven station employees.
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    • 389 5 London, March 17. Killed.J D Alston, H O Becher, J Becker, J P Bibby, W Bliss, C H Cameron, W H Clarke, R A Colvin, W Coxon, L Crabb, A S Cresswell, D E B La Quiere, H B Dixon, P R Dodd, A A Drew,
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    • 35 5 London, March 18. A thousand wounded from Neuve Chapelle arrived at Brighton yesterday evening. The arrivals included 236 Indians. Later. 582 Indian and 1,087 British wounded arrived at Brighton yesterday evening.
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    • 14 5 Ottowa, March 18. Enlistment has begun for the Fourth Canadian Contingent.
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    • 52 5 Wellington, March 18. The Premier, in a speech, said that the war expenditure was £300,000 monthly. Nevertheless, he doubted if New Zetland was doing enough. Consequently, if the Imperial Government would indicate where they could do more the Government and people of New Zealand would be glad
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    • 301 5 A LABOUR CONFERENCE. London, March 18. A great National Labour Conference, under the auspices of the Government, met in London this afternoon and discussed the production of additional supplies of war material. A committee of seven Labourites was formed, representative of all sections, as an Advisory Committee
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    • 32 5 London, March 18. A Board of Trade circular urges every woman who is able and willing to work to register and thui free the men for war service.
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  • Russian Campaign.
    • 114 5 17 GUNS CAPTURED, Petrograd, March 18. A Russian communique says the Russian offensive on both banks of the Orzic is progressing against a stubborn resistance. Seventeen guns have been captured. The Germans at several parts cf the front are employing old bullets and guns of 1873 model.
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    • 27 5 Nish, March 18. Serbia and Austria have arranged for an exchange of civilian prisoners, including all females and males under eighteen and over fifty.
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  • Naval Operations.
    • 231 5 TWELVE MILES CLEAR. London, March 18. The Daily Telegraph correspondent at Tenedos boarded the French battleship Charlemagne, which has been convoying transports frem Suez and has also participated in the operations in the Dardanelles. The battleship was not even scratched. The Captain said all resistance had
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    • 82 5 EXPLOSION WRECKS CRUISER. Copenhagen, March 18. A newspaper published at Ribe asserts that the German cruiser Karlsruhe sank off the American coast at the end of 1914, when an explosion occurred, breaking the cruiser iu two. One part sank immediately and the other floated sufficiently long to
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    • 330 5 The Karlsruhe, which was under the command of Captain Kohler, was a cruiser of 4,820 tons, completed in 1913, with a complement of 373, and carrying twelve 4.1 inch guns, and having a speed of 27 knots. The Karlsruhe had perhaps the most successful career of all
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    • 56 5 London, March 18. The Daily Mail correspondent at Madrid says a British cruiser has captued the German liner Macedonia. Macedonia was a steel screw steamer of 4312 tons, belonging to the Hamburg-Amerika Line, built by Swan and Hunter Ltd, Newcastle, in 1900, and registered in Hamburg. Dimensions,
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    • 68 5 London, March 18. A Maas Sluis message eays the U2B sank the British steamer Leeuwarden four miles from the Maas lightship. The crew were saved. Lebuwarden, steel screw steamer of 990 tons, belonging to the General 8. N. Co. Ltd., built by Sir Rayion Wixon and Co.,
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    • 84 5 London, March 18. The Glasgow steamer Glenartney, from Bangkok to London with a cargo of rice, was torpedoed in the Channel at three in the morning, and sank in half an hour. The crew were landed at Newhaven by a destroyer. An apprentice wns drowned. Glenartney, steel
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    • 181 5 PORTION OF CREW DROWNED. London, March 17. The steamer Fingall was torpedoed off Coquet Island and sank rapidly by the. stern, until perpendicular, when the boilersburs*", and the ship disappeared. The vessel’s largest) boat got clear, but theothers were dragged down and the occupants struggled in
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    • 182 5 SIR EDWARD GREY’S REPLY. London, March 17. Correspondence between Sir Edward Grey and the American Ambassador is published regarding the sea warfare. Sir Edward Grey, replying to ii quiries, emphasises that Great Britain and France only instituted the blockade of German ports by a cruiser cordon
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  • General News.
    • 106 5 LONDON PRESS OPINION. London, March 18. The Times says the Government has sustained a technical defeat iu the House of Lords. The newspaper hopes the Government will not place themselves again in a false position and that the craze for withholding information will not again he pushed
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    • 61 5 PRODUCE PRICES. London, March 18» Tallows £44, £43-6s. Copper £66 7 6. Cotton seed £157-6s. Linseeds, Bombay £55-6s, Ferczepore £53 Barley nominal. Hemp, advancing, £3O paid. Lead £24. Tin £lB7. Iron 62/9. Wheat Stock 11,100,000. Linseed £54-3s, April, May, paid. Oil £3l-3s paid. Rubber 2/3 j. Coconut
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  • 1290 6 A SOLILOQUY IN THE FIGHTING LINE. There random thoughts of a soldier of the line are so beautiful in themsslves and so well-written that we need no excuse for presenting them. They show how grotesquely unreal is the conventional not'.ou of Tommy Atkins,” his mind
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  • 246 6 Estimated Apart From Those in India. In the form of a White Paper the Army Estimates of effective and non-effective services for the year *****6 were issued on February 4. The number of men on the Home ani Colonial establishments of the Army is the net
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  • 180 6 The New York Herald,” in a leading article on Germany’s war zone, declares, says Reuter, that it means war upon the whole world, and characterises it as a fiendish document which means that every American going to Northern Europe or leaving it, even on a neutral vessel,
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  • 254 6 WHAT HE SAID TO A FRENCH JOURNALIST. In an interview with Lird Kitchener, during which, however, th j B'itish Minister, true to his inflsxible prudence, spoke only a few word l M. Haguei le Roux explains in the Matin” the meaning of Lord Kitchener’s family motto, Thorough.” I
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  • 292 6 The miniature rifle range is now as comm >n in the City as mock auctions use 1 to be, and in some cases they are in the same shops, writes a London correspondent. A 25-yard range is not unusual, but a LeeMetford rifle is.
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  • 229 6 Assassin in Court at thb Time. Mr. Thomas H. Lovegrove, the young Englishman who was tried at Louisville, Kentucky, for a crime of which he was innocent, and of which, thanks to the intervention of the British Ambassador, he was acquitted, has arrived at Liverpool
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  • 83 6 SHIPPING ARRIVALS. Jin Ho, Brit, 94, Harding, Mar. 18, Asahan, gen., E.S. Co. Omapere. Brit., 340, Lyons, Mar. 18, S’pore, gen., E. S. Co. Rotorua, Brit., 555, Lingard, Mar. 18, Renong, gen., E. S. Co. Trang, Brit., 73, William Pithie, Mar. 19, Trang, gen E. S. Co. Hok Canton,
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  • 69 6 To-day. Kalmoa for Deli and Asahan. Jin Ho for Asahan. Pin Seng for Tongkah, Kopah, Renong, Victoria Point, Mergui and Tavoy. Omapere for Port Swettenham and Singapore. Sappho for Teluk Anson. Un Peng for Pulau Langkawi, Perlis Setul. Pangkor for Dindings Sitiawan and Bagan Datoh. Flying Dragon for Portweld
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  • 46 6 CLOSE AT GENERAL POST OFFICE. To-Morrow. For Per Close. Alor Star (Kedah) Tong Chuan 8 a.m. Victoria Point, Mergui and Tavoy Kapurthala 11 a.m. Trang Trang 1 p.m. Singapore Dilwara 3 p.m. Tongkah and Renong Rotorua 3 p.m. Port Swettenham and Singapore Lama 3-15 p.m.
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  • 125 6 Penang, March 19, 1915. {By Courtesy of the Chartered Bank). London Demand Bank ...2/4 4 months’sight Bank 2/4| 3 Credit 2/4f 3 Documentary ...2/4 11/16 Calcutta Demand Bank Rs. 174 J 3 days’ sight Private 177 Bombay Demand Bank 174| Moulmein Demand Bank 173 3 days’ sight Private 176
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  • 261 6 Penang, March 19, 1915. S; P. Tapioca $5.10 sales. M. P. Tapioca $5.70 sales. Gold leaf $64.40 Pepper (W. Coast 3 lb. 5 oz). $l6 1/2 buyers. Black Pepper $lB.OO buyers. White Pepper s33| sales Trang Pepper $24 00 sellers. Mace $llO nom. Mace Pickings $64 sales. Cloves $45
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 602 6 BANKS. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA AUSTRALIA. AND CHINA. Incorporated by Royal Charter. Paid-up Capital £1.200,00« Reserve Fund £1,800,001 t Reserve Liability of Proprietors... £1,200,001 8 Head Omoi: r 38, BISHOPSGATE, LONDON, N.O Aginciki anb Branohms. Amritsar Hongkong Penang Bangkok Iloilo Puket Batavia Ipoh Rangoon J Bombay Karachi Saigon J Calcutta
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    • 92 6 A Cough is Dangerous Too dangerous to be neglected. For small, trifling coughs develop into deep-seated and agonizing afflictions. Coughing saps the vitality, wears, wrecks, destroysleads to deadly lung diseases. Stop that cough NO W by using Little’s Oriental Balm. Rub into the chest and back. »It will penetrate, soothe,
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    • 130 7 From Our Oi&i Correspondent.] Singapore, Ma'ch 19. At the Court Martini Jemedar Chisti Khan whs tried for Mutiny and not attempting to suppress it. Accused was told by Captain Bill to stop the Mutiny, but he did nothing. Other witnesses said accused at Pulo Brani and other places,
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    • 679 7 The trial of the four men of the Malay States Guides concluded, the Court Martial on Monday proceeded to deal wish Havildar Rahmat Ali and Sepoy Farid Baksh, of the j.h Light Infantry, on a charge of joining in the mutiny and firing at a picket. Evidence
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  • 84 7 ißoard of Trade statiticsjpublished on Feb. 15 show that in 1800 the "Gazette” average price per quarter of British wheat in Eug«nd and Wales was 113 s. 10d., a figure which rose to 119 s. 6d. the following year. In 1802 it dropped to 695.,
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    • 422 7 Ths special Pioneer cablegram, dated London, Match 8tb, saysThe situation in the East is mo-t promising. The destruction of the Krupp big guns at the Chanak Forts his caused nervousness at Vienna, whare attempts are being made to mini wise the importance of the
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    • 29 7 Allahabad, March 11.Ths Turkish Asiatic troops are reported to be retiring on Constantinople with a force moving on Smyrna to oppose any attempt at landing
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    • 114 7 Allahabad, March 11.—The enemy is engaged upon a vigorous offensive on the Russian centre, in what will be a last winter effort to defeat the Russians. A dozen Army Corps are engaged in the attempt. Thus the policy declares itself of following Napoleon’s method of attacking the flank
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    • 71 7 Calcutta, March 12.A report has been received at Delhi that there has been considerable disaffection of late on the part of some of the Chinese troops serving on the western borders of Szechuan Province. The rebels appear to have succeeded in driving back the Chit ese Government troop’,
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    • 53 7 Allahabad, March 11.—The French estimate of the German casualties at three millions is generally accepted as correct. All except the aged are now under arms. Food restrictions have been again increased. Distress is marked in the German country districts. Vienna has asked Berlin for supplies and
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    • 44 7 Calcutta, March 12.—The Government of India have decided that neither British nor Indian income tax shall be recovered from the pay of officers, warrant and noncommissioned officers and men serving with the Indian Expeditionary Forces during the present War.
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    • 22 7 London, Feb. 24 Kenneth Powell, the well-known tennis player, has been killed fighting with an artillery company at Ypres.
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    • 157 7 New York, February 28.Richard P Stegler, a German Naval Reservist, has been arrested on a charge of fraudulently obtaining an American passport. He has confessed that Captain B >yed, a German Naval Attache at Washington, endeavoured to induce him to proceed to England and
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    • 94 7 A Palestine refuges assorts that the late Mufti of Medina, when staying at Jerusalem with Djemal Pasha, complained that while the German Officers lived luxuriously the Turks were lacking the necessities of life. He said he was scandalised at seeing the Germans so
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    • 96 7 London, Feb. 23. The Times” military correspondent remarks If it be correct that the Germans have placed four new army corps iu East Prussia, and six to the south of the Carpathians, it would be interesting to know their composition, I believe that the training of these
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    • 52 7 London, Feb. 23.The Prime Minister informed the House of Commons yesterday that the recent navr’ bombardment on the east coast resulted in the death of 39 women and 39 children, and injuries to 133 women and 177 children. The total casualties among civilians were :—Killed, 127
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    • 51 7 Rome Feb. 23.The Italian Admiralty has directed that all ships navigating in English waters must be painted with the Italian colours, and show their port of origin. Immediately they are sighted by a belligerent submarine they must send off a boat, with the ship’s papers, to meet the
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    • 43 7 Amsterdam, February 28 This Vossische Zeitung,” a Berlin journal, asserts that the prisoners in Germany and Austria include 692,000 Russian’, 237,000 French, 19,000 British, and 60,000 Servians, and that the authorities are becoming increasingly concerned over the problem of feeding them.
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    • 41 7 Amsterdam, February 28.Professor Friedenthal Berim, of Germany, claims to have discovered a new food, obtainable from straw. German newspapers declare that the discovery is likely to revolutionise the matter of maintaining food supplies for the people.
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    • 39 7 Geneva, Feb. 25.Germans and Austians, chiefly engineers, are concentrating on the Tyrol, on the Italian frontier. Many guns have been placed in position, miles of trenches have been dug, and the principal roads mined.
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    • 33 7 Paris, February 28.The Austrians have raised the French warship Curie, which was sunk by an Austrian mine in the Adriatic several weeks ago. They have taken the vessel to Pola.
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    • 37 7 London, Feb. 24.The Government has appointed a committee to secure co-oper-ation between mine-owners and colliers in an endeavour to free the largest possible number of men qualified for enlistment without hampering the output of coal.
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    • 34 7 London, February 28,—Advices from New York state that the German Government has given the widow of the spy Carl Lody, who has t-hot in London, £3,000. The recipient is an American woman.
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    • 115 7 Petrograd, Feb. 28.The German onslaught in East Piussia touched the border at six points be’ween Wirbsll and the Vistula. General B ilgakoffs losses were tragically great. Whole battdions eacrificed themselves wfrh the utmost heroism to save the Tenth Army. The two regiments which broke though the German
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    • 97 7 London, February 28.The Government’s appointment of Montagu Meyer as sole timber buyer for the War Office was hotly criticised in the Hoase of Commons on Friday. Meyer receives 21s 2d per cent, on the va'ue of all timber purchased, and his commission already amounts to £15,000. Some
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    • 111 7 Delhi, March 7.On the 3rd instant the movement of oar troops from Ahwani on Ghadiar, ten miles to the west of Ahwani disclosed the presence of a large force of Arabs, supported by a few Turkish troops. A severe engagement ensued, which resulted in the
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    • 81 7 Lahore, March 7.The London correspondent of the Civil and Military Gazette cabled yesterday :The Times” Petrograd correspondent puts General Hindenburg’s losses in the past month at a quarter of-a-million, 100,000 being on the middle of the front. The East Prussian advance has cost so far
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    • 73 7 Lahore, March 7.The London corespondent of the "Civil and Military Gazette cabled on the 4th instant: The South African House of Assembly has decided to appoint a select committee, chosen by the Speaker, to enquire into the causes and circumstances of the rebellion. Mr. Smart condemned
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    • 58 7 London, February 28.The British vessel Harpaliao,” which was torpedoed whilst on a voyage to America, was struck amidships, and her boilers blew up. The chief engineer was saying grace, and when be uttered the words. For what we are about to receive, Lord, make us duly thankful,”
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    • 53 7 Lahore, March 7.According to a London cablegram to the Civil and Military Gazettee,” dated yesterday Messrs. Lyons, Ltd,, for having provided bad meat at the White City, where they were catering for the troops, have been fined £5O, with £75 costs, the maximum penalty. The
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    • 48 7 Lahore, March 7. The London correspondent of the Civil and Military Gazette” cabled on the 4th instant-The Neuste Nachrichten” of the 26th February stated thab all the news of successes of submarines came from English success. The submarines themselves bad not sent any reports. v
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    • 39 7 London, Feb. 28.Speaking in the House of Commins on Friday Mr. Harold Tennant (Parliamentary Under-Secretary for War) said it had b?en estimated thab in 1912 the German army, including trained and untrained troops, consisted of 9,898,000 men.
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    • 27 7 Petrograd, Feb. 28.The Germans are removing copper plates from the domes of Catholic churches at Lowicz (Poland). Several citizens,who protested, were hanged in the street.
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    • 136 7 Washington, Feb. 23.Speaking at Morristown, New Jersey, last night, Mr. W. H. Taft, ex-President of the United States warned the United States that it was now faced with a serious international crisis. The only danger, he said, is le’t the Jingo spirit is allowed to
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    • 147 7 London, Feb. 28During the fighting on February 17 South-east of Ypres 40 Britishers became isolated, and held a trench until all were killed or wounded. Only three of the latter were capable of fighting; they kept the enemy at bay until their ammunition was nearly exhausted. They
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    • 79 7 Petrograd, Feb. 23.—During the occupation of Ardanuch in Armenia, Turks dragged into the streets 150 Armenians and cut their thaoats. Old Turkish residents killed in cold blood their old Armenian acquaintances. Fifty Armenians were stripped and were compelled to leap into an abyss known as the Devil’s Gap,
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    • 60 7 London, February 25.—The Geneva correspondent of the Daily Chronicle reports One of the Germans’ newest and biggest guns was bombarding Thann, in Alsace, when it exploded, killing an officer and five gunners. It is noticeable that many of the latest Kropp guns are inferior in construction and
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    • 36 7 Amsterdam, Feb 23.At Liege yesterday German soldiers tore the American colours from the coats of a number of burghers and suppressed a demonstration by school children to express gratitude for American aid.
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    • 36 7 Amsterdam, Feb. 28.The Vorwaerts” states that the sale of bread in canteens for prisoners of war in Germany has been prohibited, and that prisoners are not to be allowed more bread than civilians.
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    • 22 7 Paris, February 21. L’ Matin re-ports-that all officers and men iu the German army have been reduced to half-pay.
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  • 154 7 This is what the poet Burns wrote to the Rev. Dr. M’Gill, of Ayr, on the Germans of his time Ignorance, superstition, bigotry, stupidity, malevolence, self-conceit, envy—all strongly bound in a massive frame of brazen impudence. Good God, sir, to such a shield humour is the
    154 words
  • 273 7 From the point of view of achievement, the long-talked-of coconut boom” is fai ure, remarks a financial contemporary. That this should be the case depends partly on the technical difficulties connected with coconut cultivation, in itself a complex business demanding highly skilled management, and partly on the scattered nature
    273 words
  • 63 7 Arrivals. By Oriental (March 19) from London, Mr and Mrs Evans, Miss K Rumble, Miss M Barker, Miss M Reddie, Miss B Blagg, Mise V Holmstead, Messrs J R Tayte, E les, R H Boyns, T Maxwell, C K Cox and C T Nicholson from Colombo, Mr and Mrs
    63 words
  • 51 7 The Band will play the following programme of music at the Esplanade from 6 to 7 p.m. this evening 1. Fantasia Le Reve O'Am our ...Millars 2. Two Step Gnats ...Eckersley 3. Selection La Traviata ...Verdi 4. Waltz ZcC Premiere Danseuse ...Dodwell 5. March To the Front
    51 words
  • 187 7 A Government Proclamation issued on Thursday afternoon consolidates, with amendments and additions, various proclamations already issued relating to the prohibitions of the exportation from th© Colony either absolutely or to any country territory or place without the Colony of arms, guns, explosives or any specified class
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 66 7 There are a good many reasons why Ceregen has caught oa so successfully. Here are a few. (i) It is a tonic-food of unquestioned value. (ii) It is a British preparation (iii) Its cost is approximately one-halt of similar articles of German origin. If you feel run-down from over work
      66 words
    • 114 7 MUNICIPAL NOTICE. THE Commissioners of George Town, Penang, hereby invite tenders for the following: Building Extension to Refuse Destructor at Sangei Pinang and erection of ironwork, <fcc. Full particulars can be obtained and plans and specifications inspected ab the Municipal Engineer’s Office. Tenders which should be endorsed Building Extension to
      114 words

  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1986 8 P. 6f O. intended sailings. straits Steam Ship Co., Ltd. Ocean Stc&m Navigation Co. Wireless Telegraphy fitted on all Every Tuesday, at 5-30 p.m. Klanrr Steamers. CTEAIf NAVIfATION COMPANY ITB Port Swettenham an mgapore. from the Wnarf. CHINA MUTUAL STEAM NAV. CQ, t |Tn All Cabins are fitted with Electric
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