Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 4 January 1915

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1057 1 c^- y rr ~nr TO SHIP. BUY on SELL R U 13 13 E) R M os to r y FORWARD GOODS I to AM >*ART or THa WORLD GO TO i ALLEN DENNYS Co., 7. BMION STRUT. irs* >■ I* aajL-JLM ii 3£Z LIPTON’S TEAS SUN O life Weakness
      1,057 words
    • 66 1 moDDoo» jrjtrncinonacaooaona c 9 2 Km »»<> 2 9 X.7OU can bare the Piuanj 9 3 1 Garotte posted every day 9 for a whole year to yeur addrena. a a (LOCAL SUBSCRIPTION, J27J. if g Proportionate Quarterly and Half-yearly rate*. Sohacriptiona are payable in "i advance and remittances should
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  • 902 2 GERMAN DEPRESSION. The Dutch j jurnals, a Sourabiya correspondent say-, hai more or less lengthy articles on the severity of the loss to Germany, our leading daily here, in particular, having the following A shadow has been cast over the German enthusiasm over their success in Poland
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  • 1133 2 THE OTHER SIDE. The other sidp has been so rationally p it by an electrician in the c lumns of the Electrician,” that it will serve a good purpo«e to see some of it instea 1 of confining our vision tn the objectionable side of German business methods.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1079 2 ESTATE ASSISTANT NOTICE. i ANTED for Rubber Estate in Perak. qr» H g INTEREST and responsibility o f Knowledge of lapping, find work I r j r i- A Mb. Robkrt Hendry tn our firm and Malay essential. Applications with r. l mi 4 1 r e j j ceased
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    • 323 2 MUNICIPAL NOTICE. ALL persons claiming refund of assessment in respect of dwelling hou-es vacant for anv p>r ions of the half-year ending 31st December, 1914, are hereby reminded that such claim mu-t be sent in to the Commissioners on or befere the 31st day of January, 1915. Forms of petition
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    • 607 2 BANKS. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA AUSTRALIA, AND CHINA Incorporated by Roy&I Chart?? Paid-up Capital £1,*****0 Reserve Fund *..£1,800,090 Reserve Liability of Proprietors... £1,200 OQQ Head Office J, 38, BISHOPSGATE, LONDON, E.C Agencies and Branch Eg. Amritsar Hongkong Puket Bangkok Iloilo Rangoos Batavia Ipoh Saigon f Bombay Karachi Serernbar Calcutta Klang
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  • 656 3 annual meeting. The annual meeting of this Company was held at Singapore. The Chairman said There 18 nothing in the accounts calling for special mention, and they are simple enough to be understood without explanation, exo» pt perhaps I should mention that though the full audit tee
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  • 127 3 Beutrr’s Agency learns tl ah there is no need for anxiety regar ling the safety of the Anglo- Persian oil-fields. The fields themselves are well to the eastwa’d of the Turkish frontier, and the Bakhtiari, who are the paramount chiefs in the vicinity, are friendly, and moreover, are
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  • Article, Illustration
    1100 3 [BY AN ARTIST CORRESPONDENT.] Mentioned in Despatches. The despatches in which Sir John French describes the doings of our troops are inspiring documents. Sir John has indeed the soldier’s bluntnes* and aversion from empty words. But the deeds he hss to relate are of the order with which
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  • 329 3 What A War Corrbspondrnt Has Seen. The war correspondent < f the Dutch paper “De Tijd ”at Siu's write* Many who are following the operations on the Yser with interest, wonder what the Germans do with their dead. The mode of disposing of the bodies of
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    • 341 3 -Ex. The decision of the Governmen u to prohibit the shipment of tinplates to Denmark, Sweden, and Holland in order to prevent such goods being re-sold to Germany will entail a considerable loss of trade to the Welsh tinplate manufactu es. They are, however, submitting
      -Ex.  -  341 words
    • 380 3 As I pointed out before, says a writer in The Ironmonger,” th re is a general tendency amongst the com nercial community to conduct the so-called trade war in rather nn easy going manner It is not enough to say Ah, now that German competition
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    • 293 3 Acco ding to the Frankfurter Zeitung,” it is expee’ed that the German Government will shortly fix maximum sei ing prices for copper, aluminium, ant mony, nickel, and ce' tain other metaland it is hoped th it by this measure stocks which have been he'd back in
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    • 61 3 TIN OUTPUT. The production of tin in the Island of Banca is officially state! to have been 977.23 picul* in May, 2611.11 piculs in June, and 3995 80 piculs in July of the present year. The unsold s ock of Government owned Banc* tin in the hands
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  • 252 3 A British firm has received a letter from' its foreign representative, who is a Frenchman, and who has some candid things to say about British coinmerciil apathy. Hi® remarks have that uncomfortable quality which is so often associated with the truth. He begins In your letter you
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  • 205 3 Mr. Harry Picken, of West Hartlepool* an engineer on the staamer Nigaristan, sends home a vivid desc iption of the sinking of the Russian cruiser Jemtchug by the Emden at Penang on October 28. The Nigaristan was lying in the harbour when the Emden, dodging
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  • 228 3 A Ban on Tipperary." New York, December 2nd.—The Secetary of the United States Navy has prohibited American Naval men from singing; Tipperary.” New York is mak’ng merrv over the order. The World asks Why should anyoie want to sing at all, when m like Mr. Dauie’s are at the 1
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 67 3 Insure Yourself against all sorts of aches and pains—headache, toothache, backache, sore throat, sprains, strains and bruise*—by keeping clo-e at hand a bottle of Ijittle’s Oriental Bahn. It stops the pain. Stops it quickly. Just rub it in where the pain, ache or soreness is, and see how soon you
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    • 53 3 Brise d’ Azur is a most de ightful perfume, and makes a charming addition to any toilet-table. Lilacea is another odour with a peculiar appeal of its own. These and a wellchosen assortment of other high class perfumes suitable for Christmas gifts, are on sale by Cash Chemists Ltd., 52-54
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  • 2394 4 THREATENED SHORTAGE OF LABOUR. THE CURRENCY QUESTION. [From our Special Correspondent.'] Kuala Lumpur, January 3. A meeting of the Planters’ Association of Malaya was held at the Chamber of Commerce, Koala Lumpur, to-day. The Hon. E. Macfadyen (Chairman) ,pre ided, the following delegates from district associations being
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  • 250 4 [From Our Own Correspondent.'] Kuala Lumpur, January 2 Ti e managem°nt of the Esana Hall Kiuema Syndicate gave their second free matinee to children on New Year’s Eve from 6.30 to 7.30 pm. The hall which is situated on Ba'u Road, though a temporary structu
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  • 76 4 The Hon. Treasurer sends us the following further contributions to the above Fund, forwarded to the Chartered Bank, Penang. Balance Dec. 31 ...$68,643 91 B. G. Palener 25.00 Staff of George Town Dispensary Ltd., 2nd monthly instalment 36.50 W. M. Thomson 10.00 Kee
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  • 47 4 Balance Dec 30 569.96 X. Y. Z, Taiping 60.00 William Dell, monthly 10 00 H. W. Thomson, Tsiping monthly 20.00 C. E. B, Taiping 10.00 Mr. and Mrs. O M monthly. 5.00 Balance on Jan. 2 $674.96 Amount previously ackuowleged $6,613.33 Total $7,288 29
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  • 298 4 We are requested to again ask all who have copies of the vocal score of H.M.S. Pinafore to communicate with the Hon. Secretary, the Hon. Librarian or the Musical Director. There will be a meeting of Committee to-morrow, and it is necessary that this information be available
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  • 948 4 A.T THE PENANG CHURCHES. In accordance wi’h His Maje ty s command, Special Services of Intercession and thanksgiving in connection with the War held in the various Churc> es in Penang yesterday, large congregations attending. Penang Volunteers piraled at tie Esplanade at 7.30 a.m. to the number 117
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  • 89 4 [From Our Own Corresponding] Singapore, January 4. His Excellency the G >vernor, Str Arth ar You g, M .jor-General Roade, Vj Cb Admiral Je ram, military and naval o ffi and members of the Legis'ative Council attended the Special Service of Intercession in Singapore Cathedral yesterday. Bishop of
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  • 125 4 Arrivals. By Lama (January 3) from Calcutta, M r H J Adams an i Mr A Y Pensin from Rangoon, Rev Brother Alphonse, Mrs Ah Koon, Mrs Ah Foke, Messrs R Bi lett, A K Ba-ha, E Cotter and Emanuel. By Klang (January 4) from Singapore, Captain and Mrs
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  • 27 4 OUTPUTS FOR DECEMBER. The following are rubber outputs for Dec. Batak Rabit lbs 18,500 Bagan Serai 19,000 Penang 118,500 Rubana 43.000 Straits 178,500 Tali Ayer 40,000
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  • 217 4 Mr H. Norman is appointed to act as assistant to the Resident, Malacca, police magistrate, assistant judge and coroner and Deupty Culltc or of Land Revenue for Ma'acca. Messrs F. K Wilson, G. C. Dodd, O. E. Venables, H. F. Monk, E. P. F. Pretty, and C.
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  • 128 4 Penang, January 4, 1915. (5y Courtesy of the Chartered Bank). London Demand Bank ...2/4 4 months' sight Bank ,*..2/4 3 8 3 Credit ...2/4 3/4 3 Documentary ...2/5 Calcutta Demand Bank Rs. 174 f 3 days' sight Private n 177 Bombay Demand Bank 174} Moulmein Demand Bank n 173
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 38 4 gIR Ernest Shackleton, writing to the agent entrusted with the purchasing of the stores for the forthcoming Imperial TransAntarctic Expedition, uses these words 1“ The question of the concentrated beef supply is most important— it must be Bovril.”
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  • 962 5 WHAT ALLIES THINK OF ONE ANOTHER. Mr. Neil Munro, The Daily Chronicle special correspondent, writer Our redoubtable friend, the Russian, meanwhile playing lone hand, cinnot be included in any inquiry as to what the Allies think of one another, but after three months’ comradeship in
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  • 100 5 Monday, January 4 Band, Esplanade, 6 p.m. High Water 1.37 a.m. and 2.20 p.m. Low Water 8.27 a.m. and 8.24 p.m. Straits Cinematograph, Penang Road George Town Cinematograph, Kuala Kangsar Road. Tuesday, January 5 Band, Golf Club, 6 p.m High Water 2.10 a.m. and 2.55 p.m. Low
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  • 49 5 January 7 and 9.—Penang Turf Club, January Meeting. January 11 and 12 —The Grotesques from the Savoy and Palace Theatre, London, at the Town Hall. January 18.—Meeting of Penang Athenaeum rn Masonic Hall, 9 p.m., Lecture on Nietzsche and the War by Rev. William Cross m a.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 347 5 BROWN Co., Monumental Sculptors? CALCUTTA. Monumente and Tombstones of every description «applied. Inscriptions done in all languages, under skilled European supervision. The oest Italian and Carara Marble used. William Edward sobs, ABERDEEN, SCOTLAND. Granite Merchants and Manufacturers of Tombstones in various kinds of Aberdeen Granite. Rampies ol Granite to be
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    • 192 5 Yorkshire Weave and British WooL Get light pure wool for a Smart Suit. Pure Wool Suits are light, healthy, smart and comfortable. Send for 120 Suit Length Patterns Free. Get j*l your local tailor to make up suit lengths sent direct from f I' Huddersfield, the hub of the World’s
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  • 20 6 Cleavrr. —On the 2nd Dec., at the White House, Eastbourne, to Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Cleaver —a son.
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  • 45 6 Bowen —Haynrs—No. 21, at Trinidad, Harry T. Bowen, son of the late Adderley Bowen, Penang, and of Mrs. Bowen, England, to Mede», only daughter of late John Haynes, Trinidad. Ward—Waller.—Nov. 30, at London, Captain E. B. Ward to Margaret, daughter of T. W. Waller.
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  • 1140 6 It would appear from the cabled extracts of German newspaper articles that there is a growing realization on the part of the German people, especia’ly those of the trading and commercial classes, that the cut ing off of supplies of raw &c., and the dangers of financial
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  • 1811 6 Contemporary writers must envy Eye Witness his reading public, for they can only be estimated in hunbels of millions. This milita-y observer, whose technical knowledge enables him to summarise the s lient festues in the operdiots by all arms w th the instinct of a smart sub-editor
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 124 6 I 8 rrO 'MI ■Lil Extra Quality I BOLLINpER CHAMPAGNE 19 0 6 VINTAGE. At the Guildhall Banquet of pth November, 1914* Two of the only three Champagnes served were BOLLINGER AND VEUVE CLICQUOT SOLE AGENTS: I* Caldbeck, Macgregor Co., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Wine and Spirit Merchants, PENANG. I PtrWG
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  • 396 6 DEATHS. Adams.—Nov. 30th, at Tanglin,” Eltham, Kent, Arthur Passmore Adams (formerly of Singapore), aged 63. Obituary. CHIEF GOVERNMENT WHIP. L ndon, Janua'y 3, The dea h has occurred, from typhoid < f the Government Ch ef Whip, Mr. Percy H. lllingwort’, M P., P.C. Mr Percy H. Illingworth, whose name
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  • 303 7 THE FIGHTING IN POLAND. THE ALLIES’ CAPTURES. FORMIDABLE SURVIVORS’ EXPERIENCES. Iu Belgium the Allies are holding on to the ground they have recently gained, and except in the region of Nieuport the enemy have ceased their attacks. Near the coast the artilleiy has been very active In France,
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  • France and Belgium.
    • 638 7 [Reuter’s Sprcial and Ordinary Services.] [Copyright Telegram.] (By Submarine Telegraph.) London, January 2. A French official communique sajs the enemy delivered numerous attacks. All these were repulsed. The most violent was an artillery engagement to the north of the Lys, particularly in the dunes near Nieuport, and Zonnebeke.
      [Reuter’s Sprcial and Ordinary Services.]  -  638 words
    • 126 7 EY E WITNESS’S STORY. London, January 2. The Press Bureau issues a statement by “Eye-witness.” He says that on the December 28th there was a hurricane follow, d by a violent thunderstorm. There was nothing notable to report. The weather waterlogged the ground, which was not
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    • 112 7 HANDSHAKING BETWEEN FOES. London, January 3. A letter from a Private of the Rifle Btigade says it was a fine picture to see British and German officers on Christmas Day, shaking hands, in the glow of a searchlight, midway between the trenches. The men were mist
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    • 92 7 EXACTIONS AND PROHIBITIONS Loudon, January 3. German exac.ions on Belgium continue to be made. The latest is the infliction of a fine of five thousand pounds in gold on Ghent, because a few hundred yards of telephone wires were cu\ A proclamation has been issued at
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    • 20 7 A TOTAL OF 604,200. Paris, January 3. Estimates of prisoners held by the Allied countries total 604,200.
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    • 22 7 London, January 3. President Poincare at d his Ministers held a receftfion of rhe diplomatic body at Paris.
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  • Russian Campaign.
    • 59 7 THREE THOUSAND PRISONERS. Petrograd, January 2. An official communique says that despite stubborn resistance we took the enemy’s earthworks at the village of Macbanka, iu the region of Gorlitze, taking three thousand prisoner?, sixty eight officeie, four guns, and six quickfirers. The engagement continues. Furious counter-attacks were
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    • 129 7 RUSSIAN GAINS IN GALICIA. Ptt ograd, January 2. A Russian communique says the Russians continue to repulse German attacks at the Bzura and Rawka, dospi e the enemy’s heavy artillery and bombs. The Germans captured some tranches between Vloezezowa and Kielce, after severe fighting, but were
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  • Turkey and the Near East.
    • 86 7 Petrograd, January 3. An official message says desperate fighting centimes at Sarykamysk. The situation at Aidahan is unchanged. The Russians blocked a Turkish offensive in the direction of Olti. Ardahan Taken by Turks. London, January 4. A Turkish communique asserts that Ardahan has been captured by the
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    • 26 7 Belgrade, January 2. Four Austrian monitors on Thursday evening bombarled the fortress of Belgrade on the banks of ti e Save and Danube.
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  • Naval Operations.
    • 237 7 RESCUE OF CUTTER’S CREW. London, January 2. Seventy of the Foimidable’s crew were saved by a trawler. TI ey had been in an open cutter for twtlve hours when rescued. The trawler, running before the gale, had to heave to owing to the force of the wind.
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    • 176 7 FLIGHT COMMANDER HEWLETT’S EXPERIENCES. London, January 2. Flight Commander Hewlett, who has returned to Ymuiden, sail he commanded a squadron of nine aeroplanes aboard three warships. Only eight ascended, one hiving developed defects. Flight Commander Hewlett, who was leading, entered a thick fog and found himself
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  • General News.
    • 67 7 A CANDID TEUTON VIEW. London, January 3. The Vossische Z-itung says Germany is surrounded by an unbreakable chain, preventing the importation of supplies, and the scarcity of petrol is already noticeable. There are everywhere indications that the harvest in Germany will be below expections. We have not yet
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    • 25 7 Washington, January 3. Various business interests have protected against any legislation restricting the export of munitions of war to belligerents in Europe,
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    • 92 7 THE EXCHANGE OF PRISONERS. London, January 3. The Pops telegraphed to the Kais r appealing to his feelings of Christian charity to terminate this disastrous war, and begin the New Year with an act of Imperial generosity by accepting the propos <1 for an exchange of
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    • 50 7 London, January 3. There were crowded congregatio s of all denominations at the Intercession Services, which were most impres s ive, es pecially those at Saint Paul’s Cathedra) and Westminster Abbey. The serv’ces were concluded with the “National Anthem There was also a special service at Westminster Cathedral.
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    • 50 7 Washington, January 2, President Wilson’s New Year greetings from the heads cf States included the following from King George, Hearty good wis-hes for your personal happiness and the prospeii’y of the United State?, to which we are united by such close ties of friendship and intimacy.”
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    • 55 7 London, January 3. A Russian Orange Book forms another contribution to the mass of documentary evidence proving Germany’s responsibility for the war. The Book throws a clear light on the underhand methods of Austrian and German diplomacy to force Tuikey into the war, despite the pacific efforts
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    • 104 7 LORD WIMBORNE APPOINTED. London, January 3. It is officially announced tl at Lord Wimborne has been appointed Lord Lieutenant of Ireland. Ivor Bertie Guest, Ist Baron Wimborne, D. L., J. P., was bom at Dowlais in 1835, son of Sir Josiah John Guest, first baronet, and
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  • 174 7 AN OLD GAOLBiRD. Ibrahim, a handcart puller, was to-day charged in the Third Court, Penang, before Mr. L. V. J. Lavdle, with criminal breach of trust of a bag of rice, valued at $7,50. It appears that at noon ou Christmas Day lan Kim, shopkeeper of B
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  • 75 7 Page 2.—Notes From Java German Competition. Page 3.—Howarth Erskine Ltd.; Trade and Commerce London Litter; The Emden’s Visit to Penang. Page 4.—Planters of Malaja; Intercession Services From Sir John French. Page s.—Tommy’s Idea of the Piou-Piou. Page 6.—TI e Economic Factor Here and There. Page 7.—Telegrams Page
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  • 17 7 To-day's quotation for unrefined tin in Penang was $69.50 per pica', buyers,, no sellers.
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  • 58 7 The output of the New Tambun Mines for the mouth of December, amounted to 67 piculs and 65 catties. The output of Rahman Hydraulic Tin,. Limbed during the month of December was 600 plku s. The Output of The Rahman Tin Co., Ltd., during the month of December
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  • 382 7 Counsel for the plaintiffs (Hon. A. R. Adams) having filed an additional affidavit in this case, Mr. Justice Ebden this afternoon granted an application by counsel for the defendants (Mr. P. Simpson) for a further two weeks’ adjournment. The Vulkan Shipbuilding Works announce that since the
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  • 832 8 Vessels launched io the United Kingdom last ysar totalled 1,247, of 1,200,489 tons. Glasgow was the leading shipbuilding centre, with a i ecord of 132 ships and 235,286 tons. The Austrian-Lloyd Line has dismissed a large number of ship captains, officers, and office employers, and has closed its
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 226 8 You have heen a// world, Jad Wha/ha ve you seen In snoslplaces, sonny A sesn ißuJj van WHOUTENS I B COCOA lIIIHMAXS BAIL LINE. From Japan, China, Straits, TO Marseilles, London, and Liverpool. A frequent service of fast cargo steamers of this Line will be ran in the above trade,
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    • 191 8 Little Peterisms.” uin w( i u 4% /V Mt*, rYjWWie i i-1 ilQ.ii x Xj LAGER pGr BRAVO, AUSTRALIA! LITTLE PETER: “Well done, Old Sport. The Mother Country won’t forget.” PETER WALKER LAGER BEER. Obtainable from all first class dealers or Sellar, Murray Co., AGENTS, PENANG. Mackay’s Liqueur j
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  • 1861 9 THE BATTLE OR YPRESARMENTIERES. narrative of a great fight. A further dispatch from Field-Marhal Sir John French hag hreu issued by the War Office. The dispatch, which is dated November 20 covers the operations carried out by the British Forces in the region of Yj
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    • 274 9 ADMIRAL STURDEE’S SPEECH, London, December 25.—At Monte Video the British Colony gave a brilliant reception in honour of the Admiral last night. The Fiench Colony was present. A Buenos Aires cables state l: The captain of the Argentine Cruiser San Martin has exchanged visits with the British
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    • 199 9 Calcutta, Decembtr 25.—“ The Statesman’s” London correspondent cable-:—The correspondent of The Morning Post telegraphs that Germany has failed miserably to accomplish the prim. 3 object of the invasion to Poland, namely, the destruction of the Russian strategic scheme of occupying Galicia, capturing Cracow, and invading Silesia. A
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    • 117 9 Allahabad, Dec. 24.—“ The Pioneer’s” London correspondent cables In the advance made by the Allies the British atd Indian forces have made progress against severe opposition. Our forces are much helped by increased numbers and additional gun power. We have successfully replied to all the mechanism which
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    • 95 9 London, 24th December.—An Amsterdam cable states German extortions from helpless Belgians continues. Parents of lads who are serving in the army are being heavily fined, the amount being increased according to the length of the son s absence. Taxes of all sorts are being imposed. Even poultrykeepers are
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    • 57 9 London, December 27 A terrible railway collision has occurred at Kahsh (Poland) between a crowded German troop train, and a train returning with wounded German offic rs. Over twenty carriages were smashed to atoms. Four hundred were killed and five hundred injured. A number of rai'way officials
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    • 67 9 Colombo, December 27.—A Times of Ceylon London cable states: In preparation for the opening of the Stock Exchange on January 4th drastic ruleshave been laid down to prevent the sale of enemies’ securities. New rules also provide that every naturalised alien, unless able to produce denationalisation papers
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    • 78 9 Allahabad, December 26-—“ The Pioneer” says the number of Mahommedans in the Russian Army is 150,000. There has been eager vo unt ering among the Caucasian and Central Asian regiments, all of which are anxious to go on service. The outbreak of the war with Turkey
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    • 61 9 Loudon, Dec. 24—It was stated before the French Army Commission that 489, 773 wounded had been treated in hospitals between Sept. 15th and Nov. 30;h. Of these 79 per cent, had returned to the ranks, and two and half per cent had died. There were now 3,978
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  • 87 9 The Band will play the following programme of music at the Esplanade from 6 to 7 this evening 1. Two Step The Jolly Negroes Wedding ...Vollstedt 2. Quadrille Monte Carlo Wiliams 3. Waltz Quaker Giil ...Monckton 4. Serenade La Paloma Yradier 5. March The Chinatown Rosey The
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  • 229 9 Penang, January 4. Beef— els. Soup per catty 18 Roast 28 Steaks 28 Stew or Curry Meat 20 Rump Steak 28 Ox Tail each 45 Tongue 50 Feet 20 Heart 45 Liver per catty 35 Pork— Pork per catty 36 Pig’s Head 22 Feet 26 Tongue 46 Mutton
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 922 9 In the matter of the j/r. t. i. m. Gordon. Straits Settlements Companies’ Ordinance 1889 P- P‘ ln the matter of the Kwong Yik Banking Company, Ltd. Liquidation). NOTICE is hereby given that the Liouidators of the Company have declared X Electric .Installation a Becon( j dividend at the rate
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  • 419 10 NOVEMBER REPORT. Messrs. James F. Hutton Co., Ltd writing on Novembar 26/14, report Liverpool Cotton. To-day. Last Week. Mid-American—Spot 4.48 4.42 Mid-American, Current Month 4.17 J 4.12 F.G.F. Egyptian—Spot 7.05 7.05 Spot—Cents 7.50 New York Cotton. YoBter day. week. Spot—Cents. 7.75 7.50 London. To-day. Last week Bar
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  • 492 10 Command of the Sea. It is the fifth month of the war> and the docks of London were never busier or more crowded than they are to-day. There is practically no casual labour left, and the Port of London Authority is employing 20 per cent more labourers than this time
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  • 352 10 I learn that the prohibition of the export of rubber from this country and also from our rubber-producing colonie», except to British ports, writes a London correspondent, is certain to have disastrous conse quences for numerous London rubber companies, and has already had a very
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  • 555 10 A Businessman’s Belief, The question posed above is being considered by the business man at the present time owing to the stagnation of trade caused by the present war. The answer is a simple one, writes Ernest C. Digby, of the Daily Express The
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  • 191 10 Glbnshibl Rubber —Tot. diyd. 5 p.c. Ulu Rantau —Second int, divd. 5 p.c. Kapar Para.—Second int. divd. 15 p.c. Jugra.—lnt. divd. 15 p.c. last year 30 P- c Majedte (Johore). —Report to 3O states crop was 47,712 lbs, realising 2s. 1.9 d. Third Mile.—As export of
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  • 107 10 SHIPPING ARRIVALS. Lama, Brit., 957, Sinclair, Jan. 3, C’cutta, gen., Huttenbach Liebert Co. Klang, Brit., 732, Fawcus, Jan. 4, S’pore, gen., A. G. Co. Indragiri, Dut., 161, Bron, Jan. 4, Deli, gen., K.P.M. Rochussen, Dut., 2776, Wintel, Jan. 4, Batavia, gen., K.P.M. Golcouda, Brit., 3730, Mloth, Jan. 4, N’ptam,
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  • 46 10 To-day. Rochussen for T. Semawe, Segli, Sabang Olehleh etc., Padang. Golconda for Port Swettenham Singapore. Kedah for Dindings, Sitiawan Began Datoh and Tel uk Anson. Un Peng for Pulau Langkawi, Perlis Setul. Flying Dragon for Port Weld and Taiping. Telemachus for Singapore, Hongkong and Saigon.
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  • 26 10 CLOSE AT GENERAL POST OFFICE. To-Morrow. For Per Close. Tongkah Calypso 1 p.m. Teluk Anson Hebe 4 p.m. Port Swettenham and Singapore Klang 4-30 p.m.
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  • 261 10 Penang, January 4, 1915. 8; P. Tapioca $3.85 sellers. M. P. Tapioca $4 sales Gold leaf $61.40 Pepper (W. Coast 3 lb. 5 oz). $l6 1/2 buyers. Black Pepper $lB.OO buyers. White Pepper $29.00 buyers. Trang Pepper $19.00 no stock. Mace $llO nom. Mace Pickings s—nom:$ —nom: or no
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  • 31 10 Penang The E. 40. Hotel, The Crag, Runnymede Hotel, Hotel Norman, Carlton Hotel and The New Sea View Hotel. Singapore: —Raffles Hotel. Rangoon Strand Hotel. Ceylon :•—Nnwara Eliya.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 264 10 The Straits Sales Room. MR. G. B. MADDEN begs to inform the general Public of Penang that he has opened business at 60, Beach Street, as Auctioneer, Ship Chandler, General Estate and Commission Agent. He further begs to assure the Public that all household furniture and other goods entrusted to
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    • 451 10 NIKKO Modern Art Photographic Studio. Developing and Printing Amateurs’ Work. Out-door Photography undertaken by Experts. Mahogany and Oak Frames always in stock. Telephone No. 579. 21, Penang Road. K. S. OK ANIWA, Proprietor. THE I WiVfeBEST DISINFECTANTS. All Kinds and for All Purposes. AS SUPPLIED TO H.M. GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENTS. SANITAS-OKOL
      451 words

  • 864 11 WASTE OF MONB.Y AND OF LIFE. A meeting was held recently in the Houldsworth Hall, Manchester, of the St. George’s Asacciation, which has for its object the promotion of sexual purity. The Bishcp of Manchester presided, and addresses were given by Sir William Milligan and Bishop Neligan.
    864 words
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    • 1061 11 J"— 11 I III—KMB—.Y. K. BAD BREATH. THE TONGUE IS THE INDEX. j3p&H Mdll utCdfDSnip vO. Ld. Your breath is foul. You do not perceive it yourself. You are like a lij i person who is always among the oils and I ia 1 j i varnishes —you get used
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    • 49 11 Beware of that chill which strikes you in the loins if disregarded, serious disease will follow. A dose or two of Woods’ Great Peppermint Cure, taken immediately the trouble is noticed, throws off all bad symptoms. Never be without it in the home. Sold everywhere. 80 cents a bottle.
      49 words
    • 324 11 j Hazeline (Trade Mark) Snow •iit’*'* -Y* I:.:<:J t£)EVELOPS the beauty of the skin to iperfection. Obtainable of all Chemist» and Stores Burroughs Wellcome a* Co. 4/4 London and Bombay _j Hazeline Snow” >6 non-greasy. Those who prefer a preparation of a creamy nature should use ‘Hazcline’ Cream. O r~_.
      324 words

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    • 1566 12 SA i LING? STRAITS STEAM SHIP Co.fe JO«an Itjfgr British India LIMITED. f and CHINA MUTUAL BTEAM HAV. CO., m STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY, LTD. For Port Swettenham and Singapore. Hg Companies’ steamers are despatched M vniu •> J[ from Liverpool outwards for the Strait» 'T A111AriSOn China, and Japan every
      1,566 words