Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 11 June 1906

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 2023 1 lntended Sailings. p& 0. Steam Naviga- BRmSH |N D A STEAW NAVIGATION Co., LTD. 1 Norddeutscher Lloyd. Bremen. tion, Company. hh aCMM UPtCTtll ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURFS. |r<> to Sail Stiamtk. ItT\\ MAIL SERVICE. N'egapatanu ——i r~- Imperial German Mail Line. w Outwards. Madras, Pondicherry, Caddalore and >at 23rd June
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 709 2 FARROW HILL NURSERIES FRUIT FARM. Mackay’s TO AVOID THE LONDON DIRECTORY Seeds and Seedlings of Cocoa nuts and y i WWTI /CONTAINING over 2,000 pages of condensed commercial matter, enables enter Fruits of all descriptions carofu’.l < selected. /1 U All IP W 111 QII V traders throughout the Empire
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  • 1007 3 f'tand him in six years hence. —London correspondent of the Ceylon Observer. MALAYAN VENTURES. Some further particulars are now avail•ible concerning the recent flotation of the Damansata (Selangor) Rubber Co., Ltd., which, it may be mentioned, was applied for nearly twice over. The estates are situated in
    ’ f'tand him in six years hence.—London correspondent of the Ceylon Observer.  -  1,007 words
  • 865 3 SOME INTERESTING PERFORMANCES. ft is next to impossible to take up all the meritorious performances of what Horse Griffins have done in S. R A. Meetings since their first importation the Straits Settlements and F. M. S. very many years ago. Yet the following f**w enmnerared balow
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  • 940 3 —Daily Telegraph. In the spring it used to be expected of the young man that his fancy should lightly turn to thoughts of love. Although it is understood from sporadic complaints that the young man’s fancy does not nowadays turn with the freedom or enthusiasm of
    —Daily Telegraph.  -  940 words
  • 480 3 The third annual general meeting of the Pataling Rubber Estates Syndicate, Limited, was held in London on 17th ult., Mr. J. L. Anstruther (chairman) presiding. The crop of 25,700 lbs., he said, was obtained from some 25,000 trees, varying from six to eight years old, and
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  • 330 3 Per P «v *>. steamer Sardinia, from London, May 12, <ltte at Penang June 12:—To Penang, Di a,,, l Mrs. G. MT. Park and <-hiid, .MJss E. Leadbitter, Miss F. G Quiggin. *Mr. J. C. J. da Silva, Mr J. J. Medway, Mrs. Richards. Mr. Swot’onlrim.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 66 3 No Competition. The uniform success of Chamberlain’s Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy in the relief and cure of bowel complaints both in children and adults has brought it into almost universal use, so that it is practically without a rival, and as everyone who has used it knows, is without
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    • 91 3 Contracted Neuralgia During the War. I had a bad case of neuralgia which I contracted during the war. I tried several kinds of medicine but they did me no good until a friend of mine recommended Chamberlain’s Pain Balm which gave me immediate relief. I have had no trouble since
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    • 241 3 U Why not phase yourself? v 9 You undoubtedly will if you use 1 van Jfouten’s I I It is as beneficial to health as it is delightful to the taste. fl Pure and unmixed. J “Yields a maximum proportion of the valuable food Wga constituents of the cocoa bean.”—
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  • 84 4 MoMai, Ilth Juae.J Harmston’s Circus. St Barnabas. Town Band. Esplanade, 6 to‘7 p.m. High water 3.26 p.m.’Low water 9.24 a.m. Tuesday, I2th June* HarinstorCs league •FoofcbaH":'" P. R. Ci i».' N. ;L. High water 10.2 G l»pw water 4 24 p.m l3tb Juae r Circus. Town Band.
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  • 18 4 Bhatt.—Qn Saturday, 9tl| June, at the Crag Hotel, Peiuuig Hill, to E. and L. Bratt, a son..
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  • 1084 4 The announcement contained in to-dnv's telegrams that Army officers are to participate iti’fL'e great Naval Manwuvrte will» go far to link the two services closer to’ gether. A brief outline of the scheme to be followed in the manieuvres, which will take place between England and
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    • 225 4 To the E/lidor of the Pinang Gazette.”] Dear Sir, To-morrow, f>er s.s. Sardinia, our worthy Municipal Health Officer will be once again amongst us- artd the Health Department will then consist of Drs; Pirk and Rose. It. is hoped that, with such an efficient staff (not to
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  • 179 4 Hamilton’s Cireus certainly has no cause to sing the praises of the Clerk of the Weather in Penang. Every time it visits tlie Island this whimsical official seems t>> take a delight in turning on a liberal wafer supply, an 1 this occasion has been no exception to
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  • 159 4 The Singapore Cricket Club, having received an invitation from Rangoon for a cricket match to be plaved at, the port At Christinas', have decided that should the friendlv challenge lie accepted, the team to l>e sent sltou’d be one repre entative of the Colony a"d F. AL S.
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  • 198 4 In the House of Commons last month LMr. Har lid‘Cok f Liberal M. P.'for Proton) asked the Secretary of State for War what was tl e annual cost of the troops stationed in Ceylon, Hongkong, the West Indies, and Straits Setlements, respectively, and what was the amount of
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  • 904 4 ARRIVAL AT SINGAPORE The weather, with a *ad deficienev such an occasion, f< ll far short of that could be described as favour'll* yesterday, says Saturday’s Free Prt S .< the afternoon on which H Excellency ti” Governor of the Strait,j, Sir John Andereturned again to Singapme
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 166 4 HAVANA CIGARS. The Best Brands Only. Kothschild Elegts (Bock Co.) $5.59 per box of 25. Regalia Kspecical (Cabanas) < -”5.17 —r> Alicias Finos (Bock Co.) Bachelors’ Finos (Henry Clay) 3.68 Orfeos y (Villar Villar) 3.62 Panetelas (J.S. Murias) 2 73 <», Regalitos (Kosa Aromatica) 2.18 Londres Finos -(Henry Clay) 11.70
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    • 112 4 CONTRIBUTIONS must be address d to The Editor, .written onpve sidtof th» paper >only and accompanied by. the writer’s name and address, not necessarily for 'insertton but as a guarantee of good faith. l; yg LL monies must be paid <>t.. the «> Gazette Office, Penang, to the Secretary, whose
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    • 21 4 [XZZ communications intended for insertion in this journal must be authenticated. The Editor is not responsible for the opinions of correspondents.]
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  • 188 5 radicals and the government. A CHECK AVERTED. attitude of liberal press. [Rkutek’s Service.] London. 9th June \[r. Winston Churchill, Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies, made a spe *ch in the House of Commons yesterday in connection with the vote for the Colonial Ofli<’e. Thereafter a motion was
    [Rkutek’s Service.]  -  188 words
  • 103 5 REVELATIONS CONFIRM ED BRITISH ARMT SUPPLIES [Reuter's Service. London. 9l h June. President Roosevelt his f »rw irded to the United States Congress the report, of the Committee on Agriculture of the Home of Representatives in regard to the tinned meat packing revelation*. It co ifirin* the
    [Reuter's Service. ]  -  103 words
  • 102 5 THE AGRARIAN QUESTION. TERRORISTS IN WARSAW. [Reuter’s Service.] London, 11th June. The Russian Dnini has been heatedly discussing the agrarian question in Russia. The representative Labourites declared that the Ministers had been driven out but refused to bu Ige, and repeated that they had neither shame nor conscience. An
    [Reuter’s Service.]  -  102 words
  • 99 5 RAILROAD RATES BILL. THE CONFERENCE REPORT. [Reuter’s Service London, 9th June. A telegram from Washington states that the United States Si nite has decided by a unanimous vote not to accept the report on the Hepburn Railroad Rt'es Bill, as •übmitted by a conference of the comroittees of
    [Reuter’s Service ]  -  99 words
  • 71 5 THE EMPEROR AND GERMANY. THE KAISER’S VISIT. [Rkuter’s Service.] London, 11th June. Ihe Emperor Francis Joseph, in receiving the Austro-Hungarian delegations, referred to the German alliance which, living to its defensive character, is a Valuable guarantee of peace. The visit of the Kaiser to Vienna again placed on record
    [Rkuter’s Service.]  -  71 words
  • 150 5 GRAND PRIX DE PARIS. THE RESULT. VICTORY FOR DERBY WINNER. [Reuter’s Service.] London, 11th June. Th» following is the result of this race yesterday at Paris Grand Prix de Paris —Of 8,009 sovs. if winner is foaled in France the breeder will receive 600 sov< in addition
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  • 201 5 THE CORONATION CUP. [Reuter’s Service London, 3lit May. The Asian gives the result of this race on the above date, as follows The Coronation Cup. a piece of Plate value £2OO, and 1,000 sovs. in specie for the winner, added to a sweepstake of 20 «ovs. each,
    [Reuter’s Service ]  -  201 words
  • 62 5 THE NATIVE RISING. [Reuter's Service 1 London, 10th June. The native 3hief Dinizuhi his expressed a wish to come to Maritzburg t> interview the Governor of Natal, but. owing to his ill-lie ilth, he is sending some trusted Indunas. The Government of Natal has accepted the offer made
    [Reuter's Service 1  -  62 words
  • 33 5 A RMY’S PARTICI PATION. Reuter’s Service.] London 9th June. A number of Army officers will participate in the great Naval Mameuvres, b’ginning to-day and following the model of the Japanese.
    | Reuter’s Service.]  -  33 words
  • 34 5 DIPLOMATIC RELATIONS. [Reuter’s Service] London,-11th June. As a result of the retirement of the regicides in Servla. Great Britain has agreed to the appointment, of a Servian Minister in London.
    [Reuter’s Service]  -  34 words
  • 38 5 A NEW SCHEME. [Reuter's Service.] London, 11th June. It is understood that Mr. Haldane, Secretary for War, wilt, on the 11 th July, announce a scheme for the reduction of the personnel of the Army.
    [Reuter's Service.]  -  38 words
  • 32 5 THE COMING CORONATION. [Reuter’s Service.] London, 11th June. King Oscar of Sweden has decided that he will not be represented at the coronation of King Haakon VII of Norway.
    [Reuter’s Service.]  -  32 words
  • 268 5 Colonial writes to the Malay Mail as follows The death of Mr. H. H. Hudson, Solicitor-General, S 8., under such tragic circumstances, may i ecall to mind the sudden passing away of a former SolicitorGeneral, Mr. Daniel Logan, about ten years ago. The late Mr. Logan,
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  • 395 5 The prize list of the thin 1 joint Annual Agri-Horticultural Show of the Straits' Settlementsand F. M.S.. to be held on Rafles Reclamation, at Singapore, on August 16, 17, and 18, has now l>een issued. Copies are being widely distributed, an I any person desir-ms of having one
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  • 527 5 MR CAREY’3 VIEWS. As widespread interest has been taken in the paragraph published in our columns a few days ago commenting upon Mr. E. V. Carey’s letter on Labour in Malaya in the India-Rubber Journal, we now reproduce the letter in question, as follows u lt would
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  • 372 5 A Singipore c mtemporary writes:—A whisper, faint, but still a whisper, has reached Singapore that promotion mar be offered.- to Sir William Taylor, before very long. I'hat His Excellency deserves promotift:i. tfiVmgh the transitron would l»e one of some iflipi'litv.. yobivly will deny. It has been no
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
  • 165 5 Obituary. Former F. M. S. Engineer. We regret to see the following announcement in the London Times Carter. —On the 18th April, at Barbados, after five day-»’ illness, Samuel Arthur Carter, C.E., aged 42 years, late of Johore, Malay Peninsula, second son of the late Joseph Carter, Esq, and Sirs.’
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  • 712 6 'Che official announcement that the Italian Government has decided to adopt the British sys em (f tonnage measurement has been received vitli much sa i<facti<u> in shipping circles. The anomaly, not by any means unusual, of sister ships built in Italian yards being registered under a different
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  • 129 6 dJoroRL A, Brit., ffiSQpingard, June 9, Tongrcw&uan Co. Unity. Nor., 930, Jorgerson, June 10, Rangoon, gen., Chin Ho. Son. Benakiv. Brit, 2 »10 June 10, London, gen., S. Battrey Co., Ramsay, Brit., 2761, Mullan, June 10, Yokohama, gen., A. Oifiillan <fc Co., Ping Svey, Brit., 6457, Warral, June
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  • 55 6 Ping Suey, for Singapore, China and Japan. Mary Austin for Port Swettenham Rotorua for Tongkah. Canton for Pangkor and Teluk Anson. Calypso for Deli. Lin du la for Rangoon and Calcutta. Lian Choo, for Setul. Flying Dragon, for Tort Weld and Taiping. Trieste for Madras. Tong Chay Un
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  • 184 6 FUJI Residi nt Halbwyn for Trang and P»ng Nga. at Noon to-morow. Avagyee for Deli, at 1 p.m. to-morrow. Petrel for Pangkalan Brandan, at 1 p.m tomorrow. Pin Seng for Port Swettenham, and Singapore, at 3 p.m. to-morrow Langkat for Pangkor and Teluk Ans>n, 2 p.m. on Wednesday
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  • 226 6 V <•••,<• o-bere /•/•< t- late dunirj, „d,er* ~w/ Glenttreet, from London. June JO, for Singapore. China, ami Japan. B. M A Co. Gregory Apgar, from Calcutta. June 11. for Singapore and Hongkong, A. A. A. A Co. Benvenue, from Singapore, June 11, for London. S. Buttery A
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  • 27 6 Per 8. s. Bharata, from Rangoon, Messrs. McGartli, and Ong Thean Seok. Pers. s. Lady Weld, from T. Anson, Mr. Butler, an 1 Master Butler.
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  • 130 6 Penang, 11th June, 1906. (By Courtesy of the Chartered Bank. I London Demand Bank 2/41 4 months’ sight Bank 2,4 7/16 3 Credit ’*/4| 3 Documentary 2/4 11/16 Calcutta, Demand Bank ID I «5 3 days’ sight Private 177 Bombay, Demand Bank 175 3 days’ sight Private 177 Madras.
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  • 185 6 Pknan««, 11th Junk, 1906 Gold leaf HI Pepper (W. Coast 3 1b« 5 ON.) »t«tk White Pepper 29 —sellers Trang f'cp|»er 21} sellers. Mace 8| Mace Pickings 681 s B. Nutmegs I|O '3 sales. JNo. I 6 rales. 2 x. no stock. Basket 2 67 J sales Tapioca Flour
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  • 576 6 Year of Number Paid For- Capital. of Value up Stocks. Quotations, mation. Shares. MINING. 1903 $300.000 $30.000 $lO s|o Bvlat Tin Mining. Go. Ltd. buyer-. 1900 175,000 13.500 ]0 jo Bersawah G-»I<1 Min’g Co. L«l. 12) seders. 1901 600,« on 60.000 JO JO Bruseli Hydraulic I’in Min 15} sale*.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 137 6 Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera, and Diarrhoea Remedy. This remedy is everywhere acknowledged to be the most successful medicine in use for Bowel Complaints. It always cures, and cures quickly. It can be depended upon even in the most severe and dangerous cases. Cures griping, all kinds of diarrhoea, and at the
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    • 135 6 Standard Life Assurance. The 77th Annua! General Meeting of the Standard Life Assurance Company was held at Edinburgh, on Tuesday, the 28th April, 1903. The following Results for the year ended 15th November, 1902. were reported Amount propose I for assurance during the year 1902 (5394 Proposals) £3,035,549 Amount of
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    • 357 6 AUCTION SALE OF 8.8. ABBOTSFORD. TO UK SOLO AT POWELL&Co.’s SALEROOM. SINGAPORE K THE Tuesday, 3rd July, 1906, at 2.30 p.m. I unle&t previously disposed o/*j Die l»<>anl of Trade have now definitely sanctioned the Registered tommge of the s.s. Abbotsfored to be 33.60 tons Net and 257.70 tons Gross
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    • 108 6 THEAN CHEE 4 Co., 14, Bishop Street. ARE NOW SHOWING A LARGE AND VARIED STOCK IN Ladies Trimmed and Untrimmed Hats and Toques. Children’s Sun Hats and Bonnets. Ladies and Children’s Shoes. Laces and Alovers. Feathers and Tips in White, Black, Pink and Blue. Muslins, Lawns, Sateens, Voiles, Delaines, etc.,
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    • 449 6 notice. TAMES OLDhTmTLv, J kers and Agents, 19 st n B Hill, Gt. Tower St., London, E (> best prices ruliug for Rubber .J l Rubber Estate, wanted for Sv Il( ]iĕ, (t g a Jes T 0 LET. QFFICES at 23, s twt V 7 occupied l y the
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1978 7 t A, notice. dentistry. Pearlfishing-Concession. brown Co., Penang Foundry lomoany Penang band. VIEWS of Penang, Singapore, Perak FOR SAT,R Monti Dental §CUlptOl*S LIMITED. NT OTICE is hereby given that from Ist Selangor, and Sumatra. MAIVS 42 BENTIKCK STREET, CALCUTTA. (ESTABLISHED 1876.) January, 1906, the charges for the P h °tos
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1890 8 CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA IHONGKQNC AND SHANGHAI nEDERLANDSCHE handei INTERNATIONAL BANKING THE MERCANTILE BANK OF Nederlandsch-lndische AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. BANKING CORPORATION. WAATSCHAPPIJ. CORPORATION. INDIA LIMITED Escompto-Maatscha Incorporated by Royal Charter. ...»10.000.000 Trading Sool.ty. Kis£ .i Agents (or the United States ol AT b ata r,.„d. CAr ®:rT"*°ooW(t- Apthob.s.o Car,™ £1,500,000.
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