Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 9 June 1905

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1639 1 w g Intended Sailings. st** snipping. P.& 0. Steam Naviga- BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION Co., LTD. 1 Norideutscher Lloyd, Bremen. tion, company. nk nncn» mmuuT» hmmihl Fo to Sa,l jU| I <T lilW S i MAII SFRVICF Aegapatain, I fnl ral Madras, Pon<licherrv, Cwidaiore and 1 at P- ,n hongwa
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1326 2 a PENANG VOLUNTEERS. tolet. When Drnr fcPrt rJ° USE No. pamdkore road. VVlJtsl| I I U LLvI IUU Vi I VVfVAWIJ COMMANDANT. Apply to nCkinO-fll lB2 uc E. A. MANASSEH Co. HirSly Electrical Engineers Contractors. juntos. TOLET Monday, IMO Range ««rved for pANG No. 3 Hpj p L Dynamos, Motors,
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  • 478 3 HAYE YOU LUCK The old saying that the odds are against the guesser’ is firmly believed in by nearly all gamblers,” said a turfman who prides himself upon having reduced lotting to a m formula. Ihe axiom is a good deal deeper than most people suppose. Taken literally in
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  • 352 3 It is interesting to Irani from recent reports that much good work is being done in the Sudan, bidding fair to redound ultimately to the credit of the British administration, not less than the work in Egypt proper. Such an eminent authority on Sudan affiirs as Slantin Pasha
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  • 1043 3 the facts about borrowing IN MILLIONS. The enormous success that attended the issue of the recent Japanese loan of £30,000.000, (iirects attention to a very fascinating subject. Of that loan half was off-red in London and half in the United States, a| *d
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  • 139 3 Experiments in India. •Simla, 24th May. A circular letter from Mr. Sly, Inspector General of Agriculture, India, to all local Directors of Agriculture is published, miking suggestions for experiments in manuring cotton. The proposal is to f illow the example, already set in America, •if ascertaining at the
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  • 180 3 Three leopards killed an elephant «luring a voyage from the East to New York on board the German steamer Xei lenfels. While crossing the Indian Ocean, the partition separating mr elephant, broke down «luring a storm. The elephant and her baby were munching carrots at the time,
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  • 260 3 The subject of hats is one which the men and women of Great Britain refuse to allow to rest. A reference was made to the statement of a medical journal to the effect that the headaches from which women suffer were largely due to the use of hat-pins. This
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  • 248 3 Says an American paper :—Probably the only idol factory in the work! is now located in the City of New York, where the idols of all countries are repro»duccd am! new ones manufactured, some from models and some through the inventive genius am! fertile brain of a
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  • 509 3 A dinner. in aid of the London School of Tropical Medicine, was held at the grand hall of the Hotel Cecil, which was filled to its utmost capacity. Mr. Chamberlain presided. He said that however people might «lifter on political questions they might join hand»
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 79 3 Chambkhlmn’s Colic, Ciioleha am» Diabkhoea Remedy. This remedy is everywhere acknowledged to l>e the most successful medicine in use for Bowel Complaints. It always cures, and euros quickly. It can be depended even in the most severe ami dangerous cases. Cures griping, all kinds of diarrhoea, and at the first
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    • 74 3 No Competition. Th? uniform success of Chamberlains Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy in the relief ami cure of bowel complaints both in children ami adults has brought it into almost universal use, so that it is practically without a rival, and as everyone who has use»! it knows, is without
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    • 70 3 Beware of a Cough. Now is the time to get rid of that cough, for if you let it hang on no one can tell what tlie eml may be. Others have lieeTl cured of their coughs very quickly by using Chamlierlain’s Cough Remedy. Why not you All dealers sell
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    • 96 3 Contracted Neuralgia During the War. I had a bad case of neuralgia which I coutraeteil dining the war. I tried several kinds of medicine but they did me no good until a friend of mine recommended Chamlierlain’s Pain Balm which gave me immediate relief. I have ha<! no trouble since
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  • 1899 4 In the Xatioii'il Review is an interesting article by M. Troelstra, the leader of the Social Democratic party in Holland, on the question of Holland —a question which, on account of our proximity to the Dutch Far Eastern colonies, is of paramount importance to dwellers in
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  • 32 4 I/ 1 ,e 1 i :,ul Mail stoimuMo ta left Singapore at 5 p.m. vesterdav and u cxpecte 1 t o arrive here at 10 pm. to-i a 1
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  • 81 4 Sun.iny, the I Ith. there will l,e Water 1010 Match, I’.,reign y Kest, start ot play 10.3 U a.m. A scratch match has he m arranged f. r Wh t M<m.Uy,an. it is hope I that mcml.ers who do not y in niale| cs wj|| ti the
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  • 513 4 ANOTHER “LANDMARK’ GOX E With the regrettable demise o f M. Lewis Ebert, at his residence in A V J Etam Road, on Wednesday, another of few remaining of what may be termed old school has been taken away from us 31 r. Ebert first saw
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  • 145 4 1 lie Annua Straits Dinner will on the ..0t„ June at the Metropole H..W Avenue, and the Chair for he evening will be u c< |!n|n lately of I enang When the ...ail „f j s.erday left I,oinbn, news had leaene l our London friends of
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  • 176 4 Tin- /'laws of Malaya s;iys. thal.tlie following have been chosen to I’er.ik against Sdangor at \yiiitsuntide.M»t cricket mid football. The m.itcM^.liillbe played in Kuala Lumpur: Cricket. Di. S. U. G. I <»x,.C;ipL E. I t M. Barrett, Messrs. B. H. Barnard. C. H. Cochrane, F. F. Faithfull,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 196 4 Central Sales Room. ew Advertisements. Pianofortes WANTED. by C/Ollai(l Oll<ll(l. DRESSER for Krian Irrigation A Works. Salary $5O to $6O per Pianofortes mensem, according to qualifications. I'ree quarters. Applications with recent testiby Metzler Ar Co. monials will be received by the Secretary to the Resident, Perak, up to 15th July.
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    • 71 4 THE WEEK. Friday, 9.h June Feast of Weeks, .D-wish Frsfiral. Town Band, Esplanade, G to 7 p. m. Saturday. 10 h June Town Ban I, G «If Uiub. I» to 7 p. in. Sunday, II th June. Whit Sunday. Pentecost. St. Barnabas. Monday, I2lh June. Whit Monday. Public Holiday. Town
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    • 4 4 •STOVES. d* Co., Ltd.
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    • 6 4 PRIZE 31 EDAL «SAFES. McAlister 4P
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  • 106 5 THE SMOLENSK TO THE FORE AGAIN. COWARDLY ACT NEAR WOOSUNG. THE QUESTION OF PEACE. [Rkutrr's Service.] London, Bth June. It is reported from Washington that President Riosevelt has discussed the question of Peace with every European Ambassador there, and that the Powers are apparently acting in concert. The
    [Rkutrr's Service.]  -  106 words
  • 75 5 GERMANY WANTS A CONFERENCE CEREMONIOUS RECEPTION 07 THE BRITISH ENVOY- [Rkutkr’h Service.] London. 9th June. Germany has formally proposed a C inference of the Powers on the Moroccan question. London, later. Mr. Gerald Lowther, the British Envoy to Morocco, has had a ceremonious audience of the Sultan. Formal speecln's
    [Rkutkr’h Service.]  -  75 words
  • 51 5 A BILL IN THE HOUSE OF COMMONS. [Reuter’s Service.] Lond< n. Bth June. The Scottish Church Bill his been introduced into the House of Commons. It creates an Executive Commission of five members to allot property equitably between the Free Church and the 1 iiited Free
    [Reuter’s Service.]  -  51 words
  • 29 5 AGAIN HONOURED IN BRITAIN. [Reuters Service] London, Bth June. King Alfonso has been app muted Honorary Colonel of the 16th Lancers, in the British Army.
    [Reuters Service]  -  29 words
  • 43 5 JAPANESE THANKED BY THE POPE. [Reuter’s Service.] London, Bth June. His Holiness the Roman Pontiff has written to the .Mikado, warmly thinking him for the liberty and facilities accorded to Roman Catholic Mis nonaries in Manchuria bv the Japanese army.
    [Reuter’s Service.]  -  43 words
  • 36 5 ANOTHER SUBMARINE LOST. [Reuter's Service.] London, 9th June. A submarine boat, No. AB, has been lost outside Plymouth. Fifteen of the crew perished, including Lieutenant Pletcher. The vessel suddenly sank without any explosion.
    [Reuter's Service.]  -  36 words
  • 41 5 THE Rt. Hon. Jamks LoWI'HER APPOINTED. [Reuters Service.) London, 9th June. The Rt. Hon. James William Lowther, Deputy Speaker of the Hou a; of Commons, has been elected Speaker, in succesdcn to the Rt. Hon. William Court Gully.
    [Reuters Service.)  -  41 words
  • 49 5 REDUCTIONS FOR INDIA AND EGYPT. [Reuter’s Service.] Loudon, 9th Ju ie. Mr. Austen Chamberlain has informed a deputation that the cable rate to India will l>e reduced to two shillings before October. He hoped very shortly that Ihe rate to Egypt would be reduced to one shilling.
    [Reuter’s Service.]  -  49 words
  • 149 5 KING OSCAR HOLDING OUT. PATRIOTIC DEMONSTRATION AT STOCKHOLM. [Reuter's Service.] London, Bth June. Yesterday evening, a patriotic demonstration took place outside the royal palace at Stockholm. The Swedish papers however give colour to the impression that Sweden is prepared to accept an accomplished fact, and will neither
    [Reuter's Service.]  -  149 words
  • 31 5 GRA T 1 F YING I N CIIE A S ES. I Reuters Service.] London, 9th June. British Imports during May increased by £2,090,000, and exports by £3,000,000.
    I Reuters Service.]  -  31 words
  • 163 5 A Hint to Motorists. Must j e iple Would perhaps be unable to see of what use a g >lf ball would be to a motorist's equipment. But a correspondent in Ceylon, in a letter to the “Autocar, has shown that a rabb.'r cored ball
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  • 390 5 PHYSICAL CONDITIONS IN THE EAST. A Hopzful View. Although this is my first trip to the Ed. t I have studied its ways, its climate and people for years. The native East has a fine foundation for the building c; large physical mm, only the lack of
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    • 1067 5 A REJOINDER. To the Editor of li Pinang Gazette.” Dear Sir,— In yiur issue of June 6th, a writer signing himself “Coogee” writes at some length on his dislike for dogs. In his opening paragraph, he apparently is only actuated by a sense of pul li: spii it,
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  • 276 5 The temperance cause has a strong advocate in Sir Frederick Treves, who, in an address at a Church of England Temperance Society's meeting held at Church House, Westminster, declared that alcohol was distinctly a poison, the use of which should be as strictly limite 1 as that
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  • 135 5 Seventy Degrees in Spring. For those of us who smelter in exile in the tropicv it is comforting to read that our friends at Home have been “catching it hot from Old Sol, as well. Ihe Standard of May 11th contains the following paragraph The sun
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  • 97 5 Its Population. According to the -YicZii A ichi, the population of Saghalien islan«l is estimate»! at some 40,000 persons, who may lie divided into three classes, namely, natives, exiles, and Russian civil ami military officers and their families. The natives include six tribes, but only number 4,140 in
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  • Page 5 Advertisements

  • 563 6 has been rendered by the xoKOSuka Prize Court in the case of the German steamer Secerns (2,13.3 tons), which was seized in the Soya Straits on February 23 last by the armed cruiser Honykoay Mam. She is ordered to be confiscated, no petitioner having appeared within the time
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  • 233 6 Per P. and O. steamer Marmora, connecting with the steamer Simla, at Colombo, from London, May 12.—T0 Singa* pore Mr. E. V. Carry. Mr. J. A. Thomson. Mr. A. R. T. Williams, Mr. O. Peineger, Mr. and Mrs. J. Afhbrose, Mr. W. Noble, Mr. W. White, Mr.
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  • 1062 6 ARRIVALS. Simla, Brit.. 5884, Goldsmith, J une 8, Colomlxi. gen., Adamson Gillillan Co. Elbing Ger. Schmidt, June 8, Singapore, gen.. Belin Meyer A Co. Atholl, Brit., 3032, Kemp, June 9, Singapore, gen., Adamson Gillillan Co. Kistna, Brit.. 524. Learmont, June 9, Singapore, gen, H. Liebert A
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  • 1123 6 PROGRAMME FOR AUTUMN MEETING, 1905. Tuesday 25tb. Thursday 2Tth and Saturday 29fh Juljt. FIRST DAY. Tuesday, 25th July, 1905. 1. THE MAIDEN PLATE. A Cup presented l»v John Armstrong, Esq., with $750 added by the Club. A Race for Maiden Horses. W eight as per scale reduced
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 48 6 Bowel Complaint in Children. During the summer months children are subject to disorders of the bowels, and should receive the most careful attention. As soon as any unnatural looseness of the bowels is noticed, Chambei lain's Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedv should be given. All dealers sell it.
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    • 127 6 Penang Sales Room. By Order of the Assistant Official Assignee, Jn Bankruptcy .Vo. of V-Kja. Ji- Chop Bun Chin Ho Co.” To he Sold by PUBLIC AUCTION On Friday and Saturday, and 16t(j June, 1905, AT No. 211 BEACH STREET. AT 1 1 A.M. EACH DAY. ALL THE STOCK-SN-TRADE, FITTINGS,
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    • 96 6 molascuit. bought i r o n T U b es an d pj(tj n g s 4 NEW FOOD for Horses ami Cattle, FOR xjL highly recommended by all Veterinary Surgeons as l»eing flesh-forming and a -g highly nutritive. This food is being used J ry V Q tl/1 on
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1357 7 TWO GREAT NECESSITIES, The London Assurance Penang Foundry Company, lIDTANQ I» I. FAMILY PROVISION. Corporation. limited. LlrlVllJ I Lfh. 2. PROVISION FOR OLD ACE. The undersigned having been appointed (ESTABLISHED 1876.) WERE AWARDED THE c it-' Agents for the Corporation are now preoasily and Economically met by a Policy in
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1881 8 Central Sales ,T nfth P T .t» .j Dresser Wanted. honckong and Shanghai r. eoerlandsche handel INTERNATIONAL Bankia, ventraj oaiesvA-* the jiict Received banking corporation. -mtschwu nc -tts Enactment, UU V rLt5Vt5l A qualified MAN to Uke charge MAATSCHAPPU. CORPORATION. < Pip >,k BIOn 4RQ7 x of an Estates Hospital.
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