Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 16 March 1905

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1997 1 r» I «w— wnou^MUMH^yatA l —rm mi ■*ainim w Mt:.i—ii» _z: I Shipping. < T“ intended Sailings. sapping. sapping. I tion, Company. BRITISH IWDIA STEAM HAVISATIOS Co., LTOJ Norddeuhchn Lloyd. Bremen. [Sgj trricn»mmuu» Mramn. I S IL 1 v™.». ttX 4g MAIL SERVICE. Negapatnrti, [Sat? Irtlli Alar. al. 2
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1525 2 ALLAN irving. The London Assurance thebsst mavusal aper’emt waterT Esswh Joos MrmVoii 31BEACHS1 Fo 7constipation. jy|(IJ|J^KII iTriSOX f C Professor D. LAMBL, of Warsaw JTofessor of Clinical Medicine at the University, writes wHV Hamburg-Bremen Fire Insur- hK&u co., Hunyadi Janos’ Bitter Water, besides being an excellent general aperient, has A
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  • 564 3 A copy of the following communication h s l«en forwarded to Hiu Excellency ll.e Governor and al tlm official and un-official members of the Legislative Council Pe ““»g, 13th M arcll 1905 In view of the close interest that Ihe Poisons 1! II now before the
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  • 216 3 Per P. O. steamer Moldavia connecting with the steamer Simla at Colombo from London, Feb. 17. Io Penang. G and Mrs. J. Ward, .Miss Ward. Mr L. C. Williamson, Mr. H. A. Bagnall, Miss b. Hopkins, Mr. E. A. Smith.—lo SlDga- xf r C E. Cockram, Mr.
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  • 965 3 Macmillan s Magazine contains an interesting account of Dutch under-graduate life from the pen of Mr. J. D. Hoare. The Dutch university system differs from that of Oxford or Cambridge, not merely like the German, in the freedom from all control or supervision enjoyed by the student,
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  • 1402 3 The Guardian. THE AGE OF AMUSEMENTS. The extent and the thoroughness of the changes in London and in London life which have come about during the last generation is one of the commonplaces of middle age. In the fifties of the last century the metropolis was still,
    The Guardian.  -  1,402 words
  • 1204 3 On the subject, of female education in China, the North Chino Daily Aetvs has a long article, in whi -h the following passage occurs :—“That female e hicati >n [for Chinese] is valued where it has been tried, and is understood, is evident from the success
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  • 70 3 The returns from the Corporation's Mines for the month of January were as follows Sungei Lem bing—stone crushed 2,280 tons, oxide of tin produced 40 tons. Fifty heads of stamps were running for 21 days. The working expenses amounted to $27,500. —Pahang Kabang, Ltd: stone crushed 1,280
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  • 1283 3 SUED BY HIS COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF. A FARCE IN COURT. Lo idon, Feb. 18. Mr. Justice Darling’s Court rang with laughter yesterday. Jacques L, Einpereur du Sahara, was sued by Col. Graves, of the ex-Queen of Madagascar’s Artillery for 166, being one month’s pay as Commander-in-chief of
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 10 3 he obtained from Avold by post) the GellU inc handy.
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    • 19 3 Do not plav vitli lung trouble. Until tne first point— Strength. STEARNS’ WINE is an invigorating and strengthening tonic.
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    • 65 3 No Friend Like an Old Friend.—He will always help you in time of need. It is the same with Chamberlain's Cough Remedy It is an old and tried friend in many thousands of homes, and like other old friends, can be depended upon in time of need. All dealers sell
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    • 49 3 Not a Minute should be lost when a child shows symptoms of croup. Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy given as soon as the child becomes hoarse, or even after the croupy cough appears will prevent the attack. It never fails, and is pleasant and safe to take. All dealers sell it.
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    • 66 3 No Other Liniment will heal a cut or bruise so quickly as Chamberlain’s Pain Balm. No ofcher affords such prompt relief from rheumatic pains. No other is so valuable for deep seated pains like lame back and pains in the chest. Give this liniment a trial and become acquainted with
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    • 56 3 I here is no Danger whatever from lockjaw or blood poison resulting tom at wound when Chamberlain’s Pain Balm is promptly applied. It is an antiseptic and destroys the germs which cause these diseases. It also causes wounds to heal without maturation and in one-third the time required by the
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  • 199 4 Thursday, March 16th. Town Band Golf Club, 6 to 7 p. m. High Water 6-5 a. m. 6-42 p. m. Low Water 0-17 p. m. Friday, March 17th. St. Patrick. International Tug-of-War, Esplanade. St. Patrick’s Dance, Town Hall, 9 p. m. Town Band, Esplanade, 6 to 7 p.
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  • 1076 4 Australia is short of people, her revenue is going down, and she needs colonists. So spoke Sir Horace Tozer, the AgentGeneral for Queensland, shortly before he left England on a visit to Australia. In view of the Commonwealths immigration legislation this statement might sound almost cynical,
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  • 31 4 International Tug of War Competition. This interesting Competition between 3 teams representing England, Scotland and Ireland will take place to-morrow aftei noon, nt 5 p.m., on the Esplanade.
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  • 46 4 A Water Polo Match will be played on Sunday next, the 19th instant, at the Swimming Club, Tanjong Bungha, commencing at 10.15 a.m. sharp. It promises to be a very interesting one, and there ought to be a good muster to witness it.
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  • 523 4 Lawn Tennis Tournament. The following ties were decided yesterd ly afternoon The Championship. J. E. Nathan H. A. Neubronner 6—3, 6—3. (Winner plays V. D. Parsons, holder). Mixed Double Handicap. Final. Mrs. Jamieson C. Bradbery Miss Jones E. A. Swan 10—8, 6—2. The second son of H.
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  • 109 4 There is («ay» the Pioneer) a marked improvement in the returns of tih-mining in Southern Burma, although the industry is still of but small dimensions. Tin and riches, however, are closely associated terms, and it is an article of popular belief that to the one, the
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  • 971 4 I poh, March 15 Ihe ceremonies in connection with 8 worship of the Golden Griffin are ovi./ 1 Ipoh. The High Priest of Lote has resumed the-ordinary tenor Ins ways, and his devotees are ex-uni f their bank books to see whether O r"" S they have
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 318 4 f r R SAL E New Advertisements. A PALANQUIN AND GALLOWAY (ex-Griffin) with harness. Carriage A. T in good order. Apply to > 140 uc E. W. PRESGRAVE. MART SAILING BOAT 16' x 5'3", IST'T'l7' O built n Hongkong, complete with WAIw fittings, gaff and jib sails nearly new, nwni
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    • 117 4 CONTRIBUTIONS 9 must be addressed to The Editor,” written on one tide of the paper only and accompanied by the writers name and address not necessarily for insertion but as a guarantee of good faith. A LL monies must be paid at the lt Pinang Gazette Office, Penang, to the
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    • 7 4 BATHROOM MATS. McAlister d 9 Co., Ltd.
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  • 272 5 JiEW RUSSIAN ARMY TO BE RAISED. 9 foreign attaches captured at Mukden. THE PROBLEM OF THE PRISONERS. oyama’s booty. [Rkutbrs Service.] London, 15th Si.-ic’n. It is stated that the council of war held in Russia has decided to immediately raise a fresh army, which will include two divisions
    [Rkutbrs Service.]  -  272 words
  • 58 5 THE PEASANT RISING < TSAR’S ESTATES PILLAGED. [Reuters Service.] London, 15th March. The peasants have pillaged estates belonging to the Tsar and other members of the Imperial family in the provinces of Orel and Chernigoft. Reuter’s correspondent at St. Petersburg understands that a strict censorship will shortly be re-imposed
    [Reuters Service.]  -  58 words
  • 68 5 REPORTED FAILURE [Reuter’s Service.] London, 15th March. The Paris Temps states that owing to the uncertainty of Russia’s intentions regarding the continuance of the war the issue of the new Russian loan in Paris has been postponed until the situation is Cl< Althou<di onlv the
    [Reuter’s Service.]  -  68 words
  • 62 5 BRITISH GOVERNMENT'S J-OI4UY. [Reuter’s Service. London, 15th March. In tIIO House of Under-Secreury <- M Affairs, replying to |> o tset), tribes of J. 011 roteot tbemselres mid msy t roads the coast to the keep open the t||e Gover llt .„t s interior. 1,11 British occupation decision to
    [Reuter’s Service. |  -  62 words
  • 51 5 [Reuter’s Service. London, 16th March. i f fhp Paris bankers to sign The Refusal of the P as a the Russian oan <-• rec tion of peace strong directly due to the because the re fu of the Tsar to perapparent determ the inkers "X’ he Pl eSent
    [Reuter’s Service. |  -  51 words
  • 1177 5 LAST NIGHTS CONCERT. lhe coming of Mr. Edward Branscombe s Westminster Glee Party had been looked forward to with interest and pleasant anticipation by our musical community, and, though the date of the one appearance of this talented little company of strolling singers was unavoidably changed,
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  • 167 5 The Orient Service. The Managers of the Orient "Line announce that their steamers, engaged in the Australian trade, will be despatched ojfiy once a month outward and homeward, afteT the 10th of March, until the end of July, instead of twice a month, as hitherto 1
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  • 145 5 The Manila Cablenews says —A Chinese' slave girl appealed to the office of the prosecuting attorney on the 13th inst. for help. She was brought to 'Manila as a slave, and has been sold and re-sold until she has got weary of it all and asks
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  • 223 5 There are two divergent schools of thought in regard to. our Naval requirements. One favours the largest possible type of battleships the other is opposed' to this policy. The Admiralty is. in favour of big ships. The battleships of the Lord Nelson type, it .may interest laymen to
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  • 353 5 The annual, report on Christmas Island, by Mr. ‘JV. T, jCbapnaan, is-’published in the GoVemmeirt revenue from royalty on phosphates is not known but 71', 7 tons were shipped as against 70,096 tons in the previous year. Bad weblhe^a,from Dec. .19 prevented some 7,500 tons being shipped. Mr.
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  • 302 5 According to the World's IForZ.*, in fifty years—perhaps less than fifty, if the present laws remain is effect --and are rigidly executed—the Chinese population of the United States will become practically extinct. From 1890 to 1900 it fell away* from 1'26.778 to I-19,050.
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  • 107 5 A Npw Departure. 'We have received a copy of the special ■’Nefw Year Numlier of the (fhina containing-<56 pages of reading master, in pamphlet form, with chro-mo-litho cover. The number is profusely illustrated with excellerit photographs of notable men, localities and principal buildings in Hongkong and other
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  • 54 5 The engineering committee appdinted jby tJhe President of the United States to gave a final decision on the question of the plan of building the Panama Canal recommtendß'that the caiial be built on a seafoviel. It declares that this is* the most .practicable, and in the long
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  • 150 5 SIR THOMAS LIPTON ANXIOUS TO CHALLENGE. Sir Thomas Lipton, in the course of an interview with a Ceylon Observer representative, said he had not yet decided on his plans with regard to future challenges for the America Cup, but that he would decide at once if he
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  • 163 5 Winning Owners And Jockeys. •<' I I »1 I Calcutta, 6th March. The statistics of the Race Meetings held in Calcutta this year show that 85 Rases have taken place in Calcutta antil4. at Tollygunge. The stakes for these have amounted to Rs. 181,000. Of this sum
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  • Page 5 Advertisements

  • 408 6 Thursday, 16th March 1905. The trials of the new British scout Sentinel, which has not only been built and engined but also designed by Messrs. Vickers, Sons, and Maxim, Barroy.'. have been watched with keen interest. She is the first of an entirely new type of cruiser for
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  • 968 6 ARRIVALS. Lady Weld, Brit., 245, Treweeke, Mar 16, Teluk Anson, gen., S. S. S. Co. Dam hong Rat, Siam, 45, Brenoon, Mar 15, Trang, gen Sim Bee. Petrel, Brit, 124, Reid, Mar 15, Brandan, gen., Koe Guan Co. Perak, Brit., 297, Buchanan, Mar 15, Port Swettenham,
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 5 6 RACING SADDLES. McAlister Co, Ltd,
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    • 91 6 STEARNS WINE is an ideal remedy for lung disease. Palatable, aiding digesiton—assisting assimilation of food. It buildsup and strengthens— ''barns' li'l/w. Benger’s j r OOu is I mixed with fresh I new milk when i I used is dainty I and delicious, highly nutritive, H and most easily digested. Infants
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    • 597 6 (—■■Hina Ji I limit -~J ~iinrrrn—r- -.wswraaKir A y x^^^.—, THE UNRIVALLED J 7 1 Vi Keating s RUBEROID ROOFING.' RUBEROID RQn p| NP i Harmless to Everything Eise. ■> W W W B and Fire Itesistiuo’ HUUrllXb Sold in Tins and Bottles only. j Does „ol rot, blister RUBERO
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1165 7 rhyku»-. Santt INTERNATIONAL BANKING r—“'7“*™™..°;"' chartered bank of india, corporation. bfxmfifyl Skin Sti>m«h"H“d ,ot Acidity of the Safest and me s AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. F«SC»I Agent.. fOf the United States of “'ones far faults of feature. )t lty all user, nf Sou» lie p r r bUrn IndigeStion Gentle Medicine
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1877 8 TWO GREAT NECESSITIES municipal notice. municipal notice. Dr. W. MANSON, -a .1 i s XTOTICE is hereby given that on and Dental Surgeon IB I. FAMILY PROVISiCM, MISUSE OR WASTE OF WATER. after this date until further notice qpHE S.S. Van tier Pg rm K 2. PROVISION FOR OLD ACE.
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