Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 15 March 1905

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 2046 1 M r IVIVC. xu Shipping. BTVn T Intended Sailings. w* S6ipping I tion, Company*'^ 8 g. RITISH STEfIM "AVIGATIOK Co., LTD. M n, lsch expected arrivals and departures lok I Intended to. Sail. Steamkr. il\ I Bp MAIL SERVICE v i t\\ I lii ■F Negapatam, Sat. 18th Alar, at
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1412 2 I fl I I B® the best natural aperient water. itri DUN VILLES Hunyadi Janos vW n Special Old Scotch Whisky For GOUT and i tjif Sty Protestor Immermann, Basle, Professor of Internal medicine at the University—- -n. j-t.-a--»» Hunyadi Janos has invariably shown itself an effectual and reliable Aperient,
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  • 1764 3  -  ihe story of a strange honeymoon. BY OLIVER ASHWELL. CHAPTER HI. THE COMINGo/tHE TERROR. I -I" not think that .my u 9 reaUzed lust th! tragic pregnancy of the moment. Our world lay shattered and bleeding at a blow, ..n 1 yet, perched we were above
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  • 416 3 .—Exch. Mr. Byron Brenan, late British ConsulGeneral at Shanghai, gave the members of the Colonial Section of the Society of Arts some food for reflection, the other afternoon, when he read a paper on British Commercial Prospects in the Far East.” He contends that Britain's main
    .—Exch.  -  416 words
  • 1051 3 THE WEEK-END EVIL AND ITS CAUSES. —Morning Leader. BY MRS, HUMPHRY WARD. The announcement that our two archbishops, nearly all our bishops, and great numbers of the clergy, have promised to co-operate in the national movement to be initiated in June against the growing secularisation, of Sunday
    .—Morning Leader.  -  1,051 words
  • 413 3 The Cape Government has jus an interesting report by the Director of Irrigation, Mr. W. B. Gordon, on the works and localities visited during a recent tour. Mr.. Gordon went to South Africa from India after having been Secretary of the Irrigation Commission here. Although the
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  • 247 3 —Exch. The Scandinavian nations, as is we.lkm.wn, are-in many i espects in advance of the rest of the civilised world. The Temps of Paris publishes a telegram from its Norwegian correspondent which proves that superiority and which will no doubt rouse the enthusiasm of all people, who by
    —Exch.  -  247 words
  • 514 3 London, Feb. 15, 1905. When I have occasion to punish my son,” said the austere man, I always tell him that it hurts me more than it does him.’ The plain, practical man might have replied No doubt it does, but not in the same place.” What
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 19 3 ''7 < Old Friend. —He Nd Friend Like an <• “tn 'K dTojaW in tiM f need. All dealers sell it.
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    • 68 3 Not a Minute should be lost when a child shows symptoms of croup. Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy given as soon as the child becomes hoarse, or even after the croupy cough appears will prevent the attack. It never fails, and is pleasant and safe to take. All dealers sell it. STEARNS’
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    • 55 3 There is no Danger whatever from lockjaw or blood poison resulting from a wound whim Chamberlain’s Pain Balm is promptly applied. It is an antiseptic and destroys the germs which cause these diseases. It also causes wounds to heal without maturation and in one-third the time required by the usual
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    • 66 3 No Other Liniment will heal a cut or bruise so quickly as Chamberlain’s Pain Balm. No other affords such prompt relief from rheumatic pains. No other is so valuable for deep seated pains like lame back and pains in the chest. Give this liniment a trial anti become acquainted with
      66 words
    • 96 3 L izv or sluggish liver is shown by an unpie isant taste in the mouth, coated tongu y? I>w skin, bad breath, drowsy and h; a y fe ‘ling, and < o istipation. Doan’s dinner pill > quicken and enliven the liver. Their action is direct and specific they cleanse
      96 words
    • 257 3 One oe the Triumphs of Modern Suri;ery. By applying an antiseptic dressing to wounds, bruises, burns, and like injuries before inflammation sets in, they may be healed without maturation and in one-third the time required by the old treatment. 1 his is one of the greatest discoveries and triumphs of
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  • 196 4 Wednesday. March Isth. Westminster Glee Party,Town Hall, 9 p.m. Town Band, Esplanade, 6 to 7 p. in. High Water 5-5 a. m. 5-33 p. m Low Water 11-17 a. m. 11 45 p m Thursday. March 16th. Town Band Golf Club, 6 to 7 p. in. High Water
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  • 18 4 Dickson. —At Fort Cornwallis, on the 14th March, the wife of C. Dickson, of a daughter, still-born.
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  • 1090 4 quire into the matter, says the Straits Times. The batttie that raged round Mukden last week has terminated disastrously for .the Russian arms. An official report estimates the total losses at nearly five hundred guns and over two hundred thousand men, while it is further announced
    quire into the matter, says the Straits Times.  -  1,090 words
  • 1461 4 FAREWELL DINNER AT THE TOWN CLUB. The members of the Town Club gave a farewell dinner in honour of their retiring President, Mr. A. G. Stephen, who leaves for Home on the 18th, at the Clubhouse last night. Mr. E. M. Janion, who succeeds Mr. Stephen
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  • 265 4 Lawn Tennis Tournament. The final ties in the Single Handicap both classes, were played yesterday, and resulted as follows Single Handicap. Class A. C. C. Rogers beat E. S. Haslam 6—o, 6—l. Single Handicap. Class B. A. Reid beat R. H. Gibson 6—3, 7—5. Championship. This afternoon
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 515 4 New Advertisements. New Advertisements.: J"' 1 1 NOTICE. St. GEORGE'S BALL, IGOA.i __l M THE undermentioned blocks of mining /'AWING to there having been lĕs» sub-’ land comprising an aggregate area of scribers to the >boVo fpfid~ ttTffßT'k 174 acres 2 roods 20 poles, the property of still a deficiency
      515 words
    • 117 4 PINANG GAZETTE. ESTABLISHED 183«. CONTRIBUTIONS must be addressed to The Editor,” written on one side of the paper only and accompanied by the writers name and address not necessarily for insertion tut as a guarantee of good faith. S LL monies must be paid at the Pinang aH Gazette Office,
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    • 5 4 RACING SADDLES. McAlister Co, Ltd.
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    • 5 4 GARDEN ROLLERS McAlister Co., Ltd
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  • 330 5 FURTHER CASUALTY LISTS. THE RETREATING RUSSIANS. DESPATCHES AND A STAND TO BE MADE AT TIELINO. [Reuters Service. J London, 14th March. General Kuropatkin in a despatch dated Souindwij I U hilVi In a later telegram despatched on the evening of the 11 th inst General Kuropatkin says Ain
    [Reuters Service.J  -  330 words
  • 29 5 THE JACQUERIE. [Reuter’s Service.] London, 15th March. Peasants have brutally slaughtered nine landed proprietors in the province of Kursk. The revolt movement among the peasants is rapidly spreading.
    [Reuter’s Service.]  -  29 words
  • 57 5 [Reuter’s Service.] London, 14th March. It is announced that M. Clementel, the French Minister for the Colonies will spend the month of September in IndoChina for the purpose of studying a scheme for the improvement of the defences of the French colonies in view of
    [Reuter’s Service.]  -  57 words
  • 36 5 [Reuter’s Service.] London, 14th March. Th P Emperor Menelik has granted a charter asX State Bank of» to the National Bank of Egypt, supported by Italian and French financiei s.
    [Reuter’s Service.]  -  36 words
  • 60 5 HEAVY INCREASE. [Reuter's Service.] 1 1/14-1. London, 14th March. The Army Estimates for tf« coming The Ar y n. 79 gi3 000, an increase year amount to with a st year’s V 9B^ 0 is'due to the expwiditure" oil the of which twenty dependent of pleted for
    [Reuter's Service.] 1 – . 1/14-1.  -  60 words
  • 53 5 [Prom Our Own Correspondent.] Singapore, 15th March. Ihe Japanese CRUISERS Kasagi, Chitose, awata Marti, Miv America Marti, arrived HERE AND ANCHORED AT SEVEN O’CLOCK this mornini; six miles off the port. THEY STAYED FOR FOUR HOURS. TWENTY TWO JAPANESE WARSHIPS HAVE BEEN SIGHTED BY MERCHANT STEAMERS
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  • 463 5 .—South China Morning Post. FROM NATIVE SOURCES. The Missing Llama. Ever since the Dalai Llama lied from Tibet, it is reported that he has been in hiding in Fulun, Mongolia. It being his intention to build a monastery in Fulun, it is reported that the Government at
    .—South China Morning Post.  -  463 words
  • 262 5 LORD DE FREYNE’S SON LOST IN NEW YORK. New York, Feb, 17. By the request of the British Consulate, the New York police have sent out a general alarm for Lieutenant Arthur Reginald French, the eldest son of Lord de Freyne, the well-known Irish landlord, of 'Coolavin, Co.
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  • 442 5 FIRST DAY’S RESULTS’. (From Our Special Medan, March 14. Deli race meeting opened to-day in splendid weather. The following are the results RACE I. The Mai,den. Prate. Value $3OO. A Race for .Maiden] Horses. Weight 60 K. G. (9.7). Deli i ex-Griffin-i 6 K. G. allowance (14 lbs.)
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  • 220 5 FRENCH INFLUENCE. ‘-5 It is often mentioned that influence of the French is increasing throughout the two southern provinces, and because of their proximity to Tongking, this influence will be in evidence yet more and more, writes the Canton correspondent of the North China Daily News. The Viceroy
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  • 719 5 i TlmJbFotving is from tire traVbt ĕplumn of our Londp£| .contemporary, the Queen-. I’A.Peiiang a Qpet a reader. induced to. send yqu a cutting Crwi t'lyn Ga cHc. I have no interest in the IffSo 1 .1 own a hill anil two private bungalows, but a, railway, will
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  • 149 5 A jipuple of u;qeks agy, Inspector Tyr? roll arrested a Spaniard named .Montaner on'bdai-d the £.B. Simla on a telegram from Manilamstating that he was wanted there for. breach of trust/of a sum equivalent to $2,000. On Saturday, he i was bi-ought before Air. Howard and
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 74 5 TO H ED,‘ NEASTDE Bungalow, -L Tokong, 'easN'of access to and I'jjqm .Town. Entitv from March, 19Q5. 1 For terms apply to the Artuuk C CAPEL, -I 142 23-3 1 China Street. r.ti.t 'il<! j 1 '•Lo-v. TTO I-rE’*T'. puI t SH E I) OIFuNF URNISHED, European Dwelling House, No.
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    • 454 5 WANTED. SALE. A THOROUGHLY Competent Book,V. Chinese or Eurasian. On the 20th MARCH, 1905, Apply with testimonials to Offers in sealed letters 190 2U 3 KENNEDY Co. wi bc Peceived nt t he Office of WANTEP Notary Mr. Ch. A. Heyligers, CHINESE INTERPRETER for Police 3 V/ Department. Salary $25
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  • 50 5 OBITUARY[Rbutkr’s Sbrvick.] London, 15tli March, announced of the Merqui. of Anglesey- fifth Marquis of [Henry Cyril, l ageT 1875 an d was Anglesey, was old guccee( e d to the educated at Eton. married title in 1898, .n wind. <jf sir Lilian Florence Maud, #bout George Chetwyil noted for llis
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  • 905 6 Wednesday, 15th March, 1905. A Reuter telegram from Newport News, U.S.A., states that the submarine boat Uimon Lake has descended 38ft and returned so the surface in 30sec. A representative of the British Government was on board. As soon as the present stock of coal at Ascension is
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  • 938 6 ARRIVALS. Unity, Nor., 930, Hansen, Mar 14, Rangoon, gen., Chin Ho Sons. Kangra, Brit., 1478, Hender on, Mar 15, Rangoon, gen., H. L. Co. Calypso, Brit., 339, Duringer, Mar 15, Singapore, gen., W. Mansfield Co. .J in-Ho, Brit. 110, Hastrup, Mar 14, Langkat. gen., Beng Kee
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 65 6 STEARNS’ WINE |1 ices at the Command of the Physician the most advanced preparation of a Cod Liver Oil. Far superior thoet stomach disturbing emulsions. North German Fire Insurance Company, Hamburg. Capital M. 7.500,000 Accumulated<fc Invested Funds M. 2,284,627 The undersigned have been appointed the Company’s Agents and are authorized
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    • 289 6 STEARNS’ HEADACHE CURE, can be obtained from all dispensaries (quickly by post). Never be without the Genuine. YOU CANNOT BE WELL. If Your Kidneys are 111. Nature always gives a warning when anything goes wrong in the body. If a pain attacks you, stop and think what it is and
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    • 1109 6 B Adamson, "I 1 Ti A Gilfillan Co Ltd’s PALE FINO SHERRY AND is specially recommended by the midical 1 faculty lor use in hot climates, because oi its fine disinfecting qualities and its fragrance. m m a w ■y a MX A MALKAY b LIOUEUR WHISKY. ;o: AUCTION SALE
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1044 7 Jf &HO iTaliiiC T£fiC Sank< international banking £"rlgl nj 3 I l/io corporation. zt;,,., ivm. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA, rIMS okllt WERE AWARDED THE AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. Fiscal Agmts for the United Stales .I is made finer, and bad is made better by GOcD MEDAL America at the Incorporated by
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1942 8 PAT Notice Koninklijke Paketvaart Maatschappij, TWO GREAT NECESSITIES, MtMcirxi-MmcE. I Dr w MANSON I. FAMILY PROVISION, misuse ok waste of watbk. N after th» date Waterfall Dental Surgeon, T replace the s.s. /O',X 2. PROVISION FOR OLD AGE, Commissioners of George will be cut off every day from 8 p.m.
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