Morning Tribune, 25 May 1946

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Morning Tribune
  • 16 1 Ntw Berlia, Vol. I. N<>. 22. Price 10 Cent- MORNING TRIBUNE SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, MAY 25, 1946.
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  • 223 1 Eden Criticises Egypt Decision LONDON, May 24.— The debate IS the House of Commons today on the British Government's derision to withdraw British forces from EgfPt was btgun l>y the Opposition Speak (r. Mr. Anthony F'den, Conservative and former Foreign Secretary. Mr. Eden regarded the suggestion that the 1 936
    Reuter  -  223 words
  • 28 1 LONDON, May 23.— Mr. Ralph Stevenaon, until recently British Am bnssridor at Belgrade, ha» been appointed Ambassador at NankinK succession to Sir Horace Seymoui Reuter
    Reuter  -  28 words
  • 78 1 Captain the Hon. Gra- ham Lamp so n, Scols Guards, son of Lord Killearn, Spe- cial Food Comm ssioner m South-East Asa, was mar- ricd to Miss Nadinc Pilcher, only daughter of > Vice Admiral C N- Flcher I 0/ Wilton Place, London. at St.
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  • 116 1 Greece Wants U.K. Troops LONDON, May 24.— British troops are expected by the Greek government to stay m Greece so long as Russian troops remain m the Balkan sta'es. said the Greek Undersecretary for Foreign Affairs, Mr. Philip Dragoumis, m London Thursday. He
    A.P.  -  116 words
  • 350 1 LONDON May 24.— Whether the action ot Conservative peers m defeating the Government m the House of Lords yesterday provokes the biggest Parliamentary dispute for years depends on the Conservative Member of Parliament, Col. Douglas Clifton Brown, Speaker m the House of Commons,
    Reuter  -  350 words
  • 92 1 LONDON, May 24.— The AllIndia Congress Working Committee has postponed its d°cislon on the British proposals for In j dla for two weeks. The BBC. correspondent Donald Edwards, reports that af'er their meeting today the Congress Working Committee issued a statement declaring that they could nor give
    Reuter  -  92 words
    A.P.  -  263 words
  • 117 1 BANGKOK, May 24— In a second smooth offensive against Siamese territory, French troops today crossed the Mekong river, and took the Siamese district of Thaboh, about five miles southeast of Vientiane. No resistance was offered by the b.amese, as two detachments of the French made early
    A.P.  -  117 words
  • 135 1 WASHINGTON, May 24*-~ The United States have a secret secret germ spray weapon "far more deadly than* the atomic borrib," members pi the Appropriations Committee of ihe House of Representatives disclosed to reporters here today. One member swd: "Thd Navy has developed to a point where it
    Reuter  -  135 words
  • 36 1 NUREMBERG, May 34— The 80--viet Assistant Prosecutor at tHe Ifcirembere irtr rrmes trial, Gen. Zorja, rl ed yesterday rye 1 1 of a shooting accident, it vu disclosed today. No further details available. Reuter
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  • 721 2 Accused *s Evidence At 'Death Railway* Trial The story of the boming of a Japanese vessel taking American. Dutch, Australian and British PoWs to Burma for the construction of the Burma-Siam death railway, which resulted in the loss of 54 PoWs,
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  • 190 2 Singapore Lawyer Presumed Dead A motion to presume the death of Mr. C. K. Lee, a member of the S r)gapore Bar, came up for disposal before Mr. Justice Moor in the High Court yesterday. The petition was granted. Appearing in support of the petitioners, the Chinese Bankers Trust Company,
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  • 84 2 Two robberies were reported on Thursday night, one at Bukit Pasoh and one at Yio Chu Rang Road. At Bukit Pasoh at about IT p.m. three Chinese, two of whom were 1 armed, robbed a Shanghainese of hi» pocket watch and a gold ring. At Yio Chu Kang
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  • 268 2 A long^barrelled 105 m.m. Japanese gun captured a year ago by the British at the fall of Rangoon, and the Union Jack carried at the capitulation of Singapore on Feb. 15, 1942, will be presented, to the Governor and people of Singapore
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  • 311 2 The British Red Cross Civilian Relief Commission, Malaya, will, at the end of May, have completed seven months service in Malaya. Their valuable help, during that period in the restoration of the country has already been publicly acknowledged by Major General Hone of B.M.A.,
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  • 187 2 Throe British sailors J. Bol»l>, 11. Bootman, and J. Harris of the s.s. "Fort Beausevous" wore found guilty m the Fourth Police Court yesterday of disobeying the lawful command of the ship's master and tlu-y were sentenced to four weeks' r.i. each. On April 5 the captain
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  • 179 2 Maj.-Gen. Cox Addresses Schoolboys "It is up to tlu' younger generation to spread the teaching of demoCraCy, tolerance and understanding an 1 thereby surge forward to the aims iind objects which Will bring about lasting peaCe, Said Major Gen. L. H. CoX, C. B., C.B.E., M.C., G.O.C. Singapore yesterday ill
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  • 70 2 Found guilty on a charge of beating two Inrlati labourers to death at Port Blair in the Andaman* sometime in July, 1945, three Japanese named Miora Mitsuyoshi, Satkurada S.itshu and Fukumotn YukiWo Were sentenced to be hanged in the War Crimes Court yesterday. The trial
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  • 147 2 Jail Inquiry: Jap Gives Evidence Miki/.awu Koshiro, one of the Japanese in charge of the Outram Koad Prison during the occupation was a witness at the continued inquiry into tentative charges of causing hurt i;j;ainst Manikam Tanapathy am! Sinham Goyal, in the Seventh Police f'ourt yesterday. If anyone of the
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  • 80 2 Orig Lia Lin. proprietor of a hot -1 iri < ha run Road, VU warned hv Magistrate L. C. Goh that a serond conviction might result in the cancellation of his licence wht-n Oiik pleaded gurlty to two eharses. Be was fi i u 1 $150 in default,
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    • 132 2 REWARD A black leather wallet which contained the following articles namely. Mercantile Bank Cheque Book, Passbook, documents relating to Motor Cars. Nos. *****, J. 2368 lorry No. 6.2361, Rubber Stamp and several testimonials given by the officials has been stolen from my car No. 5.4769 it H.M. Naval Base m
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    Reuter  -  643 words
  • 76 3 GIJON, SPAIN, May 23.—Geneialissimo Francisco Franco completed a tour of Asturias on May 21 with a speech m which he sa d, '"They can say what they want outside but they cannot take away the happiness we have here." He said Spain was a "true
    A.P.  -  76 words
  • 254 3 ANGLO-EGYPTIAN TREATY: BEVIN'S ADVICE SOUGHT CAIRO, May 23.— The Aoflo-Eff/P--tlan treaty revision talks have buefc temporarily suspended while the British Foreign Secretary, Mr. ErnosL Bcvin, is consulted on the disputed clause m the new treaty on the uso by Britain of bases m Egypt if then; is a "threat of
    Reuter  -  254 words
  • 165 3 B-36 HAS 10,000MILE RANGE WASHINGTON, May 23.— General Carl Spaatz, commanding general of the U.S. army air forces, told a group of air reservists on Thursday that the army's new B-36 bombr could carry a load of bombs 10 Cf 0 mnes. Detailing plans for a 500 000-mnn regular air
    Associated Press  -  165 words
  • 171 3 LONDON, May 24.— Th? full evacuation of Soviet troops from Iran was completed on May 9. Moscow radio said yesterday. The broadcast quoted the Tass Agency which attributed the report to "information m the possession of the General Staff of the Trans-Cau-casian military district." The broadcast
    A.P.  -  171 words
  • 221 3 LONDON, May 23.— Government was defeated by 65 votes to 13 m the Hous? of Lords to-day where Conservative opposition has an overwhelming majority. U was the first division m the House of Lords during this Parliament. The ssu3 was the control of investments.
    Reuter  -  221 words
  • 380 3 Lord Gowrie's Empire Day Message The following is the Empire Day message from the Earl of Oowrie to tie people of Malaya. "This first Empire Day after intend of a great world war, which threatened the structure of human society and embittered human relationships, finds us m a mood m
    Reuter  -  380 words
  • 326 3 TEHERAN, May 23.— A revolt has been started m scms parts of Azerbaijan, North-west Persia, "home rule" province by elements opposed to* the province's ruling Democrat Party, according to unconfirmed reports reaching here tonight. The reports said the re- volt was still m progressthough only
    Reuter  -  326 words
  • 113 3 Twenty tons of rice which arrived m Singapore recently has been alloi cated to poor and needy families, Ftates an official press release. The consignment of rice was dealt 'with as follow?:— Ten emergency reI lief centres 50 per cent, of total; Church of
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  • 354 4 The Morning Tribune SATURDAY, MAY 25, 1946. Food One of tire points emphasised bj< Lordi Kil- learn is that God helps* those who help tnemseives. Malaya is looking to «the outside world for food. At the same time, is she doing her utmost to become as self-sufficient as possible? It
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  • 1279 4 Next month, Britain's Prime Minister, Mr. Attlee, will receive an honorary Doctorate of Civil Law from the University of Oxford. The occasion will be marked by the brilliancy which attends the From an article by the Public-Orator of the Oxford University. C .ford, like most
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  • 187 4 NEWS FROM FILMDOM HOLLYWOOD, May 20 —The addition of Alan Napier. British chalacter actor, to the cast of "Sinbad the Sailor" enhances the internaUonal character of the film's player roster. Among them arc: Maureen O'Hara. who is Irish; Walter Slezak, born m Vienna; Anthony Quinn, of Mexican-Irish descent, born m
    A.P.  -  187 words
  • 47 4 HOLLYWOOD, May 20.— Richard, Llewellyn, author of "How Green 1 Was My Valley," will leave by plane' soon for London and Stockholm for conferences on scripts for Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studies. In Stockholm Llewellyn will discuss a forthcoming screenplay, as yet unnamed with the Swedish author Sigrid Undset. A.P.
    A.P.  -  47 words
  • 134 4 PARIS, May 24.—Representatives of 22 nations and three international organisations announced yesterday that there would be a world deficit of 40,000,000 tons of coal by June, 1947, if all governments did not take immediate and energetic measures. In a communique at the ond of a three-day conference,
    A.P.  -  134 words
  • 36 4 PARIS, May 24.— Kinp Hnakon of Norway, is to ho mado an honorary corporal m the (sth Battalion of tin, 1 Alpine Chasseurs, one of the highest honors the French can baatOW. A.P.
    A.P.  -  36 words
  • 32 4 LONDON, May 23. Moscow Radto tonight quoted an announcemrxit n? »he headquarters of the TnffWCaucasian military district that the cacuation of Red Army troopfl from Persia was completed on May 9 Reuter
    Reuter  -  32 words
  • 28 4 di-ncy of the Vice-Chancellor These ceremonies suggest the thought that Latin, as a symbol of unity, is like the god Janus always looking forward as well as back.
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  • 533 5 530,000 U.S. Railroad Employ ees Strike WASHINGTON, May 24.— Strike paralysis gripped the United States to-day after 250,000 workers, engineers and trainmen on 337 American railways walked out at 4.30 A.M. (Malayan time). President Truman, meanwhile, was at the White House conferring with railway owners and union representatives m an
    Associated Press  -  533 words
  • 126 5 It has not been generally realised tliat the milk now available m Malaya is sent by countries which themselves are rationed, so Malayans are advised to use it to the best possible advantage. There has always been a tendency m this country to be wasteful with milk,
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  • 111 5 WASHINGTON, May 24.—Government officials reported yesterday that Russia has informed the United States it still is interested m beginning negotiation looking toward <. 1,000 million American dollar loan. The new Russian note was received over the week-end. The officials made known that America and Russia have
    A.P.  -  111 words
  • 79 5 ROME, May 23.— Kiny Umberto flew to Turin yesterday m his campaign tour for the monarchy, but did not appear m the balcony before the cheering crowd m the royal palace square Ansa reported. It was suggested that his decision not to appear on the balcony
    A.P.  -  79 words
  • 227 5 TOKIO. May 23.—Supreme Allied Commander General Douglas MacArthur today honoured a Chinese officer who served with him on Bataan and I a^ain m the Philippines when the U.S. regained the islands. Maj. Gen Chin Wang, chief liaison officer of the Chinese liaison seclion at General Headquarters,
    A.P.  -  227 words
  • 127 5 PEIPING, May 24.— United States Army and Marine Corps leaders on May 23 firmly denied the Moscow report that seven American planes piloted by Americans had been shot down m Manchuria while bombing Chinese Communist forces. Brig. Gen. Henry Byroad, d rector of the
    A.P.  -  127 words
  • News In Brief
    • 115 5 Tojo's Slapper Not Fit For Trial TOKYO, May 23— Yosuke MatKuoka, Foreign Minister of Japan 11 1940 and 1941, and Shunei Okawa, propagandist and writer, have been removed from the list of war criminals for trial through ill-health. The tribunal announced today that medical officer? had found them unfit to
      Reuter  -  115 words
    • 33 5 JERUSALEM, May 24.— A number of explosions occurred m the Palestine coastal town of Nathanya on Thursday, after the police had previously been informed by unknown telephone caller the explosions would occur A.P.
      A.P.  -  33 words
    • 38 5 LONDON, May 23.— Capt. Mahsnood Khan Durrani, First Bahawalpur Infantry, Indian States Forces, has been awarded the George Cross for conspicuous gallantry In canying out hazardous work m a very brave manner, it was officially announced tonight Reuter
      Reuter  -  38 words
    • 43 5 TEHERAN, May 23.— The thr.fs tnan Azerbaijan delegation which 1? to join Persian Government leprc'tntatives m a joint mission to investigate the reported fighting on me Azerbaijan border arrived m Teheran this evening. The mission is to leave for Persian Kurdistan shortly. Reuter
      Reuter  -  43 words
    • 36 5 JERUSALEM, May 23 —A clash between members of a British airborne unit and Jewish soldiers from another regiment took place at Beit N'abala near the Jewish city of Tel Aviv, military officials disclosed here umeht. Reuter
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  • 192 5 Domin ions Favour Exchange Of Views LONDON, May 23.— The conference of Dominions* Prime Ministers which has been meeting here has declared m favour of the present system of free discussion and exchange of views among Commonwealth members and against "any rigid centralised machinery." A statement issued from the British
    Reuter  -  192 words
  • 221 5 Human Guinea Pigs For Cold Research LONDON, May 22.— The Ministry of Health announcing the setting up of a common cold research unit to start work m July, points out that animals are unsatisfactory for research purposes. For this reason tests will be carried out on volunteers who for 14
    Reuter  -  221 words
  • 119 5 NEW DELHI, May 23— Gratitude to the Indonesian Republican Prime Minister Dr. Sutan ShahrT ana the ''Government and people of Indonesia for the generous offer to supply 500 000 tons of rice to India" was 'expressed m a resolution passed by the All-India Congress Working Committee
    Reuter  -  119 words
  • 34 5 WASHINGTON, May 24— The White House said Oh Thursday there was no truth in the "Samede Sor' nport of a possible meeting between President Trumnn and Marshal Stalin to sgn a friendship treaty A.P.
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  • 75 6 NEW YORK, May 23.— Mr. Edward R. Stettimus, address ng the National Insttute of Socia/ Sciences, declared, ''Effective collaboration by the great powers ;md small powers m the cause of peace and freedom is both possibie and necessary." In his speech he asserted that 'VffVctiVe Collaboration docs
    A.P.  -  75 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 222 6 A^fl^'fil^lK^T \tril(l^ CAPITOL'S BIG WEEK-END TO-DAY TO-XMillT TO-MORROW 77;^ ivVw/ Midnight h 4.15. «.m,-(.ihw Performances of a Great THE MOST A SENSATION I Z>«J/ TREMENDOUS ALL OF ITS OWN! Warner Bros. D^ MA °N? UR TIME! WmC Women ScR §jK^J^ NEVER BETTER TOLD! Ml IWXY BY 22s R% til ASl^lliill
      222 words
    • 124 6 At The Worlds GLOBE G.W. (Daily: 3—7—9.30 p.m.) "ACROSS THE PACIFIC" Midnight (11.30) To-night "THE SPIDER" Opening To-morrow •SOMETHING TO SHOUT ABOUT" LIDO N.W (Daily: 3 p.m.— 7— 9.30 p.m.) "YOU'LL NEVER GET RICH Opening To-morrow "THE GREAT ALASKAN MYSTERY" (Chaps. I—6) Midnight (11.30) To-night "ACROSS THE PACIFIC" SKY G.W.
      124 words
    • 201 6 AI U A MDD A DAILY 5 PACKED SHOWS! LH A IVI DJK A 11—1.30—4—6.30—9.15 BOOK NOW! Phone 6909 Crowds jamming the Box-office every show and they're still coming!! If s Either Hook \ow Or He Early! TAHIA— Daughter of Eve j COME TO YOU" With a SOUI of Satan!
      201 words

  • 461 7 Sarwate Performs "Hat Trick", Bags 12 For 72 (By Leary Co*9ta*tine, Reuter's Special Correspondent EDINBURGH. May 2 3.— The Indian attack proved far too clever for most of Scotland's batsmen who were somewhat impetuous. From the start of the game it was obvious
    Reuter  -  461 words
  • 283 7 Cricket Field Colour liar Criticised LONDON, May 23. The West Indian test cricketer, Leary Constantine, who is covering the Indians touring England for Reuters, lets cricket followers behind the scenes of first-class cricketers' life m a new book "Cricket m the Sun." He draws a rather sombre picture Of County
    Reuter  -  283 words
  • 158 7 Conda's Gold Belt At Stake TONIGHT'S WRESTLING— To-nijrht Joff Conda, Malayan light Heavy Weight All-in wrestling haiupion and SEAT Gold Belt Holder will meet Zombie m a return contest ovi r ten five -minute rounds, at the Gnat World Arena. Conda'a Gold Beit will he at stake and Zombie, who
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  • 45 7 SYRACUSE. New York, May 24 Tnmes J. Braddock, who lost the vorld's heavyweight championship to Joe Louis nine years ago, belieVM Billy Conn will brat the champion. "Conn will take the fight by a decision," Braddock observed on Tnursdav. A. P.
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  • 19 7 The second edition of "Malaya Upside Down" by Chin Kee Onn has come off the press.
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  • 250 7 Indian's 1st Innings Merchants Ibw. MeKenna 10 Mustiitj AH c Mortimer b Ho lee *J Modi c Hepjfie b McKenn: 1 Ha/.are e Hodtfe b McKen«r.« 101 Gul Mohammed c Claik b Nichol 21 Hafecz c Clark b Nichol 29 Sohoni c Clark b McKenna Sarwate c b
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  • 109 7 The following will represent the Colonials in a cricket match against Police on Saturday at Thompson Rd _a. E. Delikan (Capt.). F. van Rooyea J. H do Souza. C. Se- neviratne. W. R W. Ratanayake. Ihani Koon Poh, L. Wijeweera, L. Delikan. L. Nathaniels*. G. Webb,
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  • 155 7 Tomorrow night's boxing at tne Great World Arena sees Al Rivers make his second appearance in his attempt at a comeback. Having dsiposed of Gibson he is tackling a more difficult opponent in Bomber Newton who is training very hard ior the fight having
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  • 417 7 LONDON, May 23— County Cricket took a back seat today and the limelight shone on the Surrey Centenary match at the Oval, where an "Old England" eleven played the county m a one-day match. The King arrived during the afternoon, and was given
    Reuter  -  417 words
  • 52 7 The following are invited to play at Tengah on Sunday. Bus leaves Clubhouse at 10 a.m. Eu Cheow Chye (Capt.). Cheah Kirn Swee, Chia Keng Hock, Gan Kee Tian, Khoo Ong Lee, Low Kee Pow, Ong Chew Bee, Ong Swee Keng, Seah Keng Siew, Swee Urn Swang and
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 163 7 Capitol Cinema JOHORE BAHRU Note Revised Time of Screen :iir for To-day Only 2.30. 6.30. 9.15 11.45 p.m. "THE STORY OF DR. WASSELL" starring Gary Cooper, Laraine Day. Dennis O'Keefe and a huge cast. Next Change 'THE GREAT MAN'S LADY" with Joel Mcrea, Barbara Stanwycic, Brian Donlevy Union Theatre (Amusement
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  • 670 8 Plane's Crash Into Johore Strait Was 'Unavoidable' Captain 's Evidence At Inquiry "Immediately after we became airborne, first the starboard outer engine, and then the sta rboa^.^ engine, lost power. It was impossible to the aircraft m the air, it being heavily laden and a crash landing was necessary." With
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  • 62 8 Ipoh A mourning party of about 100 people was gathered in a house in Chemor Road last Saturday preparing for obsequies when a gang of ten robbers, armed with revolvers, rifles and one bayonet, broke in upon them. The parfy was herded into one group and the gang
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  • 190 8 Alleged Theft Trespass Sequel to an incident which occurred m the office of Mr. S. K. Chettur. Representative of the GoVtrnment of India m Malaya, on the night of December 11, a young Indian, K. R. Ramatiathan, appeared before Mr A. P. Jack m the Relief District Court yesterday on
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  • 111 8 Kang Moh Siang, proprietor of A&ia Industries Society, South Bridge Road, claimed trial before Mr. L.C. don, m the Second Police Court on a summons charge of exposing for Sale goods with a false trade mark, cii offeme under the Merchandise Marks Ordinance. It Was alieged that
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  • 111 8 MANCHESTER, May 23: Capt. F. J. Bellenger. Financial Secretary to the War Office, said at Manchester in opening the army recm-ting campaign for 100,000 men, that provision had been made this year for the building or 1.000 nen houses for married soldiers and their f;imil
    Reuter  -  111 words
  • 176 8 LONDON. May 22.— Fiold-Marnha) Viscount Montgomery of Kl Alamein fame, told last night of his plan for the "evennisr of my life." H«> was sneaking pt a dinner at the National Association of Boys Clttbl He Mid: "The time will connwhen the
    Reuter  -  176 words
  • 406 8 Chinese business circles commenting on the forthcoming credit loan of $20,000,000 (U.S.) by the Chinese Government to Oversea Chinese m Malaya< were unanimous m expressing the hope that this loan would be immediately made thereby achieving the rehabilitation of Chinese business and industrial interests throughout Malaya
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  • 70 8 Iraq Cabinet Reshuffle I BAGDAD, May 23.— The Prime Min ster of Iraq, Tawfiq Suwaidi, has reshuffled his Cabinet. The Foreign Ministry is being taken over by All Mutmaz, h therto Minister of Communications and Works. Abdul Jibir Chalabi, Minister of Suppl es, takes over the Department of Communications Mid
    Reuter  -  70 words
  • 79 8 WASHINGTON, May 23 —The Office of Price Administration (OPA) has raised retail price ceilings for ltt makes of cars, im-lud'ng rars built by Chrysler, Ford. General Motors, Hudson, Nash. Packard and Studebaker. OPA which hinted at possible further price increases for new cars sa d
    A.P.  -  79 words
  • 25 8 NEW YORK, May 24— Between 1.000 and 1.500 prefabricated houses will shortly arrive in Nanking from Amrrka, to help ea:o the acute Lousing shortage. Reuter
    Reuter  -  25 words
  • 156 8 PoW Prefers England BEDFORD, May 23.— Wfrle on an evening stroll with his dog at Shefford, John Cook, a butcher, heard man snorng. He peered over the railway bank near the main Bedford road. On the grass lay a well drtssed man in a dark suit and mackintosh w th
    Reuter  -  156 words
  • 86 8 SINGAPORE. Mftv ?4 Dr. Hu bertus van Mook, Lieutenant Gnv-rrnor-Gfnoral of the N"' h<*> 'ji- <]•< k— t rT'.!i«'< arrived h«ft '>y t<»day and will confer to-monow wUfi lord I,ouis M'iti"thHtton RuprciiHAlli«'d f'ommand'"-. Sn-ith Fas* Asia. Tho snh '"t of their mei'tlnjf wn.i not announced but |nfnrn»«d
    A.P.  -  86 words
  • 65 8 Lady Louis MountbatUm, D.C.V.0.. C.8.E.. Sunerintend^nt m Chief of tlie St. John's Ambulance Brigade. Is making a three-day tour of the activities of the British Fed Cross— Civilian Re'W Commssion. Mnlava, fiom May 23—25, states an official press release. Lady Lou's will b*» a^fomnanied t.hrouehout hpr tour by
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 38 8 1 ALL -IN WRESTLING at 8.15 p.m. j TO-NIGHT GREAT WORLD SEAC Gold Belt Malayan Heavy- wt Championship Elimination COXDA HOLDER 10 x 5 ZOMBIE CHALLENGER PU S 4 GOOD BODTS 1 Pho^e 4^98 For Rtmrvn^^Z^ZJiJ 2M $LB
      38 words