Morning Tribune, 6 May 1946

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Morning Tribune
  • 16 1 B< ries, Vol. 1. No. 5. Price 10 O MORNING TRIBUNE SINGAPORE, MONDAY, MAY 6, 1946.
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  • 150 1 U.S. SHIPS FOR CHINESE NAVAL TRAINING CENTRE WASHINGTON, May s.— Seven United States landing craft have arrived m Tsingtao for peacetime service as training schools for Chinese seamen. The ships are assigned to the American amphibious training group under Capt. John Keating lor use and instruction by 800 enlisteds and
    A.P.  -  150 words
  • 131 1 NANKING, May s.— General Chou En-lal, chief Communisi negotiator, and General Hsu Yung-chang, government representative, today left by plan^ for Hankow to attempt a local settlement of the Central China fighting. In Hankow they will meet U.S. Brgi.-Gen. Broade from the Peiplng Slno-American executive headquarters and proceed
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  • 76 1 NEXT WAR 'S WEAPONS.... SAN DIEGO, May s.— Thr next war's weapons "more terrible than the atomic bomb" will give America no time for preparation, General Joseph Stilwell said m a speech to a reserve officers' group today. He said up to now America had been protected by remoteness, which
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  • 150 1 SIMLA, May s.— The climax of me Indian constitutional drama was reached this morning when at the mountain top Viceregal Lodge here two Indian political parties Congress and Muslim League— met the British Cabinet Mission, at a round table conference. Congress President Maulana Abul Tvplam Azad
    Reuter  -  150 words
  • 85 1 CHICAGO, May 5.— T h c world's first atomic pile, designed specifically to produce power by generating a high temperature, is being built, the University of Chicago announced to. day. The pile designed at the university will be constructed a: Oak Ridge, Tennessee. Dr. Farnngton Danels, director
    A.P.  -  85 words
  • 102 1 SIMLA, May s.— The Moslem newspaper a tan of Bombay said the All-India Congress Party was organizing the people for civil war and Congress leaders here promtly desvribed it as a "nonsensical fabrication." The newspaper Zaos said it is understood that Sardar Shukat
    A.P.  -  102 words
  • 323 1 NANKING, May s.— This city, cradle of early Chinese culture, today returned to its peacetime role as the capital of China m ceremonies marked by a dramatic plea ot Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek to "consolidate victory m wartorn Manchuria as well as the rest of the nation."
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  • 58 1 LONDON, May 5. Moscow radio today said Russia's Ministry of State Control had charged many collective farms and tractor stations with criiiinal waste of motor vehicle fuel. It said the Soviet Government was concerned over the present fuel stocks,. Another broadcast announced the creation of new Soviet ministries
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  • 57 2 At approximately 9.05 t p.m. yesterday, one In- aian civilian was arrested, alleged to be m possession of two .38 revolvers. Subsequently, at .10 o'clock ifte sa^ne night, i another Indian civilian ,J was arrested and two in- dian soldiers were detainI
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  • 166 2 Chamber Rubber Association To Be Revived Dormant for four years the Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Assoc ation is about to be resuscitated and hopes to be able t 0 help all those m the rubber trade to an even greater extent than it had done m the past. With
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  • 215 2 Great Faith In Altruism of U .S. MANILA, May 3— "l regard th° U.S. as the leadnq nation m ths part of the world. I fiave great fa'th and confidence m the fine purposes and altruism of the U.S. and 1 maintain its foreign policy vr'U always be insp 4
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  • 191 2 The Sngapore Family B-nefit Sorety held its first meeting after liberation at the Victoria MemoriM v-\\\ on Friday to present its report for the period of occupation and to ele^t new office-bearer* The question of continuance of the scvietv and payment to nominees was nut to
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  • 265 2 (Tribune Correspondent) IPOH. Sal— A matter of para mount importance to trie revival o' the rubber industry was ttWiil the meetng of the Central Planter Association held al the ipon Jiul yesterday with Mr. J. S. /Erg-ib «:i m the ciialr. "h» •trtflng txtki new ground
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  • 110 2 WASHINGTON. May 5 —President. Truman declared that manufacturing plants are closing do^m all over the country as a result Of the month-old soft coal strike and yet AmerVan propie have barely begun to feel the full Impact <~>f thil notonal disaster Senator Lu^as, Democrat
    A.P.  -  110 words
  • 539 2 Singapore 's Y.M. C.A. Active Again With 2. membership of 650, the Young Men's Christian Association, Singapore, which revived Its activities on April 1, after four years of complete eclipse, is well on the way to resume its proper place m the public life of Singapore. anally famous for
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  • 127 2 Slapped Tojo: Now Under Observation TOKYO. May s.— The jurisdiction of the International Tribunal is expected to be challenged by the defence when it resumes tomorrow to hear pleas of 28 Japanese being arraigned on war crimes charges. Meanwhile, one defendant, cadaverous Shumei Okawa, who had been gleefully slapping Japan's
    A.P.  -  127 words
  • 409 2 Strong Bid For Tax Free War Loans The most important item Of news t.o Malayan markets concerns the current announce men; by the Union Financial Seen taiy on Income Tax and New Loan Utuei. Pertinent reference is made |,0 "exis; ing rates oi taxation" which "it may be necessary t°
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  • 87 2 NEW YORK, May s.— Rubber production on Malayan plantations ol the United States Rubber Company Company will approach 50 per cent, of capacity by tho end of the said Wallace Case, Assistant Director of the Company's plantation division Case told a meet ng of the
    A.P.  -  87 words
  • 28 2 A robbery by four Indian soldiors m th.« vicin ty of the 10th mlp on West Co.ust Rdoa. was reported at 8.30 last night. About $400 was taken.
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    • 32 2 OBITUARY Sivaiingam Chettiar (Gingelv oil manufacturer). 38 Mac Person ZJ?a Stiier of S. M. 8. Amurtha-t^-'m oa^ed away peaoefuUy m S^de^Ton sth May 1946. at pV^neral will take place at pm. tod»y
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  • 324 3 JERUSALEM, May s— An Arab appeal for Soviet intervention m Palestine is reported from Haifa, the country's main port and important British naval base. Haifa Muslim Society has cabled a message to the Soviet Ambassador m Cairo with a request that it
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  • 111 3 New Moves To BeMade In NEI Planned Here BATAVIA, May s.—Admiral Lord Louis Mountbatten, Supreme Allied Commander, South-east Asia, presided over a special conference just concluded m Singapore at which "forthcoming military moves m the Netherlands East Indies archlpelago" were discussed, according to a Netherlands news agency report. M:i lor-Qen.
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  • 164 3 Nuremberg Rocked By Explosion NUREMBERG, May 4-Windows of* the court house where Nazi leaden are boing tried were shattered by the blast of a scries of expMMtoOl when a vast ammunition dump blew up. The night sky to the south of the city was lit by big Orel as successive
    Reuter  -  164 words
  • 101 3 Japs Like New Constitution WASHINGTON, May 4. —Gen. DouglM IfacArthur, Supreme Allied Commander m Japan, said m his March occupation report that the Japanese peonle had shown wide•pread enthusiasm for the new democratic constitution. Production was still hampered dv the lack of raw material and shortage of fooJ for workers,
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  • 34 3 PAT CUTTA Mny 4. Onr of th*» ■eventi strikes at present Planning Calcutta wai Battled Unlay when about i?.non firp iervtce men rrt'irnrd to work. Tho mm stopped work on April 22.- Re uter
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  • 82 3 LONDON. May 4.-~Thc Rolh Rover motor company announced today that they have recently completed an ugrccment for trie manufacture of Rolls Royce jet-propulsion aero engines m Ch na A number of Chinese engineer* have been sent to this country and are noic trainees m thf Rolls
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  • 120 3 THE HAGUE, May 4.— Queen Whlu'itninu oi tne Netherlands paid UibUtC to Allied troops who Letdi the country from the Germain In ipeecD at Vu.;hL on the tve of todays liberation MmIHIWMF ceiebia-* t'01) •We gather at this place which is drenched with the blood
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  • 154 3 U.S. Hint To Purchasing Missions WASHINGTON, May s.— Tht Uirted States Government has informed 15 countries that their purchasing missions m the United States should be terminated by the end ol the "transition period," the United States States Department announced today The missions during the ren a'nder of that period
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  • 104 3 JERUSALEM, May 4.— The Jewish secret underground radio "Voic«- of Isrpal" claimed today that only three of the 13 ratings arrested after Wednesday's dscovcry of explosives on the British destroyer Chevron were J,-ws and that the remainder were Cypriots. The arrests were made when a kltbag containing explosives
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  • 54 3 TOKYO. May 4 Matsugu Seguchi for the past nine years head or the -Anti-War League" m ChunßMwf sad to-day he and his followers would devote their efforts to buildin" fl now Japan. Beguchl also known as Watarui Kali returned to Janan with his wife
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  • 63 3 VAI.ETTA. Malta. May 4. Thfl 8 coo-ton wheat shin Grafton Park has arrived m Malta from Canada with 1.700 tons of wheat which with other wheat borrowed from tho m- stork will be sufficient to ttfd th^ island over till the end of tho month. Another shin
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  • 193 3 NEW WORK. May 4.— Stock suffer od their third successive setback today with spotlight selling beamed mainly on the national coal crisis and threats of a railway walkout^ Clos ng losses ran two or morn for pivotal Rails and Industrials. Most of the extreme losses vere
    A.P.  -  193 words
  • 128 3 MOSCOW, May s.— Waldo Ruess of Hollywood, California. United Nations Embassy clerk, receive! a summons to appear on May 8, m the Moscow city prosecutions office to answer charges of committing "insolent acts" against an actress from one of Moscow's state theatres. Huess, who has
    A.P.  -  128 words
  • 173 3 SAN FRANCISCO. May 4.— Gen. Joseph Stiluell (Vinegar Joe) who von fame four years aero m Burma as Commander of the Chinese forces ftehtimr alongside the British, today visited Alratraz prison island s^ene of the preatest jail riot m American history. With Gen. Sti'well. now Commander
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  • 207 3 ROME, May 4. Royal household sources said on Saturday that reports of King Victor Emmanuel tearing Italy were "premature but did not deny he is preparing to leave the country. A dispatch from Naples to II Lavoro, organ of the General Labour Confederation said
    Associated Press  -  207 words
  • 230 3 Indonesians Silent On Logemann 's Statement BATAVIA. May 4.— Awaitinc more concrete expression of the i">r.tch attitude towards Indonesian natonalism m the form of fresh prono Indonesian leaders are disinclined to comment on the statement of the Dutch Minister for Overseas Territories, Dr. Logemann. The statement, which was madr
    Reuter  -  230 words
  • 105 3 JUBBULPORE, C.P. INDIA, lay 4. Three of some 18 sepoys at present being tried by various courts martial here were acquitted today of charges of "inciting a mutiny" and "being" present at a mutiny and not using their utmost end«^ yours to suppress it." The
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  • 133 3 BRUSSELS, May 4. Paul Kenri Spaak, the fore gn nrlnlsier of Belgium and president of the United Nations General Assembly, on Friday night said that Spa n's refusal to extradite Belgium's chief quisling Leon Degrelle, would be brought before the Security Council. Speaking m a foreign
    A.P.  -  133 words

  • 327 4 The Morning Tribune MONDAY, MAY 6. 1946. Much To Un-Learn Much emphasis has been laia on ihe need lor reeducation of ihe youth of this country whose training was interrupted by the Japanese occupation. Considerable agitation has also been heard m favour of tne early issue of results of the
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  • 370 4 HOLLYWOOD. May ;j. German actor Martin Kosleck i y one of several Hollywood screen players who an, also accomplished painters. On his way to a HUB itadiO recently, Kosleck law one of his canvasses m an aatr t shop window. It was priced SIM. Kosleck comes from Barkotse,
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  • 872 4 Colossal Industrial Effort To "Defend Peace And Prevent Aggression** This is the first of a series of three articles by Eddy Gi'more, A.P. Correspondent, giving details of the Nl»w Russian Hve Year Plan. "Comrade Stalin has warned us ihal m the future peace-loving nations may
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  • 472 4  - Rumania Feast For Soviet Russia Pat O'Brien k By A. P. Correspondent BUCHAREST, May 3.— Soviet Russia has fallen on poientialiy rich Rumania like a starving man on a loaded banquet table Under anivstice terms. a« interpreted by Russia, the Soviet TJnion is drainng off as rapidly „*s possible vast
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  • 59 4 WASHINGTON. May 4.— The U.S. Gtovernraent today ordered lUun^iteren •> <t Oft!de more pork and lard for effecthrt on ICond*), relaughterera to :ot aside for •-■'v.-n nenl prrchasp pork products t'Oinil to IS per cent, of live hop 'it ;ird lard or rpndf-xed fat equal jto
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  • 239 5 Failure May Prove Catastrophic Simla talks new YORK, May 4.— The round-table conference which is assembling at Simla to deal with the question of India's independence from England must be counted as among the most fateful of the numerous international parleys which are trying to iron out the problems of
    A.P.  -  239 words
  • 216 5 LONDON. May 4. Subscrip Uom arc reported pouring 1. from all puns of the Bovie Union lor the new 20.0U0.00U.000 rouble domestic loan, it was an nounced by Moscow radio on Friday. The radio said that worker: offered from six weeks' 10 thn months'
    A.P.  -  216 words
  • 52 5 FRANKFURT, May 3—German fraulelna accompanying American soldiers last night persuaded in* ir escorts to throw a Negro soldier out of a night club here. The Provost Marshal. Col. R. C. Connolly, said today there was no ordt.r to justify such discrimination and he was investil&ting the
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  • 69 5 STRASBOURG May 4— Robert "Wagner the wartime gaulr ter of Al.sarc, and five of his former aides, were condemned to death on Friday by a French military tribunal after a n'.ne days' tr*al The charges included the execution of 14 Alsatian youths attempting to flee to Switzerland
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  • 26 5 LONDON. May 4.— Three Uniitd States warships will vis t Norway this month on a six-day courtesy call, the United States Naval Headnuarters announced today. A.P.
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  • 41 5 ROME. M.iy 4.— Some dozens ■■f Italians and Slovenes Were involved m skirmishing whch broke out yesterday on a r dge verlooking Trieste, it was le irn- a here today. No deaths were reported but one person was seriously injured.- Reuter
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  • 213 5 LONDON, May 3. -An analysis of the forthcoming moves m India Li contained m today's issues of the weekly magazines "Economist" and "Spectator." The Economist, after reviewing events leading up to the Simla talks, says: "The same difficulty of reconciling Pakistan and Indian unity still stands. overshadowing all
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  • 77 5 Azerbaijan Kurds Treat y TEHERAN. May 4.— A treaty has been sgned between Azerbaijan and Kurdistan. Th«- preamble to the treaty stated that the two nations were*?d by the central Government under the dictatorship of Rega Shah, but they had no means or opportunity to free tji.-mselves from ths
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  • 83 5 MANTLA. May 4.— A fight to the finish between the military police and well-armed Hukbalahapa guerrillas m Central Luzon appears inevitable unless further bloodshed is averted oy arbitration. In a two-day tour of the rrt gion, talks with American military observers, provincial officials Filipino military police
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  • 65 5 PHILADELPHIA. May 4.— The Franklin Institute reported a "tremendous quake" recorded on its instruments at 10.25 G.M.T. It said the tremor was about 12.000 miles from Philadeph a m the South Pacific. Dr. Roy K. Marshall, Institute dii rector, said: "It apparently was a tremendous quake" and
    A.P.  -  65 words
  • 112 5 BERLIN BANDITS MAKE BIG HAUL BERLIN, May s—Beat tacked and robbed Coun Kropotk.n. a drsccvd'ir.t of th>' famous Russian Princei* m h^r apartment m Kurfucrstendawm, Berlin. OiU bandit struck the Covntrss wth an iron bar knocKwg h n r aensrlcrs nfrilc WMOthtf carried off her strorigbnx containing C 5,000
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  • 111 5 MANCHURIA MUKDEN, May 4.— The Government Army Headquarters has announced that its forces had smashed a Communist ihrust north ward from Liaoning, routing an estimated GO.OUO Chinese Red troops and capturing Penhihou, main Communist stronghold sou.h-east of Mukden. Gen. Tv Yu-ming, the Com-mandt?r-in-Chief, said Penhi. hou
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  • 66 5 Hurley For U.S. Senate SANTA FE. NEW MEXICO, May 4.— Maj-Gen. Patrick Hurley, former secretary for war and more recently ambassador to China, has riled a candidacy for Republican nomination for the U.S. Senate. The Republican leader assured Hurley, who criticised th State Depanment's foreign policies, he would have no
    A.P.  -  66 words
  • 224 5 WASHINGTON, May 4.— ln a new mave to ccmba the world food shortage, the U.S. today took action to shunt available small vessels to th? Orient, Middle East and Europe for fishing and food transport. The White House announced tnat Reconversion Director John
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  • 203 5 LONDON, May 4 Sir Manilal Nanivarty, representative of the India Food Mission to America, said to-day at a press conference that America had not contributed a single grain of wheat to faminethreatened India. He added, "My feeling is that the Uni'it-d Statt-s do not consider
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  • 175 5 How World Supply Being Divided SUGAR SHORTAGE WASHINGTON, May 4.— The Combined Foed Board has announced how the shortage of the world's sugar supply i to be divided among the nations of the world. Under the allocation. Europe will receive 11,133,000 tons 4,042 000 tons from production m the claimant
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  • 122 5 "Big Four" Talks Face Failure PARIS, May 4. Yugoslav and Italian leaders today presented claims to the disputed Istrian peninsula to the Big Four Foreign Ministers, amid vadtspread pessimism that the confeicnce would fail to "reach agreements on the European peace treaties. Yugoslavia reportedly claimed vir tually all of the
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  • 54 5 Funk Says He Was A "Lukewarm Nazi" NUREMBERG May 4.—Pleading th;it he was only a "lukewarm" Naz 56-year-o!d Walter Funk, former German Minister nf Econom cs, told the War Crimes Tribunal today that he used to play the piano before Hitler. Hitler always liked my music." Funk said as he
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  • 77 5 ATHENS. May 2.— The Greek Premier. Constantin Tsaldars. said today that if Germany. Italy and Bulgaria are not now sufficiently solvent to pay reparations a way must be found to finance the immediate reconstruct on of Greece and defer payment of expenses to future genera tlons of those three countries.
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  • 94 6 LONDON, May 4.— The Ministry of Supply announced on Saturday that it had ordered the construction of twelve newtype Solent flying boats for use by the British Overseas Airways on its Far EEats t route. Tne Solents, 4-engined crafts, will be built by Short
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  • 98 6 CAPETOWN. May 4.— For the first time m history, a nonEuropean today appeared at tnr bar of the South African Parliament. He is Mohammed D. Barrnania, a joint honorary secretary of the South African Indian Congress, who, for 47 minutes, read to the Senate
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 68 6 A i%iUUSfc)MEJ¥T NOTICES .1 SHOWS COLUMBIA'S 7^r nicolor Spectacle mm ma nHr.l OF UOISIN HOOD 9 ■ftidtufu oftnutfuuvotd, -*n <t/t-occufuetL couiwivM cUittina utnft-tfiuihi. &rm£uiui# t/L <®foi}!LPTtf 6tfaWf.tfA MM&%$ tfk lota. FfttPßAWtf (st) jp@MS, <TootS£Zwessiim, senses, WES HIS tlAll m M)W &MWW wmm»w?i/&&sf&p nrnmrnmi 'up mam Brand New^ Unscratched Print ll^^^^Jl
      68 words
    • 41 6 At The Worlds GLOBE G.W. 13—7—9.30 p.m.) "You'll Never Get Rich" (Fred Astaire) SKY G.W. (7 p.m. 9.15 p.m., "Hollywood Cavalcade" (Galaxy of 'Stars' LIDO N.W. (3 p.m.— 7— 9.30 p.m.) "HOTEL BERLIN" "CAPTAIN MIDNIGHT" (Chaps. I—6) GLOBE LIDO* from Wednesday.
      41 words
    • 167 6 l[j I f V lOl\ r\ ama^|_drama of a jvo^3nbjrr<d from low; 11, 1.15, 3.30, 6.15 9.15 f \tA6TE to-morrow TnivMM^ 1 THI V SING THE BLUES THEY PLAY THE BLUES •JIME!^ Here's Vie Way They Live The Blues. ITS AS HAUNTING AS THE BLUES! As tempting as a torch
      167 words
    • 58 6 Capitol Cinema Johore Bahru Phone 22 Daily 3 Shows: 3—7—9.15 pm TO-DAY AND TO-MORROW "STALINGRAD" Produced In Russia Chinese Commentary And Sub-Titles Union Theatre (Amusement Park. Johore Bahru) TO-DAY "SWING HIGH SWING LOW" with Fred Mac Murray WATCH SCREENING DATE OP WARNERS BIG ATTRACTION "AIR FORCE" U.S. Air Force HBMII
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 227 6 On The Air RADIO MALAYA, SINGAPORE. RED NETWORK from noon to 2 p.m. and 6.30 to 11 p.m. on 225 metres from noon to 2 p.m. on 4.825 mcs/sec m 61 metre band and from 7.45 to 9.30 p.m. on 4.78 msc/sec m 61 metre band. CHINESE noon to 1.15
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  • 487 7 Most Tense' Mating Of Food Board This Week WASHINGTON, May s.— This week's meeting of the Combined Food Beard will be the most tense m its history. India's representative— p roba b 1 y the Agent-General here, Sir Glrja Shanker BajpaJ
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  • 137 7 SWIMMER'S CONFUSION LOST HER RECORD LAFAYETTE, (INDIANA). May s— a moment of confusion cost Ann Curtis of San Francisco a new world record for the 440 yard free style swim, but sht clipped more than two 'seconds from her own nation record after coming fo a stop 15 yards short
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  • 139 7 Malays Beat REME At Soccer The Malyas scored a convincing 4 2 victory ovt-r the K.E.M.E. m a -soccer match played at JaJan Besar stad urn, yesterday. Spectators sat down to expect a dull giimp us th<- opening movies by both teams were weak but as the game progressed the
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  • 87 7 HOOVER TO PROBE JAP NEEDS TOKIO, May s.— Herbert Hoo ver, former president of uv> United States and presently touring famine threatened areas m the world, left Korea this morning. He is to arrive at Atsugi airfield at 12.50 p.m. where he will be met by Maj-Gen. W. F. Marquat,
    Reuter; A.P.  -  87 words
  • 73 7 Tsc following are the results of the |all- l n wrestling programme held at the Groat World Arena on Saturday night: Zombie, who substituted for Contla m the main event, was given the de|Cison when his opponent, Reynolds threw m the towel after the fourth round. Stan Garside
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  • 206 7 LONDON, May 4. Conditions m Sumatra continue to worsen and a reign of terror exists m several regions wi h the object of eradicating all products of sympathy, cables the News Chronicle special correspondent from Palembang, Sumatra. "Recently an Indorvs an piot to W'pe out, all
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  • 52 7 LONDON. May 5.- Lan Patey. 37--yrar-old accountant nnd four time 1 Hampshire County Champion won the En<rlifch amateur golf champ on- ships defeat ns RAF Sergeant Ken Thorn five and four over the Royal Midsurrey course. Tllla was Patty's first major tournament since 1933.
    A.P.  -  52 words
  • 99 7 RANGOON, May 4 —An allegation that an Amer.can prisoner of war was murdered by his Japanese ?»uard for p cking up a cigarette butt dropped by the guard m the new law courts Jail was m.ide by the prosecution when the th rd of
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  • 115 7 LOUISVILLE, Kentucky, May 5.— Assault won the Kentucky Derby at CV.Tchill Downs on Saturday watched by a crowd estimated at over 100.000 largest ever to see a race m America. The chestnut son of Bold Adventure led from the start. T avourite m the field of
    A.P.  -  115 words
  • 366 7 (Tribune Correspondent) KUALA LUMPUR, Sat.— One of the most spectacular ceremonies m the history of the Union capital was witnessed this morning when Admiral Lord Louis Mount batten took the salute at trooping of the colours of the first Battalion, Sikh Regiment, one
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  • 130 7 (Tribune Staff Reporter) PENANG, Sat.— Results of the Penang races run off today Race i_The Elk (Ah Kirn) 1 Kingsma (Keen*) 2. Tote $36 $9, $7. Race 2— New Cello (W. Nocrdin) 1, Moonwin (Jaffan 2. Tote $13, $7,57. R ace 3— Cellofort (Mat) i, Gula (Ah Kirn)
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  • 44 7 LONDON. May s— The newspaper Reynolds News said today it understood France had been offered 25 per cent of oil Russia will obta n from Northern Iran, as aid to French recovery. The dispatch gave no further details A. P.
    A.P.  -  44 words
  • 257 7 Leijssius' XI defeated Cantrell's team by 86 runs when^they met m a game of cricket at the Police ground m Thompson Road, yesterday. The following are the scores: Evan Wong c Growder b Tygnell 5 Cheong Thiam Slew b Pearson 12 Yogoraja b Growder 8
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  • 187 7 Wakefield Trinity Carry Away Rugby League Cup WEMBLEY, MIDDLESEX. May 4. Wakeneld Trinity won the Rugby League Cup here this afternoon by a single point, beating Wigan by 13 points to 12. A record crowd for this final of 55,000 including Premier, Atilee, England, and W. Chifley, Australia, saw the
    Reuter  -  187 words
  • 39 7 SYDNEY May 5.-^Sub-Lieute-nant Sh g^ro Uemura was »xecut.d on Thursday at Rabu.-i!. the sixth Japanese war criminal ti be pxecat'd since March 20. dispntches to th-> Rvdnev Morn!ne: Sun reported. He wns clr-rar-•d Witli murdering four AustrsMan airmen A.P.
    A.P.  -  39 words

  • 148 8 BUT WANTS SARAWAK NATIONHOOD RETAINED "I am not against cession if the people want it, but I wish that Sarawak retains its nationhood," stated the Tuan Muda of Sarawak m an interview with the Tribune on his arrival at the Kallang Air Port yesterday from
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  • 164 8 CABANATUAN, (Luzon), May s.— Hundreds of refugees from outlying areas today continued to stream into this provincial capital, following clashes between Filipino military police and Hukbalahap guerrillas m half a dozen places m Nueva Ecija Province. The M.P. commander reported fighting becoming large-scale, adding,
    A.P.  -  164 words
  • 86 8 SAN FRANCISCO, May 4 Five submarines wiin no creiomen aboard will be suspended under water during the B kini atomic test to determine the effect of the explosivn on undersea craft, the Navy said. Held below the surface by weights, the submai rines wll be surfaced after
    A.P.  -  86 words
  • 159 8 First Phase In Set-Up Of World Bank WASHINGTON, May 6.— The final rhase m setting up the International Bank and Monetary Fund, first conceived nearly two years ago at Bretton Woods, will begin on Monday at the first meeting to be held at the permanent headquarters m Washing-Twenty-four "executive directors",
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  • 57 8 ROME, May 5. The Italian news agency, Ansa, today reported that two persons were killed and five wounded on May 1 at Reggio Emilia refugee camp, when Jews and Russians, who planned to celebrate May Day, clashed with White Russians who objected. Police were forced to fire on rioters to
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  • 120 8 PARIS, May s.— One of the closest votes m French history is expected to be the empirewide ballotting on the new constitution for the Fourth Republic, supported by left-wing parties. The charter provides for concentration of government power legislative, executive and judicial—in a single chamber of th<^
    A.P.  -  120 words
  • 63 8 WARSAW. May s.— Polish officials today announced they were seeking extradition from Germany of 7.000 Naz.s wanted on war crimes charges. Among those sought are R. Hess, former commandant of the Osweicim concentiatlon camp. Josef Buehle. former secretary of state to the Nari
    A.P.  -  63 words
  • 313 8 TOKIO, May 5. Tctsu Katayama, secretary general of the Social Denocratie party conferred today with Shiaehara as political leaders resumed to formulate a new cabinet following yesterday's SCAP disqualification of Ichiro £latoyama, the Liberal party president. Baron Kijuro Shidehara today offered Socialists a chance
    A.P.  -  313 words
  • 62 8 NAG PUR, May 5. Strong police reinforcements were drafted into Nagpur city m Central India today following a night-long clash between casU Hindus and Untouchables. At least six houses were set on fire and thort was pood dral of stone throwing. Early today mill workers were reported to
    Reuter  -  62 words
  • 481 8 SAN FRANCISCO, May s.— The historic bloody three-day battle of Alcatraz Federal prison m which three of the nations most- hardened criminals and two guards were killed, and more than a dozen guards injured ended today. Officials announced that the last of the revolt conspirators have
    A.P.  -  481 words
  • 35 8 LOS ANGELES, May s —The U.S. fou:th largest city is still without transportation, with Indications that the strike of 4,000 transit company workers would not be settled until next week at the earliest. A. P.
    A.P.  -  35 words
  • 92 8 Concerns All Arabs Says Emir I BAGHDAD, May s.— The Emir Abiduliah of Transjordan. who is pay* lin an official v.sit to Iraq, said today the Palestine question "concerns all Arabs who can never allow Palestine to be overwhelmed by any race through Immigration or other means." The pr*nce, who
    A.P.  -  92 words
  • 261 8 UNO May Drop Iranian Issue PARIS. May 5. A spokesman for several delegations to the United Nations Security Council expressed belief that Council would be m a position to drop the controversial Iran an case when it comes up again next week. He said private reports received by their governments
    A.P.  -  261 words
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