Malaya Tribune, 13 June 1946

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Malaya Tribune
  • 35 1 The Malaya Tribune The Newspaper Of The People Of Malaya 'Phone Nos: —Editorial 5811 Advertising, Circulation Accounts 5812 IiGIIT PAGES SINGAPORE THURSDAY, June 13, 1946 TEN CENTS The Malaya Tribune THURSDAY. JUNE 13. 194 G.
    35 words
  • 83 1 A.P. RNBMOVTH, June 12.— tour Party today rethe application of the munist party for affilia■h the Labour. The M nting membership whole party, was against the Coma and 468,000 i n favour. flallf icould not feet able sitting in the ibinei where members Communist party were c
    A.P.  -  83 words
  • 157 1 untitled Fighting Reuter. A VIA, June 12.—Casualties In l to occupy Bekashln were I and 11 wounded, stated an Headquarter! communique toorrupation was mainly car- v Ir.cian troops. Bekashm mam railway into tne mf Java. 15 miles from Batavla. amen of tne r.a.f. were md tv
    Reuter.  -  157 words
  • 17 1 LONDON, June 12— Sir Frank Swettenham died in London on Tuesdiy, aged Reuter. Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  17 words
  • 346 1 de Gasperi Authorised To Be Chief of State A.P. ROME, June 13— Premier Alcide de Gasperi was authorised early to-day by an of the Council of AI ers to assume the powers of provisional chtef of toe Italian state. rise announcement came a after Riccardo
    A.P.  -  346 words
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  • 26 1 One vote more for the Monarchy King Umberto, Ike all other Italians, casts his vote on the Monarchy issue. The won.
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  • 768 1 Honours For Union Labour Leaders, Service Chiefs Mountbatten Becomes A Viscount Reuter. LONDON, June 12.—Recognition of the part played by Britain's Labour and Trade Union leaders in th*? advancement of the socialist cause during the las* 20 years is one of the principal features of <h*> King's birthday honours list
    Reuter.  -  768 words
  • 213 1 A.P. B0 UK NEMO UTH, Eng land, June 12. —British Foreign Minister Ernest won an overwhelming en dorsement of his foreign policy to-day after telling the Labour Party's annual conference that he would resist Russian effor's to delay signing of the European peace treaties, would reject the
    A.P.  -  213 words
    A.P.  -  546 words
  • 95 1 A.P. PEARL HARBOUR. June 12— Admiral John H. Towers, returning from his 10,000 mile-tour of north Pacific bases, told a news conferference that United States security demands the maintenance of adequate defences in Alaska and the Aleutians. He said: "It certainly would not be
    A.P.  -  95 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
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  • 157 2 A.P. BANGKOK, June 12.—A new government to lead Siam, shaken by the death of King Ananda Mahidol, was announced by the Premier, Pridi Phancmyong. to-day. The cabinet, save In two Instances, is same as the one which lil- led and which passed and put :n >
    A.P.  -  157 words
  • 80 2 U .S. Liaison Officer Leaves For Home A.P. SINGAPORE. June 11. the best-known members at ri can colony m Site. Htte SS "Sea Shark" aboard the 9.0. n^v c< I nay They were I- U S ATTT Ma"- Purdue Associated pore, and Press correspondent no Singapore with the hist Brtusn
    A.P.  -  80 words
  • 49 2 A.P. Washington. June Nazis transferred some looted gold o Sweden during the war, Allied officials told Swedish negotiators during discussions m Washington on Tuesday. Swedish representatives were saia to be willing to have the gold re urned if it could be traced-— A.P
    A.P.  -  49 words
  • 442 2 A.P. Netherlands East Indies. Slam, Bmma aid Indo-Chtaa. rnnrox ma Tae American taxpayer received F i7.Ww tely $300,C00 (U S.)—surplus accoromg to MajorW. T Sfcinner Foreign Liquidation Commission representative here. That's $600,0)0 Malayan currency. T- a r nr-.ft flvintr nver their coun-
    A.P.  -  442 words
  • 113 2 Reuter. WASHINGTON, June 11. President T .man to-day appointed a Cabinet committee on Palestine and relatetl subjects and authorised it to negotiate with the British and other Governments. Mr. James Byrne?. United Stales Secretary of State. Mr Robert Patterson. Secretary for War. and Mr. John Snyder,
    Reuter.  -  113 words
  • 50 2 Reuter. RANGOON. June il.—Sb' Henry Knight today assumed office as Acting Governor of Burma. He vnl fulfil this duty during the absence, through illness, of Sir Reginald Dor-man-Smith. Sir Knight lias held various appointments In Bombay. Including that us Senior Adviser to the Governor of Bombay.—Router
    Reuter.  -  50 words
  • 464 2 Reuter. BOURNEMOCrH. June 12.-Replying to criticism of Labour's foreign policy at today s debate at the latour conference here. Mr. Bevin, British Foreign Secretary said: "No one will be happier than I if, KTleave this office, I can carry the wor d organisation a
    Reuter.  -  464 words
  • 18 2 The Grand Old Man of France Leon Blum casts his vote M the recent French elections.
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  • 192 2 Reuter. i OMIMN June U—The sqnalor and dinsiness of th letter to today s Times from J. H. Huidmga. The fir-t impression received 'V ambassadors and ministers who pass throat* the Foreign Office entrap hall, "dimly lit by a sinple naked bulb, and littered
    Reuter.  -  192 words
  • 65 2 Reuter. VIENNA. June 11—After a conference with Kans Frenzel. Austrian Food Minister. Viennese printers leaders today called off the strike started in protest against this week's low rations. Vienna was without newspapers this afternon r3 a result of the strike Thev will now appear tomorrow. Among the
    Reuter.  -  65 words
  • 76 2 Reuter. JERUSALEM. June 11.—Armourca cars with s* iTchlights. Bren-gun car- riers and hundreds of troops of the Sixth Airborne Division searched Lvdda district of Palestine all night for Jewish terrorists who blew v; three railway engines and burned ten coaches in attacks on Dassenger trains
    Reuter.  -  76 words
  • 142 2 A.P. Bludan. Syria. June 12.—The Arab League drafted its reply on June 10. to the United States demanding Immediate American withdrawal from the Palestine case, an authoritative source told the Associated Press on Tuesday. The letter Will answer the United States request for an Arab reaction
    A.P.  -  142 words
  • 107 2 Reuter. DETROIT, June 11 —Outstanding improvements in future tyre developments may not come from natural rubber, and while synthetic rubber is not yet completely its equal 'it would be a reversal of our whole experience if it did not ultimately become superior." said the vicepresident of
    Reuter.  -  107 words
  • 47 2 TOKIO. June 12—As a result of the discovery of woodtli mortars, swords and grenades in a Buddhist temple storehouse, SCAP today ordered the Japanese Government to determine by June 21 if the Okayama prefectural education department told its schools to retain such training aids.
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  • 706 2 Metherell Court Martial -The police sergeant said that if I didn't what he wanted me to say he would detain me at the white House and, if necessary, he would beat me up. ZTmrie the statement which he took down in rus own handwriting. He asked
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  • 70 2 Bournemouth, Ji Mr. Bevin, British Secretary, again de/< policy toivards Russia addressed the Labour Partt conference here today. He outlined his effort fo bring about closer r< between the two count? instanced fi\s propose tend the 20-year alliance to 50 years. Marshal Stalin (Mr. Bt said!
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  • 154 2 Reuter. PARIS. June 12.—The m the whersaboJts of the Jerusalem and his lupposed from France deepened toda-. French police services gau n one priority to the uifeatia the biggest post-war Internet' puzzle since the Allies fail- d Hitler's oody. The Deoutv Director of Panpolice stated chat
    Reuter.  -  154 words
  • 34 2 LONDON. June 11—M said today that Russia and v via have reached complete on the programme of economi I laboration and supplies for I goslav Army, and clos, cv I political co-operation.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 50 2 JUBILEE TEL: 3405 TO-MORROW 1.15; 3.30; 7; 9.30 p.m. You'll be surprised! You'll agree it's the greatest laugh-provoker of all time with EXTRA hilarity —now that Chaplin himself has adefed hearttouching music and ribtickling words I Bui TBI 1?' written and I Charles Ch|*pfeii released thro j 1 I k
      50 words
    • 70 2 WATCH FOR Th* SCHOMJASi The only Malayan Monthly of its kind. Fea Of Special Interest To Every Man and Woman < The World. WANTED: Articles of interest to Teachers, Students, Spori men. Clerks, Doctors, Lawyers, Housewives, Busin men, etc. We pay for every article accepted. Between 4* 2,000 words. AGENTS
      70 words

  • 610 3 But Shortage Still Acute (Tribune Staff Reporter) Although 50 p-r cent, of the houses and property ip Singapore occupied by the military at its peak nave now been returned to their owners, the housing snortage on the island remains acute, and threatens 10 Decome
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  • 210 3 listening patiently for two yesterday afternoon to the D and cro?s-examination Oral Witness for the defence. O. C. H. Culley. president Eighth War Crimes Court. at let s have any more of balderdash. The court knows Japanese system of administrate, can make use of that
    210 words
  • 89 3 ■I l mill persons appeared beMr. Justice R. Moor in the Court yesterday morning theil cases were mentioned in with the first Assizes ena next Monday at 11 a in. AssJm Judge told them that the] will be remanded in custody Mi ndaj morning when then
    89 words
  • 48 3 B winning at 7 p.m. tomorrow, stl will celebrate at the in Outram Road, the festival the founding of Buddhism in _'_"4 yean ago, by the Arahant Ilaaa Mahinda, the son of Ihe Dharmasoka of India. hers: Iheras Pannasiha ami of the Ceylon Buddhist tfl China.
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  • 23 3 r Admiral Egerton. nag _mMalaya, is flying to Bangkok to I the funeral ceremony for the Ut< K:ng of Siam.
    23 words
  • 427 3 The trial concluded yesterday afternoon in the h War Crimes Court of the four Japanese, Major Mabuchi Setsu Major Nakamura Kinji, Capt. Wakasu Hitoshi and Capt. Hisakawa Snigehiro, who were on trial on a charge of being concerned in the iwful killing of
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  • 174 3 The following message to His Majesty King George Vi from the peoples of the Malayan Union and Singapore has been forwarded on their behalf by HE. The Governor-Gene-ral, Mr. Malcolm MacDoiialds I have the honour to tender greetings from the people of Malaya to Your
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  • 211 3 (From Our Own Correspondent PENANG. Wednesday 12.The biggest police haul tl arms was made during a four hours raid on warious suspected places from 11 last night until 3 o'clock this morning. Five pistols and 133 bullets were recovered. Three arrests were made, and several suspects
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  • 130 3 A.P. WASHINGTON. June 12.—President Truman vetoed the case labour disputes bill because he said it would compel men to work for private employers in a peacetime democracy. In a message to Congress announcing his of the controversial measure, the President said that "strikes against private employers
    A.P.  -  130 words
  • 59 3 BRITISH INDIAN TROOPS TAKE OVER OKAYAMA (Japan), June 12.— British troops ruled here today, succeeding the U. S. 24th Infantry Division. British and Indian veterans of the Burma campaign, and Americans who fought at Leyte and Mindanao saluted each other on the parade ground as the 24th DivLsion officially terminated
    59 words
  • 366 3 KILLEARN ON HIS TASK Lord Killearn, Special Commissioner. South-East Asia, spoke last night at the Victory Exhibition at the Happy World. It is frequently said that though we have won the war we have yi't to win the peace (said Loiu Killearn). To win the ptm means
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  • 93 3 Reuter. DETROIT. June —The President of the P\ »kard Motorcar Company predicted that Packard and othei automobile plants will be forced to close as the result of diversion of pig-iron to the federal housing programme. He declared his Company was entirely cut off
    Reuter.  -  93 words
  • 200 3 Tribune Correspondent* KUALA LUMPUR. June 11- —When the question of loan for assistance to Chinese mine own ?rs was raise.! at the Advisory Council meeting. His Excellency the Governor remarked that a committee to ter these loans has already been k*t up and that it
    200 words
  • 322 3 A a press conference in Shanghai last week, where he was invited by the Chinese. Premier Dr. T.V. Soong to discuss the food situation. Lord Killearn. Special Commissioner. SE.A., said that the rice allocation to China for the second quarter —45.000 tons—was higher than that of any
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  • 662 3 The general procedure and objects ">1 the interrogation of persons brought before the political section over which Hussain bin Ali Alsagoff was in charge during the Japanese occupation were described by two witnesses at the continued hearing of a preliminary inquiry before Mr.
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  • 87 3 (Tribvae Correspondent) MALACCA, June 10.—A simple but impressive ceremony marked the reopening of the Malay Women's Train ing College at Durian Daun yester day with His Excellency, the Governor of the Malayan Union, Sir Edward Gent performing the ceremony. Arriving in the State eariiei in
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  • 37 3 Washington. June 12.—The U.S. Senate has approved the nomination of Vice-Admiral Ben Morell to the temporary rank pf full admiral. Morell organized the Seabees during the war and directed vast navy base construction work.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 316 3 Books of To-day j Hire Bor! broken by Maaeleine Munday $9 00 j Tie Eighth Champion »>f Christendon by Edith Pargeter $6.30 Just Love by Wanda Wassilev.-ska $4.50 The Keya by Maria Kuncewiczowa i6.j0 I They're 9ome by T. J. Morrison Eve by James Hanaley Chase S5.10 Happily Ever
      316 words

  • 435 4 I The possibility of an anti-monarchist moveme n c in Siam is spofctn of following the death, ascnbsa Ito accidental shoeing of the boy king. Mahidol. The possibilities of suicide ana assassination have bren dis- cussed a id speculated upon vaguely with nothing definite emerging beyond thfact that
    435 words
  • 1610 4 If you think Singapore is slow in returning to normal appearances, read this account (by Stephen Simmons in Everybody s) of conditions in bomb-blasted Berlin One hing is certain about Berlin: it is not Hiroshima. H still stands, and i. is far from dead- The bigges bombs
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  • 720 4 Reuter. (By Reginald Lang ford) ZURICH (Air .Mail).—Switzerland has become the centre of the most widespread and daring smuggling activity ever known on the Continent of Europe. There are numerous organisations, seme working independently, others in co-operation, and thententacles cross the borders from
    Reuter.  -  720 words
  • 188 4 Chinese School Girls In your paper of tl you nave printed an from a Chinese news pa] a Chines? school mistre cused Chinese school nineteen thirties fo ill-mannered. The w lived in Singapore for l years, ha.- known wiry school girls of Chinese scho< v schools. Methodist vent
    188 words
  • 117 4 A.P. Osaka, June 12—Am military Governmeir smashed a Korean black market ring which smuggled scarce manufactured goods int X and returned to Japan foods-uffs-Twelve Koreans ar •he first raid were sentenced W i 25th Division court to ai -average fine of 50,000 yen and deported
    A.P.  -  117 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 480 4 TRIBUNE PRE-PAID CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Ca-ua 1 /ertisement: VV anted, Situations Vacant, Situations Wanted, For Sale, Per'sonml, etc. $3 CO per insertion of 20 words minimum. 15 cents for every additional word. 1 Domestic Occurrences Marriage Engagej mint, Birth notices, etc. $7.00 per insertion of 25 words minimum t\ 20 cents
      480 words
    • 19 4 At Your Service Again BUN BEE CO., Provision, Wine and Spirit Dealers. PHONE 6450 BBACH RD. t S'l ORE.
      19 words
    • 182 4 Silver Line KERR STEAMSHIP COMPANY INC. GENERAL AGENTS New York City, New York. ROUND THE WOULD EXrRESS SERVICE. iii v Silver leak m.v. "SILVERTEAK" LOADS SINGAPORE 10th to 13th JUNE. For U.S.A. Atlantic Pot I Via Cape of Go jd Hope Agents: Haddcn Co., (Singapore) Limited. TEL. 6802. MANSFIELD CO.,
      182 words

  • 596 5 r the pioneering days of fford and his contemporaries, senior officers of Malayan Civil Service oecame more atd o their desks and minutra and heir own small ihan in circulating among ie people. This insularity to be scrap d oy the Colonial Office, which introduced a scheme
    596 words
  • 155 5 A.P. New York, June 11.-Th, Untied Natmns Eeonomir;. and Social council expressed disapproval if Franco ipai. by leaving that govornment off the list of nut.c.s rnited to attend the World> onf ei-enc en June 19 The r buki yas made m Pointed by the f act that
    A.P.  -  155 words
  • 95 5 A.P. Madrid. 12.—An Army couit today convicted seven of 11 defendants accused of plotting against the Franco Government and -entenced them to prison terms rallying from four to 12 years. Amni>g those convicted W*T* Col. Daald Saenz Aranz and Major Salvador Pomata Orsi. who admitted to
    A.P.  -  95 words
  • 46 5 A.P. Nanking. June 12.—The Central News Agency said today that the Nationalist Lei Feng-ehiang. communications committee member, was shot dead on June 10 during a Communist ambush while on an inspection tour with a Communist representative who excused himself before the nr idem.—A.P.
    A.P.  -  46 words
  • 556 5 Reuter and A.P. ROME, June 12. —A night cf stress and anguish followed yesterday's holidiy to prcclaim the birth of the Italian Republic. In Rome, at nightfall, the Royal Standard still waved over the Quirinal Palac?. Sixty-five-year-old Premier de Gasperi had visited th? King or "ex-King" there
    Reuter and A.P.  -  556 words
  • 295 5 Milaya's Birthday Honours —issued today—include iw > kniihthoods—a K.C.M.G. for the Governor of Singapore (Mr. F. C. Gimson) and a K.B.E for Mr. H. R. Hme, at present Secretary-General to M\ Malcolm MacUonald, the Governor-General. He was formerly th- Chief Civil Affairs Officer, Malaya,
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  • 120 5 A.P. British Army Occupation Force HeadquarU rs. Germany. June 12—A contingent of 120 Indian of all ranks win have fought en fronts all over he world will be visiting Germany from June 17 to June 23. ih t British Military Government announced on Tuesday. The
    A.P.  -  120 words
  • 608 5 When Singapore was subjected to air a.tack by Allied aircraft du:ing the Japanese occupation, pilots took *»very precaution to bomb only Japanese military targets and to avoid the city and civilian property. The undamaged state in which Singapore finds herself today by comparision
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  • 69 5 During his stay in Nanking, Lord Killearn had conversations with Dr. T. V. Soong, President of the Executive Yuan, with the Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Minister of Food and other officials, and dined with the Generalissimo, as well as with Dr. Soong and other
    69 words
  • 345 5 (Tribune Staff Reporter). Field Marshal Count Teraucni. Supreme Commander of the Japanese Expeditionary f orces, Southern Regions, aied at 3.40 o'clock yesterday morning at his heaaquariers in the Japanese camp on Rengam Estate, Rengam, Johore. The cause of death was cerebral haemorrhage. The news was
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  • 116 5 NANKING, June 12.Fierce fighting was reported here today, to be raging east of Kirin, in Manchuria, although there was no confirmation of Peiping reports that the Chinese Nationalist command had called off the 15-day truce in the civil war with Communists and resumed their advance. Nationalists in
    116 words
  • 105 5 Washington. June 12.—Th? U S. War Department announces the award of the Legion of Merit to Lt.-Gen. Hiu Hsi-ling of the Chinese Army for "exceptionally meritorious conduct, in performance of outstanding services as Director-General of the Chinese medxal administration from Feb. 3 to Dec. 22.
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  • 113 5 Reuter. SHANGHAI. June 11.—Shanghai 3 VVhangpoo river, waterway of ChinVs metropolis and the greatest port, will be bridged for the first «tae when the scheme, drawn up by tho lccal Public Works Bureau, goes thiough. Up to now people wishing to from Shanghai proper to the indusliial
    Reuter.  -  113 words
  • 101 5 Athens, June 12.— Yielding to vigorous reaction, the Greek Government today announced two legislative retractions —the minimum of five years sentence for in public utilities was deleted from the emergency measures decree of four days ago, in addition to allowing freedom to strike. The government also said the
    101 words
  • 30 5 Reuter. WASHINGTON. June 11. —The Indian Immigration Bill will take its place on the Senate calendar this week when a favourable report by the' Senate Immigration Committee will be presented.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  30 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 527 5 NOTICES SALE BY TENDER. 1. The Custodian of Property. Singapore, invites tenders for the following, particulars of which are as follows:— Lot 1. 38 Lathes over 6" centres 2. 35 Lathes 6" centres and over 3. 6 Shaping Machines 8"--12" stroke 4. 1 Smali Planing machine 5. 26 Drilling machines
      527 words

  • 89 6 Reuter. LiGNDON. June 12.- Air Chief Marshal Sir Philip Joubert, whose retirement from the R. A. F. active list was announced last December, hae been appointed Director of Public Relations at the Air Ministry in succession to Air Commodore Lord Wxlloughby de Broke.
    Reuter.  -  89 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 379 6 Are You Enjoying Your Victory Holidays? This Victory Celebration is Funny Bone Cerebration! j ALHAMBRA.r 11—1.30—4—6.30—9.15 flhaUa Pair of Peepers! BOOK NOW! Tel: 6909 Their NEWEST Fun-Riot' WE INTRODUCE YOU TO 1 MURDER! &EBQT! f ipWk Loose Ciues Stupor GET THFIR MAN!— CATCH AS-CATCH--CAN! mGTHM I COUNT VOI R LAUGHS,
      379 words
    • 53 6 q EI |7M«KIMG ]AN JONG PAGAR Phone 3327 i shows daily: 1. 3.15 6.30. 9.00 BI C X JONES r,; a breath-takins CO'umbia's serial "WHITE EAGLE" fist Half Chapters) with Dorothy J ay SAT mitlni-hi—ll3o p.m. "The Story Of i Dr. Wassell" I (Sn Technicolour» S. P. SHOTAM Co., 12.
      53 words
    • 292 6 BIG HOLIDAY ATTRACTION r jkPITOI OPENS TO-DAY 1 1 VL| m -4.15-,30_ 9 ,5 p.*, (-OK.NO OEE.CE Te, YOU CAN RELY ON THE For Your Week-End Entertainment OPENING TODAY 5 SHOWS 10.30 a.m.—1.30—4— 6.30—9.30 p.m. < 0*Ii:»Y »AXCE§ S»NG§ RYAN vwrn PATRIC KNOWLES DONALD O'CONNOR A STAR FROM THE START
      292 words
  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 726 6 ON THE AIR j j TO DAY 2018 Swingtime ENS A. 2Q32 Radio Orchestra. 1100-1200 hrs.) Malay Schoo.s' 2030 NEWS Headlines in English, broadcast every Tuesday, Thursday 2100 ITMA 3rd Series (LTS). nd Saturday. 2130 NEWS in English. 0900-1000 hrs.) English Schoo.s 2 145 Talk, broadcast every Monday. 2200 Personal
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  • 167 7 SCF A. and the R.A.F. slg] drew one all in a dis--5 game of soccer re a good crowd at til Besar Stadium yestg their second appearthe liberation, the put up a disappointing the only redeeming ng he goalkeeping of ng, who is usually centre n:ng and
    167 words
  • 89 7 Reuter. NANKING, June ll.—-Denying I reports from Pel ping that mifltnl Commander in had cancelled any truce, y spokesman and Inforn Minister in Nanking both that Government Qded to abide by G. n»Cniang Kai-shek's truce Uttaiy spokesman described ing reports as an exaggerate Government Commann
    Reuter.  -  89 words
  • 85 7 Reuter. IERUSAUOf, June 12.—The miliar i ,urt here today sentenced Yigal Prucht, 18-. ear-old member of the Jewisn defence organisation Bag to 14 years" imprisonment *ith special treatment for shooting tish pclice sergeant on Ma v ffence was committed when H inah stood to"
    Reuter.  -  85 words
  • 963 7 Rain Spoils County Cricket Matches Reuter. v«t«? Junc 12 -—Widespread rain to-day pre«nS«S at A Lords where the first Test trial was scheduled to start, and at Portsmouth, where the Indian tourists are meeting a Combined Services team, mm the opening day's play
    Reuter.  -  963 words
  • 35 7 WASHINGTON, June 13.—Senator John Holies Bankhead died on Wednesday night at the age of 73. Bankhead, a Democrat from Alabama, had been in hospital since suffering a stroke on May 24.—A.P. A.P.
    A.P.  -  35 words
  • 206 7 Reuter. LONDON, June 11 —A jet engine wdl be used for the first time in a boat when Sir Malcolm Campbell famous racing motorist, mak >s fl further attempt this autumn to beat his own world*! water speed re otd. He iv 11 probably
    Reuter.  -  206 words
  • 264 7 Reuter. NEW DELHI, June 12. —A day cf non-stup talks between Indian leaders and members of the Bri ish Cabinet Mission and thViceroy, Lord Wavell, today brought no news of direct progress towards a compromise over the disputed representation in ;he interim governm nt proposed
    Reuter.  -  264 words
  • 124 7 MIHAILOVICH Reuter. BELGRADE. June 12.—Gen. Dragomir Mihailovitch. Yugoslav guerilla leader accused of war" crimes, told the Belgrade Special Court today that British Col. Bailey had told him at the end of 1942 to 'annihilate the partisans." Gen. Mihailovitch, who agreed that some of
    Reuter.  -  124 words
  • 91 7 The following are teams in a friendly Table Tennis match to be played at the Chirfese Swimming Club's premises at 21 Amber Road, on Sunday at 2 p.m. Chinese Swimming Club: Singles: Chua Kirn Hearn, Wong Tong Goon. Loke Seek Cheong, Chan Kwok Ming. Lim Choo Ann.
    91 words
  • 49 7 Two pictures taken at the charity soccer match last Sunday between Ihe Crosskey s and th e Chinese Athlete. The Athletic won 2—l. Top picture shows the Crosskeys' line up. While the lower picture show the Coionia! Secretary, Mr. P. A. B. McKerron being introduced to the C.A. players.
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  • 105 7 A.P. POMPTON LAKES (New York), June 12.—A State Athletic Commission physician today examined Joe Louis and said he was in "splendid conditio?!," but after watching him go through the worst work-out to date, changed his m\ nd. He said after a second examination "his blood
    A.P.  -  105 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 66 7 SUNDAY 16th JUNE 1946 at 8.45 p.m. BO\I\G Happy World Stadium Approved Bv The |d| Boxing Board, Mr. N. L. Lim -IBf presents the welcome return of the Great Siamese K.O. King and former Singapore Welter Champ. .Jhi SOMPON» fi 10x3 M-Rds-kibson COLLINS txTra TYRRELL j. BIRD 4 x3 m
      66 words
    • 39 7 SPARKLING REFRESHING a ORANGEPOP is one of the healthiest drinks known. I 'PBSffB I Made from the juice of H rl«& IKSbuH I Fresh Oranges all the good- 2$ ifjjgf 1 ness and freshness retained '^flmtiisS^^ PtiUNIX 3700 3.709
      39 words

  • 406 8 28 Injured In Teranto Gun Battle Reuter. ROME, June 12.-Kin g _or will assume the status of a pr.vafe c 'V"£ ion 'f Vad vesting Premier Alcide de Gasperi as^ P rov s na lt n a e ,f° ofthe state, the Rm? newspaper
    Reuter.  -  406 words
  • 90 8 A.P. BLUDAN. SYRIA. June 13.—Tne Palestine Arab Higher Committee in their session here Wednesday nignt discussing tno recommendations 0:1 Palestine 0. the Anglo-American commission approved the formation or an executive committee with the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem as its spiritual head. The members of
    A.P.  -  90 words
  • 51 8 Reuter. CAIRO. J".re 12. An Egyptian court circular disclosed today that King Farouk of Egypt gave audience yesterday to Field Marshal Lord Montgomery. Lord Montgomery is in Egypt studying Middle Cast military problems on the spot before taking up duties as Chief of the Imperial General Staff.
    Reuter.  -  51 words
  • 83 8 In reply to a representation made on the question of the insanitary condition of the town, by the Singapore Ratepayers' Association, the ITesident of the Municipal Commissi mers says that all possible steps are being taken to get the town back to its normal condition. Towards effective collection
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  • 122 8 A.P. Baghdad. June 12.—A lar P c p»t cf blood was carried by demonstrators marching to the government buildings in Bagdad yesterday sonify their readiness to blood for freedom". They were members of the anu Zionist Leapuo and the unauf.u-. i*ed National Liberation Fait,. They
    A.P.  -  122 words
  • 128 8 Reuter. BOMBAY. June 10.-With a view to exploring th, prospects of exporting Indian products to China, particularly short staple cotton an.l to bacco. of which there is a large surplus in this country, the Government of India in tne Commerce Department has sent deleeaUon
    Reuter.  -  128 words
  • 30 8 A.P. Helsinki. Jun? 12—The Helsinki news agency Quoted that the Helsinki University Astronomical Institution which reDorted that a "ghost rocket which was observed on Monday was a meteor.—A.P.
    A.P.  -  30 words
  • 394 8 Reuter. PARIS, Jane 12. —Police inquiries have revealed that the Mufti of Jerusalem left Paris on May 29 in an American plane wlrch landed at Cairo the same day, it was officially announced here to-night. A Foreign Office official said the Mufti travelled with a
    Reuter.  -  394 words
  • 148 8 Reuter. WASHINGTON, June 12. —The Far Eastern Commission has completed plans for the interim removals on all ten basic Japanese industries enumerated in the report submitted to President Truman by special envoy Edwin Pauley. A policy statement unanimously issued by the Commission set 3.500,000 metric
    Reuter.  -  148 words
  • 22 8 A.P. LIMA. June 12.—Jorge Prado. career diplomat, no." ambassador to London, has been EpfX inted Peruvian Ambassador to *he United States. —A.P.
    A.P.  -  22 words
  • 307 8 Gen. Slim Supremo At 14th Army Re-Union Reuter. LONDON, June 11.—One o; the gayest of all London's Victory of parties was held by a group of m?n who served with the Fourteenth Army, reports th* •Evening Standard" diarist. It was the re-union dinner of Headquarters, Fourteenth Army Lines of Communications
    Reuter.  -  307 words
  • 154 8 Reuter. BIARRITZ. June 12.—As the Vietnam delegation which is to discuss the final settlement of the problem™ of sovereignty of Indo-Chinese States with the French authorities arrived here today, semi-official reports from Hanoi stated that two French soldiers were fired upon and wounded by
    Reuter.  -  154 words
  • 49 8 Reuter. MARSEILLES, June 12. Alex. Jany of Toulouse broke the European 100 metre fre? style swimming record here this afternoon, covering the distance n 5G.7 seconds. The previous record ot 56.8 seconds was established by Helmut Fischer of Germany in April 193 C —Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  49 words
  • 37 8 Reuter. LAGOS. June 12.—Twenty-two people were reported killed in a plane crash 60 miles north of Lagos, southern Nigeria. The crashed plane was found two days ago by a searching bomber from Accra.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  37 words
  • 282 8 A.P. —Mr. Braddell SINGAPORE, Ji lie 13._ "Trade between M iaya a d India, when thing s:uiin both countries, can become \e*y valuable and I think Indian industries can provide Malaya with i g > at number of her daily ire Ssities cheaper than can
    A.P.  -  282 words
  • 50 8 Reuter. LONDON, Jane 12.— U managing director of ttu B ing Co., Ltd., 24. Mos< Sti pool. 6, is shortly to \>: Hong Kong. Canton Nanking. Tsingtao. Tien: ing and other centres in tb Mr. Hsu will suivey the g position and act on beha.. and Chinese
    Reuter.  -  50 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
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    • 243 8 DAILY. 3 p.m.—7 p.m.—9.15 p.m. OPENING TO-DAY Columbia's Desert War Epic! Water or Guns? "SAHARA" With HUMPHREY BOGART as leader of small troop who faced death through lack of water! Drama of 9 men against 500! SIX (NEW WORLD PARK) OPENING TO-NIGHT (C p.m. 9 p.m.l 14 Gopal Krishna (in
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    • 121 8 EMPilti: (6th mile, Upper Serangoon) DAILY: 3 p.m 5.30—9 p.m. JOHNNY WEISSMULLER in M.G.M.'s Thriller "TARZAN'S SECRET TREASURE" with Maureen O'Sullivan and John Sheffield t Cut this 'in exchange for a nice enlargement of your sitting in Our Studio LILY WHITE STUDIO 162, Rochore Rd. (off Victoria St.) Singapore. Makers
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    • 133 8 Manufacturing Jt Diamond Hen I 74 Years Reptdatii n I B.P. De Silva, Lid. (Incorporated in Ceylon) k SINGAPORE PEN SHO STRAITS TERMITE COMPANY. WHITE ANT EXPi 33, MERCANTILE BANK TEL. 6369 For "TIMBER Requ;: Please Enquire SENG HUA SAW-MIL! 99, Kampong Bugis. Tn< m Always in stock of all
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