Malaya Tribune, 26 February 1946

Total Pages: 2
4/1 2/3 Malaya Tribune
  • 29 4/1 The Malaya Tribune Telephone: 5811. The Newspaper Of The People Of Malaya FOUR PAGES SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1946 PRICE 10 CENTS The Malaya Tribune Tuesday. Feb. 26. IV4O.
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  • 229 4/1 "I knew Gois had a secret radio; but I never told anyone about it," Agnes Lee made her defence in the British Officer Court yesterday when she took the witness stand at the close of the case for the prosecution and after counsel had made their
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  • 168 4/1 (From Our Own Correspondent) PENANG, Feb. 25.—About 100 Chinese associations in Penang to-day sent a joint telegram to Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek requesting him to ask Russia to withdraw her troops from Manchuria. The telegram was sent under the names of Khaw Seng Lee. President, Chinese
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  • 22 4/1 All payers Interested are invited to attend for a practice at Jalan Besar Stadium on Wednesday. Play starts at 5.15 pin
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  • 337 4/1 First-class Aircraftsman Norris Harold Cymbalist, attached to Base Headquarters, R. A. F., Singapore, appeared under escort for a court martial on two charges! yesterday. Cymbalist is firstly charged with endeavouring while on active service, to persuade about 300 airmen to join in a mutiny on Jan.
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  • 193 4/1 Abdul Faradj bin Said Awat Manak, an Arab, was cautioned and discharged in the First Court yesterday when he faced the amended charge of taking bank notes and local currency out of Malaya. Accused was originally charged with attempting to export currency. Capt. K. H. Cantrell,
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  • 57 4/1 About 150 employees of the Singapore Traction Company, comprising drivers, conductors and ticket inspectors, went on strike this morning. Reason for the strike, it is believed, is the men's resentment to a notice posted on buses urging passengers to see that they get the correct tickets for
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  • 324 4/1 Fifty -year-old Clovis Osborne Woodford was committed to stand his trial before the Superior Court on a charge under Section 3 of the War Offences Ordinance at the close of a preliminary inquiry in the Special Court yesterday morning. Woodford, who was unrepresented, elected, to
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  • 19 4/1 At the Rotary meeting tomorrow at 5.15 Major Marcus Gray will speak on "Moral Re-armamcut." at the G.H. Cafe.
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    Reuter & A.P.  -  509 words
  • 119 4/1 A.P. LONDON, Feb. 25.—The Daily Express said to-day the U.S. Army has "stopped the flow of atom research results to Britain" because the British "have netting new to offer" in exchange. British atomic projects are almost dt a standstill. Progress in bu iding and equiping
    A.P.  -  119 words
  • 247 4/1 Reuter. RANGOON, Feb. 25.—1t is reported that about 150 members of the ground staff of the Royal Indian Air Force stationed here are on a hunger strike since Saturday. Their demands, it is stated, include equality of treatment with the British, better living conditions and speedy
    Reuter.  -  247 words
  • 162 4/1 Reuter. NEW YORK, Feb. 25.—The United States would undoubtedly enter any future war in which the British Empire was again under attack, the New York Times said today adding "it might help to clear the air if this fact were
    Reuter.  -  162 words
  • 281 4/1 NEW YORK, Feb. 25.—With violent protests of colonial peoples against subjugation and maladministration by European pouters flaming ocroja North Africa, Southern Asia and Indonesia, the New York Times finds at lean one instance where the United States own colonial hand 3 arc soiled Guam.
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  • 402 4/1 Cairo incidents Reuter. CAIRO, Feb. 25.—Egyptian Prime Minister Sidky Pasha today stated that Britain had demanded the punishment of all those who committed crimes, and reparations for all the losses sustained by British institutions and personnel during the events of the last few days. Britain had also
    Reuter.  -  402 words
  • 62 4/1 Reuter. NEW DELHI, Feb. 25.—Maulana Abdul Kalam Azad, Preside 1 of the Indian National Congress, had an interview lasting an hour with Viceroy Field Marshal Lord Wavell today. "We discussed the food and general political situation," Azad said. He added that the discussions were not
    Reuter.  -  62 words
  • 267 4/1 Reuter. BOMBAY, Feb. 25.—After nearly a week of strikes, which broke out in sympathy with the Indian naval ratings' demonstrations, Bombay was today officially stated to be "practically normal" with all business houses, shops and markets open again in the 'Tort" (European business quarter). All mills
    Reuter.  -  267 words
  • 135 4/1 Reuter. TOKYO, Feb. 25.—Lieut.-Gen. John Northcott, Commander of British Commonwealth forces in Japan, at his first press conference today revealed that no flat order would be Issued against fraternization. The policy, he said, is "be polite.*' "I rely on the gentlemanly behaviour of my troops," he
    Reuter.  -  135 words
  • 20 4/1 Reuter. ARCADIA, CALIFORNIA, Feb. 24. Knockdown won the $100,000 Santa Anita derby today. Star Pilot was second and Honeymoon third.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  20 words
  • Page 4/1 Advertisements
    • 216 4/1 If Daily: 3—7—9 p.m. Alice Faye—Tyrone Power "ROSE OF WASHINGTON SQUARE" with Al Jolson Music—Songs—Story that will captivate all! SKY—Croat World (Nightly at 7 9) Sworcbman Louis Hayward ('Son of Monte Cristo') at it again! "THE MAN IN THE IRON MASK" with Joan Bennett ATLANTIC—Great World (Nightly at 7 9)
      216 words
    • 90 4/1 Marlborough Operated by The United Exhibitors Syndicate. Daily 4 Shows 1.30—3.30—6 15 —9 15 COLUMBIA PICTURES present The final Chapters (8-15) Dynamiting the Lid off the Nation's most sinister menace—FOREIGN SPIES in •'THE FLYING C-MEIV" with JAMES CRAIG LORNA GRAY—ROBERT PAIGE others Blasting the Spies from the sky See the
      90 words
    • 259 4/1 LAST FEW SHOWS! TO-DAY TO-MORROW ONLY CATHAY ST 11 a.m., 2.15, 4.30, 7.00, 9.30 p.m. Abbott and Costello in "PARDON MY SARONG" Universal The Titanic Tropical Frolic The Screen*B Greatest Comedian adrift on an Ocean of Honeys, Hulas Sarongs SEE IT TO-DAY OPENING THURSDAY The Terrific Exposition of the Hidden
      259 words
    • 16 4/1 2-Yea* Ottaramtkb roi Pen Kki'airb Y.T. LEE 332, North Brldgf Road, 34, Chulia Street Telephone 7971
      16 words
    • 18 4/1 r.T.LEE TYPKWI ITER DEAL, ilia 832. N rth Bridge Hd., Clean! ig made rta ten »ontbly Telephone 7f71
      18 words

  • 550 2/3 has had occasion to W protest to Siam regarding the treatment ol Chinese nationals. This is a discouraging beginning following, as it does, almost immediately on the signing of the Anglo-Siamese Peace Agreement, at which the Siamese plenipotentiary protested Siam's friendly sentiments towards Great Britain (and, surely,
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  • 225 2/3 U.S. Congressman Sounds A Warning A.P. WASHINGTON, Feb. 25._ Dr. Walter M. Judd, one time American medical missionary in Asia and now U.S. Congressman from Minnesota, said to-day "the only wav for The British to hold India is to let he? tf o"-but Ihl tain
    A.P.  -  225 words
  • 167 2/3 Reuter. CALCUTTA. Feb. 25.-Mohammed Ali Jinnah, President of the AllIndia Moslem League, opening his Bengal election campaign here said last night that Moslems would try to make the three-man British mission which is shortly to visit India "understand that there is no other way out than acceptance
    Reuter.  -  167 words
  • 103 2/3 A.P. OTTAWA, Feb. 24.—RussoCanadian relations remained strained on Sunday night as the Canadian Government was reported still undecided whether it should formally answer Moscow's charges that Canada was conducting an "unbridled" antiSoviet campaign in its handling of the investigation. Meanwhile, both the U.S. Federal Bureau of
    A.P.  -  103 words
  • 118 2/3 A.P. LOS ANGELES, Feb. 24.—Dr. Wallace Elwood Cake, assistant managing director of the US Rubber Company's plantation division, said that it would take three to five years to train labo-tr to bring natural rubber producijpn in the south Pacific back to normal. Recently returned from Suma tra,
    A.P.  -  118 words
  • 40 2/3 Reuter. TEHERAN, Feb. 24.—One week from yesterday the last British troops will have left Persian soil. Their evacuation have been proceeding methodically for ijnonths past with Persian troops taking over each post as the British withdrew Reuter. c V». a
    Reuter.  -  40 words
  • 101 2/3 A.P. NEW YORK, Feb. 25. The son of Ernst Hanfstangl, Hitler's favorpe pianist before he fled Germany in 1937 is attempting to get his father admitted to the United States instead of being deported to Germany from London. The younger Hanfstangl flew to London to-day
    A.P.  -  101 words
  • 90 2/3 Reuter. MELBOURNE, Feb. 24.—The British Food Ministry has accepted Australia's offer of 20,000 tons of dressed rice from the 1946-47 harvest, the Commonwealth Commerce Minister, W. J. Scully, said today. None of the harvest will be marketed in Australia but invalid's hospitals and those holding medical
    Reuter.  -  90 words
  • 124 2/3 A.P. BUENOS AIRES, Feb. 21—The newspaper U Nacion, commenting: editorially on Mr. Ernest Bevin's stateIW f vva necessary to give Italy special treatment amon« the defeated nations, said yesterday, "All the world knows that Italians are not cruel people with domineering or imperialistic aspirations." The
    A.P.  -  124 words
  • 89 2/3 USIS. WASHINGTON, Feb. 25.United States submarines sank 1,750 Japanese merchant vessels %nd 194 Japanese combat vessels from Dec. 7, 1941, to August 15, 1945, according to a Navy Department release. The report said that "great justification of submarine warfare is the success they achieved m
    USIS.  -  89 words
  • 106 2/3 Reuter. LONDON, Feb. 24.—Melbourne radii reports that Lord Knollys, I Chairman of the British Overseas Airways Corporation, tonight disclosed future plans for Empire air! routes. Lord Knollys said three types of air services would be offered to suit different needs —a long stage-express, medium stage and ultimately
    Reuter.  -  106 words
  • 286 2/3 Writers of letters intended for publication are requested to append their names, not nom-de-plumcs. Readers are requested to be brief and concise. News from N.E.I. I read in your paper of Feb. 20: "Alleged Atrocities on Indonesians" British and Indian troops are seething It strikes me that your
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  • 623 2/3 111-treatment Charge Against POW Camp Chief Jap general on trial The story of how 15,000 to 17,000 British and Australian prisoners of war were herded together without food and sanitary facilities in Selaning Barracks, Singapore, as a means of forcing them to sign an
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  • 226 2/3 At a meeting of the Chinese miners from various places in Malaya, held at the Perak Chinese Mining Association at Ipoh recently it was unanimously decided to form the All-Malaya Chinese Mining Association. Members of the Perak Chinese Mining Association, the N.S Chinese Miners' Association, and
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  • 132 2/3 A 14-year old boy Lim Ah Wah, was sentenced to three months' r.l. in the First Court yesterday when he pleaded guilty to the theft of a fountain pen belonging to an Army captain, in Battery Road on Saturday. In passing sentence, Major D. P.
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  • 94 2/3 S.E.A.C. to-day says farewell to the great amphibious Force built up by Rear-Admiral B. C S. Martin known as Force "W". This force of 2,000 officers and 18,000 men, which occupied Rangoon, carried out assaults against the Japanese in Burma and the Arakan, and was checked
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  • Page 2/3 Advertisements
    • 458 2/3 &rrUA TION& CANT WAJVTEJD— For British Government U-niporury employment an experienced, typist and two feraqu Please apply giving- ago and particulars of past experlenoe to Box A 36 c/o Malaya Tribune. WANTED Experienced stenographer andj typist. Applicant* please submit their applications stating previous; experience and salary required to Box No.
      458 words
    • 156 2/3 POLICE TEL 5222 STYLE YOUR HAIR by experts from Hongkong AT MAISON MODERNE Ladles Hair Dressing Saloon 126, ORCHARD ROAD (Pacing Oxley Road) AS A FRIEND: I can guide you In solving your problems connected with your future if you are interested in consulting with me. PROF. T. B. LAM
      156 words
    • 27 2/3 Cut this in exchange for a nice enlargement of your sitting i Our Studio LILYWHITE STUDIO 162, Rochore Rd. (off Victoria St.), Singapore. Makers of fine portraits
      27 words
    • 478 2/3 1 hypochondriac! From Broadway to Hollywood Danny Kaye's Sensational Debut. TECHNICOLOUR 'UP IN ARMS' WITH THE CHARMING GOLDWYN GIRLS. SONGS INCLUDE— ALL OUT FOR FREEDOM. Preceded by M.G.M. Newsreel. 1 JAP ATROCITIES r i.jim* THAT COULD HAVE SHOCKED JĔkLJwR' THE BRUTAL NAZIS! i 9 W RKO Radio's m T[ "BEHIND
      478 words