Malaya Tribune, 21 February 1946

Total Pages: 2
4/1 2/3 Malaya Tribune
  • 29 4/1 The Malaya Tribune Telephone: 5811. The Newspaper Of The People Of Malaya FOUR PAGES SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1946 PRICE 10 CENTS The Malaya Tribune Tliursday, February 21, 1940
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  • 49 4/1 SINGAPORE, Today. The death sentence passed recently on Doreen Wales de Silva and Manuel de Silva by the British Officer Court has been commuted to three years' rigorous imprisonment. The de Silvas were found guilty of acting as informers, ol the Japanese Kempei-tai.
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  • 55 4/1 The information we received yesterday regarding Australian turkeys, chicken, etc., being on sale today at the Singapore Cold Storage was premature. We understand that the ship has arrived in the roads, but preliminaries concerning unloading and method of distribution will result in these very welcome goods not being
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  • 34 4/1 IPOH, Feb. 21.—At the conclusion of the first war crimes trial in Ipoh, Lieut-Col. Figgures sentenced to death Sergeant Ekio Yoshimura, former Jap Kempei-tai terror in Ipoh. yesterday evening. Yoshimura heard the sentence removed
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  • 165 4/1 Americans Partly Blamed For Java Troubles Associated Press. LONDON, Feb. 21 America wai shouldered with "some blame" for the Indonesian troubles by Harold Davie?, Labour, in the House of Commons who charged that 200 American representatives were there looking for markets and that reporter* iv Java
    Associated Press.  -  165 words
  • 325 4/1 Several Malay Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve officers and three Malay ratings have received awards for their services in their ships, H.M.S. "Scorpion,*' "Kelana," "Hung Jao," and "Shun An," which were sunn, during the Japanese invasion in 1942. One Royal Naval IS.R.A. was also decorated. The list
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  • 57 4/1 Thirty-two men detained on collaboration charges in Singapore have been released either on the grounds of insufficient evidence or that their alleged offences are not considered to be serious. Among them are Carl Lawson, John Kemperle, T. P. Oosterhuis, C. G. Truelson. Charles Dias, R. Maddox, A Dimmings,
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  • 28 4/1 Dr. Wu Pak Sheng. Chinese Consul-General to Singapore, is expected to arrive here this evening. Chinese Consul C. T. Kwong arrived last week.
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  • 47 4/1 About 500 people attended a tea party held at the Happy World yesterday afternoon under the auspices of the newly formed Pan-Malayan Labour Union. Members of the Executive Committee who were the quests of honour took an oa*h pledging devotion to the cause of the working class.
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  • 290 4/1 Charges Mackenzie King Govt. With Being Anti-Soviet LONDON, Feb. ZO.— Russia denied tonight that its agents had obtained important secret data from Canada and said: "The attitude adopted by the Canadian Government is incomparable with normal relations between the two countries." Ihe Soviet Government,
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  • 89 4/1 Associated Press. SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 21.— Russia may be barred from the 1948 Olympic Games, Avery Brundage, the president of fhe Unted States Olympic committee said. The factors which might prevent Russian aompetition, Brundage said, lay in reports lhat government is subsidizing the leading
    Associated Press.  -  89 words
  • 58 4/1 Reuter. BERLIN, Feb. 20.—Over 100 people including two British officers are trapped in a coalmine at Unna, near Dortmund, following an explosion at mi.iday. Resetters have so far brought up 16 people but the rest of the trapped men are feared to ne doomed as mine
    Reuter.  -  58 words
  • 35 4/1 A.P. WELLINGTON, NEW ZEALAND, Feb. 20.—The New Zealand Government has offered 16,000 tons of food valued at £1.000,000 as a gift to Britain. Acting Prime Minisler Walter Nash announced today.—A.P.
    A.P.  -  35 words
  • 47 4/1 Reuter. MOSCOW, Feb. 19.—Qavam es Sultaneh, Persian Prime Minister, arrived in Moscow by air this afternoon. He was greeted by M. Molotov, Soviet Foreign Commissar and members of the diplomatic corps including British Charge d'Affairs, Frank Roberts and United States Charge d'Affairs, George Kennan.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  47 words
  • 250 4/1 A.P. VATICAN CITY, Feb. 20.—Pope Pius in a broadcast to the world today after he had placed biretas on the heads of 29 new cardinals, warned that modern imperialism "carries in it germs which endanger the very foundations of human intercourse." The Pontiff
    A.P.  -  250 words
  • 56 4/1 Reuter. LONDON, Feb. 20.—British financial expert Lord Keynes has been appointed Governor of r he International Monetary Fund and of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development. He will shortly leave for the first meeting of the Governors of the Fund and of the Bank in the
    Reuter.  -  56 words
  • 86 4/1 Reuter. JOHANNESBURG, Feb. 20.— "Indians of the superior class" have been allowed ).o travel in the rear seats of aircraft said F. C. Sturrock, Transport Minister, reply ng to a question in Jie Union Parliament yesterday. He added that if the traffic warranted it, ihe
    Reuter.  -  86 words
  • 65 4/1 Associated Press. NANKING, Feb. 20.— Lieute-nant-General Albert Wedemeyer has counselled Genjerailissimo and his top generals to concentrate on "qusflity ratheir than quantity" in reorganizing the Chinese army. He also emphasized the necessity for modernization and greater efficiency of the army. Shortly after the United
    Associated Press.  -  65 words
  • 167 4/1 Reuter. JERUSALAM, Feb. 20—RAF personnel opened fire on armed Jewish terrorists in the dark early hours of today when an RAF radar station at Mount Carmel near Haifa was attacked with explosives. It is not known whether the attackers suffered any casualties but two British
    Reuter.  -  167 words
  • 32 4/1 Reuter. LONDON, Feb. 20.—According to Melbourne radio Lieut.-Gen. John Northcott. Australian Com-mander-in-Chief of the British Empire occupation forces for Japan, left Melbourne by air today for Tokyo.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  32 words
  • 36 4/1 Reuter. HONG KONG, Feb. 19.—Proceedings began in the Lower Court today against six alleged collaborators on charges of high treason. Among the accused was a Swiss employee of the International Red Cross during the war. —Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  36 words
  • 137 4/1 Reuter. BOMBAY, Feb. 20.—A naval officer in a loudspeaker van warned striding Indian naval ratings in Bombay today that unless they returned to their quarters by a given hour they would be liable to arrest. At the same time a body of strikers calling themselves the Central
    Reuter.  -  137 words
  • 87 4/1 Reuter. BOMBAY, Feb. 20. A further 3,000 ratings of the shore station HMIS Akbar, 20 miles north of Bombay, today joined the threeday old strike and the naval establishments in Calcutta to which the strike spread yesterday were still at a standstill today. Mrs. Arana Asaf Ali,
    Reuter.  -  87 words
  • 234 4/1 A.P. Reuter. CHUNGKING, Feb. 20—The China Times today attacked Premier T. V. Soong for concluding the Sino Soviet treaty "sacrificing Manchuria", at a time when it was obvious the war against Japan could be won without Russian aid. It accused Soong of knowing of the
    A.P. & Reuter.  -  234 words
  • 174 4/1 Reuter. A.P. NEW DELHI, Feb. 20.—American Army strength in the IndiaBurma theatre will be reduced to 19,000 officers and men by March 1, U.S. Army headquarters spokesman said today. During March 5,500 men will leave for home.—A.P. LONDON, Feb. 20.—Lord Addison, Dominions Secretary, stated in the
    Reuter.; A.P.  -  174 words
  • Page 4/1 Advertisements
    • 397 4/1 111 Y«, V*. Tanjong Pagar—Phone 3327. TO-DAY ONLY 4 Shows—l. 3.15. 6.30 9.00 RICHARD DIX in "THE LOSi SQUADRON' A Picture of Heroic Courage and Daring Opening To-morrow Chester Morris—Anita Louise in 'WAGONS WESTWARD' Midnight Sat. 23rd Feb. 'THE BAD MAN' witii Wallace Beery PHYV 3 Shows Only «vJAI 15
      397 words
    • 66 4/1 CHINA UNDERWRITERS LIMITED Incorporated in Hongkong Registered in Great Britain Temporary Office: 86, Robinson Road, (First Floor) Post Office Box No. 147, Singapore. Life Policyholders and Claimants are requested to communicate with the Company giving present and former addresses, policy number, sum assured and plan, date of last premium paid
      66 words
    • 133 4/1 VICTORY HAPPY WORLD To-day and To-morrow 1 t 9.15 p.m. Bud Abbott Lou Costello in "Hold That Ghost" with the Andrew Sisters Next Change 'CONVOY' jubilee" To-day 1, 3.30, 6.30 9 p.m. «WANITA SATRIA' A super Malay Picture full of Action! Next Change 'RANGERS OF FORTUNE' with Fred Mac Murray
      133 words
    • 246 4/1 4; I. O IE b: (GREAT WOULD PARK) Dally: 3—7—9 p.m. •HOLD THAT GHOST' Abbott and Costello Cause the big laughs of the day and night with the Andrews Sisters SKY-Great World (Nightly a t 7 9) A Big Double Programme! 'THE HOUSE OF A THOUSAND CANDLES' (Phillips Holmes—Mac Clarke)
      246 words
    • 17 4/1 .1 YKAH < IIIAHA M-IMB Oil PtlM ItWiWHH Y.T. LEE North Bridge Uoad, 34, C/iulia Street Telephone 7971
      17 words
    • 18 4/1 TYVEWI ITSR 1" M.v1(.!l 332, N rth 1 Bridge **d_, 1 Clean! i« underta cen monthly Telephone 7971
      18 words

  • 569 2/3 EVERY couniry has* a double interest in the world food situation—the manner In which it will be atfected and the wider question of the plight of foreign territories. Without being alarmist, it is impossible to overlook the gravity of the situation. Unfortunately, it ii probable that each
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  • 194 2/3 "Famine On The March" Reuter. NEW YORK, Feb. 19.—The case for sending food to India was presented to the Americans to-day by William Philip Simms, foreign editor of the Scripps Howard chain of newspapers in a column headed "Famine on the March." Simms wrote: "The
    Reuter.  -  194 words
  • 221 2/3 A Reader's Viewpoint L. C. H. Sir,—Whatever is said as regards the weak points of the 1942 land, sea and air defence, one thinks, lt has to be conceded that we were not unbeaten also by the enemy's propaganda weapon. Now, if our standard of education in
    L. C. H.  -  221 words
  • 171 2/3 A.P. NUREMBERG, Feb. 19.—The Nazis cooked bodies of their victims and converted human fa's into soap for toilet and laundry use in a special factory at Danzig, Soviet prosecutors disclosed to the international war crimes tribunal o-day. Members of the tribunal, pr soners and spectators in the
    A.P.  -  171 words
  • 127 2/3 Reuter. TOKYO, Feb. 18.—Gen. Douglas j Mac Arthur, Supreme Allied Commander in Japan, today named Sir William Flood-Webb, Chief Australian delegate and Chief Justice of Queensland, as President of the Injternatlonal Military Tribunal which is to try major Japanese war crimes suspects. Other members
    Reuter.  -  127 words
  • 227 2/3 Reuter. LONDON, Feb. 19.—Violent attacks in the Persian press against the British have coincided with the arrival in Moscow of Persian Prime Minister Gfcavara Sultaneh and his cabinet colleagues for negotiations with Soviet Russia. The British Ambassador in Teheran, Sir Reader Bullard, and
    Reuter.  -  227 words
  • 60 2/3 The next social meeting of the Singapore Stamp Club will be held at the Army V.M.C.A., old S.C.C. Building, to-morrow at 5.30 p.m. when, besides the usual auction of stamps, there will he a talk on "Stamp Curiosities" by Mr. L. M. Leakey. There will be social
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  • 537 2/3 The problem that almost equals that of the high-cost-of living, is the one concerning thousands of boys and girls who are of school age but for whom there 4s no accommodation In the English schools. Parents are at a loss as to how to keep in check
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  • 164 2/3 A Japace&e general and a vice admiral will be tried foi war crimes oiJences in Singapore tomouiow and on Monday. 1 hey are Lieut.-Gen. Fukuei Shimpei and Vice-Admiral Taizo Han. They will each be defended by wo Japanese lawyers. The charges against Lieut.Jen.
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  • 124 2/3 Decision in the Punjabi murder case in which three young Sikhs and a young Malay are charged witn the murder of a cloth dealer, Teja Singh, will be given this afternoon at 2.15. The accused are (1) Omar, \2) Bachan Singh, (3) Wasan Singh and (4) Jagar
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  • 123 2/3 Reuter. LONDON, Feb. 19.—British Food Minister Sir Ben Smith said yesterday he was aware that maize had been used for fuel in South America because of the scarcity of alternative kinds of fuel. He added that he was purchasing and shipping to Britain all
    Reuter.  -  123 words
  • 73 2/3 The President and assessors disagreeing over the verdict, a retrial was ordered yesterday of the case in which Wong Yuen Fong is charged with the murder of a detective who worked during the Japanese occupation. The detective, Goh Kirn Seng, was stabbed through the heart in broad daylight
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  • 58 2/3 Viscount Knolly's chairman of the British Overseas Airways Corporation, arrived in Singapore from England yesterday afternoon en route to Australia and New Zealand. It is understood that he will discuss future civil aviation plans with the British Overseas Airways Australian Associate, Quan. tas Empire
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  • 119 2/3 The people of Singapore who had been looking forward to eating cheap rationed bread this week for the first time in four years have been d sappointed—no bread is on sale. The reason is tha* among <the men arrested for complicity in the recent
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  • 110 2/3 Penang, Feb. 20.—Before Mr. G. H. Conaghan in the District Court this morning, Lieut.-Col. C. M. Mac Donald, Civil Affairs Officer, Butterworth, was charged with breach of trust in respect of the sum of £54,000. The charge /against the accused is that on or
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  • 212 2/3 Reuter. TOKYO, Feb. 20.—For the first lime in recorded history, a Japanese Emperor has walked as a man among his people. Hirohito, on Tuesday, led a five-motor car convoy through miles of the industrial and residential areas from his capital to Yokohama,
    Reuter.  -  212 words
  • 116 2/3 Associated Press. PITTSBURGH, PENNSYLVANIA Feb. 18.—The steel mills employing more than half the Congress of Industrial Organizations' 750,000 steel workers, reopened at 12.01 (Pittsburgh time) on Monday morning with the official ending of the steel strike, but work resumption was gradual. The strike
    Associated Press.  -  116 words
  • 103 2/3 Reuter. LONDON, Feb. 19—The deadlock between the British and French military representatives in Beirut charged with making arrangements for the evacuation of their countries' troops frcm Syria and Lebanon, which has lasted since last December, brokeii jes«,eiday oy the despatch of identical directives from the British
    Reuter.  -  103 words
  • 87 2/3 (From Our Oicn Cnrrc f ntulcnt) IPOH, Feb. JO.—Probably tin first ease in Malaga in which an accused person has received the extreme penalty under the Public Qruer and Safety Proclamation, concluded in the Court of British Officers today when Lt.-Col Adams sentenced to death a
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  • Page 2/3 Advertisements
    • 518 2/3 tSITtTATJONS VAC A JN1 WANTED —Male stenographer with experience tor large American firm. Good future for right man. Reply to Box A34 Malaya Tribune, stating experience, age, speed, «and salary expected. WANTED. —Young men for outdoor work part or full time. Apply 11-A, Cecil Street. WANTED— Charming Attraotive Dance Hostesses
      518 words
    • 106 2/3 For PERMANENT WAVE HAIR SETTING MANICURING* FACE MASSAGE Call At MAISON MODERNE Ladies Hair Dressing Saloon 126 Orchard Road, Singapore. Oxley Road) Keller PIANO CO. Proudly Presents PRE-WAR STANDARD MODERN DESIGN FURNITURE AT OUR SHOW-ROOM 2, ORCHARD ROAD. 0 Made In Solid Siamese Teakwood £By Skilful Shanghai Craftsmen Q Sold
      106 words
    • 280 2/3 CAPITAL CROWDS PICTURES PLEASED ALWAYS! BB9I ALWAYS! DAY NIGHT .1 ir Chapters 1—7 UP TO 23 FEB. OF EAGLE-LION'S "KONCLAW" "noAn-° M Columbia's Big Serial with Chan- Mdodmma in the midst of I when°tha't h wick^? re ci AW ,rhri S FISTICUFFS —HUSBAND that wicked CLAW is to WINS HIS
      280 words