Malaya Tribune, 20 February 1946

Total Pages: 2
4/1 2/3 Malaya Tribune
  • 29 4/1 The Malaya Tribune Telephone: 5811. The Newspaper Of The People Of Malaya FOUR PAGES SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1946 PRICE 10 CENTS The Malaya Tribune Wednesday, February 20, 1946
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  • 365 4/1 Trials Not Costing Malayan, British Tax-Payers Anything The war crimes trials at present being held throughout Malaya are costing the Malayan Government nothing, and the British tax-payer practically nothing—at least, directly—the Tribune understands. The British Military Administration, Malaya, is, however, incurring a
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  • 32 4/1 A.P. SEOUL, Feb. 19.—Pak Heu-sik. silk merchant known as the wealthiest man in Korea, was gaoled on a charge of extracting "excessive profits" from the sale of cotton padding and other commodities.—A.P.
    A.P.  -  32 words
  • 59 4/1 The Singapore Cold Storage expects to receive today from Australia and place on tale tomorrow at its Orchard Road depot to the general public, potatoes, lettuce, carrots, chicken, rabbits and turkeys. Prices will be sligntly above -prewar rates, but much cheaper than those prevailing in
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  • 95 4/1 Reuter. YOKOHAMA, Feb. 18,Capt. Shigeru Aona, Japanese medical officer at Hakodate prison camp who is charged with contributing to the deaths of a* least &ghl British and Scats prisonefs, io-day denied he ever used the words: "You die" to sick and dying war prisoners. The
    Reuter.  -  95 words
  • 62 4/1 At Labis, Johore, on February 15, fifteen persons, including one woman and some children, were killed when the police, nine strong, opened fire on a crowd of demonstrators estimated at l-.000. An inspector was severely beaten up and a number of constables injured, one of
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  • 94 4/1 A young Indian, Abdul Rahim Khan, a clerk in the employ of the 8.M.A., was charged before Major H. L. Wrigglesworth at Kuala Lumpur with theft of 93 bags of sugar valued at $10,000 on Jan. 21 from the B.S.D. in Kuala Lumpur. Mr.
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  • 40 4/1 A.P. LONDON, Feb. 18.—British, French, Russian and American deputy foreign ministers to-day reviewed plans for an investigating commission to visit Trieste and recommend a new Italy-Yugoslav border, it was learned authoritatively to-day. The commission is scheduled to leave this week.—A.P.
    A.P.  -  40 words
  • 224 4/1 Fifty-five thousand tons of supplies were imported into Malaya in January by the B. M. A., an increase of approximately 16 percent over December; and brings the total of imports since the liberation to more than over 155,000 tons. Official figures of previous
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  • 75 4/1 (Tribune Correspondent) IPOH. Feb. 19.—The war crimes trial at its second day's hearing today took a new turn when accused Sergt. Yoshimura of the kempeitai pleaded guilty to two cruelty charges. In pleading guilty to torturing his victims, accused said he was
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  • 47 4/1 A.P. WASHINGTON, Feb. 19 —Secretary of State James JQyrnes today said the United States discussed separately with Russia, Britain and France the question of separating the Ruhr and the Rhineland from Germany in the final peace treaty, but no agreement had Met been reached. AJ>.
    A.P.  -  47 words
  • 129 4/1 (From Our Own Correspondent) PENANG, Feb. 19.—Combing the town of bad elements, the police yesterday arrested a number of Chinese, who, posing as members oi the "Red People Society," had been collecting funds from shopkeepers. With the help of the real members of the Society, the police have
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  • 96 4/1 (From Our Own Correspondent.) PENANG, Feb. 19.—Cinema operators have petitioned theatre managers for higher pay and negotiations are now proceeding. The operators are asking for salaries of $150, $120, $80 and $70 respectively for the first operator and his three assistants in theatres which
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  • 33 4/1 A.P. CHUNGKING, Feb. 18.—The eight-man delegation from the Mon- golian Peoples Republic left on Sunday for Ulan Dator after a 10--day visit during which the pact fo. exchange of diplomatic missions w; concluded.—A.P.
    A.P.  -  33 words
  • 749 4/1 Special Cabinet Mission To Leave Britain Next Month Ministers Not Confined To Limits Of C'ripps I'roposnßs Reuter A.P. LONDON, Feb. 19.—A special three-man mission of Cabinet ministers, headed by Secretary of State for India, Lord Pethick-Lawrence, will be sent to India to confer with
    Reuter & A.P.  -  749 words
  • 27 4/1 Reuter. CAIRO, Feb. I».—Sir Hassanein Pasha, chief of King Farouk's Royal Cabinet, was killed in a car accident in Cairo this afternoon. —Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  27 words
  • 349 4/1 A.P. Reuter. WASHINGTON, Feb. 19.—Secretary of State James F. Byrnes today declared that as far as he knew, knowledge of atom bomb production remained exclusively in the hands of the United States. Byrnes told a news conference that he had no reason to anticipate
    A.P. & Reuter.  -  349 words
  • 106 4/1 Reuter. BOMBAY, Feb. 19.—Indian strikers here said tonight that the whole company of 60 from one ship of the Royal Indian Navy had been detained and that some men had been charged with mutiny. The strikers said that disciplinary action had been taken against ratings on
    Reuter.  -  106 words
  • 434 4/1 Reuter A.P. BOMBAY, Feb. 19.—A mob of Indians, including a number wearing the uniform of the Royal Indian Navy, tore the United States flag from the U.S. Information Service office here and burned the flag in the street today. Walter Shackleton, in charge enter
    Reuter & A.P.  -  434 words
  • 83 4/1 Reuter. LONDON, Feb. 19.—The Indian Relief Committee which organised the appeal for aid for victims of the last famine is being mobilised again. Clement Davies, Member of Parliament for Montgomery and /-resident of the Committee, has asked the Chairman, Krishna Menon —who is also the General j
    Reuter.  -  83 words
  • 289 4/1 Alleged Atrocities On Indonesians Reuter. BATAVIA Feb. 19.—British and Indian troops in Batavia have mi or rued their officers (hit hey intend to take direct action agaimt Dutch troops unless the B itisfa Army authorities act to prevent Dutch atrocities against
    Reuter.  -  289 words
  • 233 4/1 Reuter. LONDON, Feb. 19.—Prime Minister Clement Attlee declared in the House of Commons today 1 greatly hope that all possible help in the supply of food will be given by the Soviet Union not only to India but to neighbouring countries in Europe."
    Reuter.  -  233 words
  • Page 4/1 Advertisements
    • 319 4/1 if fJI I* 11i €•ff•« ft it** ft Operated by The United Exhibitors Syndieute. 3JIy 4 Shows 1.30—3.30—6.15—9.15 x Office Phone 6909 OROUCHO—CHICO—HARPO Three Oager on horseback "GO WEST" with John Carroll and Diana Lewis The Mad Merry MARXMEN make ©▼en the Indians say more than UOW k they'll make
      319 words
      216 words
    • 15 4/1 > I H. SENA f'<r (i EMS [EWELLERY A WATCHES 44 HIGH ST. and RAFFLES HOTEL
      15 words
    • 13 4/1 RFP MUINO PIANOS Call at THE BAGLEI l»IANO CO., 328, Semngoon Rd J
      13 words

  • 557 2/3 WELL-wishers of all communities in Malaya cannot permit themselves to blind their eyes to the fact that communal feeling has assumed disquieting proportions. This is a direct legacy of Japanese misrule in south-east Asia and is not confined to this country. During the whole period of the occupation,
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  • 315 2/3 Reuter. CHUNGKING, Feb. 19.—The unsatisfactory situation in Manchuria reached a new pitch when independent Chungking newspapers criticised the Government's policy of silence and expressed anxiety over what is believed to be a deterioration in the relations between China and the Soviet Union. Though it
    Reuter.  -  315 words
  • 220 2/3 A.P. NUREMBERG, Feb. 19.— Photographs taken from the bodies of German soldiers killed in battle and from captured Gestapo agents were projected on the courtroom screen yesterday as evidence against the 21 leading Nazi defendants. Some snapshots showed Russian men kneeling at the edge of graves I
    A.P.  -  220 words
  • 31 2/3 A.P. FUKUOKA. Feb. 19—Machinery from six former Japanese war plants in this area will soon be shipped to China and Korea for rebuilding factories and production of civilian goods.—AP.
    A.P.  -  31 words
  • 81 2/3 Reuter. LONDON, Feb. 18.—The question of Russia being requested to assist India with supplies of food will be asked in the House of Commons tomorrow. Captain Gammans, Conservative, will ask the Prime Minister "if he has made or proposes io make any approach to the Government
    Reuter.  -  81 words
  • 125 2/3 A.P. VIENNA, Feb. 18.—Barley Crum, the Amer can meirtber of the Anglo-American commit lee inquiring into the Jewish problems in Europe, said thai a "grave emergency" existed in handling refugee Jews and predicted that there would be "mass suicides" unless they were perm .ted to
    A.P.  -  125 words
  • 247 2/3 Associated Press. WASHINGTON, Feb. I*—Joseph E. Davies, former United States Ambassador (o Russia, said to-day: "Russia in self-defence has every moral right fo seek atomic bomb secrets through military espionage if she is excluded from such information by her former fighting alliVs." He
    Associated Press.  -  247 words
  • 92 2/3 A.P. TOKYO, Feb. 19.-For the time In history, Emperor Hirohito motored virtually unprotected through flTe'Japanese capital on his first inspection trip of the Tokyo and Yokohama areas since the occupation by Allied forces. The six-hour trip took him through the bombed Tokyo districts and several
    A.P.  -  92 words
  • 135 2/3 Reuter. LONDON, Feb. 18.—Asked by Major Wyatt, Labour, what technical or other difficulties were preventing the appointment of a high commissioner for India, Mr. Arthur Henderson. Under Secretary for India, told the House of Commons today: "The British Government have every intention of
    Reuter.  -  135 words
  • 58 2/3 Reuter. CALCUTTA, Feb. 19.—Crowds set Are to two trains running between Dacca and Narayan OunJ on the Bengal-Assam railway yesterday, after they had made most of the passengers alight. Armed police restored the norjnal train service after it had been dislocated for three hours. Armed pickets
    Reuter.  -  58 words
  • 51 2/3 Reuter. LONDON, Feb. 19.—Saturday. June 8, the date set for official victory celebrations in London will be observed as a public holiday. There will be a victory parade in the morning, entertainments in the parks in the afternoon and river events and fireworks in the evening
    Reuter.  -  51 words
  • 29 2/3 A.P. TEHERAN Feb. 18.—Premier Qavam es Sultaneh and members of the special Iranian mission to Moscow to discuss the Azerbaijan dispute left Teheran today in a special Russian plane.—A.P.
    A.P.  -  29 words
  • 81 2/3 Reuter. OTTAWA. Feb. 18.—Contracts involving the manufacture of $24,000,000 worth of Canadian goods for Rusfi a have been cancelled because the Russians thought \\he terms "too stiff," it is learned here to-night. Canadian Government sources emphaa'sed that his cancellation had nothing to do with
    Reuter.  -  81 words
  • 215 2/3 Two of the five Japanese Kenipei-lai members who stood trial in the War Crimes Court on charges of cruelty and torture of a number of Chinese residents were' sentenced to death by hanging, at the conclusion of their case yesterday. i Sentenced to death
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  • 77 2/3 Two cases of shooting took place In Singapore, within eight hours, the victims be ng a man and woman, both of whom have been taken to hospital. The man, a Chinese, was shot in the stomach at 10 p.m. on Monday night in
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  • 42 2/3 Commander Prior, DSO, DFC and Bar, will deliver a talk on "The Dieppe Raid —and After" at today's meeting of the Singapore Rotary Club at the G. H. Cafe. Commander 'Prior is an ex-member of Parliament Tor Aston.
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  • 55 2/3 The Trade and Industry Department, 8.M.A., Singapore, announces that "Import Permits will be issued for reasonable quantities of priority infant and invalid foods (Ovaltine, etc.,) from Australia, Applications should be made for A.P. forms in the usual way, at the offices of the Trade and
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  • 138 2/3 "One In Million" Chance Hit S. Whittlngham, a cook aboard ihe m.v. "Highland Brigade," was sentenced to two weeks' s.i. in the Fourth Court yesterday when he was found guilty of attempting to assault the ship's master by throwing a teapot
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  • 124 2/3 Two Robbery Cases Found guilty on a charge ot committing armed robbery with three others in a house in Sophia Road on Jan. 25, a Chinese named Ong Sin Chin was sentenced to seven years' rigorous imprisonment and six strokes of the "cat"
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  • 111 2/3 Wounded during a running gun-fight with the police at Choon Guan Street on January 6, and arrested and sent to hospital. Ang Kirn Huat was produced before Lt.-Colonel G. C. H. Culley in the Second Superior Court and sentenced to
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  • 162 2/3 For attempting to bribe a traffic inspector two dollars Lim Ah Moi, a taxi driver, was yesterday fined $500 In default three months imprisonment. It was stated in the second court, that Inspector Tan Peng Hong, while on duty at Bras Basah Road checking
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  • 67 2/3 Another Chinsee, Loh Hui Eng (21), was yesterday charged with rioting in connection with the disturbances that took place on Feb. 15, at the field in front of St. Joseph's Institution, in Bras Basah Road. Loh claimed trial before Mr. L. O. Goh, in the second district
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  • 60 2/3 A sub-committee elected at an informal committee meeting of the A.C.5.0.8.A. on MSonday evening has decided to hold a general meeting and a rally of all A.C.S. old boys on the School's Founder's Day, March I, at 5.15 p.m. at the A.C.S. chapel hall in Coleman Street.
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  • 32 2/3 The Singapore B.M.A. Radio, is now broadcasting three days weekly special educational programmes to local schools, the programmes last three hours and are In three languages, Chinese, English and Malay.
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  • Page 2/3 Advertisements
    • 617 2/3 sfrzrATPoisrs va^at^t FRENCH COTJPLK «I Ml lonff experience of the Hotel, Restaurant, Cafe busJnoss want to get in touch j witli financier in order to inaugurate a new Hotel, Restaurant or Cafe with very good prospects in Spore. Reference available c/o Box. A.33 Malaya Tribune. Required an experienced shorthanr Typist
      617 words
    • 98 2/3 ENG CHUAN CO. MANUFACTURERS OF BICYCLE TYRFS Nos. 74/76, Middle Road, Singapore Phone: 3453 Oversea Chinese Commercial Union 131, Middle Road. (Tel: 6312) Importers, Exporters, General Merchants A Commission Agents, Etc. ncTmore grey HAIR NOW Changer Black Hair Restorer Definitely restores Grey Hair to its Natural Colour. Just arrived from
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    • 271 2/3 ACKNOWLEDGMENT The family of the late Mr. Ong Soon Tee wish to express their thanks to relatives, friends, directors and staff of the Eastern United Assurance, South British Insurance, Great Eastern Life Assurance, for their wreaths, telegrams, letters of condolence, loan of cars, lorries, attending night-visits, sjnd funeral of the
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    • 326 2/3 NEWSPAPER KKPOtt'iESVa MvA&tiSlltfH ASSIGNMENT I SCUFFLES &i SCUFFLES ■HH HUBhUHHHH BUT THAT'S BIG NEWBI. the "IKOX LAW" (Columbia's Great—Thrilling Serial) CHARLES QUTGLEY OUT TO 'CLAW THE DEVILISH I IRON CLAW AND HIS GANG. Chaps. 1-7 (up to 22 Feb.) Chaps. 8-15 (Feb. 23-25) Dally: Three Shows at 10.30 a.m.—1.00 p.m.—3.30
      326 words
    • 76 2/3 GOOD NEWS FOR THE SICK! Siow Keng Ngoh, Chinese Acupuncture Cauterization specialist, uses scientific methods to cure all sickness and diseases. Stubborn > cases obtain almost miraculous re- j suits under his treatment. Charges moderate. Consultation I hours: 8 A.M. to 2 P.M. 545, Serangoon Road. Singapore. Telephone 4306 CHINESE
      76 words