Malaya Tribune, 15 February 1946

Total Pages: 2
4/1 2/3 Malaya Tribune
  • 29 4/1 The Malaya Tribune Telephone: 5811. The Newspaper Of The People Of Malaya FOUR PAGES SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1946 PRICE 10 CENTS The Malaya Tribune Friday, February 15, 1946.
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  • 297 4/1 2 REPORTED KILLED, 19 INJURED IN CLASH 5221 In view of the disturbed conditions prevailing in the city, the public are again reminded that in the event of any attempts at intimidation or 'disturbance, t/iey should Immediately ring up 5221 and
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  • 150 4/1 The first ship to come through the Suez Canal witn civilian passengers since the end of war, the MJ3. "Oranje" into Singapore Harbour this morning. She left Southampton on Jan. 26 and reached the Singapore Roads on Wednesday, but disembarkation was held up until this morning.
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  • 15 4/1 Reuter. NEW YORK. Feb. 13.—Mayor William O'Dywer to-night announced the settlement of the tugboat strike—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  15 words
  • 312 4/1 Quiet tension prevails in Singapore today as special police and military patrols in radio cars patrol the entire island in readiness for any sign of trouble—in firm answer to the challenge thrown down by the Malaya ii Communist Party that they intend to hold a mass
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  • 187 4/1 Evidence that he beat and 111- treated three local Chinese civilians lat the Kempei-tai at the imtrucI tions of his superiors in order to 1 extract confessions from them W*l 1 given by Cpl. Murata (accuv jd No. 5) at the continued hearing
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  • 696 4/1 "Immediate Drastic" Action To Be Taken INDIA APPEALS TO RUSSIA FOR HELP Reuter. LONDON, Feb. 15.—The United Nations on Thursday night declared war on starvation and urged food-pro-ducing countries to turn their swords into ploughshares as the General Assembly neared adjournment of its first
    Reuter.  -  696 words
  • 69 4/1 Associated Press. SHANGHAI, Feb. 15.—Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek, in an- impassioned speech on Thursday, declared that with extra-territorialty abolished, "we no longer have to live as slaves and bear burdens." Nearly half a million persons jammed the big Shanghai racecourse to hear the Generalissimo declare
    Associated Press.  -  69 words
  • 145 4/1 Reuter A.P. PAtilb, beo. U.—WUat is aet>enoeu an Otic O] lUc wun>i ean/iquuKcs ever experienced in No)■ li Ajr.ea rocKea districts south-west oj Cons tantine, in Northern Algeria, on Tuesday resulting in 2/6 casualties, repor.s reaching here said today. The number of dead is not yet
    Reuter & A.P.  -  145 words
  • 106 4/1 Reuter. LONDON, Feb. 14.—Famous Soviet war leaders, Marshals Malinovsky, Timosnenko, Zhukov, Voroshilov, Uokosovsky. Tolbukhin and Bagramian, were among the candidates elected to the Supreme Soviet, Moscow radio said today. Fedor Gusev, Soviet Ambassador in London, and Andrei Vyshinsky, Deputy Commissar for Foreign
    Reuter.  -  106 words
  • 345 4/1 Associated Press. CALCUTTA, Feb. 14.—British troops have quieted Calcutta's ominous hordes on Wednesday and the city's second orgy of killing, destruction and rioting in two-and-a-half months is slowly subsiding today, but there are still reports of firing in some sections as military troops
    Associated Press.  -  345 words
  • 25 4/1 WASHINGTON, Feb. 14.—President Truman has announce d ihe appointment of Paul R. Josselyn, as Consul-General in Singapore, the State Department said.
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  • 318 4/1 A.P. WASHINGTON, Feb. 14.— Secretary of Interior Harold L. Ickes, who resigned yesterday, asserted that President Truman challenged his veracity after telling him to be "as gentle as you can* with Edward Pauley, Californian oilman and Truman's nominee as Navy Under-Secre-tary. In a blistering 2,000-word lei
    A.P.  -  318 words
  • 167 4/1 Associated Press. Baiavia, Feb. 15.—Tan Malaka, nead ol tne Communistic i-eopies front," reiterated on Tnursaay that he woujld "demand 100 per cent, recognition" of tne Indonesian Repuolic be. fore consenting to confer wltfc the Dutch. Furthermore, he added, he wiD participate in no discussions
    Associated Press.  -  167 words
  • 135 4/1 Reuter. LONDON, Feb. 14.—Indian and Dominions troops will be represented Britain's great victory procession on June B—two8 —two days after th© anniversary of D-Day—which win take nearly two hours to pass before the King and the diplomatic mission of Allied- countries at the saluting
    Reuter.  -  135 words
  • 53 4/1 A.P. CAIRO, Feb. 15. —It was reported reliably here on Thursday night that the cabinet of Premier Nokrashy Pasha would resign over the anti-British demonstrations and that a new cabinet would be named. At the same time, British Ambassador Lord Killearn has left for London for consultations
    A.P.  -  53 words
  • 42 4/1 Reuter. LONDON, Feb. 14.—British Foreign Secretary, Ernest Bevin, denied amid cheers in the House f f Com mens today the report published in Moscow that a large number of British troops had arrived in Teheran. The report had quoted a Teheran newspaper.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  42 words
  • Page 4/1 Advertisements
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    • 26 4/1 ORIENT JEWEL CO 24, Ker bau Roan 1 Singapore. Expert makers of Gold Silver Ornaments, Buyers ft Sellers of Diamond and other precious stones. ENQUIRIES SOLICITED.
      26 words
    • 91 4/1 11l \4.Ka\<; Tanjong Pagar—Phone 3327. Last 4 Shows To-day 1. 3.15, 6.30 9.00 "Mark of Zorro" with Tyrone Power To-morrow midnight 11.30 p.m. "WAGONS WESTWARD" Opening to-morrow "REAL GLORY" A United Artist Picture JOHORE BAHRU. Daily: 3—7—9.15 p.m. Betty Grabie In TT'S GREAT TO BE IN COLLEGE" A Musical Romance!
      91 words
    • 314 4/1 (»223 (Dai] 1 I i.> 8.30 !> p.m.) IN IN ECWAI LOT' < Mandarin) (Home From Battle-Front) Low Keng -Wonf Hec Chun Midnight < ii.:}o) To-morrow "WAR IN EUROPE" (With Chinese Sub-titles) "GLOBE—Great World (Daily: 3—7—9 p.m.) Premiere Screeing! Columbia's South-Sea Romance "HONOLULU-LU" (Lupe Velez —Leo Carrillo) Midnight (11.30) To-morrow
      314 words
    • 24 4/1 J V i \i< lii a n ami r.m »OH I 'I.N UI'AIHH Y.T. LEE 132, North Bridge Koud, Singapore and Branches Telephone 7071
      24 words
    • 16 4/1 TYl'fcWl ITER 332, N rtt* I lirklge Hd., Clean] ig underta cen monthly j Telephone 7971
      16 words

  • 555 2/3 has been written and AY spoken about the plight of clerks wno in pre-war days worked lor the European firms, estates and mines in this country. They are a much maligned and neglected section of workers, whose timid bleatings have so far evoked no sympathetic response though
    555 words
  • 340 2/3 untitled Associated Press. 10KYO, Feb. 13.—Joseph Keenan, head of the inter nationa prosecution section lor the trial Of Japanese win criminals, called "offensive, to say the least," the dissent ing opinions of Justices Frank Murphy and Wily Ilui ledge, from the Supreme Court, who
    Associated Press.  -  340 words
  • 103 2/3 Associated Press. MANILA, Feb. 13.—Lieut.-General Masaharu Homma prefers execution by firing squad to hanging. Homma has been convicted of condoning atrocities, including the infamous Bataan death march, in the Philippines. Major Larry Hodgln. in charge of tie military police at the war crimes court, said in
    Associated Press.  -  103 words
  • 147 2/3 Reuter. LONDON, Feb. 13.-Member* oi the Parliamentary delegation to India on returning to the House of Commons were perturbed to find that during the'i absence statements had reachea Britain from India suggesting that the delegation had been received with coolness. Several members of the
    Reuter.  -  147 words
  • 53 2/3 Associated Press. LONDON, Feb. 14.—The United Nations Assembly committee on Wednesday voted overwhelmingly to establish the temporary UNO headquarters In New YorK City after rejecting San Francis co as the temporary site. Chinese delegates voted foi the Pacific coast city while British and Russian delegates were among those
    Associated Press.  -  53 words
  • 88 2/3 A.P. LONDON, Feb. 14. At leatl eighteen persons were killed on Wednesday in two air crashes A Royal Air Force flying-boat fell into the sea off England's south coast and a transport plane crashed into a bridge ol the Surrey Hills south of London Two
    A.P.  -  88 words
  • 129 2/3 Reuter. BATAVIA, Feb. 13. -A British officer was wounded and two soldiers died later irom wounds after being ambushed by Indonesians on their way back to Batavia, capital city of Java from mopping up activities In Java, an official statement said today. They had gone
    Reuter.  -  129 words
  • 114 2/3 Reuter. BUENOS AIRES, Feb. 13. Th< Argentine Cabinet was repon 1 to be in session to-day on the heels of the United States accusation that Argentina co-operat-ed actively with the Nazis during the war. Foreign Minister Juan Cook, meanwhile, declined to comment on the U.S. Slate
    Reuter.  -  114 words
  • 334 2/3 Reuter. d»v w N 'r T Fcb 1 the Honse of Commons toST Independent, asked Colonial Secretary i.eorge Hall if he would ascertain whether SEAC were ■ialished that there was no likelihood of infernal dteiurLances uM» In Sarawak before he agreed Jo aeUiS
    Reuter.  -  334 words
  • 388 2/3 Criticising the existence still oi a Military Administration in Malaya so long alter the cessation of hostilities, Mr. K. F. Nariman, former Mayor of Bombay, who is one of the panel of prominent Indian lawyers who have arrived in this country to (itfend Indian
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  • 34 2/3 The series of lectures on the history of the war, from 1942 to the Japanese surrender, announced in yesterday's Malaya Tribune, will take place in the Town Hall, Kuala Lumpur.
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  • 61 2/3 Singapore, Today. News has been received here that the late Col. Lim Bo Seng, Malayan Chinese hero who was executed by the Japanese during ihe occupation, has been posthumously promoted to the rank of Major-General by the Chinese Military Council. Col. Chuang Hui who
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  • 102 2/3 The 25th Indian ("Ace of Spades") Division is shortly leaving Malayu and returning to India. Its place will be taken by the 7th Indian ("Golden Arrow") Division. To men wearing the green and black "Ace of Spades" flash on their shoulder fell the singular honour
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  • 131 2/3 Young, bespectacled Edward Babier. also known as Eddie Tanashiro. was produced before Lt.-Colonel G. C. H. Culley in the Second Superior Court yesterday and charged on three counts Of voluntary causing grievous hurt. The 'charges alleged grievous hurt with a stick and with water and
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  • 209 2/3 Cecil Kaan, proprietor of Cecil Cafe, which was described as one which "caters tor Europeans and was run on European lines," was fined $1,500, in default three weeks j s.i. yesterday for serving customers with controlled foodstuffs—bread, milk and sugar—in contravention of the Catering Premises
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  • 188 2/3 "He hit me with a pair of handcuffs and said: 'You are here now; youi life is in my hands.' He beat me from midnight to dawn," testi--1 fled a complainant in the case In j which a young English-speaking Chinese, Koh Seng Kee,
    188 words
  • 155 2/3 Pait evidence will be recorded in the Second Superior Court on Saturday morning in the case in which C3-years-old Louis de Souza is charged under the War Offences Ordinance. Louis de Souza pleaded not guilty ytsterday when the charge was formally preferred against him. JVing-Commander
    155 words
  • 49 2/3 The Fleet aircraft carrier H.M.S. "Indomitable" has arrived In Singapore from Colombo. The "Indomitable" whose war service Includes the Mediterranean and the Pacific, ls now helping as a "trooper." She will soon be sailing for the United Kingdom with about 160 officers and 2,000 men aboard. I
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  • Page 2/3 Advertisements
    • 474 2/3 M tSCBLI/A.N t :< > I TS WANTED- Advi Ttimemeß t clerk; one nccusunncd lo newspaper aida routine. Good salary, cost oi living allowance an J permanency for right man. Write Box A 27 Malaya Tribune. WANTED—Radio Service Engineer. Applicants please submit their applications stating previous experience and salary required
      474 words
    • 147 2/3 HA VENT YOU HEARD? Premiere Screening ot "HONOLULU- LIT famous comedian LUPE VELEZ co-stars with the LEO CARRILLO The Prettiest, of South-sea Romances, and when tt is about Honolulu, you know it's Hula Hula GLOBE (GREAT WORLD PARK) Daily at 3—7—9 p.m. "KISS THE BOYS GOOD-BYE" (Don Ameche—Mary Martin) MIDNIGHT
      147 words
    • 299 2/3 ROMANCE PJI mi m mm\ As Frit \Jk I ififlU pi cm k k Iml^^ in the midst ol' A TERRIFIC WAR! 20th Century-Fox's Super Technicolour "CKASH DIVE" TYRONE POWER in Powerful Role Supported by DANA ANDREWS and ANNE BAXTER to-night «WARll^ElußOFt^ MIDNIGHT (Read details elsewhere) CTliq MURDERS! I fi
      299 words