Malaya Tribune, 24 December 1945

Total Pages: 4
8 / 1 4 / 5 Malaya Tribune
  • 29 8 / 1 The Malaya Tribune Telephone: 5811. THE NEWSPAPER OF THE IEOPLE OF MALAYA EIGHT PAGES SINGAPORE, MONDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1945 PRICE 10 CENTS The Malaya Tribune Monday, December 24, 1945.
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  • 429 8 / 1 Reuter. CHUNGKING, Dec. 23,—The latest dramatic development in China's civil war already looks like fizzling out in an inter party haggle like so many of its predecessors. Shortly before midnight Dec. 20, correspondents imagined themselves writing the next cay such lines as "piace
    Reuter.  -  429 words
  • 94 8 / 1 CHUNKING, Dec. 23.— (UP). Disputing Chinese Nationalist and Communist leaders last night suspended "hostilities" to join in a dancing party given by the United States Information Service (formerly U.S. Office of War Information). Chou En-lai, Communist spokesman and leader and other Community delegates to Chungking
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  • 256 8 / 1 Dr. C. J. Paglar, case a leading member of the Singapore Eurasian community who is detained in connection with alleged collaboration offeices, was produced in the Special Court this morn- ing and the preliminary enquiry against him was fixed for Jan. 16,
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  • 55 8 / 1 CHUNGKING. Dec. 23.—(UP). —Chinese Communist forces have evacuated Tsaoyang in north-west Hupeh province and Tangho in south-west Honan province, it was reported yesterday by the China Central News Agency. Nationalist military sources said these withdrawals are part of the general Communist withdrawal plan which includes evacuation
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  • 63 8 / 1 LONDON, Dec. 22.—(UP). The production of tin in Malaya by 1949 is expected to reach 90 per cent, of the pre-war figure, according to the Financial Times today. Mr. Storke, adviser to the Colonial Secretary considers it imperative that European staff be sent to Malaya, the Times stated,
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  • 299 8 / 1 Reuter. TEHERAN, Dec. 22.—Khali Fahimi yestedray denied the Teheran broadcast repori that he had resigned his position as Persian Minister of the Interior or that he had been appoinied Governor of Kermanshah Province which borders on Ira/ Fahimi's statement caused a sensation in Parliamentary circles here where it
    Reuter.  -  299 words
  • 449 8 / 1 Reuter. MOSCOW, Dec. 23.—Christmas spirit today entered the Foreign Ministers conference with three social engagements including a Christmas tree party on the prog*amu:e At noon there was a third informal meeting between the Foreign Ministers and their closest advisees who met again in M. Molotov's
    Reuter.  -  449 words
  • 414 8 / 1 Wards Riddled With Bullets Fresh Outbreaks In Batavia Reported Reuter. BATAVIA, Dec. 23.—With small arms fire rattling from a nearby Indonesian building, Indian troops of a Patiala unit today supervised the evacuation of an emergency hospital in Kramat, trouble centre on the southern outskirts of Batavia, after
    Reuter.  -  414 words
  • 45 8 / 1 WASHINGTON, Dec. 24.—(UP).— President Truman will lead the United States today in the first national community Yuletides since 1941 and will light the national community Christmas tree on the south lawn of the White House at 5 o'clock. PRESIDENT TRUMAN
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  • 431 8 / 1 Reuter. THE HAGUE, Dec. 23.—The Dutch "Committee for active democracy" has petitioned Dr. van Mook, Lieut. Governor-General ot Dutch East Indies, at present in Holland, declaring that the use of force in the Indonesian conflict will make a fruitful outcome impos- sible, and expressing the
    Reuter.  -  431 words
  • 100 8 / 1 TOKYO, Dec. 24.—CUP). —Threats against the life of General of the Army Douglas Mac Arthur, first reported since he assumed his duties in Japan, have been made by what a Japanese source called "bitter, hot-blooded Japanese," according to an Allied Headquarters spokesman. Allied authorities said that
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  • 99 8 / 1 Ak feature of Singapore Radi* Station's Christmas programme will be the broadcast of the Supremo at 9 p.m. on Christmas night. He will bring listeners a Christmas message which' will help to make this first Christmas after the liberation a truly memorable one. This broadcast can be heard
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  • 67 8 / 1 WASHINGTON, Dec. 23.—President Truman yesterday directed the entry into (he United States within established immigration quotas of European war refugees at the rate of about 39,000 yearly. He Said: "This is an opportunity for America to set an example for the rest of the world
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  • 23 8 / 1 Reuter. MOSCOW, Dec. 23.—M. Alphand. Head of the French trade mission now in Moscow, called on Soviet Foreign Commissar Molotov last night. Reuber.
    Reuter.  -  23 words
  • 58 8 / 1 We celebrate the holiday with an eight-page Papertoday—an expression of oar hope that before long newsprint will be available in sufficient quatttities for a return to our pre-war size and format. We wish our readers and advertisers Merry Christmas There will be no issue of the Malaya Tribune on
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  • Page 8 / 1 Advertisements
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    • 71 8 / 1 VICTORY HAPPY WORLD Wishing Our Patrons A Happy Merry Christmas. 7.00 it 9.15 p.m. Last Day INTERNATIONAL SQUADRON OPENING TOMORROW 3 shows: 3, 7, 9 p.m. Double-icature Programme "VICTORY" it "TWO FISTED' GREETINGS to all our patrons A Merry Christmas and A Prosperous New Year HOE LEE LIMITED 10, Jalan
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    • 264 8 / 1 CATHA V Wficrc Everybody Goes Today To:nu;row Only 11 a.m.. 2.00. 4.15, 6.30 TOMMY TItINDER in '■SAILOR'S THREE" with CLAUDE HULBERT MICHAEL WILDING and FOX MOVIETONE NEWS TONIfHT^i"MIDNIGHT THE ANDREW SISTERS In "HOLD THAT GHOST" with BUD ABBOTT LOU COSTELLO Your Favourite Laugh Team at Work Again! TOMORROW MORNING (Xmas
      264 words
    • 303 8 / 1 PAL -Phone 6223 (1- 3-15—G-30--9 p. m Unlve lis IT'S A DATE' lildnlgftt (11-30) To-night ;i \N VICTORY" Coxing Day. 'SPAWN of the NORTH' A R Extends Heartiest X'mas Greeting* To Our Patrons! GLOBE (Last two shows at 7 I 9 p.m.) DAWN PATROL' Midnight (11-30) To-night J 'STRIKE UP
      303 words
    • 16 8 / 1 Wishing All Merry X'ttMS Y. T. LEE 332, North Bridge Road, Singapore and Branches Tele. 7971
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    • 22 8 / 1 Wishing All 9 1 Rftrry 1 Y. T. LEE 1 332, North Bridget Road. I Singapore and 1 Branches Tele. 1011 J
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  • 248 2 / 7 Germans In Black And Sinister Mood Reuter. LONDDN, Dec. 23-Sig ns of renewed Nazi activity in all larger German cities were reported today in a Berlin message to the London Sun ay paper The Observer which added: "There is a black and sinister mood in Germany
    Reuter.  -  248 words
  • 128 2 / 7 RbATfS; Dec. 23—A shortage of red silk is one reason why His Holiness the Pope has been obiljed to delay the appointment of new cardinals. A Vatican source said yesterday that the consistory, now expected to be held next spring'for the creation of new
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  • 178 2 / 7 Reuter. WASHINGTON, Dec. 22.WThe State Department announced tonight that the United States had withdrawn its request that the signing of an agreement between Britain and Siam should be deferred. "Anglo-American conversations on certain terms proposed ln the AngloSiamese agreement have now been concluded," the announcement
    Reuter.  -  178 words
  • 115 2 / 7 SAIGON, Dec. 22.—Christmas and New Year dances organised by British and Indian officers in Saigon have been cancelled after French representations that they would cause ill-feeiing among the French troops fighting Annamite nationShsjA. The French also asked that dances organised by other ranks should be cancelled, but
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  • 27 2 / 7 Reuter. LONDON, Dec. 20.—The House of Commons last night agreed that Parliamentary proceedings heard ln secret sessions during the war should no longer be kept secret. —Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  27 words
  • 303 2 / 7 R. A. F. Dakotas, based at Batavia, in two months up to midDecember have carried 12,823 passengers, approximately fifty per cent, of them liberated prisoners and Dutch internees. Of this total, 829 were British and Indian casualties, flown to Batavia for admission to hospital. In the period
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  • 148 2 / 7 Reuter. DAT AVI A, Dec. 22.—Important developments in Vie Indonesian situation are expected in well-informed Dutch circles here to result from the visit to Holland of Lieutenant Governor-Gene-ral of the Netherlands East Indies, Dr. Hubcrtus van Mook. At the same time, there is in Indonesian quarters a
    Reuter.  -  148 words
  • 88 2 / 7 MANILA, Dec. 23—Military police yesterday found* the body of Sergio Aquino, puppet governor of three cential Luzon provinces during the Japanese occupation, on the abandoned airfield near Bamban, Tarlac Province. He was kidnapped ten days ago during a party celebrating his release on bail from collaboration charges.
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  • 302 2 / 7 Shooting Incidents In Java Reuter. BATAVIA, Dec. 22—A fifth RAF man—a flight-lieutenant—was shot dead in Batavia this morning near where four others were killed in the Kramat district yesterday. lie was sitting beside the driver of a truck when shots were fired.
    Reuter.  -  302 words
  • 84 2 / 7 HQ. ALFSEA, Dec. 24.—Consequent on the announcement of a reduced rice ration for civilians in Malaya, instructions have been issued to ail military units in the peninsula forbidding the purchase of any foodstuffs, excepting freslh fruit and vegetables, on the open market. Only hospitals are exempted from this
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  • 31 2 / 7 Reuter. ROME. Dec. 23—Vito Mussolini, nephew of Benito Mussolini and former editor of the newspaper Popolo d'ltalia, was sentenced to 14 years' imprisonment by a Milan court today for "fascist offences".—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  31 words
  • 252 2 / 7 TOKYO, Dec. 21. (UP)—The principal directive! from the Allied Command for the future of Japan have already been handed down, it aras oillcially announced today. "Further directives most probably will be limited to those necessary to secure lull understanding and compliance with the basic premises
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  • 252 2 / 7 HQ. AIR COMMAND. SEA, Sunday—Air Chief Marshal Sir Keith Park. Alli.-d Air Commander-in-Chief, has sent the following Christmas greeting to all ranks ln Air Command, South East Asia: I send my sincere good wishes for a m.rry Christmas and a successful New Year to all ranks
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  • 160 2 / 7 Reuter. MANCHESTER, Dec. 22.—Tue Manchester Guardian today published two letters replying to the group of Members of Parliament who urged the withdrawal of the prosecutions against the three officers of the Indian National Army. Mayor Stanhope Lovell writing from Ottaerick camp says: "The cancellation of such
    Reuter.  -  160 words
  • 506 2 / 7 BATAVIA FLARE-UP ON CHRISTMAS EVE Reuter. BATAVIA, Dec. 22 —An intermittent battle has been raying for over 36 hours in the trouble-centre of Kramat dshict, on the southern outskirts of Batavia, and British tanks today went into action against Indonesians firing on Allied troops
    Reuter.  -  506 words
  • 58 2 / 7 Associated Press. COLUMBUS. OHIO, Dec. 23.— Joe E. Brown, the wide-mouthed American film comedian, confirmed today that he killed two Japanese in Northern Luzon last June. Brown said he rode in the lead tank in an attack on the town of Bambang. He was In the
    Associated Press.  -  58 words
  • 262 2 / 7 Reuter. LONDON, Dec. 23. —Gen. George "blood and •guts") Patton who died at Frankfurt on Friday following a motor accident will be remembered long as the most spectacular and one of the most successful commanders of the second World War. With his fierce temper, unorthodox views, colourful
    Reuter.  -  262 words
  • 337 2 / 7 Two Stories Of Television Reuter. LONDON, Dec. 23.—Television is going to play a big part in the sports boom now simmering. The United States who are never far behind when it comes to innovations in the sports world have already made a big move
    Reuter.  -  337 words
  • 210 2 / 7 HOLLYWOOD, Dec. 23.—(UP)—Moviedom has hold of a hot potato sealed up inside a vacuum tube. Television is here, but filmland is not quite sure what to do with it—if anything. Movie moguls are making a concerted effort to become the leaders in bringing television to
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  • Page 2 / 7 Advertisements
    • 3 2 / 7 Send for us.......
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    • 107 2 / 7 NOTICES A picnic (whole-day function) for all Syrian Christians of Singapore Johore will be held on Tuesday. Ist Jan., 1946, at No. 5, Elliot Road, off Kee-Sun Road. Siglap. TOi function will commence at 9 am. and will conclude at 5 p.m. with a meeting at which the future of
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    • 274 2 / 7 ASIA TAILORING Co. The Most Up-to-date Tailors in Town Bush Jacket Specialists Prompt Service Satisfaction Assured. 307, NORTH BRIDGE ROAD (Corner of Bras Basah Road) "Janaga's" Matured Superior Liquors. Your X'mas and New Year enjoyments try on "JANAGA'S" 'AEROPLANE* brand WHISKY, BRANDY, WINE P.J. ARRACK. You will never repent. "JANAGA'S"
      274 words
    • 209 2 / 7 VIC'IODTA ENSA m sS£* u Thursday, 27th Dec. at 8 p.m. RECORDED MUSIC RECITALS Great Music played by Great Artiste* Programme presented by Dr. ERIK CHISHOLM POPULAR CLASSICAL PROGRAMME Finlandia—Largo—Carmen Monday, 31st Dec. at 8 p.m. SINGAPORE SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA Under The Distinguished Patronage of LT. GEN. SIR MILES DEMPSEY, K.C.B
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  • 132 6 / 3 LONDON, Dec. 24.—(UP). —Saint Thomas, one of the 12 disciples of Christ, went to India and founded the Christian Church, according to the Rev. Stephen Neill, former bishop in southern India, writing in the current issue of the Spectator. Neill backs up his argument
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  • 61 6 / 3 (From Our Own Corresponded» PENANG, Saturday.—L I m Lean Teng and Lim Huck Aik. prominent Penang Chinese, were cleared by Special Magistrate G. H. in open cour today of all allegations of collaboration with the Japanese. Lim Huck Aik was Deputy Public Prosecutor durintr the Jap occupation.
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  • 285 6 / 3 TO-DAY (Blue Network) 12.00 Prog. Summary in English Malay to cover the next 24.00 hrs. of t:ie Service; 12.05 Malay Variety 12.45 Malay News. (Substations local announcements in Malay then fade into 13.00 "Musical Miscellany"—Dodo—piano; Abishenegadan—baritone; 13.30 News in English commentary. Local announcements in English, then fade into
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  • 184 6 / 3 Press Disclosure Leads To Probe In Saigon Reuter. SAIGON, Dec. 22—The French authorities are investigating the allegation by an Allied war correspondent that French troops fighting Annamite nationalists in Cochin-China are guilty of indiscriminate summary executions and widespread looting and arson. An Australian correspondent who
    Reuter.  -  184 words
  • 159 6 / 3 Reuter. LONDON, Dec. 23.—The pressentation of substantial cash bonuses to the Moscow Dynamo footballers who toured England has amazed British soccer officials. George Graham, the Scottish Football Association secretary, says that if the reports are true they only emphasise the gulf between the
    Reuter.  -  159 words
  • 27 6 / 3 WASHINGTON, Dec. 21.— R. R. Sakserfa will be India's chief delegate amoni the Far Eastern Advisory Commission representatives who are leaving for Tokyo on Dec. 26. —Reuter.
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  • 90 6 / 3 Reuter. LONDON, Dec\ 23.There will be general public support for the Home Secretary's tough line with those hotels and restaurant proprietors who seek to sustain the colour bar, states the editorial in London Evening Star. "Anyone who refuses to serve Indians or Africans
    Reuter.  -  90 words
  • 88 6 / 3 Reuter. LONDON, Dec. 20.- The Communist "Daily Worker" in an editorial to-day compares the British House of Lords with the j Chamber of Princes in India and writes: "If the House of Lords dares to carry out Lord Cranbourne's threat to obstruct Labour Party legislation it
    Reuter.  -  88 words
  • 80 6 / 3 Reuter. ADELAIDE, Dec. 23.—Australia's former Test captain, Don Bradman, turned out for practice with South Australia twice this week. Consequently some people are tipping him to play again, but Bradman himself refuses to discuss the question. At the practice Bradman treated the spectators to a great hitting
    Reuter.  -  80 words
  • 16 6 / 3 WASHINGTON, Dec. 21.—(UP) Harold L. Ickes, Secretary for the Interior, has officially approved statehood for Hawaii.
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  • 344 6 / 3 LOS ANGELES, Dec. 23.—(UP) -Sometime around ihe yanr 2000, atomic power may be driving lurbines in factories, propelling airplanes, locomotives and ships. But not much h f then, according to nationally well-known physicist Dr. Gerald Wendt, writes Ed. Barlow, United Press Staff Correspondent. Reporting to
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  • 400 6 / 3 30,000 FAMILIES WANT TO KNOW Mystery Of Singapore's Missing BETWEEN twenty and thirty thousand citizens of Singapore— the vast majority of whom were Chinese -were whisked away by the Japs immediately after Yamashita's hordes entered Singapore in 1942. Beyond rumours,thus far unconfirmed, that some of these
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  • 232 6 / 3 HQ. Air Command. S-E Asia, Dec. 23 More than 130,000 R.A.F. personnel will spend this Christinas Day scattered all over the most v.'idcspread territory of any air command in R.A.F. history—South East Asia. Whether it be the Andaman isles i or Hong Kong, Rangoon or
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  • 91 6 / 3 CHUNGKING, Dec. 21.—(UP). —"The Young Marshal," Chanrj Hsueh-liang—who in 1936 kidnapped Generalissimo Chiam; Kai-shek—-has arrived in Chungking after eighi years' residence in Blfeng, Kwelchow province, reliable sources sai<P yesterday. To the quesiion whether the Young Marshal was freed, tlie.-e sources replied, "No, not exactly." The son of a
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  • 253 6 / 3 (From Our Own Correspondent) PENANG, Dec. 21. —A dresser, a doctor and a smelter gave evidence at the resumed preliminary inquiry into a charge of voluntarily causing grievous hurt, for the purpose of extorting a confession and information, against Carlyle da Silva, a Police Inspector
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  • 73 6 / 3 Reuter. LONDON, Dec 21.—A n n w system of surveillance is to be nnemted immediate 1 by the Greyhound Racing Association in an attemnt to rtbp the scandal of dog-doping. "It is anticipated that the results will hare the effect desired," the Association said toniaht. "Guards o»"r
    Reuter.  -  73 words
  • 87 6 / 3 AKRON, Dec. 22.—(UP).— Tyre manufacturing companies here report that they believe the 1 estimate of the Civilian Produci tion Administration t n a I 66,000,000 tyres will be produced lin 1946 is too high, even wlth- out considering impendin strikes. The tyre companies spokesI
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  • 208 6 / 3 Reuter. LONDON, Dec 22. United States diplomatic quarters en visage the possibility that Russian sphere of influence may be extended to Manchuria, says the Washington correspondent of the Daily Telegraph. me correspondent quotes as examples of the same Russian policy the support of
    Reuter.  -  208 words
  • 400 6 / 3 TOKYO, Dec. 23.—(UP)—Fleet Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto, commander-ln-chief of the Combined Japanese Fleet at the time of the Pearl Harbour attack, as early as January 1943 predicted Japan's eventual defeat in the war, a Japanese source told United Press correspondent Earnest Hoberecht. A Japanese naval
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  • 54 6 / 3 At the annual general meeting of the Arab Association held at the Istana Kampong Glam, it was decided to reorganise the Association. A committee of management with Mr. A. M. Alsagoff, J.P. (president), Syed Hassan bin Mohd. Salim Almonawar (vice-president) and Syed Ali bin AgU (secretary) was appointed
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  • Page 6 / 3 Advertisements
    • 529 6 / 3 SITUATIONS VACANT WANTED—Dance Hostesses. Apply Hensons Dance Hall, 377/383, Jalan Besar (Towards Lavender Street End). WANTED—A lady able to speak and write English and Tamil well. Interview between 3 and 5 p.m. Asia Astrological Bureau 2, Race Course Road. WANTED.—One junior stenographer eithei sex. and one junior clerk. Good prospects
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    • 354 6 / 3 Wishing All Our Patrons Compliments Of The Season We have pleasure in announcing the following Extensions. mat Eve 24th till 2 A.M. I mas Day 25th till 2 A.M. Boxing Day 26th till 1 A.M. Saturday 29th till 2 A.M. NEW YEAR EVE 31st till 1 A.M. THE GREAT WORLD
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    • 37 6 / 3 MFTSff She will be delighted to receive SPECIAL Come in and let 0* help you DISCOUNTS make a choice from our varied stock. WISHING ALL OUR PATRONS COMPLIMENTS OF THE SEASON. 11. SENA DWELLER 44, HIGH STREET
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  • 628 4 / 5 TO use a phrase made famous by Winston Churchill, it is a "terminological inexactitude" to say that this is the first peace-time Christmas since 1938. lt would perhaps be nearer the truth to say that this year it is celebrated under less warlike conditions than in the past
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  • 1388 4 / 5 WE are often told that the San Francisco Charter is a far better document than the League Covenant, in that it is far more effective and realistic. Is that so? By no means. With few outstanding exceptions, the Charter lags behind the Covenant precisely in the
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  • 206 4 / 5 General George C. Marshall, who has arrived in China as Piesi d c nt Truman's special envoy, was U.S. Army Chief of Staff during the war. The geneial's name will go down in history as the creator of the powerful Army which during 1943 and 1944
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  • 611 4 / 5 THROUGH CHINESE EYES THE saddest phrase that has come out of this war is "the >ears the locusts have eaten.'' The locusts have eaten four luscious years out of the live* of the younger generation. Throughout that period, right-minded parents had fought steadfastly against the insidious encroachment of
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  • 664 4 / 5 Campaign To Baulk AIIi< k il Demands Reuter. I LONDON, Dec. 22—The Soviet press is attracting world attention by what appears to be a carefully orchestrated series o; attacks on Anglo-American policy in matters all of which are probably on the' Big Three
    Reuter.  -  664 words
  • 164 4 / 5 WASHINGTON, Dec. 23.— (UP).—Dr. Harold C. Urey, a leader in the development of the atomic bomb, believes that a "radical dispersal" of America's population might be a partial solution to the threat of atomic warfare. Such a wholesale population shift, however,
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  • 46 4 / 5 Reuter. LONDON, Dec. 20.-Japanese campaign pay will continue to be allowed to British forces up to the anniversary of VJ day Aug. 15, 1946, when the question will be reviewed, states the new pay code for the Navy, Army and Air Farces issued in London to-day.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  46 words
  • 268 4 / 5 Reuter. LONDON, Dec. 21.—Ultimate security arrangements in the Levant are to be made by the United Nations Organisation, according to the text of Anglo-French agreements published today on a joint withdrawal of British and French troops from the Levant States Until theo sufficient
    Reuter.  -  268 words
  • 64 4 / 5 Associated Press. TOKYO, Dec. 23 —Three members of condemned Yamashita's defence counsel "/ere flown tc Washington to file arguments for petitions aimed at saving the Japanese general from hanging Headquarters. Public Relations office, said to-day that the retary for War, pursuant to the wishes of the Sunreme
    Associated Press.  -  64 words
  • 198 4 / 5 Reuter. LONDON, Dec. 19.—The plenary sesson of the United Nations Preparatory Commission to-day unanimously agreed that Jan. 10 should be the date for the opening of the first part of the first session of the United Nations General Assembly at the Central Hall at Westminster. President
    Reuter.  -  198 words
  • Page 4 / 5 Advertisements
    • 20 4 / 5 GREETINGS To All Our Patrons A Merry Christmas and A Prosperous New Year ASSOCIATED LOCAL INDUSTRIES 18. Battery Road, Singapore.
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    • 226 4 / 5 Good News For Pipe Smokers! Shipment expected shortly of— All models of BRIAR PIPES and Smokers' Requisites. Enquiries Solicited. BRIAR PIPE EMPORIUM HUSSAIN MOHAMED KHAN SAHIB Great Eastern Life Building, ICE, Cecil Street, Singapore. gggggggggggggggggggg Masters mSSSm Good News For The Sick! Slow Keng Ngoh, Chinese Acupuncture Cauterization Specialist, uses
      226 words
    • 113 4 / 5 WHY LOOK OLD? "CHANGER BLACK HAIR RESTORER" Turns Grey hair to its natural colour. Arriving shortly from Australia. Dealers are requested to book their orders ln advance at 742, NORTH BRIDGE ROAD, SINGAPORE. MERCANTILE INSTITUTION 209, Queen Street. Registration of pupils from now on for Morning, Afternoon and Evening Classes.
      113 words