Malaya Tribune, 22 December 1945

Total Pages: 2
4/1 2/3 Malaya Tribune
  • 29 4/1 The Malaya Tribune Telephone: 5811. THE NEWSPAPER OF THĔ PEOPLE OF MALAYA FOUR PAGES SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1945 PRICE 10 CENTS The Malaya Tribune Saturday, December 22, 1945.
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  • 803 4/1 ARISE MALAYANS!' —CHEN SU LAN The awakened political consciousness of Malayan peoples was amply demonstrated yesterday evening at the inaugural meeting of the Malayan Democratic Union when 10 different speakers representing all shades of I thought unanimously emphasised that they could not,
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  • 210 4/1 A 20-year-old able seaman, who held up a taxi on the main road from the Naval Base to Singapore while acting as a sentry outside the Royal Naval Air Station at Sembawang during the late afternoon of Nov. 24, was sentenced to three years penal
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  • 71 4/1 CHUNGKING. Dec. 21 (UP)— Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek is scheduled to broadcast from Nanking on New Year's Day. Meanwhile, Generalissimo Chiang yesterday visited the Sun Vat-sen Mausoleum in Nanking. He has ordered complete suppression of opium addiction in Peiping and Tientsin by March 20
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  • 71 4/1 Reuter CHUNGKING, Dec. 20,— Wang j Shao-chai, Director of the General Affairs Department in the Chinese Ministry of Tinance, has been sentenced to eight years imprisonment and ten years deprivation of civil rights and ordered to repay 400,000 Chinese dollars he misappropriated to purchase
    Reuter  -  71 words
  • 95 4/1 Free Canadian tinned milk is now distributed by the B.M.A. to children at eight schools in Kuala Lumpur. Each child receives a daily cup, and the total distribution comes to 3,500 tins a week. It is the intention of the B.M.A. Nutrition Unit to extend
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  • 564 4/1 Sourabaya RoadBlocks Smashed Reuter. BATAVIA, Dec. 21—It is reported from Sourabaya that at one point rocket-firiny Mosquitos and Thunderbolts using 500-lb bombs destroyed Indonesian road blocks and strong points 300 yards in front of Gurkha troops who were being held up near a cross road.
    Reuter.  -  564 words
  • 137 4/1 Reuter. BATAVIA, Dec. 21.—Air Manhal Sir Keith Park Air Commander-in-Chief of South-East Asia, told airmen on Batavia airfield today that Admiral Lord Louis Mountbatten, Supreme Allied Commander, Lieut.-Gen. Sir Miles Dempsev and himself were "fed up" with delays in the mail
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  • 393 4/1 CHUNGKING, Dec. 21—Thirty-eight Chinese politicians, philosophers and professors, editors and educationists, scholars and students, bankers and industrialists, will sit down in Chungking to work out a peace for the 450,000,000 Chinese on or about Christmas—nine years after Gen. Chiang Kai-shek's release from captivity
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  • 143 4/1 U.P. General George C. Marshall arrived in Shanghai yesterday afternoon to assume his ambassadorship and begin implementing the American Chineoe policy laid down by President Truman. General Marshall is scheduled to fly to Nanking today for his first meeting with Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek. The General was met at
    U.P.  -  143 words
  • 424 4/1 Reuter. MOSCOW, Dec. 21.—As the Foreign Ministers in Moscow prepared for their sixth Session this afternoon an informed American source emphasised that developments to date have been "positive", and very friendly atmosphere continues, reports Eric Downton, Renter's Correspondent. According to this American source
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  • 48 4/1 Reuter. I'ONG KONG, Dec. 21.—The transfer of the British Pacific Fleet Headquarters from Sydney to Hong Kong was completed today with the arrival at Hong Kong of Admiral Sir Bruce Fraser, Commander of the British Pacific Fleet, on the battleship Duke of York.—Reuter.
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  • 313 4/1 NEW YORK, Dec. 21.—America has an interest in seeing that British demands on Siam do not lead to a Siamese collapse or compromise Slam's independence and administrative integrity, the New York Times said today in a comment on the talks now going on at Singapore.
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  • 61 4/1 Reuter. FRANKFURT, Dec. 21.—GenGeorge Patton, Commander of the United States 15th Army, died today. Earlier it was reported that his condition took a serious turn for the worse today—l 2 days after he sustained spinal injuries when his car collided with a lorry near Mannheim. Today's bulletin
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  • 16 4/1 (UP). HAVANA, Dec. 22. —(UP). Novelist Ernest Hemingway yesterday obtained an uncontested divorce from Martha Gelhorn.
    (UP).  -  16 words
  • Page 4/1 Advertisements
    • 56 4/1 CHAN'S GRAND CHRISTMAS ATTRACTION. CROONING COMPETITION. OPEN TO ALL (Including Servicemen). CASH AND HANDSOME CUPS WILL BE AWARDED TO WINNERS. To be held at ARENA TEA GARDEN. (New World Amusement Park) On 23rd. 24th. and 25th Dec: 1945. Music accompaniment by Arena Band. Entry forms can be obtained from:— ARENA
      56 words
    • 50 4/1 DAW 3 shows to-day S\\jA I 3, 6-15 9-15 p.m. William Tracey in "TANKS A MILLION" with James Gleason Noah Berry Jr. Laughters galore To-night at midnight—"SEA WOLF" JUBILEE THEATRE I, 3.30. 6.30 9.00 p.m. OPENING TO-DAY "NURSE EDITH CAVELL" with ANNA NEAOLE TONIGHT AT MIDNIGHT "Rulera of the Sea"
      50 words
    • 291 4/1 CATHAY Where Everybody Goes 11 a.m. 2.00—4.15—6.30 9.30 LAST 5 SHOWS TO-DAY! TYRONE POWER in "BLOOD AND SAND" A 20th Century Pox Technieolour Masterpiece. OPENING TO MORROW Tommy T kinder in "Sailors three" with Claude Hulbert Michael Wilding The Fun Blast of the Year TO NIGHT AT MIDNIGHT JEAN ARTHUR
      291 words
    • 305 4/1 OUR X'MAS PROORAMMEB OUT TO-MOHHOW! PALACEGAV—i'hone 622;* 1, 3-15, 6-30 it 9 p.m.. j Opening Today Universale TT's A DATE' (Deanna Durbin) At Midnight (11-30) To-night 'SPAWN OP THE NORTH' (George Raft and Dorothy Lamour) GLOBE—Great World Daily at 3—7—9 p.m. The Battle of the Air! 'DAWN PATROL* (Errol Flynn)
      305 words
    • 14 4/1 X'm as Sale Now On H. SENA 44 High Street Branch At RAFFLES HOTEL
      14 words
    • 14 4/1 Call At Everytnlng\ Ele ctr'call 324, North I Bridge Rd 1 Phone 2315 I
      14 words

  • 771 2/3 TjEW among us could think or write about Java without growing somewhat skeptical of international declarations and treaties. Was it not a feeling of insecurity on the part of the world powers created by a progressive -deterioration of faith in the sanctity of the pledged
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  • 296 2/3 RATION CARD SYSTEM TO BE INTRODUCED FOLLOWING General Hone's statement regarding shipments of flour, /xpetted to arrive early in the New Year the British Military Administration announces the action which it proposes to take to ensure that the arrival of these
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  • 220 2/3 Reuter LONDON, Dec. 20. —Unless public opinion in the United States and i Britain forces Gen. MacArthur's hand, it is unlikely that Emperor ttirohito will be apprehended on charges of war guilt, says the special correspondent of the Daily Telegraph, Cornelius Ryan, cabling from
    Reuter  -  220 words
  • 90 2/3 Reuter. LONDON, Dec 20.— Madame Chiang Kai-shek in a lett:- to the Friends Ambulance Unit in China has approved a projwsal for sending young Quakers and holders of similar views to Japan to undertake Jiumanitarian work. Madame Chiang expresses the opinion that Japanese
    Reuter.  -  90 words
  • 46 2/3 Reuter. COLOMBO, Dec. 20.—The Right Rev. Cecil Douglas Horsley, Bishop of Colombo, is leaving by air tomorrow on episcopal mission to Malaya. He is the first bishop to isit Malaya for five years and will be away from Ceylon until Jan. 26.Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  46 words
  • 69 2/3 Limitation on weight of postal articles and restrictions on correspondence are in force in Belgium, Danzig, Denmark, Dodecanese Islands, Estonia, Guam, Holland, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Norway, Pnilippines, Poland, Roumanla, and Yugoslavia. Restrictions may be extended to other countries overseas. Members of the public therefore are requested to obtain
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  • 270 2/3 Reuter. LONDON, Dec. 20.—British Home Secretary Chuter Ede stated in the House of Commons today that he would take into very careful consideration particular cases in which hotels or restaurants refused to serve Indians or Africans because of their colour. He would then decide whether
    Reuter.  -  270 words
  • 19 2/3 Reuter. WASHINGTON, Dec. 20.—The Office of Price Administration has announced the termination of tyre rationing on Jan. 1 next.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  19 words
  • 237 2/3 Reuter. CHUNGKING, Dec. 20.—0p the eve of the meeting of the InterParty Political Consultative Council on which millions of Chinese are pinning their hopes for the future t it was confirmed here today that I the Chinese Communists had proposed an unconditional armistice to
    Reuter.  -  237 words
  • 232 2/3 IIIIIOIl Under a system of Democracy it is not only desirable, but also a healthy sign to !je able to voice one's disagreements of any retrograde policy that may be pursued. Through the medium of your column:;, I wish to make a fetern protest apainst the employment of
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  • 172 2/3 The one question of prime Importance to lis all in Malaya now is the simple question: -When do we start tapping? We can have no sort of prosperity until that question is answered, not verbally but factually. Until then we are living on our accumulated wealth —on our
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  • 174 2/3 Reuter. LONDON, Dec. 20.—Nine men with £160,000,000 to spend ill the next five years are to take over control of Britain's coal industry when the Government's nationalisation bill becomes law next summer. They will be known as the National Coal Board. Their salaries have
    Reuter.  -  174 words
  • 63 2/3 Reuter. MOSCOW, Dec. 20—On the eve nf his 66th birthday tomorrow Stalin appears to be in excellent health and thoroughly rested and refreshed after his !en weeks holiday in Sochi, on the Black Sea. British repicsentativf s who have seen him say thai in recent years he "never looked better."
    Reuter.  -  63 words
  • 419 2/3 Reuter. LONDON, Dec. 20—Sir Oswald Mosley, former leader of the British Union of Fascist?, \t ho was recently released from detention, provided the subject of a lively discussion at question time in the House of Commons today. Answering a barrage of questions, Home Secretary Chuter
    Reuter.  -  419 words
  • Page 2/3 Advertisements
    • 107 2/3 CHRISTMAS have a varied selection of Jewellery and will only be too pleased to help you choose something suitable. Wishing all our Patrons Compliments of the Season SPECIAL DISCOUNTS 11. SENA JEWELLER 44, high STREEJ The Chinese Association It Is proposed to hold a Reunion Picnic among members of The
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    • 376 2/3 Church Services ST. ANDREW'f? CATHEDRAL: Dec. 22 —Service of Christmas Music 5-30 p.m. Dec. 23—Service of Nine Lessons with Carols and Hymns 5-30 p.m. Christmas Eve —Carols j and Choral Eucharist 11-30 p.m. j Christmas Day—Holy Communion 6 a.m. Choral Eucharist 7-30 a.m. ilolv Communion 9-15 a.m. Choral I Mattins
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    • 523 2/3 SITUATIONS VACANT WANTED. —One junior stenographer eitliLi 6ex, and one junior clerk. Good prospects for those with initiative. Apply Box A 7, c/o Malaya Tribune. Wanted.—Ten temporary teachers and one grade 111 clerk, preference will be given to Raffles College graduates. Application stating qualifications ana with copy of testimonial to
      523 words
    • 275 2/3 HIGH-FEVER? NOTHING BETTER THAN XI M KUM POWDER 3 TIMES A DAY Book For Your CHRISTMAS and NEW YEAR DINNER and CHRISTMAS and NEW YEAR DINNER PARTIES now to avoid the rush. TA TONO RESTAURANT BAR 18, Chulia Street 'Phone 4303. Crown Cork Machines. Fresh shipment arrived For all sizes
      275 words
    • 73 2/3 I FOR I SANITARY, WATER AND i ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS. REPAIRS, ETC. Communicate with FONGHIN CO., LTD. 64, Wallich Street, Singapore. •Phone No. T557. Good News For The Sick! Slow Keng Ngoh, Chinese Acupuncture Cauterization Specialist, uses scientific methods to cure all sicknesa and diseases. Stubborn cases obtain almost miraculous results
      73 words