Malaya Tribune, 5 March 1917

Total Pages: 8
1 1 Malaya Tribune
  • 28 1 The Malaya Tribune. EVENING DAILY.] AND SHIPPING GAZETTE. EVENING DAILY. Vol. IV. No. 53 SINGAPORE, MONDAY, MARCH 5, 1917 PRICE 5 CENTS. Cfte inalapa Cribunc. MONDAY, MARCH 5.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 277 1 mmtmt THE MALAYA TRIBUNE! i AND i t SHIPPING GAZETTE. I J The popular Newspaper of the 1 S raits Settlements. i J IS" PUBLISHED DAILY. I J Complete Reports of Local Events, 8 Condensed News from F.M.S., Java, t i China, ludia, Ce\lon and Japan] ft FuU and Latest
      277 words
    • 333 1 A GOOD PHOTOGRAPH MEANS Your Very Likeness, Style and Mood. A PRODUCTION FROM Lee Brothers* Studio, Hill Street will produce these results. OC. LEE 158, Prinsep Street. PIANO TUNER AND REPAIRER. I Hood and well selected Music Violin Piano, etc. Good Strings for Stringed Instruments. WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED. TERMS MODERATE. 3-11
      333 words
    • 49 1 n '«inii,MuniiiiMiiii:iiiiiiiiiiiMiin:::i;)iii:iiu;tnnnniiiiiiiiiiiii:iiiiii',i;iuiunmm: Ross's Famous Bottlings TRADE MARK. j Fresh Supplies Monthly. I I j Pilsener eumi^essl vatives British and best. Insist on being j served with ROSS'S j W. A. Ross Brothers i I LIMITED. II j BOTTLERS j London and Leith. j iii.uiiiiiiiinitiiiMir""" mmmmmmmmm t mi'"" 1 I
      49 words
    • 188 1 A***************2 iTHE MALAYA TRIBUNE: i SHIPPING GAZETTE. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. I Payable in Advance. t Per annum $14 00 t Half yearly 7.25 J 3 Per quarter 3 65 4 Per mensem-.. 1-25 I Postage Extra 50 CtS. per month- Temporary 'Phone No. 171. W Acetic (99&98U Acid Veneer Chests Momi
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  • 1419 2 A Surgical Marvel. That new skin may bo thrown over very large surfaces from which it has een burned away is demonstrated by a cure for burns used successfully in French army hospitals by Dr. Barthe de Sandfort. A bimilar cure is said to be in use
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 448 2 Straiis Laundry HryJleaning Depot.! UNDER EUROPEAN SUPERVISION. High Class Laundry Work of every Description at Moderate Charges. RKOULAR WEEKLY COLLECTION A V D DELIVERY. DISTANCE NO OBJECT. Contract- Ar ranted. Commaaieatian* In dted. Argent rtTo-k DaSeriakta at al*)4arate (Shargea. Hits' tatts, Lust, Silks, etc. and Dry Gleaning a Specialty. Nos.
      448 words
    • 549 2 FISHTON A Natural food and Tonic for Blood and Brain. An Excellent food for weak children and all invalid*. Fine relish and most appetising. TRY, THY, TRY Agents: THE DISPENSARY LIMITED, SINGAPORE. 15-1 w CATALOGUE EREE WANTED CANYASSiNC AGENTS. SARMA& COMPANY'S Famous Children's Toys. Each box contains 32 Big Set
      549 words
    • 242 2 SALVITAE. The mo«t puwuM but harmleo* nervine I tnnie, pr .li M- startling renulte, imiui dia* and pi-r.iianeat, in all case* of I a:rvoui lihaiMltiHli hi ygaagat old, irarried or unmarried. Price Xc 1 per phial. Asthma Tablets. T'.ie i.<'"t rem.-dy for oough, difficult i r?athiti», tits aud the worst
      242 words
    • 50 2 jj BUSINESSjNWAR TIME. It is our intention to continue 5 2 to advertise our various spe- k cialities with unabated vigour, 2 and our appropriations are Z 5 already planned for extensive *t campaigns. It pays to advertise, d advertise, advertise.— The North a J British Rubber Co., Ltd. I
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    • 462 2 ——I, tmma II II Hill Hi The Ideal Reconstructive Nerve Food Sanaphos. j 1 -j For Nerves and I Brain —To restore your phvtieal fitness. —To restore poise of the nerve system —To repair tbe results of waariue-i< and overworktake a glass of Sanaphos on rising, at mid-mornini:, mid-afternoon, an
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  • 330 3 REUTER' S TELEGRAMS. Indian Army Pay. Adjusting Crievaoces. London, Fob. 28, 8.40 p.m. In the House of Commons, in reply to Sir J. D. Rees regarding the grievances of Indians, Mr. Austen Chamberlain said the Indian Government had carefully reexamined the question of pay and pro m0 ti m and
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  • 41 3 London, March 1, 9.20 p.m. In the House of Commons, Mr. Macpherson announced that a commission under the chairmanship of Mr. Winston Churchill will examine the question of officers' promotion and deal with the anomalies of the existing system.
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  • 92 3 Exemptions Restricted London, March 3, 3 10 a.m. The Press Bureau states that the Army Conncil has ordered a general revision of certificates of exemption of men under thirty-one. The Government impresses on the tribunals that the war is reaching the critical stage when it is imperative to
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  • 88 3 London, March 1, 9.10 p.m. Messrs Montagu's report says that snpplies of new silver are most scinty. Arrivals from America are unusually small. The general demand is slight, though coinage demand continues. China exchanges are itill appreciably below parity. London, March 1, 5.50 p.m. Silver is at
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  • 23 3 London, March 3, 11.50 a.m. Amsterdam Baron Arz von Stranszenberg supersedes von Hoetzendorf as Chief of the Austrian General Staff.
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  • 53 3 London, March 1, 9.5 p.m. There is considerable excitement in Manchester at the raising of the duty on cotton goods imported into India, while the countervailing excise is unchanged. Protests will be promptly made on the ground that the change imposes a four per cent protective
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  • 76 3 A C. and M. Gazette special cable, dated London, Feb. I*, •ays: A correspondent of the I>iily Express at The Hague states that, contrary to the expectations of the German Admiralty, Germany s ■übmarine losses during the past fortnight have been very b^ av yEven the maddest supporters of the
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  • 271 3 Issuing False Mandates. Many tales are being told about Mr. Po Yen-kuei, the late Senior Clerk of the Cabinet Office, who is now a lunatic. He was dismissed by a Presidential Mandate on 26th January. Mr, Po Yen kuei was given the post of Benior Clerk by
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  • 245 3 (To the Editor, Times of Malaya). Sir, —From the frequency with which a Perak sportsman bags his brace of elephants it would be most interesting to know if he eticks to the orthodox method of killing these animals, which is the brain bhot, or whether his is the
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  • 90 3 A message from London dated Jan. 30 says :-The frost in Great Britain shows no sign of breaking. The hydraulic gear in West India Docks froze, blocking the entrance. Ice formed in the London Docks for the first time for years. Many barges are enclosed in ice.
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  • 28 3 We regret to announce the death of Mr. Joseph Leong Sin Nghean, of the Government Survey Office He leaves a widow and four children to mourn his loss.
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  • 298 3 Sir Philip Sassoon narrates the following tale of a tank." Having proceeded solemnly into the German lines, well in advance of oar own infantry, it broke down, and the enemy swarmed round it like Liliput J ans round Galliver. They bombed it from all sides, from
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  • 43 3 The marriage arranged between Mr. Anthony Lampard, eldest son of the late Mr. Arthur Lampard. of Bolme Park, Rotherfield, aud Mrs. Lampard, and Marjorie, youngest daughter of Mrs. Harry Hall. 39, Tedworth-square, took place quietly on Feb. II at Chri st Church, Chelsea.
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  • 122 3 Although an official dental is forthcoming to the report that the United States Rubber Company, tbe B. S. Goodrich Company, the Good, year Para and Rubber Company and the Fisk Robber Company are to be consolidated, it is understood that various matters involving these companies are beiog considered by Messrs
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  • 67 3 Delivered in London. The following are the dates of departure from Singapore of the European Mails and their delirery in London. Mail. Left. DailflHI>. B.I. Dee. 1 Jan. P. 4 0. Dee. Jan B.I. De«. 16 Jan. «6 P. O. Dec. 2? Jan. 25 B.I. De*. 2S> Jm»-
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  • 140 3 (Excliuive to Malaya Tribuns.) Singapore, March 4. Mrs Latham and Co., the Arcade, advise the following quotations AlorOajah $3 80 $3.90 AyerKnninga 1-50 155 \y<rMolek 2.55 2.65 AyerPanaa 11.90 12.10 Balgownie 4.80 5.00 Bnkit Jelotong 0.75 0.80 Bakit Katil 0.80 0.85 ChangkatSerdg.... 9.90 10.15 Qlenealy 2.20 2.30
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 163 3 IT'S A BAD SIGM When you have that obstinate, lingering cough which will not be shaken off. There is no cough at auy stage whether old or young, but wbat Teed* attention. A cough .oon -recks a strong constitution, soon m ake.onehelplessiufactacouKh.s a very dangerous ailment, >et many hardly notice
      163 words
    • 444 3 m A Q" a, "y Picture Programme the Theatre THE with an I where you m m m m J| JSV. exquisite tea t get the BEST J?% S Mm Ba M Il garden Z lh e I ja iyi W*% WW MJk best gr H Wmam M m■ w
      444 words
    • 30 3 Absolutely Free 40 years' experience, late Government Medical Officer RAI SAHEB DR. DASS Secrets of Happy Life is being distributed free. Apply toll* SwistkKi Sitayi Pharmacy. 30/2 Harrison Road, CALCUTTA.
      30 words
    • 524 3 THE ORIENTAL Government Security Life Assurance Co., Ltd. Established 1871. Incorporated in India. 80 per cert, ot ihe Funds, or $2IJDBO,iIO art Himted In Brortment SwrrtlM 42 ears' record progress and increasing stability. IM BATES fer itM-forteltaale Ei«Bw»wt issyrances will Prtmi. A man aged 30 can secare $5,001 with profits
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 76 3 Singapore Volunteer Cor, 5. Orders for the week ending Fiiday. March 9 To day. 5.15 p m Drill Hall S V.C. Off: A N C 08. pi do S.K.E v. do Maxim Co. (No. 1 Detachment). do Veterans Co. Raffles Institution 9.V.O. Band. To-morrow. 5 15 pm Drill Hall S.RE.
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    • 238 3 Mails Close. To day Penang* aud Calcutta, taking mails for Durban* IM pm Port Swettenham and Teluk Anson *Per»k 2.»0 pm Maar and Malacca *Kaka 3 pm Kota Tinggi Ban Lie G«»n 4 pm Pulau Pambn. Khi<>. Billition, Ba'aria, Cht-ribon, Samaran/. Sourabaya, Ampenan, Man>sar, to. Pynacker Hordyk 4 pm (ST
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  • 900 4 Mr. Lloyd George, in his great speech in support of the War Loan, assured his distinguished au Hence at the Gaildhail that the load to victory would be paved with gold and ce nented with valiant blood. Do t' e people of the Straits Settlements realise that
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  • 186 4 Mr. P »1 Dufaulc The final Dufanlt concert at the Alhambra theatre on Saturday night, was, if anything, even better attended than the previous ones; and the enthusiasm of the audience was remarkable. Mr. Dufanlt kept bis listeners entranced as he delivered himself of voice modulations that were simply
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  • 75 4 A very pleasant evening was provided at the Dutch Clab on Saturday when Miss Flora Wolff Van Westen, a clever contralto from the New York Metropolitan Opera, who is touring the East, gave a highly successful concert. The programme included violin solos by Mr. van Dam van
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  • 47 4 Our readers are reminded of the concerts to be given at the Victoria Theatre, to-night and on Wednesday night, by tho clever pianist and violinist, Messieurs Mirovitch and Piastro. Th*se gentlemen have been here before, and patrons of their entertainment are assared of a treat.
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  • 164 4 T he Cinemas. A Son of the Immortals," founded on The Prisoners of Zenda," drew a packed house to the Palladium on Saturday nigh*. This extremely well produced film should be seen by everyone. Next Thursday, March 8, will be a day of note, as it is on that date
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  • 104 4 Pages The Great War Indian Army Pay 3 Allied Missions Return 5 Hun Intrigue 5 Submarining 5 The Great Retreat 5 French Consular News 5 Growing Skin Wholesale 2 Crazy Chinese Official 3 Elephant Shooting 3 Frost in England 3 Local Share Market 3 Mail Notice 3 Singapore
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  • 300 4 Reuter. Mr. C. A. Fitch, of Batu B*4, leaving for Home to join np. Mr. L. H.Taylor, of Bole" Estate Nilac, is off lo the war next week The Press Bureau annnnvtoi* t L General Smuts his Privy Councillor— R rilt r Mr Ong Boon has been
    Reuter.  -  300 words
  • 159 4 Reuter. Ti.i he e is at 194.50 —2 te up. Tin is quoted at 1.0.0 in L mdon. Robber is footed at 3p4 for both crepe and sheet. On the Louden gambier is making 68/-. Rubber is quoted here ut 3/3} for both crepe and sheet. Tapioca fair
    Reuter.  -  159 words
  • 210 4 {Through the courtesy ot Messrs Francis Peek <v Co-, Ltd- We communicate to you below contents of a cable just received from our Batavia Honse dealing with the Java Produce Market ending to-day Batavia, March. 2. Rubber. There ie little to report on the position of this
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 234 4 Robinson Co. DAVIS VIBRATING SHUTTLE i »Aft M Hand Machine This machine, made of the best material, will sew from the finest to the stoutest cloth. The shuttle, which is cylinder shaped, is worked by a vibrating movement. It is exceptionally light running and is capable of very heavy work.
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    • 326 4 Entire Cn»«Hf« or Programme Tonight"™ In the Second Show, 9.15 p.m., at the Ideal Picture Theatre Cinema CASINO Off Beach Road Cines Film Co. of Rome Present 3 Reels THE DIAMOND LEAGUE 3 Reel. A Powerful Dete.tive story which will appeal to one and all. Kineto War Map of ihe
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    • 123 4 JAS. HEN NESSY S FINE OLD BRANDY. Caldbeck Macgregor, Co. SOLE IMPORTERS. French War Stamps. A booklet containing 20 different coloured stamps of The Grand Chiefs of the French Army. The whole proceeds IN AID OF THE French Red Cross Fund si. To be obtained from Office, ADELPHI HOTEL Big
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  • 290 5 THE GREAT RETREAT. How Germany Puts It. Hoaxing the Hun. REUTER'S SPECIAL SERVICE. Correspondents at headquarters telegraphing on Friday night emphasise the enemy carefully concealed from his troops the fact that they were retreating. Prisoners at Gornmeconrt refused to believe their comrades had gone when the fortress surrendered.
    REUTER'S SPECIAL SERVICE.  -  290 words
  • 266 5 London, March 3, 6,10 a.m. Amsterdam Now that it is impossible any longer to c mceal the retreat on the Ancre, the German press with one inspired txccord has begun to publish explanations intended to reassure the population, which has been disquieted for weeks past with rumours
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  • 82 5 London, Mar. 3, 6.35 a.m. Amsterdam The Vossische Zeitor g explains the retreat by declaring that Hindenburg'8 policy has been a maximum concentration in order to force a final decision in the spring. Trench warfare will Boon end, when the Germans will prove immeasurably superior to the
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  • 250 5 London, March 1, 1.30 p.m. Views regarding the great retreat, whereof it is noteworthy that the German people are still unaware, are of the most contradictory nature. The latest suggestion based on Berlin reports transmitted by the Borne correspondent of the Times, is to the effect that the
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  • 67 5 London, March 3, 12.30 a.m. Field Marshal Sir Douglas Haig reports further progress northward of Warlenaourt and Emcourt and north-westward of Puisieux au Mont. We repulsed counter attacks on oar advanced positions north-east of Gueudeconrt and north-west of I.igny-Thilloy, inflicting loss- Asa result of to-day's fighting on
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  • 71 5 London, March 4,12 20 8.*n. Field Marshal Sir Douglas Haig reports that after a stubborn r distance further progress has been made northward of Puisieux an Mont and eastward of Gommecourt Our line advanced a quarter of a :nile on a frontage of five miles. Enemy bombing attacks
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  • 81 5 London, March 2, 12.40 a.m. The Press Bureau states that the King has congratulated Sir Don 'las Haig on the army's splendid work and steady, persistent pressure in forcing the enemy to quit carefully prepared and strongly fortified positions. The successes are a fitting sequal to the fine
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  • 143 5 London, March 4, 2,50 a.m. Renter's correspondent telegraphing from headquarters on March 3 states that there has been a partial lull in the German retirement during the past two days. Due to increasing difficulty the enemy have had to carry out their unobserved. We profited by the
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  • 62 5 London, Mar. 4, 2.45 p.m. A message from Copenhagen says that German militaiy authorities state that the British have taken over a new part of the west front from the French. Tho above possibly refers to the fact indicated in a recent communique from Field Marshal Sir
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  • 56 5 London, March 4, 12.20 a.m. The Admiralty announces that in Mesopotamia the river pun boats Tarantula, Mantis and Moth came in contact with and passed the retreating Turkish at my, westward of Shumran on Feb. '26. Oar gunboats inflicted heavy losses and captured or destroyed four Turkish steamers and
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  • 55 5 London, March 1, 7 20 p.m. In the House of Commons Mr. Hope stated the Government was doing its utmost to trace British and Indian war prisoners in Turkey by means of inquiries through American and other channels. The question of an exchange of British and
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  • 51 5 Gallant Troops. London, Mar. 1, 9,55 a.m. Mr Austen Chamberlain has heartily congratulated General Maude on the brilliant success and gallantry and endurance of the troops. General Maude replying says the devotion to duty, the dash and gallantry of the troops, both British and Indian, has been
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  • 47 5 London, March 1, 7.20 p.m. General Nivelle has congratulated General Sir William Robertson on the splendid feat of arms of the gallant troops of General Maude in capturing Kut-el-Amara and the important British successes on the Ancre, brilliantly opening the cam paign of 1917.
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  • 89 5 London, March 1, 1.30 p.m. The Morning Post expert depre cates any further advance from Kut. He says it is time to reduce to a minimum the forces engaged in distant operations, and to concentrate all our forces for the defeat of Germany. The Times says that General
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  • 51 5 London, March 1, 9.5 p.m. In the House of Commons Mr. Forster stated that the improvement in transport is largely responsible for the success in Mesopotamia, where the medical conditions are now generally satisfactory. There was necessarily some considerable sickness in summer, but the ratio since has steadily
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  • 143 5 Successful Raids. London, March 3, 1.20 a.m. The French communique says We successfully bombarded enemy organisations north of the Aisne, and on the left of the Meuse. London Mar. 3, 4.5 p m. The French communique says Several successful raids were made on the German trenches near Moulins en
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  • 54 5 Gas Used. London, March. 3, 4-5 p.m. Wireless Russian official Our gas attack northward of Lake Narotch provoktd a panic ili the enemy's trenches and d»ove out the Germans, who, however, entered our first line trenches to the south-west of Brshezany. Five Russian attacks failed to recapture heights north
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  • 39 5 Londbn, March 4, 4 40 p.m. A wireless Russian official message states: Our Persian detachments took the offersive in the direc ion of Bidjar and occupied a village two miles south-wsst thereof. We captured Damadan on Friday.
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  • 33 5 Enemy Attack Falls. London, March 4, 7.15 p.m. A.n Italian official message states: After a violent preparation, the enemy attempted storm positions eastwards of Gorijfe, but waa driven out with heavy loss.
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  • 37 5 Tardy Disarmament. London, March 3, 1.50 p.m. Athens: The Minister for the Interior has nrgod the police, gendarmerie and authorities to apply the disarmament decree more strictly as the military control is dissatisfied with th« results.
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  • 91 5 The Usual Claims. London, March 3, 6 55 p.m. A German communique states that strong British reconnoitring detachments have made attempts to penetrate their trenches at Hulluch and Levin, which attacks weiw repulsed. There has been renewed violent infautry encounters on both backs of the Ancre, the British
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  • 30 5 Captain's Ruse. London, March 1, 1 30 p.m. The captain of the Laconia donned mnfti before the sinking of his ship, hence the pirate's search for him was fruitless.
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  • 65 5 London, March 3, 6.0 a.m. It is understood that the Shipping Controller is contemplating a scheme for the requisitioning of liners whereunder owners will constitute a committee of management, with the Controller represented. The profits, where above those yielded by requisition rates, accrue to the State. All
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  • 33 5 London, March 3,1 50 pm. France has d«cided to follow Great Britain's example by suspending the publication of the naraon of ships sunk, giving instead a weekly statement of submaiinism.
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  • 45 5 London, March 3, 1.50 p.m. Amsterdam A message from Berlin states that the American members of tho Yarrowdale's crew are still being detained because the British seamen are suffering from spotted typhus. It is hoped to raise the quarantine on March 7.
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  • 109 5 London, March 4, 4,30 a.m. Amsterdam: In Berlin, Bethmann Hollweg received a deputation of the (so-called) most active of the Flemish groups from Flanders. lie expatiated on the affinities of the Germans and Flemings and said he would be glad to help the latter in the struggle
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  • 65 5 London, March 3, 6.0 a m. The correspondent of the Times at Peking says the Allied ministers have presented a memorandum tb the Chinese Government sympathising with its attitude towards Germany and promising favourable consideration of questions of suspending the Boxer indemnity payments during the war.
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  • 43 5 London, March 3, 10.35 a m. Amsterdam According to Belgian correspondents a new Zeppelin making its speed trials at Ghent on Feb 26 caught fire and exploded, the crew being burnt to death. Belgian eye-witnesses were arrested and taken to Germany.
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  • 30 5 London, March 4, 7.15 p.m. The Admiralty states that a destroyer was sunk with all bands in the North Sea on March 1, and was probably mined.
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  • 37 5 London, ilarch 3, 1.50 p.m. The death is announced of Mr. H. J. C. Cost, ex-M. P. for Stamford and Bermondsey and late editor of the Pall Mall Gazette, at the age of 56. Renter- Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  37 words
  • 26 5 Reuter. The Anti-Slavery of the Alorigines Protection Society has appealed to the Colonial Office to proclaim the freedom of 1*5.000 slaves in German Eaat Africa.— Reutcr-
    Reuter.  -  26 words
  • 86 5 V. S. A. Preparedness London, Marcii 3 1.20 a.m. Washington The Senate has paased a vote of 535 million "dollars for the Naval Appropriation Bill, without a division. Also 150 million dollars of bonds to provide an eme r gency fond, 115 midions tor the Presidenfto expedite naval
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  • 62 5 London, March 1, 1.30 p.m. Washington The State Department is informed that Germany is detaining Tour American Consnls until officially advised by the United States that they are allowing German Consuls to proceed to the posts in South America to which they have been assigned. Irritation is
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  • 45 5 London, March. 3, 12.20 p.m. Amsterdam Germany justifies the intrigne with Mexico against America on the groand that it constituted an intelligent anticipation, subsequently justified, of America abandoning neutrality. Germany is very angry at the M treachery whereby the intrigue was discovered.
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  • 48 5 London, March 3, 10.35 a.m. New York: At Tokio, Biron Motono told tbe Associated Press that he had received no proposal to join a possible war against the United States. Th* idea was ridiculous and was based on the outiageons presumption that Japan would abandon her Allies
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  • 64 5 London, March 4, 5.15 p.m. Tokio It is authoritatively stated that the German proposal of an alliance with Japan against America was never submitted to Japan in any form, officially or unofficially, but if it had been "of course there could have been only one reply." Tbe Premier
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  • 149 5 London, March 2, 7.55 a.m. Washington It is now known that Count Bern8torff was instructed from Berlin to arrange for the dismantling of German ships in the United States, simultaneously with the receipt by Mexico of Zimmermann's note. It is inferred by the detailed Instructions sent
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  • 160 5 London, March 4, 6.45 a.m. Washington In the Senate Mr. I Sherman read the Berlin despatch containing Herr Zimmermann's a l- mission of the Mexican plot. Thereafter Mr. Brandegee continued his speech regarding the armed neutrality Bill and ashed whether Americans were going to allow the
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  • 121 5 London, March 4, 9 25 p.m. Washington It is learned on the highest authority that President Wilson will arm American merchantmen and take any other necessary protecting steps, ever should the Senate be compelled automatically to adjourn on March 4, before passing the armed neutrality Bill, which
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  • 27 5 Allied Missions Retorn. London, March 4, 4.30 a.m The Allied Missions have returned from Russia and are most satisfied with the result of the visit.
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  • 74 5 London, March 4, 4.30 a.m. Petrograd The Duma bas debated the recent arrest of workmen. M. Konolaloff, Vice Pr sident uf the committee, describ-d the arrests as the gravest blunder, and paid a tribute to the patriotism of the workmen who were detormin d to make every sacrifice
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  • 310 5 (By courtesy of the French Consulate) Paris, March 2, 6.10 p.m. The French 3 per cent bonds are at francs 61.75, the 5 per cent at 87 90, and the new 5 per c-mt at at 88.10. Our artillery checked two coups de main on the north-east
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  • 34 5 untitled Golf Club. The Men's Monthly Medal (Begey) will be played for on Saturday and Sunday next 10th and 11th March. The Ladies' Medal (Stroke) will be played for on Thursday March 15th.
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  • 28 5 The February Medal has been yon by Dr. J. A. Campbell with 46 +45— 8 83. Mrs. J. W Haddon returned 47 47—8 86.
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  • 68 5 Officers v the Rest. A match under Rugby rules was played between the above on the Esplanade on Saturday before a large attendance which included H. E. the Governor, the Lady Evelyn Young and Mr. and Mrs. F. Seton James. The officers recorded an unconverted try in the first
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  • 160 5 In a supplement to the F.M.S. Gazette is published a Bill to re-enact the Public Emergency Enactment < f 1914. The "objects and reasons" state that the original Enactment, as amended, does not confer specific power to make regulations to prevent the spread of falte or alarming reports such as
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  • 382 5 POLICE COURTS. Gambling. Two Cbiaen and a Tamil, wbo were chareeil with gambling in public at Weiban R<nd, w-re fined 50 cents each, this morning. Inspector Cadwell charged twelve Chinese this morning with gambling in a den at 83 Bencoolen Street. Heading guiliy, the accused were fined $2
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  • 224 5 In the Divorce Division of the High Court of Justice, Mr. William Walter Acton, Works Department, Federated Malay States, petitioned for a divorce on the ground of the misconduct of his wife with a Mr. Taunton, described as being the managing director of a company concerned with the
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  • 181 5 The sever th annual general meet ing of the above Association, was held yesterday in the Association's library with Mr. C. Q. Lee in the chair. The Chairman, on moving the adoption of tbe Reports and Accounts, congratulated tbe members on the progress made during the past
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 418 5 ».ATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Victoriajheatre. RETURN VISIT 0 f Alfred Mirovitch The Famous Russian Pianist AND Michael Piastro VIOLINIST VIRTUOSO. TO-NIGHT AND Wednesday, March 7. Booking now open at MOUTRIE'S. 24-2 tic Haytor Rubber Estates, Limited. i r»rorpor»ted in the Straits Settlements.) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that at mi- Addohl General Meeting
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  • 67 6 Notes and Comments from all Parts of THE EMPIRE. BENGAL. Midnspore Special Tribunal. Calcutta, February 3.—Tho Midnapore Special Tribunal yesterday delivered judgment in the case <> Ashutosh Roy, who had absconded from Fandua in Hugbli District, the place of his internment and subsequently arrested at Sylbet. The Tribunal
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  • 95 6 Tai Maharaj Estate Poona, February 2—The handing over of the late Tai Maharaj's estate to her adopted son Sri Jagar.ath Maharaj took place yesterday when the young heir Jaganath in compony with Mr. Tilak, the trustee of the estate, Messrs. Patwardhan and Kar. andikar, pleaders, received charge of Rs.
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  • 392 6 Lying-in-Hospital. Visit by H E Lady Peotland The Raja Sir Ramasami Lying-in-Hospital in the Monegar Choultry Road was honoured by a visit from Her Excellency Lady PentUnd: Lady Runiasami, her son Mr. S. V. Ramasami and his daughter, representing three generations of ono of the oldest and most hououred
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  • 151 6 Rice in Rangoon- Rangoon, February 7. —Rice firms in Rangoon have not been taken by surprise by the announcement that tbe British Government had decided to take over all rice shipped from Burma to the United Kingdom under freight contracts already entered into. The firms however are anxious to
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  • 636 6 Representation Wanted. In the course of his evidence before the Indian Industries commission, which is at present conducting an inquiry into the question of de. veloping tbe industries of India, Mr. M. M. S. Gubbay, CLE., Controller ot Currency at Calcutta made some interesting suggestions
    636 words
  • 112 6 Orders for March. To-day Parades at Boustead Institute 5.15 p.m.—Route March. Dismiss at Boustead Institute. Friday March 9. Parades at Pearls Hill and Tanjong Pagar 5.15 p.m. Monday March 12. Entire Company Parade at Pearls Hill 5.15 p.m. Friday March 16 Parades at Pearls Hill and Tanjong
    112 words
  • 14 6 Vessels in communication at noon vith the local Commercial Wirelrw> Station —Nil.
    14 words
  • 833 6 Prices Quoted ii the Market tkit Morakt. SINGAPORE, MABCH 6. Meaara Lyall and Evatt, Exchange and Share Broken, issue the following list of quotationa Rubber Shares. Ncm. Value. Buyers. Sellers. If- Allagar 2 6 2/10 S Anglo Java 4/6 6/6 2/- Anglo-Malay 10/- 13/ 1 Ayer Kuning
    833 words
  • 67 6 Singapore, March J. On London— Bank 4 mfn. 2/4$ Demand 2/4} Private 3 mfn. 2/5 •n India— Bank T. T. Oa Hongkong— Bink d/d i%pm. On BhargLai— Bank d/d. 66J )n JavaBank T. T 137 i On Japan— Bank d/d. 109$ Sovereigns—baying rate 8.54 India Ceil Bills last issae
    67 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 215 6 There is no Better Ale Than* BULLDOG ALE ON SALE AT The Leading Hotels AND Principal Liquor Dealers. "Raffles Hotel. ĕ SPECIAL DINNER ON SATURDAY. RAFFLES REFRESHMENT ROOM Open from 8 a. m. to 12 p. m. daily Raffles Bakery and Confectionery THE BEST IN TOWN. Tjpoountry orders promptly executed.
      215 words
    • 256 6 WE ARE THE LARGEST MANUFACTURERS OF ■■Sim harmoniums In the East. Mm. W Prices from RS. 12-12. CATALOGUES FREE. MODEL HARMONIUM COMPANY. L Manicktola Street, Beadon Square, CALCUTTA. Tele. Address M MODEL." «1 Drink Foreign Mineral Waters ZOM OUR LOCAL PRODUCT Is the Best Natural Mineral Water PGR THB TROPICS.
      256 words
    • 60 6 INSANITY CURE. Dr. W. C. Roy's specific for Insanity is the only remedy for the disease. Of over 50 years standi g, spoken of highly by the leading Physichns of the day, found to cure all forms of Insanity, Neurasthenia, Hysteria, Epilepsy, e!c. Price Rs. 5 per bottle:—Apply for liteiature
      60 words
    • 505 6 BANKS CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA AUBTRALIA AND CHINA.' IHCORPORATSD IN OKI i. n BY ROYAL CHARTi;£ ReaerveFund I gjftOOO Reserve Liability of Proprifto^ ooo BANKERS. Tho Bank of England. Th« I™a City and Midland BankLtclt? Bank, Ltd., The National Provincial Bank of England Ltd., The Na JS Bank of Scotland,
      505 words
  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 128 6 FIXTURES. To-day. Indragiri meeting, Evatt's, noon. Mirovitohand Piastro, Vic. Theatre, Sacred Concert, Pres. Church. Moon In Apogee. lOh. A. High Water—7.53 a.m., 7 ft. 7 in. 9.44 p.m. 7 ft. 4 ins. To-morrow-Westen Concert at Y.M.CA., 9 p.m. High Water—8.56 a.m., 8 ft 1 in.; 10.14 p.m. 7 ft. 8
      128 words

  • 1082 7 Interesting Face's. Thfit the lower animils have s< me method of coinmunici;ing vita one another ia well known, but bow this is dove, is a matter of much sp'culation. Some, like PfoffcMOC Garner, the American scieuti-t, believe they have an audible like man while others think they commuo;.:\te
    1,082 words
  • 116 7 Mr. McLaren's "Political History of Japan has some interesting pages on the Treaty of Portsmouth which ended the Russo-Japanese War. Unlike Mr. Smalley and other admirers of the late Count Witte, the author declares that the Russian negotiators were ont-man<envred. They went, he says, prepared to throw the blame of
    116 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 622 7 NOTICES GOVERNMENT NOTICE. straits Settlements 6 per cent 3 War Loan. Holder* Provisional Receipts in the above !•>■■ are hereby notified that the boadi *re n jw ready for issue aD( ma y he obtaine t in exchange for the Provisional Receipts from the Banks which issued them. •2 3
      622 words
    • 511 7 JTfCES_ Singapore Hot Springs, Ltd. NOTICE. Our customers are hereby notified that the prices of our manufactures are revised as from March Ist 1917. New price lists are obtainable at our Town Office, No. 6, Upper Circular Road. 28-2 6 3 NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that Mr. P. R.
      511 words
    • 614 7 WANTED STENOGRAPHER WANTED. anted immediately experienced Stenographer for Java. Excellent prospects for tii>stclass man. Apply in person to Francis Peek Co., Ltd. Laidlaw Buildings. 24-2 u Bill Collector Wanted. Good experienced Bill collector with first class references. Lottery A. H. 49 care of Malaya Tribune. 28.2 n TYPIST WANTED Wanted
      614 words
    • 74 7 I GIVING NATURE A I I LITTLE ASSISTANCE I 1 PINKETTES are dainty little laxative pills I I that give nature just the gentle assistance needed I I to establish regular habits of health. They even I I correct chronic constipation, jj I 50 cents at your druggist's or direct
      74 words
    • 357 7 |NSUB^NCE_ SOUTITBRItISH INSURANCE CO. LTD. INCORPORATED IS NEW ZEALaM FIRE Inußratces effected on Buildm*. Ken: an i Mer-Uadise of rw description MARHI Insurances accepted to a parts of the wcrld at Icwist ran WAR RISE accepted to all parts. J. HENRY Manager Officer 2, Finlayson Green. HEUNC ON INSURANCE CO..
      357 words
    • 341 7 A mW mrJĔ mm Emm 0w ■I™* ff *m Evcy seat M»ld out by 9.1") p. m, a Wi UlttetpatC anther big hai c to night, so tet here eaily. No ordinary picture lid A Big, Wonderful Production. "I Son of the Immortals" A MoTin< Picture Version of the Woild-Fnincd
      341 words

    • 24 1 Straits Shipping Gazette. Issued Daily.] SUPPLEMENT TO THE MALAYA TRIBUNE. Issued Daily.] Vol. IV. No. 53 SINGAPORE, MONDAY, MARCH 5, 1917 PRICE 5 CENTS.
      24 words
    • 882 1 The agreement between the F« derated Seamtn's Union of Australasia *and Australian shipowners expired on the 30th November last, and the union have now put forward a claim for more pay, less work, and greater ctmfort, which proves, at all events, that they are not lacking in modesty.
      882 words
    • Page 1 Advertisements
      • 536 1 To Let. P.&O.British India AND APCAR LINE (Companies Incorporated in England.) MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES. Peninsular and Ori ntal Sailings. (Under C mtract with His Majesty's Government.) For China, Japan, Penang, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports and London. MAIL LINES. Homeward (For Europe) f Outward (For China.) INTERMEDIATE
        536 words
      • 62 1 Stoomvaart Maatschappy Nederland" AND Rotterdam lloyd" (Incorporated in Holland) (Royal Dutch Mail Companies). REGULAR MAIL SERVICE Between Java, Singapore, Hongkong. Yokohama and San Fransisco and vice versa For freight, passage and further particulars Apply to Internationale Grediet Handelsvereeniging Rotterdam (Incorporated in Holland.) 28 2 6-3 Cotton and Flax I Canvas.
        62 words
      • 430 1 Train Service Singapore (Tank-Road) Dally. Mail Daily leaves for the north at 7.7 a.m. and 7 p.m. Other trains leave for Johore at 9 a.m., 10.29 a.m., noon, 1.30 p.m., 2.55 p.m. and 4.40 p.m. Mail arrives from north at 8.16 a.m. and 7.14 p.m. Trains leave from Johore 7.9,
        430 words
      • 609 1 I To Let. N. Y. K. NIPPON YUSEN KAISHA (INCORPORATED IN JAI AN) JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP Co EUROPEAN LINE. A service is maintained between Yokohama via ports to Marseille* ai d bond m i mail contract with the Imperial Japanese Government. The New T« ii-^ re w Su2Z maintaining this
        609 words