Malaya Tribune, 13 October 1914

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Malaya Tribune
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 769 1 MJtfx i I v. ws iifX.fERCUSONi'' MIUMO wstiu JJ 1 U^>* ua SCOTCH WHlSKa 1**, '*>» > LESS THAN FOUR PER CENT:— Under what is known as a Limited Payment Life Policy taken out by a man aged 30 we place in our books any sum from $1,000 upwards to
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  • 515 2 The Courts Enactment, 1914. Rales made by His Highness the Sultan under the provisions of section 58 (i) of The Courts Enactment, 1914, for Regulating the admission of persons to be Advocates and Solcitors of the Supreme Court, and the suspending of them from Practice or the striking
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  • 183 2 We are glad to see that the Government have at last decided to have the important parts of the various mining enactments translated into Chinese. In a country where the larger part of the industry is in the hands of the Chinese, it is surely necessary
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 341 2 C t//NNE sS AJSIMPLEINOU RISHINGI FOOD OF.H IGH MEDICINAL VALUE. O BTAIN ABLE~~AT' ALIT STO RES £HOTECSr&ICLU BS\ KIM HIN Co., SOLE AGENTS. 12-5 Important Notice to Contractors Bnilders. The United Saw Mills, Ltd., (Incorporated in the Straits Settlements.) AUTHORISED CAPITAL $1,000,000 BOARD OF DIRECTORS. DR. LIM BOON KENG. CHAIRMAN.
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  • 1044 3 Trouble On Tbe B I. S. N. Clunda Continued from 12th October.) Ye*t< :v..;\ even ng tiie Captain and Officers on the B. I. S. N. Company's s.s. Chanda left the ship to attend the funeral of Cadet Fletcher, of the *s. Cbupta, leaving
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  • 378 3 Interview With the Manager. Mr. C. L. Ellis, the Manager of the Burma Oil Company'm installation on the beach, interviewed, gave the following interesting story He was on his bed upstairs in his bungalow at about 9-20 p.m. when he heard a report, and a shell dropped
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  • 31 3 A London daily states that quite recently tae King of the Belgians shot and killed a chauffeur in order to prevent him kidnapping him and compelling his surrender to the K^i-er..
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 288 3 J. I. JIYATILAKA, :0: Licensed Surveyor OF VAST EXPERIENCE Counting over 35 years' service! Ceylon and the Straits Government. Work Under Personal Supervision CHARGES MODERATE. No. 8f« Tank Road. 10-7 Cbe Continental Stamp Co. We hold a large stock of Asiatic European stamps of Rarity. m< d< rate. Approval sheets
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    • 298 3 Tuition by Correspondence FOR Oxford and Cambridge Locals, London University Matriculation, Hongkong University Matriculation, Professional Preliminary Examination, S. S. and F. M. S. Medical School Entrance Examination AND ALL EXAMINATIONS IN CONNECTION WITH GOVERNMENT CLERKSHIPS IN THE B.& AND V M.S. Prospectus and Scale of Fees on Application Co THE
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  • 1036 4 The fourth annnal general meeting of the Jimah Rubber Estates, Limited, was held yesterday at noon, in the Exchange Buildings. Mr. James BaodfiMß wh In the chair. There very also present Messrs James McClymont, F. C Peck, St. V. B. Down. J. P. de 1 oseck
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  • 261 4 European Held Dp at Bentong by Chinese Highwaymen. We learn from the Malay Mail that Mr. K. Ingram, of Karak Estate, Bentong, had a very exciting experience in Bentong district last Thursday. According to a report made to the Kuala Lumpur Police, he travelled by sewa car
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  • 211 4 [By Rudyard Kipling For all we have and are, For all our children's fate, Stand up and meet the war. The Hun is at the gate Our world has passed away In wantonness o'erthrown. There is nothing left to-day Hut steel and fire and
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  • 18 4 Rear-Admiral K.F.R. Andrau passed away at The Hague at the age of J0 years, about three weeks ago.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 186 4 JOHN LITTLE Co.'s SPECIAL SEWING MACHINE. Complete ully Guaranteed EvcryVtail lift Yon, With Cover, Extra Needles twenty Special Parts. j HOTEL van WIJK DURING THE WAR SPECIAL RATES lor MONTHLY BOARDERS. TEL. ill K. J. J. TIDDENS, Manager. CHEE ENG SONS, ESTABLISHED 1859. 7f v North Bridge Road. CIVIL, NAVAL,
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  • 603 5 Tbe Spahis and Turcos. Tbe French forces contain a nambff of black troops which were reught over from Africa in the eearae of the first fortnight after the jeclaration of war, and which have well. Their total number can jD.vl-e guessed, but it is probable that tbef
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  • 203 5 War Plans Bunflei People s litter Mood laiser Worn and HatfarJ. New York, Sept. 10.—Messages from Germany state that all Germany is in the deepest mourning. The only news published consists of enormous lists of casualties. There is a sentiment abroad that Germany's great military staff has
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  • 546 5 Up Guards and At 'Em Letters From Soldiers at the Front. M You thought it was a big crowd that streamed out of the Crystal Palace w K en we went to see the Cup Final. Well, outside Compiegne it was just as if that crowd came at us. You
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  • 299 5 An account of the fine shooting of the gunners on board the Lion, Admiral Beatty's flagship, and the sinking of one of the German cruisers in the recent fight off Heligoland, is given by a young Wimbledon navyman who is serving on board
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  • 114 5 Simla, Sept. 17. —A Pioneer cablegram says that the beginning of the Allies' victory was the seizure by Field Marshal Sir John French of tbe opportunity presented by General Yon Kluck's crossing his front. General Allenby's cavalry brigade reported that the whole of the army was
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  • 58 5 There was a General named Kluck, Who eternallyiiad bad luck, He thought he could fight, When leading the Right, But he found our Tommies, could buck The Orris Gote [Kliick, it may be mentioned, is in command of the German Right Wing, and has made more than one
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  • 292 5 Peking, Sept. 22. The following is a summary of China's reply to the last German protest in connection with Kiaochow: The Chinese Government has rendered the German Legation two Notes concerning her position in Shangtung and the question of her neutrality
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  • 143 5 Amsterdam, Sept. 11.—The Cologne Gazette states that 1,000 English soldiers are prisoners at Douberitz, the military exercise ground at Berlin, and are being well treated. Tne Gazette protests against English officers being allowed to play tennis and suggests that they would be better occupied in
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  • 123 5 London contemporaries say that some of the German prisoners say that the speech delivered by the Emperor William to the troops on their departure for the front was of a character which the Press is forbidden to reproduce. The t*xt of it appears to have been approximately
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  • 454 5 Following are from London and Petrograd wires of 18 and IS* Sept. Sanguinary fighting is still takingplace along the front between Lublin and Cholin (Poland), where> the tenth Austrian Army corpe) attempted to break the Russian lines. The Russians also captured numerous cannons and machine guns. The
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  • 64 5 To Ii join Their Ihitx We were officially informal hs w*» were going to press yest»*Miaj, that a cable has been received at Head Quarters Office from tbe War Office," intimating that passages home are authorised for O.fleers of the Special Reserve to join their units. Applications
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  • 924 6 Will the fall of Antwerp lead in the near future to a bombardment of that port by British or AngloFrench squadrons, or hasten the day when the Kaiser's High Seas Fleet, emerging from the Kiel Canal or other anchorages, will at last give battle to the British
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  • 602 6 Napoleon's campaigns and war* are being completely overshadow by the conflict now raging between the armies of the Allies (France. England and Belgium) and that of Germany in what may be styled the Western Campaign or theatre of w T ar. A decisive Napoleonic fight
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 288 6 ROBINSON Co.'s PATENT LEVER WATCH. Absolutely Cliaran,eed Non. A Magnetic. &<A Timekeeper. //V OC/R A/ElrV Special Dust-proof Pure Nickel Case. Price $5.50 DON'T HOARD YOUR CASH. Take out a good substantial policy in The Great Eastern Life Assurance Company, Limited. The head of every family should ask himself this pertinent
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    • 163 6 Handy Useful These unique scissors are the most convenient and useful article for the pocket of either lady or gentleman, being compact, light, made of the finest steel and nigniy nickel plated. They combine the following distinct appliances Scissors, button hole scissors, cigarcutter, ruler, cigar box opener, penknife, glass cutter,
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  • 525 7 London is full of Belgian and French refugees. The Russians have renamed Jjeinberg. It is now called Lvoff. —:o:— Mr. H. Brett, late of Kuala Lumpur. has been gazetted Sub-Lieut, in the King's Royal Rifles. —:o:— Sir Frank Swettenham has been appointed Private Secretary to the Chief
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  • 85 7 Important Notification. It is officially notified in a Government Gazette issued yesterday that the Wharf Manager, Singapore Harbour Board, has been deputed to control the supply of bunker coal in the Port of Singapore. No coal may be loaded, whether from the wharf or roads, unless an application
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  • 133 7 Mrs H. B. Salmond, (Istana Lama, Keppel Harbonr, Singapore), begs to acknowledge, with* many thanks, the following contributions I Previously acknowledged 6,616 B. N. 50 Capt. J. Forbes 25 A. M. McNeil 25 R. 0. Winstedt 25 M. C. J. 35 H. W. Firmstone 50 F. E.
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  • 314 7 The recruiting authorities in England have commandeered the large offices lately occupied by the Ham-burg-America Line in Cockspur street, London. Mr. Ong Kiara Guan has been elected President of the Bukit Bahru Football Club, vice Mr. Khoo Thiam Teck resigned, and Mr. Wee Ban Swee has been appointed to nil
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  • 36 7 Reuter's Services. Further Interesting Particulars of the Defence. The Bombing of Paris: Mischievous Destructiveness the Object ALLIES STILL GAINING GROUND BUT NOTHING DECISIVE ACHIEVED. Gross Libels on England in the German Press.
    Reuter's Services.  -  36 words
  • 313 7 Details of the Recent Fighting on German Right. Muck Hakes Another Blonder Clever Work by Allies. London, Oct. 12, 9.45 a.m. The French papers, describing the fighting since the last week in September, say that after the occupation of Roye the German Right Wing was practically enveloped,
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  • 143 7 How tit Cat Trafalgar was Beaten London, Oct. 12, 1 p.m. The Press Bureau publishes a narrative of the fight between the Bri- tish auxiliary cruiser Carmania and the German auxiliary cruiser Cap Trafalgar (mentioned in Aug. 20th cables when the Cap Trafalgar was sunk), which says
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  • 152 7 THE FALL OF ANTWERP. Story of the Final Stand. Tardy Reinforcements Prove Useless. London, Oct 12, 5-15 a.m. Two English correspondents, who stayed in Antwerp to the end, escaped in a motor-boat as the Germans were entering. A despatch to the Morning Post says that the Belgians on
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  • 71 7 Vidian Women and Children London, Oct. 12, 12.25 p.m. Paris: Four were killed and twenty injured by the aeroplane bombs. These victims were mostly women and children. More Bombast. A flag was found iuscribed 44 We have taken Antwerp. Your turn will come soon." Damafc to Notre
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  • 70 7 London, Oct. 12, 5-30 p.m. A Paris communique states that an aeroplane dropped six bombs to-day and was pursued by five French aviators of the defensive Air Corps being formed in Paris. The damage to Notre Dame consisted of six small beams of the roof being smashed at
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  • 73 7 Allies Gaining Ground in Centre and Right. London, Oct. 12, 5.50 p.m. A Paris communique states The* cavalry actions on our Left continue in the districts of Labasse and Hazebrouck. The enemy between Arras and the Oise have attempted several attacks which have failed, notably at Lassigny
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  • 41 7 Only Suburbs Captured Forts Still Holding Out. London, Oct. 12, 0 p.m. Paris communique, afternoon Twenty-four of the Antwerp forts on both banks of the Scheldt are resisting energetically. The Germans as [yet only occupy the suburbs.
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  • 103 7 Poor Germany Was Obliged to be Destructive! London, Oct 12, 1 p.m. Amsterdam The Berliner Tageblatt makes the fall of Antwerp the text for a violent denunciation of England. It says 44 Behind the Belgian defenders stood England, one may say, with whip in hand. When
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  • 39 7 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Oct. 13. Mr. G. E. Wright-Motion has published the accounts of the cafe chantant held here for the benefit of the Prince of Wales Fund. The total receipts were $1,415.
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  • 35 7 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Oct. 13. The marriage was solemnized to-day, at St. George's Church, of Mr. F. Brooksbank, Manager of the Kinta Association, Tanjong Rambutan, and Miss Howell of Hove, England.
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  • 39 7 The British Government is providing food and shelter for tinpoorer refugees from the Continent. A novel sight in England are the camps %of German prisoners at Aldershot and elsewhere, where the captured enemy are enclosed with electrified wire entanglements.
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  • 479 8 CONCERT AT THE VICTORIA THEATRE. A Delightful and Successful Entertainment. The Vict >ri i Theatre wa,s packed fromflior li ceiling last night on the occasion of the public entertainment in aid of the Prince of Wales' Belief Fund. I be object in itself would have appeal*'
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  • 155 8 PART I. Pianoforte Rhapsodi»- Luzt Mrs. M. Mottitiso.v Sung* < a) The Yeomen of England Ed. German 'h It a long way to Tippe/ary .lark J*dn and Harry KB. E. J ,B?:s nktt. Recitations <a> The Highwayman A. No\ pfc f» An Uyll of Battle Hollow Bret Harte Mi:-.
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  • 480 8 Court and Police News. Before the Chief Justice, the Hon. J. A. S. Bucknill, K.C. in the Supreme Court yesterday, the examination of Mr. A. Frankel, in the bankruptcy case of Ho Yang Peng, took place. Sir E. C. Ellis represented the Official Assignee, Mr. Cooke Yarborough for
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  • 85 8 Colonel Walker, of the M.S. OoidaiL and Colonel Lurasden, of Lii'usden Rom (S. A.), were busy When the last mail left drilling reemits. Captain Graham is also taking a hand.—M.M. —:o: The Java Bod« resents the overattitu «l« of a certain section of Germans in Java. The Datch Government is
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  • 135 8 Stabbed to Death in Shanghai. Shanghai, Sept. 22. Fang Hung-shen, formerly editor of the Shanghai daily paper Mm Li Pao, was stabbed to death in bis house in French-town early on Sunday morning. The assassins, who are supposed to number four, recently rented a bouse
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  • 244 8 The following circular letter was issued last month in London by one of the Eastern Banks to its clients:— In connection with bills which we have negotiated, accepted or received for collection drawn against shipments of goods in German and Austrian steamers which are reported to have
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  • 206 8 London, Sept. 13.—The First Lord of the Admiralty (Mr. Winston Churchill), addressing a recruiting meeting in the London Opera House, said Britain in the next 12 months would build twice as many battleships as Germany. She would also build fourfold the number of cruisers. Britain was prepared
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  • 56 8 We are indebted to the courtesy of Messrs Derrick and Co. for the following returns from gold and tin mines for which they are the Local Secretaries j Kaub Gold, for the 4 weeks ended 10th inst the result showed 1,018 onnces of gold won. Belat Tin, September output, 314
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 287 8 NORTH BRITISH CLINCHER MOTOR TYRES The Tyres that are superior for they are made of PLANTATION RUBBER." We beg to announce that we have I been appointed Sole Agents in the S.S, and F.M.S. for the North British Rubber Co., London, and now hold full stock of the above tyres.
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  • 162 9 [H< do not necessarily endorse th*. opinion* expressed by correspondents.} Great Rise of Prices in Singapore. To the Editor of the Malaya Tribune. Dear Sir.—Can you give any reaaon why the traders have raised the prices of the following Dry chillies from l. r > eta. to60 cis. per
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  • 228 9 To the Editor of the Malaya Tribune. Dear Sir, —The Belgian Minister in London urgently appeals for help in relieving the immediate necessities of Belgian refugees who are arriving in England homeless and almost destitute. In order to assist these poor people I propose sending at
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  • 221 9 British. Cyclops, arrived October 12. Sect. 8 Wharf, Fan Sang, arrived October 12. Sect. 2 Wharf. Nam Yong, arrived October 12. Inner Roads. Kazembe, arrived October 12. Outer Roads. Ipoh, arrived October 12. Inner Roads. Selangor, arrived October 12. Inner Roads. Benavon, arrived October 12. Sect. 5 Wharf.
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  • 116 9 Tuesday, 13th. Tides: High water 1..V2 a.m. 5.16 p.m. Wednesday. 14th. Anglo-Chinese BoHooL Old Boy-' AattCH. ",.l."> }).m. Anniversary of the Battle of Jena. IMoC. Tides: High water :—7.4 a.m. Uu p.m. Thursday, 15th. Mandai Tekong Ruhber BstatttS, Ltd.. Meeting, j Noon. Biblical and Library Research S>ci. ty. Meeting,
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  • 74 9 Singapore, October, IS. On London Bank 4 m/s. 2/4 7/16 Demand 2/4 1/16 Private 3 m/s. 2/4 3/4 On India— Bank T. T. 174$ On Hongkong B,mk d/d 23] On Shanghai— Bank d/d. t(XH On Java— Bank T. T. 142 On Japan Bank d/d. 114J Sovereigns—buying rate $8.54 India
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 316 9 PRINCE OF WALES' FUND A GRAND CONCERT WILL BE GIVEN IN THE Y. m. c. n*, ORCHARD ROAD, On Frida\. October 16th, at 9 p.m. s KID OF THK ABOVE FUND. is v> be an excellent pro- to which some of the most r !x-al artistes are ccntrilmWe hope that
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    • 490 9 MUNICIPAL NOTICE. Notice is he-eby Riven that th* books contain ng the valuations of and rates impose d on buildings and lands situated within the Municipality of the Town and Fort of Malacca for the "Year 1915 are open to the inspection of Rate-payers at the MuniciDal Office, Riverside, daily
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 138 9 MAILS CLOSES. Manila. Hongkong and Japan P ,n1, j Bangkok P ,m Batavia, Cheribon, Samarang and Sourabaya P ,in Hongkong P-JJ?* P. Dickson and P. Swettenham P nl Malacca and Muar P* m Singkawang. Pani angkat and Sambas P- In j Malacca. Penang and Colombo P m Batu Pahat P
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    • 174 9 Money Order b«»ine»s with the undermentioned countries and place# abroad is suspended Austria Hungary Austrian Agencies in Ladrone (or Marianne the Levant. Afeia Islands) Minor, etc. Luxemburg Belgium Marshall Islands Bosnia-Herzegovina New Guinea 'German Brazil Protectorate) Cameroon* Novi Bazar (Austrian Caroline Island- Field Post in) China (German Post Pelew Islands
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  • 497 10 Legal Proceedings in Colombo. German Wanted to Lie Dormant A tew days ago judgment was delivered in Colombo in an action by Germans against British subjects, the Ceylon Observer's report of the final stHge of somewhat lengthy proceedings reading as follows Mr. Schneider, Acting D J., delivered
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  • 146 10 As a result of aerial scouting it has been ascertained that some of the German warships have landed their guns to be used for landward defence. Other ships, however, are in full fighting trim. Mr. G. E. Cardew, a.d.0., Bentong, has been recalled to England to rejoin his regiment (the
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 164 10 GAMET Siberian Pheasants, English Pheasants, English Partridges, Scotch Grouse. Siogapore Cold Storage Co., LIMITED. SINGAPORE AND BRAIN CHKS. AMERICAN BARBER CHAIRS. KCKEN'S RND JIRCHER'S. OBTAINABLE FROM: A. FRANKEL CO., Via °<" s Telephone No. 10 70. Have Your Photo Taken at:— LEE BROTHERS STUDIOS. I 58-4 Hill Street or Branch
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    • 82 10 SALE/4 NOW <$> f/ j 1914. /a> GREAT jSr /a /ALL DEPARTMENTS 7 FOB 15 DAYS ONLY. j ALBERT L. A. DALEY, j UNDERTAKER No. 157, MIDDLE ROAD. 'Phone No. 619. Established 1897 Xgjg/ M essrSi Dottridge Bros., Ltd. 4 1 LONDON AS AH I BEER R SAPPORO ■H BLACK
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  • 788 11 Japanese Non con bat ants Confined in Germany. Gross 111 Treatment Suspected {Japan Times, Sept. 5.) As will have been seen from the embassy and consulate dispatches from Germany, published in our Thursday's issue, there are some fifty Japanese subjects kept in confinement in Germany for no
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  • 407 11 Of equal interest to the banking position at home is just now that in Germany. The returns of the Reichsbank, of course, do not reach this side direct, but from Dutch sources the figures covering the third week of August have come to hand. They show
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  • 140 11 A Java paper publishes a Hague message stating that it is rumoured that Mr. P. Tercher, Manager of Messrs Th. Kenow Soeberg, Tandjong Poera, has been captured as a spy in Brussels. It has been ascertained that the frightful havoc created by the German troops in Termonde, recently, was due
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 271 11 GOODRICH TYRES AMERICAN TYRES I FOR I AMERICAN CARS Obtainable at all Garages SELF-DEFENCE A knowledge of Jiu-Jitsu makes you a totally different man. Timidity disappears and you feel confident in your ability to old your own against ruffians no matter what herculean strength they may possess. JIU-JITSU hes you
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    • 411 11 Notice turn mr* co 7 108 109, Market Street, Telephone No. 421. Shipchandlers, Government and Municipal, Contractors, Estate Suppliers and Commission Agents. Sole Agents The Mulcott Belting Co., Ltd. Best Multiplar Brand Hair Beltings. 18-7 CREDIT! CREDIT! CREDIT! If You Want Credit Come to os. WE STILL BELIEVE IN CREDIT.
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 322 12 Shipping Koninklijke Paketvaart Maatschappij Royal Packet Navigation Co., of Batavia. 2—3. Collyer Quay. Under Contract with the Netherlands India Government. The undermentioned dates of departure are only approximate. Hist, a radja Mnntok and Palembang Oct. 14 VAir HOGENDOBP Tanjong-Mengeidar, Tanjong-Leidong, Beroaabang, Faneh, Asahan and Belawan-Deli Oct. 15 HTKCLMAK Balawan-Deli Oct.
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    • 157 12 Seang Line of Steamers. FOR HONGKONG, AHOY. SWATOW PENANG AND RANGOON. These steamers have excellent accommodation for passengers, and carry qualified surgeons. They have Electric Lights throughout For freight or passage, apply to GIONG HOE Co., Agents, or SARKIES BROTHERS. [For First-Class Passage only.] The Eastern Shipping Co., Ltd. FOR
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    • 184 12 Shipping P. 0. Steam Navigation Company. For China, Japan, Penang, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, j Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London. For Freight, Passage and Farther Information, I Hppljj fo: H. W. BUCKIAND, AGENT. Wanted LINOTYPE OPERATOR WANTED. Wanted an experienced Linotype operator. Forward copies of testimonials or references and
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    • 417 12 Banks CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA, AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. Paid up Capital in 60,000 Shares of £20 each £1,200,000 Reserve Fund £1,800,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors £1,200,000 BANKERS. The Bank of England, The London City and Midland Bank, Ltd., The London County and Westminster Bank, Ltd., The
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    • 380 12 Notice GUAN KIAT GO, Ship-Chandlers, Government an* Municipal Contractors, General Importers and Exporters, and Com mission Agents, Estate, RiceSSt and Saw-MiU Suppliers M,l! 37, PHILLIP STREET. Telegraphic Address: GUANKIAT Codes A. B. C. nth Edition and Telephone Nos. 1233 <fc 1174 (Private 1450.; Sole Agents for GLOBE BOILER FLUID, THE
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