Indian Daily Mail, 11 November 1947

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Indian Daily Mail
  • 15 1 Indian Daily Mail Vol. 111. No. 232. SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1947 PRICE 10 CENTS
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  • 391 1 Indian Troops Score Decisive Victory Sheikh Abdullah In Charge Of Administration (From Our Own Correspondent) Nh w DELHI. Nov. It.—With the occupation of liaramula. the first ,f m'l"ar> operations in Ka>!.mir is o\er. The rebels in (iilgit and fulmars ar« f"* 1"^ *a >
    Reuter  -  391 words
  • 161 1 Welcoming the delegates of nearly twenty countries assembled at the Asian Regional Conference, of the 1.L.0. held in New Delhi on Oct. 27, the Hon'ble Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, India's Prime Minister, expressed the hope that the Conference would consider all problems in terms of the
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  • 110 1 "KAMI l.\. KASHMIR, Noi 10. b-wegt pHatier tribesmen wh 1 Kashmir w. today reeling k al'-r beiag decisively defeat**! Gtwnuaeat of India troops. fl cars and hosedrawn tongas. on Jdtt iad m font, «ut i.:mo of the *w, bulk of remaaati of a farce •nfiMlly estimated a
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  • 207 1 k W.APORF. Nov. 10.— A Bangt.tH«i.V pa ,fh flayed for 24 honrs 2? the Siamese Post Office N n a c n T explanation, and rece"jJik WPOPf this afternoon, C c Premier Marshal Phitrj#<l ™mrfchram earlv Sunday njjt Premier Thamrong. W n l p nibun, heading
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  • 43 1 The offices of THE INDIAN DAILY MAIL will be closed to-day on account of Deepavali, and hence there will be no issue of the paper to-morrow morning. THE INDIAN DAILY MAIL wishes all its readers a Happy Deepavali.
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  • 76 1 The Jewel Casket which the peoples of Singapore are presenting to 11.R.11. Princess Elizabeth on her wedding left Singapore yesterday morning at 9.30 by 8.0.A.C. plane. A total of $1,168.36 has been, realised from the Casket Exhibition, which was held from Nov. Ist to 9th,
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  • 619 1 PANDIT NEHRU INVITES PAKISTAN PREMIER TO DISCUSS THE ISSUE NEW DELHI, Nov. 10. A battalion of Indian Dominion troops with a few medium tanks last night entered Junagadh city, the capital of Junagadh state in Kathiawar peninsula, north of Bombay whose recent accession to Pakistan
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  • 154 1 INCOME TAX COMMITTEE REPORT OUT The Joint Committee on Income Tax which considered Mr. Heasman's recommendations have submitted their report to the Governors of the Malayan Union and Singapore. The Committee, whose report was released for publication yesterday, dealt with the Draft Bill clause by clause. Though several members of
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  • 135 1 Mahatmaji Praises Burma's Decision On Independence WEW DELHI, Nov. 10 Mahatnu Gandhi yesterday praised the Burmese people for their decision to declare their independence which he described as "probably a stage higher than in India" when he met the Burmese delegation to the Asian Regional Conference of the International Labour
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  • 148 1 Pakistan Will Be Crushed Warns India's Finance Minister IN THE EVENT OF WAR (From Our Own Correspondent) COIMBATORE, Nov. 10.— Replying to a civic address presented by the Coimbatore Municipality yesterday, Finance Minister Mr. R. K. Shanmukham Chetti declared if unfortunately war broke out between India and Pakistan, the latter
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  • 265 1 Immediate Formation ot Separate Tamil Province Demanded Madras, Nov. 10, The immediati vince with Tirupathi and Cape Tome capital araa demanded by the provia evening by the Tamil Arasu kazhaga Mr. Sivagnana Gnunani presidii "not merely for establishing a t*|M ciple.s of freedom, self-determination religious superstitions." Mr. Gramani said Andhras
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  • 89 1 LAKE BUCCEBS, New York, N.r. 10:. Dr. OawaMe Aranha, United Nations General Assembly President, yesterday suggested that delegates should keep th«'ir speeches as short as possible and speak only once in general debate. Dr. Aranha made this appeal in a letter to the Chairman
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  • 72 1 KHARTOUM, Nov 10: Sixteen Swedish dive bombers arri\ed here to day enroute to Addis Ababa .where they v^ ill become the nucleus of a nen Ethiopian air forcor Each of the <livo monitors carri I a crew of two Swedes. HoWTT, thev will be manned
    U.P.  -  72 words
  • 46 1 (From Our Own Correspondent) MADRAS. Nov. 10— Mr. John A. Thivv, Representative of the (;o\i. ol India >n Malaya has arrived here and is staying an the guest of Mr. Alaga^pa hettiar. He proposes :<> leave for olombo on Nov. 17. Cl>' > right.
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  • 150 1 INDIA'S PRICELESS NECKLACE PRESENT TO PRINCESS KARACHI Nov 10 Lord Mountbatteii. Cov* rnor neral of India, left Karachi by air for London to attend the wedding of Princess Elizabeth. He told Rcutei's correspondent that the pivsenl (he Dominion of India was giving to Princess Elizabcth was a arlciltes necklace. He
    Reuter  -  150 words
  • 83 1 SINGAPORE, Nov. 10.— Khuang Abhaiwong, former wartime Premier, way appointed Prime Minister Ol Siam. it wai announced by Bangkok Radio monitored here 'onight. The Radio added that the Supreme State Council would consist of Prince Rangsit of Jinal (Chairman > Prince Dhani Niva' Lieut. -Gen Prince
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 140 1 TO THE PEOPLE TELL YOUR PRODUCTS Through: TAMIL MURASU The Leading Tamil Daily in Malaya over 13 years, 71, SELEGIE ROAD, Singapore. NEW SELECTION OF SAREES NOW ON DISPLAY BENARES, BANGALORE KASHMIR SAREES Batin and Crepe Sarees with Jarl work each *35.00 plain with border and Jungle flowers in Bilrer
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  • 955 2 Wide Powers Vested Id Constituent Assembly Speaker Members Required To l fake New* Pledge NEW DELHI, Nov. 10. The legislative Rules and Standing Orders of the old Central Assembly have been adapted by the President of the Constituent Assembly to bring them in accord with
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  • 74 2 Rs. 50,000 REWARD FOR CAPTURE OF NAWAB \(From Our Own Correspondent: 1 KAJKOT, Nov. 10.— The Juinagadh Nawab's envoy Major Jones met Mr. Samaldas j Gandhi, head of the "Juna- gadh Provisional Govern- l nieiit" and discussed the terms j of settlement. j 'interviewed, Mr. Samaldasi Gandhi declared that the
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  • 64 2 LONDON, Nov. 10— The Earl and Countess Moum'oatten will arrive from India on Tuesday to attend the wedding of Princess Elizabeth. Earl Mount batten who is Lieut. Philip Mountbatten's nncle decided to make the trip despite the critical situation between India and Pakistan. His duties as
    U.P.  -  64 words
  • 423 2 NEW DELHI, Nov. q. Two prsons had again objected to the recitation of the verses from the Quran a t Mahatma Gandhi's prayer meeting recently. Mahatma Gandhi asked the audience if it was proper on his part not to hold the
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  • 149 2 SOEKARNO CALLS ON INDONESIANS TO OBSERVE UN DECISIONS RATA VIA, Nov. 10. President Sukarno of the Indonesian Republic, >roadeastiii K over Radio Jokjakarta, to-niuht appealed t 0 the Indonesian people to observe strictly the United Nations decisions regarding Indonesia "to give proof to the world th *U classes of Indonesian*
    U.P.  -  149 words
  • 93 2 MONTREAL, Nov. 10: Despite India's ban on non-essential good from Canada to save dollars, shipments to date to India exceeded thos< ot ether years. The greatest increase was in flour Since the arrival of the first ship months ago, approximately 00,00' tons have been sent
    Reuter  -  93 words
  • 245 2 NEW DELHI, Nov. 10.— Indian troops yesterday recaptured Bara inula, 19 miles from the Kashmir capital of Srinagar on the main road to Pakistan over which Mos lem tribesmen mounted their invasion, says a U.P. report. The government issued the following communique: "Continuing heir advance India
    U.P.  -  245 words
  • 64 2 RUSSIAN PEASANTS ON STRIKE DUEKBEN, Instanbul, Nov. 10. Radio Ankara asserted last night that Russian peasants had begun a partial strike refusing to harvest grain lor state delivery. In a broadcast to the Balkan nations, Radio Ankara said despite t tic Soviet Foreign Minister V. M. Molotov's reeent announcement of
    U.P.  -  64 words
  • 480 2 NEW DELHIL, Nov. If.— "History has been dishonestly and mischit > ously distorted, freebooters and looters ha\e In en dubbed as liberators and heroes, wanton and mas<s tragedies inflicted by the raiders on innocent, helpless and peaceful inhabitants of the villages hi the
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  • 364 2 DR. RAJENDRA PRASAD NEW DELHI. Nov. IQw— -"lndia has no materialistic designs or intentions of aggrandisement over any other nation in the world; we have nothing but good-will for all." said Dr. Ka.jendra Prasad, Food and Agriculture Minister, Government of India, speaking
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  • 1263 2 IP^^^gY OUR SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT I Congress Secretary's Urc^l io Premiers On Abolition 1 Put Zamindari^ystem I CONFERENCE OF REVENUE I MINISTERS SUGGESTED I ALLAHABAD, Nov. 10.— Mr. Shankar iUo IW r I Secretary of the Congress, in a circular to the iC' Revenue Minister of Congress
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  • 590 3 It Has Good Banking System Sound Financial Structure' MIA. Nov. 10.-'Th, linancial structure of India is II verv "S P ubic ha Koud banking a „d >on arc conduc ing vour B «dg«Ury affairs, in an dlertive n.anncr. observed Dr. <;,ad,.
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  • 221 3 "ALL. ROADS NOW LEAD TO COMMUNISM" LONDON, Nov. 10.— Soviet Foreign Minister V. M. Molotov said yesterday the secret of the atom bomb has long ceased to exist and charged the United States with trying to ring Russia with military bases for aggressive
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  • 184 3 WASHING, Nov. 10.— President Truman sent greetings t© the Ru»s>in people on the 30th anniversary of the Soviet revolu/ion, but omitted greetings t o the Soviet Government or to Nikolai Mikhailovich Shvernik. Predent of the Supreme .Soviet .of .the USSR. Last year President Truman
    U.P.  -  184 words
  • 51 3 j ..LONDON, Nov. 10.— The Air Secretary, Mr. Arthur Henderson, told the House of Commons in a written reply to a question to say that the Royal Air Force would be reduced from th« peak strength of 1,115,000 on July 1, 1945 to an estimated 366,000 n xt January 1.
    U.P.  -  51 words
  • 794 3 POLICE FIRE ON SATYAGRAHIS IN IMPHAL (From Qur Own Correspondent) GAUHATI, Nov. 10.— Twenty were injured when the Police opened Are on Satyagrahis in Imphal on Friday. The Manipur State Congress ha s launched Satyagraha demanding dis6oi*utioa of tlie Interim Council, the formation of a Constituent Assembly and the grant
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  • 383 3 BOMBAY, Nov. 10.— Mr. Patel, Deputy Secretary to the Ministry of Food. Government of India, said at a Press conference here that, although at their meeting last month the position had appeared gloomy, it w as now possible to strike an optimistic
    F.O.C.  -  383 words
  • 177 3 ARAB PLANS FOR SELF-DEFENCE BAGHDAD, Nov. 10.— An "Eastern Bloc" of Arab States, Turkey, Persia, India, Pakistan and Afghanistan, is being discussed in political circles here as a means of defence of the Middle East and the Muslim world against future aggression. Observers
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  • 118 3 U.P. LONDON, Nov. 10.—The big Four Foreign Ministers deputies' negotiations on the future of Germany were suspended on Friday to mark a Soviet holiday. The Russian deputy invited his colleagues to attend a celebration at the Soviet Embassy in memory of the Soviet October Revolution. The
    U.P.  -  118 words
  • 65 3 STOCKTON, CALIFORNIA, Nov. 10. Two persons died in a seven vehicle motor accident in which two buses crashed into a burning pile up of Ave cars on the highway 10 miles south of here today. Several" were injured. A highway patrolman said two cars collided and caught flre. The smoke
    U.P.  -  65 words
  • 96 3 WEDEMEYER REPORT STILL TOP SECRET WASHINGTON, Nov. It.— gentle* Owen Br*w«ter said he felt certain that the Senate Foreign Relations Committee would 'demand' In pec the secret Wedemeyer report on Chijiu, because the "Chinese situation is at least as important as that in Bnmpg." He said he understood the reason
    U.P.  -  96 words
  • 115 3 Indian Delegate Asks For Identical Marshall Plan For Asia WASHING KAN, Noy. 10.— Mr. S. Y. Krishnaswamy, Indian delegate to the World Food Council, said:. "As long as there is food available and countries are willing to buy and sell such transactions should no/ be impeded by the
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  • 73 3 NANKING, Nov. 10. Lord Ammon, head of the British Parliamentary Goodwill Mission to China, today sent a telegram from Hong Kong, thanking Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Shih Chieh "on behalf of the British Parliamentary Goodwill' Mission, I ask you to accept our thanks for
    U.P.  -  73 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 6 3 Kashmir ***e*: |7, MABVX BXftHT. MKOAM»*
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    • 302 3 'WHAT IS NAMED ON THE LABEL IS FOUND IN THE PACKET." Sole Importers F. A. Bartholomeusz Ltd. loi t turn*. STRIHGM'" 1 fifAUTfreffiii^/ When Tired GLANDB frayed NERVE CELLS are re-nourished When you fed Weak, Rundown. Depressed, your glands are simply tired dried up.' But you can now revive them.
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  • 343 4 SINGAPORE GOVT. TO NOTE POONA, Nov. 10. Three major alterations in favour of tenants have been made in the Rent Control Bill by the Select Committee which has now submitted its report. No tenant will now be required to face eviction because the premises
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  • 72 4 JUGJA, Nov. 10. Dr. A Kreikcn of the Duteh Education Department Will be leaving for Mexico, shortly. I i attend the UNESCO Conference which will discuss educational pro- blems says an Antara report quoting Amta. it is learned HuV h« intend- to forward a suggestion
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  • 120 4 School Garden Competition In Selangor -Ualay >crnacular schools n P^rts of Selaniror are hn ,OUS in th g schools are participating »n the com pet /ion th«. ImJi v.. i.i stcond since i -rv ,0 affair hiCh ■""P release' a K L I The school gardens are the efforts ol
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  • 177 4 liurma, Ceylon, 1 hina, Korea, and Philippines are the jl countries which ha\e non accepted invitation to take part in the |94g Olympic Games «n London. Imitations have been sent out to sixty count rit-s and already the number ol acceptances is record. The
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  • 61 4 TALK ON "HINDU DHARMA Lnder th». suspicei of the cultural .ommittee ol th« Sri Mariamman remple, Kuala Lumpur JSwanu Satyalanda Bharathi of Singapore will deivei a talk on "Hindu Dharma" at the remple premises tomorrow. Mr. T. Nadaraja Pillay Indian Agent will )reside. This will be followed by some Inlian
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  • 39 4 During the month ot October, H. K. he Governor of the Malay aA Union Made 19 Orders ot Uanishment in reelect of persons convicted of criminal >ffences or detained under the Banishment laws, says.
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  • 277 4 Patriot Chidambaram Pillay Day Celebration Committee, K.L. The Secretary V. O. C. Celebration Committee, Kuala Lumpur, writes: Patriot V. O. Chidambaram Pillay'a Rebembrance Day Cekbratiort Committee met at 7 Foci Avenue, ku<ilu Lumpur on Nov. (i at 1 p.m. to devise ways and means to celebrate the day on a
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  • 281 4 rhe main appeal for contribution to the Singapore Princess Wedding Celebration Fend has been issued in Urn languages.. Emphasis put on the facts that the fund is being rained for local use and that if the /arget is reached, the greater part of the
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  • 69 4 The following have been elected office-bearers of th« Netaji Memorial Library:— John Jaco^, President; K. J\. Damodaram, Vice-President; Sreedharan, Secretary; K. Kishnan, Treasurer; If. M. Decruz, Auditor, and eleven Committee members* The opening ceremony of this Library will be held shortly. This Library will be
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  • 397 4 The General Secretary, Malayan Indian Congress Head Quarters, Kuala Lumpur writes; The President of the Malayan Indian Congress will be coming to Singapore on a tour of all the Local Indian Congresses in the island. lie will be arriving on the morning of the Nov.
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  • 355 4 LETTER TO THE EDITOR Indian Labourers Still Coming To Malaya? Sir,— When I was in New Delhi I came to learn from the External Affairs Department, which is under Pundit Jawaharlal Nehru, that the ban on immigation of unskilled Indian labourers was still in force and y»t to my utter
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  • 44 4 MODERN LAW COURTS FOR CHINA Conference in 0V 1(J Th, courts should be?Jf? 1 »4 r > county i n China an i K4l courts should \.;S^? r major ot,. lIn bUifcJ 7* *ountp magi b t rak l now as judges.-u.j, Cor *u mri
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 258 4 Advrtisjren GRAND OPENING TONITE LILY CINEMA (Juo Chiat Road. Next to Geybng Market) MODERN EQUIPMENT AND PERFECT SOUND SYSTEM ''HUMAYUN' (Hindustani) Starring ASHOK KUMAR NARGIS BENA SHAH NAWAS— CHANDRA MOHAN. ETC. AT 7—9—12 P.M. Have you been to MECCA AND MEDINA, if not come and see yourself. Remember Gian Sin^h
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    • 77 4 hi: ah iu *.™{*J "SUGINA (Tamil) WKJSb HIAKIII.M l,li, T" INUS TO ULK pA,, UU < Today 3.1.-,_uV^r°; N> In "SHEUNAI" (Hindustani) With MLMTAZ ALI The !w ■■■■■frrwrrtrJ^T^l^^ SHIRIN CLNEMA (New World) TODAY 4 SHOW* SPECIAL m Tomorrow 6.30—9 PM Starring BHAOAVAN SUVartr* "Dosti" or "FrieDdS (Hindustani) A picture specially
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