Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser, 18 July 1907

Total Pages: 6
1 6 Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser
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  • 2265 1 THE FIFTH FLOOR. One grows fond of these high perches I don't know why, unless it is because of the security they afford from motor-cars. From the [middle of the crossing it is impossible to despise a motor-car, but froi.i a fifth-floor window they are objects
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 169 1 Do you cuish to be healthy?,. 11^. ,-ClllNA-BISLERI OF FELICE 5^T BISLERI MILAN. h& j i both invigorating and a tonic at the A -imc, taken m doses of a small liquor glass at B|*P v ye prompt relief against headache gfe<£. liau-W-, pains m the stomach, etc. .BjjJU* exercises
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    • 144 1 Howarth Erskine, l Ei>sipeers apd Contractors. (ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS. 23. Telegrams ERSKINE. W** LOOK LOOK !*^f WEILL ZERNER'S REMOVAL SALE? .NOW ON. Goods at £ess tban Cost to Clear. JL9, STAMFORD ROAD. Special Values i h- m Waterproofs! I Syces' White Capes 2.75 I Syces' Black Capes 2.75 "flß^ I White
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    • 10 1 Ule Guarantee tDe Cargest Circulation of anp Paper m Singapore.
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  • 772 2 The Eastern Daily mail. PRICE 5 CENTS. THURSDAY, 18th JULY. OUR FIRE BRIGADE. One of the most interesting portions ol the Municipal Administration Report for 1906 is that referring to the Fire brigade, which was m charge of the indefatigable Mr. Pett throughout the year as Superintendent, with Mr. A.M,
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  • 57 2 Further slight earthquake shocks continue 10 be felt m Simla. Trained dogs are being employed to fands g aUs n links [n Mid Mr. A Roven was fined *c by the Senior Magistrate, yesterday, fo^al! lowing a traction engine belonging to Messrs Howarth Erskine Co to run on the public
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  • 407 2 The charge against D .unmet s*. v well for the alleged murr r of Cornnr.i Hurley at Tanglin Bar. ic ks on ut May last was continued Yesterday Sergeant Major Will, ms dence to the effect that at .op. m on May he learned that a man
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  • 84 2 Mr. N. Mitchell sued Messrs. Riley Hargreaves Co., Limited, m the Court of Requests, yesterday for 578.87, as balance alleged to be due for work done and for overtime at Saigon and Fusing Lama. The defendants admitted owing plaintiff $14.26. The Commissioner gave judgment for half
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  • 100 2 DR. T. MURRAY'S FURTHER QUESTIONS. Dr. I Murray Robertson has given notice that he intends to put, at the next Ordinary Meeting, the following questions with reference to the Tramways m addition to those of which he has already given notice:— 1. Is it true that tiie servants
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  • 190 2 There passed away m the General Hospital at 8 pm. on the 1 6th instant Mr. Jell who was for 18 years a master m the Cross Street School. The deceased gentleman came out from Ceylon over 18 years ago and had been all
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  • 253 2 Amongst other range stories told by Mr. T. E. Kebbel m Lord Beaconsfield and Other Tory Memories (Cassell), this of a vision seen by Dr. Pusey is interesting not only m itself, but as a direct piece of evidence bearing on a problem that has absorbed
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  • 246 2 THE PIONEER IN BUSINESS Lord Ar l ment which h Pl C^ SS future > >l cd like J he wanted to L S** Ul need r fen >wi3i h^*eJJ and worke?, j T order to l e 1 thoroughly- Th. N* Centered a enhe^, Mincing Lane. 0! THL I
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  • 112 2 The new Viscoun: Midici j owner of some marble qi .Midleton. m County Cork. duce rich red mart variety is known as pink sua which shows a delicate shau colour. Several well-knot, valuable marble tun land and Ireland fix has red marble a: Limerick; and the Scotland,
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  • 58 2 Mr. D>vid Royal Commissi *3 writes to the 1 im* aliened cure tor slee _a\« it is 11W) w „M probacy there is.no e»*»« fl an v drUg hTar* fifteen years th» thecausing then. j blood and rest Sooner 1 somes re»i increase m «gF&A fatal terming SS?
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  • 1 2 fghgfh
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 330 2 II TOILET SETS. Wecarry the largest stock m the East and also have the greatest variety and at all Prices from $3.00 to $25.00 p. set. I-NSZPEOTIOISr UsT^TITEHD. Special Dorothy White Fluted Set with Large Basin $6 50 per set' White Embossed Sets $4.25 Plain White $4.00 Plain with uncovered
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    • 509 2 APPLES "STONE PIPPINS" 1 65 centsTT] ii ii 1 per dozen, m THOMPSON, THOMAS CO. THE AUSTRALIAN STORES, SI_l_TC3-^__PO_E^-E3. I v m m MH "^HBVHBMHHH__MH_H_HI __HH_-_-HMN_H-_HB TEPLITZ!^ Bohemian Natural J Mineral Water R Certain Remedy for: Nervous Dyspepsia, Chronic Excessive Secretion of Lithia and Albumen, Rheumatism of the joints and
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  • 10 3 (P -<-„_ ,040 am. C!_*£_ V 0^ 0 i. Coul
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  • 24 3 Hayasmi's visit to Seul Causes Consternation. i_a*>°*- in m Seul states e r„ caused I he lmdfstmstful of ndis trying to 'old** a T
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  • 15 3 i ie 4" a m. Lt Vorkd.il. the Wilding by 3 „a
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  • 10 3 X comment m IDClrbing all
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  • 9 3 100, Juiv p.m. ithern i
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  • 16 3 PJD. ended with relerence to tnphlet c: I Mr.Morkj twas circular InMr. Mo: S-
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  • 19 3 17, 3-1: p m. Budget ireelists jaded cotton pieces ds, dress- .r. ungrour.d >pit_ olive oil.
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  • 28 3 Education test to be imposed on the Chinese. -r.... w www, v 17, 3-10 pm. MW announced that an educaIW i on the ft; ace: to the polltax.
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  • 17 3 icpm. 11 ore more iniured oo the battleW ha* succumbed to death.
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  • 29 3 17, ii. 20 a.m. r*> wt-age occurred m the by which General IUT ar V C X Governor General Genera! Glieboft and a F*. tiled. I
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  • 12 3 *g^ of ;he Korean delegates 1*?.;./--- -uddenly
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  • 39 3 The accident on the American Battleship Georgia. lulv i- which oc- American Battlepcrson. were killed Petted to recover. It S^PreVS P° und c^arge was ft tO m «icedthat the hT^ shouted L toOate fo rthe Cll valise it. meaning.
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  • 64 3 J^'OL of C J a Aii_i,i^rasiaii, named N hare an 8 Ur corres ?>._;^L t Zing reCOrd w^c: J'l atK!n -*years, JL' or^ out f whl n e Cl^'Hrat so iend, v Police C>ha etime a '*>ut st: ,i^i^a ruingout av «been J as om e
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  • 390 3 The huge telescope presented by the late Mr. Yerkes to the Williams Bay Observatory is still the most powerful instrument of the kind extant but a much larger telescope still is to be built for the Solar Observatory of the Carnegie Institution on Mount Wilson m
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  • 271 3 The Calcutta correspondent of the Times of India writing about the Calcutta conveyances says that the Municipal Commissioners have laboriously waved an official wand and gharries of a dark green attended by coachman and syce m olive head drapery are m evidence m the city. The new gharries
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  • 255 3 A young Paris woman, who up to a day or two ago had luxuriant dark tresses, now occupies the unhappy position ot being the only person m the world whose hair is a vivid green. The strange transformation was brought about m this way. She was dissatisfied with
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  • 149 3 Perhaps the most extraordinary Ah Baba's den ever seen since th*t celebrated chieftain was first invented hrs just been the subject of a criminal trial at Le Mans. And not the least remarkable feature of the case is that there existed nothing at all m the way
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  • 399 3 G^mJ" i N A 'rERNATIONAL MOTOR RACE OVER A DISTANCE OF 300 MILES. mj: London, June 16. tor the past two days Homburg has been reverberating with the sound of motor-herns m connexion with the great automobile race for the Kaiser's <~up. One of the most enthusiastic !Sf
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  • 416 3 Sympathy ir. the great leveller of thc mountains as well as the molehills of life, and it has an advantage over the greater power that makes the world go round. Arising, as it does, m the mind rather than m the heart, it is, says the Lady," an offering
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  • 222 3 W. Shakespeare, of Startford-on-Avon City, Warw, was, if we may be permitted the expression, no slouch, says the Globe." He was m the habit of saying a thing as neatly as the next man. In the matter of tears, lor instance, he once said to his father. "O, lather,
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  • 484 3 Yoshio Markino came to England ten years ago, and his first exhibition of water-colours opened recently at Chifford's Gallery, Haymarket. His sixtynine pictures are all of London— London seen through Japanese eyes, but London as we all know it, and abuse it and love it
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  • 436 3 A MANILA PAPER'S SUGGESTION. AlateaManila paper suggests the possibility that m eventual war Japan could occupy and hold the Philippines, Guam, the Samoan Islands, Hawaii and Alaska long enough to force the United States to give her favourable terms, i. c., to virtually force the United States to
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  • 145 3 Information has reached the Howrah District Police that a respectable Hindu woman, wife of one Anunto Ghose of Bally, met with her death recently m very curious circumstances. The deceased, at about 8 p.m. was at dinner when she was not a little startled at
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  • 175 3 ASSASSINS OF ROYALTY. The recent diabolical plot to murder the Tsar and the infant Cesarewitch by means of two tiny in'ernal machines, the size of watches, reminds us that Royal personages, as well as heads of Republics, are m constant danger of such attempts. It is said, indeed, that they
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  • 251 3 The watching of Royalty is an art m itself, which constantly occupies some of the keerest intelligences m the secret police service of Europe. People who denounce the police wheneversome not ableperso lege falls a victim to an assassin have ro idea how constantly such attempts
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  • 36 3 Lombroso, the great Italian criminologist, declares that the assassins of Royalty have a special sort of hand heavy, thick, and coarse, with fingers almost equal m length, and the thumb set low down.
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  • 107 3 Medmenham Abbey, of M Hell Fire Club fame, has been rented from Col. Douglas Dawson, CMC, by a prominent New Yorker. Mr. Henry Marsh, and another well known American, Mr. George A Kessler, h_.s spent 000 m embellishing that lovely river residence, Riversdale, Bourne End. Medmenham Abbey
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  • 147 3 Mr. Kessler has renamed Riversdale, New York Lodge, and he intends to make it a Thn.es show resort for his American friends. Mr. Kessler is known on the other side of the Atlantic as the Champagne King, because of his penchant for giving eccentric leasts. His famous
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  • 132 3 Mr. Kessl :r considered his gondola banquet the triumnh of twenty-five years' study of the art ot entertaining. In New Yor\ he has given hundreds of freak dinner I have given dinners m all kinds ol places," he says. I remember ore m an airship; another where
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  • 116 3 Corsica is at present a prey to ravages of locusts. The whole of the valley of the Agille is stated to be overrun, and m a state of more or less complete devastation. Prof. Cortegiani, the chief of the Department of Agriculture m the island, gives a
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 449 3 207. Queen Street. TELEPHONE No. 916. f J All kinds of Rubber Tyred Carriages for Hire. t FURNITURE REMOVING &c. SADDLE HORSES FOR HIRE, d RIDING LESSONS GIVEN TO LADIES ft GENTLEMEN, a All sorts of horse food delivered to any part I of the Colony. j F. Clarke &Co's
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  • 520 4 Mr. Carl Hagenbeck, whose new zoological park has just been formally opened at Stellingen, near Hamburg, is best known, perhaps, as a successful dealer m wild beasts. Indeed, one can hardly name a titled personage possessing an estate who has not had dealings with the Hagenbecks at one
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  • 484 4 The four Vice-Admirals of Ireland Lord Gosford for Ulster, Lord Listowel for Munster, Lord Ormonde for Lienster,and LordLucan for Connaught are all prominent Irish peers, who spend a great part of each year on their estates m the Emerald Isle. Lord Ormonde, who has been known to his intimates
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  • 28 4 Mr. and Mrs. Lafrange-Honiball, of Riversdale, Cape Colony who have just celebrated the sixty-thrd anniversary on their wedding, have 100 living descendants—eleven children, sixty grandchildren and twenty-nine great-graud-chi.drc...
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 956 4 TRADES, PROFESSIONS dflG^ ESHARAT KHAN A Co. Cheapest and best Book- Binders, Printers, and Account Book Rulers. All orders executed promptly. FRESH MILK Per Chupah 28 cents. Delivered at any address. 34, BRAS BASAH ROAD, SINGAPORE. v.c. GASOLENE LIGHT «-a_a^M_an__HßH-iMao^Hm-Mi A CYCLE COMPANY. 5-/ Beach j Sole Road JSjp Agents
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    • 170 4 ME RCHAN Ts^ GENE «AL __s«i_ U NEG St.. ■~-J_*?KS D talers m w and < GE:^ERAI «t*_ AXD COM «ISSIO.\ J UUn >, Motor tjrL W.A.DeSIUA* Manulactunngj^^^i stones, Ce>], Jn I*,, p ERAK DISPE NS( spectacle, ie,,, iUi)i H OOT COMPH >j. Bt^kaiSam\M General Repairers of Cfck^ Motor I
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 831 4 "______B ff^^^j-i. v a SHIPPING NEWS. VESSELS IN PORT. Where Mn.of.War, Flag and Tons Master Arrived Prom For Wfcon i-ylng Sea Belle F. M. S. yet 48 Nacodah Feb 5 P. Swettenham P Swet'ham U K.H. Wright U. S. tra. 364 Hamilton May 17 Manil Manila U Whart Sew Mew
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    • 277 4 Nore, London, Oct 4 P O Nyanza, Japan Aug 6 P O Oceana, Colombo Sept 14: P O Coy Oranje, Batavia, July 20 Daendles Palermo, London, Oct 18; P&O Coy P Heinricli, Bremen, Aug 22 Behn Meyer P Alice, Bremen, Nov 1 B Meyer P E Friedrich, H'burg, Aug 8
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    • 443 4 Mail Steamer Movements. Homeward P. O. Mail. The P. A O. homeward mail steamer China left Hongkong at i 30 p.m., on Saturday, and is due here at 6 a.m., to-day. Outward P. O. Mail. The mail steamer Arcadia left Colombo, at 8 a.m., on Sunday, and is expected to
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  • 508 5 o rare treat on the 23rd and 27th inst m the _„r if t0 ll ol iv of the Rajah of Stenghapour. The 1 1 1 JSe out m full strength this time and as will rJ&Lcr* hayc the performance is sure to please all the
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  • 95 5 Portland. May r**» obscured for se\ i eammain "eeze sprang PJ*k pests away from the off I"he Sark arri:ay with the ick. phenomenon. g£ islands are crossed by igh- h im.rro4.ke sea dead calm. appeared on 1 and ody toriori jw disappointment g insects h P
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  • 136 5 Diseases aftecting camels are important enough to demand close study on account of the heavy losses involved. Such stud}- was undertaken by a specialist officer m the Punjab, but he left m the spring to join the committee which is now m East Africa, investigating the causes
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  • 235 5 Captain von Koepenick" has found an imitator scarcely less audacious than himself, though m a different line. This time the operator is a lady one Mile. Constantinescu. The Vienna correspondent of the Newcastle Chronicle" states that she is a Roumanian, and returning to her own country from Paris,
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  • 509 5 a. Special Gold Reserve Fund. b. Insurance Fund. c. Sundry Reserves. d. Sundry Reserves Snerial R^r W C.P.UL j—rtbij »g- j^|^; »~rv. C. mp «n y H^oUtion, j GOLD. 1900 175,000 $,40,000 |iW££?ued $1 $1 mi £400,000 £350,000 j 35^0 $I Duff Development Ltd. 2 2S 1901
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  • Commercial.
    • 138 5 On London. Bank a m s 2/47/16 Demand 2/4^ Private 6ms 2/4 13/16 do. 3ms 2.4 9/16 On Germany.— Bank d d 2.39I Private 3ms 2.46 do «6 m s 2.48 On France. Bank d d 2.94^ Private 3ms 3.04 do 6ms 3-o6£ On India.— Bank T. T. 1
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    • 267 5 Copra Klantan S 10.65 do Mixed io.| do Bali n 9-45 do Timor 10.60 do Pontianak 9°° do Pasir "-9° do Billiton 10.45 do Pulo m °S° do Dbngola 10.65 do Sankawang m IO -45 Coffee, Bali 15 per cent. 1900 do Palembang, 20 p/c basis N 22.50 do
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    • 20 5 I Oil Anchor 2 m Devoe's a ;o m Langkat ,,2.10 h gragon qo Ran goon per case 0
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 595 5 i -^^^™^^^™_^^^M^^^_^^k___^k t aUk Ak. Am%. .a. J GERVIS XAVIER Co" LIMITED I 1 dESZ T "n*" D *F"'"«™*'w«'« urn« I I DEPOT. For Drugs, Chemicals, Crockery, Cutlery, Hosier,, 6^. T 1 ne p c: f »™«ry, Stationery, Boots and Shoes, Hats Cd W lars, Ties, Sp rits, Wines, Beers,
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  • 457 6 Iwo years ago the Princess Louise ol Orleans was persistently spoken of as the future bride of King Alfonso. Now her engagement to Prince Charles of Bourbon, the King of Spain's brother-in-law, is officially announced, although the betrothal has been known tor some time. Prince Charles's
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  • 198 6 The latest recruit to the rapidly growing ranks of Society balloonist* is Prince Albert of Belgium, nephew of King Leopold, and heir presumptive to his throne A son of the late Count of I landers, he is one of the most versatile of European Royalties, for besides
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  • 541 6 IDAHO JNFOKMER CONTINUES HIS TALES OF COLD- BLOODED CRIME. Orchard has already related with immovable coolness and composure how he fixed the bomb which killed the Governor, how he blew up a trainload of nonunionists, killing fourteen, and how he put strychnine m the milkcan of an obnoxious
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  • 280 6 Prince Mirza Riza Khan, the Persian Ambassador.at Constantinople a not one of those Diplomats who believes that he is sent abroad o lie for the good of his country ie has had a difficult task to play I with the Porte who relying on the
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 446 6 t. E. CHIN CO, COMMISSION AGENTS ft DEALER. IN Swatow Drawn Thread Works Chinese Embroideries Chinese Pewter Wares Picture Post Cards Views Post Cards Perfumery Stationery Novels Post Card Albums Labuan Stamps surcharged Straii Settlements Petal Dust T. E. CHIN co M 82-3 Bras Basah Road, SINGAPORE. Atteptiop T y
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    • 753 6 BA NKS. Hongkong A Shanghai Banking Corporation. E£lsr UF CAPITAL $10,000,000 RESERVE FUND:— Sterling Reserve $10,000,000 1 .n, ooaoOO Silver Reserve fILOO&XX)} Reserve Liability of Proprietors $10,000,000 Court of Directors. G. H, Medhurst, Esq. Chairman. Hon, Mr, W. J. Gresson- Deputy-Chairman. Bailech, Esq, D j^ tf igsml Esq. b* Goetz,
      753 words
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    • 292 6 FOR SAW. PIC L l i?. E POS, rdsofi::r >i'» Settle ments &c— Koh Co ocll, eT^t^ps^oH^o., 3^ 0 N or r^ CUtt af g Cart Pony hght gi for C °b or No reasonable offers refused. Apply at Wilkie Raod 16-7-07—22-7-07. PUBLICATIONS. G U L^ rH^-°^lsin attract--KoH c L
      292 words
    • 237 6 Single r\ 1 y ear Month H > 3 Months J ouths 1 »ear SMALL < dai| y insert t»| or inch thr, <* week], Hj tor > inch c_ S?£t2_f^H K or r ion tt l)!s W 3 Marri *ge, Birth on. f* r insertion a T r- J
      237 words