Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser, 23 August 1906

Total Pages: 6
1 2 Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser
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  • 634 1 TENANT WAS PAID TO GO AWAY. A tenant who systematized the art of living rent free m other people's houses, and m some cases was actually paid by the landlord to leave as the Jeast expensive method of ending a bad bargain was sentenced at the Llerkenwell
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  • 241 1 PROBABLE RETIREMENT FROM THE ARMY IN OCTOBER. Paris, Tuesday July 17. Major Dreyfus will not enter upon his new duties for a fortnight. He has just obtained fifteen days' leave, which he proposes spending m Switzerland with his family. When he does jom the 12th Artillery Regiment
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 167 1 iihfiAPOß' and ROBINSON A CO [WHAT IS WHISKY I?? J S tittle's Botol ftitam Don 1 accept any kind of liquor m a dark bottle, but insist on: ]3otol3Ciiam Whisky I obtainable wDereeoer I good liquor is sold. f SOLE John Little Co. Ltd. I SINGAPORE FOUNDRY LTD fc rug
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    • 277 1 flari DorticulturalSbou). ART NEE^ E PD w n T RK MARVELLOUS EXHIBIT FLOWER DEPOT A 217 Orchard Road. A Kare Sight Rare Opportunity just arrived Silks, Fllloselles and C/T C^ V* 1 Transfers for Cushions. 1 lgrkm 1 tit Iff MANY OTHER DESIGNS. +r 0 *^S%f\J I Uti Also a
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    • 538 1 Router's Agency wires. (By submarine telegraph.) EARTHQUAKES. CITIES AFFLICTED RESUME NORMAL ASPECT. PEOPLE RETURN TO TOWN. London, August 22, 8 a.m. The chaotic conditions which have reigned m South America owing to the recent earthquake experiences are passing and something like order is boing re-established. ONE SHOCK LASTED FIVE MINUTES
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    • 19 1 Old €tidllsl) Curve Cut Cobacco 4oz Vacuum Cms tpitl) Aluminum pocket tin. A SLICE TO A PIPEFUL Obtainable Everywhere.
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  • 555 2 The Eastern Daily Mail. PREICE 5 CENTS. THURSDAY, 23RD AUGUST. ANTI-OPIUM CRUSADE. A wire from Canton announces an anti-opium demonstration m which students seem to have had a leading part. One of the noticeable features of the demonstration was its leading figure, a boy on horseback carrying an opium pipe
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  • 288 2 There is undoubtedly an increas- ed tendency to rowdiness among the Chinese here m Singapore of i recent years. This is not manifestj ed so much m organised movements as m individual misconduct. The case m which a drunken Hylam attacked Inspector Hart is one m point. On
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  • 729 2 Messrs Lambert Co., the well known photographers took some good views of agri-Horticultural show. They will serve as interesting souvenirs of our recent local exhibition. Ox Tuesday night a reunion of former Charterhouse scholars was held m the Clud. At the dinner which waa given were present Messrs J. G.
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  • 62 2 The Unjong Pagar Dock Board Police, charged Mah Ah Kong a boarding house runner before the Master Attendant Capt Boldero, with boarding the s.s. Calypso before she was properly made fast at Tanjong Pagar Wharf on the 22nd. Fined 525. Five boatmen were also charged j with having
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  • 84 2 Mr. John Morley, recently replying to Sir Howard Vincent, said I have approved a proposal made by the GoTernment of India that a portion of the gold standard reserve shall be held m silver. The nominal value of the British Government securities held on behalf of
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  • 344 2 The true inwardness of the movement is well brought out m a remarkable letter addressed to the Standard of June 23rd by Mustapha Kamel Pasha, a well known intriguer, who frankly avows that the Pan-Islamic movement, m its Egyptian aspect, is anti-British. This man has for many
    The Indian Daily News  -  344 words
    • 13 2 Morality i n «hatis consider* 81 *»s,^ me c l5S;>?5 II
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    • 11 2 My dear I am not worthy'" fo^t mcf^
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    • 20 2 At a Paris dead (die csPmonei^' existence/ 1 said a re 7/^ SlXf! > thing observed I 'C?
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    • 7 2 have fcmrt™ "T/'^W been admitted.
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    • 33 2 energies. E™ h a^C* t«on calls for its o^n pi ?V a time is not for mvsti« I he P 5 writers, or for cloqucn 1 r •C ttisformenofene^Lfr-
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    • 43 2 vii us reet thA fnend and a decen cT car he wants to yd "u" run things down. If it H^^ collides -with, well and gL'. r uliy d.dr/t the fool IcjT > traveling is destructive of^ **<x Zealand Free Lance
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    • 30 2 owning handwriting hi proved to be response j U mems of more than fifty ki; our young people. A^[; "brought in its lrai whence tll e. vcamc:^^;P«
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    • 80 2 The speeches, good, bad, or indifferent, which have been made support or in conderc Education Bill will make c inroads on the time of everybody wlw in the future, may desire to debates which are now I Parliament. Those ipeedw, Bl date of their introduction of th< until
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    • 95 2 This is an age of adl We have the clothes faddist, the culture faddist, and above all, the food faddist, who is indeed, ten much to the fore just now. On ail >ide> we arc told either that our food bafl or that we eat too much of
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    • 87 2 MaiU In Yarminy." W hen Joe Chamberlain heard that 5000 German torches hid been u*! on the occa-ion of his seventh birthday he said to friend: "ki fortunate that we have not yet p^>« our Protection -cheme! I sh tainly have taxed thc^e torches, at who knoin ifto-div there would
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    • 62 2 i ne gallant of old life L^invar u,ed to lift t HiH J e an d ride awa v; Jd duty later on; then we f degrees to the carriage and p the balloon ,s proposed b glorious uncertainty the ballodj not commend it to brides Wl
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    • 69 2 The Tsar and the revolutionaries w neglecting with equally recklessness the oblige as regards foreign conn: creditors of Russia are abroad, espc Ij in Paris aod Berlin. VVesai^ reaction nor revolution. VC T"T i progressive evolutio :ion of a Constitutional M aoosibletothc Nai tsar replic bv the
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  • 155 2 The late Michel Davitt m folio .ving to a friend during tne What a dunce yon d Africa! You might J»* ri standard of insurrection own disloyal Anglo-Saxons, |flf the manner of Wash the United States of South AJn» would have suceedcd or ...i success crowned your
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 183 2 Caldbeck Macgregor Co. WINE SPIRIT MERCHANTS ALE, BEER, STOUT IMPORTERS. See Our Windoios I FOR COMPLETE Violin Outfits. Comprising Violin m Case, Bow, Resinl I Tuning-pipe, Mute Spare Strings. I I $22, $28, $32 $35. I I EXCEPTIONAL VALUE I Guitars, Mandolines, Banjos, Gramophones I I OF THE BEST QUALITY.
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    • 459 2 [WELCH'S I -m GRAPE JUICE. A Temperanca Drink for the Home A Drink for the Table A Fine Thrist Quencher for the Sick Room. Good for Old ana young flthlete ana Invalid. I Per bottle 50 cents. SOLE AGENTS. THOMPSON THOMAS CO. I THE AUSTRALIAN STORES. I Write for our
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    • 85 2 BOARD AND LODGING. $50 per month 7O a River Valley Road. TUITION. An English lady would receive a few Chinese young ladies for tuition 1 m English and Music. Apply by letter to "X c/o E. D. M. S. V. C. A SMOKING Concert will be held m the S.
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    • 23 3 MAY RESULT IN A TOTAL LOSS. Caß, P^rs Safe. \neu-t 22, noon. p-- ciigcrs hay *dm I 1"""'" the ill-fated mii ii r
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    • 69 3 HA1 kTcsk dynamite. m AanwtM alleged i* 50 hroucht under control, u "accomplish this end Jitf to be -de to the use of f*J me casualties which have horded -t b not noted that ail BritMh subjects or !hf v .7 he United States of citizens
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    • 110 3 I N PRAISE OF ARTILLERY. OCR GINS ARE OF FIRS! CUSS MATERIAL. A French Commendation. London, August 22, noon The military correspondent of the London Tmtt m reviewing the opinion uper>ed on the recent inspection oi Home forces which was II Akknbot, by French experts, a that the Army possesses
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    • 66 3 COUNTRY PEOPLE ASSEMBLE IN HAVANNA. LW»!LZ Is AGAIN DISCONTENT. London, August 22, 4 p.m. "General" Gomez who will be rerenDered as the lamous leader of the rebels against the American troops during the American— Cuban campaign ha>jo.ned issues with the leaders oi the present political rising m
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    • 74 3 ESTIMATES FOR NEXT YEAR ARE SUBMITTED. OVER FOLR AND A QjUAMttM MILLIONS STERLING TO BL EXII.NDED. London August 22, 4 pm. A trench Parliamentary paper has wen circulated m which it is estimated that thesum required for naval construction during the year 1.^07 will amount -ot>° sterling.
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    • 219 3 RI GHr OF JUDGES TO ALTER CONTRACTS. blfe M «ney-Unders Act says what (inTv-i.0.,-1 l. i *»»ia view was •-fbythe House of Lords yest M ll l ey dlSmissed a »*PP<*l c v, ahman Samuel and j P bule llo carry on a money-lending **m££21 loan 3 3
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  • 335 3 A THIEF DUCKED. A Chinaman who charged before Mr. Green yesterday with theft of some clothes from a dhoby's line m Alexandra Road. A number of Chinese dhobies ply their vocation there and on Monday last they noticed the accused sneaking towards m line and appropriating certain articles
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  • 327 3 Much irrittation exists m the Liberal ranks at the way m which the promise made to the House of Commons as to repatration of the Chinese has been rendered null add void by the terms of the proclamation m which this decision has been made
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  • 136 3 HEAVY LOSSES IN CENTRAL AMERICAN BATTLE. Washington, Tuesday. Guatemala, Salvador, and Honduras h've respectively agreed to an armistice, which shall become effective tomorrow. The armistice follows the acceptance of the offer of intervention on the part of President Roosevelt. Mr. Roosevelt's offer arrived just as the armies of
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  • 228 3 SYMPOSIUM ON THE BRITISH CLIMATE. In the Strand Magazine of July there is a symposium on the British climate, and we have the opinions of a number of eminent travellers, practically all of whom agree that our climate is one of the best m the world. The
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  • 411 3 AN INJUSTICE COMMITTED SOMEWHERE. Referring to an article published at the time exclusively m the E. D. M. the other day m which we called attention to an advertisement m a London paper, a Penangcontemporary has taken up the cudgels, and rightly so, on behalf of our
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  • 64 3 COTTON AND RUBBER CULTIVATION BY WHITE LABOUR. Melbourne july 17. The Commonwealth Government tonight promulgated a scheme of agricultural bounties. It is proposed to spend ,£50,000 on the production by white labour of cocoa, coffee, chicory, cotton, canned fish, condensed milk, oils, rice, r.nd rubber. The cotton bounty
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  • 500 3 LANDGRABBERS DECLINE TO MOVE. Amusing Scenes. The landgrabbers at Triangle Camp, Plaistow won a bloodless triumph over the West Ham Corporation, who sent Mr. Blain, the road foreman, to demand them to give up the land a demand that was politely, though firmly, not complied with. Twelve o'clock,
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  • 965 3 CLERK'S QUEER DUTIES IN CITY COMPANY CASE. Another American Swindle. A remarkable description of the duties to be performed at the office of an alleged bogus company was given at the Guildhall Police Court by Frank Dell, a clerk m the employ of Mark Anthony Young. In the
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  • 1285 3 MR. HOGAN'S EVIDENCE CASE AGAIN POSTPONED The preliminary enquiry into the allegations of cheating brought against Mr. H. C. Hogan, late Managing Director of Hogan and Co., and of abetment of cheating against Mr. J. B. Robertson late Secretary to the Company was resumed before Mr. Colman
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  • 208 3 Sir Henry Cotton asked the Under Secretary for the Colonies whether the the Municipal Corporations Bill now under the consideration of the Natal Legislature contained a provision defining "uncivilised races as all barborous or semi-barbarous races, and all Indians introduced as indentured labourers not actually
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  • 225 3 The Mindanao Herald indirectly attacks former Governor Taft (yclept Graft") of Manila. 1 he Mindanao Herald seems to forget that Governor Taft did not proceed to the Philippines for the good of his health, albeit for that of his country. This is what the Mindanao Herald has got
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  • 376 3 STILL EXISTS. Curious Case m Philippines. A slave case of more than ordinary interest is now occupying the minds of the authorities of the districts of Zamboanga and Sulu. The sons of Basia, a Moro woman, who has long been held m slavery of Jolo, have requested Governor Finley
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  • 237 3 ANOTHER POEM. South Africa and China. In the "Standard" is published a poem by Mr. Rudyard Kipling entitled 'South Africi." The first three stanzas are The shame of Amajuba Hill Lies heavy on our line, But here is shame completer still And England makes DO sign. Unchallenged, m the
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 314 3 AUCTION SALES ETC, AUCTION SALE OF VALUABLE CHINESE AND ENGLISH FURNITURE etc. TO BE HELP AT. No. 9 Tong Watt Road {off Mohamed Sultan Road. On Saturday 25th August, 1906. At 2 p.m. Comprising Chinese Suites, teak table with marble top, teak almeirahs, book cases with glass doors, arm chairs,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 717 4 IBAHIVS, HonQkonQ t Shanghai Banking Corporation. FAID-UP CAPITAL $10,000,000 KESEKVE FUND:— Reserve Liability of Proprietors $10,000,000 Court of Directors. A Haupt, tsq— Chairman. Hon. C. W. Dickson- Deputy-Chairman. E. Goetz, Esq. I H. E. Tomkins Esq. C R. Lenzroann, D. M. Nissim, Ksq. G. H. Medhurst, tsq. F. A. Siebt,
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    • 427 4 Motloe. List of Depots where the "Eastern Dally Mail" May be obtained. Chop Hong Bee, Neil Road Railway Station, Tank Road. Abdullah, 15 A, Change Alley. Mr ssrs Ghee Soon Co., Orchard RdRaffles Hotel. Winsor Co., 8 9 Bras Bassa Rd. K. H. Adamsah, Change Alley. Orchard Road, Cold Storage
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    • 308 4 Howarth Erskine. Ltd. ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT COMPLETE INSTALLATIONS FOR LIGHT POWER DYNAMOS, MOTORS, SWITCH BOARDS WIRES AND CABLES FOR ALL PURPOSES Arc Lamps, Open Enclosed Types British made Incandescent Lamps Nernst Lamps and Parts. Artistic Electric Lu?ht Fittings, Special Accessories for Interior Wiring CEILING FANS, WALL FANS, TABLE FANS. Electrical Contractors
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    • 243 4 m. Bolter* 69, ANSON ROAD. Telephone No. 395. Just Landed, a Fresh Stock ofv Pickled Herrings m tins Pickled Mushrooms m bottles Fresh Bombay Butter m 1 Ib. 4 lb. tin! Fresh Russian Butter m block Fresh Cream Cheese m pots Black Olives Russian Vodka m small bottles Russian Dried
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    • 452 4 E. D. M/ ABLETS. R WANTED. A PPIy Fraser Neave Ltd., Raffles Quay :SSSSi KUDAT B. N. B. to mJII ntatlon -^particulars write RubbSTSd. Langkon North Borneo KUDAT B. N. B. PUPILS FOR MUSIC. ,< -f7 a Lad y» well experienced p^f or y' taught. Willing to go to Pupils
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    • 394 4 a M cent climate c f AheaS 1 lor, C> lrt H T hel'.& (7 c *"*»P«w i,' i» noi "ice that tl,ev >")• X """80, KANOY 1 t p t 0. 1 > ISI 906 Barr Co., Kuala Lumpur j, H ORGAN BUILD E R S n i Musicai
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    • 150 1 Tin 91 25 Gnmbier buyers 7.20 do Cube No. 1 1 1 00 Pepper, Black (m dinary Spore),, 21.75 do White, F;iir L. W. 5 p.c. 27.90 Nutmegs (1 10 to the lb.) 31. do (80 to the ib.) 52. Mace (Banda) 1 45 Clones (Amboina) 34. Li'oerian Coffee
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    • 27 1 FINANCE COMMERCE. Government Rate 2/4 $60 for £7. The Netherlands Trading Society quoted Yesterday's the 4/ms bank rate at 2/4 1/2. The Mercantile Bank quoted 2/4/7/ I*.
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    • 145 1 i On London bank 4 m/s 2/4^ Demand 2/4 do. 6 m/s. 2/4 5/8 Private 3 m/s.. 2/4 3/8 I On Gerthany Bank d/d 2.39 Private 3 m/s 2.43$ do. 6 m/s 2.45^ On France Bank d/d 2.93 Private 3 m/s 2.97 do. 6 m/s 2.99 lOn India
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    • Page 1 Advertisements
      • 120 1 SHIPPING NOTICE. THE SAN FRANCISCO OV.RLAND ROUTE. Pacific Mail Steamship Co., Occidental Oriental S. S. Co and Central Pacific, Union Pacific, Chicago North- Western Railways. I ATCHISON, TOPEKA AND SANTA FE RAILWAY SYSTEM. Operating the LARGEST and FASTEST Steamers on the I'ACJFIC.) from HONG-KONG TO SAN FRANCISCO. "The Greyhounds of
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      • 166 1 llVlcAlister Co., I LIMITED. I SINGAPORE, PEWANG, IPOH KUAtA-LUMPUR. ISall-IRaking Dcpartmcm. I A larpaulms, Our Spedality-CM be made Tarred, or treated I with our own special wa.er proof Composition. Aw. nir gs Made W Icam^Bedsetr 11^ Su Sl^~ g s, Waf/r Ba^ I ORE BAGS. I Our output for both
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    • Page 1 Miscellaneous
      • 610 1 SHIPPING NEWS. VESSELS IN PORT. MERCHANT VESSELS. Altona, Ger. str. 2,787 tons, Capt Hellerich, Bth Aug. From Sydney, 24th July. Coal. Behn Mever Co. U Rds. Anghin, Ger. str. 1,001 tons, Capt Kumpel, i'th Aug. From Bangkok, 6th Aug. G.c, and d. p. Behn Meyer Co. For Bangkok, U.— Rds.
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      • 380 1 LATEST ARRIVALS. Betty, Russ. str. 1,645 tons, Capt j Tiedermann, 22nd Aug. From Hankow, j 28th July. Tea. East Asiatic Coy. For Odessa, U Rds. Ban Hin Guan, Brit. str. 243 tons, Capt Hunter, 22nd Aug. From Teluk Anson, 19th Aug. G.c, and 57 d. p. Wee Bin Co. For
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    • Page 2 Advertisements
      • 368 2 Kwong Seng Co. Dealers m all kinds of Swa towDrawn Thread Work. All goods guaranteed fresh and of First Class Pattern. Prices Moderate Inspection Invited 26-17 Orchard Road SINGAPORE. YAMATO&GO. Dealers m High Class j Japanese Curios > and General Goods. SOLE AGENTS TO TOKIO SEIKOSHA" CLOCKS AND WATCH FACTORY.
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    • Page 2 Miscellaneous
      • 494 2 VESSELS EXPECTED. Name, Port, Probable date of arrival, and Agents. Steamers. Airlic, Sydney, Aug. 24 Boustead. Albenga, Hohgkong, Sept.— Behn Meyer. Andalusia, Hamburg, Nov. 7 Bnhe Meyer. Ayuthia, Bombay, Sept.— Borneo Coy. Austria. H'kong, Sept 7 Rautenberg Alcinous, China, Sept 4 Mansfield Achilles, China, Sept. 2 Mansfield Astyanax, China, Aug.
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      • 235 2 PASSFNGERS ARRIVED Per s.s. "Hye Leong" Capt. R. Perry from Teluk Anson via ports Messrs. S. P. Ellis, Phillips, R. W. Hullet, and Leong Chong. Per s.s. "Silangor" Capt. J. M. Waly, from Teluk Anson via ports Messrs. Hodow, Patterson, Mr. and Mrs. Sillem Messrs. O'Hara, J. Newman A. Janson,
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