Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser, 22 March 1906

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser
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  • 21 1 (Reuter s Agency wires. Hy submarine telegraph > FOREIGN VESSELS TO BE MADE TO CONFORM TO SAME REGULATIONS
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  • 109 1 London, March h, 9.55 a. m. Mr. Lloyd-George, the President of the Board of Trade, has introduced m the House of Commons a Merchant Shipping Bill applying generally to foreign vessels entering Kritish ports the regulations heretofore applicable to British vessels only, concerning loading, unseaworthiness,
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  • 77 1 DEMONSTRATION OF GOOD FEELING ON OCCASION OF HAYASIII'S DEPARTURE. London, March 21, 9.50 a.m. The departure ot Viscount Tadasu Hayashi, the Japanese Ambassador at the Court of St. James, from London was the occasion of a remarkable de monstralion of good feeling. An enormous crowd thronged the station.
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  • 75 1 LONDON PAPERS COMMENT ON TRIP OF PRINCE AND PRINCESS OF WALES. London, March ti, 9.55 a. m. Most of the newspaper! contain articles on the tour of the Prince and Princess of Wales, which they describe M unmarred by a single hitch and an unquestioned political and
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  • 41 1 BANK LOOTED IN THE HEART OF MOSCOW. London, March 21, 9.50 a.m. Twenty armed men entered a Bank 111 the heart of Moscow during business hours, overawed the employees and carried off 850,000 roubles without being molested.
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  • 39 1 VVESTPHALIAN MINERS INVIfED TO PARIS. London, March 9.55 a.m. The VVestphalian minecs who went to the rescue of the imprisoned miners after the Courrieres disaster have been invited to Paris where they will be feted.
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  • 318 1 PHOTOGRAPHING OF "SPIRITS. Successful photographing of "spirits" by no less a savnnl than Professor Ficliet has created a great sensation m the scientific circles of France, m fact the whole ot the West. Those who, realising that all the boasted scientific knowledge ot the modern world has not yet come
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  • 43 1 Tin Harbour tcbone is to come up to-morrow before the Legislative Council. Tht l>kl oi Sn John Jackson, Ltd., it is expected, will be either accepted Of rejected at thai Hint Ihe Municipal Ordinance Amendment Bill will also be discussed at IOBM length.
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  • 828 1 "NEXT GREAT SIKI' OF THE 1U MAN RACE." ''What do 1 think of the future?" asked Dr. Timothy Richard "I will tell you. Th next great step th.it is to be made by the human race m its wonderful course of progress is waiting al this moment lobe
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  • 127 1 During a public lecture thai u.ibeing delivered the other evening l>eforethe Naval Society m Si IVteisburg «>n the "Sea PicM of PsyahiaM," Admiral Roiestvensky .ll»>^e m the audience and made the rollojviM asaaarka: The Japanese had no aSaeaarine boaas m tin- aaa>4|ghi <>n the other hand,
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  • 24 1 A i the MMtil|| of the Mum* -ip.il Commissioners to morrow afternoon the drainage ol Oxlcy, Lloyd, Dublin ami Killiney Roada will be discussed.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 425 1 TANSAN, Pure, Crisp, Invigorating, A NATURAL MINKRAL AAIKK OF THE HIGHEST CLASS. Sold Everywhere SARAWAK GOVERNMENT. Notification. TENDERS vvill be received up to 9 a.m •"i Monday, 2nd April, 1906, anting tin' following harms lor I from Ist January, 1907, I>c Opium harm for the tern tory twak froai Tanjong
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    • 276 1 John Little Co., Ltd. SPECIAL ||pl R-ESE^E OLD VATTED GLENLIVET WHISKY >c^^L**^y^^l^^ REGISTERED go^d mto At. EDINBURGH. |§^P m CALCUTTA iBB4 lo»oo*4»t> txPo*tAs£»rs. TMXX'BA/UKi Co 59 At*** Cam £C OOMfM LITTLE CO. L.0.. SINGAPORE. Per case of 12 Bottles $10.50. Botol Hitam, Pep case of 12 Bottles -9.75 The Tronoh
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    • 223 1 A^& SCOTT y S i il l^7sflr# Of PURE COD LIVER OIL. m- V m*ml- WithH yp»P^osphites of Lime Soda. r lk W' v/M PALATABLE AS MILK. m VA I 1 J\*SU t ?5?7 l iX"ii£2. D UVM OIL th l uken 1 Scoff's V If\\ I AB A H«MEDT
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    • 31 1 BUCHANAN'S 'BLACK A WHITE" Holds TOP PLACE m Hn ilK.lllST CLASS Ol Scotch Ulhiskics 12 YEARS OLD Si rpi.iKD to H. M. Thk Ki^»; AM) 10 H.H.R. THE PRINCE OF WLAFS.
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  • 858 2 The Eastern Daily Mail. PRICE 5 CENTS. THURSDAY, 22nd MARCH. AT LAST Everything comes to him who waits, provided he waits long enough. This saying applies too truly to our proposed theatre, for it will come as a great surprise to our readers this morning to hear that Messrs Swan
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  • 192 2 -The Grand Lodge of Scotland ha« duly approved of the formation of a Scotch Lodge m Pcnang— the first under the Scottish constitution m the Malay Peninsula. The sisters Elliott and Messrs. T and A. Jackson, late of Warrens' Circus left here yesterday by the Calypso tor Penang, where they
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  • 362 2 SERIOUS CHARGES AGAINST MANAGEMENT. Mr. Pbultney Bigelow, a well-known American writer and a professor m Boston University, makes serious charges against Secretary of War Taft, formerly Governor of the Philippines, and his management of the construction of the Panama Canal. Mr. Bigelow says Two things are notable
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  • 311 2 BOTH IMPORTATION AND CULTIVATION SHOULD BE STOPPED The following letter has been received from Sir Cnentung Liang-Cheng, the Chinese Minister to the United States, by Dr. Wilbur F. Crafts, Super intendent of the International Reform Bureau, Washington, U. S. A. Some months ago a deputation
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  • 92 2 NOT IN DEMAND IN SOL Til AFRICA. According to the SoNtfl Ckmm Po* there is but little demand for bicycles m any part of South Airica at the present time, and as a means ot communication they are at a discount. Imporers and agents have stocks of
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  • 64 2 WOMEN REPORTED TO HAVE BEEN KILLED BY SOLDIERS. A serious incident is reported m a X aocliao telegram of the 3rd instant which has been received by the B G*. It is asserted that five German I^^ Japanese curio shop o hlr n a W man also mounding
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  • 65 2 P^b CSSr fr A Rob ertsou and 1). V. Perkins left for hooe yesterda* by the Pukfe W S i* S C ulltt >iUl direct,,, „t Kill rk X M S P* id Kuala «vdii g! ,ara visit ol inspect.,,,, recculy. Tcleeranh U 'r y> re P lesemill Scute's innr
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    • 28 2 I There is no true aZ lous to the effect „t crisis tint is other thar?"* i the soul a ucwi,, lt ,a r^' safety valve
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    • 23 2 i he overthrow realisation ol So ilUrn «Jn extmctionofall p ilica j****, sentativeol ipitalist inter tog even thai pa be,,UV ty
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    • 23 2 The visit of the «»'e. Council prove- the realitv tentc cor&mk which isc/sJ* to the two countries n (maintaining the
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    • 37 2 It is doubtful whether the i„' i the Liberal Party m (irca exactly satisfied with the |JX elections, rrade unionism,^' economic organisation, i snow a J force with winch they »il! reckon.- -Sfietlat,,,;; Ron*
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    • 40 2 Whatever may happen th |ete, which pass al/to' leave in the minds of the rcDreJ 0l both countries prccion which will contribute to t gofanunde^tai.dingwhk'ut the great n^cific forces of the Jour ml, Pans.
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    • 52 2 I he decision of the Parliament to .so amend the imn law as to allow of the imp, white British subjects under provided they are not mtrod take the place of men on st i thoroughly good one, il 0 y reason that it drawn th. clearly
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    • 55 2 We talk about the return simple life, extol it, ad\ adopt it in so fares u does «>ur social existence; but rest wi go on flourishing, .uppei will continue, and woman will drink all she can get; :iiifi complexion goes, the will bh more resort to
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    • 55 2 Many people think thai I question is dosed for e i the Anglo-French agreemi 1904 has put an end to EgyptU I hose people are mistaken Si arc -paring no effort- to call tl don of Europe to the qui Egyptian question still 1 eventual withdrawal ol
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    • 57 2 It i> high time for some one up the cudgels on tin I graduate's behalf. We fbi mi are firmly convinced thai undergraduate ii u healthy-minded a young pi took a morning tub oi <l tied o booh beer and chop-. Ixford i- ii haps Utopia, but it
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    • 51 2 It is only recently wt resourceful Celestial, who had to a Wat where .1 crematio taken place, and actual choice parts of the roasti d which he made sonH splendi (fitoitco and sold it to customer- 111 the city. Since, told, he has been dia ted.—Sunn Free
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    • 74 2 Mr. Winston Churchill has time in notifying us thai the Conference has been p that when it assembles the G will refuse to consider on within the Empire. 1 bus an- 1 mation i- given thai the Uti gland" school ha- no; changed foe t; better. Ihe-e-
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  • 100 2 English people are ikX worst talkers m the irorld, have, m addition, a natural of anyone who can string i! sentences togetliei 111 tact, -a\ saw Field," t.» have an) degro oi apeech layi a man the charge of noi In while a unman uli inspires
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  • 22 2 Tlie l-.ilit.u iiivitp-. ioire iatc hi t" Wl Itir I sh..u >u-x m l>ie Imi ttttopin a l
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  • 92 2 Siß, In yum joiirn.i noticed m foai corres commnnication figned liiatiiiK at theeztenl of a S power m ttoediechari inter,>t thai I wait f« ami.vi leer an explanation, and amon. >t M mam local kt.-I't "i the dark A.l havenevei »di misM-n from ihe Mv i
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 588 2 Three Special Favourites Lemon Juice 60 cts. per pint bottle Orange Phosphates 65 Grape Juice 55 Less 10 per cent discount These are not compositions of acids, but unadulterated Fruit Juices Guaranteed Pure." A TRIAL WILL CONVINCE YOU THOMPSON THOMAS Co., The Australian Stores. fc^* 8 H m MB^BfIBVBIBHBMH^BHi f
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    • 388 2 it W X M*)( »O» lQt i- ■< HONGKEE. *Vom SHANGHAI, 149, 161 A 152, ORCHARD ROAD, First Class Crpenter, Painter Polisher and White Washer Dealer m Art Furniture. Showm Room No, igj, Orchard. Road, Inspection Invited. Terms very moderate. Furniture, ade to morder. Orders promptly executed. THE QUEEN OF
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    • 255 2 NOTICE. Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China. Under instructions from the Court of Directors, I have to-day handed over charge of this Branch of the Bank to Mr. E, M JANION. JOHN; ARMSTRONG, Manager. 16th March. S TO LET. Two Large Shops, Grourvl floor only, one fully furnished with
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  • 18 3 I Rente 1 Agency wires By submarine telegraph.' SYMPATHY WITH GERMAN PROPOSALS OFFICIALLY DENIED.
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  • 76 3 MOORISH PRETENDER TRUE TO THE SULTAN. London. March 11. 2.20 p.m. Vccording to Li 7Vnt/>s, Count Lamsdorff, tll(> R" xvian Minister of Foreign Affairs, has telegraphed to the Russian rtc to the Morocco Conference H denying the Genaaa Press th.it Kussia was sympathizing with the German proposals anent co and
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  • 83 3 GROWING INDIGNATION AT I nil DX OF GOVERNMENT. London, March si, 2.20 p.m. I here is growing indignation m South and also m the unionist icction rliament at the Ministerialists 1 motion of censure on Sir Alfred Milner, ,1, crnor of the Transvaal aniterdaj evening. nmem
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  • 178 3 ALSAGOFF V. LYON v *PW* Dismissed. of T llir S W lu?" a| ?P al flom J««lgme.,t Mr Justice Ihorntoii m an action tftrtft A Ly r as ■fitt Lr T r L yo»cla.ming damages breach of contract and refusing to sell the Albion Engint works The
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  • 24 3 DEATH OF SEAPORT." "Seaport" the well-known race horse owned by Mr. \V. \V. Bailey, died early yesterday morning, from acute inflammation of the liver.
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  • 451 3 On Tuesday Mr. W. E. Hooper, Head of the Hackney Carriage and Jinrikisha I >ept, was presented by the staff of his department, with an address wishing him a happy holiday and safe return. Mr. S. P, Joaquim read the address and presented it.
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  • 209 3 An exceptionally large gathering of member- and friends of both sexes of idist Episcopal Tamil Church, including Mr. and Mrs. Rickard. Miss and the Rev. Herbert Wc^t, mbled together m the Anglo-Tamil ng Road, on Tuesday farewell to their S inday School Superintendent,
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  • 198 3 INTERNATIONAL MEDICAL •Nl KKIN( X PROPOSED. •11 1.11 meeting of the Medical concluded at Manila. 1 eminent Japanese 1 much approving X Shiga was the lion of embly hall at the g wras p.rkedto hear 1 physician. Shißa is famous as the dislary character
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  • 138 3 bREA > EVENT THAT FAILED I*o COME OFF. Feb. Woo* of the Six Companies this chv n j ISC wh() is vising m t< <la v *aid he thought the China is about to i T™ 1 1 He issued tbefolkma t rnin .8 to several American l
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  • 13 3 to I. U I'KsK'avc returned }uj( m |^K by the l>. mai Imi
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  • 294 3 NATIVE REGIMENTS TO BE ORGANISED TO AID AMERICANS. A San Francisco telegram of Feb. 27th, which is published by the Japan Ailvirliser, states that Philippine messages received by the State Departmcnl announce that a movement has been started throughout the archipelago to organise native regiments to
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  • 229 3 Ni Pan Heng, a Chinese immigrant depot keeper, was charged before Mr Bryant yesterday for failing to furnish the Protector of Chinese with a list containing the names nnd surnames of a batch of recent arrivals who were housed m his depot. Out of 132 men who arrived
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  • 119 3 An old Chinese woman was walking m Northbridge Road on the tram lines yesterday morning m front of an approaching tram. The driver sounded the car bell but, it soon became apparent to him that the woman was deaf. When within a few teet of the
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  • 525 3 DIRFXTORS' ANNUAL REPORT. The ninth ordinary general meeting of the shareholders of Messrs. Fraser and Neave, Limited, will be held at the office of the Company on Raffles Quay Wednesday next, the 28th inst., at noon. The eighth annual report of the Directors, which is to
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  • 179 3 The following properties and shares were sold by auction at Powell Co's Saleroom on Tuesday afternoon. No. 15 Thomson Road, Singapore, area 3 roods, 6 poles, freehold. M. T. A. Taynappa Chitty $3000. No. 12 Kramat Road, Singapore, area 7762 square feet, freehold. H. P.
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    • 141 3 Championship. F. Salzman beat J. E. Nathan. A. Class Singles. T. G. Treadgold beat L. E. Gaunt. B. Class Singles. £fc Rc »™ck beat Griffith Jones Baddeley beat Edwards. W. S. Barrett beat W. G. Hennings. C Class Singles. Alex Reid beat Birrell. L. G. North way beat
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    • 176 3 Championship. Foreman p. Hanbury. Ruchwaldy p. Salzmann or Nathan. A. Class Singles. Talma scr. v. Mason scr. Leggatt plus 3, v. Nathan— 30, (if not m Championshfp.) B. Class Singles. Dunmann scr. v. Cheek plus 1 (to finish.) Walls scr. v. F. O. K. Brown— i (if not
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  • 104 3 The Ladies' March was played for Monday afternoon. Scores M rS C CirCe u 47 3 44 Mrs Hartnell 57 3 54 Mrs Scott Russell 67 12 55 Mi.ss W. E. Gentle 68 10 58 Mrs Gansloser 66 8 58 Miss Salzmann 65 659 Miss Boulton
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  • 106 3 The Macbean Cup is to be shot for on Saturday, next the 24th instant, at 2.30 p.m. Ranges 200, 500 and 600 yards, seven shots and a sighter at each range. N. R. A. Regulations. Open to Members of the S. V. C. only. S. R. A.
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  • 159 3 POPULAR ORCHESTRAL CONCERT. The next popular Orchestral Concert takes place on Friday March 30th. Some of the finest items played by the Orchestra during a considerable time past will be produced including splendid Egmont the Symphony movement will be the Allegro from Schubert's immortal Unfinished No. 8).
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  • 79 3 The dead body of a newly-born female child was discovered by the Police m Wallich Street on Monday. The child was of fair complexion, with light hair, and was dressed m Chinese style. The steamer "G. G. Meyer" from Palembang this morning entered the Port flying the Police flag. On
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 382 3 ROBINSON _gg^ and 00. FIXED EXcHANGE REOUeEO PRICE Rakiab Bicpcles 1906 MODELS j I Free Wheel and two Brakes j 1 COMPLETE With Silver Plated Lamp, li, II and all 1 Accessories The "Raleigh" machines Represent j THE BEST j ROBINSON CO. SOLE AGENTS I The Straits General Supply Stores
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 824 3 SHIPPING^ NEWS. VESSELS IH PORT. MEN-OF-WAR. mA**"* p ed. yet. loo Alii, Mar. 17 p or t Swettenham Uncertain. 0rt MfmR Q fr Sian y el 2^°° Schpning Mar. 19 Bangkok, Hangkok. K aaig".^^ TRADING VESSELS. Brit 4484 Thompson, Mar 10 Hongkong, Mansfield, for London. A**** Siam, 352 Paknam, Mar
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 304 4 SMOKE Best Ittoulmcin Cigars, Owing to I*i x i t vof exchange and gmt demand fof this brand of Cigars and having received large co— iguuatnti o!" s.nnc tioin Moulmcin, we have decided to reduce the price from date. Can ho bought at ll.$OL 3°, i- 10 an( 80 cents
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    • 694 4 BANKS. If Hongkong Shangha Banking Corporation. PAID-UP CAPITAL $10,000,0)0 RESERVE KUND:St«rling Reserve f10.000.U00 I iqi i oa.tim Silvcrßescrve f 9500,000/ iys o °.°oo X serve Liability of Proprietors $10,000,000 Court of Directors. A Haupt, Ksq— Chairman. Mun. C. W. Dickson— Deputy-Chairman. K. (ioetz, Esq. F. Salinger, Esq. C. R. Lenzmann,
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    • 569 4 MALAY RECORDS. Lagu Jalak Lanting J. Kepala Burong Nandong Sayang Gambos Plemban Sri Rayu Gambo Yuman MakDabu m Noori Bangau n Lo» km r I J AsamPaya m Bungalanjong Kuala dua m J^ngah malam Permata Gambos 5P a ,f r Inche Mina Che long Bana Serampang N Sri Perak j
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    • 352 4 YXfc^/y V 4^ v 10 THAT IS FRASER NEAVE'S AERATED WATERS. Phoenix Assurance Company Limited OF LONDON. The undersigned have this day been appointed General Agents for the abovementioned Company for the Straits Settlements, Federated Malay States and Johore, and are prepared to issue Policies of Fire Insurance at current
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    • 771 4 "E. D. M." ADLETS, FOR SALE, WANTED ftT TO BE LET. FURNISHED hour from town )r I four bed rooms |J ()1 tlc^ Court preferred. Wll I*2 Replies to ••Ol ympia r )K:i(: w DTo be Let. No. 7, Battcrv R,, 1( r on 2nd Floor. lrec roo^, Apply to
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