Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser, 1 March 1906

Total Pages: 5
1 5 Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser
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  • 18 1 Neuter's Agency wires. By submarine telegraph.) THE ARMY SHOULD BE KEPT UP TO HIGHEST EFFICIENCY.
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  • 92 1 London, Feb. 28, 10.36 a.m. With a view to emphasizing the necessity for keeping the army and navy up to the point of highest elYu iency m time of peace m order to be prepared for war, President Roosevelt sent special instructions to
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  • 50 1 OPERATIONS OF NILE COMPANY ARE UNOBJECTIONABLE London, Feb. 28, 11.20 a.m. In reply to enquiries, Mr. Winston Churchill stated that the remaining whites at Sokoto are safe. Sir Edward Grey stated that the operations of the Hamburg and Anglo American Nile Company are unobjectionable. Imperial interference is unnecessary.
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  • 35 1 FRANCE NEGOTIATING WITH GREAT BRITAIN. London, Feb. 2.5, 1 1.20 a.m. France is negotiating with Great Britain for an agreement upon measures for promoting Indian immigration m the island of Reunion.
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  • 19 1 London, Feb. 2<S, 11.20 a.m. The Mikado and Prince Arthur <>t Connaught have exchanged farewell visits.
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  • 22 1 London, Feb. 28, 10.30 ft.ni. In the City election, Mr. Balfour received 15,474 votes and Mr. T. Gibson Bowles 4,134.
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  • 17 1 London, Feb. 28, 11.20 a.m. Mr. Balfour is ontincd to his bed with a chill.
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  • 194 1 SIX MONTHS FOR LIBELLING A GENERAU The Supreme Court of the Philippine Islands has affirmed the decision of the lower Court sentencing Mr. William Crozier, the c-litor of the Manila American, to six months' imprisonment for libel. Crozier was found guilty of libelling General Davis by the
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  • 725 1 THEIR HABI IS, CUSTOMS AND BELIEFS In an uiterestini; article contri! utrd totluMuw number of "Living Racaa of Mankind," Professor Keanc dealt with Korea and the Koreans. He sr 0 s thai the houses arc all buill of tin- tame material mud and wood tor the framework, and
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  • 201 1 WILL BE CONSTRUCTED BY CONTRACTORS. New York, January 16th. A Special to "The World" from Washington says The Panama Canal can and will he constructed by co i tractor- This imp »rt.int decision wai midc to dry hv tlic Panama Canal Commission. The plan has been approved by
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  • 182 1 Tiie Govenimenl it about to eata> blish an arsenal .it Isipore, India, at whirl) place .1 pl.uit will be laid down for the manufacture of quick-firing gum and ammunition, fhc factor) will be under i foreman, assistant foreman, and ->t itV from Woolwich. This atap is look'-d
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  • 28 1 RINDERrai having broken out m Singapore, the acting Colonial Seem* i tary has is-md an order prohibiting the export <>i cattle from this port for f thirty da\s.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 503 1 BUCHANAN'S BLACK 4 WHITE' TOP PLACE "< HIGHEST CLASS OF scotcl) mpiskigs 12 YEARS OLD I rO H. M. Till. Kin. H.R.H. THE PRINCE OF WLES. 16,844 Casks of 'Eagle' Cement. Have been sold m Singapore, during the past 12 Montlis Our large TURNOVER combined with the high rate of
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    • 85 1 j John Little Co., Ltd. I SINGAPORE. I B•B B j J BRITAIN'S BEST BICYCLES, j Rudac Wbittoortl)^ CYCLES. I free uihccl Cwo Rim Brakes. j $7722 77S£ J I wwte Flannel Crousei s? I JWHITEAWAY, lifllDUAWand Company! Are Giving The Best Value I IN SINGAPORE I I Prices 5-00
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    • 155 1 SCOTT S EMULSION OF PUBE COD LIVER OH. WithHypophosphites of Lime Soda. PALATABLE AS MILK. Cake The only preparation COD LIVER OIL that can be taken readih and tolerated for n lone time. C/*/\t I c A8 A BEMEUY FOR COKBITMPTION. BRONCHITIS OVvll 5 SCanFUI.CUB AFt'KCI'IONS, A N .T:>llA. QENEIIAL
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    • 17 1 TANSAIU, 1 Pure, Crisp, Invigorating, A NATURAL *M IN KRAI, WATER OF THE HIGHEST (LASS. Sold Everywhere
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  • 357 2 The Eastern Daily Mail. PRICE 5 CENTS. THURSDAY, 1st MARCH. PROUD SINGAPORE. Our esteemed Anglo Chinese contemporary of Penang, the Straits Echo, waxes wroth because, forsooth, the city of the betel-nut possesses but one Chinese Justice of the Peace," as opposed to "five for Singapore" and seven for the puny
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  • 305 2 In our correspondence column this morning will be seen a communication from "A Sufferer" who complains, with some reason, of having been made the victim of an atrocious boycott by representatives of the lowest class of coolies. He is quite at a loss for a remedy for
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  • 210 2 In yesterday's i>sue we published a communication from a subscriber m Sumatra who wonders why it is that so much capital is being invested m rubber m the F. If. S., especially Ceylon capital, when so little attention is being paid to Sumatra which, he claims, is
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  • 330 2 A Siamese: was gored to death by a buffalo near Bangkok last week, A Chinese stowaway from Billiton on board the Moss?/ was given m charge to the police yesterday. A European lady at Kowloon who was just on the eve of leaving for home has been attacked by small-pox.
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  • 809 2 A CITY OF MANY ROMANTIC ASSOCIATIONS. The interest ot the whole civilized world is to-day centred upon Algeciras, hence the follavving interesting description of that little-known place, furnished by Mr. William Durban to the all Mall Gazette, is of exceptional interest at this time Quaint and mediaeval, but picturesque
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  • 131 2 We ire indebted to Messrs. Fra-er ft Weave, Limited, for an advance copy o| their "Singapore and Straits Direct ->ry tor 1906. The book is pot up m the excellent suly tor which the printing department ot that firm is noted and is completely up to date
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  • 51 2 Btwor Hose of Singapore and 2"T** arnved yesterday by the HjA Uo*t from. t |i C F.M S bluest h hc m r est retciv< i fr mt^ n!^k I v thc lale <-'apitan Ah Kwec no lets gl<> ChinCSe SS fr~^ aM Uve "t>two bOT* receive free boara and
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    • 23 2 MongKon^ is sa regard to it. 1,,. v I come into line with I sive sister ports Singapore. South China Post
      South China Post  -  23 words
    • 28 2 we ream know v arc with tion of justio There is no such tl befoft rhc law, by the rudimenta.v I riglit. El Renacimiento
      El Renacimiento  -  28 words
    • 33 2 ne inausiry and „c c the Philippic n In the hands ol I g which does not seem Filipinos m the k have they become humiliation. El Grito del Pueblo
      El Grito del Pueblo  -  33 words
    • 31 2 Ihe technical bi; will probably depend upon the engineer. become- more general more exact the prod article* of commerce will an UKfcasingjextent upoi knowledge. L J. M ig<
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    • 42 2 Some say that the Civ i to arise and exterminate t:.devils m their m dst, declare that the Filipinos point of breaking out m I I ippily neither pr< tphet rect. Nothing unusual happen anywhere, known. Hongkong Telegraph
      Hongkong Telegraph  -  42 words
    • 49 2 In Sir John Anderson Si g a very able admini-:: gnne has already l>ee;i marl usual features, as the tiu:i of the dock^ and the I dollar, and it may be ass difficulties m the \va\ a satisfactory harbour scheme will disappear as discussed. Hongkong Telegraph
      Hongkong Telegraph  -  49 words
    • 61 2 L'X)king at the I world supreme m maritin we are a people with an front garden-gate, and a sea door, that we call our^ektthe seas," that we have, great wealth country m the univ< still confronted with the A-ho have underst who could m curately
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    • 59 2 ame;;taty lift h which few men, having on t toxicating successfully withstand H appointed Member ma\ f political am success, there rema >ling though; that boo of lenring the Si m the management of nat of guiding the d Empire. No w. »nder I w quit that
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 429 2 NOjrieE, MftßSBßP^|Tfc "EMPIRE TYPEWBITEBS. fIS aS W PRICES ARE REDUCED. |«B|Hh^^^^S^H Id the following: S9P!^nSr^ Fdl^cap Model (takes paper m .6 wide) SllO. Brief ..?i Si3s- 18 >i 5 Tb- Marhinc i^ used m the Government Offices throughout the Straits Settlements. i» w 550 "Empire" Typewriters have been supplied to
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    • 315 2 Sastern Oriental 3Cotel, PENANG. ODR-A.C3- HOTEL, PENANG HILLS. Sankies Brothers, Proprietors. COGHLAN CO. Licensed Auctioneers HOUSE ESTATE AGENTS. Auction Sale. UNREDEEMED PLEDGES. On Thursday, ist. March, 1906 at 10 a.m. On Saturday 3rd. March, 1906 at 10 a. m. I On Tuesday 6th. March, 1906 at 10 a. m. From
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    • 195 2 Notice. Superior Apartments In private European Family On the Ist of April, a French Lady will have accommodation for a limited number of Gentlemen, either single apartments, or suites, first class cuisine, under personal supervision, house close to town, m good locality, terms very moderate. Apply Box 1 E. D.
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    • 326 2 WHAT OUR READERS THINK. J ex eel L LEARNING THE A. B. C. OF BOYCOTTING. Sir, Excuse me for allowed l.» nappea. Bat request you to ndpme »ii tion aat ..is to be done. In tOC tM remove t fro:n my former pla. •am m 1. 1 at 50 cts.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 84 3 ESTABLISHED ESTABLISHED > MOIGNEAUXPERE&FILS 1 Rl LLY, Champagne.) ,J/ f GOSLING 1 C^p Company. v|||p f 60 60 $7 $5 1 $1 D $1-50 $3 f rj $150 k I AND 11 $1-15 $3 $12 V I $9 $30 1 S DRY OKD TOM CJ *g t I 17 S
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  • 66 4 "T Ti s fkecacy wire*- '*y submarine "l 1 V tokutaph (lM s| lON DEBATED TILL MIDNIGHT. CHANCE OF POLICY DISASTROUS. I ..mm in, Feb. »8, 5.40 pjD. Ihe question of Chinese labour wms m the House of' Lords till midm Lord Roberts
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  • 26 4 I MORE HOPEFUL FEEUNC PREVAILS London, Feb. tft, 5.40 p.m. progress was made at the Conference yesterday and a topeful feeling now prevails.
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  • 94 4 !'i Ci.ina Morning Post Service. PLOT TO MASSACRE THE JEWS London, iwiToKiot Feb. 20, 3.30. p. m Count tie Witte lias discovered the fart that a large number of the Goveni- have been persistently distributing a circular inciting ;> i }«"|>t U) massacre the Jews and prominent
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  • 40 4 Washington, via Touo, Feb, jo, \.20 p. m. llu Govcrnmcni at Washington declares that the American trade m China is at a standstill, and adds that the boycoti is also spreading m the northern p
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  • 26 4 Les l ki<>. Feb. 20,3.20 p.m. new of any possible outbreak m China. Great Britain relies on Japan to suppress any movement.
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  • 28 4 1 iKh). Feb. si, 3.55 p. m. 11/ 1 Government has sent an order t< the German factories for one million rifles and one hundred gun-.
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  • 280 4 SINGAPORE CRK KET CLUB ANNOT ARRANGE MATCH. tponi has disappointed Bangkok vcpj badly, says the Bmfkok Some little time a^i> arrangements were made with the heads of firms and others that would have ento wod a cricket eleven ihi Apnl. ihe I lon. Seethe Bangkok Cricket Club then
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  • 195 4 As HEARD BY THE "CEYLON PATRIOT" to'suppoae that money alone wng uneducated men and pai with the educated, is cv ethat water and milk posseei nutritious quality as to be cxone fortheother 1 learning is better than silver d why do not some educated allow then girls
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  • 777 4 A Rkformatory Graduate. In the second Court yesterday Mr LOTS* prosecuted a Javanese lad-for theft of two sarongs and a pair of cotton trousrrs. The boy had spent 3 years m the Reformatory. s W orshlp sent him to gaol for a week. Bembvoumi Socikty Case. Certain Indian
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  • 182 4 FEBRUARY AWARD. As was announced last month, the postcard competition closed yesterday. VVe shall announce m a Tew days another novel competition for our readers. The award tor February falls to Mr. 11. 11. Norris, of the Supreme Court, who lias made excellent entries each month. His best
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  • 65 4 Till l4Sca Mew" has left to bring Sir William Taylor to Singapore. C \i'T. Scon of the s. s. Afurwia, which arrived yesterday from Newcastle N. S. W., with a cargo of coal, reports having found the Lastern and Australian Steamship Cos steamer AuttraHmm on reet m the Torres Straits
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  • 382 4 UNDER MISS ANDERSON'S PATRONAGE. Yesterday afternoon an "E. D. M."reDresentative visited the new School of Music which is to be opened this morning. The premises, it may be mentioned, are near the Presbyterian Church m Orchard Road m the three houses until lately occupied by the
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  • 178 4 There was another good house last night at Ott's Circus to witness the excellent programme which the management are presenting. Mdlle Walbourge m her high class Riding Act on "Pasha, combined with Mdlle Virginia and Miss Zelia form an excellent trio of lady equestriennes. The foot-ball horse introd*
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  • 354 4 (From Native Papers.) LEGATION GUARDS. In reply to the inquiry of the Minister of the Board of Foreign Affairs, the different Foreign Ministers have informed the Chinese Government that the Legation Guards cannot be withdrawn until they hear from their respective Governments. The Chinese Government has sent instructions
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  • 596 4 COMPILED FROM LLOYDS ANNUAL. Summary for i 9o 5 During ,905 there were 525 steamers of 801,705 tons, and 256 sailing vessels of 90,049 tons ,n addition to 9 o war buSroad 33 4 0 tOnS These figures showed an increase of about
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  • 90 4 FATALITY ON S.S. SULTAN VAN LANGKAT." A sad fatality occurred on the s.s. M Sultan van Langkat at Tanjong Pagar wharf on Tuesday. A Chinese boiler-maker was working m the engine* room when an iron plate which some lascars were hoisting above him, dropped on his head. The Chinaman's head
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  • 76 4 The Wayang Kassim returned yesterday by the s.s. "G. G. Meyer" after a lengthy and successful tour m Java. Mr. Kassim, the proprietor, has engaged a number of new actresses and the company is stronger than ever. The company open m the new theatre m North
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  • 45 4 Lieutenant S. S. Burbank, of the American army, has been dismissed from the service and sentenced to fifteen months' imprisonment for attempting to marry an American girl after deserting his half-breed wife m the Philippines, having been legally married to the latter.
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  • 79 4 Thl Bangkok Appeal cases are still occupying the attention of the Appeal Court. Fivk Chinese were committed to stand their trial at the Assizes by Mr. Seth on Tuesday, on a charge of alleged coin-counterfeiting. The S. R. C beat the R. E. 2nd XI. on the Esplanade Ground, on
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  • 42 4 MEN OF WAR. Esmcralda, Fed yet., 171 Long. Dec 11 Port Swettenham, des. Un. Kent, Brit cruiser 6800 Horsey Feb 23 bheerness, for Uncertain c Af Z af i' Fed ycht Io Alli Feb 20 Port Swettenham, for P. Sham.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 181 4 ROBINSON and Co, FIXED EXcHANGE REOUGEO PRICE RalciaD Bicpcles 1906 MODELS Free Wheel and two Brakes COMPLETE With Stiver Plated Lamp, BeUandaU Accettbrie* $70. The "Raleigh" machines Represent THE BEST ROBINSON Co. """"s Official Royal Group. Photographs of the above group taking l>> n^ at Government House, consisting of H.
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    • 96 4 THAT IS FRASER NEAVE'S AERATED WATERS riiHE undersigned ire prepared to supply toogued and >\ «i M Kftpo wood" boardi lor flooring «»f 1 i 1 ti-li thick .it fio per 100 square fed al their Saw Mills Sambawa Road. Al > tm ncfl stanchioiia t<> anr <lr^ij;n. All kinds
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 831 4 TRADING VESSELS. Amkm, Ger 161 Peters, Feb 23 Asahan. r>phn Meyer, for Asahan. Airlie, Brit 1492 Williams, Feb 24 Svdnev Boustead, for Sydney 2R y ey> Billiton. Brit 13V Russell, Feb l6Anambas Teo Hoo Lye, for Anambas. Bccchlcv. Brit 2465 Forsyth. Feb 2.5 New rastle, W. Mansfield, Uncertain. Brecon* hire,
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    • 42 4 MAILS CLOSE. To-day. For !>er At pam-h&c teS£ »),ir> Air Siiitrti-n Isabella B.Uiton&Ponnun.k V^U^IIJEurope via Colombo Delhi PenaxS Calcutta Nam SMg 3 Penang&Dell ''^Ann Malacca, &v w' U ian Malacca. &< f£2bom* Sourabaya n K3a'k*->«*cte**« JPMalacca. &c S -alila l» Hongkong f* 4
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    • 75 4 VESSELS AT TANJONG PAGAR. Wharves at which different Ship* were berthed Yesterday. East Wii.irf, S. V. I .angkat Victoria < inuring D«>« k, Nil. Albert Graving Dock, Fatatfc Sccti"ii No. i lly l-"".s, Auom.!, I jghtning 2 Bcngloc, lava. j How uk llall Hreconsbirc ii 4 Mond 5 Minilyi Beechley.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 732 5 Municipal Notice. NOTICE is hereby given that the Registration of Cattle an-1 Hand Ittta for the year 1906 will take place at the Hacknry f.irriaKc and jinriki Registration Office. Middle Ko (d J Carts Will be Registered From Ist Mar oh 1908. All Ci ts found pUiug for hire or
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    • 694 5 BANKS. Hon jkong Shanghai Banking Corporation. PAUMJP CAPITAL •10,00^000 KSSERVE FUND: Sterling Reserve »10.000,000 1 Hlfcftn v^ Silver K.-scrvc 8,500,000 518.500.000 Ah -i v«- Liability oi Prupnctots $10,000,000 Court of Directors. 1 1. VV. Ma I<\ Kstj -Cliunnan. A. Haupt, Ks<j -D.-puty-Chairman. lion. C, W. Dukson, I A. J. Kaymond,
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    • 574 5 SENSATIONAL NOVELTY. "ODEON" DOUBLE-SIDED 672 Djika saja be.sontok karang MALAY RECORDS 10 1/2 IN. $4. 548 Dari mana datang linta ***** Pantoen Tanam Melatie 560 Tjokeh tjina melaijoe tjit no sa ***** Tjokeh tjina melaijoe tjit no sa si go Lak si go Lak 655 Tjoba koe taoe kembang seroeni
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    • 132 5 SHIPPING NOTICES. Compagnie des Messageries ■I aritimes de France. Telegraphic Address: Messagerie Singapore. The mail steamers will leave Sinead*u!s°- Or abOUt thC UDderme ntioned Outward. Homeward. Armand Behic Oceanicn 12th Mar. 1 2th Mar. Tourane 26th Mar. Ernest Simons Polynesien 29 Jan. 26th Mar. Caiedonien 12 Feb Tourane 29 Jan.
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    • 439 5 Best moulmein CigarsWe beg to inform the public that we have received a large consignment of this brand of cigars by the s. s. Zaida. To suit those who cannot smoke strong cigars we have imported the best and mildest of the brand known as the wash leaves quality. They
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    • 510 5 AERATED WATERS "E. D. M." ADLETS. FOR SALE, WANTEdTetT" PREPAID. Cheap Publicity for all your Wants: Houses, Godowns etc., Wanted d To Let. Situations Wanted d Vacant. Exchange d Mart. 1 Day. 1 Week. Fortnight. Month 25 words or under 50 cts. 1. 50 2. 00 3. 00 75 cts.
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    • 376 5 TO BE LET. Court preferred. Ullms Repliesto-"()| ymi i|;i)M To be Let. No. 7, Battery Road Thre, on 2nd Floor. Apply to GUTHRIE ,v lt(J To be Let. No. 6, Cecil Street. Apply to GU THRU; vV( To be Let A Compound House N w,x>dePark. I.nmcd.at'c c: bed rooms, Stable.
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