Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser, 16 September 1905

Total Pages: 6
1 2 Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser
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  • 95 1 TROOPS SAID TO BE MOBILIZING. RIFT IN THE LUTE WIDENS. Heuter* Agency London, Sept. 15th. The feeling which has existed between Norway and Sweden has become again most strained. An authoritative announcement from Stockholm tOOMi Norway of wilfully deceiving the foreign press on the subject of
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  • 65 1 OBLIGED TO PAY BANDITS RANSOM IN RUSSIA Reuter Agency London, Sc-pt. 15th. The memorandum sent by the Uaku oil producers to the Ru^ian Minister of Finance points out the helplesMH of the p*)lice guard m the oil fields, and declares that they have decided to pay the bamlits
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  • 51 1 POLITIC MEETING DISPERSED \V, lil BAYONETS Losdon, Sept* 1 itlv Eig'u hundred delegate- Irom ail the towns ot Finland met at Helsingtoryesterday to discuss the political situation. An order from the police to <li perse was ignored, whereupon the military were summoned and dispersed the convention with fixed
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  • 45 1 JAPANESE TROOPS SENT PROM TOKYO TO YOKOHAMA. KMtir'l A|«My. London, Sept. 15th. SerioUi anti-poace rioting contimu m Japan. At Yokohama the mob hadestroyed b\ fire eleven |>olice kiosk-. Troops have been sent from Tokyo for the purpose ot guarding the consulateand uarchou-es.
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  • 45 1 MOB STILL ON THE SHOOT. Reuter 5 Agency. LONBOM, Sept. 15th. The mob continue shooting at IJaku, but the English, and a few other firm-, started the work of repairing the damages, when threats from the revolutionaries caused them to desist
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  • 30 1 ITALIAN KING VISITS DISTRESSED VILLAGERS. Reuters AgencyLondon, Sept. 15th. King Victor Kmmanuel is still touring the earthquake region, personally comforting the villagers. Fresh shocks were experienced yesterday.
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  • 51 1 ADDITIONS BEING MADE TO FRENCH REPRESENTATIVES IN SI AM. Rout«r'» Aicncy LOMDOH, Sept. 15th. In Order to ensure the execution of the last treaty and the more adequate prelection to its ten thousand proUflM m Siam, France is strengthening her Consular Court at Bangkok and consular representation
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  • 34 1 A RUSSIAN ENTERPRISE. Reut«r'» A|«ncy London, Sept. 1 5th. The R ussfr-FastrA tiao, Stesjnship Company announces the opening of a regular service between Russia and the Far East.
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  • 50 1 EUROPEANS BELIEVED IN PERIL. Reutor'* Agency. AH of the Powers have preaanted a note to the Moorish (iovcrnment dc- manding protection lor the Europeans within its jurisdiction, m view Of the insecurity which prevails at Tangier! as 1 I a consequence of the inter-tribal tight- I ing.
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  • 288 1 PEACE NEWS GIVES HOPE OK BRIGHTER TIMES. fnm 0«f o»« c»f r Hongkong, Sept. 6. Commercially, matters have stagnated for months past m Hongkong, but tli i- week the hope of the restora tion of peace has galvanised men into action. The share market is moving better
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  • 172 1 WoiLD STEAL ANYTHING FROM BUTTER In GOLF BALLS. Mi. Norman Dick, of KeMNI Haiboui. GoitnWM Marine Suivevoi, tc-ntied against his house boy m the Police Court, yesterday. Ever akmht had taken tin- youth into hi-* service, alxnit a month ago, lie li.nl been missing many little things.
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  • 214 1 KKPORT OK CONSUL STRINGER. Consul Stringer, <>i Ihiengmai, Ivhikkok. PCDOtta tli.it the t<ak deli\ cry of last ■eason largely exceeded tli.n of m>oo, which held tlur previous record, and is also inurli above the- :i\n age. Phe teak floated down the M« 11.1111 may hi B" pected
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  • 196 1 Vnliim* XXXVI, 1904-1905, <>t the praOWdlllgS 1»f tli« abo\r has Ixru published. It contain* amongst othoi articles tin* hfes?SSg pap«-i The Rhodes Scholarships, by G. K. Parkm. I. m. The Wealth of Canada as an Agricultural Country, by \V. Staley Spark The Navy ami the Empire, by
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 656 1 **S >xti.? i jriijßik agents i>>i< Singapore. JOHN LITTLE A CO. A COAT OF JODELITE. |C fi j^^ fT l I TP" M 17^^1111 DoN Mil U.MI'.IK W.>KK R Bl J| I C n ON THE TIMBER WORK L O/lir.ri'LrnO a few Dollars Spent on 44 Jodelite" Often lOF A
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    • 15 1 Buchanan's ••Red Seal" Guaranteed 7 Years Old. "A Sol-no Scotch Whisky. or EXCKPTIONALLY GOOD VaLIJ.
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  • 242 2 The Eastern Daily Mail. PRICE 5 CENTS. SATURDAY, 16TH. SEPTEMBER. "L. T. P." AND HIS QUERY. 14 L. T. P." persists that we should sit m judgment upon the charge of cheekiness levelled against Chinese by certain correspondents of the Straits Times." We print his letter to-day on the subject.
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  • 173 2 It is interesting to note, that m these timesof depression m trade and business generally j n the Straits, that at least one local company, the China Mutual Life Insurance Company, can claim to outrival competitors from Europe and America. A comparison with a wellknown Canadian
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  • 181 2 It will be seen by a telegram m another column that we are to have another line of mail steamers between Singapore and Europe, by which arrangements will doubtless be made, if the service should prove efficient, for the forwarding of the English mails, giving us
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  • 207 2 That the proprietors of the Baku oil fields have felt it incumbent upon them owing to inadequate protection from the Russian Government, to pay a regular monthly ransom to the bandits who are doing their best to de-troy the industry, sounds like a feel of ancient or
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  • 143 2 Quaint mistakes creep into newpapers, especially m the perilous days of infancy. We have a good story to tell against ourselves. On Thursday morning there appeared an article entitled "Agin the Government," and yesterday the first leader was under the heading of Our Policy." By one
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  • 238 2 Last Saturday we published an article taken from the "Straits Chineoe Magazine" entitled, "The Boycott," written by a well-known Straits Chinese, dealing with the causes, from a Chinese point of view, which have le«l to the present extensive boycott of American goods m China. In contradistinction to
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  • 1284 2 THE BOYCOTT AS VIEWED AND REVIEWED BY AN AMERICAN RESIDENT. (K. O. m. Special. An American reading the various newspaper notices and leaders anent the boycott and the Chinese Exclusion Treaty is filled with wond»«r that all these things can be and still survive m
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  • 27 2 ll.r (i11.. i i He- ntc.«-.t ii M wi ittcn on one »idf mliouid exi«ed 400 w..id- I I i^iont ble lor tli«.i|uni.M,
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  • 146 2 THE CALLING CRAZE." SIR. Do I dream returning home the ut two visiting cards on my gentleman's! A day 01 tw on>-. Since then they 1 m dribietsandaltogetiit: 1 Not.»!n*; wonderhil m thai newcomer to Sin^u; ratted oh none What ha- led to this social NVOhSMIM to the substitution of
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  • 158 2 Dt arllk Kin I I Asiatic," m Ins commun m woich he wrius tiut siiould be considere 1 1 on the Tanjong Pacai D On the cootrar) 1 agement of home indu- oneof: l>v.^t methods of pt> If Government lias a dollars to spare fn tion wnth
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  • 99 2 D \k -IK. Like man. grateful tor t m set fortii the polu retjrit M t -it n ly n faithfully reflect but perhaps, it was si l letigc and >anction. "II I )e l apologise for t!ie troubK t But apart from all q I troubl< fod
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  • 108 2 D. ar Sir. Allow I tion o( <>ur Munictpa nugi plorable cood I bride m ("oron.it I o( your paragraphic yest* relay's jsniic I able jdaathtraps. A splen course of erection then C<>nsul-(icncral, and tlu n> fuse brfclgw aii i fashionabh* centr«- Tnoi lind'-wners m tiu- local
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  • 71 2 Pkak Sik. Al vm n *|x>rtirjK OOTTSSJ n.ii nt issue that lEm UU..' ■•< raeavd lor om b»ll n Autumn meeting cair u-d 11 wcitßht on teat 0 »he accomplished th< A Is life worth living It is" t ho most Tin •ugh some sa> "N* H
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 275 2 IND. COOPE Company's BURTON LAGER. $12.50 per case of 6 doz. pts. or 4 doz, quarts of all dealers. Co our Subscribers J ana Readers. In issuing our 12th number, we have much pleasure m advising you to buy your provisions from Ox Australian Stores* Cheapest Best. Government 7 Contractors,
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    • 145 2 Coghlan Co. Licensed Auctioneers. House Estate Agents, Land Valuers, Commission Agents, Appraisers, Insurance Agents (Fire, Life Marine), Fire loss Adjusters, Brokers for Steamers and Sailing Vessels, Stock Auditors, and Company Promoters. 16 years' constant local experience, 1899 to 1905. Auction Sale OF ONE CRANE AS IT NOW STANDS ON Boat
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    • 372 2 FOR $15:-MM»TH You can have a good and hearty Tiffin every day. Chan^AHey.lr^T BO D EGA* •N SALE OR LOSE. EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY. That spacious commodious bungalow Louisville situated at the top of the Hill m Coronation Road, three-quarters of a mile from Cluny Railway Station, overlooking ofcarailng scenery. House and
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  • 243 3 YOKOHAMA OUTBREAK DOES NOT INFLUENCE TOKIO. ALL QUIET IN THE CAPITAL. Tin: Times" on thk DISTURBANCE. Straits Pres» Agnncy. Tokio, Sept. 15th. In spite ol the outbreak of anti-peace riots m Yokohama, reported m yesterday's issue, and the continuance thereof; it is satisfactory to note that the authorities
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  • 100 3 NO RICKISHAS IN THE STREETS CHARR YWALLAHS LIKELY TO JOIN MOVEMENT. Straits Prc»s Agency. Ipoh, Sept. 15. Owing to the stringent measures which have been adopted by the local police, the rickisha coolies have gone out on a strike. No public rickishas arc plying on the streets
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  • 103 3 WAS NOT ni'ETO DISAFFECTION OF CREW. MINISTER YAMAMOTO'S STATEMENT. Straits Press Agency.; HoJftMCOMG, Sept. 15th. Mr. Yamamoto, the Minister of the Navy, emphatically denies the report that the disaster to the battleship Mtkfi<<i was occasioned by disaffection. (So far no report of the character referred to has
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  • 69 3 GREAT ENGINEERING WORK COMPLETED. (Straits Press Agency London, Sept. 15th. The bridge over the Victoria Falls, which has been m course of constriction for so long, is at length completed. The bridge, which may well be described as a great engineering work, will be a most valuable
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  • 151 3 I NORTHERN IMITATES SOUTHERN COLONY. From Our Own Correpondent. Football is going strong m the Northern Settlement ft present, and a Football League has recently been formed here. The Chinese have taken a liking to the game, and have been the challengers m several matches lately.
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  • 104 3 EXTRAORDINARY MIDGET NOW ON EXHIBITION. Jaganath Samiar, an Indian dwarf who professes genius as a palmist and horoscope reader, is now on exhibition m Singapore. He may be seen daily at No. 64, Campcll Lane, off Dunlop St. He is 41 years of age, yet measures less
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  • 275 3 KMEROUS SHIPPING CASUALTIES. Boat* Dashed to Fragment*, 'he squall which swept over the bour yesterday, is reported to be the worst which has taken plac« here for several years past. Storms, even of the mildest description, are of m- I frequent occurrence m Singapore, pos- I sibly owin^
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  • 205 3 A CHINESE NAME TO FIND The verse for yesterday was as j follows No. 5 His first is financial his next paternal. One's first first comes mostly from the latter, Anil if the latter leaves you less the first You lose the latter, lack the first— a
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  • 122 3 A Bengali, named J. Williams, was fined a dollar yesterday m the Second Court for taking a bottle of beer into the gaol, contrary to Section 19, Ordinance 14 of 1872. He claimed that he was acting m accordance with the instructions of the m fe
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  • 113 3 A Sakai child was brought up to Bangkok from the Peninsula the other day to be shown to His Majesty. He i* nine years of age and was born m the province of Patalung on the borders of Satun. His parents are dead, and as he
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  • 236 3 Through the enterprise of Taotai Wen, telephones are to be placed m various stations m the bus}' streets of Canton, m order that those who cannot afford to have them placed m their houses may not be deprived of the service. For a fee of five
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  • 903 3 FRIDAY, 15TN SEPTEMBER 1905. Present The Hon'ble the Acting Colonial Secretary E. L. Brockman. The Hon'ble the At-torney-General, W. R. Collyer, 1.5.0. The Hon'ble the Acting Colonial Treasurer, J. O. Anthonisz. The Hon'ble the Auditor- I General E. C. H. Hill. The Hon'ble the Colonial Engineer, A. Murray,
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  • 141 3 The railway extension from Johore Bahru to the frontier of Malacca is proceeding apace, and ha? now been I constructed within two miles of Tampoi j m Johore the latter place being the I terminus of the road from Johore j Bahru. Mr. D. J. Openshaw, the en-
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  • 629 3 <SyTh« Pilot.) Owing to the bad weather ofyesterday, play m the S.C.C. Tennis Tourname it had again to be put off m the evening, and so heavy was the rainfall that the courts cannot possibly be m the best of condition for this afternoon. The ties fixed
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  • 136 3 THOUSANDS OF FLOATING COFFINS. It is reported that during the recent typhoon at Shanghai the river swept over the banks and flooded the country for several miles inland to the depth of three or four feet. One peculiar feature m connection with the flood was the numerous coffins
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  • 88 3 OFFENSIVELY CARICATURING MISS ALICE ROOSEVELT. (FrMi Oar Owm C>rr«t»fdft> Two Chinese editors on the Kung Yak Po have been banished from the Colony for caricaturing m an offensive manner Miss Alice Roosevelt during her visit. By a curious coincidence, they were shipped to Canton on the same
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  • 219 3 At the Prinsep St. Church the Rev: W. Murray will conduct the Sunday morning service at 6a. m. (Malay) and the Read S. S. Walker will conduct the English service at 7. 45. p. m The Y. M. C. A. will be addressed by Mr. R. D. Pringle,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 501 4 SHIPPING, ETC. THE SAN FRANCISCO OVERLAND ROUTE. Pacific Mail Steamship Co., Occidental Oriental S. S. Co. and Central Pacific, Union Pacific, Chicago North-Western Railways. ATCHISON, TOPEKA AND SANTA FE RAILWAY SYSTEM. (Operating the LARGEST and FASTES Steamers on the PACIFIC.) from HONG-KONG TO SAN FRANCISCO. The National highway to Europe
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    • 625 4 BANKS. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA, AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. Incorporated by Royal Charter. Capital Reserve Liability 1 ro of Proprietors j' £*°°> 000 Reserve Fund f Bank of England. BANKFRS National Bank of Scotland BAiNKfcKb The London Qty MIDLAND Bank, Ltd. SINGAPORE BRANCH. CURRENT Accounts are opened T and interest allowed
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    • 745 4 I I THE LUX UGHT IS THE CHEAPEST. T COMPARATIVE TABLE. X ~^B* OF THE RELATIVE COST OF DIFFERENT LIGHTS. \y r \,n r c For 100 Candle Power rice 01 1 1 *B| r ffiP^^^^-few Material for Burning. Burning Material. Consumption Gist m Pence Z~ Stearine Candles 6d. per
      745 words
    • 364 4 Si /setter Sieer HEY BRAND IMPORTED SINCE 1876. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. A/mm GtmmSm wrMkmat the wkmm /v'>> Lakis, BEHN MEYER Co. Sole Importem. ARTIE TULLY I las a Sio.ooo book opened on the Governor's Cup. Double Event on Maiden .-.nd Governor's Cup 1,000 50. 1,000 10 about placing them m
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    • 740 4 "E. D. M. ADLETS. {Vrcfhxid.) Cheap Publicity for all your Wants: Houses, Godovtns etc., Wanted d To Let. Situations Wanted d Vacant. Exchange d Mart. 1 Day. 1 VYkek. Fortnight. Mom 25 words or under 50 cts. 1. 50 2. 00 3. o 50 75 cts. 2. 00 3. 00
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    • 509 4 FOR SALE WANTED, FTC, WANTED A Chinese clerk u,i iModwriUiw will be Ap,,lj 1 ,,..Xi l ,li,, g >Klv|A XYPIST WANTED i<<m A 1 Winchester Hoiic ll t S«pt. 14-20. TO BE LET. S'- <'M>rW,, of| K ,u.e.\., Street, cover, ng an J it square feet. Spec.aH> mt l)lt ir
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    • 581 1 Xsimc, Port, rrnh.ib'e a i/r of ani ■'•/</ \gtnM Mk\-of-\Var, &c. Hogue, (Brit cruiser), Ciina. soon. O*HiggiDS, (C:iili bs lip), Valparaiso, soon. San Raffael, (Port cruisor), Lisbon, 8000, Siulej. (Brit cruiser), China, soon. Sr.iAMtRS. Achilles, C iina, Sept 23 Mansfie! Agamemnon. China. Oct 25 Ma^sfiekl A'r'aous, Caina, Oct
      581 words
    • 30 1 Sept. 16. Alicanto for Manila Volute Shanghai IlokTjio? bonbon. Flevo Sambas. Mena Batu I'ahat. Sri Muar Malacc; Sri Wong->ft Malacca. Pjr Seng I'cnang. Hye LeonK Telok Anson. Sealc'a Sourabaya.
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    • 93 1 Bun W'hatt Hiti, Brit. 195, RaulingSept. 1 Teloban, Straits SS. Co. J>anLi, Bnt, 127, Rushton, Sept. 15, Anambfn Is. Too I 100 Lye, for Anamhas Is 17th. (iiamj Ann, Dut. 576. Flak, Sept. 15, Safnarang, Heap Eni: M h. AToMNny, Willem, ii. l)ut. Teehsma, Sept. 1 Amsterdam, Dao-ndi-ls,
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    • 111 1 Sept »4- Per R-ijah "t' Sarnmmk: Bndford Per Bmm J9 Utn Mr Sham Kyc hean Mr S iven, Mr and Mr Byrne. Sept. 14. Per Pft > li-n^il Frdoi il Mrs Blanco, Mr E. I Evans, Mr Tarn Bun. Mr Tun Sing Scum. Mr Ho Shin San. Mr
      111 words
    • 328 1 Brit 2731, Cook e, s setU t 14. Shai^- :>;. P. O. for Bombay, 14. /> 7, •>>■•./. Nor 659, Milberc:, Sept. ID, Han<ic Borneo C y., for Bombay, Uncertain. fJagmar, Gcr. 963, Wolff, Sept, 13, Kamzkok, B/w Meyer, for Bangkok. \V Drxzomtm. Brit. 2216 Owen, Sept
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    • 67 1 Wharves at Which Different S.iins are Berthed To-day. East Wharf -Den of Airlie. Victoria Graving Dock Florida. Albert CikAviNc; Dock:— Hong Moh. Siscnon No. i 2 Okhla, Palamcotta. Van Goens. 4 11. M- S. Flora. I lebe, Paroo. <> Thyra, Ningchow. BoßNio Wharf:— 7 Alicante. 8
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    • 522 1 B. Major Kroaorick, Commandant, B.V.C S./i^apore, /_>/// Stpttmter. S. V. A. Orderly Officer tor next week Lieut DR< b-rtson, Orderly N. C. O. Corp!. J. A B.jycs. Para les Monday, l8t;i inst.. at 5-3 p.m T.uirs lay, 2:st inst., at 9 p.m. Friday, 22ni inst., at 3-30 p.m.
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    • 18 2 I ho Netherlands Trading Society today quote the 4 ins bank rato at 2 i#.
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    • 151 2 Cloves (Amboina) Copra Bali TJj do rontiarmk 710 Coffee, Bali, ,r barf. ,3.00 do. Palembang, 20 basis,, 25.00 do. Liberian No. 1 23.50 Coco-nuts, per thousand 33.^5 Cambier buyers do Cube No. i 1 1.50 do do No. 2 1 1. 00 -Macc(Banda) .45 Nutmegs (1 10 to the
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    • 143 2 (Mekcantii f Bank.) On London Hank 4\w 2 Demand 21^16 Private 6 ::1 y lb do. 3ms. a /i| On Germany Bank d d 2. 10 Private 3 m s 2. is do. 6 m. s On F**mot B.uikd.d 2 .6^ Private 3 m > j.; o do. 6ms..
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    • 24 2 From Engand. Per P. O. Gbm, on Friday, Sept. 15. From China.- Per N. D. L. Prtusseii on Monday, Sept. 18.
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    • 193 2 Number ,if j I^ ue I» a id Sha.es Value. up to < v;xnv. Buyers. Sellers. T La t l IMHMUHM Mining 4<o to (MM Ui £5 i I G.M.r 0 ...M.,fp., M* -Tt IO io M*t l-«fi C, M. Co ?ffj 7 5 30.000 Belat Tin
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    • 185 2 General. A HOLT &<v>. It is reported that Messrs. A. Holt and C (the S. S. Coy.) have placed an order tor the construction of 2 tarn ■tttneri with ScUttl of Greenock, for their China, Japan and Sacooma run. P O Coy. At Messrs. Caird Ac Co's, Greenock.
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    • 62 2 From China: By N. D. L. S. S. Prmssm due Sept. 18. From Europe Zieten on Sept 22. TIME TABLE OF MAILS DUE IN LONDON August 21 st N D L September 15 24th B I „18 -:Bth M M 19 31st P O 16 September sth
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    • Page 2 Miscellaneous
      • 141 2 MAILS CLOSE. To DAY. BUHtoa ft Pontianak "Van 'ler I. m )a m Clin^ l a>amcot:..' 3 pm liargk>k -Korat" Ham Inclragn Aing T,.yc .pm Penang via poi ts fin Seng 2pm Mua r& Malacca Sultan 2pm Bcngkal s Bagan Sri Iringgaiui '2 p m P»-*"-*ng -H-rngMoli" 2pm Penang vS:
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      • 43 2 HONGKONG WEATHER TELEGRAMS. Date. Bar. Wind. Temp. Sept. 15. Hongkong 9.30 a.m. Depression North part. Formosa Channel moving North-West. Hongkong 10 a. 29.87NW 1 85 T* Manila 10 a. 759 WJ 29 Hongkong 4 p. 29.75 SSW2 86 Manila 4p. 757 SW2 31
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