The Straits Times, 15 April 1974

Total Pages: 32
1 32 The Straits Times
  • 21 1 TOTAL DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 250,000 The Straits Times E*d. 1845 FINAL EDITION MONDAY, APIUL 15, 1974 25 CENTS M.C.(P) 21/74
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  • 624 1 State of alert in Lebanon BEIRUT, Sun. Lebanon was In a state of alert today for any fresh Israeli strike after the raids across the frontier on Friday night. Pears of further attacks were fed by Israeli Defence Minister Oen Moshe Dayan's statement yest-rday that th* raids were a signal
    UPI  -  624 words
  • 521 1 BATTLE OF MOUNT HERMON Israelis Svipe out' Syrian assault force TEL AVIV, Sunday ISRAELI infantry, backed by artillery and warplanes, today wipe< out a Syrian assault force at tempting to take the summit of Mt Hcrmon, the Military Comma ru said. An army spokesman said the bodies of 12 Syrians
    AP; UPI  -  521 words
  • 73 1 beltast. sun. The Brltlah Army faced potentially explosive situation* In both the Protestant an* Cmtbotte sections of thla divided city today, after •booting two civilians during a Dot lajt night. The two man were wounded when paratroopers nrvd a number of bullets at an fengry ■tone-throwing crowd
    Reuter  -  73 words
  • 141 1 RIDDLE OF TWO WOMEN FOUND MURDERED NEW YORK, San. Police today hunted for the sadistic murderer of two Japanese women found bound, gagged and •itrangled In a New York hotel room yesterday and. at the same time, searched for anyone who knows where In Japan the women came from. The
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  • 909 1 Watergate accused call on Sirica to step down WASHINGTON, Sun. Four of the seven men Indicted In the Watergate cover-up havu asked United State.) district Judge John J. Sirica to step down from the case which made him famous. The four, all former officials of the Nixon Administration, have filed
    NYT  -  909 words
  • 44 1 ACAPULCO (Msaleo). Bun. —At toast IS Catnoße pilgrims ware killed and more than 100 Injured today whan a lorry taking thorn horn* from a ihrtn« plunged over a 23-foot (wvon-aMta*) prsetptc*. 60 mil* (100 kltoattus) north of nan. potto* •aid.— Rwtat.
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  • 63 1 BRUBBB4, Bun— aettied minor Louis Luypaart M, baa bom buried aUv* at Haeatai in a bid to brsak a word. Locked m a bo* oonnsctwi to the anrf ace by an air Bam and tsisphom Una. ha wants to stay undaTgfound for M days to beat
    Reuter  -  63 words
  • 215 1 SP E L L- BINDING footwork is a must In the royal Maranao ritual of tying the nuptial knot. Dance steps intricate enough to match the richly embroidered finery of the "bridal couple" weave In and out of the bamboo poles, which
    FRANCIS ONO  -  215 words
  • 374 1 TAIPEH, Sun. Taiwan moved today for a showdown with Japan over the aviation dispute by ordering Its air force to ready Jet-fighters to Intercept any Japanese planes flying over Taiwan or hundreds of miles around the island. A communique Issued this avenlnff by the Oovernment
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  • 31 1 PHNOM PHNH. SUB. Cambodlmn communist gunners fired 13 round* of 107 mm rockets Into Matured ascttons of Pluwm Penh's south and south— i sides lmat night. klUln« alx people
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  • 85 1 JERUSALEM, Sun The Government announced today the arpolntment of Ma].Gen. Mordecal (MotU> Gar as the Israeli armed forces' new Chier of Staff. The 44-year-old general, at present commander of the northern front. Including the lines facing Syria and the Lebanon border area, la being promoted
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 67 1 smmmralV^l Available at a* loading shoo stores or at our I s»wwrooin,Not97Jsn.SuHen.Kus)la Lumpur. mmß^^^Bml^^BcmvlL^' T* I^OW Tnß SWrVET* I mm boner way «o my k than «M» ffeU&tf MEETS? You car be sure your message comes across loud and dear. In a choice of 16 irresistible flavours. HELLER'S SWEETS... Have
      67 words
    • 66 1 PEG PAY HIKE TO OUTPUT ADVICE PAOC 7 EGYPT hits out at Russia again 2 WHEN I become President by Ford s RHODESIA'S spy deal 4 THE purpose of the Prom Bill 9 THE flats la Pongfol estate 11 GREEN light for kidney centre IS COMPUTERISED medical centre 19 ACROSS
      66 words
    • 153 1 fT)ENMARKS A STERLING j^£& SU/ERVMARE W by OEORQ J^^ VT JENSEN Ji&Fhvh+.h. SENA (PTE) LTD. •pP^ HGH CLASS JEWELLERS IJA BRANOCS P%»WMCR-Lt VWOWrUFWRES HOTELS.^ P mm! I V ff 1 V m m st BJB Central memory with magnetic cores: 31 registers each with rapacity ofl4 digits, plus sign Programs
      153 words

  • Straits Times World News
    • 112 2 Turks' 'last warning' to Greece P'ANBUL, Sun. A crowd of about 30.000 people, mostly student*, held a rally ycfterdar In what it* organlieri termed "the last warning" to Oneoe "not to continue Its protocaUons against the Turttsh people.* 1 The crowd beard speeches urglns; the goternment to adopt a firmer
      112 words
    • 26 2 Moscow. Sun. amnl doaan political prl*>ner» la two Ural* labour camps ara ■rating a proUat bungar atrlke In aupport of dltrtant Viadlmlr Bukovjky Reutar.
      Reuter  -  26 words
    • 355 2 Egypt lashes again at Soviet arms policy... CAIRO, Sunday NEW wave of criticism of the Soviet Union's attitude towards Egypt yesterday coincided with a further brightening in Egyptian- American relations, in a reversal growing out of last October's Middle East war. The anti-Soviet criticism surfaced again In a press interview
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    • 310 2 Why the Egyptians are short OR patience. pAIBO, San. After \j Z* yean of soflertnr.. Egypt has Uttlc patience with Arabs who criticise her. the editor of Al Ahram suggested yesterday. President Sadat's "modesty does not mean that the EtTPttan people w o 1 d adopt a modest stand or
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    • 43 2 MIAMI, Sun Joae BUa da La Ton-lent* 7», a prominent Cuban exua and apon■or of the ao-called TorrlanU Plan" to otartniow Cuban Prime Minuter PUJeI Oaatro waa abot daad by an unknown attacker at hla horn* In nearby coral OaMar ReuUr
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    • 170 2 MINISTER: DAYAN CAUSED GOLDA TO QUIT rnEL AVIV, Sun— lsrael's 1 Finance Minister PlnSap!.- said today U s at th* atUtude of Defence Minuter Moshe Dayan had originally led the Prime Minister, Mrs. Oolda Melr. to decided to resign. He told Israel Radio that the last straws were the h^rsh
      Reuter  -  170 words
    • 58 2 MIAMI BBAOH. Sun. School* of flab temrlaad batban at a public beach, landing (our chlldxvn and a n-7aar-o)d youth to hoaplWl». Om dot bad a flngar ahnoat aW Tha flab war* lumpinf all ot« tha placa. r*a natw aaan anytblns Uka it" ■aid nfaguard Jaff Fulkr "Paopla
      AP  -  58 words
    • 61 2 pAIRO. Bun— Air raid sirens walled and a state *J of emergency was declared at Cairo's international airport yesterday when i passenger's suitcase, packed with gunpowder, caight flre!The suitcase went up in flames soon after an Egyptian airliner landed from Beirut. One of the passmen had bought
      Reuter  -  61 words
    • 42 2 FT. LIAVINWORTH (Kanaaa), Bun. a us military judga oonvicUd PU Flrat Claaa MaMn flknlth of lnwtuntarr manakuMhtar y— ttJay and aantanoadth* 36-7Mr-oid jtaek Muallm from Chteasp to aarra atght >w»ri «t bard labour \tor kllanf hla aarfaant In South Vlatnam. AP.
      AP  -  42 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 626 2 RIG UP with young /at b^bV YOUNG offac* tha most comp»ata^^^ aquipment i« you' asiuranca that ranga of rigging items to mart your tha dasign, matanai and morkraquiramantt in construction and It manship ara much more than logging oparationt. U adsqual* for tha spacifMd purpoaa. Each YOUNG product i« thoroughly
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    • 121 3 SEARCH ON FOR KILLERS OF 3 OFFICERS MANILA. Bun. The search continued today for the killers of three United States Navy officers shot dead on a road Inside the American naval base at Sublc Bay. northwest of Manila. A US Navy spokesman said Philippine law enforcement units are searching the
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    • 486 3 'Ziegler and Schlesinger will be sacked 9 WASHINGTON. Sunday yiCE-President Gerald Ford would sack While House spokesman Ronald Ziegler and perhaps Defence Secretary James Schlesinger if he became President, according to the latest issue of the weekly magazine. New Republic. The
      Reuter  -  486 words
    • 53 3 MOSCOW. Sun Three American astronaut* and their wltm have spent two oaye Halting the Soviet Cosmonauts' Centre at Star City outelde Moeeow. It was reported here. The three Joseph Kerwln. Bruce Mrrsivil— i and Paul Welts arrived here last week on the Sonet airline Aeroflot'i inaugural flight
      Reuter  -  53 words
    • 243 3 Probe into Rose Mary's bank account WASHINGTON. Sun.— The Senate Watergate committee Is studying the bank recurds of President Nixon's personal secretary. Miss Rose Mary Woods, in an effort to determine if she received any of the USSIM.Me (Ss2se,Mf> campaign contribution from millionaire recluse Howard Hughes, according to high committee
      UPI  -  243 words
    • 59 3 Husband 's fury over chastity belt pAIBO, San. A homecominc hmsband who feemd his wife had r-moved her chastity belt while he was abroad cat the threat of a man be claimed was her lover a Cairo newspaper reported yesterday The weekly Akhhej El Tom said the has band was
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    • 63 3 HOHOIXnAJ. BUZL A United StetM Coast Ouard bM iPOttad U» wrackaf* Of t twin wninxi "ttitwint phrv* mltf**f rinea Thur«l»y with 11 p*>pto oa board, but thva ni DO rign Of WUTItDH. Ttaa pluM enafaad about 7400 ft (I.JOO DMtm) up on 9m htTUy-Bnurtii ride of a
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    • 345 3 Archives will keep those Nixon papers WASHINOTON. Sun. The General Services Administration (OOA) said yesterday President Nixon cannot take back or sell the papers he gave the National Archives even though the Internal Revenue Service has disallowed the tax deductions he took for the Rift. The ruling, should it stand
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    • 194 3 Priest, nun held for 'blood attack on consulate NEW YORK, Sunday A CATHOLIC pries;, a nun and two other A people were arrested yesterday after they threw plastic bags they said contained their own blood into the JN office of the South Vietnam Consulate-General, police said. According to police, the
      194 words
    • 78 3 385 million barrels of oil exported Jakarta. Bun.—lndonesla exported 385.--894.821 barrels of oil during the first 11 months of last year, a spokesman for the stateowned Pertamlna Oil Company said yesterday. The exports consisted of 335,797,521 barrels of crude oil and 50.097.300 barrels of refined oil. Indonesia's production last year
      Reuter  -  78 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 248 3 ay Ib^ W^^^ Hes^s^i^H VHblbblHb^V M "^lb^B, m If you're not fat all over, don't slim all over! If it's just your hips, partment. waist, thighs or midriff, You can lose up to 12 the House of Dawne's S inches in just 60 minutes, exclusive Thermatrim and on your very
      248 words
    • 482 3 "Air Flown" GOLDEN CORN OR lam soon Wifffflß BUIIUII FACIAL TISSUES senras »sx MUSHROOMS tI WF t tnm RICE Tkaitkel** lestQufcv 5 k.u 5.50 HIM CEHTING ffIGHLANPs} SUGAR S.LS. Suparfma 51. ..80 »te<M"«*"M"M^t^ri^K LADIES PANTALOON (w^ coi..m^mm, <^^mm^ t mm^mm^m ar«..-»-w^-a-a-. SmJJ Larg#) M jq^ BUTTER FEsnrn i^ 1.50 wmi
      482 words

    • 314 4 Offer to cut spy's sentence rejected LONDON. Sunday RHODESIA offered to reduce the fiv year sentence of a Briton imprisonec for "economic espionage" in exchanj for suppression of secret docnments ou lining a plan to evade United Nations economic sanctions. The Times news paper
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    • 213 4 VATICAN CITY. Sun Pope Paul today celebrated Easter Sunday with a Mass at St. Peters and a message of peace delivered to more than 200.000 people gathered in St. Peters Square. NEW ORLEANS: The 32--foot cabin craiser Freedom Qtest, lost ka the Gulf of Mexico fer tare? weeks, was
      Agencies  -  213 words
    • 58 4 TOKYO. Sun Pollc* are quMtlonlnf a Ciech «t¥> mid h» haa been In Japan with foriwi pasport to collect munition* Industry Information for the Sonet Union, authorities aatd. The national ponce anncy ■aid Ladlalav Kubrlcky, as. who has been under custody Unce Feb 13 when he gave
      58 words
    • 33 4 BRINDIBI (Italy). Sun. A mother and three of bar children dif d yesterday after eating »"I<J mmhroam* picked in a f aid near Lecce on the Adriatic Coast, hospital authorities AP.
      AP  -  33 words
    • 193 4 Late night talks in bid to avert postal strike OTTAWA, Sun. The executive of the Canadian Union of Postal Workers (CUPW) and Postmaster -Oeneral Andre Ouellet met late Into the night yesterday in a last-ditch effort to avert a nation wide postal walkout. The union issued a statement before the
      UPI  -  193 words
    • 48 4 if of Ja4m Jud FaraaaJud*. Ba£a4o. hi. wife and tfcrwywr«M .«n were n*t h.rt. -If Urn bomb bad •©methlnj to d« with tk»t I won't said, rafarrTnr to his a factional takVner of a branch of the Pero-nist-dominate iuul read Worker* Untoa. —AT
      48 words
    • 89 4 •3 AN FRANCISCO. l 3 Son.— "Why doat yon pick on someone /oar own «iie. Lain, he smaller of the two elephants at San Pran-i-iseo Zoo seems to be fiaylng to her comlianlon. Eight-year-old Lai' •loes not have tt reach, bat Maybelle, Ihe 14-year-old African
      89 words
    • 49 4 HONOKONQ. Sun. A deegatlon of the Cotnmunist P»rty of AnsUiHa haa arrived In Hanoi on a frlendih:p visit to North Vletaaa. th.s NbrUi Vietnam news •ewey reported today. The iialentton is led by Uvj national secretary of the Australian Communist Party. Mr. Idunie Aarona.— Reuter.
      Reuter  -  49 words
    • 20 4 MOSCOW. Pmd A tll(ht earth tremor today abook Tashkent, capital of Soviet Uzbekistan. Tas* news ai«ocy reported.— Reuter.
      Reuter  -  20 words
    • 130 4 Bihar police firing: 5 more die T^EW DELHI, Sun. Five people were reported to have died yesterday from wounds received* when police fired on a crowd in north eastern Bihar state on Friday, bringing the death toll in the incident to eight. The Press Trust of India news agency, quoting
      Reuter  -  130 words
    • 335 4 Philippine plan to start its own oil exploration MANILA. Sun rpHE Philippine OovX eminent, through Its wholly owned national oil company, plans to start its own oil exploration, according to a Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources report released yesterday. According to the report, the Philippine National Oil Company (PNOC).
      AP  -  335 words
    • 46 4 KARACHI, San. Pakistan's Federal Minuter of Science and Technology, Mr. Khsrsbid Hasan Mir. .said here yesterday that Pakistan's 1973 annual oil import bill will amount to *****0 million (SsB7s million) an Increase of four-and-a-half times over last year's oil imports cost
      46 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 131 4 I// ii I Ibbsh aar at^t^ai am Lar r* aw On jgr ••••jijr \\Tus\*!i\\ >T?S?STST^ lii ftiilJtSl I V**" I I '''^'Irllßfff I piffSffßlwHpliaHi^aliM Ii Sala«fl 1 ill i 1 i I rJlMj^ai 1 1 ill l 3 A line SS. MALAYSIA" (FULLY AIR-CONDITIONED) TO WESTERN AUSTRALIA ■*^^^R<P^Laßis^BW«^Bk AJaw»O '^"av**^*
      131 words
    • 257 4 Thinking of business in Australia and New Zealand Think first of Australia and New Zealand Bank. ajl isVsatt! BkaV vB W ak m IblbC r^^r^B^Bßßatafc«s»«ifc«Cs HfttfHflftHßMa^B^KteaVHßß^k^kßß^a^Ba^^^Bßiaaaaaaaas aAaA^i4Bßßß^B^2Soi<aa3 M If you're a businessman looking our way, We keep closely in touch with local rules and make sure you look to us.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 930 5 PHILIPS ■mi S^km^*^t^ k -^\BR»ta M3SJ -ifjill-f# S '^C b^bV b^bT^ j^^bh hb\ w^B b^f &m PfilfC I P^^Bttlwbilll bVb^bSbV^A V 1-|i||f»- bwl Pw Hbl; I B^B^B^B^slß^B^Hfti I HHmLJHMI HI I I I •^i'JK^MSfef'^iSjpW^^M^^^^^^^^BßjyVli V3i. L^L^BV M^^^^^^L^L^K. f^B^B^B^L^Vi I J B^BR^B^B i^sP^^^^^^^B^B W^B^B^E^^L^BnßKim^B^BM^B^BrVv^ ~ij V*' H '"wDhSSSb^^ B^B^bl > pi^
      930 words

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 197 6 I QBAMA ROPE MFG. CO., ITD. I shinnppon seikosho co.,ltd. IB L Osaka, Japan r£v\ Osaka, Japan CHKRRY N\3/ /BRAND I fl NYLON j /T ij^V I KURALON r '#ii X^ L/ P POLYPROPYLENE 14- II )m \M M POI^Y— ETHYLENL f I St^sß 1 1 n fat I H^
      197 words

  • 548 7 Peg pay hike higher output advice How to avoid internal price instability: Professors r fo SECURE an orderly and steady increase in wages without causing internal price instability means that wage increase should be geared to productivity increase. Two Singapore economists, who said this yesterday, added: "In an open economy
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  • 218 7 OPEC COUNTRIES' ROLE IN WORLD FINANCE IT CAN be anticl- pated that the Organisation of Petrol eu m Exporting Countries (OPEC) will by the end of the decade hold a major part of the world's reserves In foreign exchange and gold, and that the Islamic Development Bank will play a
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  • 83 7 TWO MEN DROWN WHILE SWIMMING TWO men drowned while swimming over tt c weekend. They were Urn Kla Hut, tS, and Yeo Kok Hwa, £t Urn, of Chanel Road, drowned hile swtoimini at Tea Fay oh pool shortly after 11 a.m. yesterday. Yeo disappeared while swimming In Sentota swimmlnf lagoon.
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  • 44 7 SDfOAPOKC artist Mr. Tay Pane Lam, whose works can be found In prlrate <ollectlona in many oountilea, will hold a two-day painting exhibition at the Chtnes* Chamber of CtanmtTM •Urtlnr today. The sxhlbttton wui he <*»n from 10 ajn. to pjn.
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  • 377 7 Inflation in S'pore just worrisome AN ECONOMIST, Mrs. S.Y. Uhia has sfcld that the plight caused by inflation In Singapore was "worrisome" but not dlst-s--trous. Inflation here could be considered modest compared to the high Inflation rates In many countries where it had become the order of the day. the
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  • 16 7 COUIX StQCX»r« will ortanla* It* Moo* IndooMlao owlutd OTpwHUoo Mai June 1 to 11.
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  • 202 7 Airline workers to get that $25 rise ABOUT 5.000 airline workers will soon get the $25 monthly Interim wage supplement recommended by the National Wages Council, according to the Singapore Air Transport-workers Union. BATU general secretary, Mr. Clarence de 811va, said yesterday all the 10 airline* and two companies on
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 73 7 r- z M (A Alpine Highlife Summer Holiday Programmes Swissair suggests something better than tourism: Alpine Highlife, a fascinating series of exciting, relaxing, invigorating, unusual, interesting and always satisfying holidays in Switzerland, the heart of Europe. Twelve beautiful full-colour brochures outlining the possibilities of a holiday you'll long remember are
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    • 461 7 TABARD makes you j^B| unattractive *^^B (to insects) fl^^^H You will actually look a lot better to people M when you're not covered in bites! -M Tabard protects you against all insects mosquitoes, ants, sandfiies, leeches you name the insect, Tabard keeps it away. M You just rub Tabard on
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 425 8 We couldn't think of a clever headline for this ad. Wwe're not in the tinsel glitter game; Ihe training of our service squad is personally we're in heavy equipment. supervised by a resident FIAT engineering instructor, I A^Ti sent to u s di; jet from FIAT Torino heavy equipment aVY
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  • 383 9 'Time for Govt and students to work together' ItHE University of Singapore Society has warned that the Republic cannot afford the experience of a confrontation between students and the Establishment. In an edltorUl headed. Student Inaction, the society's pub 1 1 c a tlon. Commentary, puts part of the blame
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  • 179 9 GRANDMASTER KERES FLIES IN TODAY /iRANDMASTER Paul VI Keres will arrive here today, a further teleg.-am from Moscow hai confirmed. Grandmaster Keres' first engagement' will be the dinner to be given In his honour tonight by the Singapore Chess Club. Tomorrow, he will give a lecture at RELC Orange Grove
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  • 363 9 Press em 'will protect public' Rahim: Not 100 pc foolproof but... THE Minister of State (Foreign Affairs), Enc i k Rahim Ishak yesterday defended the new Newspaper and Printing Presses Bill and said that although it was not 100 per cent "foolproof," it however, provided same kind of protection for
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  • 219 9 Jee Lee's laser beams home the message EIGHTEEN -yearold Quek Jee Lee was so enthralled by an article she read In a book that it prompted her to write about it (or a physics essay contest. Her efforts paid off when her essay, entitled The Laser, was Judged the best
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  • 55 9 MR Francis Eu hu been elected president of the Brick Chapter of the Dale Carnegie Alumni Association. Other official* are: Misses Julie Wee and Edna Tan. vice-presidents: Miss Nellie Young, secretary; Mr. Ronnie Teo. treasurer: Mr. Ralph Broughton. progress chairman; Miss Leong Chooi Peng social chairman and
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  • 46 9 TUB MP for Tlong Bahru. Mr. Ch'ng Jit Koon. has been elected president of the Tlong Bahru constituency sports association. Other officials Include Mr. Richard Woon. chairman. Mr. Yeo Ah Cheng. Ucechalrman. Mr. Tan Long Sen. secretary, and Miss Han Jlok Jee. treasurer.
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  • 62 9 POLICE arrested 19 I secret society suspects In their latest Operation Eagle roundup on Saturday. A police spokesman said yesterday that 18 of them weie picked up for secret society Involvement. The other was for (an (land activities, and wanted for housebreaking by the
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 605 9 @in the fine tradition of Morris engineering (m Jl tv, "^tr~- --*v. Morris Marina and why this family likes it I like cars. I like a car that looks good T^fl Igfe These days it's too expensive for a and I get recil beauty and styli' ;in my m^^^^^^ fsSmmu
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    • 249 10 An allMalay LCE exam in 1978 JOHORE BAKU. Bun. Bahasa Malaysia courses for teachers In national type English secondary schools will end at the end of 1977 the Secretary-Oeneral of the Education Ministry Btidk Abdul Kadlr Tallb (aid today. This would be foUowed by the Introduction of an all bahasa
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    • 36 10 KUALA LUMPUR, am. HmUo Malaysia will carry Ut« broadcast of tta* official opening of Parliament by the Yanff Dipartaian Agunv tomorrow. TrttvUkm Malaysia will tilieast the emit at Ml pm. ortr channel S.
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    • 32 10 MALACCA. BUO. Police Friday lecorwd 1J tag and an small gaoj* planU frowtnc in front of a bout* at TsbonK Mite M milts from here A man has been detained.
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    • 447 10 IPOH. Sun. rHINESE-BASED parties in the National Front have been urged to seriously consider the possibility of coming to a common understanding and platform and later to the stage of merger. "This Is the Impending solution and the only logical one. We cannot
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    • 151 10 Lee: Allow national culture to evolve gradually PNANG, Son. Malaysian culture should be allowed to evolve naturally and gradually to be acceptable to the various commun.ties, acting MCA president Datufe Lee San Cboon said today. "Only then will the emerging national culture be a rich source of national strength and
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    • 217 10 Singapore experts attend 8-nation housing meet KUALA LUMPUR, Sun. Housing experts of eight countries will meet in Penang tumorrow to map out strategies in the development of low-cost houses I in South-east Asia. j The five-day conference Is sponsored by the International Development Research Centre (IDRC) for delegates from Malaysia.
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    • 229 10 EEC TO BE URGED: CUT DUTIES ON ASEAN PRODUCTS KUALA LUMPUR, Sunday rpHE European Economic Community will be A asked to give preferential treatment to raw export such as palm oil, pepper and coconut oil from Asean countries. A request for the reduction of Import duties on these products will
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    • 134 10 KUALA LUMPUR, Bun. The Beta p a k Umno division today called on the Government to strip off the citizenships of those found guilty of hoarding essential goods and impose the heaviest penalty on them This resolution together with five others were passed at
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    • 32 10 KUALA LUMPUR Sun. The Malaysian Rubber Exchinge and Licensing Board mv/ send a mission to the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea to boost direct rubber sale* to the North Konans
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    • 116 10 IPOH, 3un. Two youths who smashed the glass louvres of a window In a house In Jalan Chantek, In Canning Garden area, fled when the occupant. I businessman, Mr. Wong i Onn Wan, fired a shot into the air from his shotgun early yesterday. Mr. Wong
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 138 10 imfir 111 ti S^ts?» jftA '^^S^BSSSsV^BSSSsfesC k^M Y\ \mm B *> Wm^/l 44(11 Bsw/fV 1 o k #1 it 2 W SL AOJB dp^ m^^mW^m^ttlJ^rV if^ ■■Kir s^^^/ YOU GET FREE DESJGRS I j£*v ON THE SPOT SINGAPORE ARTISANS PTE. LTD. Mftv't G*. GROUND FLOOR. TANGLIN SHOWING CENTRE. W}~&*% SINGAPORE
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  • 268 11 Armed men rob woman of $2,500 cash and jewellery 'THREE men. arm- ed with knives. held up a housewife and her 11--year-old son. in their Taman Jurong home on Saturday and robbed them of about $2,500 In cash and Jewellery. The robbers, described by police as "well dressed" surprised Madam
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  • 113 11 THE BOY WHO DIDN'T RETURN SCHOOLBOY P. KalalkJ chelvan (above), IS, left his tutor's haws* In Clemencean Avenue on March 11 and has ■lswa not returned to his Toa Payoh home. His disappearance has caused much anxiety to his father, Malayan PaUniveln. a Public Health Department sweeper. According to Mr.
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  • 72 11 THE Port Authority baa reminded ship maaten, ownen and agents that applications for port clearance and payment of port charges must be made at the port clearance office at Fullerton Building before 4 pm on weekdays and noon on SaturdaysIssue of port clearance after office hours is
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  • 10 11 THERE were 116 accidents, eight serious, on Saturday.
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  • 120 11 A JEWELLERY craftsman. Lam Kin Kheong, 24. has reported to the police that he lost three-and-a-half tahlls of platinum worth $3,500 and $160 In cash at Kuen Tun* Jewellery Manufacturing Company in Jalan Kuala Stmpang Sembawang on Friday. pmiORATIOK officers 1 till don a "new look" uniform from
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  • 55 11 EXPORTERS of Umber now bavt to pay ecu ranging from M to U cenU per cubic metre under the Timber Industry Board (Ctm) Order which canoe into fore* last weak. The ratal are: Sawn Urnbar 46 canta. logs 46 cent*, and van—, plywood and moulding 38
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  • 170 11 Ponggol estate ready by end of year 'pHE Housing Board's Ponggol housing estate in Tampines will liave some 2,000 units of flats when fully completed next year. But the first residents are expected to move In by the end of the year, an HDB spokesman said yesterday. Already tome 1.400
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  • 5 11 Enter the new look officers
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 690 11 Only British Airways offers you all this to London. 2 flights a week from Kuala Lumpur^jP^" 9 flights a week from Singapore jM Arrive London 8.05 a.m.Wd. 747 Mon. *z Arrive London 9.05 a.m. Tue. y^ Hotnh sirwsy* 9 m assst^^T^ j WSat VClOTue. M Arrive London 6.15 a.m. Sun.
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  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 277 11 Bringing Op r«the>r By BUI Kavamugn <fc HsU C—»p -^TZ! ZTirHi r J NM3 S n M au. o«y I jims, its a u>m.v 1 1 iv u>« TO/eVr tmjmT" 7jE%^Si-2S? t 'vV!. I 4NP By I= BL JUST "•<■> KV»aNe> WOW A»OOT NEW OHOM AIW KILUMd v^ ATO MCTTHSU*/
      277 words

  • 1002 12  - LSmiles and Smiles and city squalor JOHN CROSBY: SOCIOLOGISTS THINK THERE IS NO REASON TO BE HAPPY... By London THE British Bioadcasting Corporation showed a film about Naples the other night. Reporter Trevor Phllpott walked through the city, spouting statistics iibout how many to a bed, wrinkling his nose at
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  • 421 12  - Ethiopians learn about famine crisis DAVID WILLEY By ADDIS ABABA: An Ethiopian Government report says that 20 per cent of the population have died from starvation in the drought-affected province of Wolla. On the basis of recent population estimates this would mean that getting on for SM,M« people have died
    421 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 154 12 texwood ftK HIS B* ■-—^muuk WjL r The great m\ new Hf < happening fiAmfetf in the jeans imSLw&X scene! J|rV p^^^^^W^^*^a They've nnade their 1 name in the USA. m f They've made their A name in Europe. And now they're here. Made to suit the Asian figure. texwood.
      154 words
    • 334 12 d 1 WORLD CINEMA SERIES I DOMHILLRACER '<•»""« o mi as jtkonck *^P^^P% VICrNTirUCNONTMt r SCHIIN' »'«»'>y joocirnov^ -u« ■■no' ft iwiimw MAunrm ly ammo movie! m won**' H* aw ckmai t ttnMM Mmm'muon civhackhm ami asm** oomtuwi* RELC AUDITORIUM 6pm ond 9p™ .Vfdneiday April 1 7 ACKER BILK AND
      334 words

  • 330 13  -  IRENE NGOO By I 1 UK Ministry of Health has given the green light for the National Kidney Foundation to set up a self-dependent dialysis centre to teach patients the use of artificial kidney machines on their own. r A doctor from Outram Hospital said
    330 words
  • 36 13 rm numbers plctod In yesterday's Toto Draw No. U74 were 35. K 11. 10 and 15. The additional number was 17. In the circles draw, the numbers drawn were 11. U and 11
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  • 182 13 FOLKSONG RECITAL WITH LOTS OF STYLE VLTE HAD a traditional type concert In the Music for Bveryone series when James Dlrst gave a folksong recital at the Conference Hall last night. The rain left only a small but enthusiastic audience of young people but It was worth braving the weather
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  • 165 13  -  ELENA CHOfta By |>BIDAL make-up has •D always been Susan Yeoh's first Ist*. At the age of 12, she first began bridal make-up for her sister en her wedding day and ever siBM she bits developed a keen interest In the bobby. In late IMI.
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  • 79 13 "YfR- Ooh Keng Leng, a former principal secretary with the Science and Technology Ministry, has received his doctorate In business administration from the Indiana University Graduate School of Business. Bis dissertation was a study of factors lnfljencmg US International firms In locating exfoitorlented manufacturing faculties In Stagaopre.
    79 words
  • 74 13 I Foreign unionists 9 stint in S'pore FREION trade unionists will take part for the first time In a znonthlong residential training course at the National Youth Leadership Training Institute from May 7. The course, organised by the National Trades Union Congress, will be conducted In Mandarin. Subjects Include labour
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  • 28 13 THB Chinese YUCA win conduct a 10-seeaton course on How to Fittmi'T and Ctatrol Project Cart at 1U International Centra In P&imer Boad Parting on Friday.
    28 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 38 13 jb .^BBUUUUUUMtSsfI "^^^sllV s"^- "^C^s^Bs^mHi^P'i Kfr r m^^^v^ p^ > J Ins^B^Bßuuiflßßt^^H i ■V V«L v leu N. f t* I C mSXmBSjl^ fi ty^wß !lßfl lt i touHSs^s^s^B i -ml ■sJfcttifsJmH^W^'S U|Uk|tt|UiU mVh Luf^^^ mv sAuuua eft B^BMVBQsfIsVSIHJIPuMBV
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  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 204 13 Straits Times Crossword ACKOM The animal U Bt. Augus--1 Minlrtw to Norfolk town tine's, seel stretches (•>. 7 Id here. All sedulously t Ecclesiastic*: companions turned toto money outside Biblical city (I) Teas of wapontakas (Si Plunder island. soldier II A blue van? Four could '•>• be t"«"t« (11). 10
      204 words

  • The Straits Times
    • 504 14 WATCH THAT T«HE two-day Economic Society of Singa- pore symposium on "Inflation and growth" over the weekend was primarily a talk-In for economists and politicians. The language used and the theories propounded were beyond the ken of most laymen. But some of the discussions, particularly the Finance Minister's opening address
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    • 79 14 r£ Singapore Armed Forces are a credible defence machine. A not inconsiderable share of the credit must go to the Israeli military advisers, who first arrived soon after Singapore's independence in 1965. The choice of Israeli advisers was somewhat forced on Singapore, because several countries side-stepped approaches
      79 words
  • 491 14 right security for Mona Lisa's flight DAJUS The world a most famous anile la to be packed Into an air conditioned steel alloy container this week to be flown to japan under unprecedented security precautions. Officials of the Louvre Museum and the French Ministry of Cultural Affairs are guarding details
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  • 582 14  -  HEDRICX SMITH: By Moscow T« school ittiaiii by my daughter was aa three samtaas. There was aa lunch room or after school programme. 1 wanted to send her to saeihar natal, bat they did not take her. That school was also iwarewisd, sad it was not
    582 words
  • 1094 14 ALL those Easter goodies on shop shelves, those announcements of mouth-watering feasts at a price, of course laid on for yesterday, were they really necessary? Please don't get me wrong. I'm no killjoy. Enjoyment is enjoyment is enjoyment, as Gertrude Stein ("A rose is a rose is a
    1,094 words
    • 181 14 ORDER TO REPAIR, REPAINT PREWAR SHOPS UNFAIR... rE Government has been Issuing orders to prewar shop-owners to repair and repaint their shop fronts, preferably In one common colour. I feel that this is unfair. I believe the Bull clings and Common Property (Maintenance and Management) Bill was passed to protect
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    • 68 14 I AM writing this letter on behalf of a friend who Is grateful to one Encik Ahmad of Can Eng Seng School. Recently Enclk Ahmad found a black purse containing $47 and keys to a new flat. He went out of his way to return It to my friend. This
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    • 212 14 MR. C.K. LEE'S call to Singaporeans to write their memoirs (S.T., April 10) should be taken up by more local people. Because they have had many personal experencei and first-hand knowledge of partlcultx hlstc-'-ai events and personalities, our elder citizens can provide unlqu» '..formation on the recent past.
      212 words
    • 68 14 LIKE Mr. Un Wun Wun (S.T., April 5), I also wrote to the Traffic Accidents Investigations Section several times asking for the result of their investigations into a minor accident I was Involved In In September last year. Each time the reply was: "This is to Inform 1 you that
      68 words
    • 146 14 I UNDERSTAND the Education Ministry has made a *"1«»#fc» by ruling that the minimum qualification for entry Into GCE 'A' classes In the Arts stream Is credit In English and not more than 21 points In the best five subjects. The ministry has also listed the qualification for the Science
      146 words
    • 54 14 DEDESTRIANS "f un" 1 abl* to use the stretch of pavement between a coffee shop, a provision shop and a tyre shop at the Junction of Kitchener Road and Serangoon Road. Tyres and can obstruct the passage, forcing pedestrians to waU alon? Serangoon Road which Is always bustling with traffic.
      54 words
      • 116 14 HDB flats: When family income may exceed $1,500 II7E refer to the letter by your correspon- dent Mrs. J.B. Low (8.T., M/irch 20) At the time of application for a Housinc Board flat under the "Home Ownership scheme, an applicant's total family Income must not exceed $1,500 per month. Over
        116 words
      • 53 14 I REFER to the letter by Disgusted (ST.. April 3) and wish to Inform him that the teachers In the Adult Education Board's commercial practice course are qualified. The question of openIng more classes depends on student response and the resources available to the AEB. CHAN CHING YONG. for Director,
        53 words
      • 48 14 PLIASK refer to the utter by Highway Code Observer headlined "Drivers who park in middle of road (8.T.. Jan. 19). The provision of suitable lane markings at the stretch of Upper Serangoon Road referred to Is being looked Into. YEONG KUM ME. Public Relations Officer. Ministry of National
        48 words
      • 44 14 U7I wish to Inform TT Residents (S.T.. March 33 > that there was no mosquito breeding on the plot of land at Colchester Orove. However, the owner has been asked to cut the undergrowth. TEO BIEW PING, Acting Public Relations Officer. Ministry af the Environment.
        44 words
      • 39 14 YOUR correspondent BP.S. (8.T., April 9) is requested to furnish bis name, postal address and the torn parcel cover to the undersigned so that the matter can be looked into. LEONG LICK TIEN, Public Relations Officer, Postal Services Department.
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 17 14 REACH OUT FOR 4+t£_4±: YOURSHAREOF -Ttfer:::£ solid success! ~TSL' 1 1 I Bank with the SoM-as-a-RockBANK. JHtiOCBC
      17 words
    • 193 14 This one little Strepsils lozenge gives the fastest relief for sore throats and coughs because Strepsils kills germs in the mouth and throat in 1 minute ■fl re 9 u ar honey and lemon ANOTHER INTERNATIONAL PRODUCT FROM '$55' The 100 Pipers Legend. Our legend claims if you sip a
      193 words

  • 1239 15  -  EDUARDO LACHtCA By T°KY(): Japan's trading firms are confronted with an image problem that would make most public relations managers throw up their bands in despair. In recent months they nave bc*n accused and virtually pronounced guilty of tax evasion, speculation In land and
    1,239 words
  • 458 15  - Brokerage houses widen scope of service to clients CHAN BONG SOO By IRONICALLY enough, It Is In this period of a share market slump that more brokerage houses In Singapore are improving their service to clients. Until several months ago, only the older Eu-ropean-managed firms had seen fit to run
    458 words
  • 431 15 YEW YORK: The major oil companies stepped up their record-setting profits performance during the first three months of this year, touching oS restrained enthusiasm among oil analysts, economists and other followers of the Industry. Earnings figures that will be released later thU month
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  • 385 15 Forex course for young bankers By SOH TIAHG KCfM rB Monetary Authority of Sinrapore Is now condocUnr a coarse In foreicn exchange for Joan* bankers as part of Its campaign to npfrade local banklnc expertise. The coarse comprises five lectures held on five conseewtive Saturdays. Each lecture, covering broad aspects
    385 words
  • 107 15 TORONTO DOMINION BRANCH rpORONTO Dominion 1 Bank will open a fullsenrlce branch in Tmlpeh to complement the bank's activities In Singapore and the Far But. The Finance Ministry In Taiwan has given the go-ahead for Toronto Dominion to open the branch. It will become the first Canadian bank to have
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  • 263 15  -  ERIC SHORT By LONDON: In the worst bear market seen since the war, £7,025 million has been taken off the market value of the 651 constituents of the FT Actuaries All-Share index during the first three months of 1974, representing a decline of 21.2
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 259 15 If you care a hoot about your money, carry First National City Travelers Checks. Be a wise bird Don't risk losng your cash when you travel Wherever you go, go with First National City Travelers Checks. They're welcomed at more than 1 .000.000 places worldwide refunded at more than 35,000
      259 words
    • 125 15 g* Sal m w/LffH gV99!Y9f9lTififl JL J IMS B99PPVPVV RrrfnHMM V fli w^^^Bim HfgltsMl wr tOm a hjigfisnatr The atmosphere is cosy and wine list to complement your relaxed. The service personal and choice, friendly. Business lunch. Or informal In unpretentious comfort you dinner vith friends. The unique can treat
      125 words

    • 523 16 Seminars one good way to sell 'specials' oeminars are becoming increasingly effective meiins of introducing soeciallsed products Into the Singapore mirket and IngersollRand South East Asia is the latest company to prove this. The firm has successfully Introduced centrifugal air compruiion through a recent daylong seminar at the *nd of
      523 words
    • 249 16 Hongkong company law revision delayed HONOKONO: Financial Secretary of Hongkong Mr. Philip Haddon Cave, has disclosed that the Introduction of legislation to. tighten up company law here will be delayed. He told the Legislative Council: "I had originally hoped that the BUI could be ready In time to be applicable
      Reuter  -  249 words
    • Article, Illustration
      136 16 A BRITISH lawn tennis ball and football manufacturer hopes to get some bounce Into its Far East sales by joining the "Jet-SeU" British trade mission which visited Singapore recently. It's too early to toll If the mission has achieved Its foal bat with both the sport enjoying a
      136 words
    • 208 16 PEOPLE IN BUSINESS Mr. Woo Beng Hong has bt en appointed mananger of technical and quality control services at the South-east Asia regional office In Singapore of Coca-Cola Export Corporation, according to an announcement by the company. The announcement also named Mr. Heng Ylan Kian as manager- finance and Mr.
      208 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 200 16 Hi ni it M r, "!sssssssssss^sfl Wl HYDRAULIC GUILLOTINE SHEARS Models available Working lengths— B' up to 20 Cutting Capacity— 3"up toT'rmld steel and stainless steel sfll WITH HYDRAULIC PRESS BRAKES Models available: Wcxkmg lengths— B' up to 20' Capacities— 4o tons up to 500 tons tt- V a/ p
      200 words
    • 125 16 If The Bank of Csnton Li. .i*ed .^■'^BBw^^ yeers of banning in Asia Securi-y Pacific National Bank ■jtajasj^^V 100 ye.irs of banking in U.S.A. I and around the world I a*V^^ 160 years of banking experience you can bank on The Bank of Canton Limited, in affiliation with Security Pacific
      125 words
    • 266 16 fVisii our New rYemier Store] 1 at G-36 High Street Centre IP YOU WflltT TO DUTTOfIHOIC THC TOP Tfllipn l\ TSBBBBBF Urn SP mr\ft**to»^ MENSWEAR Vlll/ K^^r^Ml STORES G-36, High Street Centre. (Ground Floor), Tel: *****1 G 08/31 H^i StfMt Centre. Supreme House (Ground Floor) Goodwood, hfclton. Raffles Hotels. Cow
      266 words

    • 1259 17 A* L 1 ii n i Ta,year> Eg., a.,^ Err Xttszxr NOTE: Oaasag Price* aseaas cat price at wftaca la* last reaertea o-aaaacdoa was aoac oa Taanaay. The secoaa colaaaa gifts dtt awnaatau slacr the week hrfore. DMaeaa YieM Is the gross airiaraa per share sMde* ay
      1,259 words
    • 634 17 *•>. 3 at *m In >.■!*■■ MMM 11 L 1 3* 1 11 A Tap* l > I.W IIS Aiexlldf l.M ioi oio Amooi rii en (-os) 1*0 190 BKint 1 IS 140 m IK QwMbn 1W in 1.44 l.M Cnaufcallnd. l.M l.M On Copperlnd 0*0 (-0SM)
      634 words
    • 223 17 Company meeting Tbe following meeting* an due: MalaraU MMiof Society Bkrf.: Apr IS. 11 «jn 3rd Floor at Bangunan MBBB, 13/15 LebOh Amptsf. Kuala Lumpur Outer Maiayriaa lodaatria* Ski: Apr- 18. noon. 4 Jalao Tandaat. Pttallns Vasttl Cfc—lmt* Bkt: Apr. 19. BUdlo Room No. 1, THhCtMr Kiuilft Lumpur limited Mater
      223 words
    • 163 17 rKYO. Bat. Prices on the pre-hollday Tokyo Stock exchange closed higher with chemicals leading the way. A handful of large capital Issues *uch as Nippon Steel and Hitachi moved higher. Also higher were ship ping*, non-life Insurances and latent assets Issues. However, some of these leaders turned lower on
      163 words
      • 249 17 Diverse trends appear in rubber LONDON: The rubber market produced some diverse trends during the week to April 10. Dealers said current levels are still below the East possibly prompting some short-c overing in forward landed and similar routine inquiry for nearby top grade physicals. Nearby landed was still depressed
        249 words
      • 62 17 yURICH The stock Lt market on Thursday was partially better and bond prices were ■assist wttfe tka alffaraac* oa Ik* r a-EaSTo-.*. 55 7J Vim Baa* a«Sa +1* I 111 SIS IS ■Hatia Watt SXSSB BM4av%aafc smb. M»«r:; lortca urn SSS* Bftvwm Bvtwi IMS -IS Bhl.m PartM. «BS CIH-a-MT
        62 words
      • 18 17 Cams* Dale Tetalfer Teas! far t pay— i aek7»**» the year pmtNtrMr K.L. UH« zFSr si
        18 words
      • 43 17 P<« the week saatea ■al-Say. Apr* U. U» rup Ml nUea infill trmm Shert Daiir*. (M) Bark*4 J. m reatowa: BANK FUND: 1% far eeat QtC*£*l^rL*D*: I par Mtsl to IW sMsT MBL MOVZMXrfTS «f ranaa tataßtd ffftf asfflam.
        43 words
    • 151 17 ASIAN currency innft *m. > A depoctu imUa tar U« H%h L*w vMk KXtod TtMndar, Apr. 1 mthi IS »/i« 1* LI. I mthi IS IS/10 IS B/16 DIIVIMM) Imtlu 14 1/16 1* 6/16 HM L«r IS rntha 14 1/1 IS 7/16 7 day* 100/16 »/l« CH.
      151 words
    • 119 17 Bw T«r: Jam. 4, I*7l M* U7S/1974 WmTb Artfcm H%h JUnr lrt 11th Cbup USjM 1M.14 AilWlHf IM.M 1M44 —*M UM4I U«Jt Bkiika, Imwiißll. rkawulTrvlM SM.7S M»»l —HM XttJl 14».J7 r— < m T. Iribbrr 11 ■<■««■. li(lh| M< ITlll^J U5.J7 IUJ« «J1 •M.44 UK.M roactMMnto
      119 words
    • 88 17 1 teat wat*. The IM r«• the taraercr la It iwwti *f ■IkclMfeKKtalM ikinkrHtklfk «ad law far IVH. OuafajaaM Tuwm Price Bfk Lew A»r. II 1974 Hiw Fv Inter. I.US ».«S MM «US ■Ularan O»«H 7H lIM «51 |1M Ster Dmrfcy Held. «<5 M»« U3l KS4 Dct.
      88 words
    • 136 17 SINGAPORE Apr. l«i«1lli» tit M TlTiflir U7JS gM**: MLM Properties INil t Tto»: in.*4 t rvbken: JSI34 t 0.C3.C: MU» MA to*.: U54« Apr. t Apr. 1* Apr. 11 Apr. U Mr.Tt Ut.U U».ll OmmA 4».M 445.T4 44«. M CKwed IMJtI 171.M IT«.T« CtaaM IMJ4 IMJU IM4«
      136 words
    • 364 17 CONDITIONS ruled v quiet In all sectors of the Singapore produce market last week with prices holding generally steady. Early indications were that most dealers held off following the resumption of buying Interest from overseas, particularly America. By mid-week, after negligible business had been transacted with foreign buyers,
      364 words
    • 526 17 THE hoUday-shor- toned week on the Stock Exchange of Singapore was an eventful one, culminating; in the shock news received on Thursday that Gammon South East Asia had suffered a stas;rerins; loss of $19.8 million for 1973. A statement issued by the company said that of this amount,
      526 words
    • 400 17 BEARISH sentiment continued to rule in the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange throughout last week. The market plunged on Monday afternoon following Tun Tan Slew Sin's resignation as Finance Minister and MCA President. The news sent prices down to new lows and the New ST. Industrial Index crashed
      400 words
    • 661 17 LONDON: The stock market closed higher on balance in quiet. trading last week. The FT Index was up 5.3 at 289.2, compared with 283.0 previously. Government b on d i started the week with mild losses on profittaking, then Armed on the hint about possible base rate
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 621 17 A leading Australian Company currently upending its Engineering Department in Singapore and buMoVig factory at Jurong invites suttaWy quoHßod applicants for «to foNomring positions A. MECHANICAL DESIGKER /ESTIMATOR Candidates muet 1) be Singapor* Citiien* or Permanent Residents 2) ppssmi dipioms In Mechenical Engineering or squivalent e>perience in design draughting. 3)
      621 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 2113 18 111] iTaI aaL^l "%i ||aH!:::::aa*::::»::::«;::;*:^«::- '^m ifCl nRAFT^;MFN m UHAMdmtn career m Career -J OPPORTUNITIES 1 AmiArtlinitV 1 a^H^, flff -TpTTX"Taf¥T-M"Trnr7al Bethlehem Singapore, a shipyard located in Semba- W|I|IUI *****1 If WLI *fJjR£ mD%ji 'mWW Dm IH 8 vvang, offers the following challenging and interesting at g| IJmml FfM^yi^Jfi CJ?7cSstl.i?
      2,113 words

  • 181 19 SILO turns its hq into a mini-mart rpHE Republic's largest trade union, the 1 Singapore Industrial Labour Organisation (SILO), will convert its headquarters in Upper Serangoon Road into a mini-super-market to augment the chain of co-operative supermarkets set up to combat inflation. 6ILO wi.l move to a I home at
    181 words
  • 95 19 AN TU C Welcome Supermarket Is -to be opened on the east coast. Mr. Baey Llan Peck. chairman of board of directors of Welcome. said that negotiations were underway to select site. "There will definitely 1 be a supermarket in the t east coast area,"
    95 words
  • 33 19 MR. PS Apte. tcholar «nd wcrcUry-gcner&l of VUhva. Hindu Parahad. India, will give talk on Hinduism v un.<eraaJ rettgkm at Runtkrishn* MUaion Hail In Bartley Road today at 7 14 pjn.
    33 words
  • 69 19 2 WOMEN FOUND DEAD rE body of Madam Veo Hew Wah. 36. was found at the foot of a block of flats in Loroni One, Tua Payoh, on Saturday mnrninf. Poll c believe Madam Yfo who lived on the sixth floor fell from one of the upper floors. Hottsrwife B
    69 words
  • 70 19 MR. Yin Bk Kheng has bern Ire ted chairman and publicity officer of the SUigapore Cancer Society. Other officials are: Dr. Tbv Teck Eng and Dr. Tan Kheng Khoo (vice-chairman). Dr. Lawrence Chan Kok Chin (secretary). Mr. Tan Oeok Tlan (treasurer). Mr. Kan Mun Leong (assistant treasurer)
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  • 187 19 TWE proposed SlngaX pore Science Centre plans to raise $5 million for Its exhibits and education programme. More than 80 representatives from leading Industrial and commercial Anns have agreed to be members of its fund appeals committee. A 23-man steering committee under the
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  • 161 19 rE Uny white fluffy bunnies In the centre of this attractive gr axsAlted foyer at Mandarin Court «esterday caught the eye of 18-month-old Gulnieve Yeo (facing camera) and she •tared at them with fascination. Then realising that the bunnies were harmless, she took
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  • 351 19  -  BAILYME SUNG By SINGAPORE'S first computerised medical centre, where a complete check-up and history taking of a patient can be made, will be opened next month. Called the Regional Medidata Centre, the $2 million organisation, housed at the DBS Building in Shenton Way, is
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  • 155 19 700 members take part in NTUC Big Walk MORE than 700 members from 15 unions took part In the third NTUC Big Walk yesterday. The NTUC vice-president and general secretary of the Singapore Air Transportworkers, Union (SATU), Mr. Clarence de Silva, gave away the prizes. He said there was good
    155 words
  • 56 19 Warning to ships DIRBCTOR of Marine. Captain Qoh Choo Kenf. y« terday warned all uhlpowners and master* to aecure their ships' covers, Urpaullna. batten* and wedges aa well aa hatches before proceeding to sea Additional precautions such as locking bars and/or lashings rhould aiao be fitted If their ir heavy
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  • 24 19 WATER consumption on Friday was 111.2 million callons (5M,- cubic met: is), 4.3 million rations <19.<K© cubic metres) less than on Thursday.
    24 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 100 19 oh-.i mv //m I Whcc you need ochina y \\\l) isafreecheck-up rnainspring'wsi* by that lovely i #p*>. newSw/ss iTZt/truVxL W°tch doctor! Give your watch a FREE Check-up MONDAY 15th~SATURDAY 27th April If your watch hasn't been too well lately, why not bring it along to WATCHES OF SWITZERLAND foe a
      100 words
    • 390 19 QUALITY COMPRESSOR iKi B^aß^ JNlIb FOR Jgfp^INDUSTRY To meet industry's I increasing and varied demands \J for compressor units, Stenhoj offers 1 and 2 stage units, with working pressures of 7 10 and 15 att., respectively. Safety, durability, economy and reliability are qualities incorporated into every Stenhoj compressor There are
      390 words
  • Page 19 Miscellaneous
    • 804 19 TV SINGAPORE (5) TV MALAYSIA (3) \OO <**IL. 0 < T i «'2? m M f I< J!L^ Jl r,^.n i l A« B r i« ZN\* U>^ QACPH Summary U7 Artna O.W Siruw PooflM (TamiO M £«il World: J.UU Factory JJ7 Studi^ O.VD Sukw 131 Peristiwi I* pur. of
      804 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 343 20 at ■■■ai»aiaaa>«aia. ■_■> ■■■■*>■ in VlnnnnrßnrtaaTinnrv w w w w aj af aj aj nvwi j CHARITY FUM PREMIERE ij IN AID OF !> I MMUS PUSAT SPECIAL Fill 5 und» TtM mtiw«Mirtni» r M ot Tka HonouraM* Mii Xiii f tootal Aftairs ENCIK OTHMAN WOK I CATHAY CINEMA"; TICKET!
      343 words
    • 1433 20 f Looking for ,^^^^fe^ 1 ftii!i ASSESS! a loan to /£> TrPß^^ror^rsss!;^ a IUQII IU /fGy SINGAPORE DR. B.H. SHEARES ■■■lIIMHWW aW«aim« bY aan o y^Si fst* Otgnniß«d DV n m>. t >a. 400. a-jo in duv a nomer a> /^-x^SL /^videfi* <\ i i™i c l^ f Singapore 0
      1,433 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 411 21 .ita l^i! !^L Movie |^k I jL3i (Model) V The irresistible gaiety of a fiesta' is yours for an evening Exciting dances! Beautiful models! Exquisite dresses! Vastly entertaining shows! Book NOW! MING COURT HOTEL Dinner shows, $18 per person. 700 p m Monday, 15 April Wednesday, 1 /April Thursday, 18
      411 words
    • 222 21 distinguished wntina instruments by^SMOHT VV BLANC I n» nper-Mooth fbdt of tk* mb Exdutfvt omcln clip-^ hall pou an tmm fkm. dstinctm point retraction prmnii it from aWennoa into your mting uyk sneanng pnkrx MW^ 1 ~~TaB BLANC a*a«*«*vtvtv*vfl flH*B& ■Bjß^^^?3 *-^> J quality pern A bellpoinK from Crnnany A
      222 words
    • 206 21 I Aouatol O The majority of haemorrhoids or piles require no surgery. Itching, bleeding, pain and general discomfort can be easily treated with Anusol. Fast acting Anusol reduces these symptoms, protects against infection, shrinks piles, and generally soothes. This encourages healing to proceed naturally and quickly. Anusol for long lasting
      206 words
    • 25 21 b«K3^ IS!- v I i3'*'*'fc" I aT**^-__ _^*t^Bßßal BfBfT!?S!S Br Ail ft r- ~'afil afl Presents the exotic, spicy^yj fINDOIMESIAN sS PENANG FOOD <^GADQ-C--^KEPALA MERAM--;,
      25 words
    • 198 21 CONGRATULATIONS WISHES to UNITED OVERSEAS BANK LTD. on the occation of *h« re-location of their Jurong Branch ■t 71-79 Yung Kuang Road, from LAMBPAK INDUSTRIES (PTE) LTD. 4, Lorong Tukang Dua Singapore 22 Tel: *****8 a Authentic Siamese food Gel Caps prepared the way onty ca c l a t
      198 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 335 22 HDB-ITB CONSTRUCTION TRADES TRAINING SCHEME Applications are Invited from suitably qualified male Singapore citizens to Join Construction Trades Training Schemes sponsored by the Housing and Development Board In conjunction with the Industrial Training Board. 2 QUALIFICATIONS Sex Male Age At least 17 years old Height At least 5 ft Weight
      335 words
      313 words
    • 313 22 THE COMPANIES ACT. CAF. lIS AND MEISEI INDUSTRIAL S.E. ASU (PTE.) LTD. (la Veiaaiary ll| Hii) MEMBERS' VOLUNTARY WINDINC-l'P NOTICE IS HEREBY Olven that the creditors of the above Company' which is being voluntarily wound-up, are required on or before 20th day of May, 1974. to send in their names
      313 words
    • 48 22 \^K I S .^H mm S >/T^K^ "^**^^A m W 0 m a^B as^aV I V b^ OlrtO^^ _^a I I v.^*^^ B V b^b^bV^ itf^O*^ m A3l-* tllSv* s<allaWm9^l I^l* bA A \i> W V l V^ bbS v m^L^r B^k^^ ask a^ I^. JaaL %W^ f%.
      48 words

  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 1222 23 lmmmTiiw sang tj mjwmmm ?sr«jr« *>z sS sS sS Sslmm ms us "5 IS MMM-.AMTM MM, 11 Mf MM jfi jjg iS, iimmm MMM him. iMr i it* i>* i Zn tmmmosm Sana fmm wltmttiwt n, •••i****' MM MdM MAM MMr Im« aaMMM ta*MM tMtat SadM IS aar II Air
      1,222 words
    • 990 23 JlUart mwZ^^. •taaaj P Knaaj Span Latant •>■ 1 22-»" Ma ms mi Mian. acßMtii, I '■"itILAM. .5 M Ml »-M|tM, aOrMM, I ''S&JSS^SZm'to, tMt'' aMJB NMTSfTELI SMPPM JEtnCQ PTL LTI Ttl S Mr, Ml MUniAAI WTItBAINMIAL saNPVtM CtaptUHtja ML Ttl: P. Kataat 7111. L Laajn MM4. Pnatf OtM. M
      990 words
    • 1069 23 Tl EMtPt: M^ l-naaa rtaa Star* P.Mtaat fcaa. Mttnt Frtaca UK. HNALatI MMr MMT 11 Mar MMr uMr IMr MMMAMAM MMr MMr MMf MMr aMr MMf TMM EIPtESS jmm Imi ti an aMr ami •ENAVM i] aM MMf IM MtaM it MM im UMAIMA MAM la mm Ita ll kaaa
      1,069 words
    • 1081 23 atl 1 I Ll V^J M MX .all FULLY CONTAINimZED SEKVICE TO EUKOfE taManrptrt Stumma t mi ß *°tt*Mn. AMtlrtM, Ajrtw«fp, L« Havre. "1111" SS H MwrL mm r Mfw ni MM* M. 1 AlrtM, Cni.M«l. tlMMMjrg, Mt**x MMura aniHA Mn a StoduteM, Oslo, Helsinki. UmM K«(doni. FULLY CONTAINEKIZED SEKVICE
      1,081 words
    • 813 23 Saattaipt »*****. P. Kalaata 4541; K.L. *****. Pwa« MMI. THE BANK UNE LTD. INK MLII AfllU WIMIM cam kaw| P. Mlaaf 1/M Mf Start 11/11 Mi TATMM a. Afnca tar,) P. KaLtaj M Mf /I taM fptrt 11/ M Maj FMM UR t MtTI ATMCA. FM MMMt. MMI. TATMM P
      813 words

  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 959 24 MMM i| ISw M DftVJ I A 9 m \mmSJm\lmM \yr> KAWABAKI KISCN KAJSHA LTD. UMSifl HMAI BSOI lABM ITI. MPM, NMMt, mt/TJ ff— f MM* MMSMMJ SraSMWa P MIM4J amtMis sm. sva fcttwjart PM: ii luaaMt MAM M 4Mm CatMMa Itaacat/Oaka, U fLwmmmm BM> /Qwo^kiala w; SMraa.-uii na«» I
      959 words
    • 878 24 •lAUTY UNES FrtM H* HO Birtsrta LSI LOTIP apss Psrt M sjr ImJmmw. LIT BUBTf IBTBS lasaaiii m Psrt H Mjr IMatssa. LC.TBUBTTmmT Isrsksa His S sjr HI BmTUM Mmm IS IT ■mb mmsssm. WBTf LILT USSM aP-t 17 MaMla WBTf MM Mmm Bsmmi Isr HsMls. LEBI HoMjkoaf IS Bar
      878 words
    • 971 24 U.k. net LOAWNi fbk LOkWn. KOTTUOAM. HAMBURG, BILBAO, U HAVRE •Motara r UIMJ PaaMa loaaaa row rkar. MPTMIIAMMI WM; »JW* a^tTlJ ttIMM Jl*-. 17 M. rsAMU mam >/ I Mai 1/ a Maa M/n mm Imm ii mii ii mm ripii i P. MMMJ Paaana S.i6aa fMm rta. I'M* MTPTSM
      971 words
    • 693 24 cwm gwtt n warn, imwm/mmnn mn W m ~lTTSr~7!mim mm m!m~^PaMt ImMmj Pan smm mum m Pan 11/ a aw nm m 1*73. r** an. Sraraaa an. Illiiaail l/». iWwiM SSMSA smis t*m Aw MM *w rl/B *w UNamll/J. iim |M HMJlni IM. sssM susm a/a sw a/a asr v
      693 words
    • 903 24 FAR EASTEBM FREIGHT CORFEREICE NOTICE TO SNIPPERS TARIFF OF ADDITIONAL KATES WITH TRANSHIPMENT HOMEWARDS (WESTBOUND) The Ltnta wish to announce that b complete rtrtsaoo iOf the transhipment addiUonals to Icelandic inOWjit Norwegian Ports U under comidermtlon and the prcsatit leveU will be withdrawn from Ist July. 1974 Details of the
      903 words

  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 713 25 VACANCY EMPLOYEES PROVIDENT FUND Applications are Invited from Bumlputras (< L x c l pt for P«* o' Assistant Accountant whl£h^s open to all races) for the foUowlng POSTa) Assistant Accountant b) Group Supervisor c) Trainee Programmer SALARY SCALE I a> .Wao%VViS» PwbattOMr!rß b) {f.Vx^:S] 7 &5 XSS $uao/ c)
      713 words
    • 605 25 ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER MALAYSIAN RUBBER RESEARCH AND DEYaOPMENT BOARD Applications are invited from Malaysian Citizens for the post of Administrative Officer in the Malaysian Rubber Research and Development Board. Qualifications required: A pass degree in Arts, or MARA Diploma in Administration or in Business Studies or Institute of Chartered Secretaries and
      605 words
      591 words
    • 889 25 IMTITIIT PEIYQJIIIAJ Ml KEMAJIAI POTMMI MALAYSIA (MARDI) Pemohon-petLohon adaiah dipetawa darl Warga Negara Malaysia unttk sasnglsl jawtftaa kosong berikut !>—■■■!■ Pisu ißssl Ma4a Taagga OaJI »J3O x IUSO/JTi s St-TO/IM x M--540/576 x 18-750 Ketajrakaa (a) Lulus aUU Pelajaran Vokasyenal Pertanian. atau (b) Lulus Mjll InsUUut ParUnlan. (c) Keutasaaan akan
      889 words
    • 483 25 felda KENYATAAN TAWARAN Tawaran-Tavaran adaiah dlpeUwa dartpaaa kontrekt«T-kontrekter/Pembekai-pembekal yang berpengelaman bad kerja-ksrja teraebut dl bawah mi:— (A) BP. NO. 11/74 Membtna sepuluh (10) 110.00 jrunlt rumah-rumah Pan- dan duduk dl Pelda Calok Ba- tM.OO bam* rat. Pcrlngkat I 11. Be- satu set plan sut, Tnngganu (B) BP. NO: K 74
      483 words

  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 627 26 classified ads gj) last 3 DAYS of sal* at Antoinette Furtnvr drastic r«dttctton* oa dresses prices SfcattiTi to $10 22. Tomllnaon SbSMSST— M ALL OLD BOYS and Sir- of Parry Secondary School to Contact Mr. Snankar lei *****3 WAJOMB FACE. ARMS. LEGS [Hi liiß-H bikini waxing) Mag gta* Imperial Beauty
      627 words
    • 672 26 APPLICANTS replying to Box numbers for Vacancies are requested not to endoae original copies of ustlmonlals or reference* with It* apt-cations No r—ponib-lty can be accepted for their lot* Applicant* are also advised to write to Box numbers correctly and check them before posting fli— lt Beuetoed BNpptog A#— atoa
      672 words
    • 785 26 MANUFACTURING PMBJ M JUM6M require* AccounU Clerks with 1 2 years experience Apply with full details and salary required to ST. Box A ***** B'pore 11— AN ESTABLISHED OROANISA TION Rboumbs Mia* riprsaantatlves with good spoken English/ Mandarin. Expoitono* not necessary Basic salary phi* commission For appointment Ring *****3 YOUNG
      785 words
    • 843 26 i •nd *orvtoe work rooj^o* Sic leßawtog asready a— MrtMMOd poreennol ta»H Set, to toto mm^mmjammjm (by aUtow-iied i (1) FOREMAN MBCIIANIC Should pose*** either advance CraA Cert. In Motor Vehicle Mernanlea. TTCCert orC&O Ful. Technology Cart. In Automotive (Mechanic) Engineering with some practical working and supervision experience on all
      843 words
    • 813 26 BM MECHANICAL OfHVUMBATMN require* experienced Supervisor in used heavy equip— enu. Must be able u> convene English and Chinese dlalecu Write with full particular* of experlenc* furnUhlng If posaiM*. »«*4jphooe number for contact to B.T. Boa A ***** S'por*. SINGAPORE COCKTAIL LOUNOE require* part/ full-time Stewardess** Good (alary plus up*
      813 words
    • 647 26 EXPERIENCED WAITERS/ WAITRBBSBS for Brunei Age 18 25 Minimum height 5' 3 angle Basic salary minimum $00/- Passage, uniform, food/ Icdglng supplied Write to 100 Tanjong P_g-r Rd. S'por*. 2. DRIVER WITH CLASS 4 Licence Must have 5 yean experience and be familiar with Singapore road* Apply personally at 136
      647 words
    • 747 26 SERVICE STATION RSOUIRES immediately Pump Attendants Please apply personally at lit, Farrer Road 8 pore. 10. COFFEE HOUBB WAITRBBBBS RBOIMRSD. Call personally at 37 East Coast Road. Spore for Interview (2 7 p.m PRJNTNtO PRESS: Required experienced compotltor*. Tel: *****7 Spore POWER INOUSTRIES (PRIVATE) LIMITED. mMtog lists-tilt) IS Lore ng
      747 words
    • 874 26 DBTACHBO HOUSE In quiet. ra*Kl«nll»l district. 4 bedrooms, study, servant's room. 3 alrcondltloners. furnished. Rental $1,600/ Ring *****69/ *****19 Spore. PASIR panjano OANOCN. unfurnished $500/- double-storey terrace with telephone. 3 bedrooms. 1 servant's room, upstairs parquet Please phone Lai Housing *****6 S'por*. GARLICK AVBNUB fully furnished single-storey detached bungalow with
      874 words
    • 768 26 FURMSHSO ROOM Far East Mansion phone' fridge immediate occupation coupl* working girls $180/- Tel: *****8 TELOK KURAU OIBT. IS furnished 2-bedroomed flat, bathroom attached, servant's room, own ameniues big lounge, kitchen. Rental $525/- Contact Tel: ***** B'pore OPPOSITE BOTANICAL GARDEN Luxurious furnished apartment 3 bedrooms, living/dining rooms Contact: Tot S>ere
      768 words
    • 877 26 UNACCOMPANIBO BUROPBAN MALB require* modottlyi Mse, beautifully and fully run— inert 1 bedrooms accommodation with air-con, celling fan, all services Preferred dirts 9. 10. 11. Up U> $750 No time wasters Please phone *****2 8 am. 5 p.m. BUNGALOW AVAILABLE M DIST 21 2 alrcondltloned bedroom*, large garden, fully furnished
      877 words

  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 781 27 DIST 11 1-STOMV DCTACHBD bo no alow 6 bedrooms, terraaao/ parquet flooring Area 14 SM sq r and I comer terrace houa* In •Mglas Road 3 bedrooms Also siißßistwe in die. 16 •-nmiisjaji* ..-cupation *****6 Spore HENRY PARK SIMI-OET ACHED 4 bedroom*, servants room. 6.000 s fi Sale to highest
      781 words
    • 567 27 OFFICE RSOUIRCO for aacort service Contact *****2/ *****8 Spore during office hours FOR MNT Office space available with central Air -conditioning at Anson Centre. Ideally situated at the corner of Anson Road and Parsl Road Area approx. S.SI6 sq ft For further Information pleaae contact HONG LEONG HOLDINGS LTD.. 138,
      567 words
    • 756 27 NAM-HO TRAVEL SERVICE .SINGAPORE) PTE LIMITED Tour Weat Maiayaa seven days SSI3O/-. alrcondltioned bus SslsO/-. Malaysia L Oentlng Highlands by aircondii'oned bus seven days SBl7O/-. Departure Every Sunday. Monday Cameron Highlands Four days 8880/-. Oenung Highlands -ttm day* s*lio Departure Every Wednesday Bangkok Chtongmal by alrcondltioned bjs fifteen days St37o/-.
      756 words
    • 674 27 SIAKSON COACH TOURS. 28. Pfinorp Street. Singapore 7. Tel ***** (5 lines) Agent for above: Upper Buklt Tlmah Tel: *****8. 7 days Malaya (alrcon bus) $140. Every Sunday 7 days Haadyai/ Songkhla $130 (Alrcon bus) $140 Return by air $270/- Every Sunday 14 days Bangkok/ Chtangmat (alrcon bus) $380. 11
      674 words
    • 708 27 ESCAPE TO SINGAPORE'S HAW AH AN Village. Tanah Merah the lush, lovely light- hearted land of Aloha for exotic seafood. Cantonese cuisine and soothing mule No cover charge. Reservation *****4 Spore. PON OUICK LUNCH at Reservation visit Lai Wah Restaurant. 377 C. Jalan Beaar. Tel: *****03/ *****04. Branch. Block 44.
      708 words
    • 709 27 JOIN SW—APORS: COMMERCIAL I SCHOOL for successful training in Type writing (Manual/ Electric Machines used). Shorthand (Theory/ Speed). Book-keeping. Accounting. Audio Typing. Principles of Account. Prepare youratirforL.C.C. PlunanOCE. and other examination* Please enquire' enrol ISA. Mackenzie Road, (*****7 *****8) Or 788 D O. Upper 3erangoon Road. (*****0/*****0) -SECRETS OF SUCCESS-
      709 words
    • 877 27 RADIO/T.V. COURSE MOWNNIoV Evening L. Special Class Starting IV4/74. 22/4/74 Enrol Marconi Electronic Engineering Institute m^ Lavender Street. Spore ENROL M the one and only school that scored top marks In Latin American In the NAT D Medal Tests Our beginners classes commence 730 p m Wednesday. 17 4 74
      877 words
    • 798 27 FOR OUALITY USED CAMS and maximum valuation on your car Visit SlngaporeUsed Car Pte Ltd IS4 Albert Street Spore J2Z3 14 *****4 ISM ESCORT IMB OT Central console Radlals New paint. Oood condl'lon. $4,500/- Universal Cars. 45 Orchard Road. Tel: *****1 1971 AUSTIN MINI 1 000 Special 1 Owner Showroom
      798 words
    • 704 27 INTERESTING NEW FRIENDS AVAILABLE!! Doctors. Accountants. Engineers. Executives. Teachers. Nurses. Stenographers Free Brochures OP O 657 Spore CAROO SPACE AVAILABLE for Clrebon. Jambi. Pangkar Plnang. Semarang. SurabaJa and PonUanak Fast and efftctetit service call Inbuco *****4. Singapore GENERAL SPRAY-PAINTING repair refrigerators and aircondltloners ftve hours Customers House re-enamerl hong-bath *****62
      704 words
    • 752 27 SS.BM TON ASTM type 1 cement t tV F Singapore USSM 5 per n. t Also wanted sole distributors fc. mini calculators, cutting aff machines Artificial leatrtar Hydraulic cutter Interested parties please ring *****63 S'porp DIST T ADVERTISER with groundfloor showroom seeks saleable Items for display on terms Ring 386)8
      752 words

  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 770 28 Peperskaaajs Baajtar Sakwai OstWfteale I*l4 mbrMg* H.B.C. Kia ■fatten, 1914) Bora.ig-boranc n aauk dan buUr-buUr mentrenal bajaran dan lav-lain untuk peperlkaaan HljlhKfcho^ Oeruncate 1914 boleh dlperolehl darlpada P*)jbat PaiaJaran Neterl mulal I6hb. AprU. IH4 hinu* Mhb. Apru7irJ4. X Boransr-borang Maauk akan dlkeluarkan kepada miun MWt1 y<)rt"» parseorancan yang membuat per^ohonu
      770 words
    • 720 28 MALAYSIAN RUBBER RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD MRRDB SCHOLARSHIPS IN RUBBER TECHNOLOGY The Malaysian Rubber Research and Development Board Invites applications from Malaysian cltisens who have passed at Principal level In Chemistry, Physics and Pure Mathematics In the Cambridge Overseas Higher School Certificate for scholarships to attend a full-time three-year Course
      720 words
    • 945 28 f RAILWAY HOLIDAY TRAIN SERVICE Ftobb 4th-7th ApfH ft loth-tit*. AprU AddUoui Trains between Kuala Lumpur Batterworth A Special train for 3rd Clan passengers will run ahead of the regular night exDress leaving Butterworth and Kuala Lumpur at 2000 hrs. arriving the next mornIng at Kuala Lumpur/Butterworth at 0530 hr»
      945 words
    • 617 28 Li k K 9 M K^i "P" Jl Iggr CITY DEVELOPMENTS in (InrwpinaMil the Rcpubhc of Smjaport) NOTICE OF ANNUAL OENERAL MEETING NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN thai Ok EltvcMti Annual General Meeting of the Company wil be held at the DUKE Room. Kinc/i Hotel. Hivtteck Road, Sa*aporc 3. on Monday.
      617 words
    • 265 28 SEWBAWANG SHIPYARD LIMITED (Incorporated in the Republic of Singapore) NOTICE OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that The Fifth Annual General Meeting of the Company will je head at tha Company's Registered Office at Shipyard. Admiralty Road Eaet Sembewang. Smgepor. 27 on Tuesday. 14th May. 1974 at 9.30
      265 words

    • 46 29 POOL: W,B« Ist. No. wtM. ($2,911) 2nd. No. U77« 727) 3rd. No. Sllf2 MS) STARTERS <*U each) Nos. 530w8 ***** 54*43 Stf4» H224 HW MM* SMI2 ***** 57SM. CONSOLATION (SM each): Nos. 5C522 521S*) 51«91 M 444 ***** ***** 523 M M«fS ***** 559*5.
      46 words
    • 2441 29  -  EPSOM JEEP By p HILANTHROP--1 IST 11, well ridden by Peter Moran, won the first sponsored race, the $12,000 Woh Hup Properties Stakes, over 6f for Class 3 Div. 1 sprinters at Penanjf yesterday. Well back In the early stages, Philanthropist n
      2,441 words
    • 327 29 IITEIOHTS for arrateur T* races at Penang on Saturday: MARA CL X— B*iF (wttkla llat to ltat) Okg Caaalnl 11.10, Exempt 134. November Bun 13.1, Fores 11.13. Dellma 11.10. If mar 11.10. Oeminl n 114. Beto Rajah tato De- Telopment n 11.3. Solitaire 11 2. Olympic Flam*
      327 words
    • 58 29 CHBUTIAN Brother* Old Boys will bo iMganlalng a badminton and aptwtx imnf<lll<«i on Apr. U. Osl bore are aaked to contact Mr. Ciuuan angb of Bafcoaah Msoscah Tun flkrl Lanang or Mr C Lout* o( A 8t Pfctrt<*»» School tor bartmintnw. and Mr. C. Baptist oT St. Joseph's
      58 words
    • 82 29 SMART 3F STREAK BY BLUE SOCKS LONDON. SunThere was an add! tional runner at the rac« meeting at Kempton Park near here yesterday a "streaker" who appeal rod after the last race for a sprint up tb.e straight Wearing only blue aocks, he darted through the crowd In one of
      Reuter  -  82 words
    • 21 29 TOKYO. Sun. Japan beat Bong Kong 30-8 today In friendly rugby match at Osaka after leading 10-0 at halfUme.
      21 words
    • 190 29 Ireland's Rooney scores a first LONDON. Sun. Ire•and'i Sim* Roaemary Rooney yesterday woo Britain's first women riders' International horse race, the lOf Ooya International stake* at Hampton Park near bare. Riding Onward Tareo, the U-w favourite, sbe won a last furlong duel with British rider Miss Brooke Sanders, on 7-1
      Reuter  -  190 words
    • 539 30 Sheff United hold key to title poser LONDON. Sun. THE English c h a m pionship isn't over yet, said Liverpool manager Bill Shankly, after his team were held to 1-1 by Ipswich their third successive game without a win. "We shall be there fighting for every point from now
      539 words
    • 122 30 OTUTTOAB.T, Sam. Filsna, W*rM O*» Otyis** 'seeear r*M mmIflL wrW wMAAsIbB 4—l »y West Oensaa First llliHib taaas VTB Sttttgart la a tiUmitf mmUk kere yesterday. Stattgart. ÜBPA Oag> eeml-flaaJMa, led l-» at half Uaaa. Ttoy nf—l U tee eewea tey their exaSlew, espeaents anA atteeaeS.
      122 words
    • 1242 30 FIMT division BtratiaajMua 0 ataka 0. Buraif mmm cuma i Anaaal Oavaatry 0 Lttti 0. Dar»j» HI fait* 1: m,. toa Www* 1. Ipnrtaa 1 LI 1. Mlli>imi imm 1 N—c—V 0. ■KHrtm I aouthamptoa 1. Wan -;ua 0 Worn* 0. LH4i Mil 13 M M H
      1,242 words
    • 384 30 Joginder of Kenya takes over Safari lead NAIROBI, Sun.— Veteran local motor rally driver, Joginder Slugh, a Kenya Asian wbo won with a second-hand sedan In IMS, yesterday forged to the lead toon after the start of the second leg of the Bast African Safari. He and Kenyan codrlver David
      384 words
    • 376 30 Australia lead in 21-nation swim meet LONDON, Sun. Australia's well balanced team took the lead aa expected after the first day of the International swimming meet at Leeds yesterday. Brad Cooper was »*>e only double winner In a alternoon when the International swim mers from 21 countries failed to produce
      376 words
    • Article, Illustration
      34 30 SINGAPORE'S 1971 Sportsman of the Year and long distance running kingpin, P.C. Supplah, and his bride, K. Sankhe, In radiant mood at the reception after their wedding on Saturday. Tlmesplx by WAN SENG YIP.
      34 words
    • 163 30 Orlowski wins Europe's table tennis title NOVI SAO. Yugoslavia. Sun. Mtl»n Orlowikl of Caechoatovakia. won the European men* singles table tennis tlUe (or tbe tint time here yesterday. Orlowskl. seeded fourth. beat eighth-seeded Oabor Oregely. of Hungary 17-31 31-19 »-31 11-11 21-15 after a tremendous battle In the final. Judith
      163 words
    • 750 30 Eagle helps Stockton keeps his stroke lead AUGUSTA, Sun rjAVE STOCKTON, recording an eagle for the second day In a row, fired a two-under-par 70 yesterday to retain a onestroke lead after three rounds of the 38th annual Masters golf tournament. The 32-year-oid Stockton's third straight subpar round gave him
      750 words
  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 27 29 I MtmiiiiiwtMMi il.[.HilllilHil>>lßHHi^ BBaBBT m«_iwW«a>*mU_ft*Sa_. UI 1 aw-wT a-B-T .aaßmV a-B-T ■88-T aB^awI«.«.«.TATSm b M Mi Pi 1 1<^ j^^ißH^fcimm,^^^ #_v Memory Key fl Percentage K«jy J
      27 words
    • 61 29 rThe first overhead shopping centre with revolving restaurant I CHANGE ALLEY AERIAL PLAZA t^QV^*^mjji^law«wßW-w»"^ r4>-w^jßWfct/ rs .^BBbBbI ■mi* I Room 12, CHANGE ALLEY AERIAL PLAZA. I W Collyer Quay, Singapore 1. Phone *****. M WM LWW^*SmB--aa!al> Lamtl il a-88-T muaßßßßai IV at a l9 a^^^mmmm B> t_fl i^*-^_^^^^Bl^^^pW^^ Bf I
      61 words

  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 433 30 Consider energy conservation and this energy saving offer." I BPBswrZ^^g^^H I Purchase a C ARR IE R Cosmopolitan m^^^^^P^o&mm I Whis P erco 1 (model 8E100, 9000 Btu/H) Bww^ flftg^gßr^g^gPQ I an< y° ur D ea l er w iH install an a?9^M I automatic time-switch absolutely free! This I
      433 words

  • 414 31 YEE KHAN IS NEW CHAMPION AFTER PLAY-OFF TVAN YEE KHAN. 32. beat- Blo- gapore's Brian Mark* vT a sudden death play off to wlnthe Malaysian Amateur Open »Sf championship at SubaL N a ySSdSS™* ta KUala^»P« A surprised Ye* Khan ~t never expected to win. I only tJi lf f
    414 words
  • 485 31 rCLAYCOURTS TITLE TO VETERAN AMIR AMIR LEOW. 39. the *y oldest member of the National squad tapped on his vast experience to beat Zainuddln ishak 8-1 «-4 m the men's singles final of this year's BLTA Clay Courts tennis championships at Tanglln Club yesterday. Showing remarkable sharp reflexes and agility.
    485 words
  • 377 31 gINGAPORE kept themselves in the hunt with Pahang and Trengganu fpr a semifinal berth in this year's Malaysia Cup soccer championship when they beat Malacca 1-0 at Kubu Stadium, Malacca, yesterday. Singapore, with one game In hand, are a point behind Trengganu and three
    377 words
  • 96 31 CHINKS! Swimming Club got off to a flying start when they beat AngloChinese School 7-4 In the SABA Under-17 water-polo league at Toa Payoh pool The Llm brothers. Koon and Ho. were out standing for CSC. Koon bagged three goals while Ho followed up with two
    96 words
  • 52 31 SAPRA. tnlrd last year and I holders of the Independence Cup. became this year's National volleyball champions when they beat newcomers Tong Seng 14-16, 15-S, 16-11. 15-8 aftett a two-hour final but night. SAPSA took only 63 minutes to beat Combined Sahpoki 16-11. 16-11 16-4 to kjke
    52 words
  • 242 31 Iranians fight hard to beat Singapore BANGKOK, Sun. Iran edged Singapore 1-f with lint half coal in the opening Group "A" match of the 16th Asian Youth Football tournament here today. ban moved Into the attack with the openln* whistle but found a tough Singapore defence hard to beat Bat
    242 words
  • 92 31 SBODth Son. Cho Tv Woon firad a three-under-par tt Uxl*v to win the Kore*. Open golf championship, ninth leg of the Asian Oolf Circuit, with a fourround total of 2M It was the fifth succeaalTc year that a Korean had won the title and for Cho
    92 words
  • 344 31 SINGAPORE cricket selectors face a formidable task when they meet tonight to pick the team for the Inter-port match against Hong Kong on the padang from April 26-28. Several splendid performances wen recorded In the SCA league Dlv One maichas yesterday. State openers Jeffrey Jeremiah (74).
    344 words
  • 293 31 IjURRER PARK'S soccer fans, dissatisfied with a decision of referee Abrahlm Mohamel, yesterday Invaded the field and forced the FAS League Division Two key match between Hampshire and Btabie Boys to be abandor 1 three minutes before time, reports JOE DOBAI. When play was
    293 words
  • 511 31 The 'Big Two' share four Asian table tennis titles rpOKYO, Bun— China and Japan, the "Big Two" of the Asian Table Tennis Championships being played at Yokohama, last night shared the honours when four titles were decided. Japan won the men's double* and the boys singles, while China took the
    511 words
  • Page 31 Advertisements
    • 139 31 ■win. JmTmsWUP fsKllr MUSTANG -r-. w r rin€E nsw Ictfvn M and lov©ly Hr look in A isj watches W Only m i 75^| Bf%S^Bßml f ■■■■■■V-^B^BBBBn^W- JsBBV^W <~ BBBBBBnv^aV^al BBBBnw^sW I Sswnß BBT^LbbV^BBbV. 9M 6510 AUTOMATIC y<^ DAY/ DATE w Oris of Switzerland proudly presents the Mustang. Cased in
      139 words
    • 240 31 Safety lies with your 6g_|o Alfa Romeo a has the best* ItU^C »-»jj Alfa s brake unit consists of the best and most effective Mend of a dual hydraulic i! system, disc brakes, pressure regulators, etc. Lj This fact was tested and proved true by <■ the National Highway Traffic
      240 words
  • Page 31 Miscellaneous
    • 46 31 SOCCEK National Secondary Schools torunament: BJI v Queensway; Victoria v Tun Bert L*nang, Paslr Panjang v Hwl Ton. Swiss Cottage v RI (Parrer Park IK). ATHLETICS Holland Road Camp Meet (Queenstown 3 p.m.). Thomson Secondary (Parrer Park t ajn). Singapore Artillery Brigade (Toa Payoh I a.m.).
      46 words

  • 105 32 SIX dancing bnnnles entertaining some 1M children at an Easter get-together at Mandarin Hotel yesterday. The bnnnles members of the Neptnne Dancers—won rounds of applause from their yonng audience at the end of their dellghtfal dance. Some of the children, with outstretch ed hands, are
    MAZLAN BADROW  -  105 words
  • 85 32 LONDON. Sun. Right-wing rebel Enoch Powell is giving up hi; membership in the Conservative Party, it was disclosed today. Mr. Powell, who held a Wolverhampton seat In Parliament for more than 20 years until he refused to stand at the last election, revealed his move
    85 words
  • 120 32 RANGOON, Sun. A fishery research ship flying the Singapore flag and carrying 31 people from five countries was seized by a Burmese naval vessel In Burmese waters on April 7 and brought to Rangoon Burmese officials said yesterday. The research ship, Changl SMS 727, was
    120 words
  • 49 32 PITaUa. T. ANOKI/UAWV, If 4 •0 pmml away pMMfullr an 1«.«.T4. txfciad bi—i« wlf*. MM, iMaIOO. BmHIMI, Aitlotr, 4aud>tm. Uhlh'. CMUm utf p«»4«>n«f OorUe» lam T4. J»i»o Bum. ■iiMif Ou«*H. Itlui at 1 ■.■L <• 16.4. T4 tar Our Ladr et tmm*m Ckmk u4 umbo* to Ito Oalkolle O»mij
    49 words
  • 219 32 Katzir moves to form new Govt JERUSALEM, Sun.— President Ephraim Katzir opened consultations with Israeli poltical leaders today In an effort to replace caret? v er Prime Minister O.da Melr. Arriving first at the Presidential res 1 d ence were Par 1 1 am c n tary leaders of Mrs.
    AP  -  219 words
  • 41 32 FUEKTH (Germany) Son. KUrm OottachaJk. 89. who auOered pain from injuries received in a car accident, pound wood alcohol over honetf In front of a cathedral here yesterday, struck match %nd died In the names, police said AP.
    AP  -  41 words
  • 78 32 SEOUL, Sun. The pallet) have offered two million won (SSI2JM) reward for inform. Uon leadln* to the urat of three ywtha whi they believe masterminded recent anti-Govern-ment student aatHew A urti— for National Police Head«aarters identified the trio aa Lee ChoL M. Kane Kachoi, n,
    78 words
  • 315 32 JALLOUD: NO STRUGGLE BETWEEN GADDAFI GADDAFI AND ME... rmm BEIRUT, Sunday THE Libyan Prime Minister, Maj. Abdel Salam Jalloud, denied there has been any struggle for power between him and his boss Col. Gaddafi, according to an Interview published here today. The influential newspaper An Nahar quoted Major Jalloud as
    AP  -  315 words
  • Page 32 Advertisements
    • 168 32 EVERWARE The way to a woman's heart EVERWARE is anodised and heavy. This means heat is conhygenic. If you rub any alum. ducted faster than the ordinary mum pot or pan with a dean round bottom cook ware and piece of cloth you will see a money is saved on
      168 words
    • 206 32 «newi eT Supplamins MULTI-VITAMIN TABLETS WITH IRON V gW^ Mr Jr \^t*s J r y" Join the handcrafts boom. i.■ p ~-*^r Pottery making, leathercrafti. wood carving, needlepoint, macrame and if f"K crewel work. What are handcrafti all I ff\ L>^^^"^\ about' They're juit about the hottest V V. J
      206 words
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