The Straits Times, 13 December 1967

Total Pages: 24
1 24 The Straits Times
  • 32 1 ■AVERAGE DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 150,000 Ik NiltilHlHl f<t!VVK[lil[lHr The Straits Times Estd. 1845 WEDNESDAY, DFX EMBER 13. 1967 15 CENTS or 18 CENTS W lKl» currtntr) (OH BMMM KDN. 2378:2590 M.C.(I»)t3M
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  • 562 1  - Penang, Province curfew lifted OH KEE TIANG: By PENANG. Tuesday PENANG, rues. Ttenfka AiMini Rahman today Mlnoaneed that the curlew on Pcnang Island ;><>" Province Wellesley had I) ec n lilted "lor Kood. am glad there h.i\< in in mi farther Incidents in this State." the Prime Minister tol<l .1
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  • 511 1 Increases of $2.50 in lower classes and $5 at the top next year KUALA LUMPUR. Tuesday THE Minister of Education, Inchc Mohamed Khir Johari, today announced increases of $2.50 to $5 in secondary school fees from next year. Children m Korin Keinove lo Form Three now
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  • 487 1 Krian curfew cut TREMORS HIT INDIA AGAIN IPOH, Tues. The curfew in the Krian district has been relaxed and will be in force from 2 a.m. to 6 a.m., a police spokesman announced today. BOMBAY, Tuesday. EARTH tremors shook western India today as rescuers hunlecl amid the rubble of Koyna
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  • 44 1 KUCHINO. Tues. Dato Stephen Kalong Ningltan. former Chief Minister of Sarawak. Is to petition to the Federal Court for the right to appeal to the Privy Council against the court's rejection of his petition against the Federal Government earlier this month
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  • 38 1 MANILA. Tues The foreign Office today announced the release of a new. nfi-pnge publication on the Philippine claim tn Sahah. apparently to prove that It has not given up the claim. UPI.
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  • 194 1 (UKTOWN, Tues.— South Africa's heart transplant WIMM MX rrportcd near exhaustion today but their lirst patient. I.ouis Washkansk.v latest picture, above uas described as "fit and well" 10 days after receiving his new heart. The team uas reported to have
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  • 47 1 JAKARTA, rues —A MajorGeneral was stripped of mnk I i kpocket who lilted two gold Mars from his epaulette at Jakarta department .store. The newspaper New Pioneer reported that the unnamed General was on a shopping spree when he lost his insignia of rank.
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  • 65 1 LONDON. Tues— A Cambridge University social anthropologist contends that no man 55 years or older is fit to hold a responsible in politics, industry, education, or research and development. Dr Edmund Leach, who is 57, was speaking in the BBC sponsored Relth
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  • 32 1 NEW YORK. Tues Federal officials yesterday seized Black Power advocate Stokelv Carmlchael's passport when he arrived back here after a fivemonth tour which took him to Cuba and North Vietnam.
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  • 63 1 DKNVKR (Colorado), lues— Little Paula Kay Hansrn, who was establishing liver transplant survival molds every day she lived, died yesterday in the University of Colorado Medical Centre here. Her death, nearly months after the transplant operation, was the sreond in thr pmerammr within three days, and
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  • 136 1 SEAP GAMES Five more 'golds' for Malaysia From NORMAN SIEBEL BANGKOK. Tins -Malay sia maintained tli<ir dominating lead inlo the linal iaj ol the alhleties rompetiti>in of the fourth KEAP (..lines here toil. is Ilirir fmtliiios -.hull' uitli tlio hot aftrniiMMi Mil a- '•■■<■ mine |aM inol.iK wi'ic .< il
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  • 29 1 OXFORD RELIEF OXf ORD. Toes The Oxford Committee f<> mine relief has mane CUJM available f»r r* hrf of \ictim« of India s Maharashtra earthquake -i ri
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 83 1 Off to see new places 9____T i^L_ m She's not just a lucky girl, she's one with foresight Regular savings have built up an account that will pay for her overseas holiday. You too need an account with a world renowned bank. Call today at THE HONGKONG BANK MERCANTILE BANK
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    • 82 1 PRACTICAL GIFT for a New Home Fire trie or Koftrry >prrotfd CHOOSE A FANCY WALL CLOCK Accutotr Ourotii* Mode by World I /^^W icnooiicd clock bK^^X divplov ol -SSh chun chong V Sl? ____fv lood s>, *te>. gfeg^* V 'ftp t hisHw year GIVE ANCHOR BEER IN GDLOURFUL,rtSTIVE GIFT RftQKS
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    • 171 2 Clashes in 15 of China's 28 provinces, says Moscow r|M) K VI), Tues Radio Moscow last night tint Moody clashes between pro and .i ii l i .Mao forces have s|»i«':ml to IS of ommunlftt China's 2s provinces and autonomous region I in i I 11.4- l\ I'll s|irr.ill
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    • 239 2 NO Q-and-A SESSIOxN ON VIETNAM WAR—ON JOHNSON'S ORDERS WASHINGTON, Tues. The Secretary of State, Mr. Dean Husk, has refused to submit to a public question-and-answer session on Vietnam before the Senate foreign relations committee, it was disclosed here. Mr. Rusk wrote to the committee chairman. Senator
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    • 170 2 WASHINGTON. Tue.s. Presidential peace candidate Eugene McCarthy charged last night that th^ Vietnam war had robbed the United States ol the physical, diplomatic and moral mean> of settling the Middle East cr Senator McCarthy iDemocrat-Mmne.-.otai al&o Oiamed UH Mdoiiijj iiiuch ill the
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    • 325 2 SUICIDE CHARGE BY DOPED VIETCONG ON U.S. ARTILLERY BASE AN LOC. Tues. American troops poked among the 124 Communist corpses around their camp and tried to find what motivated the suicidal Vietcong attack. They found the answer in little .<.ack> omtalning powder. "This i.s heroin." Capt. James Ownbrink an army
      UPI  -  325 words
    • 37 2 BACHt M. TUN A COUMI .-(in ■< ri: 1 ni.HiL landin? in thr Soviet yoMfiday. West Gf rniany s Hut r lor Satellite and Spnre Research rrpnrted There were no further details immediately availnble UPI
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    • 99 2 MOSCOW. Tues.— Veteran East German Communist leader Waiter Ulbricht arrived here for talks as indication*. grew of a i toughening Soviet attitude I towards West Germany Mr. Ulbricht, heading a top-level party and governj ment delegation on his second visit to Moscow In six weeks, was met
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    • 68 2 New Arab summit set for January OEIRUT. Tues.- Th« fifth Arab summit cont' ond since the Middle East war last Ju; will be held In Rabat, on January 17. Cairo Radio reported yesterday. Tinh decide on a date for the summit and to prepare a draft agenda. proved the following
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    • 202 3 Peking permits British envoy to go home J^()\I»O\ lvov (lun.i vcsterdaj aulh<>ri?»r(J a Brilista iliplom.u to leave the coantrj the first since it inipn'-i'il ,i l).m on exit \is;i>. for British diplom.ils i I >• hi t four months Ml" I he British Koreicn OfI niiciiini rd it had
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    • 89 3 I ONDON. Tues. It's a swinging style, complete with disc jockeys' chat if you like— a wool felt Regency trilby with built-in transistor radio. The young man looks into it at a preview of v 1968 range of hats for young men The hat on
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    • 110 3 ROME, Tuesday v \i: wan of six cars atlcan city jres■ii sponsored >0.000-mite journey through Europe and Asia ii the hop* 1 of eventually > aching Peking. The three-month trip sponsored by the [tallan motorcar firm. Mfa-Romeo, some car ap- pliance companies and a
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    • 181 3 Mr. Brown makes his peace with the Press I ONDON. Tues.—For- ci g n Secretary George Brown, Britain's most publicised Government Minister, made his peace with the British Press at a charity reception in the London Press Club last night. "I am prepared to rorglve you. 1 he told journalists.
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    • 76 3 LONDON. Tues. A freight wagon loaded with £20 million ($144 milliom worth of banknotes broke loose from a Liver-pool-bound train yesterday. A security alert to Scotland Yard brought police cars pourInn to Willesden Junction in north-west London to surround the wagon unti: a
      UPI  -  76 words
    • 35 3 KHANKFURT. lues. 8..n--dit.'i lirld up a bank messenger in a parking garage here yesterday and fled with 320 OJO marks iJ.'-W.ODOi. They escaped by iiunglinK into crowdi ut Cliru>i>BMt .'hoppers. UPI.
      UPI  -  35 words
    • 291 3 BRUSSELS. Tu«c. is evidence that the Soviet Union is developing mobile forces capable of reaching any part of the world, the Nato SecretaryGeneral, Mr. Manlio Brosio, said yesterday. At a Press conference on the eve of the Nato ministerial council meeting here, he also
      Reuter  -  291 words
    • 225 3 Unconstitutional: That law barring Communists WASHINGTON. Tuesday. THE United States Supreme Court ruled yesterday that a law which bans Communists from defence plants is unconstitutional. Thp law wa.s pas-ed ;U the height of the antiCommuniM campaign in the United Stattt in the *****. The court, with two of its member
      Reuter  -  225 words
    • 45 3 GLASGOW. Tui-s.— Scotland's evening nc.v^paper. the 110-ytar-rfd Greenoclc Telegraph, yestcraav became the nations Ia it wcb-of'si't printed daily newspaper The newspaper said It was the first chulv in Britain to convert from letterpress to lithographic print me uitrumt interrupting publication. UPI.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 138 2 ft H Alert, strong, careful... that's I\#|/-^C*T Mahid Bin Kadir, a member I W I^^^^ fe °f MSA's Baggage Handling Section based at X.L.'s Wk JH \f Subaim International Airport. 11/l£).ftlfl i^ll^ i\d^rii!l^ Kadir and his friends (over ividniu Din rxduir... sattjysaa. the sate, speedy transport of hes one of
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    • 74 2 SI CESS rtitttment Soften Those Forehead Lines Cherish the smooth serenity of your forehead by firmly coaxing a film of vitalizing night cream Into the skin from brow to hairline, using the fingers of both hands In upward movements. Now, placing the hands on the centre of the forehead with
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous

  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 181 3 CHRISTMAS SHOPPERSIF YOU EXPECT INSPIRATION AT ROBINSON'S YOU'VE COME TO THE RIGHT PLACE We're proud of the fact that we have the everything, in fact, to make this Christmas most to offer for Christmas. And we memorable for you and your loved ones. mean the MOST. Just take a look
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    • 112 3 O/0100 the feminine touch at the RAYA INTERNATIONAL TRAVEL SERVICE JB 'I fi&\ ]fe I 1 ••'vie* )©oh t'\pi |On' you' pfobl#n*j And mthes your I'jwfl lr«wtl problem* Fnrntfly »tI.C-»nt \Uft j p>^su-f *n«bl*s thtm to anticipal* and %oivt M«n«g«rt»s MAY Ltt #RAYA INTERNATIONAL TRAVEL SERVICE HOTEL MERLIN KUALA LUMPUR-TELEPHONE
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  • 198 4 New 20 and 50-cent coins: Now exchange up to $100 SINGAPORE, Tues. The Board of Commissioners of Currency today issued more new 20-cent and 50-ccnt coins at 10 selected community centres and 10 post offices. .Mi-mbrrs of Iho public are now allowed to excharme up to .i maximum of SUM)
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  • 203 4 Wife lost finger in a chopper attack, court told SINGAPORE, Tuesday. L-\l BUCK ENG, wife of a trisha rider, suffered multiple injuries including the loss <>r her lefl index finger, when her Imsl»;in<l attacked her with a chopper. ;i preliminary inquiry was (old today. Testifying, Lav said that she 'was
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  • 38 4 SINGAPORE. Tues.— There were 115.836 registered motorcars In Singapore at the end of last month an increase of 241 over October. The number of motorcycles including scooters has also increased by 986 to 80.194
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  • 152 4 SINGAPORE. Tucs—Shopkeepers who normally close their shops on Dec 22. Dec 24. Dec. 29. and Dec. 31 may open their shops for business on those day> without having to substitute another day in lieu. A Government statement announcing tins .-aid that they
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  • 35 4 SINGAPORE. Tue.s The Singapore Surgical S.-cieiy ,md the Suißical Chapter of Hie Arademy of Medicine will hold their firs; combined meeting at ihe patholoey lecture theatre. General Hcspital. on Saturday at 2 pm.
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  • 92 4 XMAS CHEER FOR YOUNG AND OLD SINGAPORE. Tues Members of the St. Vincent de Paul Society will distribute Christmas gifts on Saturday to 300 children at the Abandoned Babies Home of the Convent of the Holy Infant Jesus and the Canossa Orphanage. They will also visit and digtribute Rifts to
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  • 133 4 SINGAPORE. Tucs Barry Tuikwcll. 3«. it claimed as the world's foremost horn virtuoso, «ill «i\T a two-hour con- i at tin* Singapore Conference Hall al 8.45 p.m. tomorrow. In the first half of his concert he will be accompanied by .Miss Margaret Kitchin. an
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  • 102 4 SINGAPORE, Tuesday. AN evening of "Carols by Candlelight" will be rk held at the National Theatre on Dec. 28 at 7.30 p.m. in aid of the St. Andrew's Mission Hospital. The singing will be led by a choir made up of representatives from several
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  • 40 4 SINOAPORE. Tues. The Catholic Welfare Services of Singapore will give a Christmas party for 600 under-privileged children of Tua.s Village and neighbouring kampongs on Sunday from 2 pm to 6 p.m. Rt the Tuas Village Centre
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  • 309 4 SINGAPORE. Tues.— Two women. Chee Saw Geok and Thang Yok Lang, who each pleaded guilty to a charge of keeping an unlicensed dog. were fined S5O by the Ninth Magistrate. Mr. Boey Kun Hong today. "The people of Penang cannot afford any further the luxury of
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 480 4 1 Johore Bahru IIIVv"oPENs"foM()RROW NB. RctidcnM OUTSIDE Johore Bahru arc odviscd to phone J.B. 3535 Book Now to avoid disappointment (No frm List) 0-7.1 5-9. 1 f doy: 1 1.30. 1.30, 3 30, 7. la 9 15 THE SENSUAL HEHTKHi^SffiS; IM STIOP TUXITIMTBaOIMS YOU HORROR fl t^^ ANDTHRILU TOOITHEII a
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    • 365 4 LAST 4 SHOWS' Horn, 1 30. 4.00 630 pm CuWbOr in AfKICA" \MLL» I '.OLC "IHt HRSI inuKD CHiAO Lfcl i£ng Sea>on from Tomorrow No 21«t BIG DAY* I I am, 1.30. 4. 6 3D 9 30 p.m. 1 Cr'umnio sTO SIR <*ITM urn Last 2 Do, I JO
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  • 142 5 Kedah curfew after 6 cases of arson NIGHT curlew has been imposed on six new areas on the outskirts of Alor Star town following six arson incidents last night. A police spokesman said: the situation in these areas was "tense." The areas affected are the mukim of Mergong and its
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  • 161 5  -  THE Penang branch of the Democratic Action 1 Party today called on the Chief Minister, Tan Sri Wong Pow Nee, to resign because of his "inability to cope with the challenges of his office." i > Alor Star, Tues a mother and her two children
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  • 22 5 SINGAPORE. Tues. The Singapore Army will conduct exercises tomorrow to Jan. 2 in the area around Tuas village in Jurong
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  • 111 5 SINGAPORE. Tues. < The Second Industrial Court has fixed Dec. 22 and Jan 12 for the continued hearing of a trade dispute between the Singapore Government :in<| the Amalgamated Union of Public Employees over a clause in their, collective agreement relating to overtime work
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  • 67 5 SINGAPORE. Tues. The Singapore Telephone Board has warned subscribers against confidence tricksters purport ing to be STB employees collecting donation* for festive MCttfcmc. The Board, which has received a number of complaints, said today: "These collections in unauthorised and any subscriber who w approached for a donation is
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  • 44 5 SINGAPORE, Tues. Thirty cars and a motor-cycle were sold for a total of $30,855 at a public auction held *oday by the Port of Singapore Authority. A total oi G9 forfeited cars and the motor-cycle had been offered for auction.
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  • 237 5 Brunei puts off spending on 5-year plan UUINEI TOWN. Tues A portion of Brunei* Five Year Development Plan announced in 19t>2 will have to be deferred, the State Financial Ofticcr. Dato John Lee. told the Legislative Council's Budget meeting today. Only schemes which would bring the greatest economic returns are
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 318 5 hit the beach |*)§1 TW ATI <n a C1IHJ&C1I The trim, taut, tremendous checkpoint! Bold Indian check front, action-backed with Jantzen's stretchback. Inside coin pocket, full inner nylon supporter. Bold beachboy colours! THE GIFTS YOU'D WANT ARE HERE AT j Metal and bead work it a Ncpoleic specialiry. Bracelets, ring*,
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    • 154 5 ■^;#l MiltZmtSzmmwßnL WLZr^*Wmv'***±. 4 MHV#92liw KaJLu I ■■t'C ■L^^*'^^ mmSm I'l fci *~i mkm »*sv Ti IE ?Bfc^ TETREX Takes To Dancing J V v TETREX is the best choice for men's slacks. There's nothing more pleasant to wear! W %^a\. Matches any rhythm, v* Me? I am Mr. Dapper,
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
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  • 249 6 Hotels full? A plan to put up tourists in private homes OINGAPORE. Tues. An airline executive has come out with a novel suggestion that may help solve Singapore's serious but temporary shortage of hotel accommodation for tourists. Commenting on Finance Nfliiister Dr. Goh Kens Swee's Eudget speech in which he
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  • 269 6 Tengku: I had no hand in Upko move KUALA LUIVPUR. Tuas f ENGKU ABDUL RAHMAN today stressed he played no part in the Upko decision to dissolve. Speaking to reporters at the RMAF airport on his return from Penang. the Prime Minister said there should be absolutely no suggestion that
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  • 104 6 KEDAHS NEW MENTRI BESAR 41.0K STAK. Ini-v The Kedah State Imno liaison committee, at a inertinu here last night, unanimously nominated Sved Ahmad bin Syed .Ma niiud Shahabuddin (above) as Iks State's new Mentri Be^ar. Sved Ahmad, the only nominee. Mill succeed Tan Sri Sycd Omar Shahabuddin. who died of
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  • 201 6 Famous Life Guards band coming SJIXGAPORE. Plies. The band ol the Life Guards one of the most celebrated bands in the British Army will arrive in Singapore on Friday from London to make a 24-day tour of military units in the Par East. Under the baton of thoir Director ol
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  • 148 6 SINGAPORE. Tues ()F the 314 Colombo Plar. training awards Singapore Is offering in the New Year. Indonesia is interested mainly in port training coui This was indicated today by the Indonesian Minister for Manpower. Brig. Gen. iDr > Awaluddin Jamil, when he stopped briefly I
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 511 6 l- In „V «m otMjaar Wo<- I 'MM rf r^m iff '<JZm Ay Fresh! Fragile! Haunting! M, M Perfume of a new generation^^j i M Guy Laroche, great French fashion designer m A has put all the exciting promise of the New At §m Era in this rare, new perfume
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  • 110 7 CINGAPOM, Tues. A youth. Tan hin Huat. approached j. sawmill owner in his office at Woodlands last Kridav to demand SI. OOO. Claiming to be the "headni.m" of the (ii Tione Hai set-ret society of the '!4 (•roup. he told the owner. Lee licnu
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  • 55 7 wen killed last night in road accidents. I\\ link Kill. 19 died after he wu thrown ull his which skidded at the [unction of Kallang Road hiivl Mill Lane i Mm v i ii ii i> man was <l when he was down by a car
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  • 359 7  - S'pore plan to break isolation of schools JACKIE SAM r By SINGAPORE. Tuesday. A MAJOR effort to break the isolation of Government schools especially Eng-lish-language ones has been launched. The aim now is to get every school identified with the community. The main feature is the establishment of advisory committees
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  • 231 7 Australian ballet company to give four shows in S'pore SINGAPORE, Tues The Australian Ballet the largest professional ballet company ever to perform in Singapore— will be presented in four performances at the National Theatre by Donald Moore Concerts Ltd. in February. The Australian Ballet is rated one of the world's
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  • 46 7 KUAI.A LUMFUR. Tues. Pre.Mdent Marcos' AmMoH Press Secretary Mr. Roberto M. Ga.scia. arrived here today for a two-day stay to make preliminary arrangements for the Presidents vLsit next ninn'.h Accompanying him mm the general manaicer of Ma nila airport. Mr. Luis Tabuena.
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  • 51 7 TAIPINO. Tueo A housewife. Maciam Todk Ah Onn. 57. who lived in the Selama area. ■U found hiinumg from rubber tree v.slpiiljv by her .v>n. Teng Kirn Tien. 31. She had told her family ttel riM was going out to collect firewood. Police do not .suspect foul
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  • 110 7 IZOTA BHAKI'. Tues. The Mentri Be»ar of K.l.mUn Da to Mnhanietl Asri bin llaji Mud.i has called on the people to maintain uoodwill and harmony among the various races to preserve peace and order. He made the appeal at the prize-givinK ceremony of the
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 98 7 malaysias gift to the world SELANGOR PEWTER w sr Products of Exquisite Elegance, Superb Craftsmanship and Matchless Beauty from Malaysia, for your home or to delight your friends. Sold at controlled prices. Look for the pewtermaker at the anvil -our trademark of quality. Available in Singapore from: ORIENT CRAFTS 108
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    • 303 7 I BLACK WHITE I J WHISKY t S FREE genuine leather wallet 5j with special twin bottle gift-pack JjC iC Buy two quart-size bottles of Black White' II Scotch Whisky in the festive gift-pack j^MM^LMMMy|^^M. at the usual prices, and get this Ji genuine leather wallet FREE JJ t (Singapore
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 68 7 Dich Tracy By Chester Gould W \j/-\t i'oc luv-jt kilV PU m PD L W Wt NvJK IU I [2^. I i t^-**J "C r^k^y I Pn T C?U I LEW 1 ft nr ai i ripg f^C T"t il^ PiAJ3iK A I />ES,THE WKRK IS^. '■> i I fA
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  • 98 8 $2.5 mil shopping and residential complex in Park Road r PIIIS is the massive S'i.s million shopping and residential complex in Park Road ot Singapore's Chinatown which is reaching completion. An urban renewal project by the Housing and Development Board, this modern building houses a three-storey
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  • 260 8 $1,525 prize for Unesco cultural write-up contest SINGAPORE. Tut-s The National Library Is organising on behalt ol Unescu a national contest for the best manuscript written In any of the official languages In Singapore on a cultural, literary, or popular .science topic sui; abli tor new reading audiences iur
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  • 142 8 EXTRAMURAL COURSES FOR NEXT YEAR SINGAPORE. Tut-.s. The O University ol Singapore today announced Its 11th progrannne of extra-mural-courses from January to June next year. 'lin.s programme hkblii .seeks to covei various neiu.s of in-|ei-e»t inciuauiK iimnaKemem ta» eaucation. paycoolog) sociology and social problems poUuci and international relations, health, appreciation
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  • 75 8 SINGAPORE. Tue^. 1 here will be no supply of elect ru-ity tomorrow from 9 a.m. to 7 pm. at Jalun Bukit Ho Swee. Tainan Hrv Swee. Tiong Bahru Road 'between Lower Delta and Out ram Roads i. Outram Road i between Sit Wall Road and Bmt Pol)
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  • 34 8 SINGAPORE TUM Ur DS Johnson "ill elve a talk on Our Inland Waters „iul their Life' at the University nl Singa]x>re's new lecture the.itre tour on Dec 20 at 8 l.i pm
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  • 154 8 Festival of drama, paintings show plan SI.MiAPORL. Tuev The permanent board for the Congress of Malay Language and Culture plans to send a delcuation on a goodwill stud> tour of Indonesia in April next year. It is to raise funds lor this mission through a fcsli\.il of performing arts at
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  • 60 8 SINGAPOBE. in s Visitors to the Product Display Centre in KafTles Place are increasine The Singapore Manufacturers' Association today said that there uerc ll. lit. visitors last month an hwicsae «f ZJSZi vi '21/2 per cent compared with October The avcrace daily attendance durinc Xo\ ember
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  • 78 8 SINOAPORI i 150 nieii)i)eis in :hi "iiri>t Aaaoclatlon mill beach -ck Beach on Sunday n with the Tounsi Pron I tho Ix-acli Into a tourlsl Assisted by nbout M tii«- meotbers' fam d friends, the "bM will start the clean-ii)) at Hie Fisheries School Anioiii; tboac who Drill
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  • 289 8 REGISTRATION FOR ADMISSION TO 1968 AEB CLASSES TueS. Registration for admission into the Adult Education Boards 1968 secondary c v e n in g classes will be held between Dec. 20 and 29 1967. (excluding Sunday. 24th and Monday. 25th December) from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. daily There will
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  • 71 8 39 COMPLETE COURSE IN JAPANESE SINGAPORE. Tuea other laii'h ol i!» st who successful]; compU-t' d .i course in the Jap i^c thi.> year. wIL duatc ,ni Ftldaj will receive theli i <it Sch(x>K M ai then grau the Raffles Girl.- Set School In Anderson I; 10 a m The
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  • 42 8 SINGAPORE I St Andrews Orti. v piiai will hold ita ami )i work by the petlenu p 111 to p ill .i i> m Mtnlatei Education, Inclie Huhitii Ishal >nd his «il( ,\in attend the necond funclOß
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  • 40 8 sixth Si: th* Boys BnijHde will hold us annual review and display >l lh« l'» Metl.oa at 630 pm on Saturday The secretan' of me I Red Cross. Mr T Matin will re\ie\v the parade and
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 337 8 You get a finished picture out of a Polaroid camera 15 seconds after you snap it. We know. It's little hard to believe. again. In 1 5 seconds, you'll have exactly what >ou want. But the (act is, with a Polaroid Land camera all >ou lYou won t have to
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 44 8 MA'l I bn*>r Uy -4/ app l\l f :o P.tA.ff AH OVERSLEPT VI I Oi£ 0 WAH MOST ~|/^REAUTRAGEDV IS HE'LL l.i JI RDUR MOORS.'.'- WHICH J\ IFFISWOMT MATTRESS) MEVER KKJOW WMAT A f In |j>i MAKES THIS"^-_— -rTfr 1 TESTIN'jOBSr.' BUTr^(|J»^f \BARGAIN HEGOT.*r-->
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  • Article, Illustration
    1527 9  -  RICHARD HUGHES Peking's bid to establish ties with colony Extracts from the book by Td rather quit first* Sir Alex remarked Twelve years ago Premier Chou an-lai proposed to the ihen Governor, Sir Alexander Graniham, that Peking should establish diplomatic representation In the colony. But Sir Alexander, a
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 244 9 BBBBBBSV j^staiaMorijjl JuL SBiJbK .Ski ■BB^BBB' "V f I i^HifeSlßßßßßß^fttt *'l'oV» *^BUsIbB^BBB^BI^BBBBBb| BBBBBBBB^BBbKbBbW -^S^^ i s^W»^ 2&lSfl?B^<^Jtir^ bbbl A^bbbT a nSflnl Ai> tmn moiu.*> Xl j*4Jk fi i*! IjlffW nismiißs iimiti" 'jaWujj <a bbbW lra^£&^^^2?i The sun and carefree joy of Jamaica in even' golden glass Pqtylq in MnrftsiTi P3
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  • 278 10  - Hamid Tuah's son held PREM KUMAR: AS DAUGHTER APPEALS TO GHAFAR, UNGKU AZIZ... By Klang. Tuesday JJ EB E L l'armer iiamid Tuah's 24 year old son, Damhuri, was this morning arrested by police at his home in Batu Tiga. It was his second arrest. He was flrst picked up
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  • 157 10 Day's jail and $500 fine for stabbing i wife SINGAPORE. TUI Lee Boon Keng, 34, told a District Court today that hi' stabbed his wife one night in the Champagne Bar in Anson Road when she had refused to quit her job as a waitress. The prosecuting officer, Srnlor Inspector
    157 words
  • 155 10 SINGAPORE, Tues yVOKKERS or an iron foundry in Henderson Road yesterday tame to the mm of their employer, who was being assaulted by two extortioners. Mr. Ng Leong Tuck, the proprietor. had shouted for help aftrr the two thugs had pounced on him when
    155 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 220 10 great day for the v-/ "Decoration Look" m tffr > deB 9ns9^V^^/y^^7 /des« 9 n2i5 design t l s^ s//§§S? J [j/ yfff >^ Marvellous! /y^U^/ /s&r^ /f j>r In tune with shorter S^/^ y( skirts are heels with \^y^ Z^^# exciting shapes-fantastic, young. squared, with wonderful crystal combination The
      220 words

  • 236 11 Campus says no' to that $400 question KUAIA LUMPUR, Tuesday. THE burning question on the campus of the University of Malaya here today was: Can the students afford the proposed increase in hostel fees next year? And Berita Kampus a weekly newsletter of the Students' Union came out with an
    236 words
  • 60 11 Tues. Police today appealed to two youths, who last month helped arrest a Ml .itlcr siiatth theft in Stamford Koad. near (lie I'.S Kmbassv. to contact Inspector Krishnnn of Central PoliceStation. (Tel. 7200. ext. •201 1 The Police Secretary. Mr. Loke Foo Yee
    60 words
  • 100 11 'RAPHAEL OF CHINA'S' WORKS ON SHOW IN STORE SINGAPORE, Tues. Works of an international ly-known painter, Professor Chang Dai-chien, were shown to a group of selected i guests this evening. About 30 of his works mostly landscape paintings were shown at the special preview at the Chinese Chamber of Commerce.
    100 words
  • 174 11 Shell names local man to top job KUALA LUMPUR. Tues. Shell Malaysia today announced the appointment of Dr. Richard Hu as its new marketing manager, responsible for all the company's marketing aci tivities in Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei. He takes over from Mr. W.P. Bird, who will be going on
    174 words
  • 28 11 SEREMBAN. Tues. MaiorGeneral Der«"k Horsford. 50. now G.O.C Northumbrian District in Britain will tnke ova as GOC. 17 Division. Malaya District, here late in 1968
    28 words
  • 299 11 I/" UA L A LUMPUR. 1V Tues. Malaysian manufacturers are likely to be represented by a single organisation from early next year. To be called the federation ol Malaysian Manufacturers it will be a merger between the National Chamber of Malaysian Manufacturers
    299 words
  • 32 11 PENANG. Tues. Detectives from the CID last night arre.sted two suspected scanKStpr.s m a house in Dato Kramat Road. A third suspect struggled with one of the detectives and escaped.
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  • 73 11 IPOH. lues. —An Alliance backbencher. Inchr Masud bin I'ntoi (Bagan Srrai). today suggested in the State Legislative Assembly that thj playing of the national ;\nthem in cinemas should be stopped. "Onl\ a handful of people stand up when the national anthem i.s |>layed in cinemas." he
    73 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 106 11 Mr\ Fab«' oUS Jsm Indian p||l i lun(i I<H), n 2 SPECIAL X'MAS Xl I DISCOUNT 3- Q OF 10% X FROM 13-23 rd fl DECEMBER THIS CHRISTMAS— It's a pleasure to give and receive hand-woven miracle fabrics Silk Stoles, Sarees, Raw Silks. DressMatenals.Ties, Household Linen. Bedspreads. Rugs and Carpets
      106 words
    • 528 11 (OFF JALAN BATU NILAM CLOSE TO PRINCESS ELIZABETH ESTATE) Bamboo (.rove Park is a new, fint-claw residential estate with home* carefully designed -and constructed by leading architects and constructors. It offers you peace and Jff 'i lE U et a traiM u l wtt n tf tree irom lhe noi<
      528 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
      96 words

  • 21 12 BAEV KNONC KMAI afaj 7.1. or 64 panned away II at hu riri h..t I^lOVrrt daughter mourn hia lo»a. mc.cry
    21 words
  • 78 12 in W,,,H, lli (minimum) MR. A MRS. Imnk all lot th* good law f.. oi. m 13-IMT. MR. AND MRS. 1 'i...i..1i«1.h r for H>Kiatan<e. and valualil* •I ihrir wedding THI FAMILY of l;itr Mr. C. Anthony nnerl ol Uooa Kall.n. Mrtfell thanki. -j Ihe.r mriuin ''v.m. a» n.larut
    78 words
  • 17 12 r* fU rMMawO CAMPBELL: In rrrmiirMi mmori li .lrp«rl«l four jrr»r« "ii in ihoucht and
    17 words
  • The Straits Times
    • 553 12 There have been no incidents in Penang and Province W. llesley slice the beginning of the month. For the past lew days, the police have not had trouble even with CUrfeW breakers. These are the re-assuring (acts rv-hind the decision to lift the curlew in the whole
      553 words
    • 364 12 The Malaysian External Affairs Ministry has offered rMMOabla explanation of the casi iM Mi. K«m -nancies Faberas. the Filipino CUStoSBS official vho wm yiven a two-week visitor's pan when lie arrived in Je.ssflton to take up dutieunder the anti-smuggling ■fraament Kuala Lumpur d.'i not inform the Jesaelton immigration
      364 words
    • 285 12 Singaporeans will be taken ;'hack by ih, disclosure in an American-sponsored consumer marketing study ol tourism that some visitors to the Republic have not i found them a warm, friendly people." A British travel agent, on the other hand, has described them as capable of "matchless" human warmth.
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  • 1684 12  - A timetable for British recovery— and the Its' MICHAEL BLANDEN THE effects of devaluation will show first on the imports side. In the last quarter of 1967 the balance of payments will worsen. For the whole of 1968. too, Britain will be in the red. Then, in 1969, will come
    1,684 words
  • 486 12  -  YUNUS MARIS LESSON 129 in a new series by OLOSSARY: Mundor <v> to be retarded, tadji backward; DI-abaiKAN (v) to be neglected; BERsharah tv) to lecture, to make a speech; disiplin im discipline BERuchap »v> to make a speech, to speak; PLranchang ui> organiser, planner; PENGator in) arranger,
    486 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 454 12 Classified advertisements for Straits Times Malay Mail may be handed to: COLD iTORAGt SUPtR-MARKfr COLO STORAGE BRANCHIS CITY BOOK STORE LTD. QjOf. THC NIWS MONT Naval BOM. HAMIIM STORE, i hongl Road, IXASAMV A CO., mi R.A.K Selefor. SS. MUBARUK t BROS. LTD, '•flaon 19 A. T. ONANAPRAKASAM 1 CO.
      454 words
    • 33 12 "kSIRUMUIS L 9mmmtmm .Ml A combinorion o) elegant design th* )«<«r S«IM Slot. PuMlc *«imi SyiUm its choractvr and iiwicid »ourvj. Price 51.J50.00 set T. M. A. LTD., 41/43 Hi«h Street, Smgapor. k
      33 words
    • 251 12 WHY DO AIR CONDITIONERS RANGE IN COOLING CAPACITY FROM 8.500 TO 18,000 BT.U.'S Hr? M **aa^aa^iaaaaaaßßaaßßaaaaßßaiM :BX 3 I To ensure that you hove the unit exactly suited to your requirements that you do not pay for more, or less, than you need. The cooling requirements of ory room depend
      251 words

  • 267 13 Victim's eyesight not impaired: Police working on revenge motive By RUDY BELTRAN: Kuala Lumpur, Tuesday DOLICE today held six petition writers for questioning in connection with yesterdays acid attack on the Senior Registrar and Inspector oi Motor Vehicles, Mr. Ong Say Bin. outside his office in
    267 words
  • 137 13 - ITUCHING, lues. The chairman of Party Bumiputra. Sarawak, Abang Ikhwan /aim. was sworn in today as a member of Sarawak's Council Neeri at the >t.irt of its Budget session. He was nominated to the council in place of his party colleague and
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  • 30 13 KAJANG. Tues The mo- bile unit ot the National TB Centre will be in Kajane on Dec. 22 and 23 to give free chest X-rays to the public.
    30 words
  • 135 13 Barisan attack on PAP branch SINGAPORE. Tues. The Barisan Sosialis today vented their anger over yesterday's conviction of 2b' l of its members and supporters by pelting a PAP branch in Persiaran KelUing with rotten eggs and black oil. Mr. Loke l-<>o Y( Uci .ci this happened a? about 820
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  • 39 13 KIALA LUMPUR. Tues 'lie Mayor of Taipeh. Mr Henry r. 8. Kan. and his Wift. will rrtvr here on Thursday for a Mr Kao trill call oo the r edern Tntn before with numcipal officers.
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  • 443 13 The future is bright, says Openg KUCHING, Tuesday FUTURE of great difficulties and great prospects face Sarawak, the Governor, Tun Abang Haji Openg, told the Budget meeting of the Council Negri here this morning. Formally opening the unt meeting 01 me six 1 n session 01 uu- council, Tun oyenK
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  • 197 13 Man foils a robber by biting off his nose KUALA LUMPUR. Tues. A man last night bit off the nose of an armed robber who tried to rob hrn at dagger-point at a bus stop at the 7th mile. Klang Road During the struggle. Mr P Arulmucam. M, disarmed the
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  • 184 13 Illiteracy is a handicap to Asian unions I£UALA LUMPUR, Tues.— Difficulty In recruiting members is a problem commonly faced by trade unions throughout developing countries In Asia. Tins opinion m ex- d by Mr S K Muker- Jee. regional d. rector of Central Boon) ol Workers' Education in Inri a
    184 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 13 13 J V AVAILABLE FROM |f(f |/I ff oil fflo SOl£A6£NI UnLE'l SH6APORE MAUYSIA
      13 words
    • 195 13 HEHp brand ®lj^ FOUNTAIN PEN^sßfe WITH IRIDIUM-TIPPED NIB. p The "HERO" Fountain Pen with Indium- Et tipped nib. is made by Chinese Craftsman Precision built for smooth writing BrG the Hero" Fountain Pen has been On popular wherever sold. aSf J jl CHINA NATIONAL LIGHT INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS IMPORT A EXPORT
      195 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 111 13 TV MALAYSIA < H VNNEL 5 Kuala I. urn- 1 gOK Secret Squirrel— Jespur and Penanr; 6 lpoh v Minute; 7.00 New-s v in Engllßh; 7.10 Majallah and Malacca 3. 10 Johore j Tv a w eelcly magazine proB»hru; I Taipinc; 7 Balu gramme in the National 1 t v
      111 words
    • 631 13 SWIMMING TIMES TODAY. Sedll! Kechil 6.12 am (7ft) 8.41 pjn. (6.Bft>; Singapore 819 a.m (Aft > 9.32 p.m «7 sft > Port Dickson 4.05 a.m. 18 lft) 432 pm. <6.6ft>; Port Swettenhflm 2.36 am (14.2 ft) 3.13 pm (12 4ft); Penang 10.32 am (5.7 ft) 11.04 p.m. (7.4 ft) TOMORROW:
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  • 322 14 Rebel Kifli: I was invited to meet Marcos 'VISIT ARRANGED ON YIP BASIS' CLAIM MANILA. Tuesday gELF-STYLED "General" Abang Kifli, the anti-Malaysia rebel leader whose visit to Manila last month touched off a minor controversy, maintains he was a guest of the Philippines despite an official denial. The stand of
    322 words
  • 79 14 East- West radio link survey completed |(I'CHINC.. Tuev A radio survey for a tropo->pherk- scatter communication link between Johore Rahru and Kuchinc has now been completed. Preliminary rrnorts indicate that the vrvry was successful and lh?re is a strong possibility of establishing a communication link of 48 channels or more
    Reuter  -  79 words
  • 52 14 BANGKOK. Tue.s—Government authorities In Southern Thailand have warned Thai nationals wnn want to visit Penang to carry valid passports and not border crossing permits. Border croMtaß permits, which are obtainable at district offices along thp Malaysian border, are valid for travel as far as KPdah only, the warning
    Reuter  -  52 words
  • 22 14 SITIAWAN. TOM. The St. Frar.eiN Catholic Church nere will hold a children's Christmas party on Sunday at 2 30 p.m.
    22 words
  • 163 14 I ONDON. lues _i he ('timmnnur.illl' retary. .Mr. Qewgt Thomson, vcslerri.ix < l.trified Britain's ohliu.ition for Maia>si.i\ external Uefenrr. lie s.iid in a writli'ti reply to question in the Mouse of Commons: "W'v h.ur undertaken to illdrd to the < .im ii nnienl
    Reuter  -  163 words
  • 30 14 SEREMBAN. lues G( n.-r«J Sir Geoffrey Baker, Chief of the Imperial General K.afT-dp.-ign-'od the HQ 17 Dii DiMno; ben I Commonwealth Buij.itlr at Terendak .v >ierday und tod-«v.
    30 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 111 14 PHILIPS FIRSTAGAIN! smooth... and q^ ick V^^[^fl K ling case, and not to forget that \fej m_ f famousPnil 'PS quality and worldwide Win every tingle heed 6 Plug-in coiled cord, voltage Pop- up trimmer extends the Wades rotate et a high adaptor for 110 and 220 scope of application
      111 words
    • 173 14 m^ EDUCATION BY POST m consult Cambridge CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL 171-C, BENCOOLEN STREET, SINGAPORE 7. P.O. BOX 1935, S PORE TEL: *****/***** OR PC. BOX 104, JOHORE BAHRU. HOME-STUDY COURSES 1968 1969 Self-contained 1 lettont, specialised tuition, expert advic*. eminent compilers and tutors, efficient Mrvice and organised methods account for the
      173 words
  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 284 14 Straits Times Crossword A( Ross 5 And not one In lower ewe? 1. It's the devils' own date for frustration! (14). 8. Young Brown raises gold to Trouble about worship? 7 SSbVwy'itie last habl. wed 9. Amount of deviation from the get into! > 5-4 > flg trade, possibly (8).
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  • 204 15 Concorde roll -out day and agreement on French spelling TOULOUSE (France). Tuesday. THE Anglo-French Concorde airliner, a aming white yiant which will carry passengers at about twice the speed of sound, made its official world debut here yesterday. To the strains of the national anthems of the two countries. Government
    Reuter  -  204 words
  • 35 15  -  TIM TREE From SYDNEY. Tues. A woman who lost In r sense of smell and taste in a road accident has been awarded A 542.000 damages in Brisbane. THE ROLL-OUT- UPI pictur*
    UPI  -  35 words
  • 220 15 Rift in Aussie coalition in wake of the devalued CANBERRA, Tues BRITAIN'S devalua--13 tion of sterling with its likely effect on Australia's primary producing industry has brought to the surtace a rift between Australia's governing coalition parties. The latent bitterness b?tween the two parties the dominant Clty-orientat-eu Liberal Party and
    Reuter  -  220 words
  • 302 15 Family planning a basic human right, declare 30 countries UNITED NATIONS, Tuesday. A WORLD leaders' declaration on population, containing the names of 30 countries and calling for universal family planning, was presented to the United Nations yesterday. In a ceremony, Secre-tary-General U Thant said: "I am very pleased to receive
    Reuter  -  302 words
  • 65 15 LONDON. Tues. SUndardTriumph International British car makers, yesterday called in ***** of its Triumph 2000 .saloons for front bra ice ha be replaced I"he iomp.iiiv s.iicl t! -.r Imlurr.v on CMS, none of which caumtl accident It &a:d i in- trouble artftDMti >l from material
    65 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 96 15 liorzoi introduce a brilliant quality U. tovodka: Flair! J k apparent the moment I B^^ *?%m A brilliance. It makes I 8 J I ha\Tng experienced it r?t?^S -.he'd >c,,lc for l«7 Jlj^CTf^aHg^ BORZOI I VODK4 McALIS. ILR CO L I D Just arrived for the Festive Seasons... TOOTAL FABRICS
      96 words
    • 206 15 Blender for dnnks end TLjißtl J__flH beverages. Fruit 6queezer K_^fl C^3t» /If 'dj tor oranges, etc. Coffee )T lfcw A_^J <.\ Jj grinder for coffee beans j ff%bJßß^l ~*^^r £j*^/ mx<^ other dried grains. /^L W^\Y I /_P!^^^_'4 3-Fpeed Beater Major com* I X\T/ MhW*^*^^. bowl Bnd 3 sets of
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    • 289 16 MOBILE STORAGE CUTS RENTS J^S Australian businessman currently visiting Kuala Lumpur and Singapore, hopes to Ik- able to help ease the problem of high prices and office rentals in the cities. He is Mr. John Wallis. technical manager of Brownbuilt Ltd. of Australia, manufacturers of steel storage
      289 words
    • 95 16 Planning manager goes to New York \TR I'an Ban Kenif. i above) planning manager of Mobil OH Malaya Sendlrian Berhad recently left for a one year advanced training course at the company's headquarters in NewYork A graduate of the University of Malaya. Mr. Tan. aged 26. joined the company In
      95 words
    • 143 16 Plant puts in most modern unit A Singapore-American joint venture company in The Republic Sheng Huo Enterprise Ltd., has Installed one of Lhe most modern temperature controlling units In its $1 million plant extension which was opened by the Finance Minister. Dr. Goh Keng Swee, recently Sheng Huo Enterprises manufactures
      143 words
    • 93 16 THE World Trade International <WTI i has established its agency office (or South-east Asia in Kuala Lumpur. WTI. established in 1957. is an International trade consultant organisation with headquarters In Andorra, France. Inche Jamaluddin Baba. 37, Is the manager of the Kuala Lumpur office housed In
      93 words
    • 96 16 Mr. Walter Abeyitoonaselcer* Jr.. sales representative has received his reward for winning the Renault salesman competition In the form of a four day all-expense luxury tour to Bangkok Mr AbeyKoonasekera has been with Progress Motors for three years as a sales representative, and succeeded In winning
      96 words
    • 121 16 Mr. Tan, who had prertoasly been for training In Australia, is T"HK chief technician of the Klenile accounting machine department of The Anglo-Thai Corporation Ltd.. Mr. Tan Lye Sent, has JuM left for s week* advanced technical training in Wmt Germany at the Kienile factory
      121 words
    • 180 16 Second phase of plan BAN Hui LeoiiK CO. Ltd will shortly be embaming on the second phase ol development in Ban Ouan Park, off Holland Road. Singapore The phase will comprise ot 44 units ol two-stoiey semidetached bungalow type houses of the latest design with modern ammenitle.s and la expected
      180 words
    • 56 16 The start of butadiene production by a Brazilian group Is a big step towards making the country self-sufficient m synthetic rubber, the Government Oil Monopoly Petrobras announced in Rio de Janeiro. Seventy-five per cent of the manufacture of synthetic rubber was based on butadiene, which up to now
      56 words
    • 228 16 MR. L.R. Cooksley, managing director of Raleigh Cycles Sales (M) Sdn. Berhad left for an intensive tour of the Borneo territories on December 3 He will bi- away for two weeks. During hi* stay In Sabah. Sarawak and Brunei, Mr. Cookhley will concentrate on a
      228 words
    • 214 16 A SINGAPORE company. manufacturing aluminium product* for the dotic and export market*, ha.s become the first la South East Asia to produce coloured ladder*. Tins was disclosed by Mr Low Tong Soon, sales supervisor Em Aluminium division of Dletlielm <fc Co Ltd. who said that
      214 words
    • 55 16 The general manager of Scandinavia Airlines and Thai International for Singapore. Malaysia md Brunei. Mr. John E G. Hovpt, hat> jn^ounced that Miss Maggie Lynn ot fc.-.S. Kuala Lumpur haa just returned limn ticketing and \at ions course toi Copenhagen. Miss Lynn became a student ot honour
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 350 16 BETTER BUY BEDFORD HB^^^H p^p^^ j ''^»j& I jA Xl .M^t J and get things moving Bedford build trucks. A whole biggest selling truckin Singapore models are available EX STOCK, range of them. They've been and Malaysia. Prices are the most competitive building them betterformorethan Bedford has a truck for
      350 words
    • 198 16 J I whisky f is valued more pmW than any %M r other I y-stf-^yz. The Whisky is White Horse ISLE OF MAN BANK LIMITED (Incorporated 1865 under the Companies Acts of the Isle of Man) One of the NATIONAL PROVINCIAL Group of Banks The Isle of Man, being one
      198 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 1053 17 TO LIVERPQOi t WISI COAST v CYCLOPS In >t Tida. Oec I* PROMETHEUS J... Gin 33 Oec it Otc 17 72 Dec 21 EIPFNO* Oec 21 Dec 24 Oec 75 21 Dk 77 DOLIUS A'-outh Dtc 73 Ok 2t OK 2) 2 PERSEUS OK 21 la* 1 ANUNOR jm 4
      1,053 words
    • 2744 17 ESSESSSSSES^SM CAP Thl > ■>■>«■,. EXPRESS SAILINGS TO CEWOw/NORTH CONTINENT/SCANDINAVIA P. Sha"i Penang Spore Genoa R'dam H'burg Aartius C hagen SONCKHLA aI) DX 24 21 OK 27 21 DtC 21/ 2 )M 11 Fit Ftl 11 Fil 15 ftl IT SARCIOHA li)Jm 24 21 Jm 27 21 Ja* 21/2 Mar
      2,744 words
    • 1212 17 feELLERMAN BUCKNALL S.S. CO., LTD. SEE OVERLEAF FOR OUTWARD SERVICE FROM U K /CONTINENT. Llllißt lir Pattßf CITY OF WORCESTER -•> :n. IPt Today 14 14 Dm CITY OF JOHANNESBURG Rollerja^. Hriri. h< h. 14 it Oec 11 is Dk 21 71 Dm CITY Bf CHESTER It*. HantWl. 27 21
      1,212 words

  • 192 18 MELBOURNE. Tues. Industrials eased with many losses over 10 cents BHP was down 45 cent* to $1465 and CMS. 25 rents to 54.35 Minliißs auam declined, but losses were le&s sharp. Nr w Broken Hill dropped 60 cents to $7.90 and Great Bouldrr was down 6o cents to
    192 words
  • 54 18 ON Uir lr«« iichan X t markil in Hontf Knn^ >. ct. t.l.ti thr U.I. Dollar waa amMadJ at li 11-t for T.T. and 6 U4t* for i -i-ii tirlina mat <jimt.<l .it 14. 4 b and on. Uil ol Hold al Gold Nr| at— d> UNM] on
    54 words
  • 250 18 |\l( I MISI K MrM K r.i(i> rubber i n.b. bu>rrs closed at 5 p.m. in Kuala Lumpur and Singapore yesterday at \H cents per Ib. up three-t'.gliths of a cent on Monday's closing level. The tone was quietly stead). X.A S. and M.R.E. closing; prices in
    250 words
  • 432 18 THE Straits tin prici- u.iintd 50 cents to 5581.50 per pu ul in Pcnans yesterday on a steadier market Increased demand was reported mainly from Japanese and American sources. In London on Monday afternoon the 3 months forward buyers' price fell £3} per ton.
    432 words
  • 74 18 mm. Coctnut oil: tmlk *fini rntUan, drum ■elltn Copra: Mind ii.n.ii. i loose Dec./ J, .n. IK |35| K Ptopwr: MiuitiiK «hll. *IL'.S xHlitx. Sarawak white ml-.'j artltra, ipaelal I black skmi aaltan -Him tall V 6', HIM}, asta -ii 7» Milan i luo- M.Wi tiriKipore Cocc-.ut
    74 words
  • 25 18 l>.. 12. RUBBER PRKK: IX nts (up thrce-righths of a cent). TIN PRICE: 5581.50 (up 50 cents). Estimated ofTerini: Iso tons 1(1 ton*)
    25 words
  • 188 18 V.MIPS LYING ALONCMIIC THI 1 SINGAPORE W H A R VI OR EXPECTED TODAY ARE: K«r» 1" 11. JMff I •1 Port SHIPS IN THE ROADS AS AT 9 AM ON DECEMBER tj Ejilern Rudi Kutana i Hoik A Munina, Mam. U run.; j.i... k..- i:
    188 words
  • 53 18 1 in mad to n to United States: Buying II 33 13 18. airmail OD 13 16 credit I GinjM.i Selling TT of OD etJOy: Unittd Itlt^ Writ Climiny Nctntr l.iniK SwitierUnn I4O< B.u.nm 1.811; France ISA!; luiy SEU.3II; Urnmarii 243: Norway 2321; smiim ISSJ; South Arabia 13
    53 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 1094 18 *^\j Y^ KAWASAKI KISEN KAISHA LTD. Western Australia/ Singapore /Japan Service "Ckilt Mam" S 10 Dtc 1117 Otc 71 OK 27 Jai 11 Oic "Tugt* Mary" 75 Die/ II Jai 17/11 Jm in 27 Jai 11 la* West Africa /Singapore /Japan Service Angola Singapore Yokohama Huot "TMntsjt Man 71 Ni>
      1,094 words
    • 887 18 P&O to Europe and the United Kingdom s.s. 'CATHAY" (14,000 tons fully oirconditioned) Deporting SINGAPORE 21 DEC 1967 PORT SHAM 22 Dec 1967 PENANG 23 Dec 1967 Arriving LONDON 25 Jan 1968 via Colombo, Durban, Cope Town, Dakar, Gibraltar and L« Havre LIMITED FIRST CLASS ACCOMMODATION AVAILABLE (fares SINGAPORE/UK from
      887 words
      549 words
    • 359 18 iinjapore P. S'fuTi Pi-nani ETA. ETD ETA/ETO EIA/ETO FRO CALCUTTA M V. "VISHVA VIR" lor Hong Kung t Mm Ore IS FROM JAPAN ■STATE OF 6UJARAT" tor Calcutta Oic II FROM MADRAS t NACAPATTINAM. SS "MOHAMMEOI" trfr Nagapattram Maoris "K 14.11 Die 17 Dk II FROM BOMBAY M.V. "STATE OF
      359 words

  • 821 19 From Our Market Correspondent WITH only eight and a hall working days left hefort hristmas. as far as the stock befcaagt is now concerned, it entered a period of real doldrums. I his «.(s particularly noticeable yesterday when turnover continued below a million units
    821 words
  • 31 19 Malayan Stork Indirrs Dfc. 11 Dec. 1? 'Inriiistrialv U4JI 1'M. 73 •Propprtles; 131.14 138.53 vMinings: HJ.44 82.13 rubbvrs: 111.6 8 102.68 vDm. 29. lfMi2 100 Dec. 30. 19U6 100
    31 words
  • 1102 19 [M'SIN'ESS IV \\l) i;i roKTHI 1J lo 111 l MNCXroKE AND HI \l lIMI'I R TRADINO ROOMS OF Mil. STOCK EX- lI AM. I I BTEKDA) WITH I HI \IMBKR OF SHARKS I I! MIHI IN BRAC kl 1 5 INDUSTRIALS: B*n and Ca. (4.000) os
    1,102 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 72 19 ATTENTION ALL SHOPPERS! LAST 2 DAYS OF OUR SPECIAL OFFER Visit all the deportments and discover the exciting Special Offer that awaits you there. Also visit our Special Bargain Counter and choose from a large variety of real bargains. 17,000 Copies of beautiful China Scenery Celendors will be given away
      72 words
    • 1906 19 Contiwird from Pa«e 11. SITUATIONS VACANT ACKNOWLEDGMENT re 1 > Sl.i »i»ini,mi SMALL BUT EXPANDING oriianisa- MICHAEL CHAN BtNG WAf4 [Z^TZc^nTT^Z^ I ibunk reuuves. lrienda for theu kind I1)um o 3 ynnt m,,,!,,,, required a«sistaEi:i! attendance condolence at tba w |tD good nlfrtain from previous I funeral ot hif
      1,906 words
    • 991 19 ACCOMMODATION VACANT li Word* it ittin.t—BoM in rtt astra FURNISHED r OSC-1 3S*X!-3 ll:itr VaJMr] K.«d «i»h mr .-imdttloa ssjaj g jaja t'hiat Road. Tel. ***** i f pore i UNFURNISHED THREE ROOMS Flat To 1 MUM <-h«niti Road. Rents. JiB.'i SI TO Contact ig'poni «BTSIT, 3 BEDROOMS -em-..1,t»( h*d
      991 words
    • 885 19 HOUSES AND LAND FOR SALE U Wordi M f«lln.)— Vex >» tit asjfr* FCRNHILL ROAO Km% ator» bun^a'aw tor aale eompirnnn wltbiu T nontk*. Pi»a«r apply Mdm T»r Tel .*****0 8 nor* NEWLY COMPLKTEO 2STORIV trrrace hi>n»e». Katotn. aieji lmrr.» dlalc wruMlns Hrn iHpore. 4*A->« No bn>k-rs. JOHORB BAHRU neauttfli
      885 words
    • 531 19 EDUCATION ADMISSION BECINNERSI ha, hand. Rw>k>rr|i>n. j h«nti C not Middle Road I i<.i, 11-1 BEGINNER SHORTHAND. Isi P lea) ivi ENROLMENTS 14«s opesj now lor I ChfmtMi I'm lea onto iBraltii Bcieoce. v..-n- Additional. l>in<. H 11. .1 i..tENROLMENTS 101OBC Hs > 1 Additional Puie. »nrl Com 1 1
      531 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 1342 20 i(.mlinu.U 1... it i Tm* WANTED TOURS AND EXCURSIONS n m tu. li Wmrdt it iMlm.)-Box it rlt »xlr« WAMTKO »eCONOHAND AllumlLUCKY TOURIST DEPARTMENT Tlnl <' TniSr.:: Ntv» YEAH TAIWAN TOUR j^j^,^,^,,^^.^,^^; vouVheasV'asia tour RUGS, CARPETS CURIOS li Mora's >* (Hin.)— Box St tit. txtrm JAPAN TUUR FOR WASHING REPAIRING,
      1,342 words
    • 446 20 HI-FI STEREO It Wordt M fWm.)— Box it tit. txtr* FOR OUALITV HlFlStereu e.qulp ments consult Kok Ueng A Co.. is I Raflles Place. Sport UI W44h.i DELUXE RADIO .Hi -Fi Specialists I ki stami.i I Rood (Capitol Building) S port rTTM D.Hling to quality Ui-Fl's >-:.|>. I'inent. PETS FOR
      446 words
    • 608 20 VEHICLES FOR SALE It W;rdt M iWis.i-Mm it tit txlrm HOLDEN SALOON 1*4):. Taxed I March. IHtis Insured, i-undmon very Kood S3. TIKI o n o. Tel: ***** Spore 19SS F SOO. ltMVt F EM, F SOO. 194 M t i'ortina Super. 1063 F Amelia Super. IW6J F Anulia. 1H:.»
      608 words
    • 456 20 FOR SALE li Wordt (Min.t—Box it tit. txlrm PASSAP SWISS HANUKNITTINU MACHINES Duoinanc Comhi Models 4 Market street meat Ul'Ui Spore T«l WHMM'ftIIJIM WORLO FAMOUS SPEEOO costume Olympic s»imveHr Litest colour available from Marjories ?60 Orchard Road 1-hont iSihimi J.'fty.'. SPECIAL X'MAS/.New IBM ulter. Kuu Kaoae Jacme s ttnoca up
      456 words
    • 782 20 WHERE TO STAY (Spore) If Wordt M *f i» ,-Hnx it rlt .xlrm SOUTH EAST ASIA Hotel. Mil Kmtaursnt. two Matrrlou str«l. Sport tMtH. "CITY" CUiSI MOUSE II Sinclr Kooms M Coovrnlrncvs Kronomicti IVnii. l.ui.honi ,'ioihj iS iiortl NEW EMPRESS HOTEL MS tralisra nun atrrnnrfitionrrt. private phone hathrtiom Sl-tl Middle
      782 words
    • 1250 20 NOTICES NOTICES IN THE HIGH COURT OF OFFICIAL NOTICE THE REPUBLIC OF SINGAPORE PROPOSAL TO CHANGE A Orljinatinr. Prtition No. 71 of 1967 SHIP'S NAME In thr Matter of TAN BOON Poll A COMPANY LIMITED I RNATIONAL i ines LTD. of IS. Market Btnet, And igapore 1. herein cup notice
      1,250 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 590 21 FORM I NOTICE BY COMMISSIONER RELATING TO INDEFEASIBILITY iSertion 84 111 I \OIHI. BY IHK OMMISSIOM.R Ol LAND RIUS. Whcrea.s 1 am sati.-ned oi the validity ot the replacement utio to the holdings described in the Schedule hereto, together with the names and addresses ot the proprietors thereof: And whereas
      590 words
    • 461 21 I PUBLIC APPOINTMENT PERAK MALAYS HIGHER STUDIES SCHOLARSHIPS FUND The Boar a ot Trustee.' of the :..lay.s Higher Studies Scholarships Fund invite.- applications :rom Malays «ho are the subject of His Royal Highness the Sultan of Perak for Scholarships tenable at the University of Malaya or at other recognised Universities
      461 words
    • 781 21 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS PERAK NATIONALS (NON-MALAY) SCHOLARSHIPS FUND The Board ot Tru.>tees of the Perak Nationals (Non-Malay) Scholarships I-'ima invite api I nuns from Non-Malays who are the subjects of Hi.v Royal Highness the Sultan of Perak for Scholarship tenable at the University of Malaya 1 or University of Singapore beginning
      781 words
    • 467 21 THE SABAH PORTS AUTHORITY Application* are invited tor tne undermentioned positions:— HCCRCTAKI «HIII \< <U\IWT: Applicants >hould lull membership of a recognised accountancy society and have hud about five years practical experience The successlul applicant will bf required to set up the accountancy and secretarial procedure for the Authority and
      467 words
    • 139 21 REPRESENTATIVE We require a Technical Representative to cat on Architects and Engineers. 1. Are you between 26 35 years of ogc? 2 Have you had at least 5 years of experience in selling to Architects and Engineers? 3. Do you have a sound knowledge of concreting practices? 4. Do you
      139 words

    • 669 22 A PROUD MO- MENT for Zainal Salleh and Malaysia as he receives hit gold medal from Tun Abdul Razak. rh« Malaysian Deputy Premier. Zainal won the Seap Games high jump title at 6ft 3| inches. All the Seap
      669 words
    • 415 22 Bowling notes ABOUT 200 bowlers are taking part in the Malaysian upen championships which began last night at the Federal Bowl. Kuala Lumpur. Eighteen teams, including four of women, are vicing for titles which will be decided on Dec. 17. The Singapore team, led by Len Farrant. include Gary Burling
      415 words
    • 28 22 A STUDY of power and grace as Heather Siddons of Singapore strides to the finishing line to win the Seap Games 80m hurdles gold medal.
      28 words
    • 262 22 WORLD ROUNDUP CU(C'ER London. lues: Peterborough and Bradford won their FA. Cup first round replays last night Peterborough beat noni League club Falmouth 5-3 !iile Bradford beat Grinuby 4-1. In a First Division m eh. West Ham were beaten 3-3 at home by
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  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 261 22 4jjp. ct%\l w The Lamest Sell in a Scotch Whisk y In The World Congratulations Best Wishes! FOTO CENTURY on your new showroom at 25, Killiney Road, Singapore from Sanyo Malaysia Ltd. Sanyo Sounds Exciting! &r 1 Th 6 iP**^ r Homebody I^' You'd strain your back just carrying this
      261 words

    • 1146 23 Malaysia bring off power finish BANGKOK. Tues 5 'GOLDS' ON FINAL DAY RAISE TOTAL TO 18 \f ALAYSIA'S athletes today brought off a powerful and brilliant finish to remain loftily isolated from their rivals as the champions of the Seap Games. !ivt> more victories toiay. they raised their medals tally
      1,146 words
    • 44 23 ASIAN BOXING Terry hurts wrist COLOMBO. Tues. v Terence Stahiinati, the Malaysian welterweight, was advised by doctors to withdraw from th») Asian boxing championships i Stahlman. who won a gold mpdal at the Seap Games at Bangkok, injured his wrist during training here. Router.
      Reuter  -  44 words
    • 192 23 CRICKET Singapore crash before pace attack |)*HTH. Tues The toiirli^ Stagapora cricket l«n: -ir third succesMv* defeat In Wes>rn Australia when they lost by six wlcketc to the Incognltl Club here today The Singapore side collapsed hefoie the persistent pace atuck of lan Oallash <5-17> and .lack Richards 1 3-43
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  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 442 23 Rides and drives like a dream sa^^^ MITSUBISHI MOTOR VEHICLES OB K9 JV The Colt 1100 Sedan stresses comfort and con- As for convenience, the j?as tank is larjje for long trips, t f>* i iiijfj c^>c r ggldlgi vcnicnce. The interior is spacious; the mood subdued. padded dash and
      442 words

  • 73 24 PENANG, Tuesday. [RESPITE the lifting of the curfew throughout J the State today, troops and police are still maintaining round-the-clock patrols in the city and several outlying areas. Teams of three men on bicycles have been introduced to patrol the streets each team carrying radio equipment to
    73 words
  • 88 24 CLORIANA RODRIGUES < nor- fully on llL'ftT. mothrr of Amur Rodrigurs MRS CHEAH KENC KOOI nrc Low Jon Tcrt iy peacetally r.' tl Vaii Ah Shllk >lr-.' 1" nil lll.'ti; lot •rnnmion nt Lin l.iim Crematorium. WONC CMOO CHEE ftSCd T.I ™««rt I 2 13-S1 kdMn. behind hi l-«->-
    88 words
  • 64 24 BAL HARBOUR (Florida). Tues.— Organised American labour, representing 14 million workers, has rejected a challenge to President Johnson's Vietnam policy and overwhelmingly supported "that loneiy man In the White House." Only 10 delegates voted against motion by the resolutions committee of the American Federation of Labour
    Reuter  -  64 words
  • 78 24 RIDING on the shoulders of their boy friends, these mini-skirted girls are trying to catch banknotes floating in the air This is a scene from a 'cash MiaUhin?" conli- i held in Tokyo to advertise a new French ill- "i,;i Greakta V;-d-N iille 1 (Great Ad•••.mre). About
    78 words
  • 157 24 SINGAPORE. Tues. The Singapore Trained Nurses' Association has said that a more etlicient nursing service could be achieved if recommendations from the stall were constructively implemented. Stating this in the latest edition ol us monthly organ. i tattoo bind that n tbia could be done. then the an:i.m
    157 words
  • 348 24 LONDON. Tuei— Closing middle prices of selected stocks not including stamp duty were: RUBBER LONDON. Tues Spot 16;. d. Jan. 1613 16d.. Peb 17d.. March 17 3 ltd. Jan. March 17d.. April i June IT-d.. July Sept. 17", d. 1 iOct Dec. 17 15 16d.. Jan. March 18<sd.
    348 words
  • 124 24 John, 3, tells of tragic game with baby NEW YORK. Tues The death »t a two-monta-old babj in Bristol, Inn neetieut was hl.imeil ywtoffJa i>n his thrrp-year-old hrotlc-r Tho baliv Kussrll K«u-k. was iiuii'il dead early M Sunday by his mother Her husband was it home but had been sleepinc
    124 words
  • 197 24 SAIGON. Tues. Republican Presidential possibility Senator Charles Percy came under Vi> mortar and small arms fire today while walking through a deserted village with four other American civilians. His wife was waitinc in a nearby helicopter which took olf :is two mortar rounds
    Reuter  -  197 words
  • 47 24 Leadership course SINGAPORE. Tues Tin Minister for Health. Mr Yonn Nyuk Lin. will aeclare open th. residential leadership tiamav course, organised by the Snai pore Red Cross Societ\. at ih. ted Cross holiday and tralnin centre in Tanah Merah Bhbi on Dec 17 at 10 .i m
    47 words
  • 317 24 Malaysians humiliate Filipinos, says Manila columnist AJANILA. T A Manila T nun columnist said today thai Filipinos "briii" humiliated by the Malaysians our on 1 y reaction seems to be one of lukewarm protest." The columnist, Maximo V. Soiiven, wrote: "The Malaysian Government at Kuala Lumpur has issued a lame
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  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 177 24 Late CLASSIFIEDS i 20 words $15 (minimum) WEC- In AIM :mij AlL.rt ;i daui:hli r ■n 12.12.C7. Many thank* to Doctor Hid ~1..1l at XX.MX NG lo Smik BM ;uid Chi r TotlK i sun, hruthir 10 Ciirmtina on 10-12-41 it KKMH ThanK.s to Ot>M<>ncian inrt stifT MALAKAR Id Santltiya
      177 words
    • 76 24 KOTSICAEE-MATIC DELUXE Hcxanon f 2.8 40mm lens. SEIKOSHA LA programmed UIIaJCTV YEARS automatic shutter with speeds up to I 250 and sclftimer for s/nchroflash and manual aperture control. Fully automatic v r exposure control by electric eye. Safety device renders shut- RESEARCH MAKto tcr inoperable when sub|cct is too dark
      76 words