The Straits Times, 16 December 1961

Total Pages: 24
1 25 The Straits Times
  • 19 1 AVERAGE DAILY CERTIFIED SALE EXCEEDS 90,000 The Straits Times tfe#>P apCl Estd. 1845. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1961. 15 CENTS.
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  • 463 1 Judge: Like 1,000 acts of murder with every train 6 words for the full penalty JERUSALEM, Fri. Adolf Eichmann was today sentenced to be hanged for the wartime mass murder of million: of Jews. The fanner head of the Gestapo's Jew isli Affairs Depart* ment stood rigidly
    Reuter  -  463 words
  • 299 1 NIGHT BATTLE IN KATANGA CAPITAL ELISABETHVILLE, Friday. THK Katanga Government said today that the 1 United Nations troops had launched a general offensive on Elisabethville during the night and claimed they had been driven back. A British woman was killed when her house was mortared last night, the British Consulate
    Reuter  -  299 words
  • 107 1 95 pro-Red plotters held by Thai police OANGKOK, Fri. A r police spokesman said here today that 95 people had been arrested for being involved in a pro Communist separatist movement in the north-eastern province of Nakorn Panom. Fighting between police units and members of the movement In the province
    Reuter  -  107 words
  • 41 1 SAIGON. Frl. A French priest. Rev. Father Bonnet, was murdered by a Communist guerilla band near "'->ntum. in the high plateau Central Vietnam, while on i.sli to an outlying village, i official news Agency Viet- n Press reported today.
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  • 236 1  -  MAZLAN NOORDIN MADRAS, Friday From rpHE Yang di-Pertuan Agong and his conconsort were warmly welcomed when they arrived here today for a three-day visit to South India. Arriving In brilliant sunshine In contrast to the cold weather they havo encountered since the start of
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  • 87 1 'New world balance 9 LONDON. Fri.— Mr. Harold Macmlllan. British Prime Minister, said here today the "sensational growth of China" created a "completely different balance In the world in which we have to live." Mr. Macmillan was speaking at a colourful ceremony at the Guildhall, ancient headquarters of the City
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  • 142 1 MERSING, Friday .REE children and an expectant mother were washed away by swift currents in the flood-swollen Sungei Lenggor after their car plunged into the river this morning. All four were being driven to Muar by the woman's husband, Mr. Tarn Lam Lai. when the
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  • 697 1  - 14 police told: 'Explain Goh death or be sacked' JACKIE SAM COMMISSIONER ALLEGES 'CONSPIRACY OF SILENCE 9 ON INTERROGATION By SINGAPORE, Fri pOURTEEN policemen, including nine inspectors, have been given till Wednesday to show cause why they should not be dismissed from the Singapore Police Force. All 14 are alleged
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  • 22 1 WASHINGTON. Fri—President Kennedy left by plane today tor Puerto Rico, lirst stop on a visit to Venezuela and Colombia. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  22 words
  • 9 1 DE GAULLE MO N Yll<>\- litcd n arm
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 36 1 is\marking m* \E^M TROPICANA LTD., **^^r^HT 94, North Bridge Kood, *vNhf^T^ Singapore. «^-fli j| Jj controlled by the latest ULTRASONIC cleansing and ELECTRONIC regulating machines. \lyws *xv superb creation of the technologically most v v** IjM
      36 words
    • 49 1 h9 BRAITHWAITE All mes available horn 400 galli upward* CtiO tM I Ul\ lln I UL i K. good for C S school C (Hwr OVALTINE S ch«dr»r. s. cms vov MALT PLUS M I LX *-f^??^ ttW EQQS «W EXTRA VITAMINS I Ovaltine for HEALTH, STRENGTH and VITALITY
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  • 151 2 Thai police seize 100 Communist suspects BANGKOK, Friday. QVER 100 people were arrested in dawn raids yesterday throughout three northeastern provinces in a police round-up of Communist suspects whose scheme was to put the area under Communist influence. The provinces where arrests took place were Udorn Nakorn, Phanom and Sakol
    Reuter  -  151 words
  • 147 2 I JNITED NATIONS. Frl. The General Assembly yesterday declined to endorse a resolution submitted by Arab states who claim that Britain has committed aggression In Oman. The resolution would have called for the withdrawal of foreign forces from Oman and recognised the Arabian territory's
    Reuter  -  147 words
  • 89 2 Soekarno sets up 'liberation' Supreme Command JAKARTA, Fri.— President Soekarno has set up a "Supreme Command" to direct the "liberation" of DuUh-heJd West New Guinea. It consists of himself and his three Service chiefs. The decision to establish the new group came after a meeting of the National Defence Council
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  • 42 2 BOSTON, Fri— King Saud of Saudi Arabia will have an operation on his right eye next Sunday. The King had a cataract removed from his left eye last Sunday, and was reported to have recovered well. Reuter.
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  • 19 2 PANAMA CITY, Fri. Panama has broken off diplomatic relations with Cuba, It was officially announced here yesterday.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  19 words
  • 147 2 20 CHILDREN KILLED AS EXPRESS RUNS INTO SCHOOL BUS QREELEY (Colorado) Fri. A crack streamlined express smashed Into a school bus at a railway crossing here yesterday, killing at least 20. apparently all children aboard the bus. The coroner said that 20 bodies had been counted at a temporary morgue
    Reuter  -  147 words
  • 35 2 JAKARTA. Fri. The Indonesian Communist Party paper Harian Rakjat wa> permitted to publish again yesterday after being banned since Nov 3 for carrying a cartoon which Jakarta military authorities considered "objectionable."— Reuter.
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  • 749 2 BRITAIN EARNS THE CONTEMPT OF WORLD: WILSON CONGO DEBATE IN THE COMMONS LONDON, Friday JJRITAIN has earned the worlds contempt with her "c q v iv o cal and vacillating" policies in the Congo, Mr. Harold Wilson said in the House of Commons last night. Making his first big speech
    Reuter  -  749 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 331 2 j N 8 8 THEY'RE HERE... ALL I* 1 OF THEM! THE COMPLETE ill ma AmMI" II ii II mm ITIAI JS^f-Sl \mi RANGE UP NEW m i *:*#mmm? flMiJi 4fe mmi *a tmm ta*. at m /K.w^R\ warn M*. warn Bfe jcA^JJWi ULHLIIHL LLLUiniU f?^9. |^j REFRIGERATORS BIG SURPRISES:
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 43 2 THE GAMBOLS By Barry Appteby !lS£?r££p -r^ll/^ I /^**JR WIFB -lAII f I YE NEVeC BEEN CM. TMOUCMT ME WAS v J^P^fiiv^/T^^^ I TMOOSMT IT WAS SO IN6ULT6O IM J V-RATMBC NICE/—^ LITTLfc t-APy^^ w|Fg \\oua OAUGMTECy/ V ALL MY Ll»=e->X v «r
      43 words

  • 698 3 Thant sends 2 top aides in bid to unite Congo BUNCHE, GARDINER ORDERED TO LEOPOLDVILLE UNITED NATIONS. Friday IT THANT, United Nations acting SecretaryGeneral, stated last night that two of his closest associates, Dr. Ralph Bunche and Mr. Robert Gardiner, were in Leopoldville to seek a reconciliation in the divided
    Reuter  -  698 words
  • 69 3 UNITED NATIONS. Fri. France and the Soviet Union yesterday refused to support a move to appropriate USSBO million for the cost of the U.N. Congo operation until the end of next June. Reuter. BRUSSELS. Fri. Nine employees of the Belgian Sabena airlines, arrested
    Reuter  -  69 words
  • 125 3 SYRIA TO CHART NEUTRAL FOREIGN COURSE F|AMASCUS. Fri.— Dr. J/ Nazem Kudsi. 56--yea- old moderate rightwinger, elected by Parliament yesterday Syria's new President, said the country would chart a neutral course in foreign affairs. He received 153 votes in the 172-member chamber after his principal opponent, Khaled El-Azem, the millionaire
    Reuter  -  125 words
  • 61 3 WELLINGTON, Fri. A note written 27 years ago by members of Rear Adm. Richard E. Byrd's second Antarctic expedition has been found on the Rose Ice Shelf by scientists from the University of Michigan. The note was left at the base of a glacier in the
    UPI  -  61 words
  • 34 3 BELGRADE, Fri. Four men were electrocuted and five injured, one seriously, when an iron scaffolding pole which they were moving touched an overhead power cable yesterday at Prahovo. east of here. Reuter.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
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    • 352 3 7 days to go This Crease resisting, JT fresh looking, Docron suit it not as costly as you may think -<* v The T routers are A priced at ONLY 511.7S and the <uit, $67 75 For all types of top quality goods in men's wear, visit "■^^^^omv rxc i.rsivi:
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 496 3 RADIO MALAYA Popular Instrumental; 10.45 Piano And Organ Capers; 11.00 Close NATIONAL SHOKTWAVK D W SKRVUE 4,., metre, RADIO SINGAPORE A.M. 6.00 Time Signal Negara- SHORTWAVE BERVICE: Ku News Headlines; 6.05 Morning 41 «net«*s Melodies; 7.00 Melodies And Me- MEDIUM WAVE SERVICE: mories; 7.30 The News; 7.35 Ml- 476 n
      496 words

  • 387 4 SINGAPORE, Fri. An aquarium has been erected outside the office of the Prime Minister, Mr. Lee Kuan Yew, to put guests in a "nice frame of mind" before keeping their appointments with the Premier. Members In the Assembly burst into laughter when Dr. Goh
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  • 127 4 SINGAPORE. Friday. IJ*IVE families were evacuated from a two-storey 1 building in Club Street today after its residents had rushed out soon after noon when a corner pillar broke away and collapsed. A large amount of brick and mortar also came away with the
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  • 38 4 SINGAPORE, Fri.—Threehundred and seventy-one new donors were among 1.104 persons who gave blood to the Blood Bank last month. Of the people who gave blood, 186 were servicemen 717 civilians and 201 relatives of patients.
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  • 747 4 WHERE DO NON-ALIGNED GROUPS STAND, ASKS ALLIANCE Govt. seeking $1.5 mil. vote comes under fire from the Opposition SINGAPORE, Fri. was already the Tenglcu Abdul Rahman Hall for this purpose. Next. Mr. S T. Bam (Barisan Sosialis Thomson) said the H mlhton estimated for the
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  • 142 4 SINGAPORE, Fri. The Legislative Assembly tonight passed the budget for 1962, voting a total of 5352.920.900 for ordinary and $206,684,278 for development expenditure. The seven-day debate in Committee of Supply ended at 7.50 p.m. 10 minutes ahead of schedule. The Assembly will meet tomorrow
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  • 101 4 Reincarnation HAVE YOU lived a previous life on this planet? When you die, will yon return to live yet another life here? If you believe in reincarnation, your answer will be: Yes, It Is possible. At least 150 million Buddhists and 30 million Hindus believe explicitly in reincarnation. What is
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  • 873 4 SINGAPORE, Fri. ONLY eight out of 50 camp leaders of the Work Brigade ordered to report for a special training course at the Singapore Military Forces training camp at Tanah Merah today turned up. The 42 absentees were immediately suspended from work by the Brigade
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  • 35 4 SINGAPORE. Fri. IndoMalayan Enterprises will give a cocktail party at the Hollywood Room, Odeon Cinema, between 7 p.m. and 9 p.m. on Monday to launch the New Picture Parade, a local film magazine.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 402 4 BOOK NOW! I i g FOR THE n —FESTIVE SEASON—^ S 3lrS^ restaurant s By sX 5 and NEW YEARfS M^M^SH g S \\Bl 515.00 Per Person-SPECIAL DINNER k^SsJ r\\V^' $150.00 Per Table Of Ten Penoo* ia\ Va\ Including Novelties, Etc. ***^'^SIS «H \^\*\l\) r rTa '»le Reservations-Ring ***** '9%jis*
      402 words
    • 214 4 HSU UiiH*ll Sbfl HlM^wKswilfl n^wul will join 1 1 1 INTERNATIONAL SINGER GREAT EASTERN A CIRCUS (INDIA) M (The Pride of Asia!) %/vs^« AT KALLANG PARK W^\ The Circus cordially takes you into a realm of entertainment you have never witnessed before. In a glorious 2Vx hour programme the \-J'a^
      214 words
    • 504 4 mSHAV/i Op|tanlaatloa| J J Phone ***** J SHOWING^ ft 11. 143 MM K If 6.30 I^L^^V 1 Bft 9.15 W^ I B W\i ill H MGM'S I MX a Wf "NIGHTS of RASPUTIN" Sforring EDMUND PURDOM JOHN DREW BARRYVORE B Gionrvn Moru Canole C"" "*R b P^T[l!l Phone ***** NOW
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  • 70 5 RAUB. Fri. Nazam bin Na'am. 31 a padi planter, of Kampong Jclu. was fined $100 or a month's Jail yesterday when he pleaded guilty to causing hurt to his wife. Sltl Esah blnte Bidln. 28. with the butt of his shotgun. The court was told
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  • 34 5 TAIPEH, Frt. The Nationalist Chinese Government has decided to set up an exhibition hall in the Industrial Exhibits Centre in Malaya, a spokesman of the Ministry of Economic Affairs said today —U.P.I.
    UPI  -  34 words
  • 214 5 King has look at Lucknow's old glory LUCKNOW Friday. 'pilE Yang di-Pertuan Agong had a glimpse of Lucknow's historic heritage when he went sightseeing round the city and visited a number of ancient monuments yesterday. He was accompanied by his Consort, the Raja Permaisuri Agong, and daughter, Sharlfah Salwah. The
    Reuter  -  214 words
  • 175 5 MALAYA ASKS INDIA ABOUT A VRO-748 'piiE Government of India Is understood to have received inquiries from Malaya, Burma. Indonesia and Egypt about the Avro-748 transport plane which showed Its p-acrs In a demonstration flight here last month. The plane, designed by Hawker Siddeley. was built by the Indian Air
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  • 280 5 SINGAPORE, Friday. John Macpherson, a former Malayan civil servant who rose to become the GovernorGeneral of Nigeria, has been appointed chairman of the Cable and Wireless Ltd and its associate companies. Sir John. 63, who Joined the Malayan Civil Service In 1921 served as
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  • 67 5 NON-MALAYS IN M LAY SHORTHAND CONTEST IPOH. Fri.— Non-Malays will be among those taking part in a Malay shorthand competition, sponsored by the Malay Stenographers' Association of Malaya, at the Klnta School of Commerce here tomorrow. The competition Is open to writers of other systems of Malay shorthand. A special
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  • 51 5 IPOH. Fri. Asst. Supt. Leong Yun Chong. who left his car beside the Star Theatre here last night, returned a few minutes later to find that a thief had stolen a bundle of bedsheets and seven pillow cases from the car. The bed linen cost
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  • 98 5 SINGAPORE. Fri. The Council of the University of Malaya In Singapore at Its next meeting later this month will consider an appeal from the students that the closure of the Dunearn Road hostels be postponed till early 1963. The council earlier decided to close
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  • 147 5 DISGUISED POLICE ARREST 3 YOUTHS SEREMBAN, Fri.— Police officers, disguised as estate workers, this morning arrested three youths as they collected a packet, which was supposed to contain $4,000, allegedly ?xtorted from a saw--niller. A police spokesman said later that the sawmiller received a letter demanding $4,000 last week. Arrangements
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 278 5 means |T3 time I call N 1 J-j 84, High Street, I Singapore 6. Tel: ***** X k) SINGAPORE'S ONLY EXCLUSIVE MEN'S SHOP Dress up with the newest and the latest in fashion fabrics specially imported for the Festive season. For day or night wear you will appreciate the finesse
      278 words
    • 215 5 SEAVIEWOHOTEL THE HOTEL BY THE WATi.. EDGE TEL: *****-7-8-9 An ideal spet tor a qui*» and pltaunt rvenmq amid swaying palms and cool ica breeict "A" Delicious Chicken Dishes w Excellent European Food W Choicest Wines ~W Dancing Nightly I 4^\ i 11', CHICKEN INN Tctcphonc: Monger *****-7-8-9 LIM JEW
      215 words

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 295 6 J Ijl MALAYA'S FOREMOST ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT SUPPLIERS 213 VICTORIA STREET, SINGAPORE 7 (PHOMES ***** *****) AND Tubes, transistors and diodes are JkJL 53-, «U. «1 POOK. OOHORE B.HR, JO HOR E ,PKO« 3385, I LISTEN m BE SURE REPLACE WITH PHILIPS pioneer and TRIO the trouble-free way _f~ O j^
      295 words

  • 51 7 Village girls dance for the King ROYAL TOUR PHOTO SPECIAL |^HE Yang di-Pertuan Agong and the Raja Permaisuri Agong watch traditional Indian dances by village girls during their visit to the Alipur Community Development project in New Delhi. Hundreds of villagers greeted the Royal party on arrival at the development
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  • 254 7 KUCHING, Friday. THE Governor of Sarawak, Sir Alexander Waddell, has called on the people to fully co-operate with the proposed commission to make recommendations on the Malaysia project. The commission was an- I I nounced in London last month after talks Between the Federation Prime Minister.
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  • 104 7 JOIIOKK BAIIRU. Fri. Check pump measurrs h3\e arrived in Johorc for use early in l'Jt>> to check fluid measures at all petrol kiosks and petrol stations in the state. A spokesman for the Weights and Measures Department said today that this would be
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  • 52 7 PENANG, Fri.— The fourth ordination of a priest in th* 101-yejw-old Cathedral of the Assumption will be held on Sunday morning. The Rev. Andrew Lav Tuck Ching, 35, will be ordained by the Bishop of Penang. Monsignor Francis Chan, assisted by the Rev. Father N. Clemen* of
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  • 88 7 l/UALA LUMPUR. Fri.-A Thai Government-spon-sored party of 18 Buddhists has arrived in Malaya to study the development of Buddhism in Malaya and Singapore. The secretary of the Selangor Buddhist Association. Mr. Thor Beng Seng, will receive the party here tomorrow. Mr. Thor said
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  • 213 7 JETS FLY OVER STADIUM TO HONOUR GOVERNOR pENANG. Fri. Four jets from the RAAF station, Butterworth, roared overhead in a fly-past during ;i combined parade this morning at the City Stadium to mark the official birthday of the Governor of Penang. Raja Tun Uda Al-Haj. The Governor took the salute
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 49 7 Offers you the LIGHTWEIGHT PORTABLE Model SF DELUXE lightweight. BBi^tofc.>-~ Weighs leu than 10 pound* ••eluding carrying cox _^*5 5=^^v '44 Clor* in* 1.r.j,, lo,m k*, toes <4*s^^~^~-Zl3T_^^>J f toi.ty* mocgm icoi« and Jjt»^*y^^^^^fc YOU CAN TASTE THE EXTRA FINE QUALITY TAIKOQ PURE CANE SUGAR CUBE GRANULATED /C^fll&jf
      49 words
    • 321 7 INUOT OT aBMiMHI Kosciusko's summit is 7,308 ft. above sea level. Even tt in summer there is usually drift snow to be seen. Australia for the tf HAPPIEST, HEALTHIEST HOLIDAY J| Superb comfort at Kosciusko's fct^MS* magnificent new Alpine hotels mß^amtm^m^t^mm^^^MmmmmmmmmmMamm luxury living in the crystal clear of 6,000 feet.
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  • 655 8  -  CHAN KWAN HOI Millionaire's murder trial verdict By IPOH, Fri WONG WALKS AWAY A FREE MAN SEVEN-MAN jury today unanimously found Lee Fook Sam, 40, a tailor, guilty of the murder of millionaire miner Mr. Foo Yet Kai. A packed court then heard Mr. Justice Neal
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 112 8 ENJOY THE COOL FRESH TASTE OF Mofiterhorn MENTHOLATED -^?Zo^ For the little ones smort Wk tm m j^*^fr s&'i- shoes available in all white ii^^^B^s I H /y/V leather or pink white, blue *w.*'\' white combination Soft yf Sixes 9 l l $6.90 jf\ 12— 1 '/a $7.90 JSgfr f
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 153 8 Buys Bunny By Ralph Heintdaht Lrl Ahnor By Al Capp TO PUT US IN TH' PROPER. |/TH'BU>WIN^/^Tf4^;AtAMO?) V W^^S^^Ji^t S3?' MOOftWE GOTTA CORN- i^C/-* I OPO'THE #9* -EfPN MAN, I f £*WJ?^£^ K Sy£T J CITRATE ON SOME < fl\ K ftATTL!SHIP 7 VJOOMIN, ANM WEW*f±U&MTH NIGHT*/ S~, HEART-BREAKINT \%M±
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  • Straits Times Special Feature
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 409 9 V^t tow W^ I I ~^fcT llP'* 1C NEW Vauxhall Victor is a car of outstanding j^^K WkM pmH^PFSII ,jf*' 9P^S »POHP^BB^I i quality and grace. Every detail has been planned with scrupulous j^^^^jjfc^HjJ; WT 0L Ir^fc^iAia Mfc^B la^BiA^^rS^^P* Care n B' nc transmission, brakes, suspension— all have been encineerI
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  • 406 10 Modern production threat to jobs '12,000 COULD BE MADE JOBLESS IN 10 YEARS' SINGAPORE, Friday [JNITED Nations experts think that 12,000 Singapore workers will be made redundant in the next 10 years because of improved production methods. Dr. Goh Keng Swee. the Finance Minister, said this in the Legislative Assembly
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  • 135 10 PREVIEW OF BIG FASHION SHOW AT FAIR SINGAPORE, Fri. Beauty queens from three Asian countries will join local girls in fashion shows at the Toray Fair to be held at the Victoria Memorial Hall from tomorrow to Tuesday. The visiting beauties Miss Japan (Miss Atsuko Kyoto), Miss Thailand (Miss Rachadapone
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  • 230 10 6,928 places in post primary classes KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. —There are 6,928 places available for pupils who wish to join the post- primary classes to be set up for the first time next year throughout the Federation. The post-primary course Is for two years with a bias for practical and
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  • 64 10 BUTTERWORTH. Frl. A housewife. Chew Slew Hong. 46, described by her counsel as "a stooge," was yesterday fined $5,000, or six months' Jail, for having 98 packets of dutiable cigars In her Chempah lane house. Duty on the cigars was $1,075. The court allowed
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  • 60 10 KXANO. Frl. The daughter of the Selangor State Assembly Speaker, Che Azlan blnte Dato Abdullah, 10, will marry Inche Abdul Aziz bin Yahaya, 25, a Penang school teacher, tomorrow. The Sultan and Tengku Ampuan of Selangor, the Prime Minister, Tengku Abdul Rahman, Cabinet Ministers, Members of Parliament,
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  • 59 10 KUALA LUMPUR, Frl. Dato Sardon bin Hajl Jubir. the Minister of Transport, left here by air today for Kota Bham with a cheque for $25,000 in his pocket. It Is a gift from the Social and Welfare Lotteries Board to be presented by Dato Sardon
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  • 49 10 KUALA LUMPUR. Fri.— The president of the Malayan Association of Youth Clubs. Tengku Abdullah ibnl Almarhum Tengku Abdul flew to New Delhi today to attend the Indian Young Farmers' Club conference. He was accompanied by the secretary for community development, Inche Bahron bin Saad.
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  • 148 10 ITTJALA LUMPUR. Pri. When Capt. James Adair. 30, of 656 Squadron. Army Air Corps, took off from Ipoh yesterday with another officer on a routine liaison flight he didn't realise his Auster had a third and most undesirable occupant on board. It was a snake,
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  • 83 10 KUALA LUMPUR. Fri. Contributions to church funds by members of the Methodist Church in Malaya are on the Increase, the chairman of the Commission on World Service and Finance. Mr. Yong Nglm Djln. told delegates attending the Malaya annual conference of the Method: it church here today.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 159 10 U/////A THE NEW VERY THIN GIRARD-PERREGAUX Miff GYROMATIC mm Model 8026 Jj I Auiomjlic 39 Jewel Cyrenwtk *ith calendar, walerproef. The new very thin Cirard- *js' ,nii.majnet.e, double thod Perregaux Gyromatic combine pret»ct»d. strength, reliability and accuracy ___Hl| with superb styling WtME/^^^^^^^^ elegant design. {jA'.~*^y% **■**> 1 9k Tins new
      159 words
    • 232 10 Own Modem and Uptodafc Hcums at Rock Bottom Pricci NAN TANG ESTATE At Tit) CKm Kentf Ro«4 m.i. N«*r Swwgeow Garden otf Chuan Hoc Avenue 999 Years Leasehold Two-Storey Semi-detached Two-Storey Terrace 516,700 upwards $14,900 upwards *1*» Ho»r 3 Batfraami, Both/Lovotory, Tarrace. C'd. Floor lounae Dining. Utility, Kitchen, Both/W C.
      232 words

  • 262 11 TAX MEN RAIDED MOTOR FIRM'S OFFICE, COURT TOLD J^UALA LUMPUR, Fri. —An account of how officers of the Inland Revenue Department raided the premises of Selangor Motors (M) Ltd in Batu Road following suspicions that the company had submitted incorrect income tax returns was related in the Magistrate's Court here
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  • 160 11 Windmill on trial at fishing village fills windmill the first of its kind in tin- country will Minn supply piped well water to the 800 inhabitants of Sungei liar, a fishing village, BS miles north of Kuantan. The Public Works Department is experimenting witu the windmill for a fourmonth period.
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  • 285 11 Tighter control on Sarawak education TOUCHING, Fri. The 1Y Council Negri has passed the Sarawak Education Bill which gives the Government a tighter grip on private schools. The ordinance strengthens the Government's hand hi dealing with student troubles In schools, brings the educ itional laws in line with thos«» ot
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  • 112 11 \IALACCA. Fri. The Ma- !acca State Government has reprimanded the municipal council for paying arrears of Increments to its dailyrated workers without the approval of the Governor-ln-Council. It Is reliably learnt. The municipal council paid over $50,000 In July this year to its 600 daily-rated workers,
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  • 267 11 SING A PORE. Fri.— Polish-born Stanislaus Niedzielski, hailed by many as the worlds greatest interpreter of Chopin on the piano, is now in Singapore. But his "trade-mark 1 the trailer with a grand concert piano, which is attached to his car wherever he
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 507 11 /*~"^»2 WOfILO-WIDt I it I M*U»,» nnrtM mmio BUY WITH CONFIDENCE Wherever You See This Sign! THE WORLD'S No. 1 CREDIT CARD Bring you the CONVENIENCE OF CREDIT CHARGES AT SINGAPORE Wehß If-0.-CroU POST OICKSON Woh jieno Town Coontry Si-Ru»o Inn Moi«»f ie Hotel Amoteur Photo S*or«s L'd. Vanity riuctow
      507 words
    • 158 11 ■I Bfil^AiAiA lift m 1., i! f i I*l sSal ii 1 i 1 1 ii WES w f Slilßiiiili( I? I Make this Christmas real occasion with a new FRIMATIC, the refrigerator with I classic beauty which clef its changing fashion. A FRIMATIC refrigerator is a gift which brings
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  • 20 12 Ward, $10 (Minimum) HARRY JACKSON, Ki.under ot J»kwn A Co. Ltd.. suddenly on 3rd. December, lirtil at Colwyn Ilav.
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  • 31 12 M HorasSiV (Mtmlmmm) THE FAMILY of late Mrs V Govindanamy Krmhnamnrtl of 27, Campbell I^ine thank r. IT.-. .mi frirniin for their kind help condolence!!, wreaths snd attendance at fur
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  • 551 12 The Straits Times Saturday. December 16, 1961. A Lighter Load The long controversy over the six-day week in Singapore's schools is now drawing to an end. Speaking during the debate on the education estimates. Mr. Yong Nyuk Lin w;is able to announce a working agreement with the teachers' ur.ions representing
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  • 386 12 Not without a great deal of fuss and delaying tactics founded, perhaps, on a mistaken appraisal of the new American posture in Indochina, Prince Boun Own, the rightist, has finally met Princes Souvanna Phouma and Souphanouvong, saving face by rejecting Prince Souvanna Phouma's offer to go
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  • 255 12 By any standard the trial of Adolph Eiehmann has been fair, a model of judicial procedure. Eichmann's conviction, and the sentence of death which has now been passed, no doubt have been taken for granted from the day hestepped into the bullet-proof dock, indeed from the day the Israeli
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  • Article, Illustration
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  • 1246 12 London's hard world of learning FROM TOOTING TO THE INNS OF COURT THE THOUSANDS FROM OVERSEAS WHO FLOCK TO BRITAIN By a Correspondent of the LONDON TIMES EVERY WHERE in Nigeria today there is an insatiable thirst for know ledge higher education and technical knowhow among the younger generation "Almost
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  • Letters
    • 264 12 GATE CHARGE FOR YOUNG— 'A MYOPIC DECISION...' •THE abolition by SAFA of 'ree admission to children over six years is, I think, a myopic decision. of this, many enthusiatlc youngsters who are budding footballers will be deprived of the opportunity to see really good teams playing as they will
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 903 12 CLASSIFIED ADS. 7* Wor«\ flo (Minimum) WILSON. At Ilruni-i on 12th Decemn-: 'o Lydln and Tom a son. l^)to M H«r4t |M < Minimum, NG-LAU: Chenng KlnnK. !de«t son of Mr. Mr«. Ng Knic W.ih and Choon Y.nt. eldent dauxhter of Mr. Mrs. L*u ruay Lye of Mar, i:.-12-61. ANNOUNCEMENTS
      903 words
    • 2 12 i| •ft#i||
      2 words
    • 146 12 The SATURDAY FORUM: Page 18 more new, lovely COLOURFUL English Pyrex Opal Gaiety round casseroles with black snor.'flaktt on pearly-tvhiu 2 pt. and 3 pt. sizes with or without serving stand. Opal divided vegetable dish in ytllex. Nut, black or pink. Coffee maker, in glistening Coffee Tea jug, in dear
      146 words

  • 238 13 Business plan assists Malays FIVE-POINT PATH TO SUCCESS KUALA LUMPUR, Friday T^HE Government has had considerable succeoo with a temporary five-point plan to help Malays in business. The blueprint is being followed pending the Federation Cabinet's decisions of the recommendations of the working committee which studied the reports made by
    238 words
  • 129 13 Singapore to get 21 foreign doctors SINGAPORE, Fri.—Tu«ntyone foreign doctors 1" Trom India, three from Pakistan and one from I iirmih.i will come U> Singapore next year to fill vacancies in the medical service. In addition. 35 local doctors had returned from abroad as junior specialists, Mr. K. M. Byrne,
    129 words
  • 83 13 Officers' new powers SINGAPORE. Fri.— A commissioned officer of any local force will have power, under certain circumstances, to dis!>orse in unlawful assembly ;>y military force on his own authority, "when the public security is manifestly endanuerrd by such assembly." accnrdinK to tbe provisions of the Criminal Procedare Code Amendment,
    83 words
  • 445 13 SINGAPORE, Fri rpHE Singapore Gov--1 ernment today announced that work was proceeding satisfactorily in the major civil engineering works at the Jurong industrial estate. Roads, now being built, will be capable of bearing heavy Industrial traffic and provide a direct link between the factories at Jurong and
    445 words
  • 432 13 A head in the dust— to save a broken home DESPITE WIFE'S LAST-MINUTE SQUEAMISHNESS TPQH, Fri.— A womai' accepted a chal lenge by her husbant to cut off a cockerel'; head in an oath aking ceremony hen refused to per arm the execution ecause she could not tand the sight
    432 words
  • 126 13 A WEEKEND'S GOLF FOR TENGKU IN THAILAND IfUALA LUMPUR, Fri. The Prime Minister, Tengku Abdul Rahman, will fly to Bangkok next Friday for a weekend's golf at the Hua Hin seaside resort. It will be an unofficial visit. The Tengku will be accompanied by his wife, Puan Sharlfah Rodziah. and
    126 words
  • 223 13 SINGAPORE. Fri THE British Army Is planning a surprise Christmas party for the children at the Sungel Buloh leper camp in the Federation. An army statement Issued here today said that Santa Claus would call at the camp with more than 600 presents on Tuesday. Men
    223 words
  • 186 13 Bank gets leave to begin action SINGAPORE, Fri— The Chief Justice. Sir Alan Rose, granted an application by the Oversea Chinese Banking Corporation in the High Court today for leave to begin proceedings to set asiae certain decisions of Dr. Charles Gamba, acting as referee of the Industrial Arbitration Court.
    186 words
  • 60 13 IPOH. Fri. i A thief dropped a photograph of himself while robbing a house in Jalan Sanders, the magistrate's court hen? was told today. Maratha Veeran. 26, was jailed for 21 months, to be followed by a year's police supervision, for stealing $40 and failing to
    60 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 123 13 m£*>W 61FTS! Pewerfal FM/AJM f ''i-"*f W SHORT WAV! II 1 ■CHctJ^ s pr*chion nnin ■^■■■^^^Ea^^M 1:^: SILVER I fiSJf /r^" TRAMSISTOR RADIOS. *T PIONEU Of PORTABLE RADIOS All WAVE. Fin* hiniltfl lyrtam. n Model 9TA-370 m™* »o»» r»t«ption. l^^^^^^^^tl Ml«Cti»ltr «ntf fiSSSBSSSBtSKkk ultra-hiflh •• fci^-.HpB Dial lifht and tui^n*
      123 words
    • 105 13 u||||||llllllllllllllllllllllllllllll)lllllllllllllilllllllllillllllllllllllllllllll!ll<_ I REFRIGERATORS by THE NAME SYNONYMOUS WITH I" OJHIGH QUALITYf H*g BUDGET-PRICED 1 AVAILABLE FROM I ALL FIAT DEALERS IN SINGAPORE THE FEDERATION OF MALAYA AIREX ENGINEERS LTD. 304, CnIMMDt Ro.d, I 1, Jo lon Sukimon, S Sinqoporc K«k lumpur. to N.: ***** T.I: N.: K9IS "iiiiiimiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiimmiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiimiiiiiimiHH«nMiia mmaf'
      105 words

  • An extra page of foreign news
    • 369 15 US pledges more aid for South Vietnam SAIGON, Friday. PRESIDENT Kennedy has pledged increased United States aid to Vietnam. The pledge is contained in a letter to the Vietnamese President. President Ngo Dinh Dienr the text of which was released today. President Kennedy's letter was in reply to a letter
      Reuter  -  369 words
    • 129 15 MACAPAGAL PICKS FOUR MORE A! ANILA. Fri. Philippines 11 President-elect Diosdado Macapagal la&t night announced four more appointees to his Cabinet. Those named are a former senator, Mr. Macario Peralta (Secretary of Defence); Mr. Alejandro Roces, a university dean, (Secretary of Education); Mr Benjamin Gozun, Director of Mines, (Secretary of
      Reuter  -  129 words
    • 28 15 TOKYO, Fri. Two Japanese cooks at a Chinese restaurant were detained today after a customer who complained about the food was beaten to death. U.P.I.
      UPI  -  28 words
    • 149 15 THE IDEAL GIFT: A TIN OF FOG T ON3ON. FrL Two American pirls working at a I'nited States air base said today they are doing a ter.ific business selling tins of genuine London fog. So far they have sold 8,000 cans of fog—"genuine wild fog caught near Hyde Park" at
      Reuter  -  149 words
    • 111 15 Troop alert 1 as Negroes make protests ALBANY. (Georgia). Fri. New demonstrations by Negroes protesting akainst scKrcßation were staged here yesterday. A National Guard unit was alerted ior possible trouble. While police were taking precautions to prevent another march on the court house this morning. 39 Negroes went to the
      UPI  -  111 words
    • 21 15 LONDON. Fri. Sir Winston Churchill arrived back here by air from Monte Carlo, where he has been holidaying. —Reuter.
      Reuter  -  21 words
    • 150 15 £100,000 PAY GRAB GUN BATTLE LONDON, Friday. gIGHT bandits with gasmasks, pick-axe handles, coshes, a bomb and three vehicles lost a pitched battle yesterday against six men guarding £100,000 in a bank's armoured car and fled without a penny. The attempted pay grab, on? of. the most daring in the
      Reuter  -  150 words
    • 44 15 TOKYO. Fri —The police in Fukuoka said yesterday that a miner had confessed a cigarette he threw away started a fire which killed 71 people In a mine last March. The 71 bodies still have not been recovered.— U.P.l.
      44 words
    • 24 15 UNITED NATIONS. Fri. Tanganyika was admitted to U.N. as the 134 th member yesterday by acclamation in the General Assembly. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  24 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 651 15 B^B> Jmr* i wB jMitfk ~^^^B ■jm a Bts I j Jr. W%r M dlflß TE* C|CARETTE r^pP^ jq.OO for 20 enjoy Edinburgh today... the King Size Filter cigarette made by Dorm Cotton of Edinburgh. So much more enjoyable-so much more to enjoy idimblirih taste better are better SHRIRO (CHINA)
      651 words
    • 93 15 M &tui/ie/p ifou pamper •ycut •faeef ■ffimt r%_im-ni m**Jt SiifflHff L v '^9 bH I jma m Shaving with hi ERSHARP S <y J^?Trs k double edge blue blades JP^?SS M leaves your face JfcffGlSM as marble! M as marble! J^M \j|^^^^ ONE /I i HSU \RP EVERSHARP Blue Thin
      93 words

    • 126 16 Malaya's forces call for more Chinese L'UALA LUMPUR. Fri. 1V The Federation Armed Forces wants to enlist more Chinese youths. Their response so far has been disappointing, according to the Armed Forces Recruiting Officer. Major Mohamed Sharlff bin Ahmad. Major Mohamed Shariff Is now ending a Malaya-wide tour recruiting men
      126 words
    • 54 16 SINGAPORE. Frl.— A sum of $10,300 was missing from a safe at the Borneo Company Limited in Robinson Road this morning. The door of the safe was found unlocked when the manager of the shipping department arrived at his office. The money had been put Into the
      54 words
    • 33 16 KUALA LUMPUR. Fri. The Malayalee Catholic Welfare Society. Malaya, will hold a children's Christmas party and sports at the Selangor Indian Association premises in Taylor Road here at 3 p.m. tomorrow.
      33 words
    • 507 16 The modern method of passing the public exams KUALA LUMPUR, Friday. preparing their pupils for public examinations in the Federation have been advised to keep abreast of modern thinking on the subject of examinations. They should discourage the reliance on model answers, "so-called examination guides and similar unproductive effort." This
      507 words
    • 108 16 f)OROTHY Chen. 17, has been chosen as Malaya* firlegatc to the New York Herald Tribune Forum. She won the trip by writing an essay called "Unity in Diversity." Twenty-four others competed in this Malaya-wide context. A Form V student of the Kuala
      108 words
    • 140 16 CPL. TAIT OFF TO BRITAIN BY MOTOR-BIKE CINGAPORE. Frl. Cpl. Gerald Tait (above). 21. of the Royal Engineers, sailed from Singapore this morning for India, from where he intends to return home to Britain on a motorcycle. Cpl. Talt said before te»vIng: "I had planned I all the way on
      140 words
    • 181 16 A row over council president's pay cut SEREMBAN, Fri. The Negri Sembilan Government was criticised last nipht for reducing the salary of the president of the Seremban Town Council from $700 to $250 a month. The criticism followed a motion by Mr. Chin Choong Thong (Independent— Jalan Labu Ward) "that
      181 words
    • 40 16 KUALA LUMPUR. Fri.— Two New Zealand army pilots have been assigned to the British Army Air Corps In Malaya. They are Lieut. R. J. Andrews and Lieut, C. E. W. Brown. Both are due this month.
      40 words
    • 136 16 NEW $1.5mi1. MUSUEM TO RISE ON OLD SITE KUALA LUMPUR, Frl. The museum bunding at the Lake Gardens here will be demolished on Monday to make way for the $1.5 million National Museum The new Malay-style building will have a two-storey central section and two onestore} wings. It .-.111 also
      136 words
    • 49 16 IPOH, Frl—Ten girls have entered for the "Miss Perak" contest organised by the Perak Chinese Pyramid Physical and Cultural Association at the Jubilee Park here tomorrow night. The contest is also held In conjunction with the "Mr Perak Junior" contest. In which 17 youths will compete.
      49 words
    • 112 16 I/UALA LUMPUR, Fri. The Minister of Agriculture, Inche Abdul Aziz bin Ishak, Is to hold a slogan competition among his staff to Improve their daily work. The winner in the competition will get $100 from Inche Aziz. The runnr r-up will get
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 131 16 WISHING THE Toray FAIR EVERY SUCCESS I TAILORING CO. 24, Coleman Street. Singapore. Tel: ***** We have the pleasure to announce our appointment as Tailors to the only male model of the "Toray" Fashion Show at the Victoria Memorial Hall from Dec. 16 19, 1961. Suit materials supplied by the
      131 words
    • 127 16 I TITUS AUTOMATIC Look carefully at the TITUS WATERPROOF trademark. ..for here you see Wflt the »yTibol long assocmtrd IV SOLFIX BALANCE with hi B h precision Swiss If »j watches, and guaranteed to Ms.^l^F/4) TITOFLEX HAIRSPRING fve you quality comparable ■WJ to the honest priced watches INCABLOC PROTECTED available,
      127 words

  • 35 17 THE Yang di-Pertuan Agong chats with the Nawab of Pataudi (right) during the first day's play of the Third cricket Test between India and England at New Delhi on Wednesday.
    35 words
  • 159 17 Raise $2,000 or we quit ultimatum Xl ALA LUMPUR. Friday. nix ollicials. including the president, of the Sclangor Women's Hockey Association have handed in their resignations together with an ultimatum. Their ultimatum i.<= served on all members and affiliates of the association, giving them three weeks to raise $2,000. The
    159 words
  • 114 17 Sportview award for Moss T ONDON, Frl. Racing driver Stirling Moss won the British BroadcastIng Corporation Sportview's Personality of the Year trophy last night. Millions of television viewers saw Sir Stanley Rous. president of the International Football Federation, present the trophy to Moss. Billy Walker, the British amateur heavyweight boxing
    Reuter  -  114 words
  • 24 17 LONDON. Fri. The first world rowing championships will be held on the Rotsee. Lucerne, next year from Sepi 6 to 9. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  24 words
  • 148 17 WIMBLEDON OPEN IS THE HOPE OF BRITISH LTA I ONDON, Fri. Even if proposals to reform the opcrt are not successful at next year's meeting of the International Lawn Tennis Federation, the British Lawn TennLs AWffPlatiun hope that permission will be granted to make Wimbledon an •open" tournament. This view
    Reuter  -  148 words
  • 76 17 KUTS DENIES SOVIET ATHLETES USE DRUGS MOSCOW, Fri. Vladimir Kuts. world record breaking Soviet athlete, yesterday denied allegation-, by British runner Gordon Pirie that Kus>ian athletes took drug*>In an open letter to bis former British rival published in the newspaper, Soviet Sporl. Kuts said: "Soviet sportsmen and Soviet doctors can
    76 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 181 17 ,-^x>siiMi HOT ■x '^j^v^v.«WjC x-;\\-x XPtvX\\vPshhS Hl •■X"X"""x"SS&vX*"vJ»SI^B H^^HL X'X"X'X"X"X*x*SS£»'XvSs^B l^p •''XXwQQPre'KoXqoi^H I Wjt :-:'S:^9 §1 f-" Bfcx :j; ?*:-:-:':s^i p r X;' •''■''l\'''£\\sVS&666CrifL--\kkiE^U 111 Until now it was a privilege reserved for men 0n1y... jlj (Da to), the automatic wrist watch made just for you, shows both the time
      181 words
    • 164 17 Airfares are all the same; service makes the difference Fly Swissair worldwide ON YOUR NEXT HOME LEAVE. John Little's Building, Raffles Place, Singapore. Tel: ***** (4 lines) Swift Battery Shaver the time and face saver! 4 self sharpening blades qiv« shaving action ol 7' j million cull per minute. Shaving
      164 words
  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 211 17 MHMOI ALL-BLL'ES CUP: Johore v Spore <J. Bahrui. FRIENDLIES: Malayan Civilians v Malayan Combined Services Btedtam, Penang. 5.15>; K's/or Club v Warrlieburn ers I KL padair, I fis6 Fqdn v Klane <R. Rang* Rd>: VIO3A v Police (Shaw Rdi; OtfriHO v Talplng Tigers B iTiz<-. Ipchi; Taiplnjr Titters v Perak
      211 words

    • 1313 18 RACE 1-2.00: CL. 4 DIV. 1-6 FURS 1 Spred Marvrl i Chens St.) Spencer. 3 9.0 Franklin 13 2 ***** hirken Brsi (Low Nr St.l Lee. 4 9.0 (II Houxourr 4 '•< 0 Rupee (Rupee St.) Spencer, 5 8.13 5 4 00 Sai-SI (Low Ng St.) Martin. 4
      1,313 words
    • 279 18  -  Epsom Jeep ON THE TRACK with PENANG. Fri. CHAW STABLE'S Silver Screen 111, with Laurie Johnson up, did a splendid trial here this morning. He ran half a mile in 53 sec (3f in 38 4/5) without being extended. Bolch
      279 words
    • 193 18 LONDON. Fri. After purchasing 11 mares at the Newmarket bloodstock sales last week, Japan has now bought the English four-year-old colt Apostle for $170,000 (£20.--000). Apostle, a brown joit ly Blue Peter, winner ol the 1939 Epsom Derby and .1.000 Guineas, out of Bellani
      Reuter  -  193 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 111 18 New elegance for your home this Christmas! HIGH QUALITY FURNITURE Many new designs. Or your own designs NEW reduced price. Big cosh discount. More easy terms. Hiring and repairing at special charges. fc yllxcqaa^fUßNiTUßE deptT] I^s siNuran m-i:, orchiid *o«o. m- ii»d. IUILt lUMTUII »M. lATO «0»D. Til: MSJJ. PtMtNC
      111 words
    • 314 18 ■pontiac There care only two kinds of '62 can... those with Wide-Track and those without. The Wide-Track Pontiac gives you superb road hold ing, safe and comfortable motoring* Choose a Wide -Track Pontiac for its luxury, elegance and superior class. s££ your local A Gener al Motors Product. dealer for
      314 words

  • The Straits Times SATURDAY FORUM
    • 297 19 STURROCK ROAD-WHERE THE WEEDS HAVE TAKEN OVER...AND THE COBRAS (7 IN 18 MONTHS) MIGHT EVEN WELCOME A SNAKE-CHARMER —OR THE OLD. OLD ART OF PASSING THE BUCK J AM a housewife living in Sturro ck Road, and want to draw the attention of the appropriate autho rity to the
      297 words
    • 231 19 JT was very kind of the Minister for Health and Law to have taken the trouble to comment on my observations on "nationality" and "citizenship" (S.T. Dec 8). The last phrase in Mr. Byrne's letter "colonial British Subject" —is an entirely new classification
      231 words
    • 298 19 Water rationing: A fairer schedule needed I AM a resident in Zone 3 and I am not against water rationing. But what I am against is the way the water is being cut off in my zone since the commencement of water rationing. For example, I give below a schedule
      298 words
    • 280 19 Klang crows THEY PROVIDE A LAST RUSTIC TOUCH r PHE Klang town council Is contemplating the extermination of all the crows in the town as they are a nuisance to the public. But has the council ever stopped to think about the gooa these birds do? They are one 01
      280 words
    • 59 19 MAY I bring to the notice of the authorities concerned the ambiguous line drawn In the centre of the stretch of Outram Road between Outram School and College Road? In the day. I am never sure whether It Is intended to be white or yellow and.
      59 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 188 19 NOW AVAILABLE IN SINGAPORE r M-^yft ©W V™ .■wirnAi"'! mumbmhx "^^BBBBr BBW .^^^^^^^^^^gfßßßf Hr^fl m. l I Ip^^^^^ 'Sir Bgw .^BBg^^ i i**~^-» BE ggßßßgft*^" 3BkV I|/^ BBBBBkf^— w prom AMERICA'S PI NEST BREWERY MILLER HIGH LIFE THE CHAMPAGNE OF BOTTLE BEER The BEER enjoyed throughout the World Mill«r Brcming
      188 words
    • 167 19 WISIWHgSgafSgffSIISgSIMSSgSgfIBBBBBI So pretty! So fresh! So clean! Throw away those dirty, old fashioned chicks ...because PLASTIC SUN CHICKS are here. Plastic sun chicks last and last, clean so easily, look so modern, cost so little. (Only $1.00 Per sq.ft., including fitting). Use PLASTIC SUN CHICKS '"side to stop the sun,
      167 words
  • Page 19 Miscellaneous
    • 249 19 Straits Times Crossword ACROSS 7. I undergo a disease, as a 9 OTdK^itoWsr SSr° altenukm te 10. This isn't a serious clue (6). JX ii t»-. ,i,. 14. Ola province turns up ilrstattoriTls' <7> class toU-plece for two pianos ajpua a. w sssafe 11 V v »V> 17 R*'" 1
      249 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 1615 20 BLUE FUNNEL LINE FREICHT ENQUIRIES: Tel: 2415. PASSAGE INQUIRIES: Til: 2412 TO^WEJJj^UMRmi^IASGpW^piJOONftC P. S>B-i Penafg PATROCLUS Uverpeet, Giisgow 11 Pt Tieay Oec 17 ELPENOR M'seillei, Liverpool. A'mo'Jth Cl*. 15 Toliy Dec 17/21 Dec 21 ACHILLES LiverpMl, Glligow Dec II Dec 23 DM 24/24 Dec 34/11 POLYDORUS L'peel, Dublin, Havre. H'burg
      1,615 words
    • 1386 20 H^^m/i \i\ irf A'li m'Xiiiiiiilll THE E. A. C. LINESMUNCS TO MEDITEPRaNEAN. CONTINENTAL ft SCANDINAVIAN PORTS. A2r*V\ "MALACCA" I) c) Gen 2S-71/1I Dee 17/11 Dec 20 21 Dec rarVr£j\«l "SAMOA" I) 29 Dec/ 4 Jan 3/ 7 Jan I J Jan H \gJAJ3I "ASMARA" I 21/21 Jan 27/21 Jai 74
      1,386 words
    • 1596 20 THE BEN LINE STEAMERS LTD. TEL: ***** 10 LINES (l»cerpiratee i* tk* Umtel Ki*gM) EXPRESS SERVICES II LONDON lIVERPOOI k CONIINENTAI PORTS S'rjnr» P Sham Pfnanp BENRINNES l'peel. G'mfutn. R'flam. H'bur» C I Tolav Oec 17 II lEHAUER (H) H'lurg. L'dOfl Havre M'brr Dec 11/23 Oec 24 21 Oec 21/
      1,596 words
    • 1261 20 >»«^ McALISTER 6s CO.. LTD. T CLLERMAN LINE tV KLAVENISS LINE LONDON, HAMBURC. ROnEROAM IOS ANGELES. SAN FRANCISCO. HAVRE ft HULL SEATTLE. VANCOUVER ft PORTLAND CITY OF RIPON Acetltiip earga tw Central ft South B'sjr* P. S'hani Panang Amenta. 23/21 Oee 11 Oie/i Jm m/ji sac suNNyvuit HONGKONG. KOBE OSAKA.
      1,261 words

  • 509 21 fiX the whole the Rubher Market was rather disappointing this week state H.C.B. Co. Ltd. in their current market survey. On one or two occasions prices appeared to be struggling out of the mid 70-cents rut, but enthusiasm was tempered with caution, adds the report. There ls
    509 words
  • 120 21 £HINESC Produce Exchangs Stngapars neon prices par picul yesterday Coconut Oil: bulk $36 sellers, drum $3*i sellers. Copra: December fK'Contlnent »261 buyers, $25} se.lers. Pepper: Mnntok white $165, Sarawak white *162 i sellers, special Sarawak black $130 sellers, garbled LamponK black $130 sellers. Lnmpont; black ASTA $140 sellers.
    120 words
  • 395 21 By Our Market Correspondent THE Malayan Stock Exchange continued stagnant again yesterday but prices were steady. The turnover also continued to be very small as investors showed little inclination to operate. A feature in industrials was a rise of 10 cents in Straits Traders
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  • 20 21 Malayan Stock Indices: Dec. 14 Industrials: 157.77 158.34 Tin*: 290.65 292.63 rubber*: 211.14 ,11.44 Jan. 1 1958=1011.
    20 words
  • 638 21 DUSINESS on tne Malayan Stock Fxcnange, Federation section yesterday with the number ot deals in brackets: Industrial*: K. and N. ord.i (1.000) 12.48; Gammon (1.0OO) $1.64 ON. (1.000 1 (1. 63. $1.60 OL; J. Waußh (3.000) $1.92) ON; Steamers (3,000) 79 ccnta ON; S. Trader* (2,000) $4.80
    638 words
  • 74 21 MELBOURNE. Fti. Ccn. Zinc 60/3 B Mount Isa 69/ Hi Herald iii/ii.i N.E. Hill 17/IOVj Humes 71/- S Ampol 10/1 1.C.1. 36/71^ A.C.I. 71/4% Mrer 28 7" > A.P.M. ?3'3 B Repco 1?/- S B.H.P. 67/4>* Pothmans 85,9 Carrier 16/74 Swan i6/l0«i C.S.R. £55J-« Wwortrt li,V,i Contain** 31/9
    74 words
  • 34 21 SINGAPORE. Dec 15. RUBBER: 791 cents per Ib. (up U cents). 5 p.m. unofficial close: 79 cents (steady). TIN: $478.25 per picul (up $1). Estimated unofficial offering 260 tons (up 10 tons).
    34 words
  • 216 21 JANUARY flrtt Kradt rubber buytrt I f.o.b. closed la Singapore yesterday nt .94 crau per Ib up 13 o*nt« on Thursday. price. T be tone was ittidy, quiet. t.c.C.R.A. doting prices In cent! per Ib. ycKterday: Int. 1 R. 8.&. rrompt f.o.b. buyers 7Sj. sellers 781; Int. 1
    216 words
  • 166 21 |>ÜBBER was taken back to Just under the 79 cents level on the Singapore Rubber Market yesterday. December first grade reach'v'. 781 cents by the end of morning trading, advancing after a rather hesitant start on fair trade inquiry and a reserve
    166 words
  • 165 21 CHIPS lying alongside the Singapore wharves taday are: Neder Elbe 6A. Salatlta 46. TJlkampek 6/7. Awa Kara »/9, Mltaka Maru 13/16. Lantern Muse 4/5, Rayon 3. Ryuzan a|aru 35/36. Else Nielsen 29/30. Klnabalu 21/22. Begamat NW. 3. State of PiUarat 38/39. Outer read*: Llan Hln. Irlnialuck. Murmansk.
    165 words
  • 131 21 ALL Malayan Eichingt Bank*' AMMiati*n were unchanged jreaterday aa follows (all rate* to f 100) Naur Verli: buying T.T. 32 15/16. airmail O.D S3 1/1«. 90 a/rt 33 8/16. credit bllla, 33 7/16 trade bllla. Canada: buying T.T. 33|. airmail O.D. 34 9/16. 90 d/nt 35 credit bllla,
    131 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 1182 21 IdV «y Pm Z^B i KAWASAKI RISEN KAISHA, LTD. Express U.S.A. Pacific tie ■U'antie Coast Service El» ETA ETA fIA S'pcre P. S>am M'kcng 8. f i.. mo l. Angelei N.York •Kamikawa Mam" 21/ M Dec 11 Occ/ 2 la* lan 21 la* iai 13 Fek "Kaaikawa Maru 21/31 U«
      1,182 words
    • 270 21 JWtSTI EUROff SERVICE Spot f. S'tatn Periwig LOUOIMA Suled Siiled li Ptrt M'seilles. Havre, D*liin<, A'werp. R'dtm. H burg. B'men SOUTH t WESI AFRICA SERVICE S'oote TAIOA 7/ I in Durban (21/1) Port Elizabeth (23/1), Capetown (2J/1), Mitadi (M/1), uiot (S/l). Cotonou (1/1). Accra 'aNcadi Abidjan. Freetown. Conakry. Dakar (21/2).
      270 words
    • 1185 21 THE TRADE MARKS ORDINANCE, 1950 No. 26 of 1950 This advertisement appears by iire< tion of the Registrar of Trade Marks under the provisions of Section 49(7) of the Ordinance. NOTICE is hereby given that the iollowing Trade Murk rcglsterec. in the name of Ktlly Brothers Manufacturing Company. Limited a
      1,185 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 1647 22 (Continued from Paj» 12) SITUATIONS VACANT WANTED GRADUATE or qualified pMMBJOf for 1962 to teach English and Kicloity. Apply Sam Tet School, Ipoh. REQUIRED by European Company V»n Salesman with experience in provisions. Apply Box A 6706 B.T. Singapore. AMAH. Can anyone reeomend good English speaking general amah for household
      1,647 words
    • 1061 22 HOUSES LAND FOR SALE 2* ITonl* Si (Min.)— Box St ets. txtrm SENNITT ESTATE freehold modern newly Improved Type Of Terrace Houses completion June 1962. Completed shops and flats for sale aad also shop* to let along Macpbarsoa Road In the shopping sod Community Centre of Bennett Estate. Loan available
      1,061 words
    • 1047 22 TRAVELS TOURS M Words ti (Mtn.)— Box St ets. txtrm TOUR MALAYA SB days $120/-. Departure 21- 12-6 L. Contact Metropole Travel Service Ist. Floor S3, Chulla Street. Singapore. TeL *****. A PERFECT HOLIDAY combining two unbeatable travel treats. Roundtrip to Hongkong and Japan In Cherry Blossom Time with all
      1,047 words
    • 774 22 VEHICLES FOR SALE M IFer** tS (Min.)— Box St ets. txtrn MATCHLESS TWIN 500 CC motorcycle excellent condition. New dynamo. duk.i seat, megneto. $750/- 0.n.0. 22. Cardiff Orove, Berangoon Oard>n. B'pore. 1»57 MODEL Volkswagen Saloon to good condition. Can be seen at No. 27 Lorong 24 Oeylang Spore. NSU PRIMA
      774 words
    • 816 22 VEHICLES FOR SALE it Words $i (Min.)— Box St ets. txtrm EMItl SPECIAL CHRISTMAS Reduction* On All Cars: 196* Slmca Aronde 1W.7 />phyr. K Consul. H Special. l9!Ut V emu. IPM Jaguar Mark VII. H Hn«k, IPB3 V/Velox. Tatraplan. 1 .02 V Wyvern. Bunbeara Talhot. Nash. II Hawk. Austin Prince-
      816 words
    • 645 22 FOR SALE t0 Words tt (Mtn.)— Box St stßj szfra CHRISTMAS SALE:- Jantiea Bwtm<rear A Bportswear, ladles' Blouses (splendid selections) from 12 60 Baby Na: kins I dozen 55.00. More Bargain*. Luck's 17, Orchard Ruad, Spore. STEREO AMPLIFIERS! Pioneer. Trio, Scott, Harman Kardon HMV etc.. Stereo Recorders, Teac, Akal, Rony
      645 words
    • 375 22 SHOPPING GUIDE (S'porc) M WersU lit (Minimum) Dmttf I month, it Words tlJt (Mm.) BUYING BATIK bay from Plngapore's only siH-cialist Mary McArxr BUVINC YOUR DIAMOND Rlfta from Chlong Bbing Jewell. ri. r.l. 2it:m WELLA'S KOUITRAL VITAMIN hair tooiv 1* your answer to falling bair. Get a bottle from your
      375 words

  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 460 23 L^^M^OTM^^ AIVMISSION TO SEKOLAH I WJITVN KAMPONG. CIIKNOR. TKMKRLOH, PAHANG. 1962 SESSION Applications are invited for enrolment to the Sekolah Lan.jui&n Kampong, Chenor, Temerloh for the 1962 session uiiich commences on the 14th January. 1!*62. Candidates must be over 12 wart of age and under 14 on Jsmuary. 1962
      460 words
    • 106 23 FEDERATION ARTISTS The Board of Control. Stadium Negura. are offering prize!) totalling to $6,000 for designs for four Mural paintings for Stadium Negara. Closing oate for the submission of d«"..'g,..s is 15th January 1962. For full details apply to: The Organising Secretary, Arts Council, P.O. Box 630. Kuala Lumpur. THE
      106 words
    • 326 23 NOTICES ROTHMANS OF PALL MALL (MALAYA) LIMITED. NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN that the Register of Members of the above company will be closed from 30th December 1961 to 7th January 1962 and that no Transf ers will be registered during that period. By Order of the Board. PEAT MAR WICK
      326 words
    • 1002 23 TENDERS KELANTAN J.K.R. TENDER NOTICE Tenders from Registered P.W.D. Contractors Class "D" and above will be receive^ at the Office of the State Engineer, P.W.D., Kelat.tan, Kota Bharu up to 3.00 pjn. on 26tn December, 1961 for the supply of steel pipe culverts for the Public Works Department, Kelantan foi
      1,002 words
    • 288 23 TENDERS WAR DEPARTMENT TENDER NOTICE TENDERS are invited for the i purchase and removal of War De- J partment buildings, including cer- t»in fittings and two Braithaite j Tanks etc., in one Lot at Istana i Merchu Camp, KUALA KANG- SAR, PERAK. The buildings vary in size and consist mainly
      288 words
    • 854 23 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS APPLICATIONS are Invited From Feuerai ClU**ns/Sta.e Nationals an-i serving officers lor ippoinunent as Chargeman Grade CI in the Drainage and Irrigation Department, Selangor, on the salary scale of $210 x 20 230. Cost of Llvln? Allowance will be payable at current rates. Candidates must normally have been employed
      854 words
    • 664 23 PUBLIC APPOINTMENT CENTRAL ELECTRICITY BOARD JUNIOR TECHNICAL ASSISTANTS (CADETS) Applications are invited from Federal Citizens only for appointment as J.T.A. Cadets (Electrical) Salary Scale The commencing basic salary of the post is $145/- per month in the first year of service. $152 50 basic per month in the second year
      664 words
    • 384 23 PUBLIC APPOINTMENT KEDAH GOVERNMENT VACANCIES APPLICATIONS mo Invited from Federal Citizens tor appointment as Temporary Clerk cl Works (Road Works) in the P.W.D. Kcduh Application}, from applicant! over 55 years 01 age m.iy be f-on sidered provided thry an physic ally active and medically i;i. The Salary Scale Ls 5562\18-65
      384 words

  • 512 24  - Malaya in Games soccer final and set on victory Lim NORMAN SIEBEL By K. LUMPUR, Fri. KUALA LUMPUR, Friday. jyjALAYA will meet Burma in the final of the soccer competition of the second SouthEast Asia Peninsular Games at the Aung San Memorial Stadium in Rangoon tomorrow night. Malaya and Thailand,
    512 words
    • 384 24 PAN-MALAYAN 3 NEW ZEALAND 1 SINGAPORE, Fri. A young Pan-Malayan hockey eleven today gained a notable success by beating the visiting New ZeaJanders 3-1 at Jalan Besar Stadium here. The Malayans controlled play throughout and with skilful hockey and superior stamina, outplayed the Kiwis, who
      384 words
  • 265 24 SOCCER SEMI-FINALS: Malaya 2 Thailand 2 (after extra time); Burma 2 S. Vietnam 1. WEIGHTUFTING MIDDLEWEIGHT: IPe Aye (Burma* 837-lb (259-253-325) 2 Tan Howe LUnf (Spore) 837 (264-231-342) 3 Sakol SWslngh (Thailand). LIGHT-HEAVY: 1 Ba Them (Burma) 832-lb, 2 Vlmal Monthasann (Thailand) 732. 3 Yeo Gim Cheonc
    265 words
    • 198 24 KUALA LUMPUR, Friday. IfING EDWARD VH School, Talping, stormed to a 1Y 16-8 win over Victoria Institution in a rousing rugger match at Shaw Road here today. The visitors scored two goals, a try and penalty goal Victoria replied with a goal and penalty
      198 words
    • 150 24 University are Div. 2 champs [{UALA LUMPUR, Fit—Unicrslty of Malaya "B" became champions In the southern sector of Selangor Hockey Association League Dlv. 2 competition when they beat Warders 3-0 at Pantal today. This was the University's 11th win In 12 matches. They led 1-0 at halfUme with left winger
      150 words
    • 85 24 SHEFFIELD. FrL— The English Football League has decided to accept the reglstra tion on International insideforward Jimmy Greaves who was transferred last month to Tottenham Hotspur from Italian club Milan at a fee of nearly $850,000 (£100.000). Greaves will thus be able to play his
      85 words
    • 62 24 CYDNEY. Fri. Australia's J team to defend the Davis Cup In the challenge round against Italy In Melbourne on Dec. 26. 27 and 28 will be Rod Layer. Roy Emerson, Neale "Yaser and Fred Stolle. Wimbledon champion Layer s certain to be one of Australia's singles players.
      62 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 175 24 The first custom-built boat from any outboard manufacturer by SCOTT Now at FEDERATED MOTORS! a^a»»»»»»»»»^a»»BP^^^^J eaWl^iy M^T aaaaaW Ba3S R3B tfaf^^e«^Bk Sj^aSaaß^^Bßßß^Sm 1. Engine cowl, shields the 75.2 hp. l&Slbs engine. 2. Permanent ski pylon doubles as a flagstaff tt running light. 3. Large cockpit area k convertible canvas top.
      175 words
    • 260 24 you I" bWMkbbb! taste... U ;I &k sSll ■IOTAfIH ..^bbbbbbbbl 'J^M B bbl B bb! j^fl wltlt tM AAAOC IN GERMANY I l krllUent ■^11 a«ffo mance Mm Retoi. I Th« p«n you can really feat proyd ta own or to «ivt your I The Retex «ive* tmeatkar, I finer
      260 words
  • Page 24 Miscellaneous
    • 84 24 crw-rrn Ncrdln bt T»n Hln Swee 15-10. :>w ttK 15-0; Uew Kin Fbn* bt N» TUn INTER-MAYC (K Kangamr) Bok 11-15. 15-5. 15-11; Soo Yew Kuala Kangsar Sun(?el PmUnl 1. Choi bt Tham Beng Thai 15-8. BADMINTON 13-15. 15-3). MALEK CIP FINAL (Serem- HOCKEY ban) STAR 'A' bt OuUuie SC
      84 words

  • 657 25 PLANNING IS IN ADVANCED STAGE ON PROPOSALS OF UNITED NATIONS MISSION SINGAPORE, Fri. TIIK Singapore Government today announced the formation of Ihe $.")0 million National lion and Steel Mills Ltd., based on the recommendations of a United Nations mission. An official statement said that all entrepreneurs
    657 words
  • 20 25 WINCKLEV CHRISTOPHER JOHN oni v K Bli MH of Jmkif and John died ;n Mi'i.icc.t on 14th IX-c<-mbi r.
    20 words
  • 22 25 JUST ARRIVED U Hildas 1 Cold r.nnlKh Trice! pleated drv-ws available In all tart and colours. Tel. IS' pore 1 *****.
    22 words
  • 41 25 SINGAPORE. Fri. A filmproducing company in Singapore. Kong Ngee Co.. Ltd., has donated $1,908 the gross pioceeds of the premiere showing of a Teochew film "Teck Cheng" at the Metropole Theatre on December 6 to the National Theatre Fund.
    41 words
  • 219 25 BOMBAY. Fri.— Mr. Bhanusankar M. Yagnik. president of the Goa Council for Action, said today that any talk of a plebiscite to allow Goans to decide their fate was "irrelevant." Mr. Yagnik was commenting on a New York Times editorial urging the
    Reuter  -  219 words
  • 105 25 12,000 DOCK WORKERS ON STRIKE IN COLOMBO fX)LOMBO, Fri.— A lightn\j ing strike today by 12.000 workers of the Port Cargo Corporation brought work in Colombo harbour to a standstill. The strike is In support of 10 demands including the introduction ol a monthly pay system instead of daily wages.
    Reuter  -  105 words
  • 60 25 SINGAPORE. Fri. The Workers' Party will hold a mass rally to "acquaint the people of the facts of the White Paper proposal by the PAP Government," at the junction of Raub Street and Anson Road, between 5 p.m. and 7 p.m.. on Sunday. The speakers will be tht
    60 words
  • 381 25 LONDON. Fri. Stock markets failed to establish any dftinile trend during the early part of the session but developed a distinctly brighter appearance in the afternoon and finished a generally satisfactory week on a firm note. Selective buying of Industrials took place just before the close and there
    381 words
  • 326 25 RANGOON, Fri. Singapore and Thailand in the and third to Burma in the four by 100 metres relay, refused for one and half hours today to receive their medals at the second South-East Asia Peninsular Games here. Singapore had lodged a protest through their manager, Mr.
    326 words
  • 109 25 SINGAPORE, Fri. The Prime Minister, Mr. Lee Kuan Yew, will lead a five-man delegation of the Singapore branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary' Association to the Malaysia Solidarity Consultative Committee meeting in Kuching on Monday and Tuesday. The other members are the Minister for
    109 words
  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 329 25 CLASSIFIED MVERTIS£iIEJ.TS TO JOYCE unil M:ilcolm son .tt on 15.1261 Loth well. Thunk* to doctor :imt nunrs. -V f I I GET THE BEST OUT OF f V^^t <&!z 1* YOUR LIFE AND HAVE f UNINTERRUPTED ENJOY f^if '''*f&% I MENT AND DERIVE THE UTMOST OUT OF YOUR i INVESTMENT.
      329 words
    • 57 25 1~"- I .•■v-': -'V v ':'v:v' .-^':V y •■■•■^^^BjH^B fl I w II ■:V-A" .':;'.':=.V'ix.>:'. I mmmmmWk\ Hj'Mfr', WL GIVE HIM his happiest Christmas with Shown here Old Spice Pro-Electric, Super Smooth Shave, After K|lr#%j Shave Lotion, and one of the many attractive gift sets other single IHI items also
      57 words
  • Page 25 Miscellaneous
    • 44 25 The weather TJIGHEST a::d lowest tempera- lures in Malaya and Singapore lor the period 8 p.m. Thursoay to 8 p.m. veMtTday. Hit best Lowest Kual.i Lumpui 88 15 Kota Bhaiii 86 75 88 73 Ipc.h 90 72 Malacca S8 73 Siii"..|>ore Bti 73
      44 words