The Straits Times, 14 September 1954

Total Pages: 14
1 14 The Straits Times
  • 16 1 The Straits Times. Nat** 1 1 flew*"** Estd. 1845 SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1954. 15 CENTS
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  • 390 1 Drastic action proposed on schools BIG SHUT-DOWN PLAN DRASTIC move bj the Singapore Government fl to control schoola in the Colony was annonnfl d yesterday. (iovcrnmcnt s;ii<l it intended to introduce ;il llic nexl meeting of the Legislative I which, if passed, would rive it powers lo: school
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  • 132 1 BLITZ ON SECRET GANGS 92 rounded up: Clashes reduced IN a move against se--1 cret society activities. Singapore police detained 92 people over the week-end for questioning. The big round-up was carried out by officers and men of ClD's Secret Societies branch. Mr. Peter Claque, the Police Secretary said: "It
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  • 75 1 Goh died to prove his friend right (^OH SIEW TONG touched an electric dluk yetterday evening to test a friend's word that it was alive and It cost him his life. Goh. 31-year-old Hainanese. and his friend. Loo Tong Damn, were preparing coffee In a boose in Bukit Timah Road,
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  • 25 1 WUERZBURG. Mon— Twin daughters were born here toArrhciuke Otto von Hapsburg. Pretender to the Austrian throne, and his wife, Princess Regina. A. P.
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  • 281 1 WE DEFY GOVT, SAY STUDENTS Eleven are 'unshakeable' not to report for National Service ELEVEN Chinese school students who are liable for National Service yesterday declared their "unshakeable determination" to defy the Singapore Government. Applications by the 11 students for the postponement of their National Service were recently rejected by
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  • 35 1 CAIRO, Mon —Egypt Is faced with her greatest floods for 50 years a s the swollen waters of the Nile rose rapidly today, floodine areas of Cairo and villages to the .south— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  35 words
  • 129 1 FROM THE MAN'S SHOP OF A.D. 2000 THESE outfit-, were shown at the biennial congress of the International Federation of Master Tailors in Rome. They are prophetic, say the makers, of the clothes men will wear in the year 2000 The tailor;, hope that h> then the world will be
    AP  -  129 words
  • 59 1 LONDON, Mon. Senator Alexander Wiley, chairman of thp United States Senate com- J mittee on Foreien Relations, flew from here today to Paris. He is due to have talks with M. Mendes-France, French Prime Minister, on the situation following the rejection of the European
    Reuter  -  59 words
  • 44 1 LONDON. Mon. -The Marquess of Reading. Minister of State at the Foreign Office, will lead the British delegation to the meeting of the consultative committee of the Colombo Plan in Ottawa from Oct. 4 to 9, the Treasury announced today. Reuter.
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  • 36 1 PARIS. Mon.— Sir John Kotelawela, Prime Minister of Ceylon, will be the official guest of the French Government for a flve-day visit beginning on Nov. 10. the French Foreign Ministry announced today. A P.
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  • 32 1 VATICA I CITY. Mon.— The Pope has warned Catholic pharmacists against dispensing birth control drugs. He urged them to be moved neither by desire for profit nor by compassion.- A.P.
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  • 383 1 It 'hurts' Nehru to speak English ONLY ONE-THIRD OF PARLIAMENT KNOWS HINDI, SO NEW DELHI Mon DRIME Minister Nehru claims it "hurts" him to address the Indian Parliament in English but that hf must because one-third of the lawmakers do not speak Hindi, the national language of India The Prime
    AP  -  383 words
  • 39 1 A 66-years-old woman. Blbl blnte Eusoff, was yesterday struck dead by lightning in Singapore. Police said she was picking up sea-shells on the beach at the sth mile. Paslr Panjang Road, when she was struck.
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  • 26 1 The University of Malaya will hold its annual convocation in the Oel Tiong Ham Hall. Cluny Road. Singapore, at 3.15 p.m. on Oct. 16.
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  • 227 1 rEV 'vere expected by airline officials. THEY were expected by airport officials. THEY were expected by the Press. But THEY failed to turn up— last night at Kallang Airport. Singapore THEY are two Ministers for External Affairs Mr R. G. Casey of Australia
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  • 247 1 DULLES: WE'LL HOLD REDS OFF FORMOSA But he becomes coy when asked about U.S. help for Quemoy DENVER, Mon. 0. I Secretary of State. Mr. John Foster Dulle*. reporting to President Eisenhower on the tense Far Eastern situation, expressed confidence yesterday that any Chinese Communist assault on Nationalist Formosa would
    AP  -  247 words
  • 117 1 USE 7th FLEET— KNOWLAND NEW YORK Mon.— The U 8 Senate majority Leader Senator William F Knowland, said yesterday the Navy's Seventh Fleet "should be used if neces sary to defend Quemcv Island Senator Knowiand. speaking on television, added: "I do not believe it's in our national interest to permit
    AP  -  117 words
  • 93 1 NO, NO, NO, SA YS JAP PAPER TOKYO. Mon— The influential Japanese newspaper Asahi .shim hun said today that intervention by the Seventh Fleet in the event of a Communist Chinese attack on the Nationalistheld islands in Formosa Straits would lead to a situation "nothing short of war." The Asahi
    Reuter  -  93 words
  • 147 1 TAIPEH Monday. VATIONALIS'I planes again poured bombs and a1 rockets on Communist gun positions and troop concentrations at Amoy and nearby points on the China mainland this morning. A Nationalist spokesman said Chiang Kai-shek would not call off the air-sea assault against the Chinese Communists
    Reuter; AP  -  147 words
  • 71 1 'Peace' roses for Malenkov Co SAN DIEGO, Mon— A ship-! ment of 17 white California roses was on the way to Premier Malenkov today as a peace symbol for him and his 16 chief associates in the Soviet Government. The roses were sent air express by the California State Florists
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  • 144 1 Plane crashes in bay: 25 saved RIO DE JANEIRO, Mon. DESCUE boats yesterday 1%1 saved 22 passengers and a crew of four from a Dakota airliner which crashed into the bay of Rio De Janeiro. But one woman died later aboard a police launch carrying survivors from the plane. which
    Reuter  -  144 words
  • 43 1 I (M i; lILKT IN LARI V NOBMNG CRASH lour people wrrr in inri'rt .it lr.t>t one mti tuislv uhrn Johorr CM r.m into hj< k of .station .iry .irm>< <■ in.n seventh mile. Kast Coast Singapore, rarlv Ifcli morning.
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  • 40 1 ORLEANSVILLE, Mon. Death toll in the disastrous earthquake which struck North Africa rive days ago jumped to 1.600 today when search parties found 307 bodies in a mountain village completrly wiped out by the shock.— UP.
    UP  -  40 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 34 1 Your prized SILVER PIECES r&rj Restored Lf-^S/RKITISH ELECTRO-PLATINC COMPANY LIMITED W^t 9 -A-31. Pcnang Rd. Phone 6377 ilc* kiik 1^ I m w You'll be glad it's Q/Jl*yr+ IPs 'MIR.L tLtCimC CO. .MALAYA. LTD
      34 words
    • 144 1 *=AlinoSi* y SCOTT ENCLISH (S.E.A.) LTD. SINCAPORE KUALA LUMPUR j# PHILIPS^] I TOP LINE HITS! i itwkii; lame P sirsf/\ aj The KM'i Laiit Flf ht Thrre Must be a Bcason Long Distance Lore Someday 1H***** 1H***** Sitting In the Sun Your Chratin' Heart Hrv Joe! I Believe 8H***** |i
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  • 375 2 AND BREAK DOWN THE 'UNWORKABLE' OLD TRIBAL SYSTEM QNLY greater understanding of the Man Mau and their problems can bring the Emergency in Kenya to a satisfactory end, Dato Panglima Kinta (Dato Haji Mohamed bin Mohamed Yusoff said yesterday in
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  • 57 2 KATHERINE HEPBURN is one actress who |ust doesn't care about fashion. In the picture above, taken in Venice, she is seen wearing a straw hat, an old shirt aid casual slacks All that and Kathie's big grin |ust about sums up
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  • 193 2 The 'back' teeth in SEATO —NOT THE TYPE THAT SHOWS WHEN YOU SMILE SIR JOHN SYDNEY, Mon. rl Anglo American bomber force provides the "bark teeth" in the new South -East Asia Treat}: Organisation. Marshal of the Royal Air Force Sir John Slessor. said here today. Sir John, former Chief
    Reuter  -  193 words
  • 319 2 The thin hoy beats the fat boy OXFORD. Mon. rHE body build of a seven-year-old child can be as reliable a guide to future ability as any intelligence test, doctors claimed at the British Association meeting here. A surrey of 100 healthy Oxford children has shown that thin boys and
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  • 39 2 PANMUNJOM. Mon— Three hundred South Korean war dead were returned to the United Nations Command by the Communists today in another exchange of bodies. The United Nations, in turn, delivered the remains of 400 North Koreans— A.P.
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  • 119 2 TOKYO. Monday. ONE hundred thousand Japanese workers employed at United States military bases throughout Japan started a 48-hour strike today in protest against the dismissal of 25,000 workers. They are also demanding an 80 per cent increase in severance pay The strikers claimed that 130.000
    Reuter  -  119 words
  • 53 2 MOSCOW, Mon. The Soviet Foreign Minister, Mr. Molotov, said yesterday that "the time is ripe" for the establishment of normal diplomatic relations between Russia and Japan. Mr. Molotov said that If the question of normal relations is solved, then "concrete questions between the two countries could
    UP  -  53 words
  • 161 2 LONDON, Mon— For 55., or, even Just a few pence, engag- j ed couples are being offered j "an insight into the mysteries of married life." The offer come 6 from two clergymen. They are 39-year-old the Rev. Kenneth Jones, happily married
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  • 16 2 JAKARTA. Mon -The -ador to IndoneiU pj Dimitn Zhukov, i* di> H tomorrow —U.P.
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  • 170 2 mother NTW V() p, T HE Mother of R^ 1 Applet "constant personal requ Labour P:ir ,v 1 Clement Attlee 1 release of ho r I' eate said yr torday !< one has i, Kno nrarr) hrr hiisl rd honir fr< H»*art Cat hoi, nriKhho,,r W V)
    Reuter  -  170 words
  • 157 2 LONDON, Mon. The masscirculation Sunday Pictorial yesterday strongly attacked the Marquess of Milford Haven, cousin of the Duke of Edinburgh and best man at the wedding of Queen Elizabeth and the Duke in 1947, for writing a series of articles about hus famous friends including
    Reuter  -  157 words
  • 17 2 PFREMBAN. Mon. —A > savers' bsbocl formed .--oon nt Port Dicker, Mr M K mitte today.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 160 2 Jk f J J Your cakes and pastry v. ire lighter, more dipei:i f nle a Joy to eat when I -hey are made with 's^^> s^ I/ 1 Spr>-. Its perfect con- V\ Jlf /> sistency gives a quick tho: v \^>* V n-.ix brings out the fullness ot
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    • 144 2 Ut/UV)/UVI/()\j|/(|/U/l»\lW>\i»\ll/O/i MMMMMHIM MM .v >/>i ■MafUfUMWWU /mW \m\\ p m\ \\\\m\ •mmW^l (O* y^ X^B^Baflaill I I V\ 1 V I 11 Thw lovely yountrsters feel MMg|MM\fl no happy lively that th«»y can »rarrp|y wait to grow up and JOHN PHILIP |b\ iacm the world for therrsplvps. GREGORY Surh ronfidrnrp
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 508 2 ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦> GET YOUR ENTRY IN FOR THE MALAYAN MONTHLY $20,000 MUST- BE -WON WORD PUZZLE 'B\ CET YOUR POSTAL ORDER NOW. MMMKHHtttttt +-t--f-t--t"f +-f -f -^*rWi\\ MUST be (t\^l\l WON V\\ mwr 1 **^a**\\\*T^^m\wr^r^^a*W^^^^^^^^R WW&i TUESDAY -j Straits Times I WORD PUZZLE "SS" Cur out jnd pin wirti other coupons
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  • 364 3 \rmy chief defies premier 0d flatly refuses to go into exile in France SAIGON, Monday. MILITARY coop in South Vietnam threatened I I((( |;i> as Army Chief of Staff, General Nguyen V)l Hmh, refused to accept virtual exile and ar ned it becoming; difficult to
    AP  -  364 words
  • 140 3 n\ iROI Bl 1 Northern 1 ranee, Mm. I here ire in- iting a claim Mir-old steelthai .1 M.MIIK irryinf two little Pd ,1 the bottom umd burn marks where the man saucer landed else. the itory the Mariu Do>ld then: reading in my on Friday
    Reuter  -  140 words
  • 33 3 LONDON. Mon.— A special Siamese military mision landed here today on its way to the United States for urgent tulks on bolstering Siam's deln the face of growing Communist threats. UP.
    UP  -  33 words
  • Article, Illustration
    41 3 THE moment of impact as the linrr "Italia" and a tut collide at Cuxhaven (Germany). The tut sank almost immediately, trapping the radio operator and the captain's fivv-year-old son. The rest of the tint's crew escaped. A.P. picture.
    AP  -  41 words
  • 126 3 DIBRUGARH. Mon. MORE than 1,500 people are fighting a round-the-clock battle to dismantle buildings in the path of the swollen Brahmaputra River, which Is steadily swallowing up this rich tea town in Assam. In the last 24 hours three acres in the business
    Reuter  -  126 words
  • 195 3 RANGOON, Monday. 'THE Burmese Premier, U Nu, railed upon the two opposing world blocs to "decide boldly to take the path of world peace," and to sit together at round table talks. "Burma will attend such a conference lor peaoe in Southeast Asia if invited",
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  • 75 3 DENVER, Mon. The U.S. Attorney-General, Mr. Herbert Brownell, and the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Mr. J. Edgar Hoover, said after talks with President Eisenhower here yesterday that the administration's aim 1 was "utterly to destroy the Communist Party" and its activities
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  • 24 3 CANNES, Mon. The Aga Khan yesterday continued to make good progress after the attack of bronchitis he suffered last week-end. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  24 words
  • 177 3 EDEN SEEKS ITALY'S O.K. ON IT BONN. Monday. rpHE British Foreign Secretary. Mr Eden and the A West German Chancellor, Dr. Adenauer, reached "complete agreement" today on bringing Germany into NATO. They announced thrlr agreement on the "possible solutions' to rearm Germany and return her
    UP  -  177 words
  • 231 3 Less tension now after my tour, says Attlee SYDNEY. Mon— Mr Clement Attlee, the British Labour party leader, said here today that his visit to Russia and China had eased tension in both Moscow and Pekina This was felt by British representatives in both countries. Mr. Attlee said at a
    Reuter  -  231 words
  • 55 3 NEW DELHI, Mon— Mr. Anil K. Chanda, Indian Deputy Foreign Minister, said today that all Americans on the United Nations Kashmir observer team are expected to leave Kashmir soon. India has protested that these Americans cannot be truly neutral now that the United States is supplying
    Reuter  -  55 words
  • 35 3 MANILA. Mon. A small tornado today whirled through Cagayan de Oro. a city of 50.--000. and flattened eight homes, injured eight persons, uprooted scores of trees and tore down walls. -A.P.
    AP  -  35 words
  • 108 3 LONDON. Mon. AN American was sentenced to life imprisonment In Shanghai yesterday on charges of spying for the United States, according to a New China news agency report. Named as Hugh FrancLs Redmond, of New York, he was said to have been engaged
    Reuter  -  108 words
  • 67 3 NICOSIA. Mon.— The Mayors and Municipal Councillors < f Cyprus have made a Joint protest against the decision of the British Government to condemn Cypriots to eternal slavery." The protest has been sent by Dr. ThemLstocles Dervis. Nationalist Mayor of Nicosia, to the Secretary General of
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  • 67 3 HONG KONG, Mon. The I United State* consulate here today sent two representatives to the Chines j border to meet two American newsmen and a j ship's captain whose release has been announced by the i Peking government. The consulate, although without deflnit? notice when
    UP  -  67 words
  • 43 3 LONDON, Mon.— The British Government has agreed to the appointment of Mr. Huan H. c iane as the Chinese Government's Charge d'Affalrr.s in London. He will be Communist China's first diplomatic representative to any nation of the [Western alliance. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  43 words
  • 39 3 NEW YORK. Mon. American films should earn about U*****,000,000 about the same as last year— from other countries this year, Mr. Eric Johnston, president of the Motion Picture Export Association, predicted today.— A P.
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  • 421 3 LONDON, Mon. ITNCERTAIN condition* prevailed J In stock market* today under the Influence of the Far Eaxtern political situation and the prospect of tomorrow's heavy settlement. Business was at a considerably lower level than at the beginning of last week. Gilts attracted only a modev>t amount of attention
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  • 24 3 LONDON. Sept. 13.— Cash Buyers £739; Sellers t740; Forward Buyers C737'i; Sellers t738; Settlement £739. Turnover a.m. 50 tons; p.m. 110 tons.
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  • 34 3 LONDON, Sept. 13.— Spot 20\d Oct. 20 t d., Oct.-Dec. SO^.d., Jan.Mar. 20\d., Apr-June 20*« d. JulySept. 20«% d., Sept. c.l.f. 20*»d.. Oct. c i.f. 20\d., Nov. c.i.f. unquoted. Tone: Very steady.
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  • 97 3 Johore iron ore for Japs again TOKYO, Mon— Sri Modan Mine in Johore State, which before the war fed morr than 10.000.000 tons of iron ore into Japan's Industries, once more will supply Japanese iron and steel furnaces. Kyodo News Service said today. The Japan Mining Company has contracted for
    AP  -  97 words
  • 33 3 SAN FRANCISCO. Mon —The United States battleship, Missouri, on which Japan's surrender was signed in September 1945, left here today for Bremerton i Washington), where she will be decommissioned. Reuter..
    Reuter  -  33 words
  • 148 3 TOKYO, Mon. Thousands] fled their home" tonight as one of history's most terrible i typhoons slammed into the southern Japanese mainland The monster 300-mile wide storm, labeled "Typhoon June". .swept in from the Pacific with centre winds up to 110 m.p.h. j These slackened to
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
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    • 111 3 SHEEPS' TONGUES IN ASPIC so much better when made with DAVIS GELATINE Available in 2-oz, 4-oz, S-oz, 16-oz, pkts. SINGAPORE COLD STORAGE C 0. r LTD. and itching AGENUINE'BAYER'PRODUCT, [BAYER] MANUFACTURED IN V 7 LEV ERKUSEN, GERMANY t nOTCDtOII SIMOW6 »<»4T» >v^^ by i ocnc lotmm you can always te11...
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  • 303 4 7HEF 4LL OW^F MORE THAN TWO MONTH'S RENT, SO— 'WE NEED THE CASH TO PAY OUR BILLS' THE Singapore Improvement Trust is being i -impelled to take action against tenants who arc more than two months In arrears because of
    303 words
  • 130 4 MARCH through the town A ;«nd a civic urlrnme by thf mayor helped to make memorable the visit which 10 members of Sinuapore Boys' Brigade companies paid to Grimsby. the Lin(olnshire fishing port. [iritnshy people who did nut see them in person watched them
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  • 104 4 A Japanese stowaw.iy. 22- bound for South America from year-old Kazanari Naca- Kobe. vnma. the first to arrive in Nagayama was found by the Singapore since the war, was crew and handed over to the '■epatriated to Japan yesterday Sinpapore port authorities hi
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  • 35 4 JOHORE BAHRU. Mon. Sheikh Dawood. a shop assistant was fined $10 in the police court today for trying to smuggle two cartons of cigarettes. The duty payable was $10.
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  • 82 4 His car was a danger to everyone HORACE DOUGILL was yesterday charged in the City Police Court with failing to maintain his car in a fit condition He pleaded guilty to all the charges and was fined a total of $75. The prosecution said that an inspection at the Vehicles
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  • 31 4 SEGAMAT, Mon.— Tap water will soon be available for the Malay settlement of Kampong jabi and for people living south of the Buloh Kasap new village.
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  • 163 4 after strike at textile plant VLTHILE pickets stood outside the crates, a skeleton staff kept Malaya's only textile factory operating yesterday. It was the fourth day of a I strike by 400 workers at the Malayan Textile Mills factory at Bukit Timah. Singapore. Forty
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  • 100 4 MALAYA will send a delegation to the next conference of the International Confederation of Free Trade Unions, opening in Calcutta next month. Twenty other countries will be represented at the talks, the first of ita kind to be held in Asia. The conference will
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  • 72 4 SHIP CALLS AT SPORE FOR REPAIRS The 3,317-ton Panamanian freighter Kali, bound for I Jakarta from Bassein. Burma, made an unscheduled stop in Singapore yesterday after her steering gear broke down suddenly. The master of the disabled vessel cabled his agents, Barretto Shipping and Trading Company, and made direct for
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  • 43 4 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. Terrorists fired two shots at a special constabulary post on i Sydney Estate, in the Kajang area of Selangor. in the early hours of yesterday morninp. They made oft when the .special constables returned fire.
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  • 65 4 JOHORE BAHRU. Mon. A man. who claimed he had found a revolver and ammunition and had intended surrendering them, was sent to gaol here for three years today. He was Uman bin Hajl Anuar who walked Into a police ambush near Kampong Ayer Merah. Mersing, on
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  • 27 4 IPOH, Mon— A branch of the National Association of Pcrak was formed yesterday at Sungel Raia, a small town .^ven miles south of Ipoh.
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  • 120 4 PENANG. Monday. AN elderly Chinese woman knelt in the Penang MaA Ristrate's Court compound today and prayed for "Justice for my son." Inside the court, her son. Knay Seng Hoclc. 17. faced a tentative charge of murdering j a contractor. Cheah 800 Yong
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  • 101 4 Accused of taking firm's goods WEE CHENG HOCK, 48 of Tembeling Road, who was sentenced to 10 months' gaol on Aug. 28 for misappropriating $18,675 of his firm's money, had three other cnarges explained to him in a Singapore court yesterday. Wee was alleged to have misappropriated 70 cases of
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  • 38 4 The Rt. Rev H. W. Balnes, Bishop of Singapore, returned to Singapore last night by Cathay Pacific Airways after attending the World Anglican Congress and the second assembly of the World Council of Churches in America.
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  • 120 4 MPs see the no-door baths at St. George's PENANG Mon. rnHREE touring British A members of Parliament, Sir Roland Robinson, Mr. R W. Sorensen and Mr. Percy Morris inspected the controveisial baths at St George's Girls' School durinß their week-end visit to Penang. The headmistress. Miss B E Chapman, conducted
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  • 83 4 Two Singapore Traction Company bus conductors were yesterday accused In the First Criminal District Court of each misappropriating 10 cents in fares. Choo Jin Hoe. who pleaded guilty, was gaoled for five months. Teo Thian Sek. who denied the allegations, was convicted and gaoled for seven
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  • 167 4 THEY WILL KEEP WOMEN OFF THEN STREETS IN THREE WAYS REPRESENTATIVES of some 40 Muslim M n "ay in Perak yesterday took threo vital? f r atli^ at^bin, prostitution and its <«£&»«£ A joint committee, set up at a or*»u yesterday named action committed I C Ipoh, Taiping and Teluk
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  • 107 4 PENANG, Mon. A YOUNG married woman, Lim Kirn Suan, 22, was saved from the sea off Butterworth's Mitchell Pier yesterday in her panties. She tell overboard soon after the Penang Harbour Board ferry launch Tallang had left the pier. In the sea
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  • 59 4 A detective saw Wee Tpcr Slang show a set of obscene pictures to some Malay friends and try to get them to buy some. Inspector M. Mclntyre, pro secuting. said this In the Singapore Sixth Police Court yesterday when Wee, who pleaded guilty, was fined $20
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  • 72 4 PENANG, Mon.— Din bin Ibrahim, fined $10 or three lays' gaol, today asked the Penang magistrate, Inche Shaikh Abdullah: "Don't you :hink three days" gaol is not inough. your honour?" "Never mind." the court rejlled. "We shall try to obllcc you when you cor time."
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 189 4 GENERAL ELECTRIC unltf the XEW spiivv ntiskvr ha.% 2^\ this BITTER COMPARTME\T h£ j t at no mxtrm cast kevps V <J* J butter S-P-11-E-A-D-A-B-L-E! XT^^ ■Lll^^^^ &O.V. k/a^-J 222§225i3^H~ Naw'SrU**" 'SSD TWENTIETH CENTURY CO p0 Xt I Bintani Rd K." Lumpur. %itLO^..,cfliS *J~ hC^^^W^^^ J VARIETY RADIO SERVICE. Ilk
      189 words
    • 167 4 ftfIMMMI«aM<MMMMaMIMinA#I%iI%«»fMMMIMHMIMMMM 1 1 nil A P^'( CEILING uanfl j An CBtl ely c < ieric> f rC WLk rhe USHA DELUXE hi I c C^fe* quallty ><d C performanceSPECIAL FEATURES 5 Highly efficient cjpacitor motor with low conivmption. C High air distribution. Unity power factor. C Beiutifui'y (treamlined to suit
      167 words

  • 145 5 He set off alarm after bandit gang had sneaked into village after dark SEREMBAN, Monday. MALAY boy is today the hero of Kamponjj jjnjang, K>i miles north-west of Seremban, in nihilan. nighi when 30 terrorists sneaked into the nd took two shotguns from Home Guards
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  • 125 5 A VM J°H°RE BAHRU, Mon. NWAR BIN AMIN, an employee of Gunong Pulal waterworks, who hit a fellow worker with a hammer, waa for nine months by Mr N I. Cohen in the Sessions I today. He was also ordered to pay the complainant. Abdul. $300
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  • 28 5 Sulaiman -old Home (.tomenchoh is bound over ite for force on Yun wife of a I in the r < t it commuted May 14.
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  • 48 5 The first Far Ea*t branch of Lhe Intelligence Corps Com--ades Association has been Formed in Singapore. Thirty :nen. from all walks >f life in the Colony, are its irst members. All former members of the rorps who are in Malaya may oin the association.
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  • 83 5 JOHORE BAHRU, Monday. charged yesterday with causing the i an unborn child by an art not amounting ible homicide. Chens Ah k ;,;i'm ared beCohen In ri Pontlan. d to plead -Hi that she beat mother and have a mischarßrd under the Penal Code I
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  • 29 5 1 Mon. A Field oporatinp; in the of North Krdah i three armed rmed bandits in a gun battle. •>flcd. No casualipported. jp operations are
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  • 32 5 Mon. India's Vallathol and his troupe, now on a ■a. will be guesta tea party given community at •^morrow at rive a prrthe Methodist hall at 8.30 p.m.
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  • 36 5 A total of 5.275 proplo have so far bren registered as citizl'ns nf the United Kingdom and the Colonies since reiiLstration WM open on July 1 th ßeJSsmtlon will t*m on Sept. 30.
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  • 34 5 ■■HRU. Mon. A came v i a sar npan from a iian island wa: 8i ssions Couri r enleratlon withoui born In the Fed I'Thni^i d only committee nee.
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  • 19 5 a ill hold ting Blue Room at d ol the •inn to I i rnor. k, to
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  • 28 5 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. Terrorists cut telephone wire* near the 43rd. mile. Johore Bahru-Ayer Hitam road, on Saturday night. A few terrorist pamphlets were scattered about.
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  • 118 5 A SCHEME for an exchange of lecturers has been arrang- i ed between the University of Malaya's Department of Social Medicine and the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. I Under the scheme some of the world's foremast medical espertf will teach in Singapore lor about
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  • 29 5 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon.Vislting Congressman G. Utt. chairman of the UJS. Senates Ways and Means Committee, today called on the High Commissioner. Sir Donald MacGillivray. fcr informal talks.
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  • 28 5 Wesley Methodist Youth Fellowship. Singapore, will hold its annual variety concert at the Wesley Church Hall. Fort Canning Road, at 8 p.m. on Thursday and Friday.
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  • 46 5 MISS SONIA LOH. 18. a Malayan student in London, shows a Chinese fan to the British marathon runner Jim Peters, his wife and his son Robin at the international handicrafts exhibition which Peters opened at Olyrapia. London. A.P. picture.
    AP  -  46 words
  • 260 5 AND TWO QUIT ELECTION CONTEST PENANG, Monday. 4 ROW developed at the annual meeting of the Penang Clerical and Administrative Union last night because election ballot papers were opened a day before the meeting. Two candidates for president Mr N. Ponnudural and Mr. Yeoh
    260 words
  • 95 5 NURSE WHO GAVE US A SHOCK rplllS is the Singapore nurs- mc sister. Miss Wilhelmina dr Cruz, who is reported to have made "crave charges" at a conference in Quebec last week about "mercy killings, abortions and sterilisations" in Singapore hospitals. Miss de Cruz and another Sineapore nurse. Sister Betty
    95 words
  • 94 5 A MOTHER of four. Yeo Oim Hiang, 26, of Choon Guan Street, was not happy because she was living with her In-laws and a large family, a Singapore inquest was told yesterday. While working in the kitchen at 6.25 p.m. on Aug. 2 she drank a
    94 words
  • 28 5 A reunion dinner of all past and present ranks with Airborne Forces will be held at the gymnasium. Tanglin Barracks, Singapore, at 8 p.m on Friday.
    28 words
  • 44 5 IPOH, Mon. —An Indian, aged about 55 was cut Into two when the day mail train from Kuala L.umpur ran over him on the line near the railway bridge ir Falim yesterday, The police have not identifled the man.
    44 words
  • 246 5 Women to the minister: Resign BUTTER WORTH. Mon. THE UMNO women's sec--1 tion, Kuum Ibu, Province Wellesley branch, carried a resolution here yesterday calling for the resignation of! the Member for Education, Dato E. E. C. Thuraisingham Thirty delegates from six branches, with 100 observers, asked Province Wellesley UMNO to
    246 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 140 5 NAM WHATT 88, Arab St. Singapore -7. to the RE- OPENING OF THEIR NEW PREMISES TODAY Choose the Latest Dress Fabrics oS outstanding Qualities and up-to-date Designs in comfort. We can pack your complete home (except the house) and arrange for all types of REMOVAL or STORAGE. Just telephone *****
      140 words
  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 299 5 BJB^MSSJBffSVSJIS^B^BW RADIO MALAYA A If. 8 :57 Enplifh Schoois Broad- j 11 10 English Schools Broadcast*: 1.00 p.m. The Week-.-pi\ 1.30 Time Signal and 45 Hot Rhythm: -'00 EnsMsh Schools Broadcasts; 6.00 Time ncemeni and Programme Summary: 6.20 Happy Annlver--1.40 Uutimtkm To Play; tonouncemcnti and sine.iPtinre Market Report 700 Time
      299 words

  • 26 6 <•/» SI H (minimum). U K. ARULIAH: At Puncuriun ..54. aaed 54. proprietor Ceylon Restaurant. K lala Lumpur. r ral tonk place In Ceylon i .Cable.
    26 words
  • 761 6 The Straits Times Singapore. Tues. Sept. 14, 1954. Progress In Brunei Unique ia a hard worked word, hut there is some reason for using it on Brunei's behalf. This oil State of KMMM people has ;i Government surplus three times larger than its expenditure, nn unemployment, a five year development
    761 words
  • 540 6 Taking Things For Granted The picture of Dr. Edith Summerskill peering into a "cace" in Singapore's Chinatnwn has probably left a deeper imp'.T.-vMon on most Malayan minds than anythine said by the British Labour Party visitors. This is understandable, for here was a touching story of poverty and hum;m compassion
    540 words
  • 1713 6  -  Leslie H. Palmier By Mr. Palmier, a postgraduate vstudent of I the London School of Economics and Political I Science, University of London, spent two j I years in Indonesia under the auspices of the j I United Kingdom Treasury Committee for Studentships in
    1,713 words
  • Man – in – the – Street
    • 138 6 AfUCH has been said about the inefficiency of priiT vate school teachers. Most of their students fail in the School Certificate examinations, but not I because of the teachers. Most of the stiMents rnmr from Chinese and Tamil schools. schools only want to
      138 words
    • 160 6 fT»HANKS. Seremban. It's good to read at last praise for police lieutenants. As the wife of one, I am convinced that the people who condemn police lieutenants know that no police officer Is allowed to write to the Press, hence no answers. If.«
      160 words
    • 120 6 Working hours of town board USUALLY every Government office in Kedah starts work at 9 am. Recently, I went to the Town Board office at 9 o'clock to pay a bill. Some clerks were already in th« office but some were still standing outside on the fivefoot way talking. joking,
      120 words
    • 90 6 IN fairness to Mr. Chan Kum Chee, It should be pointed out that he is only carrying out the policy of the Singapore City Council and that he has no power, even if he had the desire, to vary the principle laid down, except with the
      90 words
  • 286 6 Many voj a s personality rontr trivet wa ys undn j culture. ha This hapnonpd "nd of i. Society dlr Arrau. an extren occasion by th» w n r v i: mentis*. someoi to meet Arrau. <y i W Uld there were people wl heard a opinion,
    286 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 710 6 CLASSIFIED ADS. M H»»rf. Sl* i minimum). :e of Squadron D inn. R.A F.. I son. v n* r nospnai, Cham or, 1904 WHYTE On 11th September. ' Marcaret Hos enltot, to Phyllis nee vife of Lieutenant iE> J M Whi te Ro-al Navy, a son. ACENOWLEDGMENTS Hit $1« (minimum).
      710 words
    • 32 6 Leak-proof in all Climates CERMAN PEN if m with Ink Filling ot incomparable capacity. At Serwre Stations: EVERBRICHT OPTICAL CO 19. (hull* St.. Spore-1. ENC SENC MEDICAL CO.. Ml Quri- St.. Tenant.
      32 words
    • 84 6 St/etuftme Jcdams MOOELH(TYPEPE6O)^ Just wait unti; y i. J design and cabinet styling the nr« iJM Is years ahead. Nrw -shape I ''s enormous improvement T qualities. Controls are convrnirn A on side of eaoinrt „gfr. I valves, calibrated band -si shortwave. "TonemaM. r V Fully troplcallsed. Operates ,n AC
      84 words

  • 170 7 Malayan Monthly $20,000 0 FINAL LIST OF PRIZE-WINNERS MONTHpleased to an- there were utiny claims Word A. list, as he Sunday there:.nal. money irtrnts of divided as of $15,000 Is ,s w \k \k\ r i Singapore 1 111 h Ml. Monks sincaporr-M; l M n llorrrn <nn each, money
    170 words
  • 16 7 Daud. who alW" "»r three goats to stray Road on Aug. $3 In Singapore
    16 words
  • 449 7 SELF-GOVERNMENT JUST AS SOON AS IT CAN BE GOOD GOVERNMENT 'GO ON AND MAKE II A GOOD JOB 9 nOVT t KUAI A LUMp UR, Monday. JjU.N I set yourselves a target date for self-' government," was the farewell advice of
    449 words
  • 101 7 Seamen fail in bid to quit the Easi Two iiblp-bndied seamen from H.MS. Newcastle, now at the Naval Base, said in the Third Criminal District Court yesterday that they did not like the Far East. Ronald Turner and F. G. Brough were charged with entering the Harbour Board area unlawfully
    101 words
  • 77 7 When Chua Choon Seng, a member of the Singapore Civil Defence Corps, was charged in the Second Criminal District Court yesterday with failing to appear for training on Aug. 13 and 20. the prosecution offered no evidence against him. Inspector Elam Din, prosecuting, said that Chua. a.
    77 words
  • 39 7 R. P. Hopkins of Ordnance Directorate. General Headquarters, was fined $20 in Singapore yesterday for driving a car at a speed of 55 to 57 m.p.h. alone Bukit Timah Road at 12 20 a.m. on July 27.
    39 words
  • 253 7 EVEN THE TENGKU GOT OUT TO PUSH IPOH Mon THE three boats pro- vided for Sir Robert Boothby and Mr. Ralph Assheton, the British parliamentarians. and their party, for a river tour yesterday. took more than three hours for a scheduled one-hour Journey of 14 miles from Kuala Kangsar to
    253 words
  • 89 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon.— As three British Members of Parliament were returning from a visit to a tin mine they saw an Indian girl standing on the road bleeding badly from a cut on her head. The MPs. Mr R. W. Sorenson. Mr. Percy Morris and Sir
    89 words
  • 40 7 Singapore will have two new labour exchanges at Serangoon and Siglap by the end of this month the acting Commissioner for Labour, Mr. C. W Lyle, said yesterday. They will be open two afternoon a week.
    40 words
  • 47 7 Wong Sal Chow. 18, of Banda Street accused of carrying chap-ji-ki slips, told a Singapore court yesterday that he had taken on the "job" only :i lew days before he was He pleaded guilty and was fined $4,000, or three months gaol.
    47 words
  • 164 7 KUANTAN. Mon.— A 12-man i delegation from the East Pahang division of UMNO will visit Johore in early October to see how state elections are conducted and help their party j there. This was decided at a com- i mlttee meeting here last
    164 words
  • 58 7 MR. CHI A TENG SIKW. M-i-ond son or Mr. and Mrs. Chua Boon Guan of Kuala Lumpur gives an engagement ring to his fiancee. Miss Saw Lay Int. younger daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Saw Seng Kew. at a betrothal
    58 words
  • 234 7 DROPS 80 FEET TO DEATH AN attractive 17-year-old Singapore schoolgirl, Jessie A Ho Poh Choo, fell 80 feet to her death from the top floor of the nine-storey Improvement Trust flats in Upper Pickering Street shortly after midnight yesterday. She left her home in Prince
    234 words
  • 118 7 Don't plead guilty magistrate OIK Tiong Bahru car owners I yesterday heeded the j advice of the Singapore City Police Magistrate, before whom they appeared, and pleaded not guilty when charged with wilfully causing damage to scuppers belonging to the City Council Mr. J. M. Devereux-C.)lt>-bourn told them: "The court
    118 words
  • 53 7 Jagindar Singh claimed trial in Singapore yesterday to driving a van under the influence of liquor to such an extent as to be incapable of having proper control over It on Saturday afternoon at the Junction ©f Stamford Road and Armenian Street. He was offered $500 bail
    53 words
  • 140 7 r»HUA SUI MENG. a medical student who was involved in an accident while riding a motor cycle along Tanglin Road, last November, yesterday claimed from Lt.-Cnl. A. J. O. McNair special and general damages In the Singapore High Court. Mr Dennis Murphy, for Chua. said that
    140 words
  • 57 7 RAF fly past tomorrow Parades will be held at Changi, Seletar and Tengah airfields tomorrow to commemorate Battle of Britain Day the anniversary of the R.A.F.s victory against Germany In 1940. At 8 a.m. there will be a general salute and 35 aircraft will fly past. Mosquitoes. Meteors. Vampires. Sunderlands.
    57 words
  • 45 7 The War Office has agreed to reduce the period of qualifying service of Army civilian employees for pension rights from ten to eight years, said Mr. 8. T. V. Ltngam. president of the Army Civil Service Union in Singapore, yesterday.
    45 words
  • 173 7 THE GAUNTLET FROM DATO TAN K LUMPUR, Mon. NATO Sir Cheng-lock Tan, President of the Malayan Chinese Association, today challenged the M.C.A. "rebel" member, Mr. Woo Ka Lim, to a public debate. This was the DatoV reaction to a statement by Mr. Woo yesterday that the "real traitors" to the
    173 words
  • 134 7 Frigate hunts pirates FISHERMEN GET PROTECTION ••THE Now Zealand frigate A Kaniero, which re('■nfly arrivod In Siticjuporr from Auckland, is out hunting for pirates off the Borneo coast, a British naval spokesman said in Singapore yesterdnv. Thi.s is one of the many patrols which the Navy has undertaken recently to
    134 words
  • 192 7 P?nn he n !l st tlme ln the 100-year history of Sinpapore Victoria Theatre. Its stage was damaged during a, recent performance by "tre- mendou* stamping of the foot It happened la.<=t Thursday night when the Vallathol Kathakall Troupe's leading I actor
    192 words
  • 43 7 White a S.ngapore waitress was asleep In her home In Kitchener Road on Sunday, thieves went through her almeirah and stole cash and valuables worth $330. They even took a bunch of keys under the pillow on which she I slept.
    43 words
  • 34 7 Junior Triancles nf the Singapore Y.W.C.A and Y.M.r will hold a combined "H ok Line and Sinker' programme at the V.M.C.A. premises In Orchard Rn a d at 3 p.m. on Saturday
    34 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 144 7 The weather MIMMi M TEMPERATl'RE (7.30 p.m. on Sept. 12 to 7.30 a.m. on j Sept. 13 Singapore 79 degrees. Penanjr 73, Kota Bahru 75, Kuala Lumpur 72, Ipoh 72, Kuantan 73. MAXIM! M TEMPERATl'RE (7.30 am. to 7.30 p.m. on Sept. 13 1 Singapore 86 degrees. Penang 90, Kota
      144 words

  • Article, Illustration
    964 8  -  Christine «H MONDAY. I WANT to do some fishing and as we are Eoing to Pulau Übin tomorrow, husband comes home with two wooaen reels and two hanks of nylon Rut I undo one of the hanks vhtob annoyingly squiggles into a knot. It takes me at
    964 words
  • 401 8 Now pair-oft is the latest in seperates says MAXINE RAKICH "pAIH -OFFS" are the latest in scperatcs nd they have been created to take the wearer limn the office to cocktails, from the market to the club and are adaptable for almost any occasion. They are classics as tar as
    401 words
  • 174 8 SPECIAL a recipe for I Chicken Chop Suty. J For two you'll need: loz. margarine: Sou. bean sprout* (if you ran get them I; lots, thinly sliced bamboo I I shoots: Sow. mushrooms, also I thinly sliced: one medium onion, finely chopped; 3 small tomatoes peeled
    174 words
  • 46 8 rpHAT to avoid that A greasy appearance on a car windscreen you should rub it over once with a slice of freshly cut potato. It is also of great aid to good vision when the windscreen wipers are at work in a downpour.
    46 words
  • 219 8  -  DRUSILLA BEYFUS ELIZABETH FEW By By Two views on the new Pahs line WHO likes the Flattie? I do. She is going to swing the tide of fashion away from girl s who have had all the aces for years. Just think of the plight ofthr "sweater
    219 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 37 8 mmmmm "T H^fj£*" .^P^Jb^P^^b^b* WwKmKC^f^ Alto Birds Eye Vegetables and Fish c**e \-S^ tf) ere' s in I the freshest foods you con buy. t biJ y n **st* ce Ctl >c f SINGAPORE COLD SiukaGE Co.,liD.
      37 words
    • 217 8 The best baby po wder *> skmfrnm Icon's Bab, pi BABY POWD J C^vmovi4o(tmw gt. bmtain» ltd. sio^h I The Borneo Company Limited mm HHC3! KEEPS YOUR MOUTH HEALTHIER! Why Dr. West's tooth- brush is better for your fC -^^<, Inch-long brush-head I f^"^- Jl^ with three rows of bristle
      217 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 333 8 -p. 21. He ?ave me a strange look In Straits Times Crossword 2 4r s 1 n n or; 4 on 6 .i S h.rdto k eep 1 26. "Canst thou not— to a mind dls. ea.-ed" (Macbeth") (Bi. 11 Hill HH i nUI* HHI l^^ 6 I^^' [PH 28
      333 words

  • 1732 9 STRAITS TIMES SPECIAL FEATURE He used fortune to free slaves CHANTS and aristocrats coaching along the York-Newcastle i 1807 might have observed a thin-faced youth trudging by ie. George Angas had walked hundreds of miles from London -with ample money in his pocket for coach fare. stood heir to the
    Daily Mirror  -  1,732 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 151 9 1 C •■c same i I—! amount IB of fuel I Can take ou up to 10% farther \l r /I and vl^^v il equipped with -t on Spnrk Plugs, depend on get~rre mileoge and For Chompions it produce a it gmtes all the c cHomber. CHAMPION SPARK PLUGS L
      151 words
    • 154 9 r iS^ fl CRAVEN A' FOR SMOOTH CLEAN SMOKING Largest-selling Jfffl^ cork-tipped cigarette f in the world. ifpt^B Imported from London MM w^^^ v^r I PARIS 1 'M.M Hlfc liiiiiM 11""^^^ AIR-INDIA J/Tvt&rnjUCnutL AOELPMI HOTEL. SINGAPORE TEL- *****. Your dentures cleaned safely and easily Genlly but thoroughly SterjJcnt dejns and
      154 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
      202 words

  • 284 10 Finance is urgent for rubber replanting LONDON, Mon. rE Financial Times said today that in 1 "modernising" rubber plantations the problem was to find "adequate finance for the provisioning of an urgent replanting programme." The newspaper went on: "In this connection It Is pertinent that the Malayan Rubber Industry Factfindlng
    Reuter  -  284 words
  • 49 10 August rubber crops announcec are Amalgamated Malay 64 750 lb Borelli 66.500 lb.: Conneraara 52.100 lb.; New Serendah 54.500 lb.; Bassett 30.500 lb.; Koala Siddim 113,544 lb.: Kempas 324.500 lb for July and 334.700 lb. for August. Radella 14.300 lb for July and 15.200 lb. for August.
    49 words
  • 381 10 RUBBER OVER 70 CENTS Big jump by GaaJ By OUR MARKET ORR F SP( N fOR the first time since July 19 t T rubber closed in Singapore vp«i j Pn the 70 cents level. Lack of sellers and ing reports of conflicts between the \J Communists in the islands
    381 words
  • 21 10 SING \pori TIN 1 'up I] H>* hJ RIBBFR a lb. (up elevi.i,"^ ths nf h 'V 1 1
    21 words
  • 102 10 AUSTRALIAN STOCKS Th° Stock Exc.ti^? quietly today i waiting to Je < ho* %J* the v The specila: J Interest. Here holding ofl until discovery is made iTSLI or uranium field &2 1 support r- '.cans IK% 1956-59 £J5;, Loans 3V- 1956-59 £96 Ul Aust. Consol Ind A.P.M. mew, ij
    102 words
  • 326 10 The Malayan Share Brokers' Association reported "With a few excec tions Industrials were firmer on the local share marke* but tliu were dull and irregular with insufficient buvr.ess to test prices. Rubbers continued to be neglected." Members reported the following business done yesterday: —Con. Tin Smelter ord^ 285.:
    326 words
  • 79 10 Ships lyinx alontsidr the Sirujapore Harbour Board wharvr* or expected today are: Corfu 1 2. Sudan 4. 5. Amaglsan Maru C.P j Llmburg 67. Norman Lykes 89. Brnlomond 11, Memnon 13 14. Astyanax 15/18. City of Poona 18. Petaling N. Wall 6. Selangor N Wall 8, Sadao N.
    79 words
  • 125 10 September first grade buyers f.nb closed In Sa^H yesterday al 70 H eleven-sixteenths of i Saturday's di a H closin? tone was steady .-'H There was a ma B with a certa::. support and U Closing prices yesterdiv H per lb. were:— No. 1 R£:H loose buyers 69
    125 words
  • 117 10 Singapore t ninew r Exchange: DM 7* were: H Copra: quietly steady *PJ $28 4 buyers $28 3 ,1,^8 October $28 12 bu.venJ»J Coconut oil; unchanpe. i^m steady; $48 12 srilCT JJ unchanged, no businaj g Muntck white $212 $210. Lamponp Mac* > .^H H.f B. LUi elwini
    117 words
  • 41 10 The U Association irP gft^B, chance^ I yesterday jj New iork ■afs I Kelliiu rslc CI *M ware: W 9 16: S-ai Francs Holland OK B 136' S»edi>h K Kroner I or T.T. ■SIU I one tael ol fl>M
    41 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 310 10 Choosing your Brandy r I Mp vso p ;w COGNAC J v.s.o.r. t Connoisseurs of brandy gladly pay a little mere for a OOfMC which they know to he of •superior quality. \This h why they instinctively order Remy Martin V.S O P They know it i» made from grapes
      310 words
    • 494 10 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS I ASSISTANT AUDITORS. Malayan Audit Service. Salary Scale: Cadets $252 x 12 276 p.m./ Exam.: Assistant Auditors $336 x 12 420/ Exam/438 x 18 600 p.m. plus COLA. Qualifications: Cltltens of the Federation. Candidates must have attained their 20th but not their 26th birthday on Ist September J954.
      494 words
    • 454 10 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS APPLICATIONS are Invited for the Post of Lady Supervisor, Malay Schools Selangor iCoast), Selangor State Education Department. Salary and Cost of Living Allowance as for Normal Class Trained Teacher In English Schools (Basic $216x59 60--$331 ,348x512-5432) plus nonPensionable Allowance of $30 Per Mensem. Qualifications: Normal Class Training plus
      454 words
    • 438 10 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS APPLICATIONS are invited from Federal Citizens for two posts of Storekeepers In the Publlc Works Department, Perak. Applicants must h:i\e attained their 17th but not their 23rd birthday and must have passed either Standard VII or Standard VIII In a Government or Government-Aided English School. -The salary scales
      438 words
    • 812 10 NOTICES BRITISH MASTER MARINER BEVEN YEARS Unbroken Command In local waters. First Class References and Business Connections Permanent resident Singapore. Own home, car, and telephone. Available immediate employment, preferably ashore. Box A 8539. B.T. AVER HITAM TIN DREDGING LTD. DIVIDEND The Directors have declared an Interim Dividend of Is. per
      812 words
    • 228 10 SEREMBAN MAGISTRATE'S COURT, C/ 8. No. 133/53. RM. KURUGAPPAN of No. 14 Jalan Suleiman. Muar Plaintifl versus SEE TOH NAM of 3rd Mile. Siknmal Road. Seremban Defendant TAKE NOTICE that an Aotion i has been taken against you for the recovery of the sum of 1 48 1.42 being principal
      228 words
    • 72 10 ♦^.cadi MESSACERIES MARITIME 5 I ETA lASTBOUND Soiling 2 2Ut>* ANAD»« 1lS«»t OYONNAX to Saigon, Tourone, Haiphong lS»api m ,,< sot ssa 23 See* MUX ROUSSEL to Soi,on 17S*pr> MIM I I J7 Seat KINO to Saigon. Manila. Hongkono 4 lopon "Sapt oon\ II Sept GERARDMER to P. Shorn, p
      72 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 944 11 < rt s MANSFIELD <Sc CO., LTD. Mil I i Singapore) BLUE FUNNEL LINE ,rtion t< proceed vio other ports te leed and rfL.k L.VEF.POOL. GLASGOW. LONDON. A CO^MnVaTVoVts* So"* Mm p eoong ««pt 14/14 G3l Sept,./,, OC 3/ 4 Sept 29 Oct S Oct 4/ 7 Oct Oct I
      944 words
    • 1151 11 EAST ASIATIC LINES SAILINGS TO CONTINENT/SCANDINAVIA ft Aden, Port Sold, Genoa, Antwerp, Rotterdam, Hamburg, Gdynia, Copenhagen, Gothenburg A Oslo .i >-iiu.» Spore P. Shorn Penang J A^ A fort c Ji J ERRIA" 17/18 Scat "5?M G MIA "«/27 Sept 28/28 Sept 29/K Sepf "MEONIA" P 7/lJ Oct 2 i/n
      1,151 words
    • 1075 11 S^ng THE BEN LDIE STEAMERS LTD. SINGAPORE (IncorporotecJ m tha United Kingdom) < LINES SAILINGS TO U.K. and CONTINENTAL PORTS S'pora P S'hnm Penang Benvennoch for Avonmouth, Lonoon, Hull In Port IS Sapt Benortew for Liverpool, Qosgow, Hamburg 14/22 Sept 21/24 Sept 23/ 24 Sapt Benorty for Hovre, London, Newcostle,
      1,075 words
    • 1240 11 McALISTER CO., LTD. TEL: No ***** ELLERMAN BUCKNALL KLAVENESS LINE LONDON, HAVRE, ROTTERDAM, LOS ANGELES, SAN FRANCISCO, HAMBURG A HULL PORTLAND. SEATTLE A VANCOUVER and for USA., North Atlantic Ports Accepting corgo for Central A Soutt and Conoda via Colombo American Ports CITY OF POONA FRANCISVILLE Spore P S'hom (Trying
      1,240 words

  • 232 12 THE oldest locally estaDlished Chinese bus concern, in the Colony, the Tay Koh Vat Bus Co., has put 19 new London type buses worth $450,000 on its new rural-urban route. Mr. Tay Soo Yong the general manager of the company said that a cheap and
    232 words
  • 43 12 A dinner was given in Malacca last week to 100 dealers from Malacca and North Johore by Malayan Breweries Ltd. to mark the introduction of Elephant stout. Leading dealer. Mr. K. P. Da wood asked for the appointment of more wholesalers.
    43 words
  • 548 12 A Malayan Chinese factory exports to Europe HIGH SPEED CUT RATTAN A RAPIDLY expanding; secondary industry in Singapore has been started by a young businessman, Mr. Tan Hock Lye, and is unique in that it is the only high speed machine cut rattan business in the world operated by a
    548 words
  • 93 12 ilStlVft* Mr. Michael W. Turner. Chief Manager of the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation. Is now making a tour of his bank's branches In the Federation before returnIng on Sunday for a few days stay in Singapore. After that Mr. Turner will leave for Borneo to
    93 words
  • 302 12 Malayans are asked to Jap trade fair MALAYAN as well as businessmen of other nations have been invited to take part in the Japan International Trade Fair which is to be held in Tokyo next year from May 5-18. The fair's exhibits will include textiles, machinery and tools, metals, chemical
    302 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 288 12 build bfJ^A health and N^) strength '^^W with %V~C% BOVRIL > BORNEO r. Sole Agents for Smgno<"' «"""O b'amhri. r^fr suuuUh/ %o QUICK so SAFE so RELIABLE Flatulence, heartburn and indigestion are some of the symptoms that excess acid in the stomach can cause. A teaspoonful of fi r»' ,fl
      288 words
    • 65 12 i over 50/o mori American prefer CAMELS to any other cigarette Soys Horry M. Wooten, C^ v^s. leading American have spoken! Again, America's confidence in Cornels grows! And you deserve to know why. There s nothing like Cornels' unique con binotion of genuine mildness and rich, full flavour t honks
      65 words

  • 242 13 Top-notch jockey for Daniels Jeep jottings THE Dan. els Mao els bringing out a new AuHral an jockey. He If. Harold Hanley. a top-flight Sydney jockey who achieved one if the rarest of Cup "trebles" la^t .season when lie wen the Australian Cup. the Sycney Cup and the Coronation Cup.
    242 words
  • 353 13  - Breukelen's sprinters in rousing gallops EPSOM JEEP By ■jw, van ureukelen stables sprinting stars, Prosperity, S.S. Commando and the rapidlyimproving Above All, drew attention on the training track at Bukil Timah yesterday morning when most of the Class I sprinters engaged tomorrow, second day of the Singapore Gold Cup meeting,
    353 words
  • 55 13 Entries for the Singapore Badminton Association's national champion, ships (men's singles, men's doubles, women's .singles, women's doubles, mixed doubles, veterans' singles and veternn.i' doubles) will close on Sept. 29. All entries should be sent to the Hon. Secretary. Mr. Quek Keng Siang. c o Singapore
    55 words
  • 141 13 TMf Olympic flame, on Its way from Olympla in Greece to Melhnurne wherr the 1356 Olympic Games are to be held, will burn for the firnt time ever In Singapore when the Qantas Airways plane bearing it makes a stop in the Colony. The flame will
    Reuter  -  141 words
  • 37 13 BODCA trounced 3 BOD by B—o8 0 in a Dlv. 2 league hockey match played on the 3 BOD ground yesterday. The scorers were Oupta (3), Razak >2> andKhalid (1).
    37 words
  • 34 13 Ceylon Sports Club beat the PWD Sports Club 2—o in a Dlv. 3B league hockey match played on the CSC. ground yesterday. Yogarajah and M. K Sundram scored for Ceylonese.
    34 words
  • 27 13 The B HA. Div. 3A match between Singapore Harbour Police and H.M. Customs was called off as the S.H.A. ground was unfit for play.
    27 words
  • 756 13 P W D L F APt* Volves 7 S 1 1 16 8 11 Manchester U. 7 5 1 1 17 9 11 lanchester C. 7 4 2 1 12 9 10 Vest Brom. 7 5 0 2 19 12 10 >reston 7 4 1 2
    756 words
  • 410 13 LONDON. Mon I IF FIRST impressions can be a I guide. the amended Rugby Union laws appear to be promising Operated In South Africa, Au»iralla and New Zealand In their own recent seasons, they are now being seen In practice In Britain where the Rugby
    Reuter  -  410 words
  • 222 13 SINGAPORE Recreation Club had a close call In their S.H.A. first division league campaign yesterday when they just managed a 1-0 victory over I .1 till Wanderers on the padang. Rcc6 have still not settled down and there was a conspicious absence of
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  • 297 13 Police's two late goals beat SCRC POLICE won their opening Serloi Division hockey league match with a 2-0 vlcton over Singapore Chinese R.C at tne Depot ground yesterday. Both goals were scored within the last ten minutes of play and Chinese can only blame themselves foi an unlucky defeat because
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  • 44 13 Newly affiliated Shell Sports ClJb have withdrawn from Dlv. 3B of the Singapore Hockey Association's league competition. This leaves only trn teams In Div. 3B »nd 46 sides In the league 12 each In the other three sections.
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 261 13 JtrHAV °R.GAK IS AT iON .ATTRACTIONS -."vine mit now "showinc" 'motion picture so enchanting vii.l lift you out of your seat ON WINGS OF JOY ANI)^ iHffimW&S CINEMASeOPg riM wonder ol 4Tro<l.. High-Fidtlny Sl«r«»»henic S«und lON HIHB -DOROTHY M.(. (IKK— JKAN PETFRS < lM ,iH'I.N .loUJl.w MAGGIE McNAMARAROSSANO BK.AZZI Pll
      261 words
    • 78 13 Probable top-sprint line-up OROBABUS l!ne-up and Jockey* for the Clans 1. Dlv. 1 6(. Kprlnt at Buklt Tlmiih tomorrow ar«' I'INKCOLOR Mulley) 9.03 \DKI.AIDK STAR (Bacby) 9.02 KORKST BEAI' (Sawyeri 8.10 BRIDGE LAW II iMawi) 809 CIWM POINT (Mitchell) 7.13 ril.OT PI TEH i— 800 STARRY (Clarke) 8.04 lORAMTA 8.02
      78 words
    • 340 13 m^ ■ffISHAW BROTHERS^i; bL VVal Safl HH 1 W&4 N(>Ti I Tn *I ■^^U^^»Mfirt| 111 low V* 15 STARTS TODAY! #> CRITICS AGREED J WITH NEW YORK: "'^pk FIRST CLASS fc jPHmT i A DR L A S MA AR 'THE HIGH Alls THE I w MIGHTY B WahnkkColom THE
      340 words

  • 214 14 Hamid gets four for Brickworks i ALEXANDRA Brickworks B.C. (Group D winners p qualified for I the seml-flnal round of the Business Houses League and Cup competition when they eliminated Borneo Co. K winners i in the knockout I round at River Valley Road yesterday with a s—o5 0 score
    214 words
  • 59 14 Result* of friendly soccer matches played at Farrer Park yesterday: Indian Brotherhood Soccerltes beat Tuan Mong OBA 2—o Muthusamy and Kandasamy were the scorers. Singapore Water Department beat Johore Water Department 2—l. Poh Tong and Ramasamy scored for Singapore. Bakrl for Johore Star Boccentet> beat Rainbow si
    59 words
  • 699 14 fWELVE records were broken at x the ninth Muslim New Year sports meet held at Jalan Besar stadium on Sunday. Young Men's Muslim Association won the team championship with 37 points Police S.A were runners-up with 26. In the "A" division. Ingau Ibrahim Mb Abdullah
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  • 115 14 Xl ALA LIMPIR, Mon. j PENANG and Singapore are ex- j petted to get $6,000 each as their share of the gate from Sat- i urday's Malaya Cup Final here. The rrowd was today estimated at 6.000 including holders of free ticket. The total
    115 words
  • 87 14 JOHORE BAHRU, Mon. The I annual soccer match between Malays and Chinese for the Tong Seng Cup played annually on the occasion of the Sultan of Johore's birthday will take place at Muar on Friday. The followinc will represent the, Johore Chinese: Chan Yew Heng,
    87 words
  • 29 14 Army beat R.A.F. 3—o In the first ;ea of the lnter-Servlces Challenge Trophy soccer competition at Ayer Rajah Rood yesterday. The scorers were Wark and Scott.
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  • 220 14 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. E. C. DUTTON of Selangor and Chla Boon Leong of Singapore, voted the two best footballers In Malaya In a recent competition sponsored by Praser and Neave Limited and Lion (Coco-Cola) Limited, will leave Singapore by plane for the United
    220 words
  • 147 14 IPOH Mon THE RDY Cup knockout soccer competition for Dlv 1 teams which eluded Klnta Indians for the eigth consecutive year when they went down 3-2 to Cheng Wah in the final. Cheng Wah. thus scored thrtr second "double" for the second time since the
    147 words
  • 266 14 NO KIM HOCK (Flower B.P en. tered the final of the Slngapoie Badminton Association Junior singles t hamplonshlp when he beat Tan Guan Hong (Mayflower) after a gr-elling battle of 15 6, 13 15, 15 8 In the semi -final. Kirn Hock will now
    266 words
  • 323 14 IRIANGUUR MEET ovv -THE PROPOSED triangular athletic c nt 1 Ceylon Federation and Singapore lS* the Ceylon Amateur Athletic XS£Bb!SS to send a team to the Colony The Ceylon A.A.A.. at an .emergency meeting, turned down the latest offer of Mr. M Saravanamuttu, Ceylon's Am-bassador-designate
    323 words
  • 260 14 Marines gets off to 5 -0 DISPLAYING their ■ound nf tn P safa'^?*l :ompetttin n easjj, h J**"* S i «jS MM be ami, I Mending champmn' of,! 1 first dhL^ion league mUielr last I«.«.VnS!?? 1 I fJ« Marn.r I tlck-ofT. and Orr...r Av ;helr nippy forw irds J^" I**1
    260 words
  • 50 14 The Singapore Base District six-a. side hockey tournament will begin tomorrow. Twenty-two Services teams have entered for this year's competition. The first and second rounds will be played off tomorrow, third round and quarter-finals on Sept. 18. and the semi-finals and final at Nee Soon on Sept. 25
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  • 23 14 Sprinpdalf Sport? Clvb nllfll irom Football Turn <HOJ Bahru. :n a friendly jnrce? nuid^H Parrer Park at 5 15 p.m onFnadM
    23 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 812 14 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS. (Continued from Page 6) SITUATIONS VACANT Word. $5 (Mm.) Box .io rt». fxlra. WANTED English Speaking Men to Teach Driving. Must lx> able to :n well Apply Box A 8544. S.T. PORTS CONSTANTLY AVAILABLE for European. Eurasian Chlne.M' Stenographers with good speeds Appl. person. illy. Joar. I ittle's
      812 words
    • 760 14 ACCOMMODATION WANTED it »Wtk ti (Min.)— Box ill rlt. txtrm. FURNISHED FLAT or Bungalow required by two European Bachelors Evans Telephone *****. EUROPEAN REQUIRES Small self contained Flat or Part House, unfurnished. Tanglln/Holland Road area. P.O. Box 544. BUNGALOW REQUIRED. Two Bedrooms, Garden. Electricity. M. S. 01 Hygda. Unfurnished »200.
      760 words
    • 796 14 VEHICLES FOR SALE :n Wor4, U (Min.)— Box it Hi. txtrm 1948 FORD Prefect, Taxed/Insured, excellent condition, $1,375. View 3. Veerasamy Read. 1948 STANDARD 14. new paint. Taxed Insured, excellent condition. Price $1,100 0.n.0. Tel. *****. 1952 MORRIS MINOR. Two door saloon. Registered Jan. 1953. Coni dltlon Perfect. $2,700 or
      796 words
    • 1 14 MORESPORT-P.13
      1 words
    • 28 14 :v: :-'x r r.ViV.v.Vi'lvlvlv.v fT\ Two's Company with i^A Playgrs II N?3 r^ Yei i £fhe Quality G| $> d a2V*W Cigarette ROSKOPF UNBREAKABLE MAINSPRINGS U^M AVAILABLE THROUGHOUT MAL«
      28 words
  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 28 14 SOCCER COMMUNITY LEAGUE: Malays European*. Jalan Besar. 5.15 ■Mm LEAGI'E. DIV. 1: B.C.C. v R.A.K. Changi, s( padang. DIV. 3A: RAF Tengah v GHQ. I FARELF, Tangtin Barracks.
      28 words