The Straits Times, 2 August 1954

Total Pages: 14
1 14 The Straits Times
  • 17 1 I QDMPLIMENT ATTV The Straits Times. Mom* tie**** l-t,l 1845 SINGAPORE, MONDAY, AUGUST 2. 1954. 15 CENTS
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  • 316 1 \\Yar officially ends in Central Vietnam area HANOI, Sunday. TIIK eitfht-year lndo-( hina war formally ended over nearly SB,OM square miles and for more than 5,000,000 people of Central Vietnam today. The mooting officially stopped at 7.00 a.m. under if the ceaae-flre signed at Geneva 10
    AP  -  316 words
  • 193 1 HUMAN WALLS HOLD BACK CHINA FLOODS TOKYO. Sunday. MORE than a million peasants and soldiers in China are battling to hold ba< k the Wfgfan Yangtze and Huai Rivers after "the heaviest rainfall in a hundred years." Peking Radio said today. At one point along the Yangtze, in Hupetl province
    AP  -  193 words
  • 42 1 MR3 W y (iIKM)N «ul»u of the manasrr of Kiil.n Oil Palms Kxtatr. luhore. arrivrd in Singapore ti% BOAC airliner >estrrda> from London. Mr (Jihson was killed in a terrorist ambush on i road in the cslatr on Jul*
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  • 126 1 Poppit and monkeys share prize H the Ihree inns ni the \\n U Tii/zle I ml put Ol Hie hrr monkey* major ihar« i» hc-r 1-' N <ar "Id in lii. i .vrii grndinc in v h i«l no I ii post office as p persuaded la the> 8
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  • 34 1 Missing boat corporal kind shot IMG KONO. Sun. i Chlm h with thrci back "i fi und aboul nl ol Hone spokrs- d last crew "i ten p!:Hvs car n her. rporal rind-. Reuler
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  • 17 1 Bui Game led ofl a hiefly p klstan In tiv (lommonteam pturn air
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  • 54 1 CHICACiO Sun Rartin in caused more th;u hes <>i costly mnrit it i:.. us champion hip- hen yesterday. Navy ipokestnaa said station in the area pn> nbly ;ui amateur broadcast pin "tit such ;i strong llgns that conteM participants losi :ontact with tlieir plan* i
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  • 20 1 MANILA. S-in. Polirc ai ir.strrl thror iv.ore Chinrse na tionala suspected nf Corn munlst actMUea last nicn
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  • 49 1 Puke n di vr-iopi'd in 'II >h:p Radel "fas>n were demonstrate to the sailorhusband ol the Queen during a three and hall m:le voyage down the Ottawa Ri\e r The Duke was particularly lmpre«aPd Witfl small device used to pick ui> fog alarm signal*. Renter.
    Reuter  -  49 words
  • 70 1 MX W SAVA(i.:. tanwi I)h<m lf»r-(iin<-ral of Civil Ulation, Malaya-Borneo rrei »n. arrived In B n «*^f' t air from London to attend th,- inquiry the onMrllation ravh it K.ill.niK. Mr Ssvacr «;>s met on arrival hv Mr. I nurup Pirector-Grneral of CIvU Aviation.
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  • 156 1 WHEN you compete in The Malayan Monthly's 5 $20,000 Must-Be-Wnn Contest you are match- in* your skill against fellow Malayans. This 2 contest E 9 Offers a fascinating puzzle on similar lines to the popular Straits Times weekly series, which has already paid out 5170,000
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  • 211 1 Xl \l M'MFIK, Sunday. PLANTERS should be given an "emotional stability' check up before being sent to estates in Communist troubled areas. Ka Federation doctor. letter to the planterlv magazine. Dr S W s says, too, that as far as le only bachelors -hould ployed
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  • 180 1 KUALA LUMPUR. Sunday. THE now Secretary of State for the Colonies. Mr. Alan Lennox-Boyd. in a teleuram to the Officer Administering the Government, said he would do all in his nmvri to forward the happiness and advancement of the colonial territories. Hr said hr
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  • 60 1 BRUSSELS. Sun. Bolaian Conßo tin producers .said they could not support a motion to reduce the ceiling price of tin under the International Tin Agreement as sußßosted by I Fiance and supported by Bri- tain. A hiun official of Coiiro tin mining iirm „aid the present
    Reuter  -  60 words
  • 42 1 CHARING. KENT. Sun. A man was killed and SO people were injured three seriously. when a coach collided with a stationary car rure today. The car was stationary after an earlier collision with another coach- Reuter.
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  • 35 1 LONDON. Sun. Mr. Chou En-lai. the Chinese Communist Prime Minister, arrived yesterday m Ulan Bator, capital of the Mongolian Republic, on his way home from the Geneva conference. Moscow Radio reported. Renter
    Reuter  -  35 words
  • 157 1 KIMA U MPIR, Sun. THE latest i**u* tne Pa nt" I er. the monthly magazine of the Incorporated Societx of Planters today attacked a suggestion by the New Statesman and Nation. ;i Briir h weekly, that i general amnest\ should be granted to the terrorists In
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  • 129 1 KUALA LUMPUR. Sun. V'ALETTAS from the Par Eav. Transport Wine operatine from Kuala Lumpur and Chanel dropped more than 650.000 lb of supplies to patrols in the lunclc and to forts and police posts durinc July. This i.s a 50 Der cent increase
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  • 123 1 Her suicide brings death to 5 others PARIS. Sun. I LONELY olri woman ctdr brought death to five oth^r p^^plf nrr t (>d v nrn a series of explosions in hfr' r1 kitchen -sent thrre storeys of an apartment tuinb'linK in Dame* onto the i quays of th. S<-inc.
    Reuter  -  123 words
  • 41 1 Slip and 4 died 1500 ft. below LAKE LOUISE. Alberta. Sin F< ur Mexican mountaineei s. three of them women, .-lipped and plunged 1.500 feet to their death Friday the snow-cap|ied summit of the 10.500- foot Mt. Victoria mar here.
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  • 37 1 I o\i)ON Sun. Russia to- (i;iv expressed her readiness to renew tiade talks with Denmark on condition that the Danes build her two tankers the issue over which ncßotia- tion.s broke down 10 days ago.
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  • 41 1 TAIPEH. Sun Chinese tionalist Air Force planes thil morning staged another leaflet raid on coastal centres op the China mainland. 90 mil p j northeast of Honz Kong, acI cording to a Nationalist Air I Force announcement.— Reuter
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  • 41 1 NEW YORK. Sun here are itaging weekend raids on uno 1 characters who have be* n darkening Times Square Broadi More than TO lottrn r ing in' mbers and km" n ex-crlmlnals w< n police patr I
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  • 114 1 6 killed in road smash 6 more hurt an lorry, bus crash KUALA SEI.ANGOR, Sun SIX people wen killr-rl when ii bus collided with ;i lorry four milrs north of hrrr last night. Another six were Injured rushed to h"v flian woman and a child were among those killed. The
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  • 38 1 hill H KMMWM Nepal mim De.dlll roll im Neaal worst tho4n ol e« ntm h I ri.sen la .it h isi ii' lal miil her i«"i < HI ed toil wmi ii -i i•< i, in-.h-rr B—tei
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  • 68 1 LONDON. Run. -The Briti h goodwill mission 'o and China this mon h will extend its tnur to inclurii* meetings with the Labour parties dI Singapore, Malaya, Japan and Burma it waa learned here today The delesation's cont.. the labour parties of Malaya. ire and
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  • 23 1 MANII Sun. The Unit* -1 plant to hold war unnipwh^re in th* to a spos man .it the Sangley Point naT
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 78 1 Yp. H .deSILVA rema Del Bel Paese a famous cheese in the handy Soldcn pack of 3Jox. It excites the palate with its delicious flavour \t «.l IT BANK HOLIDAY )r 'lurd Road-Wc rlose at 1 p.m. Deliveries as usual Telephone Order Dept. i. 'ill 4 pm. _Wf cl.»w H
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    • 118 1 Charm and Choice at Sena s The SSafeasWi »»6 unique ■BBMtftWi of |ewrllrrv. Cnld Jnd Silvtrwarr xlwayi availabl* »t Sent t n prob*bly »K« matt ritrnnvc jnd vxned in MaUy* H. SENA LTD. HIGH CLASS ICWELLERS SINGAPORE. "ENANC BANGKOK <&&*< sssssk 'N THIS j^^Jfl i|fiH^COMPETITIOM r" f*^\ J "rtsr rout
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  • 45 2 TEHERAN. Sun Floods have killed 150 people and wiped out 15 villages In the Qhazvln area, about 60 miles northwest of here It was officially stated One hundred people are mussing. 400 have been iniured and thousands have lost their homes— Reuter
    Reuter  -  45 words
  • 52 2 WASHINGTON. Sun —A* a gesture of friendship for the West German Republic, the Senate Appropriations Committee recommended yesterday payment of US$3OO,OOO to that country. It represents monrv rrroivrri from sale of the former German Embassy in Washington and Its furnishings confiscated during World War lI—
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  • 45 2 BURNOS AIRES, Sun —President Peron yesterday ordered the body of the Argentine racing driver. Onofre Marlrrmn broueht home by plane Onofre was killed In Germany yesterday hist as he wa s making a name in the motor raclne world— A P
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  • 27 2 PRINCETON. New Jersey Sun —The World Presbyterian 1 Alliance yesterday adopted a resolution calling for religious freedom fo r minorities in Greece. A p
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  • 206 2 —for this block of new offices Al2-STOREY skyscraper 1 which, it is claimed will revolutionise future buildintf designs in Malaya, will be built by the American International Assurance Company Limited. Estimated to cost more than $4,000,000 it will be airconditioned and have
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  • 37 2 OWBM BKAMKNT .irrixiN ;it I'.iddineton Station, London, for holidays from his m luxil in thr West ountry His In; Kaire includes a six-shootrr. bandolier, comics and three larce bottles of pop. Popper picture.
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  • 161 2 Church saves Malaya from 'disin te gration' LONDON. Sunday. T»HE Archdeacon of Singapore, the Yen. Robin Woods. x has told the memhers of the Singapore Dioresan Association at their London Festival, that the church was the one cohesive element in Malaya on the veree of disintegration. According to thr Church
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  • 267 2 DEVIZES. England. Sunday. I ORD VIVIAN. 49 year-old British peer, was found in lJ the grounds of a lonely weekend cottage on Friday night with a pistol wound in the stomach. Mrs. Mary Wheeler. 40. wa.I accused of unlawfully
    Reuter  -  267 words
  • 110 2 U.S. cars for rally of old crocks NEW YORK. Sun. A MF.RICAS 10 bent veaA teran ears were given a final spit and polish at the weekend for a hie challenge acainst Britain's >rtl rrcx'kv The veterans, none of them le>s than J6 year* old. are to a«emhle in Washington
    Reuter  -  110 words
  • 35 2 LONDON. Sun. Fifteen people— the crew of ll and four passengers -were rescued ftom the Norwegian shin Mildi:d when .she caueht nre m thr North Sea, seven miles off Alrieburch. Suffolk Reuter
    Reuter  -  35 words
  • 44 2 TOKYO. Sun Peking Radio said the Russian leader. Mr. Malrnkov sent Mr. Mao Tsrtune a mesaer yesterday Rod China's Army Day wishinc the Communist armed forces further achievements' in the "defence of the interest of their motherland and world peace —A P.
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  • 36 2 WITESBURG. Kentucky. Sun. A motor car plunged off the highway on Pine Mountain richt miles south of here yesterday and in the nre which resulted 11 persons burnt to death. A. P.
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  • 297 2 He is taken off: scientist sails LONDON. Sunday r PHE 3.219-ton Polish freighter .laroslav Dabrowski 1 sailed from London today for Cdynia takine an American scientist. Dr. Joseph Cort, and his doctor wife. Ruth, on the first stage of their ourney t., Czechoslovakia, where
    Reuter  -  297 words
  • 136 2 Mr. Creech Jones to contest seat AFTER lour y< ;ir.s in tho "wtn(?s' a fnrmrr Secretary of State for the Colonies If secklnK to take an active part in politics. He is Mr. Arthur Creech Jones, who was Secretary of State for thr Colnnieß in the Labour Government from 194fi
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  • 50 2 KARACHI. Sun. Pakistan has adopted a bill imprxsinc tariffs to protect home producied goods against foreign com--1 petition. I The bill provides protection [for cycle industry products (37.5 per cent duty, iron safe and metal furniU:rr '30 prr cent i and die>rl ermine.- (U per cent.—A P.
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  • 29 2 RIO DE JANEIRO. Sun.— The Foreign Office announced yesterday that Lebanon and Brazil have decided to raise their legations to the rank of embassies —A P
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  • 27 2 BERLIN. Sun The Fa.-' C-rrman Communists vesterriav rejected President fcisenhnwer's offer of food and other aid for flood victims in the Soviet zone— A P
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  • 27 2 VATICAN CITY. Sun The Pope left the Vatican yesterda> for hi? summer residence at Castelgandolfo in the AJban Hills. 15 miles south of Romr —UP
    UP  -  27 words
  • 40 2 BUF.NOS AIRES B I Italian girLs were knlprf ar three other members of thr, family suffered serious burr, yesterday whe n ea.= from leaky k:trhrn stove- explode a- it -.'as beinc lit for fast— A P
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  • 39 2 BEIRUT. Sun Tho I i National Front, sprakine behalf of striking shop* syndicate lraciers and otl ganlsations vp.«t*>rriay ra!lr\; off a thre^-riay-nid strike after the Onv agreed to release rir:r tors arrestod during Friday riots A P
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 496 2 When you nt\\ vnit BomKiv, ho if Ja/Sj^^ for huMncs* or plci-surr. May *r. the |^^B pnnxrly West End Hotel, the luxurious placr that serves up to the best v'VA International standards Its roorru arc y~" v^ ap-to-dale with iAdm, telephone and attached heths The air condibonrd -ft Lounfc. PtrmK
      496 words
    • 84 2 ■M v| OETftiNiaf LEADING m^ Postal Tuitio, lor Examination! c c MIGMIR SCHOOL cVp' LONDON UK r •B»OCI*TE or cr PWtCIPTOM ■it UNIVERSITr CORRESPOND* COLLEGf »*B SRHi TAB! in-i hi > RKI I I-M in i i i.Tn iim;t i ""STAIN WELD HARDWLLC FOR ALL STAINLESS STEELS FOR BUILDING UP
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 320 2 Singapore w V" ?;;r ST*2SSS •a.'nJß 7.15 ..m. Time Si.nM and Open- §SS?f O^^stTa"' IfiX *R T^l M^ZJX* HfttigK QSVSS SHSiI Bran H» %?™K'" i&'A En^llMi *h«il« Bra rtt ton .fm N S U Rlcold Revlew 930 Tlme 81 n l Mo K n< i y SO M h a°;;L
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  • 81 3 PARIS. Sun Roy Oarv. r the United States landed here tonight after a one-stn > ioJo flicht ictom the Atlantic fr^m Newfoundland in ncli'-englned B craft Bonanza plane Carver said he averaged about I 165 mph. reaching the Azores Island in 10 hours and using
    AP  -  81 words
  • 305 3 Goans seize Portuguese enclave in west India tx BOMBAY, Sunday. (i ()AN voI »ntecr\s" have taken control of Selvasa, the administrative seat of the Portuguese enclave of Najyar Haveli in Western India, without bloodshed or resistance, the Press Trust of india reported here early today. The agency said reliable reports
    Reuter; AP  -  305 words
  • 105 3 U.S. WILL SHARE MISSILE SECRETS WASHINGTON. Sun. THE United States has told all its agencies to Ro ahead with a plan of collaboration with Britain in the development and production of :ruided missiles. The Defence Department s;tid yesterday that all milii;,rv .servites and other Government organisations concerned in new weapons
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  • 25 3 MOSCOW Sun Twelve So- MrmchutUtl left by plainfor Paris yesterday to take part in the world championship jumping competitions there A P.
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  • 43 3 A FOUR-INCH yun mounting that helped to beat off Japans ••kamikaz"" suicide planes during the war is removed from the veteran Australian cruiser Sydney. The old toarship is being paid off before going to the shipbreakers.— Reuter picture.
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  • 228 3 WASHINGTON, Sunday. 4 SWEEPING new military manpower plan aimed at military duty for "all qualified young men." followed by compulsory service in a new reserve set-up has been approved by the Eisenhower Administration H was disclosed yesterday. The object is to prepare America for
    AP  -  228 words
  • 76 3 CAMBRIDGE. Sun AMERICANS arr smo- king more i-ifaret-tes with filter tips and bringine trade to Britain The head of the inter national rrlations drpart-mi-nt of thr British Iron and Strrl Krdrration said here: "American smokers have all takrn to smokinc filter tips "I am not surr
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  • 37 3 LONDON. Sun —Ten armed Chinese Nationalist agents who secretly landed in Kwanctune have been tried and sentenced to death by a provincial court after public trials, the New China News Agency reported today.— Reuter.
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  • 51 3 J. PBBD Ml <.OS, the Amrriitn > tn in r hi/it which annoyed Britain by appearing on the samr television programme us the Queen's Coronation, greets a French can -can dancrr named Lilo on an'val in Piris. He is now on a world good-will tour.
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  • 28 3 AURICH, Germany, Sun. Grandma Minna Dreesch had her 92nd birthday party yesterday with 35 grandchildren. 80 great-grandchildren, 12 gi cat-great grandchildren and thrir rldrrs present AP.
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  • 135 3 Use Trincomalee?— Not until we agree, says Ceylon OI.OMBO. Sun. rE Crylon Ministry of Drfrin and External Affairs yesterday declared in a rommuniqiir that there mild In- mi question of Trimnulrr iln- British naval base in O>lon. brine usrd in war without thr prrmiK«ion of thr Crylon (•ovrrnmrnt. Thr Ministry
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  • 174 3 'PARADISE FOR THE SUEZ SOLDIERS NICOSIA. Cyprus. Sun A £13.000,000 "paradise camp" being buit at Dekheila for 5.000 British soldiers from the Suez Canal Zone will have an English style public house, seaside lidos and bedside lights Work is being speeded at the model garrison being built on 1 the
    Reuter  -  174 words
  • 78 3 They start married life in lions den ABERDEEN. South Atrua, Sunday. A 49-year-old circus lion tamer wed a 35-yrar-old shop assistant in a lions" cage here. Seven bored lionesses formed a pyramid within a yard of the couple. Bubi Maier and Miss Numeri Killian but the magistrate stood outside the
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  • 29 3 LONDON, Sun— Festival of the worlds best films .starrinc child actors will be held at the National Film Theatre here from August 8 to September 22 R?uter.
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  • 30 3 DOftKINO. lEng.andi. b«in. Wh: t w«a described as a '\air *!zcd cartnq.iakc" was recorded Op. a seismograph here vrstrrrinv The 'quake was about 4.000 milf I away —A P
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  • 24 3 WASHINGTON. Sun The temperature climbed to 102 riosrro; here yesterday the hichest recorded in thr American ciiDital in 18 years.- -A.P
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  • 201 3 Norway shuns U.S. super movies' OSLO Sunday. DUBLIC disinterest in American "super movies" has r forced the Norwegian Municipal Cinema Association to cancel its agreements with American movio distributing companies, it was reported in movie circles here Mr. Kritopher Aamot. the association chairman and director of the capital's municipal chain
    AP  -  201 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 62 3 in < -i < > V L. V A N m Ik i iChinal Ltd.. //mm //Mm FLASHLICHTi I 4 -SIC f'\Lu%^/h', -12 --u= '^4^LJ^ for Ift labels y° u jy *(0 get this r>. 2^ labels you >£? Ask your dealer about it get this fa/ DISTRIBUTORS FEDERATION M
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    • 206 3 COTTONS f?> A JUST UNPACKED Uj Is*;^ Latest Collections ]f PRINTS, \WSKt PLA|NS fancy weaves mkm MORNING. flrysß AFTERNOON And \V ANSI \>ll I I S i \llll S IftfPl. 1114.11 ST. STAYING POWER Lister Hnqinßcrinq LldJ "Cathay hoteT 'Sl i)i'driM>in> in i iMiililiiini'd with iiiliiroom (rli'phiuu-: luxuriously furrmhed i
      206 words

  • 351 4 'Rebel' says paintings rejected here accepted in London 2INCAPORF/S "rebel" artist, Mr. Arthur (Johnnie) Johnson, yesterday said that the Singapore Art Society had rejected paintings that had previously been accepted for display by London societies. Last week Mr. Johnson accused the society of •'failing to do its job of fostering
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  • 81 4 Guidecraf t on show THE FEDERATION S biggest QM Guide show since the war was held at the Perak Turf Club. Ipoh, on Saturday, hooking at some of the exhibi ts of guidecraft are. from left to right: Mis* Helen McSwiney, Commissioner for Public Relations from Imperial Headquarters. London: Mrs.
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  • 94 4 GIRL, 14, CARRIED SUPPLIES FOR REDS JOHORE BAHRU. Sun. 4 14- YEAR-OLD Chinese Rirl. who was found with supplies intended lor terrorists, was ordered by the Juvenile Court here today to be sent to an approved school The prosecution stated that the girl was seer ridinu McyeM with a large
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  • 67 4 JOHORK BAHRU. Sun. The following have been appointed to serve on the Tangkah Hospital Board: Mrs Pang Kirn Hua. Mr. W F Vincent. Mr. S. Suppiah. M: N A Brooks. Mr Eugene Chong. Mr. Wong Yok Yee. Mr. A C John. Penghulu Mohd Nor bl^ Haji Mohd.
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  • 34 4 JOHORE BAHRU. Sun P< nsku Mahmud and Tengku Abdul Rahman, sons of the I"' ngku Mahkota. Johore. haw returned to Johore B.ihru from England to spend the .school vacation with their parents.
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  • 100 4 Sultan will open big garden show THE sultan of Belanfoc will open the Malayan Amicultural and Horticultural Asnociatlon exhibition at rhen Wu auditorium, Kuala Lumpur, on Saturday. It will be open until Monday. Imperial Chemical Industries Malayan' Ltd. have given three silver cups to be presented to the best exhibitors
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  • 30 4 JOHORE BAHRU. Sun. Mok Kai Eng. a woman, »a.fined $200 in the police com: today for having 1' 2 gallons ol UHcll samsu at Klapa Sawn nnv village
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  • 85 4 IPOH, Sunday 2OME 600 Girl Guides and Brownies from Perak took part in the Federations biggest ever inter-district competition yesterday at the Perak Turf Club. Heavy ratn in the evening caused some of the 16 items on the programme to be cancelled. Competition was
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  • 63 4 JOHORE BAHRU. Sun. The first prosecution under the Tenants Reßistration regulations came before the police court today when Keh Kirn Huat. of Ulu Tiram. was charged with failing to comply with the regulations. In a night check on June 5 a stranger was found -sleeping in his
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  • 34 4 Seventy trooDs rrom Britain arrived In Singapore yesterday in the Empire Orwell. The ship brought 141 service families to Malaya. In tramit to Kong Kong were 1.000 troops and 73 families.
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  • 177 4 Lame man said it with a gold foot BUKIT MERTJAM. Sun. 1 4 SINGAPORE Indian I yesterday presented to the St. Anne's Church a foot of gold as a thanksgiving for a healed leg. Another from Penang gave a silver orb for the cure of a boil under the I
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  • 105 4 KOTA BAHRL". Sun MR M. GOPALA MENON. Representative of the Government of India, arrived here yesterday on a farewell vwt He rr.ct the members of the Indian community at the Kelantan Indian Association pren si 1 In the afternoon. On arrival at the buildins.
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  • 27 4 KUALA LUMPUR. Sun. The Lien Pang Daily N Kuala Lumpur Chinese celebrated its second anniver sary here today with a partj which 300 guests attended.
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  • 121 4 ALL Singapore Government departments have now completed their financial proposals for the 1955 Colony Mr. E. R. Reeves Principal A-si.stant Financial Secretary in the Colonial Secretarial, said ye.sterday preliminary examination of these proposal bt Mr. presentation to th<Estimates Committee is now being carried out.
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  • 46 4 IT'S ROLL UP, ROLL UP AT THE FAIR 40,000 HAVE SE EN more than 10.000 people have turned iTI Singapore's sixth BMt-wai I. the Happy World over thr week-end On opening night. Saturd 20.000 people. 600 more than 1953 publii was due prorl'i a dinni 1
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  • 170 4 Tree expert retires to more trees KUALA LUMPUR. Sun. A MAN who has spenentire working life In the company of trees, will soon r< tire to his native province In India and takr up tree-study again— this tiny as a hobby He is Mr. P. K. B. PUlai. 55. a
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  • 3 4 Corruption alleged p
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  • 54 4 MRISI in K Inin c i,, „l I 3 POR| in ih Oriri.l.i (.irl- STKAIT> t 1 HIM M v.< Road tfnni- i m buildm. t m i builrtr (and Uhlr trnnl I I i^ for \i R-lfllr.. I- IMMW \U\| iimIIIM M I i! lltl I
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 287 4 a glass and a half of milk in every Jib. Hf^^|» Cadhurv Brother* Lid lake pleasure in presenting "Tin ,i>inmenlai\ hv Huhard Attcnbornush .inrt featuring thr Phil *vt+ Mnl if' Rournvillc Story", a I.CMXIft Trrhmrnlnur tilm ot i |^ctor\ harmnnu On hcslr.j conducted b\ lames W ilkcr #J|MHHHHMbW^ kßHihuCßH^b^bWl^^ in
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  • 79 5 I ST PETERSBURG Florida, Sun. I^HE Dnttad st ues entered the American ront final of the Davis Cup Lawn Tennis competition by winning the decisive doubles valnst Cuba for a 3-P winni me M America had already won two llaglH, and will next m«1 either or
    Reuter  -  79 words
  • 137 5 SWANSEA, c Wales Sun. I DOWI.ERS held such sway on the first day of the match here between Glamorgan and Pakistan yesterday that six hours play produced only 272 runs Pakistan were all out for 225 but had claimed three Glamorgan wickets for 47 by the
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  • 831 5 Fifth British Empire Game* open VANCOUVER, Sunday. JON HFA RICKS of Australia gained the honour of heinjj the first competitor to break a record in the Fifth 1951 British Kmpire and Commonwealth (James held here when he won his 11(1 metres freestyle swimming heat
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  • 197 5 Cockell will be world champion HURLEY SEATTLE, Washington. Sun. r\ON Cockell, the British and Empire heavyweight champion, hopes to get a crack at Rocky Marclano's world title as a result of completing a "hattrlck' of victories over Harry Matthews of Seattle. Cockell will leav< here tomoirow lor New York where
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  • 372 5 LONDON. Sunday. DOWLERS chosen for the M.C.C. tour of Australia had a great day In English county cricket championship matches yesterday. Splendid pace bowline by the formidable Surrey pair. Alec Bedser and Peter Loader, had Nottinghamshire all out for 73 Only Reg Simpson, a
    Reuter  -  372 words
  • 21 5 U'NDON, sun. BjpmOM in tlie Enfllih County 1 rnrk»t»hip t«ljlc BUM •:w m«t<*« which tnd»d on FTidmy w»r».
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  • 38 5 TILBURO iNetherlmndiO. Bgl. I. Kabadcll* nf Oreere net a new world record vnterday In the 400 metre* hurdle* rvent of the International military track and field rhamplonxhlpfi. KahadelU ran the event In 53.5 sec.- A P.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 160 5 To CALCUTTA BA NGKOK, RANGOON, HONGKONG, SAIGON, HAIPHONG, HANOI, MANILA, .11 ssl I. TON, SANDAKAN, I \IU AN. CPA a British airlitu-, with British Pilots and Maintenance l.ngineers; and ahle, as ■a regional service, to offer low fares with a very high standard of comfort, ienC] .uui punctuality. fOaiflkti'thmnmllM.. t
      160 words
    • 262 5 50 CYCLE I /\AIRCONDITIONING UNJTS it means— it means larger frame, stator and rotor compressor with larger bores motors greater heat dissipation an( j cylinders 20 r r -less magnetic or iron loss— no capjcjty fhan 6Q £yc|e unjfs overheating stable flux density long life. IJ y AIK CONDITIONERS W.ndow
      262 words

  • 193 6 M Hord< HO 1 minimum >. FOI.IOW PEDANT Ever, the 'Malay Mail If you want to win I 1 f)00 wurri nu/7lr r, c c cooKKHs No demonstration! Battery Road .lunni: Ttad( Exhibition but everj nlshl at 11. pnj World CiEOROEOt'S COttOn iltcsM.. styled nnd hand printed In H.iwall.
    193 words
  • 592 6 The Straits Times Singapore, Mon.. Aug. 2, 1954. Drama in Politics Although Sir Cheng-lock Tan has never revealed publicly nor ,-et out in writing his reasons lor resigning the presidency of the Malayan Chinese Association a resignation now happily withdrawn it is an open secret that one of his reasons
    592 words
  • 478 6 Many times during recent i y*Sfl Mr. Nehru, the Prime Minister of India, has denounced the existence of enclaves of j French and Portuguese territory > within India as an anachronism which ought to be ended. Steadily the little islands of French territory lying in various parts of
    478 words
  • 194 6 At last a stand has boon marlo against thr spread of initials over thr pages of our newspapers and official docu- j ments. Somebody has plainly been moved by the octopus growth of UNESCO. NATO. GAT T. SEATO. ECAFE.i RSPCA, FARELF, and the 1 whole lithesome though necessary
    194 words
  • man-in-the-Street
    • 351 6 V|R. JOHNNY JOHNSON is, of course, entitled to iTI criticise the Singapore Art Society, but he is not a member and he lacks, therefore, the information about* its activities which are available to members. His statements, as reported, are Inaccurate and misleading. We
      351 words
    • 125 6 I AM ama/ed to read that Mr C R Da,saratha Raj. in his ■rsjre to turn down the recommendation allowing the Governor to use his discretion In the matter of nominating the (our unofficial members to the iv w legislative assembly suggested that the Colony ■hoald
      125 words
    • 77 6 Teacher, corrected, is annoyed MY son, attending a Government .secondary continuation school m standard seven, recently complained about his language master's demonstration on analysis. The sentence to be analysed 'was "I go to school." and this wa.s what he said: -Subject I; i Verb— go: Object— to school." The boys
      77 words
    • 100 6 Magistrate agreed with her YOU reporter! recently under the headinc: "Fined, she offers chance for charity", a court cast- .n which I was th< rielendant. I think your report mitht t.;ive made nior^ interesting if it had been made dear that I was objecting to the compoundinu notice which I
      100 words
    • 125 6 Disc-like object over Ipoh I SAW an object in the sky on the morning of Friday. July 2:^ at about s3O am It wa.s a bie reddish object with a disc about half that ot the full moon in the eastern part of the sky at an M about 30
      125 words
    • 105 6 CAN the medical or health authorities say whether the cement that remains in the cement paper bags has any ill effect when it enters the human body either through the nose or the mouth. If there la, It Is not understood why there Is no rrzula
      105 words
    • 64 6 I WAS vrry disappointed rrrontly when I was told by thr Post Office that a parcel of piec« -eoods I had sent to my •sistrr in India three months ago for the Ramzan festival had brcn rrturnr>ri heeausa it could not. be delivered I wonder why thr Indian
      64 words
    • 18 6 WHY arr taxi rnmpanirs not llstrrl in ntir phnnr dirrrtnrv 0 TAXI 111 MIRY Sini:;in<»re.
      18 words
    • 447 6 I AM obliged to Sir George Pepler for the information that yet another 1 chapter in the story of I Town and Country Planning was last month written in the United' Kingdom. In view of past experience, however. I suggest that it would
      447 words
    • 139 6 I WONDER how many people realize that Malaya was run as a first-class welfa: for about a half century before any of us had eveheard of such a thing, and bly before the was coined In Malaya, workers were provided with rent-free housing. free medical
      139 words
    • 179 6 I AM surprised by "Malayan's letter on police lieutenants I do not understand what he means when he refers to "wasters." If he means the .wasted efforts of police lieutenants in doinp administration work, then this is for the higher administration
      179 words
    • 40 6 I BELIEVE that there are smaller town* than Taiping which have dance halls Since Talping is also a military district. I don't think we lack dancers to make such a venture profitable. AN ENTHUSIAST. Taiping.
      40 words
    • 70 6 CAN a trlsha-rlder be prosecuted for refusing a fare? I would also like someone to explain how taxi-meters can register different charges for the same distance. I have to pay varying charges of 80 cents. $100 and $120 for the same journey Can it be that taxi-meters register
      70 words
    • 206 6 MAY I congratulate Mr Shawcross on his extremely fortunate escape from I death, at the hands of the 1 Communist Army There are few indeed who, having thus been spared in ambush, could summon up j I sufficient humour to ask for or I
      206 words
  • 14 6 On the Margine Want* T n erir.i: Unorthodox p In lull agre< M STAXI.EI
    14 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 778 6 CLASSIFIED ADS. N H<.rrf> |ln 1 minimum). LOCH: To Alexandra, wife of Anthony Carysfott I<x Iv MOB The Kuala 1 umpur, on 13th July at Runcsar Hospital, a son. SITUATIONS VACANT in H..,rf, W.n BM <" <■'- <xt<n. BOX A74M, 8.1 I'omi inn iillwi Applicants thanked WANTED STOCK I BDOER
      778 words
    • 10 6 Hf^^ftoSs^d 0} SEND FOR FRE6 LEAFLETS! Via court* quay. &B
      10 words
    • 41 6 W |f(^1 OPTICIBNS Mr. K.L. Mtycr, lA. U will visit KUALA LUMPUR Tuesday 3rd and 1 Appointments for STORCH BROS. LTD.. 37 MOIITI Fin c> DIAMOND JEWELLERY PRECIOUS STONES U. S. de* SUVA j 106. ORCHARD ROAD I SHRIRO (CHINA) LTV
      41 words

  • 421 7 And they ask: 'How can we live?' HATH ARANG, Sunday. \JORK THAN 1,000 coal miners met here today to protest against the Federation Government's refusal to guarantee an assured market for the town's coal mine. After the Government's decision, the colliery owners closed
    421 words
  • 291 7 M.Gannagc advises delegates to youth assembly M PIERRE GANNAGE. a member of the executive committee of the World Assembly of Youth, has advised delegates to the second world youth general assembly in Singapore this month against "wanting to make or listen to beautiful speeches." Writing
    291 words
  • 86 7 'COUNCIL APPEALS: HELP US SET BILLY N Christian start* d a the led >'"-'>; ippori of ttans in ;i to the Hilly me to conevival in Singapore vus oi the reImitations plied this if he was ..1 of whole>m all the I the Coun- d the SURgesFrom ;ill Ifflou group*
    86 words
  • 33 7 MR K Ull \ll IM. tormer «lcput\ 1 of the Rsjral Eagtaecta, Phmt Pan|aß| North, who will leaves !<>r Britain in the Victoria today Straits Times picture.
    33 words
  • 20 7 In Sun. Dr. A i :rd me nt:ik.ih P;i liv He m yean, and retired i widow and
    20 words
  • 33 7 A 20.009-ton liner, the N -v 1 has been diverted to Singapore to carry National nun back to Britain. The Mner arrived In Slncapi>rr yesterday evening Iron; ilia.
    33 words
  • 126 7 trROMHU.I ROMNI :>o.\. Bun. Brigade ip.d to attend iry ramp ni they rdam on In Belfast b 1 >ur of '•1 1 mdon i Ight day-- 111 Brighton b< ion 1 going to turn. They will return to Sincapore by sea at the
    126 words
  • 21 7 KLANG. Sun. Forty Form Five students from the AngloChinese School. Seremban rlttted Connaucht Bridge pow- M.ttum at Klanc yesterday
    21 words
  • 29 7 INCHK SYKI> AI.WIF iUUMIBD, of the Straits Time* staff. and (he Shariffah binte Zainaib. whi. wrrc married at loronic 39 Sincapore, on Saturday— Str. its Time* picture
    29 words
  • 72 7 TWO 1)1.1) Ir, ml tMaf Ki.ih IMI I'ul Won.: tMaf iHtM enjoy a smokr together aftrr receiving some lnhat-co from Mrs. Irene Sims, a Kuala Lumpur ballet teacher. Mrs. Sims recently distributed gifts, bought from the proceeds of a ballet
    72 words
  • 170 7 CONVENOR OF NEW LEAGUE KUALA LUMPUR Sunday youth organisations were described as "stooges 0 to vested interests" at the inauguration of a newyouth body in Kuala Lumpur today. The critic, Mr V David, convenor of the new organisation, the Socialist Youth Leauue of Malaya, urged
    170 words
  • 63 7 Hundreds arrive for holidays HUNDREDS of visitors from the Federation arrived in Singapore over the week-end by rail, road and air to spend the August bank holidays. Heavy traffic was reported by Malayan Railway. Malayan Airways and the Malacca Singapore bus company. Thousands of holiday-mak-ers took to the beaches at
    63 words
  • 50 7 JOHORE BAHRU. Sun. A Youth Council centre was formed in Batu Pahat yesterday. Its first undertaking will be to organise the visit of 80 delegates from the World Assembly of Youth meeting In Singapore this month. The delegates are expected in Bal'i Pahat on Aug. 31.
    50 words
  • 47 7 JOHORE BAHRU. Sun— The State Town Planning Advisory Committee has favourably considered proposals for a housing estate in Johore Bahru. by the Federal Building Society. They are planning to build 45 terrace houses at the corner of Jalan Lumba Kuda and Jalan Ah Slang.
    47 words
  • 45 7 JOHORE BAHRU. Sun Two more subsidiary market 1 will be opened in Johore Bahru on Aur 16 One will be at Kebun Teh and the other at Jalan Yahaya Awal. The first such market was opened at Nong Chlk last month.
    45 words
  • 209 7 4 RRANGEMENTS have been' A completed to screen In Slam Malay films produced In Singapore. Mr. no An Loke. managing director of Kerls Film Productions, told the Straits Times. In exchange. Siamese films dubbed In Malay will be shown In Malaya. Mr. Ho visited Bangkok
    209 words
  • 154 7 Smeterlin true spirit of Chopin JAN SMETERLIN gave a solo recital In the second at 1 the Chopin festival concerts to a packed Victoria Hall last night, every seat, not only in the body of thf hall, but on I the stage behind the pianist j being occupied. The range
    154 words
  • 83 7 Officials of the Pearls Hili Morning School Parent-Tea-cher Association. Singapore, are: Chairman, Mr S T Peter Lim. vice chairman. Mr. Toh Chee Seng; secretary Miss H. Lazaroo: asst secretary. Mm M Rodrißue.s; treasurer. Mr Tnp Guan Teck, asst. treasurer, Miss Ellen Wong Committee: Mr I-arry Urn, Mr Choy
    83 words
  • 43 7 JOHORE BAHRU. Sun. Awanc bin Abdul Samad. of Sungel Papan Estate Pen- 1 eeranit. was fined $500 In the Sessions Court. Kota Tingci. for moving restricted foodstuffs nine katis sugar, 12 katis pulot rice and two loav.-.-of bread without a permit.
    43 words
  • 85 7 New youth council H.Q. opened KUALA LUMPUR, Sun. A DREAM materialised In Kuala Lumpur today when the Malayan Youth Council headquarters. situated at Teong Nam settlement, v clared open by Inche Mu.sta pna Albakri, Member for Industrial ana Social Relations. The chairman of the MYC Mr. D R. Daniel, .said
    85 words
  • 177 7 Speed up plans for Johore Govt. JOHORE RAHRU. Sin yew procedures foi A ing wagrs and salarii and sottlinu accounts are beina ronsidoird fo r Johore Government by Messrs. Urwlck, Orr and Partners. orpanisation consultant A central pay office is being •et up, in the Treasury. Mr. K Felstead of
    177 words
  • 24 7 JONES SANDRA I month", on 1 -8-S4 Daughter v JMM SIT wish to thank til who sen' .< rcathi and letu rm»tft r ip
    24 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 5 7 it lt ct "^z^ o*p, •>
      5 words
    • 134 7 Aquascutum World Famous 9W Weatherproof Garments I> 1 1 1 ti^2 Jrl^ WEST OF ENGLAND Showerproof Overcoats S.B. SIIO- D.R SUiOfTHE STORE WITH A tt* 1 TO OFFER \ll^ AUTOMATIC H4 Availahlr Hnmeitu and powar modal* with chromium or porcelain bANDILANDS BUTTERY CO., LTD. SINGAPORE PENANC K I.UMPUR IPOH
      134 words
  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 175 7 The weather Minimum Irmperaturr: (7 30 prr.. nn July 31 tn 7 30 a.m. nn Aug. 1 > Singapore 74. Penan* 73 Kota Bharu 74. Kuala I.umpur 72, Ipoh 71. Kuantan 71. Maximum Irmprraturr i 7.30 H.m to 730 p.m. on Auk 1) 81nRapor* 83. P*nann 83 Kota Bharu 116
      175 words

  • Article, Illustration
    484 8  -  hi i stilt i' Hfo MONDAY JANE brings home a prizo from school today which she won for scoring the most points in Indoor games. "What were you first in?" I ask. "Sticking the donkey's tall on, she says. "Oh. Did you look? •Certainly not," she exclaims
    484 words
  • 271 8 OH, THOSE LOVELY DRESSES! Say* Max'mc Rakich THIS week I am showing you three of the pictures our photographer took at thr two fashion shows held last week. If you did not attend the shows you wltl be interested in the dresses. The evening dresses were out of this world
    271 words
  • 184 8 HERE are a good cook's tricks to make hot weather food look as well as taste cool, suggested by Elizabeth David For colours use fresh green j and white, yellows and creams. For cold soups mix yoghourt with thin cream or milk, stir in
    184 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 277 8 red-blooded vigour |fc^ from f|l YIKELP a natural sea plant Mineral Tonic. The danger signals nature givrs for vitamin and mineral deficiency are all J^^m too often put down to <^M >._£ "feejing out of sorts". If you want to feel vitally A alive, bursting with health ■SI uirl energy
      277 words
    • 245 8 The best baby powder %l\''S. 1 Jm son>sßah vt "^^Proteabahy 1 W tion. Johr. W\m** m thcn a ver thr *wid. b» I auntodav BABY POWDEH gofw»tOH-3cf»«»CM (GT. B1ITAIN) LTD. SLO. The Borneo Ccmpj' t I Br. Wests KEEPS YOUR MOUTH I HEALTHIER Why Dr. Wei s tooth- i^sT^lM bruth
      245 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 358 8 »i T 24. Where radio c»rrle« no adverThe Straits Times Crossword *ST3iSL— ••>. 2fi This serves far poetry (8). flMii 1 H Ml 3 H 4 BBh ppM 27 -"^SwT reduced nd rv 6 I 7 fxl^ I sound a '°l'o*» them s<^ k§§3 k§§^l n^c- "^^y JnS^l 2. Re
      358 words

  • 1890 9 America's first great poet shocked puritans TIMES special FEATURE ONE summer morning in 1855 the fishermen of Long Island, near New York, raised their heads momentarily from their nets to guffaw at an extraordinary but tamiliar spectacle. Pounding along the beach was a giant, barrelchested man, stark naked, red beard
    Daily Mirror  -  1,890 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 67 9 Now (|{re s a Ronson H every pocket person id t ftain .^lf in a ■"•v As usual Re rase 't» Imm* Adomt watch... for disI Fngine- Quern Anne th e So A boon to i V-Hjrself. m«n Cldct Ll h the m^de all close This th« the f th#
      67 words
    • 6 9 TOMORROW lln rebellion a< lomlis Pri««n
      6 words
    • 143 9 AIR CONDITIONERS On D".play at: THI EMPORIUM -BATTERY ROAD ELECTRON RADIO— ORCHARD ROAD HOW WANY #%c^#. GLASSES for /U •Si The quarter-pound tin of Andrews is of special inteiest to those who take a laxative only occasionally, to those who w do a lot of travelling, and to those who
      143 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 112 9 Sh<>rhn-li Mmlm** Th*> Ihumbh>xH man r— ''^i_!_L ..hi I 11.11, I V TH€ SAME ONI: IT WAS TOO X NOT £VTI«LV.'I fNJfi^E—V mWORKMQFRBi i WHOTVUS9EPUSUP'\ PARK TO <>EE CCJLD m£AU h/$ #*&l£MEi. T^^^^sy arm*** muje- J jo««e« J o^u.uju^ l>ivk Inuf, *'*>" <lybh-<r<>ssor r»JT MOW COULD TVIE CREW fcLAV COULD
      112 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 1384 10 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS j MALACCA MUNICIPAL COUNCIL APPOINTMENT OK MI'NU'IPAL HEALTH OFFICER. Applications are Invited from registered Medical practitioners who are British subjects or Federal Citizens of Malaya, for the ap- polntment of Municipal Health Officer, Malacca. Candidates must have a sound knowledge and ex- perlence tn public health activities. The
      1,384 words
    • 959 10 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS Applications are lnvlt«l for the I post of Programme Assistant Orad> I In the Department of Broadcasting Appointment will be on 3 ye:irs probation In the first instance Snlary scale: $690x30A-930 B 960--x3SA -1,240 p.m. (Ritson salary scale). Variable allowance Is also payable and the range of total
      959 words
    • 635 10 TENDERS KUALA LUMPUR MUNICIPAL COUNCIL MAIN VAI.I.KY SEWER Tenders for the above are invited from Cls-w A Contrartorx only Further particul»rs from Resident Engineer. Tenders to undersigned not latei than 12 noon. 10th September. 19)4 Municipal Secretary. MOHAMED DIN BIN ALI P. W. D. TRENGGANU TENDER NOTICE Tenders will be
      635 words
    • 308 10 Use Mocha nival \id YOUR CHOICE AS IS WITH "L J MANY OTHERS, WILL fif L the;; farmer s boy FRESH STOCK ARRIVING BY 5 could be converted instantly If i CI'TTER BAK FOI IX I I \>j iv,,,..,, LALLAMGS rANGLEO sPR\u» GBOtll II ■Mil TKIMMrK A WATEI rl* AND
      308 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 977 11 MANSFIELD tfc CO., LTD. Jfjjy h i n Smmora) »a»t«ta BLUE FUNNEL LINE O^h. H* l» P'aceaa" otl<#r tl d •"<• 'iKIIWK MiX llv mrooL. Glasgow, London continintal pwr» (ill"* 5 P Shorn Penong GJI/14 Auq 2 Au« J/ 4 OJI Aug J Aug 7 Aug t G .11/ M
      977 words
    • 982 11 EAST ASIATIC LINES Far Aden P.i'^! l^ 4 0 CONTININT '*CANDINAVIA rar Aden, Port Said, Genoa, Antwerp Rotterdom, Hambur,. Gydn... Copenhalen, Gothcnbur* A Oslo "Samoa"' 7//Va a"• W3 14/ Au Coll. l, i'm 11/2* Au, 1/ 2 Sept 1/ 1 Sept SAILINGS FROM SCANDINAVIA/UK. /CONTINENT "SONOKLMA" for Kohsiehong iP K
      982 words
    • 1036 11 BEN LINE STEAMERS LTD. SAILINGS te U.K. ene CONTINENTAL PORTS S'pora P. S'hom Penong Benavnn for Hovre Lonrlon PotL-dnm. Hull G. 4/7 4/ S Am 4/ 7 Am Benreeck for Liverpool, &lo%gow Rotterdom, Homburg G IS/14 4/ B Am t/10 Am for Havre, London, Rotterdom. Hamburg. Antwerp 21/17 Au,
      1,036 words
    • 1132 11 McALISTER tSc CO., LTD. TEL No ***** ELLERMAM BVCKNALL KLAVENESS LINE LONDON. HA VRI ROTTERDAM, LOS ANGELIS. SAN FRANCISCO, HAMBURG ft HULL PORTLAND SEATTLE A VANCOUVE* ond far UU, No*lri AHont.c Pvi- Accept, n, caraa far Central ft South own Canß4o ytn Coi^n-,^ American ParH citY 0» OTTAWA BOUGAINVILLE 5
      1,132 words

    • 636 12 Market steady in spit of tension LOAN DEMAND BY Ol II MAKkhl I OHIII SI»O\l»t\l INSPITE of fresh shocks resulting from th«> shooting down of a plane off Hainan by Chinese Reds, the Singapore Share Market last week preserved its equilibrium and remained steady with a little more business than
      636 words
    • 820 12 SINGAPORE Mombrrs of the Malayan Share Brokers' Association Issued the following revised list of quotations after their last meeting on Friday:— M»« Bricks Pref IN i\o at Ont iHB 1 10 c<j Atlas Ie« UJS i 3 2i -> r ftrnl .Ml 1 <» BM Inrl»»* 6.50
      820 words
    • 55 12 COMPANY REPORT ferrnc for merit is hopi work ni. i THI I \s| Sl'R \ni i III) made will ir ik S4(i 77 iM M I s IN(. I UK paid 5 per 2 i own; DRElXi|\(i in, K r anri pi for i] 2d. p. is. 4d. malm d
      55 words
    • 83 12 The ITS Department of Commerce report.* that United State* uneiniinri black pepper Imports for the period of January to May 1954 Inclusive to- i tailed 1i.969.282 lbs mid white 978.300 lbs. compared with 12.902,553 lbs. and 744 90S lbs. respectively In (he same period of 1953 The 1954
      83 words
    • 75 12 rIK follow inu dni'lntids were announced hy companies oper.itini; in Malaya last week. tekka-taipim; ltd: An interim dividend of lid per share foe year ending October 31 IBS 4. nCTALDfG TIN LTD: An interim dividend of IV4'< for year ending October 11, MM, less Wa imome tax. payable
      75 words
    • 161 12 Permission has boon "lven to praspect fairly large in M both for tin and iron ore. but It too early to say whether the bortaf results will warrant ex- ploitation of any particular area, say.s Mr E. B Skinner, chairman of Buklt Tupah Rubber Estates Ltd
      161 words
    • 74 12 NEW DELHI. Kit The Commerce and Industry Ministry announced to. d«y that the Oovernment will allow a small quantity of groundnut oil Inr export by established shlp|>ers. An export duty of 350 rupees per ton of 2.240 lbs. hits be* n lmixisrd and the maximum quantity allowed for
      74 words
    • 2 12
      2 words
    • 276 12 rE following business done in Siriß;»P<>re Share last week was reported by one firm of brokers for Ui< period July 24 to July :<0: iNniSTKlAi.s— ConaoHdaWd i In ■■MHHI 25s M e\ .iil Fmser and Neave Ords. $1 29... Pnm Neave Prefs. $6.50 Mml i sary $2.85. Oammons
      276 words
    • 309 12 11MMOIHIY REVIEW THE tin price in Stngapon and there was a range on between the highest Monckr. lowest price on Friday ol I Lack of US interest In the market or the reverse plu> political uncertainty about tinshooting down over the aircraft near Hainan
      309 words
    • 4 12 Coffee closes rerg quietly
      4 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
      37 words

  • 234 13 KUALA UMPI'R Sun SINGAPORE Recreation CluO were beaten by an Innings and runs aealnst Selangor Eurasian Association in their Clarke Cup fixture at Pudu Road here today Seiangor Eurasians made 196 runs In reply to the \lsltors first Innings total of 129 The Colony Uam were
    234 words
  • 29 13 1 KUAI.A LUMPUR. Sun.— W. B. I.onßley scored 343 point* to win the clay pigeon shooting championship of the Selangor Oun Club at Warrileburn Eiitate here today.
    29 words
  • 73 13 rpilis i s whmt Jmlan 1 Besar stadium, Singapore, will look like for nieht soccer under floodlulits from four 100 ft. towers. This picture was taken on Saturday when the lights were switched on for the first time. Today, Singapore will see a
    73 words
  • 499 13 Harris betters Malayan shot putt mark MALACCA. Sun. [RESPITE a very heavy ground, eißht new records were set up at the second annual triangular athletic meeting between members of Selangor's Mercury Club. Malacca A.A.A.. and Singapore's Swifts A. A. here yesterday. They included an improvement on the Malayan shot putt
    499 words
  • 389 13 R.A. BID JUST FAILS TO BEAT ENGINEERS l>- AKI'ILI.EKY ju»l failed to beat Royal Engmeeis In a race atuinst time In their drawn InterCori>s cricket nxture at Blakang M.tti on Saturday and yesterday. The Artillery had to make 132 runs in an hour tor victory. The> ti>ok up the challenge
    389 words
  • 235 13 A TWENTY YEAR OLD novice, iA Riiffl bin Bahrewl at the Paalr Paniang cycling team, scored a surprise but well -deserved victory in the Singapore Cjvle Racing Associations se< jnd annual Tour ot Hagißtn mass-start bicycle roud race held yesterday. Rafll won the race over
    235 words
  • 66 13 KUALA LUMPUR Sun I^ONO YINU HONG retained the men's singles title at the Selangor Chinese Recreation Club's open invitation 'ennl? 'ournament here today He beat E J Van 1 tdth Selaneor hardcourt champion 6-4 3-0. 6-2. Van Lldth and J.C Cordy took the men
    66 words
  • 29 13 ADENAU (Germany i Sun. Juan Manual Fanglo the Argentine motoring ace. won the gruelling European Grand Prix over 22 laps In a Mercedes here today Reuter.
    Reuter  -  29 words
  • 427 13 Beatty champions at Education sports SIX centre* of thr Worker*' Education Avww iHtlon took part In their first athletic meet held at UM Rafllis Institution ground yesterday liiey were Stamford Oirls' School. Htiktt Panjang EnglUh School Beutty Secondary School Bartle> Srcowlary School. Rangiwii Road gclwfli. Oeylang BiiKllsh 5,1,00 l Brutty
    427 words
  • 282 13 IPOH. Sunday. TUN JIN H>\< won the I'erak men's singles badmin- ton championship for the fifth time when he beat Chan Hon Kit 13-15, 15-10. 15-6 in the final at the Perak Badminton Association hall last night. After the first set. it looked
    282 words
  • 133 13 Beamish in line for fourth golf title this year WIM. COMMAN U T. R. C. Heamlsh played brilliant golf yesterday to pat himself In line fot hi* fourth major title this year when he entered the nnal «l (he Singapore championship* «i the Beamish, ulnnei <ti the Hong •vong.
    133 words
  • 240 13 RAF Changi beat SCC by 30 runs CINGAPOHE CrlrKit Club suffered their second defeat of the weekend when they were beam by 30 runs by RAF Changl on tht padang yesterday Changl batted first and. after useful scores by Kingdom (31) and Wood: ofle (ffl). were all out at 3.30
    240 words
  • 118 13 The Singapore O'.in Club's all round championship waa won by C. J Meyer for the second successive \r»r when the club held its annual Aukum Bank Holiday meet at the Buklt Tlinah rHiige yesterday. Result*: N. R Mlstrl Cup: Winner: Loong Pan Yap. runner-up: Louli
    118 words
  • 53 13 SliiKapore Chinese Recreation Club bent Rraddell Cricket Club hy 107 run.s In a cricket friendly .it HuriK t.lm Oreeii y««terday BCRC 170 (Thlam Slew 7:i Swer llm i>wan« 36. iihepherd &-3( Richards S-22i; Braddell CC. N (Comes 27. Shepherd 15 Ong 4-12. Yap
    53 words
  • 41 13 Seletar T C beat SH B. Police 2-0 at Jalan Benar SUdlum yesterday In the tut game In Dl\ 3A of the ft.APA. league rompetttlnn Seletar have nnixhad third in tht league and SH B fourth.
    41 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 203 13 f ORGANISATION ATTRACTIONS rifiiiV" tWaV DAILY!" LQ I tlr** llim 1.45-4.15-6.45 9.30 pm IMMtASURABLY GREAT! jj M*m t Ann BLYTH ;VJ^ Howard KEEL aj|% mlf Fernando LAMAS flTl LAHRMAIN with Joon Tjy(or Riy Collmj fi Plus: A Muxiral I'M CinrmaS<op« Short i'»TiTTj Lti>* \"m POET PEASANT" I FL&ffTjfc- NO FREE
      203 words
    • 355 13 8 1® US! ii ifffi iiij! m m iiii; iilii iiili., f>SHAW BROTHERS^) :^^v» A Wi3SlKi''ißffelS'i v< (^m 2 THE TODAY! JANE m LATEST A p RUSSELL Z i! FASMIOHS«^ FRENCH, p DAZZLING Mn"» MALAYAN |P TECHNICOLOR GAZETTE No. j| |j I NEXT changi: at thi: CAPITOL 6l PAVILION om
      355 words

  • 104 14 SEREMBAN Sun I^OWLOON Motor Bu* soccer intti. Hong Kong leagtie champion* beat Negri Sembilan 2-0 here today, but on the run of play Necn should have cored at least a coal Negri forwards hone\rr w>Te fo blame They were clven a number or chances to
    104 words
  • 55 14 Argonauts will play Chinese Athletic "A In a 30-minute trial match under floodlights m j,i Bn b^,. stadium tonight The Argonaut team will be picked from: Soo Woon Meng Yong. Mohd. Noor. Ahmad Hasnan. Rashtd Oiman Eddie Teng. A. Rahlm Nflnhat. William Tan. Dexter Boyd Billy
    55 words
  • 32 14 SOCCER SAFA DIV. 1: Chinese Athletic v S.R.C. Jalan Benar stadium CRICKET OMHINMI Schools v nml.ini-rt staff*. I.A. ground; C.H.C. at S.C.C. ATHLKTICS ACHILLES (lab meet. R.I jround T P-m.
    32 words
  • 917 14 North triumph by an innings IPOH, Sunday. I^ORTH won their annual cricket match against South by an innings and 76 runs here today, the game finishing five minutes before the drawing of stumps on the second day of the match. North batted this
    917 words
  • 125 14 /CHINESE Swimming Hub A" v trounced Tigers Swimming Club A by 11 coals to two ln a Singapore Amveur Swlmmm? Association Div. A league water-polo match plivd in the CSC. pool yesterday. When these two teams met in the flist round. liL' bj bm
    125 words
  • 49 14 sf.REMBAN Sun. The 1 7 Gurkha Rifles, ol Seremnan retained the Nepal Cup for soccer when they beat 1 2 Gurkhas, of Singapore 4-2 In the Anal here yesterday H.ik;uaj I.cmbu. Preniice and Isherlng Bhulla i2> scored for 17 Gurkhas and Wright i2> for 1 2 Ourkhas.
    49 words
  • 222 14 IPOH, Sun ARRANGEMENTS for the coach•f* ing In England of Malayan student* attending Kirkby College arc continuing. «ald Mr. N. J A Poster, vice-president at the annual ceneral meeting of the Malayan Cricket Association held at the Ipoh Club today. Singapore proposed that the
    222 words
  • 264 14 VANCOUVER. Sun. Vf AURICE Megennl.v 23-year-old British champion from Leeds, jave England her second gold medal it the fifth British Empire Oames when he won the bantam weightlifting championship with a total i of 620 lb. 35 lb below the Oames record set by
    264 words
  • 728 14 AUSTRIANS SCORE SEVEN GOALS IN OPENING GAME Graz F.C 7 Singapore "A" 0 rE TOI'RING Austrian Graz F.C. brought a good sample of Continental soccer to Singapore yesterday, and baffled and bemused Singapore's "A" team and beat them 7-0 in their opening game. The Jalan Besar crowd. usually demonstrative and
    728 words
  • 81 14 THOMAS CUP BA.IGIM INDM R Pa- il hadminlnn U< rludi-d hen Kollo»ln; ih., ti the fir*l «ins in i.i, one dnuhlev douhlrs ..rid KesulU nl Dlrek K ties champion f>f Burma. Invi U m Nandu Vatekai 7 IV Irilnk beat (hind.. I l.i-K. [fltaa |j|«U lll«
    81 words
  • 59 14 PENA-HO, Bun. rupted play and caii^en taterstatc tennis match between Penan.: and Pank for the C'orona'ion Cun on Penane Sports Club courts to be abandoned today Penanc the holders, were leading 3-1 Penanc champion Ooon Knk Leni lirnt Moses Ta\ champion, *-2. 8-S in the mpn
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 824 14 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS (Continued from Pace SITI'ATIONS VACANT IB H»r4i M (Hiit flni i» rl«. ri»r«. ASSISTANT Chemist Varanry tn works laboratory Apply In writing with details of nattonMllt\. Hue. whethrr married. training, qualifications and experience, to Malayan Cement Ltd.. Rawang. Selangor WANTED DCPBUBtCCD BOOKKEEPER able to prepare Balance Sheet A-
      824 words
    • 748 14 ACCOMMODATION WANTED Hortf. f (Mlm.)—a»M <" rt: txtr*. FURNIBHED 2/3 bedroomad modern house or bungalow In Buklt Tlmah area for on ye«r or mort. Offers k P.O. Box 4019. Slniraport WANTED by Army Offlcer and j family tune child) house or flat In Tanglln area furnished/unfurnished. 801 A 7799. S
      748 words
    • 770 14 PLANT FOR SALE W.rrfi $i <¥im.)—Bmx it tl: txtrm. COMPREHENSIVE SELECTION ol Contractors Water Pump*. Pintform Hoists, Pneumatlr Compressor Tools, all with ancillary equipment. Enquiries to Box A 7458. ST. ONE NEW UNUSED. HORIZONTAL Troughed Picking Belt Conveyor 100 ft. centres 30 Ins. wide. speed 55 ft. per mlnut*. Details
      770 words
    • 45 14 J7\ '■or your health's take Jrink No. 1 Beehive Brandy an old favounrc for over 50 yean in Malaya. A product of France. BEEHIVE BRANDY^s^ f IMPERIAL I TYPEWRITER SOLE AGENTS J For Singapore and Federation 5 McMULLAN 61 CO LTD woirai ri nMiiK i
      45 words