The Straits Times, 19 February 1953

Total Pages: 14
1 14 The Straits Times
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  • 622 1 U.S. asks Finland: Don't let the Wiima go to China THE United States and Soviet Governments were reported last night to be taking keen interest in the movements of the Finnish tanker Wiima, lying 18 miles off Singapore. The 7,717-ton ship, which is anchored outside
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  • 166 1 WASHINGTON, Wed. DIPLOMATIC representatives of srvrn Arab nations called on the Under-Secre-tary of State, Mr. WalUr Bcdpll Smith, yesterd v irncd i (all I giving Israel American .support, moral or material, following the' break in the relations between Russia and the Jewish state Bpeakimr
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  • 31 1 VIENNA. Wed— The Austrian newspaper Die Presse said tarfay that 800 Catholic priests had been dismissed on the orders of the Hungarian Government of "resistance to the regime.' Router.
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  • 37 1 Four men in a boat which '-iprt to get near the Wiima were Stained by a marine >lice pairol launch. They were taken to marine police headquarters for questioning and later released.
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  • 201 1 Manila boxing crowd go wild From a Special Correspondent MANILA. Wednesday. TMHE crowd went wild in Rizal Stadium here tonight 1 when two Singapore boxers failed to turn up for their scheduled fights. First. Little paras was Ming for his ten-round fight with lightweight
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  • 45 1 —Petition for clemency IPOH. Wed.— A petition for clemency to the Sultan of Perak is being drawn up in London for Lee Ten Tai. alias Lee Meng, whose application to appeal to the Privy Council against sentence of death was refused on Tuesday.
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  • 47 1 Naguib hails pact CAIRO. Wed.— The Egyptian Prime Minister. Gen. Mohammed Naguib, said today that Anglo-Egyptian talks on evai cuation of the Suez Canal Zone will begin "within a few days." He said there was "perfect agreement on the principle itself."— Reuter.
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  • 55 1 CANBERRA, Wed- The title "Queen of Australia' was I conferred en the Queen in legislation to be introduced Into the Australian House of Representatives today by the Prime Minister. Mr. Menzies. It will be the first time that a reigning monarch has been specifically designated as
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  • 31 1 WASHINGTON, Wed. The Secretary ot State Mr. John Foster Dulles, told the House yesterday that absolutely "no ultimatum was issued to our European allies"' during his trip abroad. U.P.
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  • 26 1 NICOSIA, Wed.—Construction work has started on military camps the British Army is building west of Limassol, Cyprus, at an estimate cost of £6,000,000.
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  • 123 1 BERLIN, Wed. REFUGEES streamed across the border from East Germany yesterday as Soviet authorities moved to plus the last hole in the Iron Curtain isolating Berlin. About 1.500 East Germans entered West 3erlin across the open East-West city border and through the loopholes :n the
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  • 93 1 THE KING ON JHE RIVIERA IS 'VERY ILL' BRUSSELS, Wed. BELGIUM'S Premier, M Jean Van Hnutte, told the Belgian Lower House last night that young Km; Baudouin now on the Riviera was "seriously ill." He was answering a question put on behalf of all the Socialist Deputies by M. Georges
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  • 110 1 New troops sought for Malaya NAIROBI. Wed. THE Chief of the Imperial General Staff. Genera. Sir John Harding, will confer with the Governor of Kenya, Sir Evelyn Barinp, on Saturda.' on whether two battalions of troops can be spared from Kenya for Malaya, it was understood here today. General Harding
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  • 34 1 COPENHAGEN, Wed—Christine Jorgensen, a former American soldier whose sex was changed by surgery, is now a "complete female" except that she can never bear children, it was disclosed today. U.P.
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  • 31 1 SEOUL, Wed.— Cold weather casualties among U.N. soldiers In Korea have been cut from 5.000 the first winter to 270 this winter, the Eighth Army said tonight.— A..P.
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  • 28 1 ISTANBUL, Wed Storms racing in the Aegean Sea for two days have wrecked It small coastal vessels with the loss of six lives. A. P.
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  • 55 1 COPENHAGEN. Wed.— Three hundred Danish soldiers on the Baltic island of Bornholm returned to normal duties today after a "strike" against a six-month extension of conscription. Troops have walked out of MVCral other garrisons in Denmark in the past few days as a protest against the
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  • 24 1 A textile store in South Canal Street, Singapore, was destroyed by fir* early today. Six "fire engines dealt with the blaze.
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  • 38 1 DUNKIRK. Wed— A British cross Channel steamer. Ham- pton Ferry, 2,989 tons collided with a British cargo ship. Rippingham Grange, 10.356 »ons. off Gravelines near here today. First reports said there were no casualties. Reuter.
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  • 105 1 FOOTBALL STAR LOSES LEG LONDON, Wed. DEREK DOOLEY, 23-year-old Sheffield Wednesday centre lorward. was in a critical condition in a Preston ho.s- j pital today after the amoutation of his right leg. Dooley broke his leg in a collision with Pre.ston North End's goalkeeper in a First Division match at
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  • 36 1 LONDON. Wed.— The Conservative Government reported today it removed 19.899 persons from the Civil Service payroll during 1952. The number of government employees (>n Jan. 1 was 668.536 lowest since April 1, 1942.— A.P.
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  • 35 1 JERUSALEM. Wed. The Premier, Mr David BenGuricn, won an overwhelming vote of confidence in parliament last night at the end of a two-day debate on Russia's rupture of diplomatic relations with Israel.— A.P.
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  • 37 1 HOLLYWOOD, Wed. Tht film song and dance star Donald O'Connor, 27, was sued for divorcp yesterday by his wife, June Gwendolwyn, 26. from whom he was separated on Dec. 3 after nine years' marriage. U.P.
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  • 33 1 LONDON Wed—The Soviet Communist Party newspaper F/avda said today that Moscow put the blame for last week's bomb explosion at the Russian Legation in Tel Aviv on "American imperialists." Reuter.
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  • 26 1 NAIROBI. Wed. Kenya police seized eight Mau Mau oath administrators In a raid on a Kikuyu reserves 12 miles north of Nairobi last night.
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  • 27 1 TAIPEH. Wed.— The former French Premier. M. Paul Reynaud. has cancelled a proposed visit to Formosa, states the Nationalist newspaper China News today.— Reuter.
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  • 26 1 WASHINGTON. Wed. India has accepted Mr George V. Allen as the new American Ambassador to New Delhi He will succeed Mr. Chester Bowles.— Reuter.
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  • 40 1 VERA CRI'Z, Mexico. Wednesday. FRANCISCO Izquier do. disg vise d as a Russian dancing hear in a Veracruz carnival, was burned to death last night when a spectator lit a match to his tail. IP.
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  • 154 1 NICOLL IS ASKED TO SET UP 'FRAUD' INQUIRY SINGAPORE Harbour Board Staff Association yesterday asked the Governor, Sir John Nicoll, to appoint a committee to investigate the charge by the chairman of the board that the union demands were connected with "opportunities for corruption and fraud." The association recommends that
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  • 51 1 LONDON, Wed. JACK Coulton. a 41--year-old office clerk was told yi-sterday he had won V l (i:\ooo on two sixpenny soccer pool bets. Then he went to work as usual a a London insurance rifice. Coulton correctly predicted eifiht drawn games on two separate coupons.
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  • 333 1 Nehru assails talk of blockade NEW DELHI, Wed. THE Indian Prime Minister. Mr. Nehru, today condemned talk of v blockade of China as "obviously not talk that leads to peace or a settlement." He added: "Certain statements made in the United States "n tho Far East have caused grave concern.
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  • 44 1 TAIPEH. Wed The Chtae* Nationalist Mw will continue Ito intercept any vessel regardless of nationality attempting to emer ports on the Chinese mainland a Government spokts-.nan said today. He said the interception would be made in Chinese territorial waters- Reuter-AAP.
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  • 64 1 NEW YORK. Wed.— Former Army Sergeant John David Provoo was yesterday sentenced to life imprisonment for treason while he was a Dn-soner-of-var under the Japanese A Federal jury last week found Provoo guilty of four overt acts of treason, includinr offering his services as an interpreter
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 62 1 jewellers lOtt. ORCHARD ROAD Til 2 2 6 EASTER FOOD PARCELS should be posted to U. K. now! Last day for posting is February 24 th. 41] Send all f hc things they'll need for happy Easter picnics including, lots of tinned meats- We'll pac k and post for
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    • 12 1 S P H de SILVA if Beautiful Shanks fDODERn BfITHROOfTI SUITES (BSH7J
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  • 121 2 LONDON. Wed. BRITAIN was reported yesterday to have asked for dollar aid from the World Bank to help finance development projects In th» Commonwealth. Informed sources said two forms of assistance were discussed on Monday and yestprday by the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr.
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  • 114 2 ADLAI DROPS IN FOR LUNCH WITH IKE WASHINGTON. Wed. MR. Adlai Stevenson swapped campaign rpminiscence with President Eisenhower over luncheon at the White House yesterday. The 1952 Democratic presidential candidate later remarked to newsmen: "These Republicans are treating me so nicely that I think I'm beginning to like Washington maybe
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  • 53 2 WORTHING. England, Wed. A vicar here yesterday became the master of an ancient Scottish castle when he learned that his cousin, the Earl of Louderdale, died at sea. The 62-year-old Ewrl died aboard the French cruising ship, the Colombia, which was due to dock at
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  • 58 2 VIENNA. Wed.— Two Czechs have bee n sentenced to death and seven others to prison terms ranging from 12 years to life after a Czech Communist oourt found them guilty of spying lor Brita'n The outcome of the trial held in the Bohejnia n town of Moravska
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  • 51 2 HOLLYWOOD. Wed -Film director Howard Hawks to night disclosed that he and Ne w York model Dee Hartford would be married on Friday night at his Brentwood homp Following the ceremony couple will leave fo r a vear> stay in Europe during which Hawks will direct a
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  • 45 2 THE QUEEN, with Prince Charles and Princess Anne returning to Buckingham Palace at the end of the Royal Holiday at Sandringham, Norfolk. Soon after they got home the Royal Standard was flying over the Palace for the first time this year
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  • 187 2 SEOUL. Wednesday. THK South Korean government today authorised an emergency ration of rice to help overcome a temporary food shortage as the nations currency reform programme got underway. The one-day panic, which started late on Sunday with the announcement that all outstanding currency would
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  • 119 2 NEW DELHI, Wed. TNDIAS negotiations with Red China for the purchase of 100,000 tons of mllo have broken down, reliable sources said yesterday. The Government has been negotiating on both sides of the Iron Curtain for 100.000 tons of milo each from the
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  • 24 2 MOSCOW. Wed— Premier Stalin received the Indian Ambassador, Mr. K. P. S. Menon. yesterrtay in an interview that lasted half an hour.
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    • 655 2 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS Application are inviieri for the purl of lle.ith Inspector in the N»fri Scmblhn Medical Depart- 1 n nt 'Hie post will be on a Temporary b.iris in 1953 with pro»prrtr, of permanent appointed in in."i 4. Candidates should have the School Certificate and b* between Ihe ace of
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    • 618 2 NOTICES IN THE HIGH COURT OF THE COLONY OF SINGAPORE ISLAND OF SINGAPORE Originating Petition No. 4 of 1953. In the Matter of the Chung Shlng Jit Pao Ltd. And In the Matter of the Companies Ordinance 1940 Sertion 58. NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVBN that a Petition presented to the
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    • 467 2 NOTICE NATURALISATION NOTICE U hereby given that Goh Ah Eng. alias Goh Meh Moh, ot 50 Armenian Street. Singapore, Is applying to the Governor for naturalisation, and that any person who Knows why naturnllsatlon should not be granted, should send a written and signed statement of the facts to the
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    • 98 2 HMO poxtaM/b with "MAGIC" MARGIN t< Cr\ I'lrase srnd mr details of the ROYAL fXyJ/M I VJ 'MAOK? MARGIN portable typewrilcr J IL— LTD. with particulars of easy method of payment. Name: Addreai: ?T. 19.253 d| URODONAL cteanted ik kidney Zftu -temedu fct tkeumatudm UkAmmL- 0 N I COUCH PO.Ro.tSlt.
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  • 243 3 Action should be approved, says Minister LONDON. Wednesday. THE BRITISH government stuck to its decision to sell jet warplanes to Egypt and other Mid-East States when that policy came under Labour Party fire in House of Commons debate yesterday. "We are convinced the action we
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  • 44 3 BERLIN, Wed— Oskar Pohlcit, 66. killed himself when he jumped into West Berlin from the Communist sector. Police said he leapt from a second floor window of his East Berlin house to the West Berlin pavement below.— RevI ter.
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  • 148 3 LONDON. Wed. LORD Mancioft, a Government spokesman in the House of Lords, yesterday deplored reports that the Americans were being difficult about granting a j r worthiness certificates for Bri'ish Comets to fly in the United States "out of a do^ in the manger
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  • 48 3 BALTIMORE. Wed. Fire yesterday wiped out a boat yard and a million feet of timber on the water front here. The spread of the blaze m kepi from the industrialised Canton harfcour Four fir P boats and more than 350 firemen fought the fire. Beater.
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  • 43 3 NEW YORK. Wed. The United States Court of Appeal.* yesterday granted a stay of execution to Mar 30 to the atom spies Julias and Ethel Rosenberg to permit them to petition the Supreme Court for a review of their case.— A.P.
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  • 130 3 NO DEALS WITH THE VATICAN WASHINGTON, Wed. MRS. Clare Booth Luce told the Senate Foreign Relations Committee yesterday that, as the new Ambassador to Italy, she could have no relations with the Vatican whatsoever, "formal, open or secret." The 49-year-old writer, actress, former member of the House of Representatives and
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  • 22 3 BERLIN. Wed.— A French military plane from Paris crashed on the outskirts of Berlin last night, killing seven.— A.P.
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  • 193 3 HEW DELHI, Wed. rpiil-'KK was an uproar in the Indian Parliament yesterday when (ho Prime Minister, .Mr .lawaharlal Nehru, accused thr People's Party (Jan Sanch) Iraclcr, Mr. Syama Prasad Mookcrjre, of making the disgraceful allegation that wine and women had been used by Congress to try
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  • 58 3 MANILA. Wed.— Four Philippines salvage vessels are exported to reach the 7.126-ton Panamanian freighter Anthony tomorrow. The freighter ran aground near Gomiran Island, north of Balabak Strait, in the southwest Philippines on Monday. The Anthony was on her way to Singapore from Davao, Mindanao,
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  • 51 3 'Come along with us' I'IKRRE VANDEPUTTE, a French newspaper photographer is arrested •>> two policemen after creating a disturbance outside the Rialto Cinema in London's West End. It was at this theatre that the Queen saw the French film, "Les Belles de Nuit." Vandeputte was charged with obstruction and assaulting
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  • 139 3 RADAR NETWORK PROTECTS JAPAN AGAINST RAIDS NEW YORK. Wednesday. JAPAN'S home islands are girded with a vast radar network, protecting more than 5,000 miles of coast line against a possible sneak attack, the Aviation Week magazine says. It adds that a strone Japanese air defence has been built up. The
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  • 31 3 TOKYO. Wed.— French Marsha! Alphonse Juin, delayed at Saiuon. should arrive in Tokyo tonight for a one-week visit tc the United Nations Command in Japan and Korea— U.P.
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  • 26 3 NEW DELHI. Wed.— Nepalese Embassy sources said the Nepal Government has given 15 Japanese permission to climb Manaslux Peak in the Himalayas.— U.P.
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  • 155 3 LONDON, Wednesday. BRITAIN'S "doubting bishop." Dr. Ernest Barnes. Bishop of Birmingham, who questioned the virgin birth, the bodily resurrection of Christ and the miracles, is resigning on May 1 on grounds of illhealth, it was announced yesterday. His speeches and writings have aroused furious controversy. A
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  • 100 3 LONDON. Wed. THE Prime Minister. Mr. Churchill, and his leading ministers last night put forv.ard a long motion which will be .the basis next Thursday for* a House of Commons debate on the floods in Britain, Holland and Belgium The motion calls on the
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  • 20 3 NEW DELHI, Wed.—Fortythree boxes of Japanese-made medicine for leprocy were given to the Indian Health Ministry yesterday.— UP.
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  • 77 3 LONDON, Wed.— The Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh attended the wedding yesterday of Lady Palmer and Brigadier Alexander Abel Smith. Lady Palmer is a lady-in-waiting to the Queen. The ceremony took place in the Queen's Chapel at St. James's Palace. Lady Palmer ls the widow
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  • 201 3 Ike says it again: Russia has a supply of A-bombs WASHINGTON. Wed. PRESIDENT Eisenhower has agreed with the Atomic Enerjjy Commission that Russia not only has exploded atomic bombs hut has built up a supply of atomic weapons. The President himself brought up the subject of Soviet atomic progress at
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  • 262 3 LONDON, Wed. returns showing that the rate of decline In an overall budget deficit had slcv down, tended to put a brake on tie stock market activity today. This resulted in some lowering of prices In industrial on fears that earlier hopes of some tax concessions for industry
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  • 28 3 LONDON Feb. 18. Cash t9SG; Sellers C 957; Forward Buyers C 941; Sellers t943; Settlement t961' 2 (up V6'L). Turnover a.m. 10 tons; p.m. 95.
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  • 31 3 LONDON'. Feb 18 Spot 22 \d March BHI, Apr-June 22 ',d. July-Sepi 22 \d.. Oct.-Dec. 22 id. Feb. elf. 22d.. Mar. c.i.f. 22d. April c.i.f. 22»*d. Market: Quietly steady.
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  • 41 3 PUSAN. Wed. A Chinese Communist prisoner-of-w a r was found hanging at Camp 8. Chcju Dom, the United Nations Command announced tcday. "Preliminary reports Indicate the victim was murdered by his fellow prisoners." the announcement said. U.P.
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  • 43 3 OTTAWA, Wed. Senator Wishart Robertson, Government leader in the Canadian Senate, wants a free trading area formed among North Atlantic Treaty nations. He said the Russians count on trade conflicts to divide and weaken the North Atlantic defence alliance. Reuter.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 99 3 compressed air vqmipmmt w ry^^flJPlE g Electric and '^BlV'*^>! ji^^^** a ~"V} riven air Displacements from 4 to 44 cv. ft. per minute. A comprehensive range of sprayers, hammers, chisels, scrapers, drills and cutters etc. are available. Type HMS 12 Petrol Engine. Displacement 136 C.F.M. Working Pressure 100 Ib. p.
      99 words
    • 326 3 wick/ess COOKING STOVES I Sun Flame American type cooking sreves with the NEW wickless burners. There are NO cotton wicks to trim and adjust! The stove is simple to operate and the clean blue flame is easy to control for either high or low cooking. MODEL 422 Stn Flame ParaH.n
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  • 63 4 Goh Boon Lat, who appealed against a lower court conviction and sentence of two months' imprisonment on a charge of dishonestly retaining a War Department tyre, was cleared of the offence In the Singapore High Court yesterday. Mr. Justice Brown set aside the conviction and sentence
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  • 233 4 TWO ORGANISATION AND METHODS OFFICERS ARRIVE SWEEPING changes in the procedure and transac- tion of Singapore City Council affairs may soon take place. Two organisation and methods officers, appointed to streamline the Council's administrative machinery, have already started work. The City
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  • 100 4 COLLISION ROLLED CAR OVER YAP YEE HONG, a 69-year-old holiday-maker from Malacca, and four others escaped serious injuries when their car was rammed by another and overturned in Middle Road, Singapore. That took place one night in June last year. Yesterday, the old man came all the way from his
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  • 58 4 A decree nisi was granted by Mr. Justice Brown in the Singapore High Court yesterday dissolving the marriage of A. C. Galstaun with Mrs. Maude Galstaun. Galstaun had petitioned the court for a divorce on the ground of his wife's adultery with John C. Walterman. The decree nisi
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  • 33 4 KLANG. Wed— The Klang branch of the Malayan Chinese Association yesterday pave $3,000 to the women and children of the Port Swettenham detention carrp as a Chinese New Year gift.
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  • 72 4 The Vice-Chief of Staff of the Royal Slam Aiv Force. Air ommodon D*w*# r *"«na«pjr». and a guard-of-honour of Siamese a.i..jd ceremonial dreis. attended the funeral in Bangkok of the pilot and navigator of a Royal Air Force Mosquito cf 81 Squadron, who were killed when
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  • 176 4 JAP ASSETS GO UP FOR SALE Auction of enemy property JAPANESE property in Singapore worth about J $400,000 will come under the auctioneer's hammer next Tuesday on the instructions of the Custodian of Enemy Property. The property comprises the former Japanese Club in Selegie Road (the present Chinese V.M.C.A. i,
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  • 118 4 HE KNEW THE RISK HE WAS TAKING /CHARGED with permittinp V/ his motor-cycle to be used by a rider not covered by third party insurance, Ahmad bin Omar yesterday told a Singapore Traffic Magistrate: "I was an are of that fact, and when I lent him the vehicle I held
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  • 56 4 KUALA LUMPUR, Wed A police recruiting team will visit Kelantan and Trengganu this week and next. Candidates are asked to present themselves at police stations in Kota Bahru and Tumpat on Feb. 21, Pasir Puteh and Kuala Krai on Feb. 22, Jerteh and Kampong Raja on Feb. 23,
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  • 127 4 SEREMBAN, Wed. A FORMER special constable* Zakaria bin Daya. was today acquitted and discharged in the Seremban High Court by Mr Justice Abbot on a charge of unlawful possession of eight rounds of ammunition. Zakaria, In his defence, alleged that a Fijian soldier. Paula fc
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  • 170 4 $25,000 Singapore gift to flood fund THE Singapore Government v ill give $25,000 to the fund to aid Britain's flood victims. The Governor, Sir John Nit ill, announced this when he presided at the inaugural meeting of the British Flood Relief Committee, Singapore. The committee will ask all banks in
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  • 34 4 TAIPING, Wed. Fourteen Chinese found playing pakau at the Aulong new village were i fined SlO each by the Taiping Magistrate. The exhibits, in- eluding 58.20 in ra>h. were confiscated.
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  • 58 4 Zakaria then pulled out a bundle from below the seat of the machine. It contained ammunition j Thi two Malay assessors re- turned a verdict of not guilty. Mr. Justice Abbott told Paula that the allegation against him was entirely un- j true and he could leave the court
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  • 48 4 Bishop Raymond L. Archer, head of the Methodist Church in South-East Asia, will dedicate the new $9,500 Hammond organ of the Tamil Methodist Church in Singapore on Feb. 22. He will also deliver the sermon In the dedication service, which starts at 9.30 a.m.
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  • 144 4 A CHINESE taxi driver, with a pistol stuck in his bark, was forced by his three ChlI ncse passengers to turn out his pockets in lonely Dalvey i Road, Singapore, yesterday. The three Chinese engaged the taxi at the junction of Middle Road
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  • 64 4 More than 2.000 children of members of the Singapore Chinese Swimming Club will be entertained it a Chinese Now Year children's day parti oil Sunday. The programme, starting at 11 a.m.. will include an exhibition by the Olympic swimmer, Neo Chwee Kok, .i naeic show, fancy dress competition
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  • 23 4 TAIPING. Wed. Inche Ramli bin Abdul Hamid. second assistant dVtriet officer, Taiping. has gone to Tapah as assistant district officer.
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  • 46 4 A BOUQUET OF FLOWERS for Miss Amy Laycock, City Councillor, from Miss Leo tig Foon Yin, a student of Bartley Secondary School. Miss Laycock gave away prizes to students in the school, which celebrated its first anniversary yesterday. Straits Times picture.
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  • 203 4 tVDUR HUNDRED r students in Bartley Secondary School, Singapore, were given a holiday when their school celebrated its first birthday yesterday. But they came to ,«chool lust the s.ime and applauded loudly when their principal. Mr. Chua Leong Hean, urged < the Government to provide
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  • 97 4 37 named for Johore Council JOHORE BAHRU. Wed rpHIRTY-SEVEN people— six ■i- ex-offlclos. ten officials and 21 unofflclals— have been nominated to the sixth Johore Council of State as from Feb. 1. The new unofflcials are: Inche Abdul Rahman bin JafTar, nominee of the Johore Civil Service Association; Hajl Mohamed
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 223 4 MAKE YOUR GIFT THE MOST mW C£ TREASURED OF ALL... Jiii>-* i newD "Cj" rarker oY^W WOOD'S MOST WANTED PENI I J*jKr— I f^^\ /y\ I lla/ j\\ T7° R BIRTHDAYS > anniversaries and all other xV/ Xpft occasions what could be more fitting j—^/\ 11 than the world's most-wanted
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  • 416 5 Emphatic reply to London bank opinion of loan KUALA LUMPUR, Wednesday. 'pHE Federation's Financial Secretary, Mr. E. Himsworth, today emphatically repudiated a statement by a leading English bank that it was not advisable to invest in the Federation Security Loan. "From a security point of
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  • 248 5 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. FEDERATION leaders des■T cribed the bank's advice as a betrayal of the spirit of co-operation between the people of Britain and this country. MR. WOXC. PAX CHOY. Labour leader and Federal Legislative Councillor, said: "Malaya has helped Britain before in times of
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  • 55 5 TAIPING, Wed A padl contest for the district of Larut and Matang will be held in Taipinsr next month. The best exhibits will be sent to the State padi exhibition in Ipoh. Those adjudged the best there will b P shown at the M.A.H.A. .show
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  • 32 5 IPOH. Tuos. One hunded and thirty-three candidates who qualified as adult education instructors received their certificates from Inche Osman Fiin Talib. th P State Secretary, Perak. o n Saturday.
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  • 40 5 SEGAMAT, Wed.— The Ramakrishna Girls' Orchestra under Dr. Chotta Singh from Johore Bahru gave a charity performance at the Government English School, Segamat at the week-end in aid of the Madras and Ceylon Cyclone Relief Funds
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  • 37 5 SEGAMAT. Wed.-Mohamed bin Seraj, 28, charged with stealing a Jungle green suit from a military unit was allowed $300 bail in the Segamat Sessions Court. The case was adjourned till Mar. 10.
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  • 36 5 KUALA LUMPUR, Wed.— Mr. E. C. G. Barret, commissioner for the resettlement of special constables in civil life will act as British Adviser, Perak during Mr. I. w. Blelloch's absence on leave In Britain
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  • 26 5 SEGAMAT, Wed._ Mr. Heinson has arrived in Segamat and taken over from Mr. O s Carmichael as O. C. of the Police Special Bran;h
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  • 23 5 SEGAMAT, Wec.-Elghteen Chinese, a Malay and an Indian were fined $10 each at Scgamat for gambling in a house at Cha'ah.
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  • Article, Illustration
    50 5 IB! SILTAN OF PERAK wit li oflicers of the 2nd Battalion, the Malay Regiment, at Gopeng. On his left is Lt.-Col. C. A. I. Suther, OBE, former commander of the battalion, and on his rifht Capt. J. Drranan-Smith. commander of C Company. The Sultan has several times visited the battalion
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  • 63 5 MR. Charles Foley, foreign editor of the British national newspaper Daily Express, arrived in Singapore by riOAC Argonaut from Hong Kong yesterday to report on the Emergency. He will interview the Governor. Sir John Nicoll. the Mr. FOLEY. CinimLs.sionrr General. Mr Malcolm Mac Donald,
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  • 202 5 Why are they in GPO, he asks THE two large clocks above the counter in the General Post Office, which are out of order, are the subject of a written inquiry which Government will answer at the Singapore Legislative Council meeting on Feb. 24. Mr.
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  • 61 5 Xl ALA '..I MPIR. Wed. "Teethire" trouble at the Federation's newest and biggest pow v station at Klang HMMi r power cut for industrial consumers in Selangor and Negri Sembilan yesterday and today. A mechanical fault was found in the condenser of the Connaught Bridge station's
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  • 63 5 KLANG, Wed Rcpresen- They promised to donate 1 tatives of the Klang Chinese [J^gjgJ 00 PrOpOSal Chamber of Commerce and dpridpd tnat an Chinese associations and pr rh should be built in Klang guilds unanimously agreed to ta th r name of the Klang Chisupport the
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  • 213 5 Medical council proposed in bill THE Medical Registration Bill, to be introduced in the Singapore Legislative Council on Feb. 24, provides for the establishment of a Medical Council. This proposed council will be of 19 doctors seven from Singapore, three to b«? nominated by the Council of the University of
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  • 40 5 SEGAMAT. Wed.— The Segamat Magistrate yesterday ordered a warrant of arrest to be issued against shopkeeper Chua Kweng See. 36, for not attending court to answer a charge of obstructing the five-foot way in front of his shop.
    40 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 229 5 .-WpS^___ ;Kji" r\ MARIE k^: ELIZABETH Dyj J SAHDIXES Tasty and high quality sardines in pure olive oil. Housewives know that this world-famous brand of sardines is unsurpassed for quality. 70 Us. per tin. SAFE AS HOUSES IT \he*e desirable residences were made of glass, you could see how much
      229 words
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 377 5 1 M C.A.. Ina filiation of Gulden BlUimpore Kir John Nico., at Victoria Memorial Hall, .> 4u p.m Ad-dre.-,s bv Dr P.1114 M L.mbert rOUCC BANBi Public performance al I 1 .irrt r Pariw 5.30 0 ni to 6 so u in -i -'.w.i.i WOMtVS COl.NtIL: Optnuiit u[ ijlris ciub
      377 words

  • 39 6 KLLA, widow- of Dr. R. Cunyne-ham-Brown. C.8.E.. and beknecl mother of only surviving son SJovald of the Malayan Civil Srrv!<v and daughter Ursilla Martin of Barnet; nt Grnoa on her way home to Lymlncton on Ifith February, 1953
    39 words
  • 35 6 IN' MEMORIAL and in Iwinc TrrTiory of Scow Tione Kirn who was taken away by the Japanese and presume killed on 19th Feb.. 1942. Always cherished by hU beloved wife and daughter, Nancy.
    35 words
  • 13 6 GRAFTON Anti-shrink ready dresses from $25 Harrows Ltd., 7, Orchard Road.
    13 words
  • 15 6 WALPOLB, Sydney O. Y-.»nrly preetlnss much appreciated. Address wanted: Irene Salway Care Fordindia. Bombay.
    15 words
  • 58 6 THE FAMILY Of the Into Mr. C.V. Mclntyn thanks all friends end relative* who sent wreaths and at i ended his funeral. THE BEREAVED family of tho lao Mr I 100 Ken? Tuck, who died on 12-2-53. wishes to thank all rtla- I tl'rs and friends for the wreaths
    58 words
  • The Straits Times
    • 776 6 With the dismissal by the Privy Council of an application I for leave to rppeal against the death sento'ice, comment be- comes possible in the case of Lee Meng. condemned woman terrorist. This case has attracted unusual public attention. To begin with it is one
      776 words
    • 344 6 President Eisenhower adroitly sidestepped his way out of all awkward corners at his first Washington press conference, and managed in the process of it to reassure America's friends that no dramatic American action need be expocted in Asia. But it was an interview which left many i questions
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    • 157 6 In the Federation and in Singapore funds have now been opened to alleviate distress caused in the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland by the floods, gales and heavy seas of recent weeks. These funds have been inaugurated by the High Commissioner, General Sir Gerald Templer, and the
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  • 896 6  - WHAT ABOUT THE FORMOSA DECISION? SCRUTATOR By 7PHE taste and tone of Mr. Herbert Morrison's speech about Formosa a few days ago made some amends for the crudity with which he and other spokesmen of the Opposition Front Bench had previously handled the question in the House of Commons. The
    896 words
  • man-in-the-Street
    • 333 6 YOUR report headed "Firm action to recover tithe dues," referring to the Secretary of the Zakat and Fitra Organisation, Perlis, invites comment. "Tithe" is an ecclesiastical tax consisting of a tenth part of the annual produce, known to the ancient Jews and first Imposed by Christian authorities
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    • 413 6 IT will indeed be interesting to see what the Government does with its star problem child John Eber They say he is a Communist. This may be so. although, judging by some current world events, it seems that anyone these days who ventures
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    • 141 6 IN reply to "Another Army I Wife's" letter In defencr of the woman in the window may I inquire whether this correspondent speaks Malay? Because if she had been able to understand some of the things that were being said i by the large crowd
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  • 700 6 Political interest in the S.I. T. ACCORDING to a report in A your issue of Feb. 16, "most of the Colony's Legislative and City Councillors maintain that the present system of allocation of S.I.T. houses is the best." This contention of our political pundits would make the horses laugh, as
    700 words
  • 506 6 Aiiiiiyaaaaah IT would be as well to start with the conclusion of yesterday's correspondence on the Chinese language, spoken and written. "For the native speaker," the correspondent rounds off, "sounds, tones, grammatical inflections and categories are simply taken for granted. He doesn't even know that these things
    506 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 778 6 CLASSIFIED ADS,! TUFFIELD: To Joan nnd Arthur at KandanK Kerbau Hospital on tho 18th. A son Peter Arthur. Both well. CASHIN— STURT. The rn K aßPment Is announced between Howard Edmund, younper son of the late Mr. A.W. Cashln and Mrs. Cashin of 7f) Orange Road. Singapore and Camilla Violet,
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    • 209 6 Blast and Counterblast The inside of a blast furnace deteriorates with use and every three to five years the refractory material with which it is lined has to be renewed. First, the firnace must be allowed to cool, then the old lining up to 1,000 tons of it must be
      209 words

  • 363 7  -  NAN HM.L Bj PROWLERS BEWARE When they find the Justice of the Lady With the Stick coming at them they'll wish they hadn't called that way MR. Jagjeet S. Sehgal. a 21-year-old Sikh, yesttrd.iy demonstrated the art of self-defence which he
    363 words
  • 96 7 ITOH. Wed. Fi:ty-!ivc Chi- I A tutal of $1,012 found on Dese, 18 Of them women, the gamblers or on the who said they gambled be- gambling was conftscause they wanted to know catcd. w!>*t the "Year of the Scr- Th<- gambleri wo^ arrested in pent"
    96 words
  • 72 7 Twelve women and 28 men wer c yesterday acquitted by the Singapore Fourth Police] Magistrate, Mr. J. B. Jeyaratnam, of a charge of gambling. Mr. Isaac Thomas, prosecuting, said that the houses in which they were arrested had been kept under observation for three days before
    72 words
  • 39 7 IPOH. Wed.— Enrolments in the 960 English and vernacular schools in Perak have risen from 155.889 at the end of January of 1952 to the alltime record of 170,954 at the end of last month.
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  • 24 7 PENANG. Wed. -The UMNO president. Toncjku Abdul Rahman, will arrive In Frnang tomorrow on a tour of LiMNO branches In the Settlement
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  • 36 7 JOHORE BAHRU. Wed Another airstrip in Johore is to be built at Bakrl. Muar district. About 110 acres of land are to be bought from private owners for this purpose.
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  • 34 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed.The next meeting of the Federal Legislative Council will be held in the Council Chamber, MaxweCl Road. Kuala Lumpur, on March 18 and 19 at 10.30 a.m. and 9.30 a.m.
    34 words
  • 161 7 Acid in her husband's coffee IPOH, Wednesday. ATTRACTIVE 17-year-old Ng Kow Keah, who last week admitted putting sulphuric acid into her 38-year-old husband's coffee to get a divorce, was placed on probation for two years by Mr. Justice Thomson in the Assize Court today.
    161 words
  • 101 7 LIM KOK FAY, a cashier and accountant in the American Foreign Insurance Association, Singapore, told the Singapore Fourth District Court yesterday that his wife had been ill since 1949 and that he took th P firm's money to pay for her medical expenses. He
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  • 38 7 Mr. R. Miot arrived In Singapore by BOAC Comet yesterday to take up the new post of French Senior Trade Commissioner in South-East Asia. He will have his headquarters in the Colony.
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  • 46 7 Mr. Cecil Hobbs. reference librarian for South-East Asia at the Library of Congress. Washington, will lecture on his task in the education lecture room, of the University of Malaya in Cluny Road. Singapore, tomorrow. The lecture is open to the public.
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  • 46 7 PENANG. Wed— The draw for the Penang Settlement Welfare fund $1 lucky tickets will take piece at 5 p.m. this Saturday at the Penang Rubber Trade Association premises. The 30-cent stall draw resulted as follows first prize 1876, second, 1393 third, 1663; fourth, 1036.
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  • 16 7 BUKIT MERTAJAM, Wed.— Three health clinics will be built in Province Wellesley this year.
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  • 165 7 FIVE journalists fronj leadln K Australian newspapers passed through Singapore by Qantas-BOAc yesterday on their way to tour India at the invitation of the Indian Government. Tnry will be there for three weeks and will see all major cities. the Melbourne Argus, Mr. J. Goodge or
    165 words
  • 154 7 MacD holds university talks with the sponsors THE Chancellor of the I'nlversity oi Malaya. Mr. Malcolm Mac Donald, and the Vice-Chancellor. Sir Sydney Came. yesterday met Chinese leaders for the first time to discuss the proposed Chinese university. The talks were held at Phoenix Park. Mr. MacOonald's headquarters. They were
    154 words
  • 244 7 VARSITY PLAN 'HAS KILLED GOOD FEELING' THE PROPOSAL to set up a Chines? university has killed the good feeling: which the Malays had for the Chinese. This was said by Inche Abdullah bin Ayub, honours stu- j dent of the University of Malaya, at a public forum last i night
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  • 169 7 HE FIRED GUN INTO FLOOR I Because woman refused him KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. AN assistant accountant of a Kuata Lumpur bank who nred his revolver because a i woman refused to go to bed with him was today sentenced Ito three ninths' lmprisonj ir.ent. The accountant. William Mclnnes, pleaded guilty
    169 words
  • 84 7 Saaluddin bin Malir while walking alone the Singapore Cricket o".ub padan K i n a suspicious manner, was stopped and .searched by two detectives on Tuesday. A six-inch-long dagger was found on him. Yesterday jn the Singapore Fourth Criminal District Court, after pleading guilty to having the
    84 words
  • 27 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Wr>d Mr P. H. Burces an examiner for the Royal Schools of Music London, will visit Malaya as an Overseas examiner next August.
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  • 53 7 Mrs F W CHAN (nee Ella Tay Kirn She? ]>.us>ed nway peacefully on Feb 18th lenvine behind three MM, Jnhn. Albert and Victor Chan Funeral on Teb. 19th. cortege leaving 36 Credent Road at 445 pm service ht St. Hildas Churrh. Ceylon Road, •i pm. and thence to Bidadarl
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
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    • 159 7 %l Sage (In Her New Dress) A jcivcl amow) Nail Ulislics V I I 2 bottle >r?- -jjl IN ALL THE NEW jl ft^jlj SaOC Clever women use /> W^fc-w— <^^E^\ PEGGY SAGF iT'lfffimW^ NAIL POLISH '(iUl.l V$P > Also in stock a full range of Peggy Sage "SHIMMERING $2.15
      159 words
  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 86 7 The Weather II'EATKER .statistics throughout Malaya yesterday were Minimum temperature (7.30 p.m. on Feb. 17 to 7.30 a.m on Feb. 18 Singapore <75 degrvs). Penang <75>. Kota Bahru 1 78 1. Kuu'.a Lumpur (72». Ipoh (72;, Kuantan <71>. Maximum temperature (7.30 a.m. to 7.30 p.m on Feb. 18): Singapore (90>.
      86 words

  • 257 8 'ALARMING MUSLIM DIVORCES 6-man committee of inquiry is appointed ALOR STAR, Wednesday. THKRE were 40 divorces out of every hundred Muslim marriages in Kedah in the past three years, Tuan Haji Abdul Rahman, assistant chief kathi, told the State Council of Religion and Malay Customs today. He was speaking on
    257 words
  • Article, Illustration
    37 8 BEING BROKEN INTO THE RKKX light machine-gun are 18-year old triplets, Allan. Brian and Dennis Kirbv. who have just been called up for National Service. The boys, who are at Blackdown Camp, come from Stratford, <-ast London.
    37 words
  • 113 8 Director's trial postponed THE Singapore First Crimi- j nal District Judge, Mr H. A. Fornr. yesterday postponed the case against Khoo BOO' Chay, a director of Aik Hoe ;md Co. Ltd.. to March 18 for mention. Khoo was charged witn abetting the forgery by an unknown person of a letter,
    113 words
  • 51 8 TRESPASS IS ALLEGED Woman charged A 40-ycar-oki woman, Chng Swce Kcng, was charged in Singapore yesterday with trespassing the o;!ice of Mr. Carl ci^ Sou/a at the Social Welfare Department building. Empress Place, with j Intent to insult him. She claimed trial and was allowed $500 bail until Feb
    51 words
  • 31 8 iaifiimu, wea.— me iaiplnc branch of thr Malayan Chinese Association gave a Chinese Now Yrar party to the auxiliary police at the Hokkion Hoay Kuan in Kota Road.
    31 words
  • 79 8 SINGAPORE'S CANNON TOO YOUNG' THE two cannon unearthed in Singapore about a year ago are too young to mount Penang historic Fort Cornwallis. said Dr. GibsonHill, of Raffles Museum yesterday The cannon, both 68 pounders, are about a century old each, while Fort Cornwallis Ls about 165 years old. Dr.
    79 words
  • 80 8 Chanan Singh, an assistant storekeeper at the Singapore Harbour Board, who appealed nsainst a lower court conviction and sentence of two months' imprisonment for the theft of a small bottle of beer, loft the Hich Court yesterday to serve his sentence. Mr. Justice Brown dismissed the
    80 words
  • 148 8 But he gets 14-day term AFTER being convicted of stealing a tube of shaving cream. 800 Teck Yong asked the Singapore Second Police Magistrate, Mr. J. F. McWilliam. to impose a fine on him and not to send him to prison. 1
    148 words
  • 58 8 Ramian bin Hassan, an employee of the Shell Company, Singapore, was charged yesterday with stealing four gallons of petrol worth St 3 belcnging to the company in a lane off River Valley Rosd. Low Siew Knng. 31, was charpod with abetting Ramjar, in the offence. They
    58 words
  • 88 8 He said 'pass* Pariesamy Kallimuthu, a labourer, who said "pass" to a conductor when asked for his fare in a Singapore Traction Company Dm at Paya Lebar on Nov. 30 last year, was yesterday fined $50 for trying to cheat the S.T.C. of 10 cents Pariesamy
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  • 42 8 Holding that there was no evidence of criminal nejjliKence. Mr. Justice Brown ir Singapore High Court yesterday allowed the appeal of J C. Parsons, a motorist, who had been fined $75 in the lower cour's on a charge of negligent driving.
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  • 23 8 For assaulting a police officer on duty, Pritam Singh, a storekeeper attached to tbo BOD., was yesterday fined $50 in Singapore.
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  • 170 8 LIFTING OF TIM USE BAN LONDON, Wednesday. FVISCUSSING the effects of the American removal of restrictions on the use of tin. Mr. Ernest Pearce, chairman of the British Tin Investment Corporation, says that, although there is a belief that 12 years' restriction
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  • 65 8 Lim Ah Long claimed trial in the Singapore Second Police Court yesterday to housebreaking at the Van Kit swimming pool on Tuesday. He was alleged to have broken into the latrine when It was locked. Lim was given bail of $2SO until Feb. 25. A boy.
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  • 38 8 The following have been elected office-bearers of the Ramakrishna Sangeetha Sabha for 1953 —President. Mr. A Rajah; secretary. Miss Edith Paul: treasurer. Miss Suleika Sodar: director of music: Dr M. Chota Singh: committee member: Mrs. R Rajah
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  • 97 8 Tried to nail himself to death LENG CHFW JOO, 49, a labourer, ho lost his job recentl' .rird to pierce his heart h a four-inch nail, the Si. .nore Fifth Police Court I us told yesterday. Inspertr A. D. Jacobs, prosecuting, said that a police sergeant, while on rounds In
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  • 56 8 Thirteen calls were made between Singapore and Indonesia yesterday the first day after the Singapore-Jakarta-Bandoeng telephone service was inaugurated on Tuesday Mr. J. C. Dallow. Director of Telecommunicsuio:^. said that reception was very good. Of the calls, eight were put through from Indonesia. The
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  • 179 8 ONE MORE BANDIT KILLED, 3 GIVE UP KUALA LUMPUR. Wed.ONE more terrorist has been Killed and another wounded by security forces in the Federation Three terrorists, including a branch commlUee member of the Communist terrorist organisation, have surrendered. One of the surrendered terrorists was Liew Yik Kan. alias Liau Don
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  • 49 8 The Governor of Singapore, Sir John Nicoll, will inaugurate the Golden Jubilee celebrations of the Y.M.CrA. at a public meeting in the Victoria Memorial Hall at 5.40 p.m. today. The programme includes an address by Dr. Paul Mover Limbert, secretary-elect of the World's Alliance of Y.M.CAj.
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  • 31 8 Tay Ah Chiap, a. ship's cook, was acquitted in the Singapore Second Police Court yesterday of having three cigarette tini containing prepared opium at Tanjong Rhu on Oct. 15.
    31 words
  • 167 8 IjV)R escaping from Singapore's Outram Road prison 9n Feb. 10, Wee Kiat Seng, 17, was sentenced by Mr. J. F. McWilliam. the Second Police Magistrate, yesterday to six months' imprisonment The sentence was in addition to the 19-month gaol term, which Wee is now serving,
    167 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 123 8 The INCOMPARABLE ik "10" bß|lVv OUTBOARD ■IP WBifc^'^^^^ S-wK I'irst S'pnrv Outboard ilvtfaitti S|iߧli '^^^S^ Mt>b. l.pth. 1953. JjjjJl! J Ist —"Hula Hula" winner of the Class "C" Outboard Boar Challenge Trophy .jd^^jg^¥?f S^l^^P^'---#^ar 2nd— "Babalu" winner of the H. J. C. Kulasingha Trophy. I^^^J^^^^^^^^^BM S§ All three boats powered
      123 words

  • 155 9 COL. Earl C. Stewart, United States' Army liaison officer in Singapore who is leaving for another post in Chicago, told the Straits Times yesterday. "I am sorry to go. I have seen a most dramatic ebb and flow of the Emergency trouble in Malaya."
    155 words
  • 46 9 Lee Tian Lye claimed trial in Singapore yesterday to a charge of disposing of 37 stolen motor-car tyres in a house at Cecil Street on June 19 last year. The case was postponed until Feb. 25 for mention. Bail of $1,000 was allowed.
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  • 633 9 MR. BEDALE MAKES HIS REPORT KUALA LUMPUR, Wednesday. jyjß. Harold Bedale, local government expert from Hornsey, in his report on his recent mission to Malaya issued today, recommends that there should be a periodical review, by State Councils, of all
    633 words
  • Article, Illustration
    73 9 MR. A. BRIAXT (left) who arrived in Singapore by QantasBOAC from London yesterday to look after (he entertainment of troops fighting the Communist bandits in the Federation. As head of Combined Services Entertainment, he will arrange for artistes from Britain to come out to put on shows for servicemen. He
    73 words
  • 112 9 rE TANGLIN Club. Singapore, has already made plans fur Coronation Week. On Monday. June 1. there will be a tea party and swimming gala for children of members. A Coronation Ball will be hold on Wednesday. June 3, for members only. Bookings will be strictly
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  • 41 9 JOHORE BAHRU, Wed The selection board has been in Johore Bahru yesterday 1 and today selecting clerks for promotion to the special grade. Yesterday all Johore Bahru candidates were interviewed. Today, outstation candidates had their turn.
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  • 29 9 JOHORE BAHRU, WedLee Eng Chik, sundry goods shopkeeper, was fined $25 in the police court today, for selling controlled articles of food without a proper licence.
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  • 151 9 THE I.S. destroyer squadron 20 of eight ships will arrive in Singapore from Korean waters on Saturday for a two-day visit. It is returning to the United States through the Mediterranean after four months of action against the Communists. The ships will have completed
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  • 121 9 GUILTY, BUT HE WAS INSANE Naval Base murder verdict A SINGAPORE Jury yesterday returned a verdict of "guilty but insane" against R. Sekaran. 38, a Naval Base labourer, who was tried on a charge of murdering a fellow worker, K. Neelambaram, on July 28 last. Concurring with the jury's majority
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  • 84 9 'DO NOT LEAVE THINGS IN UNLOCKED CARS' rpHE SINGAPORE C.I.D. yesi terday warned car owners to lock up their vehicles when leaving it unattended especially if belongings artleft in them. A police spokesman said that several people have lost articles left in unlocked cars. In most of these cases, the
    84 words
  • 22 9 SEGAMAT, Wed— For using a car without a rear light. Uflß Hong Liong. 38, was fined *W at Segamat
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  • 163 9 THE fate of 700 Singapore hawkers selling fresh i*h. meat and poultry depends on a confidential report by the City Health Officer. Dr. N. A. Canton. The report, which will soon be studied by the City Council's Health Committee, will help councillors to decide
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  • 44 9 JOHORE BAHRU, Wed— X. i Mohideen, a taxi driver. wa> charged in the Police Ccurt today with using criminal force with intent to outrage the modesty of Chre Lian. The case was postponed to Mar. 4. Mohideen was allowed $250 bail.
    44 words
  • 64 9 JOHORE B iHRU. Wed. On the Instructions of the D P.P., the case against William Lov.t- Kunjj Ch:k, a solicitor's cr.erk, wa s withdrawn in the Session* Court today. He was acquitted. Lowo was charged with deceiving Kunji Mohamed and I obtaining from him $42 which he
    64 words
  • 76 9 Tay Peng Hong. 36. with his right leg in plaster, was carried by two detectives in'o the Singapore Fif h Poilce Court room yesterday t<. a..- swer a charge of f.equentinp a house used for rooking I'Phim in Upper Cross Street. The charge was read to
    76 words
  • 161 9 CROWBAR FORCED THE DOOR Police describe raid on club A police party which raided a Chinese club in Smith Street, Singapore, on Dec. 8 arrested 19 on a charge of playing a game of dice for money in a common gaming house, the Fifth Police Court was told yesterday. Tho
    161 words
  • 77 9 Guest speaker at yesterday's first meeting of the International Club was Mrs. P. M. Limbert, who is on a world tour with her husband, before ho becomrs secretary-sreneral of tho World Alliance of the Younß Men's Christian Association in Goni'va §ince leaving America, where i Dr.
    77 words
  • 50 9 JOIIORE BAHRU. Wed.— How Choo Har was fined $300 in the policr court today for tryitiß to smueele a ramera and 18 gramophone records from Singapore Into the Fedem tion. The articles which were valued at $123 and on which duty payable was $39.50 were confiscated.
    50 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 129 9 (souk o£uc)/ar Blaxk&Wkite MADE IN ENGLAND SOLE AGENTS CHOY BROTHERS (MALAYA) LIMITED SINGAPORE -KUAIA LUMPUR IPOH ENJOY THIS DELICIOUS DRINK AROUND THE CLOCK! You need never say "no to Instant Postum Drink it morning: or night, with meals or between any time you want a delicious beverage. Instant 'Postum is
      129 words
    • 121 9 C/ (yn^a COMMERCIAL J&sMlMs^t\ VEHICLES Ast^^C^wtyMiisj)tf»iSi^^^w^k^T Wjs^" *>* i n 1*) L. v Thames Commercial vehicles available Wtt^gtK^fM famous V 8 petrol engine or 157 inch Chassis powered by the V 8 petrol or Perkins P6 diesel engine. J I Thames 10 Cwt Van powered by a ,^^H sturdy engine
      121 words

  • 639 10 Chinese pottery is a best seller jam; v.yon noxv is mi; x\\n; JADE S'.iow Wong of San Francisco, American artist and writer of Chinese descent, will give in an exhibition of modern Chinese art when she visits Singapore next week. To be neld in the Chinese Chamber of Commerce, the
    639 words
  • 318 10 A TRIM figure without any ugly fat at the hips, the ankles and the chin, goes a long way to help one to look young. If your weight is only 5 or 6 lbs. above the ideal weight for a model, you have not Rot much
    318 words
    • 121 10 THE WORLD On the looms yHE International La- bour Office has just published a survey on the problems posed by the employment of women in the textile industry, a survey which will serve as a basis for the forthcoming talks at the Textile Industries Commission of 1.L.0. According to th.
      121 words
    • 156 10 PAKISTAN In uniform 4CCORDING to the teachings of Islam, men and women are equals, but in Pakistan and elsewhere native customs had prevailed over religious precepts ?;id right up to the pro- clamation of independence the women of Pakistan had devoted themselves exclusively to their homes. Begum Liaquat All Khan,
      156 words
    • 131 10 JAPAN Pearl gamble 'THE Japanese cultured x pearl king, Mr. Kokichi Mikimoto, plans to' start a lottery, on a world-wide scale, with 10.000 yearly prizes each consisting of a pearl necklace. Mr. M;k:moto, owes his huge fortune to his invention j of cultured pearls. He stated recently that he planned
      131 words
  • 916 10  -  MICHAEL AMRINE MYSTERIES OF THE >ll 1 By rpHE latest "talking horse' 1 to hit the head-lines is one of a lons line of allegedly psychic animals which have raised, in the past, questionj about the existence of a "sixth sense."
    916 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 139 10 Healthy, happy families take ENO'S "Fruit |r Salt". Pleasant, refreshing Fruit Salt is the gentle corrective most of us need to keep the system regular. ENO'S is particularly suitable for children and for anyone with a delicate stomach. ENO'S will safely relieve over-acidity, a most frequent cause of indigestion, heartburn
      139 words
    • 107 10 Entertain in style and comfort HOUSE coats or hostess \*^J <?V/K gowns whichever title /kM* Ix\k\ comfortable and attracativc \)l\ for indoor wear. il B^A^^/ \^X Here are two pretty J^UmW\9^. enough for entertaining jDxW^ Iddm LEFT: this house-coat n/Mml^J V has an "Elizabethan" line (A M M W^9Ll and
      107 words
    • 295 10 4 trs COOKED SPMMET7I All the family will cheer when U«in/ Cooked Spaghetti i- At^/^^ nerved for dinner I <>r m. t..,..i C^r Mm 1 i" more pop ilar, more ta>t< •''"^^■wv U-mptiag and delicious than /^^^^^^^^^^*sV these tender ittrandn of good- y^*HfiS7 ncsa Kith ilnit n. h, »pir> .^^■■■2l
      295 words

  • 823 11  -  Spencer Moosa Chiang's island springboards From in Taipeh, Formosa Withdrawal of the U.S. Seventh Fleet's protective screen about Formosa opens the way for Nationalist raids on the mainland of Red China. It also could have the effect of easing pressure on United Nations
    823 words
  • 470 11  -  ERIC MITCHELL By QSMAN was ineorrlgiv ble. He was a marked man from the first day he was recruited as a S.C. He got seven days extra work on his second day of service for throwing his shot gun at the sergeant. He
    470 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 164 11 THE WAR DRUMS ECHOE THEIR CHALLENGE =-,i IL =FOR A 2nd BIG WEEK^ -TVROIME POWER TECHNICOLOR -«»«««j TODAY ftffpJM TODAY 1 AIB CONDITIONiO MM 0009 1 1 >i. i.:io-i-«>. is A ?>.:to P.M. TODAY jjy iStJ^j A (Free List Suspended) SAT! ltn\Y >m»M(,»T! f*j THE RAILROAD J™ I ™^^Hl^ mmmmm
      164 words
    • 302 11 YL7TJT7Ff!9*i starts today \Jf *iA '^jjjjffjj^jjfttf 1-45, 4, 6.30, 9.33 Columbia presents ANOTHER fSS~stei KRAMER GEM! jfefc Based on I\N rip HARTO(. S jK^ Broad w. i Comedy Sucre** ..^fll tho trndrr hiocraphy of a marri.ii:p from thr fir«l night to (he first baby and _PPr*^wTi through thr year* hryond
      302 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 343 11 27. Noiseless (9). Jllalli I IllltSa V_rUbbWOra toads (Othello) (7). 29 toutty 7) I I* I* 5 i I down 1. Important to be this, wcord- r^ \sv ssss ln to wlWe (7^ HI 2 In law fu ">' np cotlable (s>. >---. kk__> i«S-i y>^ 3. Our wakening and
      343 words
    • 12 11 c. c. c. Collect six of these coupons to join the Children's
      12 words

  • 506 12 KATU AND KUNDANG TIN SHARES IN GOOD DEMAND RUBBER PRICE SAGS rtE share market in Singapore yesterday continued steady but quiet, the feature being the continued demand for Katu Tin, on publication of a very satisfactory output for January, and for Kundang Tin which is, as yet, unexplained. Lower Perak
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  • 63 12 The Malayan Exchange Banks Association yesterday made the following alterations in their rates to merchants Canada, buying, T.T. 32 5 18, air mail, 0.D., 32 7 16, 90 days, 32 11,16; selling, T.T. or O.D. 32. Hong Kong, selling, T.T. or O.D. 53 3,8. buying, T.T. 52 7;8,
    63 words
  • 186 12 MELBOURNE, Wed A big range of Investments stocks A went hipher on the Stock Exchange today under the Impetus of better all-round economic prospects and good company reports. The rises were again solid rather than spectacular but the turnover was heavier than usual. Leading Issues were solidly supported,
    186 words
  • 17 12 The price of tin in Singapore yesterday was declared at $474 a pieul. up $2.
    17 words
  • 48 12 Srdenak Rubber Estates is cutting its final dividend to five per cent, making ten per cent, less tax for the year ended October last. This compares with 37' 2 per cent for the preceding year. Net profit for the year was £13.685 after tax of £23.250.
    48 words
  • 32 12 In January Katu Tin Dredging Ltd. dredged 114.000 cubic yards and produced 729 piculs of tin-ore. Renone Consolidated Tin Dredcine dredeed 239.000 cubic yard"; and produced 336 picuLs of *in-ore
    32 words
  • 73 12 Singapore Chlnene Produce Kvchatißr Noon pnera per plcul were Copra: buyers. $38' sellers $39. fob. Coconut oil- sellers t59>2. Popper: Muntok, white, sellers $555. Sarawak $550. Lampong, black. $435. Market was slid rrported In "holiday mood" with prices unchanßen and no business passing. Lewis and Peat. Closing prices
    73 words
  • 39 12 Dow Jones averages on the New York Stock Exchange on Monday and Tuesday were: Mon. Tues 20 Railroads 108.11 107.32 30 Industrials 282.18 281 51 40 Domestic Bonds 98 17 98 15 IS Utilities 52.70 52.42
    39 words
  • 169 12 gHIPS lying alonjj^idp the Sin<;«- 1 pore Harbour Board wharves or axnerted today are: Emp're Fowey 1-2. Esan >t^ru 4-5. > Tswali 6-7. Bencruarhen 8-9. Breconshire 11. Penmhor 13-14. City of I Birkenhead 15-16. Maxwrll Brander I 11-22 Teucer 23-24. Marndu 25-26. Bteel Artisan 31-32. Ca^ha-s 33-34. 1
    169 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1370 12 MANSFIELD 6c CO., LTD. 2»fi3 Potsagt (Incorp rofd in Smgooore; All other BLUE FUNNEL LINE D>> Carrier s option to proceed via other ports to load and dischorgt cargo SAILINGS to LIVERPOOL. GLASGOW, LONDON ft CONTINENTAL PORTS Ou» Soil. P Shorn Penono Ttucer fnr iK-rnonl K Hovrr G. 23/24 Feb.
      1,370 words
    • 572 12 BEN LINE STEAMERS LTD. For UK /CONTINENT S pore P. Sham Penong J Bencruachan fw L'verpool, Dublin Homburg, Antwerp C. B/9 22/24 Feb. 25/2« Feb. Benmhnr for G»n^>o, London, Rotterdom, Hull G 15/14 23/25 Feb. 24 Ftb/ 1 Mar. Bei-anow f~r Hivre. London, Rottirdom, Middlesbrough 27 Feb/ 5 Mar. 4/
      572 words
    • 564 12 EAST ASIATIC LINE SAILINGS FROM SCANDINAVIAN/UK. /CONTINENT S po r P P 5 hofri Penong "Mwrila" tm Bangkok 20/21 Feb In Port "Patagonia" for Adelo'de. Melbourne, Burne ivdnev Inor looding. •ocal cargo) 24/J6 Fcb 22/23 Ftb 10/21 Ftb "Lalqndto" for Bongkou 7/ Mar "India" for Bangkok, Sagon Hong-'-ng Van. la.
      564 words
    • 1196 12 McALISTER 6c CO., LTD. TEL: No. 5904 ELLERMAN tk BUCKNALL KLAVEMESS LINE LONDON. HAVRE ROTTERDAM ft w$ $AN rRAN CISCO. and tor US A N^h Atlont.c Port, PORTLAND, SIATTLE ft VANCOUVER ond Conoda via Colombo Accepting corgo for Central ft South S.S. "CITY OF BIRKENHEAD" t American Ports Spore P
      1,196 words

  • 860 13 SENTINEL'S Sportlight \yiTH the official start of the Singapore soccer season only nine days off, it looks as though the "big kick-off" will take place with three of last year's victorious Malaya Cup team and the three who contributed most to that narrow win
    860 words
  • 49 13 LONDON. Wed. Dennis Powell. fhkta lii:l:;-heav\-weight champion, and George Walker, of London. will fiqlu for the British title In Liverpool on Mar. 27 the night before the Grand National. Trie championship was vacated by Randy Turpin. who won it from Don CocKeli A P.
    49 words
  • 26 13 LONDON'. Wed Burnley regained the lead in the First Division of the English I/eacue yesterday by he. ting To-ter.liam Hotspur 3-2.— 1 Reuter.
    Reuter  -  26 words
  • 948 13  -  WHISTLER CHANGI SPORT... By A WATERLOGGED ground made condition.l difficult for the "Republic Day" Cup match at Farrier Park on Saturday between R.A.F. Changl Station XI and the Hindustan Recreation Ck:b. whlrh Chanel w^>n 5-1. Changl were the first to settle down and
    948 words
  • 619 13 U.K. SOCCER ROUNDABOUT From A Special Correspondent LONDON, Wednesday. THE success story of Luton Town, now making a •1 determined bid for promotion to the First Division, brings sweet vindication to two people— centre forward Jesse Pye and the club's chairman, Mr. Charles Jeyes, who
    619 words
  • 104 13 CHOONGS TO FLAY FOR THE WORLD LONDON Wed. DON Smythe and Bud Porter. Ifcg Canadian doubles champions, will compete in the All-England badminton championships at Earls Court next month. Dave Bloomer, go-ahead amateur promoter for the Scottish Badminton Union, will bring them over to play for the Commonwealth against Scandinavia
    104 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 558 13 HARDY A Mill di^ik^B i> *t "ti just reuttrd" ManNBKI are not mi.r. liny ;nc tlir fruit of nature ;m<l of noble mind. Millions of Craven "A" nnoken preserve their good maniien even when oflcred other brandi of cigarette*, f jffy S¥ y They fisel, pardonably, that their purely
      558 words
    • 336 13 \VA%\V.V.V.Vd B AV.\VAV.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.VAV^AVAV^.V.V.V.V.V.V.Vd'.V.V.V.'.*. -.V.VaW. FELINE ATTRACTION $5,000 MIST H E O 4ff > 3ttfc.-«fc- -•>*-•»(■ l^K Vt V |I^BbW_3bb^K «^^Ti PV *V< 'S xJtomF&^rm^B '^^B^Hr BB^BBm V BBBw^?'' S F^bßßm 'i _^bbV HP r J& l^imS^Uk^M^ L^AJpJf f bbbV'Mbbh <a JSbt^w' l ■V^bbß^^^^S^^^V' :lWt ,3^ «afll I|L JflK£aV V «|W
      336 words
    • 273 13 ia^:Mdi;wiw:i of feet, bands and irmpiti. I This very innoying evil will b« i\ btoished r i(£^^) oo by i I ioc deliciouily •*O PO^ fooling and *»<Dfi •ffWtf drying PUROI S- JgJ .POWDER which w^ e>p«ls also^he *"S 'ditigreable ■^^^-j? 'odour There-' I (ore. 60 try* I IORNEO UMATIA
      273 words

  • 744 14 FIJIANS SCORE 40-8 VICTORY KUALA LUMPUR, Wednesday. THE Fijians ran up another big score when they met a Selan^or Club "invitation fifteen" in the last rugger match of the season on the padang here today. They won by 40 points (five goals, two penalties,
    744 words
  • 546 14 T<IIE WOODSVILLE teams, Saints "A" and "B", drew the biggest cheers from a large crowd on the Singapore padang yesterday during the four concluding third-round ties in the Singapore Cricket Club's seven-a-side rugger tournament. And the boys deserved all the applause —the
    546 words
  • 182 14 A.C.S. 3. Gan En e Seng 0. DISPLAYING more dash and better team work AngloChinese School beat Gan En' 4 Seng School 3—o in an interschool soccer match at Gan Erig Seng ground yesterday. The game was on the slow side and there was
    182 words
  • 28 14 HONG KONG, Wod. rHE Austrian touring tear. Linz F.C., won the final same of their Far East tour here yesterday, beating Combined Chinese 5-1.
    28 words
  • 329 14  -  EPSOM JFFP Itv MISS MALAYA, Shangrila and Bobsworth a trio of good-looking three-year-olds in the Lewis stabl—galloped in attractive style on the training track a( Bukit Timah yesterday morning. Miss .Malaya < Tait and Bobsworth ißagbyi raced stride for stride over 3f in 38 2
    329 words
  • 32 14 The nni' ml cricket mee I tv: nl h« Bint "°re Chinesp RC. will li irlri in the clubhouse at 1.11 p.n od.iy All members are hjvtted o it ten<l
    32 words
  • 32 14 ■aaaMN Cricket Clu 1 married MM b-:it the single by 3-0 in the animal hockey match played on the S.C.C. ground yesterday. Mrs. Negus scored nil three goals.
    32 words
  • 32 14 TOIIW; Hth 0220 (9 3 ft t and 1433 < 9 1 1 Low ORU .1.41 and 2038 i2Ri IOMOKKow H:«li <K:t4 :Vt\ i«li Low 0857 1161 and 2110 (3 Si
    32 words
  • 168 14 LONDON. Wed. mLACKPOOL today won their FA. Cup fifth round replay ::,unst Southampton by two goals to one. Blackpool now meet Arsenal In the sixth round on Feb. 28. Arsenal, the Cup favourites. strengthened their bid for the •double" when they beat Derby County 6-2 in
    Reuter  -  168 words
  • 105 14 KRAMER SEDGMAN AT 15 ALL MCW YORK. Wed. THE roavt-10-coast pro tennis battle bet«ren Jack Kramer and Australia's Frank Srdcman was evened up today at 15 matches apiece. Kramer evened the score last night when, after dropping the tirst set to Sedgman. !-K. he hammered hack for victories of 6-3.
    105 words
  • 282 14 5 fights end abruptly at Seletar •■THERE MM li ner.uly lot of i art:on 1:1 t:ie preliminary rounds of the RAF. (Malaya' open boxtns championships at Seletar las' I The winners go on to the finals to- night Five bout= did not co the distance There were two nockwte: SAC
    282 words
  • 205 14 ADELAIDE. Wednesday. THE South African cricket touring team ignored a chance to beat South Australia here today when they made no effort to score 313 runs in 253 minutes. The match ended in a draw. South Australian, who gained a first innin'.'s lead of one
    205 words
  • 272 14 rE English A.A.A. coach, Geprge Pallett at present conducting a course in Pennine; will begin his coaching class in Singapore next Sunday at Victoria School. Only four members from e-.ich club affiliated to (he Singapore AA A. may attend the practical classes, but more will be
    272 words
  • 281 14 SPOTTING THE WINNINGS By KPSftM IBV 'THE be.-.t hoisrs to follow al A the Singapore Turf Club February Meeting are: Olympic: A stylish v Inner o\er the Bukit Timah mile in Ncvember: Just failed to catcb the tearaway Millionaire over '•f in tip-top condition after a brief let-up. Robin Hood:
    281 words
  • 61 14 MANILA. Wed. Philippine flyweight champion Tanny Campo 111*) completeh outclassed Yukito T. Umeda iU7>, former bantam kinc of CattfQf lla. •n ten-round non-title nght here tonight. C.i::ipo gave Umrda a box nc lesson throughout but the Nes i pu' up I .s'iff ftch'. The
    UP  -  61 words
  • 254 14 LONDON. WSII RIGHTLY or wTOOfly, un boxinp fans brl.evj there is an American conspiracy to keep the vacant world middleweight title ii the United States to de prive tlie nations pride Randy Turpta, of the firs crack at the crown he woi and loht
    254 words
  • 113 14 Friendly soccer J».\RTLEY Boys Sr hool (irs! 3 !k.u Piesbyterian Bov<: S<-lio i XI in fi-0 in a friendly socc« played at Clerical Uni< r:d esterday. In ihp hrmnt u.ime Bartley Bajn Si-hn< i 4-1. PanVa Institution second eleve uiKcion English S<hool 5- ye.Merday. Scoiera
    113 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 488 14 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS. Con'inued f v orn Paze 6) ACCOMMODATION VACANT SMOKE HOUSE IMW, Cameron Hizhlnnr^ now h>- limited accomr-.'>' ri'km nrlv reaetraftna dttJrakai Pi-nri 242 Cameron Hichlands. VACANT double ron m with bath-F-ill b^arri. Pr blc for two Mon n r two rtrli Apprjr It, Rond. Tr!pp!^no ?2810. THREE bedroom
      488 words
    • 556 14 VEHICLES FOR SALE MORRIS MinT Tourer. July 1951. Excellent con^i ion. nrc owner, nffprs $3.onn or nearer secures. Ri'-.T 5941 Ex'ent;i-,:-. 8 om^e Hours. CHEVROLET 1952 model automaI tic powerglide 6 months tip-top condition with e\'r?« price around S8 000 Apply Br>x AO7S, S.T. LATE 1951 Austin A-70 condition !»s
      556 words
    • 457 14 TUITION I.EARN TYPING MORNINGS Ol brand-ne'.v t:.-pe .vriters at Chinese V.M.C.A. Commercial School. 107 Selegle Road. AT YOUR HOME: Private tuition for all standards on all schools subjects from $20 monthly. Box No. A63TB. ST. FOR A successful Com. Career ah\ ivs consult us. S'hand. Typlnc. Bk Kpg. etc. ti
      457 words
    • 5 14 MORE SPORT IN PAGE 13
      5 words
    • 95 14 S \i fA Twi^ff Ns. It is M mere acculcnt that the u\itch you buy from us is such a remarkable timekeeper, llefore \oe sell it to you it is carefully inspected thoroughly tested aiul accurately regulated' Our experts vho give your xcatclt "that final touch" have years of experience
      95 words
  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 90 14 Rl GOER S.C.C. Seven-A-Sidr quarter finals: RAX Seletar v RAF Tengah; South .Inhnrr v S.C.C. "B": Saints "A' v R \SC "B": SHB v Sembawanic "A"; on p.i'l.uu from 4.45 p.m SOCCER INTER-SCHOOI.: St. Patricks' Srhool v St. Joseph's Inst. at SJI: Victoria Srhool v Clan En* Seng Srhool at
      90 words