The Straits Times, 27 February 1951

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
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  • 312 1 Bad Going Slows Down Killer Drive TOKYO, Monday. IJNITED NATIONS forces chased fleeing North Korean troops on a 35-mile front in east central Korea today and drove the Chinese Reds from a strategic mountain ridge overlooking Hoengsong. Stiffening resistance from 60,000 to 80,000 Chinese Communists, the
    UP  -  312 words
  • Article, Illustration
    99 1 LADY (linison. wUt of the Governor of Sin<;.»pore. formally reopened the V.M A. Tennis Pavilion at Bras Hasan Road yesterday l.y tuttins a ribbon »i hiss the main entranre „c.. picture.) She later distributed trophies to the winnrrs .md runners-up of the I Tut V.M.C.A. Tennis hampionships. >lr. Rowland l.yne.
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  • 59 1 LONDON. Mon. r pHK Prime Minister, Mr. :;-e, announced today v has been agreed that the ilt">wty supreme commander or ihe At!an io Pin naval forces will be British. Mr. Attlee told thr House of Commons, he is accordingly 'entirely satisfied" with the nomination of U.S.
    AP  -  59 words
  • 173 1 Ft imii Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Monday. DLANTEKS and miners in the Federation who want a big high-powered car which they can convert into an armoured car by having armourplating along its sides and roof can now import them under licence from hard
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  • 35 1 FORT WAYNE, Indiana, Mon. —When floods surrounded the home of Mr. Walter C. Boyles, he and his wife and six children moved out. Next day, the house caught fire and burned down.—A.P.
    AP  -  35 words
  • 127 1 U.S. General Says: Well Done WOUNDED men of the Bri- tish 29»h Brigade, who were among the last to leave Seoul when the Communists retook the city early last month are now in Chan^i Services hospital. Singapore with a letter from an American general. In it, Major-General F. W. Milburn,
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  • 64 1 WELLINGTON, Mon Striking dockers here yesterday rejected a Government order to resume normal work. Dock workers were meeting in all New Zealand ports to decide whether to continue the week-old strike for wage increases. Wellington dockers have decided unanimously to reaffirm a previous decision to offer
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  • 44 1 LONDON. Mon—Pavilions on each side of the proposed Colonial Office building facing Westminster Abbey will be set back a further 30 feet, so that the main face will be 72 feet further back than the Westminster Hospital which now occupies the site.
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  • 36 1 BRIGADIER C. R. Hardy, D.5.0.. former officer commanding the 3rd Commando Brigade, who left for Britain yesterday. The brigade, now in action against thr bandits is commanded by Brigadier c. F. Phillips.
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  • 149 1 LONDON, Mon. SIR Waldron Smithers, 70-year-nld Conservative M.P. warned yesterday that jaz2 and crooning are Communist weapons to demoralise iht West. Sir Waldron objects to the popular music on the BBC. •'Imagine 7,000,000 or 8,000,000 people starting the day to the sound of a crooner,"
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  • 32 1 SMOKE OF BATTLE SMOKE RINGS blown by eun s of the U.S.S. Manchester when bombardin* the east toast of Korea. In three days 3,446 rounds of high explosives were fired.— Reuter picture.
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  • 144 1 TRAVEL PAPERS LOST FREE days before sailing for Australia where they intended to settle, the hopes of a retired sea-captain and his family were dashed when a brief case containing their immigration and travel documents, was lost or stolen in Singapore's Change Alley, yesterday. The skipper, Capt. H. J. Coops,
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  • 46 1 LONDON, Mon.— The Prime Minister, Mr. Clement Attlee. will be pressed to tell Parliament this week just how much Britain knows about the atom bomb. Opposition members are anxious to find out where Britain stands in relation to the United States. Reuter.
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  • 123 1 SAIGON, Monday. VIETNAM'S newly-appointed Government is asking France for 1,500,000,000 piastres to help raise this year its projected 100,000-strong Vietnam national army. This sum, should be additional to the 160.000.000 francs which France is now spending annually on French Union forces in Indo-China. The total
    Reuter; UP  -  123 words
  • 28 1 SYDNEY. Mon— Miners in northern New South Wales roalflelds voted today to continue one day a week stoppages in protest against a wage award. Reuter.
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  • 27 1 TOKYO, Mon. All three men aboard were killed when U.S. air force Commando plane crashed into a hill in south-west Japan last night. Reuter.
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  • 119 1 HONG KONG, Monday. /CHINESE Communists are finding that a favourable exchange rate for their own money in relation to money of other nations has its draw- backs. A private report received here from Bangkok says that remittances back to China by overseas Chinese living In
    AP  -  119 words
  • 65 1 BOMBAY, Mon. THE Reserve Bank of India today announced the extension of exchange control to Pakistan. From tomorrow the Pakistan rupee will be treated as "a foreign currency" for all purposes of financial transactions and will be subject to restrictions Imposed on foreign exchange regulations. Remittances from
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  • 22 1 The Burma Air Force mission on a week's visit to the Far East Air Force, arrived at Changi, Singapore, yesterday.
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  • 36 1 ANKARA, Mon— The Turkish Foreign Minister told the National Assembly that the creation of a common defence system for the Eastern Mediterranean had been decided during Admiral Robert C. Carney's visit to Turkey. -A.P.
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  • 26 1 SAIGON, Mon. French Army technicians occupied the electric power plant here after a strike by 300 workers demanding 30 per cent, wage increases.— Reuter.
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  • 119 1 E x-Police Chiefs Give Evidence HPWO former Singapore Commissioners of Police gave evidence yesterday be/ore the ninth session of the Riot Commission. They were Mr. R.C.B. Wiltshire, Acting Commissioner at the time of the riots, and Mr. R.E. Foulger, who was Commissioner from the liberation until last November. Mr. Wiltshire,
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  • 179 1 Eden To Lead Malaya Debate From Our Own Correspondent LONDON. Mon. IV|R. Anthon.' Eden, deiTl putv leader of Opposition, will initiate a debate on the situation in Malaya in the of Commons tomorrow. Th.- Conservatives arc >i concerned about Malay, they are Riving up half of a supply day
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  • 66 1 KLAGENFURT Austria. Mon.—A British Ar..v s -rseant and six Austn.u i i >- peared today b< ire two separate British military rmir'* on espionage charges Another British sergettnC and three other Augtiians to be tried on similar chances latpr. Sgt. John Dempsev Faces court martial
    AP  -  66 words
  • 32 1 PARIS, Mon. Tens if thousands of Pars workers deprived of buses and ihe metro for a day. walk.-rl to work this morning. Transport employees are on a "demonstration" strike Renter.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 94 1 [straits envelope mk «ut& V "I enjoy them best John telU me iIV thr tiller lip that makrs 'in Maurier so dinVreui but I hare my own ideas. Tlir lillrr lip may well keep a Sr9 iv Marnier cool and hiihhiili to the very W "H la«t puff; but the
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    • 22 1 Gfft-^\ WO RTH.NGTON SIMPSON 3 phase. m^ _,pOltf* w Also in Stock Belt driven Pumps StltAgMts: WILLIAM JACKS ft CO. (M) LTD.
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  • 367 2 WASHINGTON. Mon. ANE of the greatest liresaving battles ever waged by modem medical science, an emergency $16,000,000-health programme, Is being launched in South-East Asia with American dollar aid. the Marshall Plati News, an Economic Co-operation Administration publication, reported yesterday. "Into an area threatened by Communist
    Reuter  -  367 words
  • 31 2 NSVIXXS MCV2Y, former British Army captain, leaving the military court under guard in occupied Austria where he was gaoled for nine years for spying. A.P. picture.
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  • 36 2 LONDON, Mon gYNTHETIC rice— a combination of tapioca and groundnut has been developed at the Central Food Technological Institute, Madras. Rich In starch and protein, it costs 13 annas a lb. G. 1.1.5.
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  • 57 2 O.N'K AUTOMOBILE would not start, so a friend obligingly offered to push Ha mpered by frost covered windows, neither driver noticed he had passed a deadend street until the front car ran into an irrigation ditch and the pusher got jammed underneath. Only the cars were hurt.
    AP  -  57 words
  • 161 2 Cable Flashes Zoo Sends For Sea To Keep Fish Fit THE London Zoo is sending to the Bay of Biscay for a large quantity of sea water. It is needed to replenish the stock in the aquarium. The water will be collected out at sea to avoid impurities often found
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  • 42 2 MANILA, Mon— A Manila Chinese who attempted to ship 12 gold bars valued at about $15,000 to Ron? Kong, was arrested yesterday at the airport. The gold was found In false compartments of two leather valises— Reuter. 1
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  • 173 2 READY TO DRAFT JAP PACT WASHINGTON. Mon. MR. John Foster Dulles iT1 returned yesterday from a month -long tour of the Pacific and announced, "W? are now in a shape to proceed with the drafting of a detailed Japanese peace pact". He declined to predict how soon a Japanese peace
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  • 67 2 PORT- OF SPAIN, GRENADA. Mon.— Strikers set fire and destroyed four buildings, including a Government agricultural station and a golf club. In the town of St George's yesterday. They also attempted to fire a school and other buildings. Labour leader, Eric Gairy, whom the police took into
    Reuter  -  67 words
  • 62 2 AMA M 4 n LONDON. Monday. N objection to Bernard Shaw's will. lodged by anonymous protectors of the English language, has been withdrawn. The objection was originally made in the belief that Shaw left a large sum for reorganisation of the Enelisl language by providing
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 700 2 IrTArTljl Tj^nJaTiWriC^BUX Notice Is hereby riven that as Jrom March Ist. 1951. our Post OffW Box No will be: P.O Box No. 378. Penang. THE EAST ASIATIC CO., LTD PENANO. "sole agents wanted (.fRMAN QI'AMTY TOOLS Works' representative arriving toon INDENTING AGENTS with best connections to local market apply with
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    • 652 2 >TKArTs7nß^rnKLAnir^^ > DIRECT CONFERENCE NOTICE TO SHIPPERS Shipper* are advised that all rates of freight from Straits ports to New Zealand direct will be Increased by 12}% a* from Ist April. 1951. 1 1 j TENDER FOR SERVICEABLE UNSERVICEABLE POLICE VEHICLES. A number of serviceable and unserviceable Military type 15
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    • 744 2 With effect from March Ist the telephone number of the Office of the Commissioner-General and associated offices In Pho>.-nix Park will be changed to 2408 (16 lin«>3) The number to be used for enquiries outside normal working hours will be *****. THE AUTOMOBILE ASSOCIATION OF MALAYA (SINGAPORE JOHOBE BRANCH) Member.?
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    • 17 2 v- KjSP 'IMMHH I Xx^ at i! lav *1 \^*y PHlLlPS— makers of the famous PHILIPS RADIO
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    • 125 2 !^bSe£&> GARRARD TYPE "S" /AC RADIOGRAM UNIT A simple Inexpensive unit maintaining the well-known GARRARD standard of quality and reliability and Is also fitted with the well-known OARRARD Automatic Stop. The popular GARRARD Magnetic Pick-up fits all radios to provide you with music of your own choice. 69.00 'Singapore Price)
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  • 255 3 NEW DELHI. Monday. THE Hindustan Times' veteran correspondent, Mr. Arthur Moore, who recently visited Peking, said today that the Chinese are ready to abandon the Korean venture because of their military losses. Mr. Moore, writing from Hong Kong, said: "My visit to China has not altered
    Reuter; AP; Reuter-AAP  -  255 words
  • 51 3 MAXIM-: GUNNING, aged ■is, often hoped to meet Mr. him hill whom her parents admired. When she was knocked down by a car near her London home, out stepped Mr. Churchill. Mm was unhurt and the next day Mrs. Churchill visited her with a large
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  • 143 3 WASHINGTON, Mon THE Governments of Britain. France and the Uni'ed States today announced that nine other ntries had agreed to cooo:rate In tlie distribution of I raw materials. Coming wi.h the first three c untries are: Australia. ■mm (for Benelux*. ida. Chile. West Gernumv. Italy.
    Reuter  -  143 words
  • 55 3 NEW YORK. Mon. Mr Benjamin Fairless, president of t'.ie U.S. Steel Corporation, said bin business must be the focal point of Russia's attack because it was America's most powerful non-secret weapon. They must destroy public confidence in big business: they must create positive public hatred of
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  • 50 3 LONDON, Mon.—The Sunday Pictorial said today that Mr. Anthony Eden, deputy Conservative leader, had denied "a silly rumour" of his impending engagement to the Dutchess of Kent, ofeter-to-law of the King. The Duke of Kent was killed in an air crash. Mr. Eden's marriage was dissolved lost year.—U.P.
    UP  -  50 words
  • 190 3 WASHINGTON, Monday. DTJSSIA is still getting critical materials and machinl cry from non-Communist countries, in spite of all American efforts to halt the traffic, a survey showed yesterday. Apart Irom getting the materials, the Soviet buyers in Europe, Latin America and the Far East are
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  • Article, Illustration
    27 3 rJtKSllian TRUMAN takes time out from an inspection of the Army's newest combat weapons at Aberdeen, Maryland, to sample some of the Army's food. AJ. picture.
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  • 199 3 Many Battles With Planes From Manchuria —Mac A NEW YORK, Monday. TEN. Mac Arthur, in his 14 th report to the United Nations, yesterday stated that U Communist planes from the "privileged sanctuary" of Manchuria had increased activity against U.N. aircraft. Numerous battles, involving up to 60 planes at a
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  • 96 3 33 SAVED FROM LOST SHIP TOKYO. Mon. ALL the crew of 33 of the Norwegian freighter Florentine «7.214 tons) which sank off Iwojima on Tuesday are safe. The missing 12 of the crew were rescued yesterday from their leaking lireboat southwest of Iwojima by the American naval tug, Tekelma. An
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  • 29 3 CAIRO, Mon.—Rita Hayworth, who interrupted her tour with her husband, Aly Khan, of Central Africa, denied here a report that she was expecting "another happy event."—AP.
    AP  -  29 words
  • 64 3 THE HAGUE, Mon— Queen Juliana yesterday began her fourth attempt to form a new Dutch Government to replace the Drees" three-party coalition which resigned on January 24. The Qu?en received Professor R. Krakenburg and Mr. L. Kogtenhogst, chairman of the Parliamentary Chambers, to talk over the
    Reuter  -  64 words
  • Article, Illustration
    25 3 SQUADRON LEADER A. E. Callard who piloted the RAF. twin jet bomber which set a new Atlantic record last week. Renter picture.
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  • 154 3 PARIS. Mon. pENERAL Charles de Gaulle last night accused the French Government, of having givon a "friendly but foreign" power the use of French bases in Morocco without guarantees that Atlantic Pact strategy was aimed at preventing Western Europe from being invaded. He said America's rearmament
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  • 81 3 WASHINGTON. Mon. \N anti-Communist underground movement in the Ukraine has asked the United States for help. Bands of Ukrainians. Slovaks, Georgians and Rumanians- belonging to an underground organisation are operating in the Carpathian mountains.' In a written request. America is asked for tommyguns, medicines,
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  • 148 3 KARACHI, Monday. PAKISTAN and India signed a one-year trade agreement here yesterday. Signatories were leaders of the Indian and Pakistan delegations to a trade conference which began on Feb. 19. Under the agreement, Pakistan will export raw Jute, raw cotton, food grains and other commodities
    Reuter  -  148 words
  • 36 3 HONG KONG, Mon —More than 300 Chinese Communist officials entered this colony recently, It was reported yesterday. The report said that the Reds arrived from Shanghai, to establish offices here. AP.
    AP  -  36 words
  • 33 3 MANILA, Mon.—Unidentified men were reported here last night to have ambushed and wounded two United States army men near the Pangaslnan Zambales boundary, about 75 miles north of Manila, on Friday.
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  • 168 3 Siam Not Selling Rubber Below S 'pore BANGKOK, Mon. QIAMESE rubber producers claim they are not selling at prices undercutting Singapore. They substantiate their statement by quoting today's price of S$2.28 per pound. They say it is hard enough to meet competition as production has dropped and they are still
    AP  -  168 words
  • 72 3 LEUCHARS, Scotland, Mon. »TWE Air Minister, Mr. Arthur Henderson, said yesterday that Britain must keep her air strength alerted against possible "lightning aggression". Mr. Henderson, on a visit here to squadrons of the Royal Auxiliary Air Force, said that conditions of modern war had required Britain
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  • 13 3 PRAGUE. Mon. Czechoslovakia reintroduced bread and flour rationing today. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  13 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
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    • 274 3 Sj 1 fa infant fading J j KLlMisidealforinfantfeeding-tt'salway* W pure, safe and uniformly nourishing. KLIM sup-; plies the important food essentials needed for babies to grow strong and healthy. And KLIM is readily digested-another Important feature. Above all, KUM is dependable. It's not surprising that so many Mothers prefer it
      274 words

  • 1879 4 CROSS-EXAMINED by Mr. M. Buttrose, appearing for the Army, Mr. R. C. B. Wiltshire, acting Commissioner of Police at the time of the riots, told the Singapore Riot Commission yesterday that twice on the afternoon of Dec. 11 Maj.-Gen. Dunlop,
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  • 101 4 yyilKN the Solicitor General, Mr. C. H. Butterfield, told the Riot Inquiry Commission yesterday that the tension for Inspector Ratnasingham was approved on Feb. 24, the chairman. Sir Lionel Leach, asked: "It is rather .significant is it not that on the very day we raise
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  • 2478 4 The officers weut out cheating rauiu cats at, certain points me cnairman: wnai we wan< lo Know is wnetner your gazeueu ouiceis go out as oiien as it is necessary Wot as oiten as necessary; they are coniinea too mucn 10 uieir uesits. Do you tiuuk
    2,478 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 163 4 EVERYTHING A TYRE CAN DO It your car ran on eight tyre, instead o« four, and you drova 2-> rtours a diy tor almost 4 yean, you wouldn't pile up at h tyre rmle»Ke a» Goodyear drivers r>ave in testing tha Sup** CuNruoo d|CJ n-.i conventional tyres! In g
      163 words
    • 216 4 TTByl^nc^7TnßyreTmincPirT^ they're Nuffield Products COWLEY WAI and I it II O C fc JK a*f 1 W j These big capacity modern vehicles have the finish and rehnemeni-. nr*| i P" v »tc car. The high performance engine has been designed tor economy, dcp<-iulat>ihtv I and long life. Good accessibility
      216 words

  • 2483 5 'Gurkhas Could Have Ended Riots Swiftly 9 CINGAPORE'S former Commissioner of Police, Mr. R. E. Foulger, told the Riot Commission yesterday that he felt that if determined action had been taken on the afternoon of Dec. 11 by officers in command of the Gurkhas, the rioting would
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 321 5 ornsiNc; to-day; I Show* 3, 0.15 Si 9.15 p.m. M-G-M's treat Drama! "THE GREAT SINNER" starring (Irefory Peck Ava Gardner Mrlryn Doaglaa BEGINNERS' CLASS Explanation* In English SINGAPORE CHINESE MANDARIN SCHOOL IM, Prinsep Street pw Class for absolute beginners commencing March 2nd, 1951— Tuesdays Fridays 5.30 to 7 p.m. Class
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  • 69 6 THE DEATH Is announced of the late Mr. Chellappah Vijeyaratnum, aged 73, formerly Office Assistant Signal and Telegraph (Engineering Dept. Malayan Rall-*,-ivs. Kuala Lumpur at Mount 1 avinia, Colombo. He leaves behind a widow, children, grandchildren and a host of relatives to mourn their loss. Two of hi* sons
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  • 152 6 MRS. 'OATSY ESS. Mother, nd Hsters of the late Dr. B. J. Ess thank all those who have *ent letters and telegrams of condolence, wreaths those who attended the funeial on Sat. 24th THE FAMILY of the late Mrs. 1 chong Guan (Madam Lee Clung Chit) who died on
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  • 667 6 The Straits Times Singapore, Tues., Feb. 27, 1951. Russia Agrees To Talk When the latest Russian note to Britain has been stripped of its malice and slander, a single hopeful fact remains. The Russian Government has agreed to talk. Moscow will 'receive favourably", the note says, "any step genuinely aimed
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  • 477 6 Races in Singapore are more important, or at any rate more attractive, than politics, so Saturday, April 7. is not to be polling day in the Legislative Council elections after all. With tender regard for Turf and Tote supporters, Government has changed the date to
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  • 1363 6 Malaya under the Emergency 7 J^EGRI Scmbilan's successes against the Communist M.R.L.A. are largely the result of excellent co-operation between police, Army and Government. The fight has been tough. It may become tougher. But the security forces in Negri now have an immense advantage
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  • 442 6 Estate Deserter ]yjR. R. J. Farrer's recollections of Indentured coolies from India running away from Province Wellesley estates in the 'nineties, in his article in the Sunday Times last Sunday, reminded me of a story once told to me by a planter no longer in this country
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 613 6 CLASSIFIED ADS. GRANT: On 23rd Feo. ltol at Biit.u Oajah to RoRallnd, wife of Donald Grant. son. Roger Brian. BROWN— JORDAN on February 26th 1951, at the Presbyterian Church, Singapore by th« Rev. R. M. Greer Cyril Brown, to Marian Jordan. KBSONAL T. PETER E DAVIES. wish to th:ink S.
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    • 32 6 EVERBRIGHT OPTICAL CO. Offering Complete Services essential to Eye Comfort Or Visual Efficiency. (1) VISUAL ANALYSIS (2) VISUAL TRAINING (3) GLASSES IF NEEDED C. S. CHONG, OPT. D. 19, CHULIA ST., SPORE.
      32 words
    • 48 6 N t Viand ßetter/ 1 1 v BSfc jK" I we*** «t&\ I m I CSX'^ h \m Don't ask for GLUCOSE S but say firmly and politely I COW GATE I CLUCOSt You will then get .omethlng BETTER and something DIFFERENT 4401 Atfent*: JACKSON ft CO., LTD.
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  • 181 7 YJHITEH AIRED, be- spectacled 72-year-rld Mr W. Olivers, who U retiring alter 14 years us secretary of the Automobile Association of Malaya, said yes erduy: "Driving in Singapore is simply atrocious. Mr. Chivers will leave for Australia on Feb. 28 with his wife. She helped, him
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  • 112 7 MARINE SCHOOL FOR STORE OING\FO.\ES first nautical i i 'hool to train local vner- o Beers is to I \s'i rp in the Marine Hostt '/!'■> T.i Paari. within the -,v months. Mr. W. H. D? •> ity Master A omant to.d the Straits yes.erdry. h :hool. which will be
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  • 496 7 PHE Colonial Secretary's order withdrawing the i licence of the Malayu Raya Press was a judicial and not a ministerial act, said Mr. Nazir A. Mallal yesterday in the Singapore High Court. He was arguing a motion before Chief Justice Sir Charles Murray-Aynsley to quash
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  • 46 7 MR. AND MRS. CYRIL BROWN after their wedding at the Presbyterian Church. Singapore, yesterday. The bride was formerly Miss Marian Jordon. daughter of Mr. and Mrs O B. Jordon of Gloucester. Mr. Brown is attached to William Jacks and Co.— Straits Times picture.
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  • 140 7 MALAY mats and baskets, made by Kelantan and Trengganu craftsmen, are now in short supply in Singapore because many of these craftsmen find work on rubber estates more profitable. Prices of these articles have Increased 100 per cent or more. The demand, however, still
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  • 221 7 CHAMBER NOT AGAINST CONTROL 'Misunderstood Says President THE Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce's attitude in regard to price control has been misunderstood, stated Mr. Tan Lark Sye, president of the Chamber, at a Press conference yesterday. Mr. Tan said that in the Press recently, especially in the Chinese Press, it
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  • 90 7 Nr Sim Khek and Lim Tien Pai. alleged to have been in possession of 60 bales of cloth (1,440 yards) worth $1,000, suspected to have been stolen, appeared before Mr. H. A. Forrer in the Singapore First Police Court yesterday. Ng and Lim were alleged to
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  • 166 7 MALAY families in Singapore earning less than $100 a month have not tasted either fresh meat or flsh for a whole month, and cannot afford to replace worn-out clothing, because of the rise n cost of living. Their food consists of rice, the cheap vegetables,
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  • 45 7 JOHORE BAHRU. Mon. Yen Tiang Ho, of Singapore, charged in the Police Court with driving a motor lorry and failing to stop after an accident and failing to notify the Police of an accident, denied the charge. Hearing was fixed for March 13.
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  • 70 7 Sir Edward Travis, director of a department in the Foreign Office, arrived in Singapore yesterday by QEABOAC on his way home to Britain after talks in Australia. He will continue his lou'rney today. Returing to South Africa on the same plane were the Governor of
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  • 62 7 The appointment of an impartial representative body to study the Benham recommendations on salaries is urged by Mr. C.R. Dasaratha Raj, Labour Party candidate who is contesting the Rochore seat in the Legislative Council elections in April. In his election manifesto, issued yesterday, Mr. Ra] promised a
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  • 176 7 AT noon yesterday, hundreds of Chinese, men, women end children, flocked to the temple in Jalan Trus, Johore Bahru, to wat for the five gods "Lau Yas"' to emerge from the temple for the Chingay procession round the principal streets of the 'own. The procession, in
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  • 80 7 FRST class passengers can now travel in 'cool comfort' on Malayan Railway trains between Singapore and Kuala Lumpur. Malayan Railway recently introduced an air-con-ditioned buffet car service for their first class passengers on the daily day mail trains between Sinoanor* and Kuala Lumpur. First class passengers,
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  • 176 7 Malay Hit Police Officer Gaoled QSMAN bin All, a naval rating, was sentenced in the Singapore First District Court yesterday to three months' imprisonment for assaulting Mr. K.L. Johnson, Superintendent of Police, on the first day of the Singapore riots. The prosecution withdrew two charges rioting and being a member
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  • 55 7 Better living conditions fo squatters living in the rura areas is one of the planks ii the election platform of Mi N G. Nair Independent candi date for the Legislative Coun cil in the Seletar District. In a manifesto issued yes terday. Mr. Nair promise more
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  • 258 7 From Our Staff Corrsepondent KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. THE Federated MalayStates Chamber of Commerce has submitted proposals for a scheme for prepayment of rubber duty to the Federation Government. Under this scheme, dealers may elect to fix in advance the price at which they will
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  • 38 7 STOLE LORRY CHARGE Sardor. bin Zain. aged 19, I was yesterday tentatively charged in the Singapore Fourth Police Court with the robbery of a lorry and .smoked rubber valued at $270,000. Sardon was rpmanded in custody until tomorrow.
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  • 65 7 Mr?. Tan Chin Tuan bnd r Dr. S. H. Aljunied have been I elected by the unofl.. I members of the former Legislative Council to be members of the Singapore Hospitals Board for 1951. The Governor has appoint ed the following also to be i members: Mr. Kwa
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 62 7 o {i /I precision camera Xwith coupled range-finder. Sole AfHtts: SinsaiJore: Tel. ***** I'enang: Tel. 1852. I II I LI M M ER /^^i^s TRIM DAD LAKE ASPHALT S®^^T COMPANY LTD, for Mastic Asphalt Flooring Acid Resisting Asphalt Flooring Electrical Compounds Marine Glue Bitmarin Solutions White Line Road Compounc Sole
      62 words
    • 165 7 Cittfeßuffer PACKS FLAT FOR TRAVELLING jSi^rJ/y Soundly conitructed m.iinly 1 of wood and hand mcty n^ (3 T.nnhcd. /^v Nickelled fittings. sirong mj 1 safety strap and bakelite INVALUABLE TO BABY FROM CRAWLING STACE TO THREE YEARS Keeps all weight off Baby's legs, and gives essential exercise. Prevents weak ankles
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  • 214 8 I" 1 IK Singapore Government proposes to set up a committee of officials and unofficial, who, in co-operation with the Public Works Department, will be entrusted with the supervision and preservation of certain historic sites and antiquities in Singapore. This is revealed in the annual report of The
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  • 90 8 BECAUSE of the increase in the proportion of married men to bachelors, part of the 28 sinRlomen barracks at the Orchard Road Police Station is being converted into 16 additional married quarters. A Police spokesman told the Straits Times yesterday that tii accommodation
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  • 58 8 More than 300 voters of the South ward have appealed to th Labour member on the Singapore Municipal Commission Mr M. P D. Nair. to chinge the present system of <>n of Singapore Improvement Turst flats. Mr M P D. Nair will bring this matter during
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  • 39 8 I rum Our Own Correspondent JOHORE BAHRU. Mon.— Mohd Zin bin Abubakar, a Special Constable, and Yabln H. Mohd Nor, a trishaw rider, were each fined $5 In the Police Court today for fighting in public.
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  • 25 8 The annual general meeting of the Singapore Musical Society will be held at 5.30 p.m. today at the H.M.V Studio, Mac Donald House.
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  • 79 8 ST. JOHN AMBULANCE ASSOCIATION, Home Nursing lecture. Brigade HQ.. Stamford Road, 9.45 a.m. SINGAPORE STAMP CLUB, all auction meeting, Naafl HQ., Beach Road, 5.15 p.m. BRITISH MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, annual general meeting of the Southern Division of the Malayan Branch, College of Medicine. 5.30 p.m. CHINESE V.M.C.A.. Selegie Road,
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  • Article, Illustration
    2 8
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  • 63 8 NO cases of smallpox have been reported to the Municipal Health Department so far. Dr. N. A. Canton the Municipal Health Officer said yesterday. Medical practitioners were warned to be on the alert last week because of the presence of two cases of smallpox from February
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  • 27 8 A Chinese, Loo Yam Thong was tentatively charged yesterday with causing grievous hurt to Yeo Chwee Khoon with a vegetable knife. Th* was postponed
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  • 220 8 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Monday. CECURITY forces ambushed and killed two out of three bandits in the Cameron Highlands area yesterday. The patrol saw the three armed terrorists approaching dressed in jungle green with peak caps. They opened fire and killed two men
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  • 109 8 nURINQ the week-ended February 17. donations amounting to $1,718 were received by the University of Malaya Endowment Fund, which now stands at $3,858,336. In addition to regular monthly subscriptions contributions from Government offices in the Federation, donation* were received for the University of Malaya Endowment Fund
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  • 36 8 Chua Thlam Bock, aged 24. was alleged in the Singapore Second Police Court yesterday to have extorted a bottle of beer and stout from Llm Kirn Pin by Impersonating a detective. He claimed trial.
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  • 32 8 An Indian, Chenneya Kasinathan. admitted In the Singapore Second Police Court yesterday that he stole two goats from Inder Amar Singh at River Valley Road. The case was postponed.
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  • 198 8 Bandit Plot On Estates Fails From Our Staff Correspondent SEREMBAN, Mon FIVE hundred Chinese r artd Indian workers who were instigated to go on strike by bandits in six estates in Bahau have returned to work without any increase in wages. The strikes began soon after the Chinese New Tear
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  • 74 8 From Our Staff Correspondent SEREMBAN, Mon. MR. P. P. Narayanan, president of the Malayan Trade Union Council, urged plantation workers in the Batang Malaka and Tampin areas of Negri Sembilan not to strike but to wait for the Rubber Arbitration Board award. H» spoke during the week-end
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  • 168 8 From Our Staff Correspondent ALOR STAR, Monday. THE Benham scale for police rank and file was called 'unfair" in the Perlis State Council today. "These men are fighting in the front line against bandits and they deserve better recognition", said Tuan Sheikh Ali, Malay Unofficial.
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  • 55 8 Ng Wee Peng, a 43-year-old Chinese spinster, sick, penniless, homeless and living on the charity of others, ended her life by drowning. Her body was discovered floating in the Stamford Road Canal, opposite the Shackle Club, on Jan 31. The Coroner. Mr. E Ebert, returned a
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  • 22 8 MISS PATRICIA SU Mou Ying, a Malacca Schoolteacher, who will leave shortly for a special threemonth training course In England.
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  • 26 8 From Our Own Correspondent JOHORE, BAHRU, Mon. Karrupaih, a hospital attendant, was charged in the Police Court today with enticing away a married woman.
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  • 97 8 NEGOTIATIONS are now under way between the Singapore Government and the War Department for a onemile long beach at Changi for picnickers. This waa stated by Mr. J. Harvey, Commissioner of Lands, yesterday. If the negotiations are successful, the public will be provided with a
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 274 8 POND'S 2a& CREAMS' four twofold 'beauty discipline's I ve»Y night, cleanst your tLia with V You need two creams to keep your skin fair and lovely Pond's Cold Cream. Cover your fact vrith thii rich oily fctam, and smooth I —one for ckansing, and one for protection, t into your
      274 words
    • 330 8 SALE SPECIALS (P SLIGHTLY CLOUDED gj I GLASSWARE PLAIN BELGIAN CHAMPAGNE GLASSES U l X Usual Price $22.50 Doz. Cj> [p SALE PRICE $12.00 Doz. h CLARET GLASSES [jj f If Reduced from $15.00 Doz. gj (C SALE PRICE $5.00 Doz. J i i C TUMBLERS Pt. 3) |j Usual
      330 words

  • Article, Illustration
    51 9 A white bird with red feathers surmounts this Spring hat (left) designed by Lady New borough. It is in red and black straw and bears the apjtiopriatr name 'Coquettr.' Right is the 'Pampas Grass Hat' designed by Simone Murain. It represents tropical grass and was shown at a London d'splay
    51 words
  • 731 9 THE ESTATE BUNGALOW What of the Planter and his Wife in the Emergency A LOT has been written abJ-Jt the difflcultiea and hardships facing the British soldier in Malaya and about the wonderful Jo*? he is d.>i::R Little has been written about the civilian What, for Instance, is happening to
    731 words
  • Article, Illustration
    27 9 Mr. Mrs. Goon Ah Tan, of 70, Lorong 20 GeyUng, Singapore win the $5 prize in Bonny Baby Competition for this photograph of their daughter held aloft.
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  • 865 9  -  Nurse Janet -By- pACH year many children in all countries of the world, are either killed c r seriously injured Dy accidents, which are frequently caused through lack of proper supe r vision and elementry- precautions on the part of the adult.
    865 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 94 9 \A 11/U^ ut* lv< w I fl sm 1 l^sy^^ J \vK V 5w Boby Llndy Kirkby r=7 Photograph by W v-^^^^.v Mollie Ross bcmaif It's LACTOGEN that has made me popular Wfi' around here! The neighbours soy they've f g 'rafrf^pPl f never seen a finer baby and isn't
      94 words
    • 138 9 For lunch rcday have a bowl of nourishing delicious soup make sure it's Mountain Maid then ycu know it's good. 16 ox. tin: 50 cents. (Singapore). Asparagus Pea Vegetable Tomato COLD STORAGE Singapore Cold Storage Co., Ltd. SOLE DISTRIBUTORS: SIM E, DARBY CADSt SINGAPORE ipv<* m K j^ /y New,
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 537 9 Today's Radio SINGAPORE 9.35 a.m. Schools; 9.55 Interlude; 10 News; 10.10 Close: 10.45 Schools; 12 Malay; 1 pjn. Radio Orch.; 1.30 News; 1.45 Jimmy Dorsey Orch.; 2 Schools; 2.50 Close; 5 Malay; 6 "Forces Favourites"; 645 U.N. Programme; 7 News; 7.10 Interlude; 7.30 "Adventures of P.C. 49"; 8 "Music Shop";
      537 words

  • 652 10 Caroma, on world cruise, will call at Singapore DUILT expressly as a dual purpose ship,— for trans-Atlantic passenger trafllc and tropical cruising, the 34,000-ton Cunard White Star Line's luxurious Caronia, largest ship built anywhere in the world since World Wai II, now on the first world cruise since 1939, will
    652 words
  • Man-in-the-Street
    • 277 10 RECENTLY there have appeared in your columns i%( several letters on the subject of cost of living. One suggested that the U.S.A. had found the answer to increasing costs by freezing wages and prices A recent article in The Times of London said that the U.S. Government
      277 words
    • 226 10 THE extensive damage caused by floods last month to the railway track, particularly between Batu Anam and Buloh Kasap and between Genuang and Segamat, brought considerable anxiety, sleepless nights and arduous work in rain and sun. with little time for meals or rest, to the Permanent
      226 words
    • 229 10 CORRUPTION IN THE PUBLIC SERVICES J REFER to the report of an appeal by Soosay Dass against his recent conviction on a bribery charge, reported in page 7 of the Straits Times of Saturday. The first part of the report is a very fair and accurate summary of the points
      229 words
  • 182 10 'Z' letter brings a tonic A BUFF envelope arA rived with the post at the Goatley's in ConConduit Way. Willesden, last week-end and saved 26-year-old exGunner Reg Goatley, lying abed with a cold and flbrositis, from being the "most disappointed man in London." It was Reg's "Z" call-up form, telling
    182 words
  • 17 10 Collect ten of these numbers and become a member of the Children's Corner Club. I
    17 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 313 10 Deli tali IS THE BIGGEST SENSATION IN SINGAPORE FILM HISTORYI ft -ft —OVER 50,000—= have seen the picture in 1 DAYS! (the figure in Kuala Lumpur is over 45.000 in the same perod) The opening week's admissions were the highest in the Cathay's H 12 Year History! The Cathay's box-office
      313 words
    • 188 10 r- a SEASON STARTS TODAY 1 11.00-1.45-4.00-6.30-9*30 AN INCOMPARABLE COMBINATION and |^2rMyl R^^ljj R^R^R^^RlrVP I**1 W^ i tt > David O selznick k— IBID BERGMAN GREGORY PECK in ALFRED HITCHCOCK'S Distributed bj Shaw Bros. Ltd. OPENS TODAY 5 SHOWS N^"^N -^"^■•v-v RSRJ I 1 L 111 •v/sA.'WV 11 1.45 4
      188 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
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  • 331 11 LONDON, Mon. THE London Stock Exchange was quiet but cheerful today. Settlement of the railway dispute assisted sentiment but business volume showed little expansion with the approach of end account buying. British Government funds were widely fractionally higher on routine buying and there were many advances of several pence
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  • 193 11 RUBBER MARKET Price Drops In Limited Trading TPRADING was very limited in the Singapore rubber market yesterday, and the price of firstgrade for March shipment closed at S2.26 a lb. buyers, 2£ cents below Saturday's close. The market was dull and easier during the day. Towards the close a certain
    193 words
  • 85 11 From Our Staff Correspondent. IPOH, Mon. MALAYA'S first Sino-Malay ■*-"-1 mining company will start operations early next month. A spokesman for the company states that the company has acquired about 100 acres of rubber land near Sungel Siput and converted It into mining land. All the
    85 words
  • 135 11 From A Market Correspondent rpHE pepper section of the Sin- gapore produce market was steady yesterday but prices of the three varieties remained unchanged. There were still a number of overseas Inquiries for pepper, but no business was reported. In the copra section sellers quoted $64 a
    135 words
  • 32 11 HONGKONG. Mon. pREE market currency exchange for Hong Kong, dollars was quoted to day as follows: DS<1 HK$6.07ii (cash), HKS6.12 (T): £1 HK*15.30; one .tael of gold HK$324>i. UP.
    UP  -  32 words
  • 160 11 CHIPS in the Singapore Roads and alongside the Singapore Harbour Board godowns at 4 p.m. yesterday were: Outer Roads: Hai Hsuan, Shapur. Islander. Wei Ming, E. Mountain, Kambodia. Yalka, Foo Yu, Lipis. E. Windrush, Anking, Courseullis. E. Jamaica. Tonjer. Inner Roads: P. Manuputty. Edendale,
    160 words
  • 246 11 Inquiries Show Optimism THE Malayan share market opened the week on an optimistic note yesterday with good inquiries for shares In all sections. Price changes announced by the Malayan Sharebrokers' Association were: IN Dl Sl RIALS Buyer* Setters Fraser <t Neave Ords 3.171 3.221 Gammons 240 2.471 Goodwood Park
    246 words
  • 109 11 From Our Staff Correspondent. MALACCA, Mon. DROMINENT iviaiacca Malays have combined to form Malaka Raya Limited, a (250,000 concern. Among them are Captain «n Dili Maidin and Inche Mohd. Ali bin SaUeh. Federal and Settlement Councillors respectively up till the dissolution of the Councils, Inche Hassan bin
    109 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 1214 11 1 1 ncorporat ed igapore) BLOB FUNNEL LINE C*rr cr'i option to proceed via ether ports to load and discharge cargo. •AILINCS to LIVERPOOL. CLASCOW LONDON b CONTINENTAL PORTS Due Sail* P Sham Penan* c u erDo 6 f.*, 28^.2 "kVZXZ^'b l£oV Feb. 27 Mar. Mar. 10/11 Mar. 14/1 pt»n.i.i
      1,214 words
    • 383 11 PRESIDENT LINER SAILINGS To New York and Boston via Ceylon, India. Egypt and Mediterranean Ports. Singapore f. Swettenham P*nang "PRES POLK" Codowns 31 32 .«nr, Sails 4 Mar. Omit. 5/7 Mar. IOMNJON' 20/26 Mar. 27/28 Mar. 29/30 Mar. PRES MONROE" 9/14 Apr. Omit. 15/16 Mar. To Los Angeles. San Francisco
      383 words
    • 480 11 TIN: $739 i A PICUL SINGAPORE, Mon., Feb. 2ft— 1739.75 (down $7.12%.) £1,485 a ton in London LONDON. Mon. Feb. 26.— Spot Buyers £1.485; Forward Jt 1.415; Settlement £1,500 (up £10). Turnovers: a.m. 50 p.m. 10 tons. EAST ASIATIC LINE SAILINCS FROM SCANDINAVIA/U K. /CONTINENT: i'Dor* P. Sham Penang Kambodia
      480 words
    • 756 11 CLLBRMAK BUCKNAU LONDON, HAVRE, ANTWfRP, ROTTERDAM b HAMBURC and tor U.S.A. North Atlantic Ports and Canada v.a Colombo m CITt Of 'OONA ipor« P. ihan. fm«.| </10 Apr 11/U Apt 14/1$ Apr CITY Of CHICACO S'pora P S ham Penani IC/23 Apt 24/26 Apr 27/28 Apt P S mm. Hirnunt
      756 words
    • 200 11 KLAVENESS LOS ANCEIES. SAN FRANCISCO. PORTLAND SIATTLI fr VANCOUVER Accepting for lanlm 6 South American Ports m.t. CASTLIVILU S'por* <» yrum fenang. 2/5 Mar 6 Mm 7 Mar. m.t. BOUCAINVILLI J0Mar./4A«r Apr. Apr. P. Shan Aruto-frtnch t> Kcndiiitn< Ltd. Pcnang: McAlitter Co Ltd. dt CO.. LTD Agents: Malayan Rai way
      200 words

  • 995 12 AGAIN IN TEST 160 For One At Tea, 218 For Six At Close From JACK FINGLETON Exclusive to the Straits Times MELBOURNE, Monday. yyiTH 160 runs up at tea time for the loss of only one wicket England were magnificently placed in the final Test today to give Australia their
    995 words
  • 30 12 TODAY: 148 a.m. (91>. 2.19 ->m. 18 9i; 7.59 am. \l.5>, 8.11 "n. (2.8). TOMOKROW: 2.23 a.m. (Wt.l. '12 p.m. (7.8); 846 ».ra. (4.5). V4.S p m. (3-8>.
    30 words
  • 643 12 FOLLOWiNG are. full weights far Saturday, first day of (he Pening Turf Club March meeting: CI.),DSv.l~5 F Christmas Knight 9.00 Pennyworth 8.12 Picture Goer 8.11 Pax Haven 8.11 April Showers 8.0!) Ramillies 8.08 in i/im S.IK Vmny Street (late Perfection) K.Od The Banker X.ll". Fair Flower
    643 words
  • 241 12 THE Island Club golf championship will begin this weekend when cotnpeti'ors will go ovr two rounds to dead- on qualifiers (only first eight*. Match play dates are: 1st round. Mar 10; Semi -final v Mar. 11; final rover 36 holes) on Mar. 17 and 18 The time
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  • 154 12 THE Singapore promoter Mr. Wall)- Oakes organised a boxing exhibition at RAP. Changi yesterday at which, among about VOO persons present, were Korean War casualties recuperating at Changi. The chief interest lay in the exhibitions given by Bobby Njoo and Jimmy Welch, who will fight.
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  • 41 12 COLOMBO, Mon.— The combined India, Pakistan and Ceylon XI were all out for 236 today in reply to the Commonwealth team's first innings score of 350. The combined sldt were 31 for two at close yesterday. Reuter
    Reuter  -  41 words
  • 448 12 By Our Soccer Reporter rpHE DEMAND to see Singapore play in this year's A H.M.S. Malaya Cup competition keeps growin?, and the latest n/*ve came on Sunday when Taipings delegate to the Perak Football Association, Mr. S. H. Dowse, proposed that Perak F.A. should urge F.A.M.
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  • 95 12 rIRTY -four -year -old Urn He Chin won the Y.M.r.A. tennis title from the holrtrr. A.C.B. Pakir. in the MM Championships which were completed at the V.M.C.A. court* yesterday with Ihe singles final. Hec <liin was never behind in winning by V-2, S-4. The resul
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  • 253 12 From W. E. TREVOR Straits Times Reporter With Asian Games Team NEW DELHI, Mon. A MISUNDERSTANDING about the time of arrival of Singapore's team marred our arrival at New Delhi's Willingdort Airport this afternoon. The Asian Games authorities were expecting the team tomorrow morning and when
    253 words
  • 80 12 LONDON. Mon. --Tie draw i»r the stmi-rmal.s <>i the F.A. Cui» made today mulled us Fallows: Bristol Rovers <r Newt Sunderland or Wolrerhamp >'i; Birmingham v. Blackpool. Dates and venues of b;>!h <i--ui-flnals will be announced liter i meeting of a special nib-commltte* on Wednesday evening. The
    Reuter  -  80 words
  • 24 12 The Ladv Fogarty Cup Ootf Competition fur R.A.F. women r Ml be plaved off at I-lund Club i> day
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  • 511 12 ROVERS Sports Club, who a month ago were uncertain of entering a team for this year's S.A.K.A. League competition oaing 10 c.emands on their players for the Business Houses League, are today in a very much happier position. Although a few of their
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 904 12 SITUATIONS VACANT WANTED by Motor Firm Efftr Stenographer and Workshop Clerks. State experience and ■y required. Box A4152. S.T. In our expansion scheme we have a few openings both in the i -ration and in the colony for field officers preferably Chinese. .ons who are ambitious to intke a career
      904 words
    • 816 12 tlculars Box No. A4182. S.T BUSINESS OPJ'OKII MIIKv TO LET as a whole 36 flaw, Katonc area. Principals only Apply Box No. A4144, S.T CAPITALIST up to »5.000— t0 invest tn a limited Co.. willing hold office please apply Box No A3!)SO. S.T LETTER FILE Invention for sale (British patent
      816 words
    • 25 12 CHUN CHONG t^^^"^^*^^ '■^■r^y J 13. South Bridge Rd f|p>^JlllJ^sS7 I SINGAPORE Ujl i \(t x <Vf To!. ***** SC^JiT* I V*^C y 'f ELECTION
      25 words