The Straits Times, 31 October 1950

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
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  • 391 1 U.N. FORCE IN 'DISORDERLY RETREAT' Chinese Reds Attacking SEOUL, Monday. TWO Communist divisions reported manned largely by Chinese Reds were driving tonight on the North Korean east coast port of Hamhunjj. South Korean officer* said the enemy force was 30 miles norih-west of Hamhung. They said there no longa was
    Reuter; AP; UP  -  391 words
  • 207 1 TOKYO. Mon. A ROYAL Marines reconnaissance unit from the Br.tish cruiser Ceylon was landed by South Korean ships on Cho bland, on the west BBMC <>t North Korea on Satnrlay but found that the C nmunist garrison had withdrawn. Gen. Mac Arthur a >unced today Royal Marines'
    UP  -  207 words
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  • 208 1 JOSEPH Michael Nonis, Kurasian wireless operator, making his defence In J the Singapore High Cn >rt yesterday in the Winnie Spencer Murder Case, denied that he killed tin schoolgirl. He admitted having called for Winnie during the scho« recess but said
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  • 129 1 MOTHER of 9 ADOPTS BABY TOR LUCK' By Our Womaa Correspondent rE baby abandoned behind the Balestier Road church in Singapore on Saturday, is hem*, adopted by the Chinese woman who found her. Tay Mcc Chlng. a 38-year-old wife of a Chinese salesman yesterday registered the baby at the Registrar
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  • 134 1 LONDON, Tues. A LEGISLATIVE Council and an Executive Council are to be created In North Borneo. Britain announced early today. The new_Councils are the first step to self-rule. Previously the territory has been administered by the Governor, Sir Ralph Hone, with the assistance of an Advisory
    Reuter  -  134 words
  • 110 1 gLVEN- year-old Peter John Stoner yesterday refuted to kiss his mother goodbye in public before leaving alone by Qantas BO A.C. Constellation for Sydney. Instead he shook hands with her and ash ed her to take good care of herself. Peter spelled his name. "P-E-T-E-R" for
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  • 183 1 New Call For Rubber Control LONDON. Mon. MR. Maurice Edelman. Labour Member of Parliament for Coventry, today demanded a Joint purchasing agency of Atlantic powers to control the sale of Malayan rubber and other commodities In an article In the Daily Herald, mouthpiece of the Labour Party, he said the
    Reuter  -  183 words
  • 23 1 TOKYO, Mon— The first units of 15 ships for an Autarctic whaling expedition left Yokohama yesterday on a 90-day hunt Reuter-AAP.
    Reuter-AAP  -  23 words
  • 56 1 S IMPORTERS of Chians Kai-shek in Singapore will hold a cocktail party and serve guests with "mcc" indicating long life— to mark th P Generalissimo's 64th birthday. The party will be held at the Chung Sh»a« Club In Cecil Street. The old Chinese National Antnem
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  • 36 1 ISTANBUL, Mon Turkey celebrated with great military pageants yesterday the 27th anniversary of the republic. The greatest display was at Ankara, where the President, Mr. Celal Bayer, watched an enormous military parade.—
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  • 143 1 JAKARTA, Monday. f^UTCH Army troops and Indonesian soldiers clashed in a flve-ho\ir rifle battle in downtown Jakarta early today. Two Dutch soldiers were wounded In the clash The 70 Dutch troops lnvoived Included eight Ambo;nesr soldiers whose home Island In the South Moluccas has been
    AP  -  143 words
  • 37 1 PORTLAND, Oregon, Mon. Flooding rivers poured Into cities and towns of southern Oregon and northern California yesterday. making more than 1.000 families homeless. One man Is dead and others are reported missing.— A.P.
    AP  -  37 words
  • 31 1 BONN, Mon— An Allied High Commission spokesman today protested against the ratification by the Polish Parliament of the Oder-Nelsse Line as the final frontier between Poland and Germany Reuter.
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  • 39 1 NEW DELHI. Mon. Thirteen holiday makers, Including five children, were killed and five seriously Injured when a bus crashed hundreds of feet down a hill eight miles from Dalhousie hill station near the Indo-Paklstan border on Monday.—A.P.
    AP  -  39 words
  • 54 1 BEIRUT. Mon.— Clen. Sami Hlnnawl. who organised a coup d'etat In Syria, last year, was shot dead at a tram stop here today. Police said the killer, who was arrested, was Ahmed Barazl, cousin of a former Prime Minister. Mohsln Be/ Barazl. who was executed on
    Reuter  -  54 words
  • 191 1 GUN BATTLE RAGED AT U.S. CONSULATE From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Monday. J^ MIDNIGHT battle between police guard* and bandits raged for 25 minutes yesterday around the United States Consulate in Ampanjr Road, less than three miles from the heart of Kuala Lumpur. Mr. Richard A. Poole, the consul,
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  • 76 1 f^NE flre-walker mm •#■> erely burnt at yesterdays fire-walking ceremony by Hindu devotees at tk t Mariamman Temple. South Bridge Road. Singapore. He was sent to hospital Others collapsed after running over the glo Din i embers and had to be revived by friends More than 2.000 a*op'«
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  • 81 1 LONDON, Mon.— A SouthEast Asia Committee was formed In London at the week-end to "foster unity among people from SouthEast Asia In Britain and support their struggle for political, social and economic freedom A resolution was passed supporting the Stockholm "Peace Appeal," demanding the withdrawal of
    Reuter  -  81 words
  • 21 1 WASHINGTON, Tues— The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development today announced three loans totalling $25,400,000 to Slam. Reuter.
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  • 55 1 SAN JUAN. Puerto Rico. Mon. DOUCE today recaptured 51 1 of 111 convicts wli > escaped from Puerto Rico prison yesterday, taking gum and ammunition from tli s prison arsenal. It was the worst ijaol brrtlr in Puerto Rlcan history. Ovr 300 policemen with jeeps hay* been
    Reuter  -  55 words
  • 27 1 MADRID. Mon -An Arg•"-.-tine swimmer. Jorge S. Si"?den. today set up a record by swimming the Straits of G.oraltar in six hours 38 mlnut <> —Reuter.
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  • 26 1 TOKYO. Mon. -Two Japanese cargo ships will earn the first December grain ihiD ments from America to Jaoai, it was announced today.— UP.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 55 1 EXPERTS C. P. TAYLOR LTD. 02. Rodney Haute. Battery Read Tele. ***** {torn PROTECT YOUR SIGHT WITH MODERN LIGHT ELECTRIC LIGHT f^J FITTINBS give maximum tight fti thim in ou« ihowmoomi at SINGAPORE. MALACCA. KO&LA <VHHjn. (POM. fINANO HAD! IN INCLANO AOVT. OP THI GENUAL (LECTWC CO.. LTD. OP 'NOLAND
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  • 59 2 PITTSBURGH, Mon.—Rubber is being put to another use. The Westlnghouse Electric Corporation Is spraying a transparent! rubberised 'skin" on Its big electric panel boards to protect the paint from scratching during final assembly and shipment. When the equipment is ready for service, the "skin" is stripped
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  • 205 2 "No Scorched Earth" Says German Socialist FRANKFURT, Mon. f\R. Kurt Schumacher. Uthe West German Socialist leader, warned today that if Germany was not guaranteed by the Western Allies against "a second scorched earth fate" she would not contribute to the defence of the West. He said Germany could not re-arm
    UP  -  205 words
  • 59 2 THE BE-MEDALLED figure at the rifht is familiar, bat the man with him, although he bean the name, Is less in the publio eye. Britain's Prime Minister, Mr. Clement Attlee, (right) Is seen with his elder brother, Mr. R. B. Attlee, wlio wears the insignia of the Worshipful
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  • 65 2 BARROW-IN-FTRNESS, LANCASHIRE, Monday. FIREMEN and shipyard workers yesterday saved the new 28,000-ton Orient liner Oronsay from heeling over on to a quay after a flre had damaged her forepart. A heavy list was caused by thousands of gallons of water poured into her to subdue the
    Reuter  -  65 words
  • Cable Flashes
    • 202 2 YUST about every one of the 500 people of Miller's J Flat, New Zealand fruit-growing town, turned out to see the first wedding there for 14 years. The bridegroom was John Hugh Henderson, aged 84, father of 10, grandfather of 32, and great-grandfather of
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    • 79 2 MELBOURNE, Mon. yyHICH is more Important to a girl these days— an engagement ring or a home? To young couples who have to make this choice a Melbourne clergyman gave this advice: "Don't worry about an engagement ring see about finding the money for your
      Reuter-AAP  -  79 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 339 2 REX JOHORE BAHRU Last 3 Shows: S.IS, C.45 9.15 II -MARA 6HAYTAAN IKrypUant ATLANTIC Great Werld Today I Shows: 7 A 1.15 TAR7.AN FINDS A SON" BUN NEW WORLD Tea's; I |M> 7 1.15 p.m "BAZAAR" (HlnauaUnii ROYAI I 7.M p m "LIFE" (Tamil) Motor. Transformer an Magneto Wilding Specialists.
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    • 519 2 PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS MUNICIPALITY OF KUALA LUMPUR Applications are Invited by the Municipal Commissioners of Kuala Lumpur for the post of:— ASSISTANT ENGINEER 1p the Municipal Engineer's Deuartment. Kuala Lumpur. Applicants should be not more than 35 years of age, and be Corporate Members of the Institution of Civil Engineers and/or
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    • 408 2 NOTICES NOTICE I, the undersigned, LOKX TAI NAM, has resigned from Messrs. CHOY BROTHERS (MALAYA) LTD. (Kuala Lumpur Office), and will be leaving their service* after 31st of October, 1950. All my private future correspondence are kindly requested to be addressed to No. 70, Cross Street Kuala Lumpur. (Telephone 3562
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    • 335 2 NOTICES JOHORE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT Tenders for Johore Governmc-iil Hospital Sapaties. Tenders in duplicate are Invited tor the supply of various foodstuffs (perishable or non-perish-able) pulses and coconut oil to Hospital and Institutions In Johore State3. The term of the contract U for six months beginning Ist: January, 1951. Particulars and
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    • 298 2 NOTICES SINGAPORE IMPROVEMENT TRUST Tenders are Invited for repairs to one block of flats and shops st Owen Road. Tender form, etc. may be obtained on payment of a deposit of Moo'- which will be refunded U a bona fld« tender is submitted. Scaled tenders are to be deposited In
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  • 298 3 LAOKAY AIRFIELD OPEN AGAIN: REDS CROSS RIVER SAIGON, Monday. I AOKAY airfield was re-opened yesterday as Vietminh forces approached to within two miles of the Beleaguered fortress guarding the northern entrance to the rice-rich Red River valley. Several military planes landed in the airfield. EJut Communist infantry forces crossed the
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  • Article, Illustration
    60 3 I ll' KING addressing both Houses of Parliament at the opening of the new House of Commons from the throne in Westminster Hall. BELOW: With the robed and wigged Speakers of Dominion Parliaments were Sir Franklin Gimson (right) and Sir Henry Gurnty (left). Col. Clifton Brown, Speaker of
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  • 180 3 LAKE SUCCESS. Mon [>UoSIA yesterday askeu. the us delegate, Mr. Warren R Austin, to summon an' emergency seerei meeting of j the Security Council, pre- to dlscoaa the eieciion of a new Secretary-Gen-eral. Auitia, October FTiaKU ni oi the Council Immediatel] sum- thC 11-11. 'ill
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  • 111 3 TOKYO. Mon WITH criminal jurisdiction ovi-r non-occupation United Nations' nationals due to be handed back to the Japanese Government on Nov. 1. Tokyo's Metropolitan Police Board Ls "poised" to arrest foreigners including those who smuggled 70 truckioads of sugar into Tokyo last year. dope smugglers.
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  • 51 3 JERUSALEM, Mon.- Israel'; Labour Party and the Orthodox Religious Bloc— merrbrrs of David Ben Gurinns coalitlon i-abinrt which resigned two week.s ago reached agreement last night. A Joint statement said the parties have agreed to support the coalition government until January 1953. when elections would be held.—
    Reuter  -  51 words
  • 16 3 HONG KONG. Mon.— Four more Nationalist agents have been executed 'n Shanghai.— Renter
    Reuter  -  16 words
  • 86 3 CAMBRIDGE. Mon—Damages of £2,000. with costs. »vere awarded against a eo- 1 respondent in a divorce case i at Cambridge The petitioner had not ask- i ed for a divorce, but had ask- j ed lor damages. He was Leslie Perkins. of St. Thomas Square, Cambridge.
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  • 42 3 LAKE SUCCESS, Mon The Secretary-General of the United Nations. Mr. Trygve Lie. has proposed that the UN. build three radio stations, costing US$l 983.000. one In New York and two smaller relay stations in North Africa.— A.P.
    AP  -  42 words
  • 112 3 LONDON, Monday. 4 BRITISH Navy launch yesterday intercepted a cargo junk attempting to smuggle 20 drums of kerosene out of Hong Kong and into Communist China, it was reported today. At Philadelphia, the United States Government has removed 16.000 gallons of petroleum jelly and
    AP  -  112 words
  • 255 3 WASHINGTON, Monday. PHK Atlantic Pact Defence Ministers today tackled the touchy problem of whether German troops will be included in the unified Atlantic army of about 50 divisions. Following Sunday's recess. I North Atlantic Treaty s nee Committee resumed t negotiations with the lan rearmament issue
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  • 62 3 BELGRADE, Mon. \IAKSIIAL Tito yesterday ill accused the Cominform of preparing an attack on bis country, but said it failed because the Cominform could not find sufficient support inside Yugoslavia. Addressing a congress of anti -Fascist women. Marshal Tito said he was prepared to protest
    AP  -  62 words
  • 67 3 KARACHI, Mon— The first oil company in Pakistan has been registered here as the Pakistan Petroleum Limited with a capital of 70.000,000 rupees. Under Pakistan rules 30 per cent of the shares must be owned by Pakistan nationals; 70 per cent of the shares have
    AP  -  67 words
  • 109 3 HONG KONG. Mon. SIR Esler Dening. Britain's roving ambassador in South-East Asia, denied on Saturday that he was to be named Britain's first Ambassador to Communist China. Britain's position towards Communist China is exactly what it was nine months ago. Sir Esler said. He
    AP  -  109 words
  • 36 3 TEHERAN. Mon —The cultural delegation sponsored by the Calcutta Art Society, and now touring the Middle East, has arrived in Teheran on a fortnight's visit as guests of the Tehervn University.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  36 words
  • 25 3 LOS ANGELES. Mon-Dr. Peter Lindstrom's divorce suit against Ingrid Bergman is due to be heard today The suit will not be contested A.P.
    AP  -  25 words
  • 130 3 MELBOURNE, Mon. were at a standstill today in all Australian states except Western Australia. Nineteen \irilons had decided t.i» this 'J4-hour token strike m support of railway strikes In Victoria and South Australia. Thousands^ railwaymen have been on strike in Victoria for 15 days and
    Reuter-AAP  -  130 words
  • 256 3 Chinese Only 200 I Miles From Lhasa NEW DELHI. Mon. AN official Indian "spokesman announced today that the Chinese Communists are already less than 200 miles from Lhasa in their invasion from the north-east. The spokesman said that the Tibetan government, through the head of the Indian mission, had asked
    UP  -  256 words
  • 193 3 TOKYO, Monday. FRANK Loyal Weaver 24-year-old Australian ex-Serviceman, was today found guilty by a British Commonwealth Occupation Force's provost court on a charge of illegal entry into Japan. He faces a maximum sentence of deportation. Weaver, whose Japanese name ls Teisu Ichiro Utaka Kitagawa,
    Reuter; Reuter-AAP  -  193 words
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  • 229 4 STEEL CEMENT SHORTAGE SEEN WITH next year's steel supplies described as "tricky" and cement imports subject to temporary shortages, steps have been taken to ensure that steel and cement supplies for the new electric power station at Pasir Panjang, Singapore,
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  • 40 4 EIGHT INJURED IN CRASH WEDDING GUESTS— eijfht Indians including four children were admitted to the Singapore General Hospital after this car in which they were travelling crashed headlong into a ditch in Killiney Road, on Sunday night. Straits Times picture
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  • 84 4 An appeal to give the Colonial Development Corporation faithful support in its undertakings in Singapore is made by Lord Trsfgarne In a message to the people of Singapore and Malaya on his relinquishing the chairmanship of the Corporation. Lord Trefgarne says "We realise here that a large
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  • 42 4 Chan Leng Chuan pleaded guilty In the Singapore Second Police Court yesterday to theft of six planks, belonging to Frankel Estate Meyer Road, on Oct. 27. Sentence was postponed to Nov 6 and ball of $150 in one surety allowed.
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  • 237 4 SCHOOLS WANT MORE AID A THREE-MAN delegation has been appointed by Chinese schools in Singapore to meet Sir Christopher Cox, Education Adviser to the Secretary of State for the Colonies, today at the office of ihe acting Director of Education. Mr. R. M. Young. The delegation will be headed by
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  • 192 4 MORE MALAYANS in u.s. into™ 'I'HE hope that more and more scholarships to 1 American universities and colleges would be made available to Malayans was made by Mr. T. E. Bracken, chief legal adviser to the United States Information Service, before he left Malaya after a tour of ISIS centres
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  • 81 4 from ohi Stall Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. 'I 1 UK General Officer Commanding Malaya, MajorGen. R. E. Urquhart, told the men of the First Battalion, Devonshire Regiment. this morning: "You have not wasted your time in Malaya. When you get back to England, hold
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  • 53 4 Sen Chow Mm. aped 18. claimed trial in the Singapore Second Police Court yesterday when charged with stealing a pen from Chong Yoke Boon in a bus in Bra* Basah Road on Sunday. The case was postponed for hearing on Nov. 29 and bail of
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  • 29 4 SEREMBAN, Mon— A sum of $1,063 was raised on University Day at Seremban, It was announced by a committee under the chairmanship of Mr. B. H. Tan.
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  • 139 4 From Our Own Correspondent JOHORE BAHRU, Mon. SIR Christopher Cox, Education Adviser to the Secretary of State for the Colonies, spent a day in Johore Bahru today receiving memoranda and talking to educationist*. He met Bato Wong Shee Fun and six headmasters from Chinese
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  • 199 4 FIRST STEPS TO ELEOID MAYOR PRESIDENT MAY SHARE DUTIES ll'll \T are considered to be the first essential steps to th/ ultimate election of a mayor in Singapore will be proposed by the acting Municipal President, Mr. T. P. F. McNeil c. at the Municipal Commissioners' monthly meeting today. Mr.
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  • 67 4 From Oar Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Mon.— A fellowship for six months' training or research in New Zealand had been offered by the Government tnere to a candidate from ihe Federation under a United Nations fellowship programme for 1951 Studies which can most readily be provided are
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  • 321 4 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Monday. DAPID development of a roroa industry in Malaya is impossible due to the ban on direct importation of planting material from abroad and the very small quantity available within Malaya, says an announcement issued today by Harrisons and
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  • 18 4 PENANG. Mon —The Pen--i.g Theosophical Ledge will hold its first post-war anniversary dinner on Nov. 17.
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  • 39 4 The Singapore Education Department yesterday announced that all private candidates In Singapore wishing to take the London ChambtT of Commerce (Spring) 1951 examinations should submit entries before Dec. 1. Entry forms are available at the Education Office.
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  • 161 4 S.H.B. Chief Leaving Singapore MR. H Bastcn. chairman of the Singapore and Penane Harbour Boards, will leave Singapore on Nov. ltt on retirement. Since coming to Singapore soon after the liberation, Mr. Basten has dealt with vast programme and complicated problems of reconstruction of the two ports. In his dealings
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 100 4 MIXMASTER Saves lime, irmwork. Mixes, mashes, whips, juices, etc. Puts extra deliciousness. success into every recipe ACRAWATTE^ ess y a A PERFECT BLENDED TEA from CEYLON 1 Ib. PACKETS $2.95. I m $150. AGENTS:— iGAPO^E KUALA LUMPUR PENANG M&GTRIZ fiS STOMACH POWDER ft DIGESTIVE TABLETS fijf --J 1 JT raaEHSESEsa
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    • 48 4 THE NEW HOUSE OF COMMONS WESTMINSTER The Speaker's Chair, all seating throughout the Chamber, galleries and lobbies and every other article of upholstered furniture throughout the new building is equipped with THE DUNLOP RUBBER CO., (M) LTD. SINGAPORE KUALA LUMPUR PENANC DONLOP FOUNDERS OF THE LATEX FOAM INDUSTRY
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  • 233 5 Singapore Fixes A. Provisional Site QINGAPORE'S new 600-bed district hospital is D estimated to cost $18,000,000. Although the site has not yet been finally decided, the Thomson Road-Braddell Road, area has been tentatively selected. The Medical Department had submitted to Government plans for a 400-bed
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  • 119 5 T.>O new sea sports items thi* Dragon atu< Snipe classes will be introduced in l■ xt year's Singapore New Year son sports on Jan. 1. This was decided at yestermeetlnj of the Singapore New Year Sea Sporto Committee. The Governor is n c keci to be
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  • 176 5 7"OH Chin Yong. a detective oi the Anti-Vice SubBrancn, was yesterday found siiilty in the Singapore S?cond District Court for a;ri»piin» bribes, and was s.-menced to one year's imprisonment. Ton was stated to have accepted a total of $40 on May 14 and 17 from the owner
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  • 175 5 'Must Build A Malay Literature' INCHE Zainal Abidin bin Ahmad < Zaba I a Malay author and an authority on the Malay language and literature, told a gathering of 150 Malay school teachers and others that present and future generations of Malay writers would have to produce more original work
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  • 72 5 NUMBER of people called it the Singapore C.I.D. yesterday to see if they could Identify a Chinese who was recently arrested by the pollce in connection with the shooting of Mohamed Senin bin Akil, a traffic constable. Mohamed Senin was shot outside the Cathedral of the Good Shepherd.
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  • 51 5 'OHORE BAHRU. Mon When S. Thangavelu, of Singapore, was fined $7 at Johore Bahru today for being drunk and incapable, he said that when he was drunk all his money had been taken ■way mj he could not pay the fine. The alternative was two days'
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  • 49 5 JIIK i.ansni of Japanese war criminals now serving sentences in Singapore, to prisons in Japan is under consideration fef th« Forei^i. Otlivt- in Britain, it was slated in the House of Commons last week. There are 157 war criminals sentence* In Singapore at present
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  • 203 5 BANDIT KILLED IN PAHANG KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. CECURITY Forces killed one bandit during an exchange of shots in Pahang yesterday. Later, they found one sten gun, two magazines, a shotgun, two rifles and four ration packs. In another area of Pahang yesterday. Security Forces approached a stationary timber lorry. A
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  • 52 5 The Officer Administering the Government of Singapore has appointed Mr. D. Smith as member of the Singapore Labour Advisory Board to succeed the Rev. J. T. N. Handy who has resigned. Also appointed to the Board Ls Mr. R. G. lies, who succeeds Dr. J. Coutts-Milne who
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  • 48 5 Sixteen-year-old Ang Ah Huat was acquitted in the Singapore First District Court yesterday on a charge of altering his Identity card. Ang told the court that his card was damaged by rain, and as the entries on them were not legible, he had rewritten them himself.
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  • 299 5 Opinion To Be Free In New 'Und rgrad' THE Malayan Undergrad, organ of the University of Malaya Studdhts" Union, resumes publication shortly as a forum of free expression of students' opinions. The undergrade newspaper, which is published every third week, went into voluntary suspension last month following criticisms from the
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  • 99 5 From Our Own Correspondent JOHORE BAHRU. Mon When the case against Lam Poon. Lai Koon. Liew Hon. Lay Sek and Moi Seng was called in the Sessions Court today it was stated that Lam Poon. Llew Hon and Moi Seng were unable to be present as
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  • 35 5 mm Oar Own Correspondent JOHORE BAHRU. Mon. Goh Soon Huat, of Singapore, who was found driving a car which was in a mechanically poor condition, was fined $9 in the Police Court today.
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  • 75 5 Alleged to have pretended on two occasion* to be able procure furniture on an instalment basis and accepting SI 20 from Alexander S. Wee on the pretext that the money would be used as an Initial payment. Chia Eng Hoe claimed trial in the Singapore Fourth Police
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  • 59 5 FED UP— SHE TOOK POISON A 22-year-old Chines- woman, Fong Ah Lim. was bound over in $100 for six months when she appeared in the Singapore Fourth Police Court yesterday charged with attempted suicide at West Hill Road on Oct. 25. Fong was stated to have drunk a solution of
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  • 18 5 tor failing to register, a Cantonese woman, Jiang Ngun, was sentenced to ten days' simple imprisonment.
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  • 200 5 From Our Staff Correspondent SEREMBAN, Monday. A SUGGESTION that the Nejrri Sembilan Estate Asian Staff Union should immediately call a one-day token strike "to impress on the employers that the Asian staffs are united in their demand for better working conditions" was turned down at a
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  • 173 5 RESER VE SEATS FOR WORKERS' rE Singapore Government and Municipal Labour Union will ask Government to reserve three seats in the Legislative Council for trade union representatives and three seats In the Municipal Commission for representatives of Municipal employees. This was decided at the Union's annual meeting during the week-end.
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  • 246 5 CALL FOR MORE POWER for BOARD Seamen' 1 Inquiry A UNION official yester- day called upon the Seamen's Inquiry Commission, which was Investigating alleged corruption and malpractices by the staff of the Singapore Seamen's Registration Bureau, to give the bureau more powers in the matter of selection of ship's crew
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  • 100 5 rE following were among those who arrived at Kallang airport. Singapore, yesterday. Passengers in transit are not included In the list. i|M BOAr From London: Mcaars. F. T. Goddard. E. E. Letgbton. W. S. L. Baker. D. Hill. .TTfeilson, W. E Grant. J. Broad and R. W.
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  • 179 5 AT the Second Session of the First Synod oX the Dioceae uf Singapore, the Synod began the process of amending Part 2. Article 4 of its Constitution. This deals with the forms of worship in general use In the Dioceae. It la not the case that the Synod
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  • 79 5 "THREE Europeans who boarded a tuxi outside Raffles Hotel, Singapore, on Sunday nighi, robbed the driver of $5 before throwing him out near Braddell Road. Th« driver told th« police tfcat as Uu?y freaahed Bfiaddell Road, one of the men switched off the
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 226 5 AMBASSADOR Modal 949 The Radio that ls fitted with a complete set of Nine Miniature Mullard Valves. These consist of R.F. Amplifier, Frequency Changer, I. F. Amplifier. A. V. C. Rectification, Detector Ist L. F. Amplifier. Phase Reverser. Pentodes in Push Pull. Rectifier for Power Supply and Tuning Indicator. The
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 66 5 MI'MCIPAt COMMISSION. monthly meeting. Board Room. 2.15 p.m. ST. JOHN AMBULANCE ASSOCIATION, Home Nurstng Lecture. General Hospital. 5 p.m. Y.W.I.A Raffles Quay, ballroom dancing, 5.15 p.m. CHINESE V.M.C.A.. Selegir Road, badminton, 5 30 p.m., bafcbetball, 5.30 p.m., body building, 5.30 p.m., mouth organ band, 7.30 p.m.. Üble-tennls, 7.30 p.m. T.M.C.A.,
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  • 28 6 CHUA: The family of the late Mr. Chua Seng Quee express their Kincere thanks to relative* and frirnds Tor wreaths, night-visits *nd hi tendance at the funeral.
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  • The Straits Times Singapore, Tuts.. Oct. 31. 1950.
    • 967 6 The last Budget that was prepared for the Singapore Municipality before the Japanese occupation showed a total expenditure of just over $18 million. The Budget for 1951 which was approved by the Municipal Commissioners last Friday provided for a total expenditure of nearly $86 million. After
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    • 154 6 IT is painful to note that the efforts of various committees formed to collect a fund towards the Assam Earthquake Relief Fund in Malay? have not met with the response that the worthy cause deserves. What has happened In Assam needs no further elucidation. In short,
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  • 1006 6  - The Muslim Marriage Law In Egypt MUHAMMAD FADULLAH SUHAIMI By THE subject of child marriages and the Bill to ban them have given rise to such suspicion and misunderstanding in the public mind as to suggest' interference with the Muslim law on the subject. Such reactions have apparently been caused
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  • man-in-the-street
    • 595 6 I REFER to the report in your issue of Oct. 25 headed "One Meal Daily In Red China", concerning an immigrant from Anhwei. One has every sympathy with the woman interviewed but one wonders where this sort of thing is to end and what
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    • 195 6 T SUBMIT a quotation which I hope will be of some help In putting us in the right mind in the consideration of the task of establishing our University of Malaya. Cologne CatTudral took six hundred years to build. Generations of architects and builders lived and died
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    • 105 6 SUGAR TAX CLEARANCES QINCE sugar rationing was Imposed last month, the Government has made It necessary to get a "clearance" from Fullerton Building before leaving the. Colony, even for a short period. But it Is not necessary to get a "clearance" from High Street In regard to Income tax. Evidently
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  • 512 6 The M< liinanCINCE writing about the recurrence of "kidnapping" scares in Singapore's Chinatown, and the custom of sacrificing human beings in the foundations of new buildings, of which these scares in Singapore seem to be a remote echo in the uneducated mind, I have received several letters
    512 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 779 6 CLASSIFIED ADS. LOVETT: To Mary, wtfe of Ron Lovett, on 240) Oct., 1950, at Kowloon General Hospital, the gift of a son. David LewU. MUNRO: On 23rd Oct.. '50, at the 8.M.H., Spore. to Peggy (nee Croker), wife of Ma). I. C. 8. Munro. the Gordon Highlander*, a <on. REEVES:
      779 words
    • 31 6 EVERBRIGHT OPTICAL CO. Offering Complete Services essential to Eye Comfort Visual Efficiency. (1) VISUAL ANALYSIS (2) VISUAL TRAINIHB (3) GLASSES IF NEEDED C. S. CHONG, OPT. D. 19. CHULIA ST., SPORE
      31 words
    • 26 6 Latest Designs of Expert Craftsmanship and Improved Performance Ask any PYi dealer tor demonstration —ANN PENG TRADERS LTD. st-«l. K4.. V*fW trmtlMt: Ku*U Lamp., Ipoh
      26 words

  • 4803 7 'I DID NOT KILL WlNNlE'— Nonis 1 1 W^g j I*l kM f fT* ff rM aa^J-SaL^aC-jSLaW Satchel Found By Police Was 'Planted, Says Defence Counsel I DID not kill Winnie Spencer declared Joseph Michael Nonis when he Rave evidence on oath yesterday during his trial on a charge of
    4,803 words
  • 52 7 Dr. Mahammad Rasif. In- doneatan Consul-General in Singapore. left Singapore yesterday afternoon with Mrs Rasit by QEA BOAC ConMellation for Jakarta to attend the funeral of his bro- tber, who was killed in a motor cyc]p arcid.-nt thtre J)r and Mrs. Rasif will be ■way for about
    52 words
  • 85 7 MR. MAK TO TRY AGAIN MR. Mak Pak Shee. a j former Labour Party 1 General Council member who recently resigned j the party, will contest Municipal December I election in the City I ward as an independent I candidate. Mr. Mak contested the i last Municipal elections in the
    85 words
  • 298 7 pOR security reasons, only a few selected persons 1 will form the official reception committee to welcome, at Kalian; airport, the Statue of Our Lady of Fatima, which will arrive on Sunday, on a Far Eastern pilgrimage. The al!-parish reception will be held at St. Joseph's
    298 words
  • 157 7 HIS JOB IS A LUXURY A MAN whose job it Is to taste the comforts on French luxury liners, arrivtd in Singapore yesterday aboard the 17.280-ton French "floating hotel" La Marseillaise. He is M. Pierre Holmes. Inspector of "hotel matters" on board the passenger ships of one of France's largest
    157 words
  • 179 7 SEAFORTH BAND CONCERT il/HITB tunics and spat:-. Mackenzie tartan and red and white diced hose save the Victoria Memorial Hail its most colourful setting for a ]< ny time last night when the pipers, military band and i Highland dancera ol the Ist I on the Seaforth Higii- 1 gave
    179 words
  • 27 7 Chinese, Low Oan Guan Scong, who produced an identity card in four prices with one part retraced, wai fined $5. PAYMENT OF WATER BILLS
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  • 117 7 A SLB-OFFICE for the payment of Municipal water, light and gas bills was opened yesterday at the Municipal Town Cleansing Depot at Joo Chiat Road. Municipal Commissioners have decided on this new arrangement as an experimental measure. If trig public resKnse is good, and provided
    117 words
  • 86 7 JtfO Singapore policemen are available for private functions such as weddings even though there is a set rate of charges for such services. The Acting Commissioner of Police. Mr. K. C. B. Wiltshire, told the Straits Times yesterday: "Their is a man's job for every constable
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  • 28 7 For wilfully trespassing into grounds belonging to the Singapore Improvement Trust at Havelock Road, three Chinese were fined $10 each in the Singapore Third Police Court yesterday.
    28 words
  • 77 7 SINGAPORE month aj<> was the setting for a holiday romance for 42--year-old Miss Ceclle Albert, who arrived at Kalians: yesterday by Qantas B. O. A. C. Constellation from Sydney, Australia. Her Hance Is Mr. Maurice Hinter, diamond mer- chant and jeweller. Miss Albert will travel in the
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  • 20 7 Donations to the Assam Relief Fund from the Bagan Serai branch of the Malayan Indian Congress total* $2,--216.40
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  • 333 7 M.C.P. ORDERS DEATH OF RED LEADER From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Monday. THE Central Committee of the Malayan Communist Party has ordered the "destruction" of the Malacca bandit leader, Siew Lav. A letter captured in Pahang during a battle between bandits and a patrol of the Fourth Battalion, Malay
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  • 39 7 BLAZING charcoal pit under foot and a frightened child in his arms, a devotee who took part in the Mre-walking ceremony at the Mariamman Temple. Singapore, yesterday, crosses the pit. Straits Times picture.
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  • 161 7 CEX should be taught in Malayan schools because it is "so fundamental in life,' declared Dr. B. R. Sreenivasan, member of the Council of the University of Malaya, last night. He said we must be realistic and have the courage to face facts. There
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  • 41 7 Alleged to have caused grievous hurt to Ng Joon Koon at 223 8.0.D., Kranjl, on Oct. 13, lan Ainslie Clunies-Ross claimed trial in the Singapore Fourth Police Court yesterday. A personal bail of $200 was allowed until Dec. 9.
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  • 25 7 A Malay youth stole a gold ring and two bangles valued at $55 from a Malay woman outside Lorong 29. Geylang. Singapore, yesterday.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 110 7 SevenSeaS PURE COD Q LIVER OIL XL for health at every stage ot life From babyhood throngh yauth to maturity, Nature's best extra food is SevenSetS. Doctors hive recommended Cod Liver Oil for a hundred years. It builds up strong bones and teeth in babies and children. It gives stamina
      110 words
    • 80 7 Cocktail And Evening Gowns New Collections VUI< Liihls FOR DRESSY PEOPLE BUTTONS, BUCKLES AND BELT CUPS EXCLUSIVE TO US iQ^Ea^fl^flsPmiv A <O Jf V_- il^ 4i S^t B^B^Fv Vi ..jv« jutt received M« collection of Butter. and Buckles designed expreiily tor ut. Buttorn in all Colourt. Shjpei and Sixet from
      80 words

  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 171 8 OPENS V^VJVHI TODAY ESSS ONLY 4 SHOWS DAILY NOTE ALTERED TIMES 70 a. m., 1.45, 5.30 9.75 NOT A RE -ISSUE NOR A RE-MAKE BUT A 1950 PRODUCTION All KW.' All EXCITING Awemius! COLUMBIA'S IJOF _^SaY 'if jl ,a -^|H Saa^BVaaflaaLaaK lay f M^mmß aBaT A *T A e^l j
      171 words
    • 277 8 "THE PERSONAL AFFAIRS OF WOMEN OF THE WORLD TODAY ONLY 4 SHOWS AW I I |n il 2-4 15-6.30.9 30 p.m. J** U' U W TOMORROW- Everybody's in the cart in the Maddest Merriest -Marital Mix -Up of a!! Tine -BOOK EARLY.... *<r\ Laam I _k J. Arthur Rank Organisation
      277 words

  • 2268 9  - "Every fit male should fight for victory" WINSTON S. CHURCHILL On June 21, 1942, the same d«i/ that Mr. Churchill received news of the ftM ot Tobruk, his conference with. Vr. RooseveV on future military operations was returned at the Presidents home. II MM agreed to push forward preparations for
    2,268 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 149 9 SIAMESE CAICUTTA^B^|;. J T -Tl^^Er Rangoon 1 \V/^J SPIED COMFORT ;ffiflk^W SINGAPORE* Adtttrs PE NANG a«d SINGAPORE SIME, DARBY For you! '$Ls<^m^>v s K^jT ibbbbbbbbbbW v 1^ The thrill of being A Star of Beauty .gj «^L //"</>■ Lamarr, fl I the captivating Star, advises you— \vS Jf^H W •To
      149 words
    • 198 9 J!^&^oC^-J^M? *}^r^^> .^bbbPSbb^bbPsZ^B J^*^3E>3^K^ jJ^BT^ k J^^^^r ■bbbbbVbi^W^^^b^^O'^vL^bbbl J^&2eJS^ S "i-j V>'' MBB^^ I 7T B^~^ .^BBBBBBBK^ y* l i^^B* M _-ML Bf^Pl P^bß m ft j^a f FOinNSTANTRELIE^Rm^^ Wkr DRY AND IRRITATING COUGH cookies delicious t) to v I S "V*^ »oys ELSIE lii« BORDEN cow I I Land
      198 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 169 9 jfc ipp^^TTiy^p yT* tT^bbbbl WT^^^-^iiJ-1-ij-Xij^.i Melodies: 9.30 News: 9.45 Spore News: 9 45 "Keyboard Melodies: •IH6AFQH Municipal Commission meeting 10 "Blue Danube"; 10.SO Dance Ti'rsmv report: 9 50 Ring up the Curtain Music; Close. tuesuai M "I PagllaccD; 10.30 Dance 10 am. Neva, Emergency News Mus c; MWAHO from XX.:
      169 words

  • Article, Illustration
    0 10
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  • Article, Illustration
    270 10 FROM AN ESTATE BUNGALOW I THINK herbs and spices nil and ting things to grow. k flat dweDer can find r little pots on it as I am concerned that herbs and spices ,i bit in niv blood, for my ither was an importer o! them and one
    270 words
  • 571 10 Mothercraft in Malaya FEEDING BABY OABY is growing up S v now. He can sit up. v. coo and smile and grab h anything within reach. >< Sometime between etgnt to 5> 12 months the feeding routine can be changed to that of the older toddler. The broth can bf
    571 words
  • 104 10 Rupert and the Dragon Pills 34 Pont-Pinp's pet dragon got* for us to try ;o periuatt big quite happily to Rupert and nays dfJfon to carry you again." He with him after the others have been mu«*i quietly. I know. There fed and sent away. "It ia very mother way
    104 words
  • 221 10 1 0 commandments for my son J BELIEVE all modem parents will endorse these, my ten commandants for my son: 1. If anyone is impolite to you, be rude to him. 2. It anyone shows superiority, lead him by the nose. 3. If anyone gives airs, ridicule him. 4. If
    221 words
  • 258 10 Kirn Hock gets his great chance 1 'EN- YEAR-OLD Yeoh Kirn Hock will not be staying at the Victoria Street Creche, Singapore, much longer. A well-known Singaporean who r?ad about him in the Straits Times two weeks ago plans to send Kirn Hock to school. 'Singapore needs leaders." he told
    258 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 68 10 > ir Baby Khoo Khui Tiong j^ of Kuolo Lumpur. 7****** FOR THE WORLD'S BABIES Mr. Mrs. Khoo Chong Eng of.Kualo Lumpur are the proud parents of this Sturdy youngster. Baby Khui Tiong wos only 5 months of age when this photograph was jtoken and he is every bit as
      68 words
    • 286 10 Cut yourself a slice of heaitm VITAMIN ENRICHED BREAD AND S C.S. CREAMERY BUTTER Stocked by your MM dealer COLD STORAGE fimf JU nights... O«Jdt4 and Distressing sumia^n-ai-ncb, usually due jj />/ ,i to wind caused by digestive disorders, 70U*tq (AUtiitH, can often disturb the sleep that Baby aw-*^ needs.
      286 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 98 10 STRAITS TIMES CROSSWORD «s— R,g a >pon.m«n «s CROSSWORD No. 205 I Lcavn unprotected ill lg Ph lu nm UIMg ,yn (111 1 1 i ipm| 1 S. Ten cur. ..nig I 1 7> TIM puppy ftv mott a j |J* j 10 Bury in di»rd«r bec*u» ch"ld.«n» tale* <i
      98 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 1241 11 s*»»»»»»»^ I Incorporated in Singapore) BLOB ruNNEL LUIB Camer't option te proceed via o'Het ports te lead and discharge cargo. SAILINGS to LIVERPOOL CLASCOW LONDON b CONTINfNTAL PORT) Oue Sails P Sham Penang Memnun lv. Naple* L.veipooi b wlaigow Oct. 2«/ Nov. 1 Melampus foi London. Holland Hamburg Nev. 1/2
      1,241 words
    • 1878 11 London RUBBER MARKET Malayan Stocks First-Grade Business Shares LONDON, Mon. iO^WaO A j£ I O9 I PREMIUM of three points UOflV /If $> 1 i7Z periai a ToJ»cco 4% e ioan y sto?k pACTORY buying against sellers' reserve again A Strong Market whei. this issue was introduced raised rubber prices
      1,878 words
    • 995 11 MoALISTER 6c CO., LTD. Telephone No 5906. CLLERMAft OUCa\NAU. CLAVKMBftSt bINB end lor U>A.. Notth Atlantic Pom Accepting cargo tor Central Sooth end Canada via Colombo American Ports M CITY Of BIRKENHEAD Spore P. Sham Penang CABTLEVIILE 1/9 No* 10/11 N^ CM^i/lNe*. VST TSS. Spore- C V S^°" AW P
      995 words

  • 234 12 SCHOOLS HOCKEY COACHING IN JANUARY! S.H.A. Names 6 Instructors THE Singapore Hockey Association schools subcommittee, at a meeting held last night at the Singapore Recreation Club, decided to conduct a coaching programme in schools in January next year. Mr. G. E. N. Oehlers, Chairman, said that a start must be
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  • 85 12 D. A. P. Changl scored a hardfought two-nil win over Singapore Ceylonese In a hockey fixture playea at Balestier Road yesterday. Changi owed their victory to an enterprising forward line in which every member acquitted himself with honours. Ceylonese had thrlr share in the exchanges, but frittered
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  • 118 12 The Hong Kong Union Basretball Team will arrive in Singapore this morning by the X.P.M. boat Kjljalanka, aid will play seven matches against local teams. Tba programme Nuv 3 v ChlnK Boo: Nov. Pou Kwaag: Nov. 7 v Yip E* Nov v l»n« Kong; Nov. 11
    118 words
  • 55 12 I^WO players holed out m one at the 187-yard fifth at the Royal Singapore Golf Club on Sunday. Playing in the President's Prize competition, W. H. Menzies performed the feat in the mor ing, while S. G. Staunton repeated it in the afternoon
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  • 115 12 IN spite 01 a v ry bad field. Uni--1 versity played lorceful hockey at Sepoy Lines, Faculty of Medicine, yesterday to beat Singapore Chinese R. C. by two goals to nothing. The first goal was scored In the 23rd minute when a left cross by Jack de
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  • 44 12 Nee Soon Oarrison defeated RJLT. Sembawang by six points i try, penalty goal) to three (try) In a rugger game played at Nee Soon yesterday. Scorers lor Nee Soon were Pemberton <trv> and Parey (penalty) while Match scored for Scmbawans's try.
    44 words
  • 385 12 Kuli l.umpu. Mon. UTENGHTS for all seven raoet on Class f, Dlv. First race »t t 4ft p.m. on first day 6 Furs. i Second Day the flrst day of the Sdanf or Turf Hub meetlnc, Saturday. Nov. 4. are: Nachttfaal <t.M Rirksmead t.ll Epsom Dowm
    385 words
  • 510 12  -  EPSOM JEEP B Y KUALA LUMPUR, Monday. fjLTITH SEVERAL top-notchers resting after their Autumn campaign and more tempting engagements at Bu&it Timah looming ahead, it is no surprise that entries for Class 1 races at the forthcoming Selangor Turf Club November Meeting are well
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  • 35 12 After SO minutes of dull hockey. RI. Barker had an inspired spell and scored two quick goals to give Public Works Department a twonil victory over Singapore Recreation on the PadangfesteYday
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  • 334 12 St. Andrew's GetOwnßack On Raffles CJT. ANDREWS School. Slno gapore. yesterday made amends for their earlier three-point defeat at the hands of Raffles Institution, when they won the return game by six point* (two penalties' to three (a penalty) at Woodeville. Carlier Salnu broke a threes year-scoreless spell between the
    334 words
  • 208 12 Uf BATHER and ground condi- j tlon favoured the opening of the V.M.C.A. tennis championships yesterday. Six of the ten scheduled tiee were played, three being unfinished and one postponed. Retulta were mivs orrv sivctss: y r wk t>t K. San S-«. S-3: O. T Holloway bt
    208 words
  • 128 12 The Roya Singapore Oolf Club's Prrsideiu Prize cum petit ton played at the Rovai Singapore Oolf Club on Sunday, waj won by R O. Oraf Al D. A. Lawson (74— 13i-«li>. Other return! wrr t K. L. Harriet 4t T. F. Mandril iBl-11-S4i: F W.
    128 words
  • 257 12 v rom Our SUB Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. OELANOOR Chln«M Recreation Club, this year's league champions, will meet Tamilian Physical Cultural Association In the final of the 32nd annual Football Association of Selangor Cup competition at Princes Road on Friday. Tamilian* and Chinese have always
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  • 50 12 try by O. de Silva. Just before half-time Victoria reduced the deficit through Ho Ban who dropped a goal. There was no scoring In the second halt IPOH. Mon.:— A Perak State hockey trial will be held this Saturday and among the crop of promising newaomnrs Is Custom's
    50 words
  • Article, Illustration
    93 12 WHO WON'? That was the question asked by hundreds after a thrilling finish in the Cambridgeshire* at Newmarket on Oct. 25. This cross-the-course view shows (from left to rirht) Zlna (Lester Pigfott), KeHlng (D. Smith) and Valdesco (K. Gethin) at the finish. The camera showed Helling a neck winner from
    Reuter  -  93 words
  • 207 12 AUSTRALIA should invite leading soccer and rugger teams from Singapore to play "down under" suggests Col. A. H. Dennett, former Minister for Agriculture and Forestry, and now Member of the Australian Parliament who passed through Singapore yesterday on his way home. Col. Dennett, who spent
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  • 333 12 ADELAIDE, Monday. EN HUTTON and Reg Simpson, the Saturday not outs, each completed centuries but M.C.C. barely managed to top South Australia's first innings' total of 350 here today. M.C.C. declared at 351 for nine. At close South Ai had scored 20 without loss in their
    333 words
  • 118 12 ADELAIDE. Mon —At the request of some of the M.C.C. players BUI Bowes, former England and Yorkshire fast bowler, bowled to them for an hour In the neis today. With the permission of the captain. Freddie Brown. Dave Sheppard and Brian Close approached Bowes because they
    Reuter-AAP  -  118 words
  • 234 12 rvFF-SIDES, knock-on* and forward passes seemed to be the order of the day on the Padang yesterday when Singapore Cricket Club "B" XV beat Victoria School by 23 points (five goals) to three (a try) In one of the most enjoyable, light-hearted and scrappiest games seen this
    234 words
  • 110 12 SOITH II MM Wit -IM |\s> MC.C-lsf l>\> Ktfi b H ,:v; r m n CUh c Nuhl,i MrLraa i Ball*? k Hal* c Daasl* k Wll,« a £r»> r DiMis k Noklrl x-i Warr k Hlrru 4 Wrigkl n.i s m Bcrrr nvl out j Mm r«lal (far
    110 words
  • 128 12 Singapore Hockey Association will hold two more trials tomorrow snd on Saturday belwem Colours and Whites before 11-.c Colony team for the QuadranguUr meet In Singapore is selected. The Quadrangular tourney between Selangor. Malacca. Negil Sembilan and Singapore will be held from Nov. 9-11. To-morrow's
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 715 12 CLASSIFIED ADS. (Continued from page 6) (ACCOMMODATION WANTED WANTED to rent or purchase new seaside bungalow with modern sanitation, furnished or unfurnishrd. Willing to take over furniture and /or pay premiums Please apply Box A 2665. S.T. OODOWN SPACE VACANT VACANT GODOWN space In trlcal town centre locality. Box N
      715 words
    • 54 12 THt MAM 8f or y jfeja Sole Agents> 2r^ CHUN CHONG ---ajtfaß v (Established 189 V) yfjdlSp|HHß Importers of Clocks, Watches 4- Dental IfJ A }T b' i fC\ \i 53. SOUTH BRIDGE RD. JM/y^^fJ^U NOTE NEW TELEPHONE No: ***** SWITCH TO^ rompion UNITED ENGINEERS LIMITED SINGAPORI KUALA LUM PUR
      54 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 26 12 HOCKEY: S.CC. v SRC. 8. C.C.; Police S.A. v BOD. (Military). Thomson Road;' Khalsa Assn. c Sl. ell SC. Paya Lebar; B.C.C. Women v O.S-C Padang.
      26 words
    • 33 12 SINGAPORE TIDES TODAY: 1.39 a.m. <7.0> and 1.04 p.m. (»ft.): 7.04 a.m. (4.J) and 7. 53 p.m. (1.4). TOMORROW: 2.36 a.m. (7.4) and 1.37 p.m. (8.6); 7.36 a.rr. i4.9i and 8.36 p.m. (1.8).
      33 words